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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1907)
): -all 'Pr i U o ; o " . : t- SECTION TWO PAGES 13 TO 24 - ., , . ,i . . i - ' . .i . . . i ,, , i ., - , ; . . ' PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY v MORNING, JANUARY 13, .1007. . --- V i i i . , , .i . " i ill I i I . i i . I I I K $4 and $4.50 Handbags $2.65 Leather Goods Department, Sixth Street, Main Floor, Fine leather, Handbags in the best shapes -and leathers, thoroughly lined with smooth, soft leather and fitted with coin purse, card case and mirror. Best leather handles, leather covered frames and patent spring catches; in gilt or gun-metal finish. These bags come in black only. They are our regular $4.00 and $4.50 values; 0y Z special for Monday ..................................... jlbiUu Women's Combination Pocketbooks For coin purses, card, cases, etc., come in genuine alligator, seal, morocco, . walrus and mountain goat Some plain and some have sterling silver mountings; HCr worth to $3.00 each; special for Monday ......... ,, ... iDL v - iir- f S'iv ' : i if-'IT -'it' ' V "T.Vrv THIS 29th Annual Clearance Side is a sale of broad range, a salethat has to do with only the best sorts of merchandise in all lines. Tis a movement of magnificent economy strength, em bodying to an unusual extent, the three essentials that go to make a great sale,' via J quality, as sortment and value. We have bent all our efforts to making this year's clearance a greater bargain event than any that have gone before It, and the result is a grouping of unordinary bargains'. , 1 35c Crystal Top Hat Pins 22c , Brilliantly eat: com 'In white, red or bluy square tops, and y) well mounted on bt sterna, regular S6o vajusa; apcUl Monday,' rocket Knlvos With Starling- all- Krtkl Ootorm Bottlaa la fancy vr handle. In a number of dlf- ahapea and styles. In the quaint ferent atylea. t. , lada. ; 0at ,hape: com In ar.ea or Efti.-' htuL Vt 49C rod. with .Utw inlaid wora; ras- valuaa, ppeotal. at.. , ' - atarlln ailver toim; reifular val- "" "J"' , um 11.88 and 2.U aacbj apodal twUn BaoK Haa4 Klnom Monday only, QRc H-Un b!b, ' oholoa, .............. .. an() regularly aold at 1.(4 aaeh; raacy Brooohoa Odd lota, an aa- apacUl for . $4.65 eortmant worth to 3.0 7e;r F Monday only apecUl SBOKATZ9 7111 Z OUM1. ME aUl M il 1 ii STARTS ON Ifflffli ff Ti ITS THIRD WEEK MONDAY WITH THESE VALUES INTEREST CAN'T FLAG mm Linens andDomestlcs Heavy Cream Scotch Damaak Of pure flax, great for family use, special Monday, foQ Satin Double' Damaak -Pure IrTsFtmen, 72 inches wide and of a very reliable quality that wears and washes extremely well,' special at the ."d'94c,;$i,0Sl.$1.25,.$i.69.. Satin Double Damask Napkins Splendid wear 4ng grade, special price Monday, J iA doren . . . i ......... ..... . .4)O.IU Hemstitched Huck TowelsPlain or with fancy Jacquard bqrders; special "Monday, r 42C Table ' Ctofhs and Nap kins, slightly soiled and On USSed Very Special Reductions' Bedspreads Fine imported satin damask, with fringed edges and cut corners, CJ AO special ........ , : . i .4)0. vO Marseilles Bedspreads Heavy weight; beautiful raised patterns, special Monday, . - . O f. A each ;'''.;.T $(H Bedspreads, f4 size, Marseilles pattern, ft iO fringed and cut corners? special, each... I.TfO shrunk linen; special Clearance - 47 n price Imitation Beal! and Russian Squirrel f 3 7Q Cloth, Jtg. $5 quality special Oearance. t4rJf Outing Flannel 3,000 yards of it, in stripes and Tlaids; regular' 10c grade; special t . -Mondayjonly.: Tdj. . . . f y ' .....f. .UV Wash Dress Patterns 10 yards to the pattern, 900 yafds in the lot; special the -; , A") pattern ............... Vd, VaL Laces Half Price A superb lot of Wide Valenciennes Laces, to edges and insertions, exquisitely beautiful pat terns, suitable for trimming wash dresses or dainty lingerie. Qualities that sell regularly for 15c to $1.00 the yard on sale very special for Monday at, the yard ......... HALF REGULAR l - ; - I I -S Ml Silk Ribbon Satin Taffeta Ribbon, also : plain . taffeta; widths." 3 I-TMJ: inches. Come In aol ors only and worth regularly 25c and 35c tha yard; very spe cial.. : ; 10c Yard Neat Kimonos for Only 9c aretire this suit special will strike ydu as the best one of the entire seasonrforthessorrment is one of e xtreme taste-with -referenceto '. pat terns and' chlorines,' and the styles are 6mart ones that deserve ' to brinir better. prices. - Long or short coat styles tight fitting or blouse effects, and! , they come in plain colors or fancy mixtures. , mere is a lot of about . 150 of them and the regular prices run from $20.00 -to'.' $38.60-; special, beginning tomorrow Walking Skirts In all styles and in plain colors or, fancy mixtures. The assortment ' includes some extra sizes, so all - women - with a - need in kirf 4 "Should. come; about 200 in the" lot, worth to $25.00 eacn. . fjfijf ' Women's Sweaters With high turn , over collars, good, heavy yarn, blouse effects and come in red only; worth $3.60 each ; special Mon- ifl 7Q day only ........ ........ Pa I s Women's Coats Any - coat : in the tore that sold from $80 to -$48u6Q. going Monday at .............. . ... Less Than Regular uusc ciictis, mnu :?12.85 Women's Kimonos : and Dressing Sacques, in short lengths, not long like the illustration; made of pretty flan nelette ; very speciaLMon-- i Q day.ach . . . ... .... ...... . . Dressing Sacques, and short kimonos, in eiderdown or flannelette; HQf specially 'priced Monday at ... I 7w Women's VeWet Suits All -, reduced - .- to half the regular prices. r Children's Coats In plain colors and fancy wool mixtures ; plain or neatly Jnmmed ; forlittle girls 6 to 14 years of age ; selling Monday at TnTTTiTiT. Less Than Regular: f-J .... .L. .1 -1-t.. ..T. LA l . t.-. ..If.. I L... inc mini tusruiinB inu ciBlivriiv pliw must mumym . - vuw. ui ya.tcu usm, tV-. the styles that have been copied for Portland's most authoritative neadwear this season. -ahoi oi iooui iw to cboow iron man lurat wua iit ctu uic iisi (ern models for' this, season know that there is not a hat among them but what U in the most exquisite tasW and best material and style. Take your choice of any in this1 lot, and they are all worth. Hl CC more than twice the price, Monday for.'..........' ........ I veUU Clearance Sale contiwuea on all lines tn the Millinery Section. Any woman of good taste owes to herself a visit to the department while the clearance aale is on. A 'ix t . k - r : Women's Umbrellas Fancy' Silk, covered In colors and Checked patterns.- Some have pretty border effects. Natural wood han dles; worth to $5.00 each, for 52.98 Dress GoodsandSilks New additions to the already large list of bar -v r7 "' '.''": '. ' gains.. , - ; SILK AND WOOL CREPE DE CHINI CREPE DE PARIS and CREPE FRAN CASE, AT HALF FORMER PRICES Come ,in cream, black, gray, tan, champagne, brown.' navy, red, mode and green. No prettier or More serviceable fabric made for dressy after-' noon- and evening gowns. Regular $2.25 atid $2.50 grades, fl.lS, $2.00 grade- 06f , $175 grade $1.50 quality 71$, $1.25 Atn grade 60 and $1.00 grade ............ ,.,Ht 56-inch Cloaklngs, a delayed . shipment, in new colors and patterns, regular $2.00, $20 and $3.00 qualities; while they ' . J J gf Cream Silk and Wool Fabrics, in new weaves, French voiles in plain or fancy designs, ir regular value $1.50 the yard, special ...... .Ul We Add to the Darker Colored Fabrics Already on Sale a lot of cream silk and wool Armures, Melroses and Etamines; regular prices of these goods are $2.00 and $2.25 a yard, , fiQr specfal at '. 07 A Choice Lot of Novelty Silks, in light or. dark colors, advance styles for spring wear, for suits, waists and separate skirts. These goods are the kind that sell regularly for $1.25 the yard; white Japs, 27 and 36 inches wide, and Crepe de Chines 24 inches wide, in cream, black and colors; $1.00 and, $1.25 qualities, special while the lot O lasts, the yard, only .. ..v.-.. ..... ...... IOw 1 Y7 H-' t. if. 4f5-fi. Dress Net 59c Thousands of 'yards of Fine Dress Nets, for mak ing evening waists and dresses; some of the most tasteful -patterns 'possible,- in cream and - white. The regular price is $1.00 the yard, but Mon day the Clearance Sale prices are in ' CQ force; then, the yard . Wool Tubular Braids, in white, black or colors; suitable for military effect trimmings on win ter suits. Special for Monday, the : fr dozen yards Hosiery MnVMelweaf Infants' Imported Hose Fast black cotton, niedium' weight, with fin ished foot of Maco yarn, an extraordinary special, for these are ln regularly worth 25c to 40c the pair; they go at, pair '' . ' - . (Sixes 4, 4J4 and 5). ; . . " Children's Cotton Hose Fast I.Worntn's Hose Black ...18c black and made to stand the "hard-, est war; seamless foot and dou ble knee; regular '20c and 25c values; special ..Ij2v Women'a -Union Suits Silver gray, fine ribbed, medium weight, worth $1.75 the suit; special at only ...... ....PtO Women's Union Suhs White rib-" bed. Merino, long sleeve and an kle length; $3.00 values, OC , special length, Swiss ribbed, re Worflen's " Hose Black cotton, elastic . shaped.' seamless foot and fashioned ankle; Z5c value, special ....... . Women's Lisle Hose Fast black, embroidered with black silk. - full finished-with double 'sole, . ' "JC a $1.50 value, special ...... JW Women's Pants and Vests White Merino, medium weight, very soft, and fine finish: $1.00 7fi value, for ......... ...... Uv Women's Silk and Wool Union Suits Long sleeve and ankle Crt igular $3.50 value,, for- ... Vii.uv Marvelous CURTAIN Bargains Small prices on all Odd Lots and odd pairs that show savings positively wiuiout equal on sucn spicnaia qualities ana paiiems.- Fancy Novelty Colored Curtains, Special . '-. . Clearance Sale Prices. Regular. $4.50 grade,, the pair ..i..f2.T5 1 Regular. $6.50 grade, the pair.., '. . .3.95 Regular $7.00 grade, the pair.i.....f .25 ; Regular $10.00 grade, the pair .....f6.75 Irish Point Curtains in Broken Lines, Full Length and ' Width and They, Come in White or Ecru, Specially Priced Like This:. Regular ,$4.50 valuer for"'.... . I ... . f 2.75 Regular $5.00 values for ,.........$3.1 Reirular S6.00 values for ...... .$3.75 Regular $7.50 values for ....... .....f 4.75 Regular $8.50 values for ........... fS.SO Keguiar $v.oo values for ;..f Regular $10.00 values for ....S6.S0 Regular $13.00 values for $7.00 RegulSr $15.00 values for .,,X'..r.T.8.&0 Reirular $20.00 vaiues for ...... 1..914.00 Curtains. With Hand-Made Lace Trimming , Clearance Sale Prices: Regular $20.00 values, pr..f 13.00 Regular $21.00 values, pr..f 14.00 Regular $27.50 values, pr..fl7.SO Regular $32.00 values. nr..21.50 Vhite Cluny Lace Curtains, Tbree Yards Long and 42 ,Inches Wide, Trimmed with Lace Edge and Insertion The regular $4.50 .P J QC prade; very special, Clearance Sale price ..... ..s .. ...... $L7J Hemstitched Scrim Curtains Trimmed with wide lace, insertion and lace edge regularly sold at $3.50 the pair; dj'J "ir Clearance Sale price .7. , . v....... .4.. $LLO Regular $4.50 grade, pair, f 2.95. Regular $5.00 grade, pair, f 3.25 ) 1P ' ., Real Renaissance Lace and Hand-Mounted. -'-Read the Regular $3.50 values, pr ..4.95 Regular $ 11.00 values, pr ,.$7.50 Secular $15 00 values, nr ..9.50 Reiruhr $17.50 values. pr..?11.50 HalffwttglislfB Comes In brown, blue and green decorations, and we are cutting the price right m two for ' Monday's selling. Keai Closing out ' all Brass Onxy Topped Tables. A sweeping clearance that is bound to sell every one in the store.' -All go : at Half Price. Tables Worth $8.75 for '.. ?4.S8 Tables Worth $9.00 for ..4.60 Tables Worth $9.25 for ,.f4.63 Tables Worth $11.00 for..f5.50 Tables Worth $12.00 for. .f 6.00 Tables Worth $12.25 for . f 6.13 Tables Worth $13.85 fo.teS Tables Worth $1400 for ..97.00 Tables Worth $17.00 for ..f.50 And then -you 11 find extraordi nary bargains in Dinner Sets, decorated Toilet Sets, Bronze ... f- ' j-A Plates thst sell regular- Cfi ly for $9.00 the dozen. .)4.t)U Plates Worth $7 dosen ,.f3.50 Plates Worth $6.75 dozen. f 3.38 Plates Worth $4.75 dozen. f 2.38 Plates Worth $4.10 dozen. f 2.05 Plates Worth $3.75 dozen. f 1.88 Plates Worth $3.25 dozen. f 1.63 Cups and Saucers that sell regu larly for $9.00 dozen, 0A CA special Monday for..... $?dU Pitchers Worth $1.10 for....65 Pitchers Worth 65c for ,.,.33 Bowls Worth $1.10 for ....65 Bowls Worth 65c for ......33. Tea Pots Worth $2 for...fl.OO Tea Pots Worth $1.85 for;. 93 Statuary, Marble Statuary. Enamel Ware,' Tin Ware, Vases, Electric and Oas Reading Lamps, Water and Liquer Sets, Decorated German China and Semi-Porcelain. ; . v , . , . , We are closing out all odd lines, in the department at tremendous reductions In price. Come snd save : - . - en all these lines. ... . Muslinwear and Corsets An Fine French Lingerie at Half Price Monday and the Rest of the Week The' -lot includes drawers, chemise, coret covers, skirts and gown All this week our choice of any piece in the at- Unit sortment at ....Hall Children's Dresses," Whirs Lawn or Pique For, children from 3 to 14 years of age, and regttktly priced from $1.00 to $1850 each: .t"ii!;'!,:!.r. ....... Half Laundry Bags Of brown Holland, stamped for embroiderv; regular values 25c; special Mon-. 17 day, each ."A 24-inch Hemstitched 'V Squares Stamped in floral designs, regular 60c and 65c, for,....07l Royal Worcester ' Corsets For medium - figures, 1 with straight front and princess hip front and side hose supporters attached made of figured brooche, in pink or. blue, sizes 18 to 26; regular $3.00 value; special this . . Royal Worcester Tape Girdles-,. Made of fine quality material, come in white, pink or blue; have front hose supporters sttached; sizes 13 to 24; regular $1.25 values; 77 special this week ....... ... I fL Swiss Shopping Baskets In two fires; the regular 35c . ones for 23, and the 25c ones JJg Remember that we give free Em broidery lessons every- afternoon from 2:30 to S o'clock. Men's Wear Bargains Repeating the former offerings for this Monday's '" " . selling: . Golf Shirts In medium light and dark effects and in the regular 75c and $1.00 grades. To make a clearing of all the odds in this lot of over A ff one hundred, Monday choice ..tdVr Men's Night Shirts Of plain white twill A(r muslin; splendid 75c value; special Monday... Men's Dress Shirts Fall, Jons; bosom, tCn regularly sold at $1.00 each; special ......... DDL Men's Black Silk . Mufflers Quilted . -style, extra good values at 75c each; special for ; v;- AZn Monday only ......... ............ ....... TUW Men's -French Fold Four-in-Handa and Squares -In plain black and fancy colors; neckwear that sells-regularly-for 50c-and 75c each;-; C f AA Special Monday, three for ...... ... ...... .IVV Men's Hose Fine grade. In tan, grey, blue ' and red, with split soles; regular 35c value, ; , special Monday ............. LL Men's Lisle Hose Best grade of 50c goods, fine ' assortment ol patterns: special for Monday, fo;ef.a!"....$i.oo Men's . Merino Sox Good wejght, camel's hair colorT 20c . 1A. value, . special . IlC Men's Handkerchiefs Plain white hemstitched cambric, 10c 'ones, Cr ,for OC Men's Golf Shirts In the heat makes, includ ing Cluett, Star, Griffon h Eagle, worth $1.50; Monday .. .. .. $1.0? Notions, Fancy Goods Hand Mirrors With ebony back,' heavy bevel r lasses and ring handles: regular value AQr 5c each; special for Monday, each ........ Shaving Mirrors With back stand; regu-. 5A lar values 50c each: special ..QUI Bath - Sponges Large Pipe Racks and Match Holders Worth,- 25 special ' . .... :..j9c Dr. Scott's Electric Hall' Brushes Cures headache and neuralgia; worth $2.00 tf -JC each, for ......jId Side and Back Combs Shell or amber, with Rhinestone settings regular value 75c AQr set; special .. tyi "Slydensnap" Dress Fasteners In black or white, large and small sizes, worth 10c the Cf, card; special at .... OL Shell Back Combs, fancy gold-mounted and . set withbinemones; hand some - combs that sell regularly for $3.00 each. a:.,.....$1.75 size, worth 2sc tVfi. each; special . ....Ilv' Brush Skirt Binding In black or colors; regular Stationery In fancy boxes, assorted tints, worth 50c box, , 12 for ..OUt Garter' Elastic H -inch wide, plain colors, extra heavy, 15c qual- : Q ity; special ........ s Dressing Combs Extra large size, . hard rubber, rorr?.....:.;.49c Fine Envelopes, high grade paper, but down to odd lots, and. now. for Monday we make spe cial prices and they go at, the package, 5 and OU Children's Shoe Specials We don't deal in any bat the best . ! footwear, and that.' makes these specials take on an added interest for those who hsve children's shoes to buy. We want to close out all the . broken lines, ' snd while lhise i7eof the sams T dependable qualities that all Olds, Wortmaa. and King shoes are, they are odd lots, and we have, no place for them. The number of pairs in' each lot will not excts thirty, which makes a sbjr line for us and that's the reason that we make this - - offer. Girls' Box Calf, Patent Leather and Vicl Kid Shoes In button or lace styles, heavy or light soles, with pstent or stock tips, and dull or bright leather tops; qualities up to $3.00 the pair, priced like this: Sizes 1 to 6 ...... ..v.... ..49 Sizes 5 to 8 ...... 79 and 81.19 Sizes 9H to 11 81.39 Sizes 1154 to 2 ......... ..81.C9 alrls" Shoes In sizes 1, 11 and 2 only, lace or 1 with a good, heavy sole an.l a thorouf My good &; Boys' Shoes In ksngaroo and box calf, with heavy soles, or in the light-weight sorts, splendid for school or dress wear, and every pair in the assortment a big bar gain when we price them thix wn: Sizes 9 to 2 for l.:u Sizes 2H to 5", for r l. A few- good special val i In Misses' Shoes at f.ll. .1 . an S3.S:. 1 1 nr tM-1". I ' Regular value $1.75 the pair; special at -V -