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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1907)
THE OrvLGOIJ DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING. JANUARY 5, 1007. PALATIAL QUARTERS - - FOR FAVORED EQUINES trio lithf. sink every convenience m- w !'- Aastvaai S. -vac ' st . L k M i Palatial Stable of the Meter A Frank Company. "r-After Visiting the'different quarters, ' ' chamber, hospital wards and special ' apartments for the fortunate Meier, Frank & Co.' , 65 head of horses, ss 'provided in their elegant1 new stable on ' Second and Jefferson streets, one ac tually expects next to be taken to the ''office and shown a great register where these Intelligent beasts have, on arriv ing, placed their-names, so eompletSars all the appointments, so closely do the v arrangements follow thoee of a great hotel for human beings. 7 The building Itself Is a large brick i structure, comprising three stories and ' a basement, on a base 100 by 100 feet. The basement, which Is a basement In name only, being but two and one half feet below the surface of the ground. Is for the horses exclusively. The ' floor Is of cement, too walls finished In -plas- er. with windows on every-v aide, . af fording perfect light: and ventilation; great "Clock tollsoff ' the hours, every one of which, all -through - the : long night, sends a watchman the rounds of the stalls to see that all. is well In the sleeping animal world. The electric wiring Is in conduits, that safety In this regard, .may be Insured, v In fact,- abso lutely nothing seems to have been left undone that could add comfort, health and security to this great horse home. - William CartU superintendent of the barn, knows every horse by . name aa well as nature, and Is as attached' to them aa If they, were children.. .. Ha has had 40 years' experience with hors, and no man In the northwest Is better quipped for - the responsible position ha occupies. ' ', ., ', . .. t .' t . ,.. . , Back animal aUs a sTama. WWVhave.a great time getting names enough.. for .them.-.: he. said. "It- -does seam we're about exhausted. the vocab ulary! and I declare I don't, know what Mr. Meier vouohed for the truth of this story, and certainly Bell la a hand some,. Intelligent ; appearing thorough bred, that might" be capable of any nilmhAF tit mirh-nrinbl i t . - When all' the horses ' Wre'in their stalls they certainly make a-magnificent showing; they are of good blood, the , beat that can be gotten " for their purpose, some of them being - prize winners. oinbrooma on Tint moor. ' ' '' ' ' , Almost - with - regret we -deft the horses and went up stairs to the first f isor proper. " where' . are found large, pleasant, airy quarters for the drivers sort of olubrooma, one might call them. where they can rest and talk and feel at nome. not, com ana snower nains are provided IS welL ventilated lookers where their uniforms may be " safely kept when off duty; and every, tjomfort of modern flat building is found here. showing the same care and thoughtiui ness for physical comfort and health apparent all through the enterprise. The men's quarters are also ,on thla floor, adjoining the superintendent's apart, ment.- - Vead Kept On Second floor. Peed for the horses is kept here, with a special arrangement for letting it down a shoot to thebasement. during which time it Is freed from all duet and Injurious mstter that may have become mixed with it. A great space Is set apsrt for thr pslnt shop, making It the largest one on the coast, with a metal lined cabinet In connection, for storing paints, constructed according to the underwriters laws of Oregon. An elec tric elevator, 21 by 14 feet, for moving wagons from one floor to another, has the speed of a passenger elevator. Xmjusase Washing Sack. And the washing rack, which Is "also the largest one on the coast, being SO by 40 feet, has a most convenient addi tion to the usual rack, of s gallery going around two sides of the wall, j -4 whera a man can stand and readily wasn me tops or tne wagons, una Har ness room, on thla floor. Is marked by the same convenience of arrangement. It la1 large, like the other special rooms., with space for 17 sets, of harness. "Ruud" Instantaneous watef heaters are Installed here, which maintain even beat, and hold the water at ai tempera ture of 17 degrees all the time, thus keeping the leather limber and In good condition. The tub la large, affording sufficient room for two men to work at one time. The trimmings are nlckle and the wrile finished In hard olL The third floor la a' sort of emerg ency space, set apart for storing sni des not In Immediate, use, and for extra equipment for use during the annual holiday rush. Xataxaa-Ung- Plaos to Tlslt. Taken altogether thta-huiss hostelry It aeema a sacrilege to call anything so well appointed a stable is a superb Illustration of the highest form of modern care for our "good dumb friends. It would delight anyone who is Inter ested in horses and thslr treatment to visit the Meier, Frank Co. stablea and see how science and modern Inventive genius have been applied to their com fort and 'well being. - Ths . stablea are distinctly for the horses, the men who care for them eight In number, and the drivers. Many people have gotten the erroneous Idea that the new atablea are a- kind of an nex to the store, end go there on shop ping bent. No goods whatever ara kept at the atablea. I I'j ' IU : lis Itii. ' -...iJ... 8, . . s . 0 I ' ' 1 - 1 t ' t ' .'' J THOMPSON'S WORLD WAS - OHE OF DISTORTIONS Theory sA Def enso Reduces to This Peculiar Phase of ! "; Insanity. (Spelal Diapatck to The-oormiLV- -Where tha Harness la Kept. ,- : , ' .' nt vents every five feet along tha In aldA walls to the roof.' Every horse has his trig: vidua! stall, with plank flooring, - WMfi -ftrnvH ab mm -far tha .fMl' mil Trudy rlnanslng. These stalls sr all cnpifortabty lnrge and kept In scrupu lous order. The name of each occupant ".appears over tha rear of each stall.; Hospital Warda for TJlsablsd. .. ' Besides tha regular stalls, there la the large hospital' stall - for T sick : horses, where additional comforts are provided; a special stall having cement floor and pipe attachments, where horses suffer ing from hot feet In the summer can stand In cool water till relieved, and a mud stall, whera a surface of aoft blue clay la provided, ' whera horses may stand when their fet are In bad condi tion. An experienced - veterinary sur geon Is-In constant attendance, and a tha .next ones will be called.' There's Leon Peter, ' Jack.' Ole' and : Tabor, Gloomy -nd-- Happy. Prince - and Joe, Alta and Dlmock, Punch and Judy, Rock and Rye Shorty and Pansy, Bird ' and Blase.- Dsn- and ' 'Oeorge, Pathfinder. Queen. Ned and Eddie, Dork and Nelly, Bell H., and I don't knrtw how many others. ' Bell H. Is Julius Meier's pet mare,' and If aba ain't the - Intelligent brute, - theugh! She takes to her new borne ' Ilka - she'd been raised at the Waldorf. Tha other day I waa at the far aide of the barn and I' noticed the electric light oyer here by her stall being turned on and. 'off,- like aome young fellow might be just playing with it, ' I -cams over to Investigate, ' and If you'll believe' me, then Bell H. had the electric cord In her mouth, turning tha light on and Off to suit herself."- and convenience ' that ' thoughtfulness could suggest. " ' . The men have taken a great Interest In tha" new stable, -and feel perfect freedom st sli , times to suggest Im provements In. any and every depart ment. A drug aupply Is also an thla floor. In, connection with the office, where are found all the necessary ap pliances and remedies for Injured or sick horses. . The wagons are kept oa thla floor -and the horses sre brought up here for harnessing. Cleanllneaa Is sgaln noted t as tha order of ths day. with every modern contrivance for mak ing and cleansing of wagons' an ekey mstter. . i -. :, ' On the aeoond floor there Is, first', the wall-flnlshed, up-to-dste little flat,N or apartment for. the auparlntendent and his wife, bath, hot and cold water, aleo- rrm-'v.....itii ,.ui in..wi.jMmy- "I' rww!yrry'll''a!iw,''alj' f"W ' ' " " ' i' . 1 '" mi' iy.v.r,""llj S I' JI 'Jlfia. aj - .f i 5 t . : ..,.: ' - - j - . . 1 - - ti i I r:c . ':V.'-- , , I Tacoraa, Wash., Jan. 6.- Dr. John P, Sweeny, tha family physician, and Wal ter Vincent, a hesr-by 'neighbor of tha Thompsons, witnesses in the Thompson murder trial, testified to Chester's pecu liarities,' the trend of their entire tes timony being that ha had falsa Ideaa relative to his surroundings. Tha testimony of Mrs. Jennie Barnett, nurse In the Thompson family, of Mrs. May Thompson Calnoun, tha de fendant's slater, and Miss Ella Gilles pie all tended to ahow that Chester had strange oplniona of hla responsibil ity to hla family and that he entertained equally erroneous conceptions of the purport of Miss Whlttelsey's polite re- aponse to what wltneases considered merely a alight acquaintance, or a boy ish one at most. .- , All recent testimony of witnesses haa had for Ita sole object Chester's mental condition justpiior Jo .tiia. shooting -of Judge Emory. Both direct and cross examinations have brought out from all positive declarations thitt witnensrs con sidered Chester either mentally unbal anced or Insane. " . Tha state has In a measure weakened these conclusions by getting from wit nesses tha admission that their deduc tions were based entirely on tha eccen tric actions of defendant. Maurice Thompson, the elder brother of the defendant.- and his maternal grandmother, Mrs. I-ee, have given many incidents of Chester's peculiar home Ufa It Is not tha Intention, of the atate to cross-examine .very severely, as Mr. , Mackintosh and his ' associate believe they have secured for the atate all ma terial pointa already from the. narra tives of tha actions of Chester at home. 1 :.. : AND i lElMn f FO COUGHS0 COLDS CURES TnROAljKP LUJG DISEASES SAVED HBt SON'S UFE My aoa Rex was takes down year ago with Inns- tronbla. w" doctored aome months without Improvement, Then I beaa flvlno; Dr. King's New Diacorery, and I soon noticed a change for the better. X kept this treatment np for a few weeks and now my son la perfectly well and works every day. ; Vmrs. SAMP. MPPEI, At, Mo. 60o AND $IXX) SOLD AND GUARANTEED DY . RED CROSS PHARMACY 7 BUSY WEEK AHEAD FOR CONGRESS Houss Committee to Consider . Two-Cent Interchangeable Mileage Books. PACKERS' TRIAL BEGINS ; IN CHICAGO THURSDAY S'cws Forrcast for the Coming Week Important Baseball . Meetings Scheduled Fishing Case Appeal ' . In Snprrme Court. , . .. '.. TO ELECT TAYLOR TENNESSEE SENATOR 1 (loanial i pert a I Bertie.), Nashville, Tenn., Jan. (.Members of tha general assembly of Tennessee are arriving- In tha city In anticipation of tha convening of that body next Mon day. Th- general opinion among the members Is that the aession will he a busy and Interesting one. Many bllli are In preparation and ara to be offered. Governor-elect Patterson msde his campaign upon a platform embodying amendmenta to election laws and the lawa relating to back tat attorneys and assessors. In his message to the legis lature ha will advocate tha passage of auch measures. . A successor to United States Senator Carmack la to be .chosen at this session. But one namewill he presented, thst of former Governor Robert Tsylor. who waa the choice of the primary election. BAKER GOT ONLY THE FRINGE OF THE STORM I annul DHiateb te Tbe JimmH Baker City, Or., Jan. 5. Baker eounty got but the tall erid of the storm whch swept over the northwest yesterday. There waa a heavy snowfall, about, six Inches, but a Chinook wind springing up In tha evening rapidly melted K.-l then' turned a little colder and a light snow' fell. Tha fall of snow Is con sidered their salvation by the farmera. who feared' a dry winter, and conse quently poor cropa In the spring. ' The present westher augurs well for crops. As there were few cattle or shee$ on tha range stockmen are not aufferlng loases. . , 7 " iJoarsel Spedul gerrlee.t Washington, . Jan. 6. The wheela of legislation at the national capttol will turn swiftly during ths coming week, aocordlng to present prospects. Much routine business will be rushed through ana" some of the more Important meas ures on the agendum probably will ba brought up.The house committee on merchant marine and fisheries will meet Monday, when It la expected tha com mittee's attitude on the ship subsidy bill will be decided. On Tuesday the house committee, on-interstate and for eign commerce will begin hearings on the Sherman bill requiring all railroads to Issue mileage books at tha uniform rata of 2 centaxa mile. State legislatures Blast. - Tha sessions of the state legislatures will begin . during the: week -In .Texas, Wisconsin, Tennessee, Ksnsas, : Ala bama North Carolina; Illinois, Con- neotlout and one or two other states. In most of the ststes the new officials will take offtcs at the same time. ,: Tha case of tha packing corporations Indicted for conspiracy In restraint of trade la set for trial in Chicago next Thursday. Another antl-truat suit thst will occupy attention la that brought to dust the Standard Oil company and ltsafftllated companies from tha atat of Missouri. This suit Is-to come up for hearing at Et.Louia Monday. Stockholders of ths Seaboard Air Line will meet Thuraday to give their approval to the plan for an tlS,000,00t bond Issue. Open Canal Bids. On Saturday next In thla city ths Isthmian canal commission will open bids for the completion of tha construc tion of the Panama canal. Tha ' seventh national automobile show will open Saturday In Madison Square Garden, New Tork, to continue through tha following week. " The aupreme court of Newfoundland on Tursdsy will hear tha appeal of the west cosst - fishermen against tha de cision of a magistrate fining them 1500 each for violating the Bait act by fish ing for American vessels within terri torial waters. The case Involves the modus vtvendt between Great Britain and the United States, guaranteeing Immunity to fishermen If they ; ara shipped outside the three-mile line. . OraaA Army ICaetlag. A meeting of ths executive committee of the Grand Army of tha Republic will he held at Zaneavllle, Ohio, 8unday, at which definite consideration of the loca tion of this year'a national encamp ment will be taken up. Professional . baseball will be In tha limelight during the week, with meet ings to ba held by the minor leaguea in New York and by the national commts-, PURE DRUGS ACT ." JUIM JO, I906 - la Effect January 1. 1007 " A GOOD LAW We . endorse the Pwre Drugr Law, because we hare always. belieyed in Its prin ciples, and because it means that the American people will find the strong: arm of tne uorernment protecting: them from RANK FAKES, IMITATIONS AND SUB- . STITIITRS marlf of swfnl. terated, impure, worthless and even dangerous" drugs. This sort of thing: has been an imposition, fraud and crime agrainst the People, as well as against the responsible manu facturers of honest, reliable remedies, and it was high time for it to be stopped. Misrepresentation and substitution of "some thing just as good" will now be done away with. ; The principles of the Food and Drugs Act hare been always favored by conscientious and honorable manufacturers, who TrtrrviA ffiat Ostflfw an1 fV 1 wx tAns A 4 tAnft secure the favor of the nation, " - ,c 1., i So the makers of Cascareta Candy Cathartic recognized the great prin ciples of PURITY, QUALITY end MEDICINAL MERIT when the first Ublet was made, over eleven years ago, and have adhered to them ever since. , r ' I Cascareta stand alone on their record, of having; gained in that short period of time the friendship, confidence and patronage of millions of people, wno sre now buying Cascareta at the rate of over a MILLION BOXES A MONTHs-tbe largest sale of any Bowel Medicine in all ths world. - ' .. , ' - Ws endorse ths Purs Drag Law. - ----L - It suits us, because ws have always stood befort oar friends unafraid and clear of conscience, made oar contracts good to every one, and In the conduct of our business, had the good fortune to help hundreds of thou sands of our fellow-citisena back to health and life YA7 tlSM no . I...!... I 1 . 1 - - "- w ucwuiic, auu so w uv wi ncsiiais, to rcconv mend Cascareta to aft sufferers from Constipation and all complications wising uwrcirom. suso any otner aiseases ot tne tood-csnai. ws are- ad vertised by our loving; friends snd Whenever tha American neonle naaa hiAa. - - - - , J W m V IUTC,U(,UVU UMW WM ct, tour vcrcucT apeaas lor ltsell. The greatest merit of Cascareta however, Is that of being s positJvs snd reliable preventive of disease. The most important function of ths human body is to keep its digestive channels and passages, with over thirty six feet of bowels, strictly clean snd disinfected, so that natural operations can take placs In a natural manner, and the growth and activity of disease germs can be prevented. ' - A Cascsret at night before "turning in" will keep your Bowels regular and your whole digestive canal wholesome, purs and normally active. - No matDer what you hava been taking, buy a little 10c box TODAY st your own druggist, and let the results tell their own story. It means a lot of health and comfort in store for you, : rs slon In Cincinnati . Ths schedule com mittees of tha two major leaguea also will meat to eliminate conflicting dates. T0JYIAKE BEQUEST T0 SCHOOL AVAILABLE (Speelal IXiDatrh a Tbe fcernaL) Pendleton, Or., Jan. 4. A committee of Pendleton cltisens, appointed to raise 110,000 la subscriptions In Pendleton for tha enlarging of tha Pendleton academy, payable In four annual In stallments, to secure ths gift of $10,000 by. W- Vf. Brown of Crook county, la meeting with success. A boys dormi tory will be added, and many other Im provements will be made to tha existing Institution. SUNDAY PASSENGER TRAIN TAKEN OFF (Speetat Dlipateh te Tbe Journal.) Pendleton, Or., Jan. i. The Walla Walla-Pendleton passenger train on the O. R. A N. will be taken out of service tomorrow, but tba mixed train will hereafter run on Sundays, giving thla city a dally aervlcs with Walla Walls. In addition to the regular Spokane train. The reason for taking It out of service at this time la that tha business of tha winter season does not Justify the ex pense of tha extra train. While no promises ara made. It la thought the passenger service will ba revived next summer when the busy season opens. PENDLETON BARBERS " :.' - ELEVATE THE SCALE Pendleton, Or., Jan. 4. The Barbara" anion of Pendleton haa raised the price for cutting hair from IS eenta te 1J cents. Tha order goea Into effeot to day. Facial massage haa been raised to St cents. Ths price of shaving haa not been changed, however. La Crosse, Wla. Jan. I. Counsel la considering an ordinance aa to whether It la a misdemeanor punishable by tins for conductors ot atreet cars to collect fares from passengers not provided wlta aeata. Comfortable Stalls In lbs J3aaement;. BAKER GRAND JURY TO - HANDLE NOTED CASES V , (Special DIsMteb te Tlie Josrsal.) Baker City, Or., Jan. ft. Dr. Roy Ful ler, the young physician of Kagle valley who Is under arrest charged with per forming a criminal operation, and Alex Wlddowson 'charged wlth-ths murder of Wlliard Moody, the Pine valley rancher, ara to ba given a chance to escape trial. Judga Smith haa announced that ha will call a grand Jury to meet Monday and theee esses will be submitted, to It. Upon the findings -of the grand Jurors will depend whether er not trials are SalA ' .-." " ' " Has a world-yidq reputation for High Ouality and Delicious Flavor Red mere d BAKER'S COCOA Has held the market with constantly increasing sales , for 16 years, and has won 47 highest4 awards in Europe and America. . No Other Food Product has a Like Record. 'VI V. S. rat. OlBos - Established 1780 WALTER BAKER & C Dorc!