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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING. JANUARY 8. 1G07. COREY IS SPENDING HOLIDAYS WITH MISS GILMAN IN FRANCE Pleasant to talle and does not gripe or nauseato Cures Chronic Constipation, Stomach and Liver Trouble hi Lgiig v t wvV.v 1 H-n W .-L t v ; ' , ... t 'r' rV' 3 u r; .. W :;. ."'.,', 11 AbOTp U ahowa Mabelle Gil man's f: 4 jeeptlon room, Underneata fa . 7t:Sl ,r i , ' I . J - bli jormer.. wile, .wto divorced I x vN.1 '" I " I I II him because of hi lnfatnatlan for I .:" j X Xftl- I'. r.y: ' ' ' ; , th actreaa. On tbe right.; Is. I .' ''iVf '" . j Mabella Gllmaa. I J ' " fjonrn.l Special trtc.)' :i Pari. Jan. i. W. E. Corey, president of the blUlfln-doUar steel trust, la lv Ins under the same roof with Mabell Ollmsn, the actress, whom hs soon will marry, according to latest reports. Corey and bis fiance, his sister anil Miss Oil man's mother have been Urlna together ln the Cbateairlltedeironia-ear Muel fsrrlera, slnoe . the nltht of Deeam- BOUGHT $1 00,000,000 OF RAILROADS Marriman Purchased Many Lines ): ' From Profits Earned by l;J:l.High.Trffio Rates. COMMUNITY OF INTERESTS .-: OPERATIONS ARE EXPOSED jXarrlman Acted and Board "BImply ' "t Voted Afterward . to v Confirm What Be Had Done Had Unllm- ' itrd Power for Borrowing Money, f ' " f Joornal Bpeelal Ben lee.) ' New Tork. Jan. How K. H. Harrl man purchased f 10t.II,74l worth of CUt-edged railroad stocks during the . past six months without borrowing any jnoney or spending a cent of bis own ' -wraith, has been brought out by the Interstate commerce commission Inves tigation now in progress here. ' , The stocks purchased were the fill' role Central, Baltimore eV Ohld, New Tork Central, Chicago North, 'western, Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul, Atchison, Topelca A eaata Fe, and St . Joseph ft Grand Island. It wis brought . eat and admitted that the Union Pa cific rill way, the Southern Paclfle eom pany, the Oregon 6hort Line company and the Oregon Railway Navigation compsnr are practically under the same administration. Mr. Harriman appearing mm president of each company with only . alight variations In the lists of other effloera. Owns teamer Uase. , i It was farther shown that the South. . ern Paclfle rompany owns the Paclfle ' Mall Bteamshlp company, that the . ftoutharn Paclfle company and Union Paclflo together hold a majority ef the '. stock ot the Occident) a Oriental teitmshlp eompany. and that TIaniman . Interests control the Portland a Asiatic ateemship eompany. It was said the Occidental is in liquidation, but it still operates two ateamers. On the Atlan tie ocean It was shown that the Boutrt- ern Ptclfle ewne the llnee of steamers " running bstween' New Tork end New Orleana known as the Morgtn line. The Colon Paclfle by means of an Hfmnl sls-ned bv Wr. lrrlmen snd oo Give effective relief la bron chial and lung troubles, ; : Contain nothing injurious. br. St. "The steal magnate omiht the country place three months ago, paylns 60,000 francs for It. ... Corey and Miss Oilman co out auto mobillnc ' every ' day. No license has been aaked-for, ae the date of the wed drnsrie"Tiot knewn.- . -raddocky jPs,. Jan., B -r-Ajclose friend of the Corey family today made the IN HALF YEAR Senator William A Clark has a traffic arrangement with the San Pedro, Ixs Angeles ft Salt Lake railway lasting t yeara This agreement waa entered into In 1801, and by its terma the Baa Pedro eannot lower or raise its rates without the consent, of ...the , Boutberg Pacific. . Otner ZJaea Owned. The Union Paclfle exercises Joint con trol with the Rock Island over the Chi cago ft Alton railway.- The agreement la that the Union ' Paclflo shall have charge of the road one year and the Rock Islsnd the next' This agreement. entered into by Mr. Harriman and W. B. Leeds, extends for a period of JO years from 1)04. - The Union Pacific owns $28,111,100 worth of stock, or 19.81 per cent of the capitalisation of the Illinois Central railway. The Union Pa clflo also owns fS.0S2.100 worth of stock of the St. Joseph ft Grand Island railway, which ts S7.IT per cent of the whole. The Oregon 'Short Line owns 119.(40.(00 worth of stock in the Baltl more ft Ohio railway, this being 11.(3 per eent ef the whole. . Of Chicago, Milwaukee ft St Paul stock, the Ore gon Short. Line owns 1J,80.000 worth, or t.41 per eent The eompany also ewne ll.S71.000, or 2.SS per cent of the stock of Chicago ft Northwestern, 110 000,000 of the preferred . svock of .the Atchison, Topeka ft Ssnta Fe, - being 4.21 per cent and I14.Z88.T4S. or 7.17 per eent of the capital stock ef the New York Central ft Hudson River, rail way. , .Where Money Came rroa. .. 1 It was explained that the purchase money came from eurplua . earnings. It was stated that the Union Pacific showed In Its last report a surplus of 151.000.000. The Oregon Short Line de clared a dividend of so per cent on Its stock held -by the Union Pacific, end also contributed out of the general as sets to the purchase money. - It waa ehown that Mr. Harriman re port el various things he had done and the directors simply voted to ratiry ana confirm his actions. : It was also shown that Mr. Harriman waa given authority to borrow money for the Union Pacific company without restriction. j Yew Soada Opposed. In accepting the restgnstlon ef George 3. Oould, Mr. Harriman put himself on record as opposing new railroads as fol lows "The era ef prosperity through which we are now passing has been marked by leas construction or, destructive, com petitive - and nonproduclng Jlses of transportation than .any former one; but there has been great expenditure In providing for Improvements and addi tional facilities to the already existing lines, thereby better conserving the In terests of the publio end the shsrebotd ere aa well." An eastern firm' has offered a K( mohair robe ae a prise for the best goat at tho approaching Polk county goat snow. following statement J ;; : . ' "Wlllam K. Corey wlU marry Mabelle Oilman, now at her chateau, near Ver sailles, Prance. He will not resign the presidency of the United States Bteel corporation, and be will revisit the home of - his - parents In Norths , Braddook, where Ms former wife, Mrs. Laura Cook Corey, who divorced him .last fall at Reno, Nevada. Is "also residing."-" COPPER MINES TO BE WORKED Contracts Placed for Equipment for Croups Controlled by Homestead Company. . OTHER PROPERTIES IN DISTRICT PROMISE WELL Hand-McCarthy and Cougar-OToole Open Up Large Bodies of Ore Entire District Being Developed In Scientific Manner. ; ' ' IRperi.l Mnxtck ts Tbe Jnereel.1 Baker City, Jan. I. It waa learned today that contracts have been placed for full equipment for the three groups controlled by the Homestead Copper company. It having been demonstrated by all kinds of tests that the valua of the holdings of the eompany are such aa to warrant the expenditure. This prop erty Includes the Farrell, Gillette and Brooklyn groups. . Realising the wonderful wealth ef the Homestead copper country, mining men owning property in thai district are engaged In extensive development worx ana news or rich strikes la being received dally. R. L, Carter, manamr of the Homestead company's groups, and v. Knowiton, manager of the Farrell group, who are In the elty today, give a glowing account of the richness of the properties In that district ' - lgh-Ora4e Copper. Mr, Carter stated this morning that the equipment ordered for the property, which includes compressor, machine drills, trams and all other necessary machinery, win ce installed Immedi ately upon arrival and the development ef tbe property pushed with all possible speed. A good . working crew Is now employed upon the property, but will be doubled by January 15. Other propertlea in the Homestead district are pushing their development work with equal speed, according to Mr. Carter, and the ' Rand-McCarthy group bas just opened up a new body ef high-grade copper, which Is of proven depth. .' ... At the Cougar-O'Toole, situated north west ef the Iron Dyke,' has been opened up a big body of high-grade ore. and is working on development. Another ncn mine -la the Holbrook property, where a copper-silver ledge runs high in values, and there also ex tensive work is being carried on. The whole district is being developed scientifically and extensively and capi talists in the eaat are taking hold of many of the properties which have lain Idle for rears. . Stimulation Without Irritation. Otrso Laxative Fruit Sjrup is a new laxative syrup 'combined with tha deli cious flavor ot fruits, and is very pleas ant to take .It, will not gripe or sicken. It is much more pleasant and effective than Pijls, Tablets and Saline Waters, as it does not derange the Stomach, or irritate the Kidneys, Liver or Bowels. . - . . Constipation -; " 1 ' 0rao Laxative Fruit Syrup will posi tively cure chronio constipation as it re stores the natural action of the intestinal tract. Ordinary cathartics may give tem porary relief but the stomach is upset and the bowels are irritated without any permanent benefit having been derived. OUR GUARANTEE MOODY MURDER IS TO BE Grand Jury Called for Next Week Will Examine Alex Widdow son. Who Is Accused." " IN JAIL FOR TWO MONTHS NO INFORMATION FILED Neither Proaecution Nor Defense Outllnea Flana and Nothing la Known of Course to Be Pursued Trial la Anxlooaly Awaited. ; ivfI.1 Dinah ta Th lava.l t Baker City. Or.. JisTt. According to a .well founded rumor, 1 the announce ment of Circuit Judge Bmlth that a grand Jury will be called next week to consider routine matters is dua to an Intention to have Alex Wlddowson. the former friend of Wlllard Moody, who Is acoused of the- Utter s murder, ex amined and his case passed upon. This rumor ts strengthened by the fact, that although be has been held In the county Jail for more than two months,, no -In formation haa been filed against Wld dovioa. . . -,. Diet riot Attorney Leroy-Lome re fused, to state whether or not he would have the Wlddowson case passed upon by the grand Jury, saylnautheourVs intention in calling the jury was simply tor the Investigation of routine matters onca a year. He admitted the posal bllity of the "Wlddowson t ease " being brought before the grand jurors, bow ever, and local, attorneye believe that be will follow the prescnoea custom and submit the question to that body. Wtddoweon, la the county -JalLhera. Is cheerful. He expresses nis conn denes In being able to clear himself ef the charge against him. but frets somewhat under the restraint ot life behind the bare Tbe trial of the case Is anxiously awaited bv the whole of Baker eounty. Nothing is known of the course to be pursued -by-the prosecution er ef the line of defense to be put np by Wld dowson. ' The aocussd man waived his preliminary hearing when arrested, and consequently no inkling of the evidence to be Introduced at the trial can be gained. . ' LAND.FENCERS MUST ' - REMOVE INSTANTER rfeahingtoa Boreas of The Jooml - Washington. . Jan. I. The aecretary of the Interior has Issued an order having in view the Immediate removal ef all fencea unlawfully enclosing gov ernment land. -The' order la In the form of Instructions to special agents abrogating prior Instructions which gave fence owners (0 days in which to remove fences after notice and now re quiring special agenta on receipt ef complaint received from any source of unlawful enclosure Immediately to sub mit the eases to tbe United States at torney for the district for prosecution. Agenta are instructed to be alert and vigilant to detect unlawful enclosures and to take the initiative in having prosecutions brought .. . .--- THOUSAND-FOOT WELL FOR ARTESIAN WATER (Special Dtepatcb to The Jmiroal.) La Grande, Or., Jan.' t. The firm ef Miller ft West ef Portland haa the con tract with the O. R. ft N. Co. to sink a well 1,000 feet unless a sufficient supply of artesian water is . encoun tered within a shorter distance at the O. R. ft N. yarda The object of the railroad company Is to secure an abundant supply of wa ter for the shopr and yard, which for a number of years haa been pumped from the river . at Ore Dell. For the various usee of the eompany at ' I -a Grande upward of a quarter of a mil lion gallons of water per day is needed. It is believed the attempt to aeeurs artesian water will be successful. NEW STEEL BRIDGES IN UMATILLA COUNTY . (Mpaslal Dtipatrh't Tbe Jmrsal.) Pendleton, Or., Jan. I. Contracts for a steel bridge across the Umatilla river at the mouth of Butter creek and for one across Wild Horse at Athena have been let by the Umatilla eounty court They will cost !2,4C, snd are to be completed by April 1. ' Both contracts ware given to Don Ksefe, ef Walla Walla, the lowest bidder.' The bridge at Butter ereek is to replace the wooden, structure that went out during the flood lest June. Monsybark wasn't a word. ' Schilling's Bast bad the meaning and made It PROBED The condition of the patient remains un changed. The Stomach, Liver and Bowels have not been stimulated and in a few days a stronger purgative may have to be takenj This is why Pills and Aperient Waters never give permanent, relief. Their violent action results in an unnat ural movement of the bowels and it is nec essary to keep taking them indefinitely. Why ORINO is different. ; J Ortjco Laxative Fruit the only preparation 'that really acts upon all of the digestive organs. Other prepar ations act upon the lower bowel only and do not touch the Liver. It can very read, ily be seen that a preparation that does not act upon all of the digestive organs Prepared enly by FOLEY CO'.V Chicago, Itk , SOLD AND RECOMMENDED DY . ALL DRUGGISTS IS BRIDE BUT NOT LOST Ida May ; Miller, Supposed to Have' Been Kidnaped Returns From Trip to Ireland. WAS SEEKING PAPERS 2 IN FIGHT FOR ESTATE Married to Dr. Kuebn Last Ma by . Contract Claims to Be Victim of Persecution by Thoee Seeking Her ' "Inheritance. .' ' ... 5 (iosraal S racial BfffW.I New Tork, Jan. 6. Mra. Ida May Mil ler Kuehn. the rn!8tng" Philadelphia heiress, supposed to have been kidnaped by Dr. Kuehn, haa turned up from' Ire land a bride. She expressed astonish ment at the wide publicity she had re ceived during her absence." - Dr. Kuehn, who came here from Phil adelphia to meet hie wife, said he would attend to hla enemlea after returning to Philadelphia. v . . ; .... This whole scandalous affair," aatd he, "Is a conspiracy to ruin thta young woman , turning to hla wife; an at tempt to put her in an insane asylum and rob her of -her fortune.- - But - I'll ahow these people up yet I'm a fighter. and I'm going to fight this thing out" Mrs.' Kuehn, smiling and happy, said her mission abroad had been success ful, and that the evidence ehe bad ob tained from her uncle would go far" to ward lifting the veil-ef mystery from t&a airalr gf.-.theJ'amny estate. iy Bought an Satate. ' "I obtained several letters written to my Hinole. Daniel Miller: "rAr'fathera brother, by Maggie Kinnear, my father's niece - and housekeeper, said Mra Kuehn. "They will help me greatly In clearing up several disputed matters. - The Kuehns allege all sorts of sleight- of -hand performances with Mra Kuehn'a estate by a ring of Philadelphia con aplratora. such an whisking out ef sight $100,000 of securities, several shares of stock in the Federal Market eompany. or which Mrs. Kuehn'a father waa creel dent and trust papers relating to the settlement of the Miller estate, which, Mra Kuehn says, la estimated at be tween 1100.000 and $160,000. , Since tbe death of her father, three years ago, Mrs. Kuehn had lived at No. lZl South Fifteenth street and board ing with her and Msggle Klnnear were two men who worked for bsr father's teaming company. Mra. Kuehn about thia time met Dr. Roland Kuebn, ICarrlage Contract. Mrs. Kuehn Is about ft and her hus band 4. Mra Kuehn's fingers and arms were plentifully covered with Jew elry. 'When Dr. Kuehn asked her to marry 'htm abe refused, saying she did not believe In matrimony. - Finally,, en May S laat they were married on the contract plan, the contract between themselves being drawn as follows: "In the presence ef Almighty God. we. the herein named parties. Ida Mav Mil. ler and Roland Kuehn, of the city of fnuaaeipma, on inis eighth day of May, ltOf, do most solemnly agree and cove nant to Join ourselves in the bond of wedlock, pledging ourselves by this agreement each unto each as husband and wife from this time, both in every thing, right and title, privilege and re sponsibility, which the lawa of this country demand er confer on husband and wife." "All this Ulk about Mra Kuehn'a disappearance, blaming me for her in carceration - in an asylum, for being drugged, and ether charges, is the work of these ssms conspirators," said Dr. Kuehn. He denied that he tried to de ceive Mra Kuehn'a relatives as to her Whereabouts. I told them she, was going to Ireland." he said,-"but they wouldn't believe ma", , , i ., NYSSA NOW A VERY ( LIVELY LITTLE TOWN rapedal Dltpateh te Tae Journal.) : . . Nyssa, Or., Jan. . That the recent transfer of the townslte of Nyssa made by J., F. Reese to Mr. Teuton of Port land has had a tendency te give the town a new life la evidenced by the number of transfers of real property during the last few days.. Within the corporate limits 10 acres in. five-acre tracts were sold on contracts, the con sideration ranging from 1750 to 11,000 en each tract ' The great success of the beetgrow ers In this part of the country during the past season haa added to the value of land and a number of tenches have been rented to Japanese beetgrowers and others for the next season and some for three years at from $1 to $20 per acre. J. F. Hsese. the recent owner ef the townslte of Nyssa, has purchased the Chriaholm ranch of about 10 acres for fiZ.000. ... . . , HEIRESS cannot cure Take OIUNO Laxatiye Fruit are hot satisfied your money Ypu G ertainly aWarit 4 Clarke,Woodvvard Drug Importing, Wholesalers and Manufacturing - 70,000 square feet of floor space.' . , 't A complete analytical tab-, oratory. . . i . A private switching track.' from the terminal yards. ' - The largest and most ' per- . ' fectly equipped wholesale drug , house-on the -coast , Buyers and handlers-ef bees-;; wax and Oregon drug products, : cascara bark, grape root, etc, : Cor, Nlnla and Hoyt Sls. : RAILWAY 170RK OF VERMES OH" .,' .. ' ' ." ' His Death. Occasions No' Halt In r London' Great Underground System. . '. . LONGEST SUBTERRANEANS , LINE NOW COMPLETED Nine Miles Long, Coat Twenty Mi. Hone and Mill Earn Nearly Two Milliona a Year Spiral Staircase the Latest Marvel. i (Journal pedal BarTlee.) London. Jan. t. Though Terkes Is dead, the work of completing the net work of underground electrle railways which he planned for London stilt goes on. The laat of them to be finished. and the longest yet thrown open, runs irora iiammersmita to nnsbury Park, nine miles, and -Is 'claimed to bo the longest tube railway ia the world. It Is officially designated as the Great Northern, Piccadilly dt Brompton Tube railway, which la altogether too big a mouthful for these time-saving daya Borne short nickname ia sure to be substituted. It cost nearly $10,000,000. It is esti mated it will annually earn $1,100,000. There are SI atatlons; average stopping time. It seconds; average speed of trains. 14H miles an hour, according to American notions decidedly slow; greatest depth, 140 feet; cars ef the American type with central aisles; two tracks, in sops rate tubas, admitting of no exprese trains: fares graded accord ing to distance, ranging from 1 penny (S cents) to 4 pence a cents). Spiral Staircase. A novel feature tentatively Intro duced at one of the Stallone la also the invention of an American, Mr. Reno. It la a movable spiral staircase, the only one of its kind, it is said, In the world. The passenger steps from the flooring to the narrow movable track and grasps two flexible handrails, which also move with htm. The staircase does the rest, carrying him up or down as the case may be. in. graceful splrsls, at tbs not very exciting speed of 100 feet a minute. Of course the staircases are in continual operation. Should they prove successful they will ultimately take the place ef the big elevators at present In use. . Meanwhile ,'plraling the aplral" promises. , to be London's latsst sensation. WEEK OF PRAYER BY EVANGELICAL ALLIANCE (Jnnraai Bperlal Rervlea.1 New York, Jan. (.In pursuance of a custom inaugurated some years ago by the Evangelical Alliance of America Chronio Constipation, Torpid Liver, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, etc- . For Biliousness and SicK " , Headache. . ' Take Oiinro Laxative Fruit Syrup. It sweetens the stomach, aids digestion and acts as a geutle stimulant on the liver and bowels -without irritating these organs."" Clears the Complexion. 'Okhto Laxative Fruit Syrup stimulates the liver and thoroughly cleanses the system and clears the complexion of pimples and blotches. It is the best lax ative for women and children as it is mild and pleasant, and does not gripe or sicken.' Refuse substitutes. . , r. Syrup and if . you will be refunded The house to look ilce for the holl-.' days, when you greet your guests, so they can bear away a pleasant Im pression of , the quiet elegance of yourhome. It's wonderful what a work of transformation Is accom plished, by paint for doora and trim-; mines, varnish, stain or wax for floors, ell for banisters, etc. Just look at our list of houee improvers ' and give yourself a treat TOE DIG PAINT STORE I in ac I, 1 1 mm Fishcr.Thorscn&Co.; TBOaTT AXfD MOmmiSOW BT. Co. gS OSTEOPATHY . to a rxxrrn ma $10.00 PtsrTMonth ! Kirksvllla- Infirma ry of - Osteopathy, mom 14 (IrmnA The atre building. Wash- ington and, Park. Dr. Sommer. grad- . uate in medicine and osteopathy and " formerly professor at the Btlli College of Osteopathy, man ager.. --. - l a the coming week will be observed ns a "week, of prayer" by the churches of more than a doten different religious bodiea The sneclel tnnlna iL.ui.i .- n.. . - ' " - w ll HI -I alliance for each day of the week are as follows: Bunday,-The'Cll of Ocd to His People": Monday. "The- Church of the Living God"; Tuesday, "The Gos pel of God's Son"; Wednesday. "The Christian Ministry"; Thursday, "Mis sions Home and foreign"; . Friday, "Christian Institutions" ; Aimi rh. Comlnar of tha Klnartnm" r. h cloalng Sunday the pulpit topic will d i ns Attracting Power of Christ Crucified." v . WORK ON SNAKE RIVER 'v LINE IN TEN DAYS fSnatftal Dlanatek aa Taa Jawut t - CT' .r rr? TrZTr' . h 1 - . - SMS Huntington, Or.. Jan. I. Active cone. sirucuon worn on trie Bnake river rail- 4 road between Huntington and Iron Dyke Is expected te begin within the next " "i 10 days. The contractors are already' assembling, and tools and laborers will be gathered at once. The surveys have been completed, and the .contractor, the ' Oregon Short Line railroad and Ita of ficials are confidant they can have dirt flying right away and tracklaying In the early spring., '''; HUNDRED-TON MILL ".r - - AT PRAIRIE DIGGINGS ' (BpaHal blwtcb te The Jwirtu John Day. Or., Jan. (.Manager Joe . Waddell, of the Prtlrle Diggings mine. In the John Day earn p, has soma fine specimens of ore from the new cross cut tunnel and upraise In the upper workings of the mine which he. is now developing, which assay aa high as $120 -to ths,ton.. This Is aa eld property and had a small stamp mill on It a quarter ef a century ago. Mr. Wad dell plana to put on a 100-ton stamp milt . Milwaukle Country Club. Eastern and California races. , Take Ball wood "and Oregon City cars at first and Alder.