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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1906)
V ' . - . ".' , . v -. . : '- , ' : -- . THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING," DECEMBER 21, - 1808. ' LITTLE EVIDENCE Interstate-Commerce Commie . " sioner dark Saye Myendorf e Charges Fell Flat. NO SENATOR INVOLVED ; BY EVIDENCE PRESENTED Statesmen Not Implicated by Clear " or Direct Evidence' Given During Investigation of Utah Coal Land Frauda at Salt Lake. , (Special Ditpatek te The Journal) ' Washington, Dee. il. Coaminlontr r Edgar Clark of the Inters lata commerce commission has returned from the west, where he conducted the examinations at Omaha, Bait Lake City, Denver and Pueblo -under the -Tillman " resolution -relative bo the ownership of coal lands '. and mlnee by railroad companies. i Commissioner Clark's attention was called to newspaper reports of the hear ings, to the effect that the testimony was submitted by Special Land Agent -M yendorf that Senators - Warren and Clark of Wyoming had attempted to improperly influence' him, Myendorf, from continuing . the Investigations he ,waa making of alleged fraudulent ef forts of -toe Union Paeiflo Coal com pany' to obtain patents for coal lands In Wyoming. Asked If these press re ports were oorreot. Commissioner Clark said: i . .... - "While some , correspondence was placed in evidence at the Bait Lake .heating by . eae . witness from . which . the deduction anight be drawn that sev eral members of the senate and others high in government authority were in terested in . getting these patents for ' the company, yet It seemed to me that this deduction, was largely the Interpre tation of the witness himself and to my mind no clear or ideflnlts. evidence of any kind was given involving any sena tor of the United States or ether high officers ef the government in any ques tionable act or expression." ii SEHTI'IEHT FOR VORKING f COHVICTS 09 ROADS Good Roads Convention Reveals a This FactOld Officers I' .--J Reelected.' v - feell Innate te Tbe Jea elV- TXa Grande, Or Deo. Si. All former officiate of the Oregon Good Roads as sociation were reelected last night at the annual election. The convention passed a resolution asking the president of the association to appoint a committee to present to the coming session ef the legislature aa ap peal for better roads. . One ef tha results of the convention ejras to develop the fact that the sentl tnent inf favor of; working convicts on the publlo roads Is widespread. Following are the association's re elected officers: John H. Scott, presi dent Henry Tnlelsen, secretary; Judge U. J. xrenohara, treasurer. i , ' The Union County Good Roada asso ciation . elected John 1 Cavlness presi dent. Ed Reynolds secretary and treas urer; J. M. Qllkerson of North Powder, W. F. Wright of Union, Walter Pierce of La Grande, C O. Stackland of Cove, J. a- MoKlnnls or Imbler and J. T. Gal' . loway of Elgin, vice-presidents. Com' mlttee on permanent organisation. Tur ner Oliver, chairman; Ed Reynolds, B. Z. Corblne, C D. Huffman of La Grande, and J. M. Solder of Cove. .- a I nss shown that no gift! can be more aoDro pnate. or more certainly acceptable, than a box of good cigars. Our ' ftores are well tacked with the best cigar . values in the world. We have something for every man who mokes, little cigars, big cigars, strong ' cigars, mild cigars, cigars low in price cigars moaer-. - ate in price, cigars high in ."'' price all good for the . money. . Each cigar a little better for the money than you get elsewhere. 1 ' We .have the Iargeft r ' cigar business in the world : simply because our custom-, ' . en get more for the money ' in our stores than they can' get anywhere else. A few of the besj things we have . '. are:."., ,.v v Orlssdo, Bsaaafck Site, bee el 8J, 12.50. ; ... . Haraaa-AsMricsn, Paaetcla Stra, be el SO, $5.00. . La Row do Saaaagev Astostessas, , boxol 25, 11.50. . Patau oV Cuba. Media PerfocwSiss, . . box of 25, $1.50. , v Cea. Brailock, Raiaa VuJtods Sua, bezel 50, $2.00. . If .its aKpe you want . . we can show you every thing under the sun in that t ". line pipes ' of all makes ' and at all prices. . , . UNITED : CIGAR STORES COMPANY- 274 AND 301 WASHINGTON ST. 147 THIRD STREET. ' M'MINNVILLE TEAMS FOR DEBATE CHOSEN (Special Dtoatek te TW McMlnnville, Or., Deo. SI. the try out to select the debating teams to rep resent the college this year was, held in the chapel Wednesday night There were IS contestants in all, and two teams were chosen. ' The first three will be the teem to represent the col lege in the debating league and the second three will debate against O. A. - C The question in the league Is: "Re solved, That the United States govern' ment should own the rsilroads"; the question with O. A. C. is: "Resolved. That the United States government should subsidise her merchant marine. Those winning places on the league team were J. C. Austin, .leader; O. L. Tilbury. T. E. Anderson. The O..A. C . team Is composed of W. C Campbell, ' E. A. Nott and 8. W. Babooclc The league team la without doubt stronger than the one of last year. The first debate In the league will take place the-middle ef March and tne - finals In April. The date of the O. A. C. debate has not yet been decided upon. sciiiiiuiiyfiiii THE GRXAT CONTRALTO , , IS COMING January 7th Earneatlne Schumann Helnk says: ' The', Stelnway pianos are living - beings .with hearts and souls. Not only do they inspire the world by their glorious tone, but they . share the artist's pleasures and sorrows.- Mow often do I And solace and renewed cour age in troubled hours in the heavenly tiarmoertes of my Stelnway plane. May ! it flourish and prosper, and everlasting joy to aU feeling mankind." Portland now has a Stelnway house Sherman,. Clay Co. are the largest Stelnway dealers In the world. In their great system of stores 'from Los Ange les to Portland. Seattle end Spokane, the Stelnway is " a " prominent name. -Thels-atores are known by a- stgnHTcaht trademark, "The House of Quality." It ie not perhaps a singular fact but It is remarkable that the egenry for the Stelnway In nearly every city is with the largest and most reputable house. Sherman.. Clay at Co. are en Aid. well known Paeiflo coast music1 house and the great Btelnway, the Incomparable piano, .Is in safe hands. Portland mu sicians are fortunate In being able te secure the Stelnway plane at home. The best is aeae toe rood for PorUaers, -" . .' ...L i... .t f J J. THE f REALM ; e BY HELEN HrWTMORNE Christmas Dinner. , ' A dinner that shall . combine the standard and approved dishes, yet have a spice of novelty, and withal be not too difficult for the average housewife to serve. Is not too easy a problem. Tet by a little forethought one may avoid leaving too much ef the cooking to be done on the festal day,, for the house wife' needs time to enjoy her own Christmas with her loved ones. All of them, let us hope, are home at once and are gathered around the table. Here Is a menu that la not too hard: Oyster Cocktails Consomme Cheese Croutons Roast Turkey, Glblet Gravy Stuffed Onions Olives - Cranberry-Jelly Celery " Ice Cream with Maraschino Cherries ..Nuts Raisins Black Coffee This menu seeme quit adequate and possesses the advantage of containing dishes that may be prepared before hand. . For instance, the cocktails may be mixed and await only the addition of the oysters at the last moment, for If they remain In ths add they are quickly toughened. The liquid consists of one quarter teaspoonful of horse radish, one teaspoonful of lemon Juice, two drops of tobasoo. ten drops of Wor cestershire sauce and one tablespoonfuV of tomato catsup. Put about six small oysters in each glass, for this is meant only for an appetiser. Consomme, made of fceef and veal, strained and ready to use on reheating, requires little thought and ttms on the day of ths dinner. A few drops of kitchen bouquet gives it the required color. Croutons are easily made from stale bread, lightly browned in butter. Grate cheese, mix with on tables poonful of butter and one ef tomato catsup and spread over ths croutons. Before serv ing, place them in the even to heat and servo on a hot plate. Potatoes mav have a etyle a little different from that of every day.' Boll r without peeling, when cold remove the skins, and fry, whole, In deep fat until brown. Chopped parsley sprinkled over them, gives a good appearance and flavor. Stuffed onions may also be prepared the day before. Steam -them and when cold remove the hearts, chop fins with any bits of cold meat, two tablespoon fuls of - fine bread crumbs, one apple chopped fine, and season highly. Put carefully In a baking dlah and eeok about half an hour. Five minutes be fore serving put a small piece of butter on top of 'each onion. A Jar of preserved cherries may be used Inatead of, or mixed with, the maraschino. Chop the fruit and add some of the syrup cooked thick. Serve cold, on top of the plain ice. It is pretty served In tall glasses. A sponge cake may be passed with It n w An OrrU-Root Rlnf. The small boy Is really forlorn when It comes to making Christmas presents for mother. Ifa wants to gire her some of-his own- hanfltwont.tout"mi fingers were not meant to sew and Ms-carpentering and carving usually end In cut fingers and general distress. A ring of oris root can be made by any boy or girl who possesses a email gimlet, a sufficient quantity of ribbon and the pric of orris root, to be bad. at the wholesale ' druggist. Thle orris root must be Jr. -Its natural state before It is ground up Into powder.. A hole le bored In each one ef the pieces and they are strung together ia ring aa rlbbeav i i Only Tvo L2cro Days Dcfcro 3 the Price on All Holiday GccCs Every single dollar's worth to go regardless of value. Prices half and third. You can't afford tq overlook this- sale if' ;';'.r"'.; I" .V ' 7 ." you have Toys to buy. - f V; -. . w'.V'V;'--'" Go where yot will, get the lowest prices elsewhereshop around, get posted then corrie here and you'll find everything at one third to one half what others ask. Every Toy iri'the store has been marked down down to a point that leaves no doubt of your buying the minute vou see it. Whatever you do, don't buy Toys till you see what we have to offer. Here's but a few out of the thousands of. bargains, and every thing else goes just as cheap. .."' . . ' . : :-77-;- 5 Finest Dolls Mechanical Tors Candles 5c Box L ' Dolls' Shoes handsomely dressed and Including all sample dolls that old op to $2.50; now Ofir reduced to 7 Mechanical Toys 500 or more, worth up to $1.50 each, now reduced to 39c. A whole table full to go. in. Pick out $1.50 ones for.U7W Candles 5c Box 5.000 boxes Xmn tree candles', all colors, all styles;, all Urge 10c boxes. While they Sr last, box .OC Every one in stock at about half price. These are all the finest; worth up to 35c Choice.vlSe and........-' w Big 9c Table Of Toy odds and ends, worth, up to 35c and 50c; wood, iron and tin toys. All in one Q -lot; choice., ...."L Every Doll at One-Third Off Yes. and some even at half price, for every, one that's left must go for we don t want a single one left Monday Bight. AM kinds, all styles; kid bodies and composition bodies, bisque heads, sleeping eyes, many elegantly dressed in silks and satins; all marked down, reduced and one-third off hrre, makes them cost you about half other stores' prices, ' j IF Just 152 Samples Finest Boil ers, Engines, Magic Lanterns These are the best shown in this city and there is but one of a kind; all are the samples of the American Import Toy Co., and that means they are the finest made; regularly these should bnng $2.50 to OO C1 $25.00. Our price WC lO tplVS ANOTHER BIQ SCOOP 50 DOZEN N Men's 91.75 All SilK Fancy Mufflers 69 c Only 600 of them and in order that no one shall be disappointed we limit each customer to two Laree full size and all silk, beautiful fancy patterns or plain, good weight; every one a $1.25 value and none worth less. Choice 69c each. .And 69c for $1.25 mufflers is a bargain so great that every one should be gone before noon. Half Price for t ' ; Xmas Neckwear Clearance of our enUre line ef Woman's dainty Neek Dressings, all fancy styles, all colors; fluffy slllc and laoe combinations; many In fancy boxes. . All ao like this: All 50c 12, I All $1.00 kinds.. ...... ..OG kinds.... 48 c Women's SilK Embroidered Hosiery Half Price Hundreds of pairs to r and we out the price exactly In half to clear It In a day Finest French lisle, elegantly silk embroidered. Out they ao Half price buys them to morrow:. Choice: . - $2.00 GRADES $1.00 $U0 GRADES 75c BARGAINS In Xmas Gootfs . Gifts for everybody at a big savin?. Reductions ot one third to one half on all Holi day Goods. 7H- anil SI tars' oval irilt and fancy framed tures, cut to .071 Child's 25e and t 35eXmas and Story Booksall Q in 1 lot...; 500 children's linen A B Books; worth to 13c t . choice t,... s v Pini-v Twl Boxes.- velvet lined; samples of 1 QQ $3.50 ones; choice. ...DIyO 1.000 fancy Desk Blotters samples and odd lots; 73 worth to $1. for.......VOIy 1 Inf asmnle Vairi: worth up to 50c; choice ot. ' (jQ Ra1 French China Cuos and Saucers; values to - 30 75c; choice.... ..OL Sample China Chocolate and Tea Pots: all $2.50 and $3.00 values; CI AO choice... PleU7 $1.50 and $2 sample Rogers' Silverware Meat Forks, Sc?:.:.:.......8gc Boys sue steel piaae rocket OUt aVJi $1 Handkerchief and Stocking Bags $1 Ink Stands, with CAr metal traya....v.......uUC .25c AU 50c Perfumery ter ox.... 50c carved . Paper f)Cn Knives at...... tOL 25e Japanese yir Plates Ln $150 Leather l 75 Glove Books $LO All our $10 Tol- iiO let Sets at VIA? Samples of 75c and n $1.00 Jewelry.......... Ly 25c A. D. China' Cups Qa and Saucers..; t 1 lot itmDle Doll Hate: w'th up to 50c. While 1Q they last.... 10b 500 satin covered Pin Cush ions; bargains at ' - iCr 25c; choice...... ..IOt $1.00 GRADES SOc Fnyoiiuiiai IIR7 EiTJiiE!iiJiirn THB DLOCK y?amy OS YAMHILL " ; ; . DELAYED BY FREIGHT AND JUST RECEIVED , : 5000 Lbs. Xmas Candies They should have been here a month ago, but they just arrivtd two days ago. Of course, we refused to accept them. So large a quantity is al most impossible to sell in two days, and now the maker wires us "Sell It at any price" -so tomorrow we begin the greatest candy rale you've ever heard of or attended. 15c American Mixed Candy IT- 9 a lb., or 3 lbs for 3C Assorted Caramels; the best 35c ibi?d:.r,........'..;.....18c Fancy7 Assorted Ribbon 1C Candy; 35c kind, lb 50c Musk Lozenges, lb. ......254 25c Jelly Beans, lb .....15 35c Burnt Peanut Candy, lb;. 18 25c box Mixed Candy... 14e Best 35c Chocolates, 10 f lb., or 2 lbs. for..,.., ;.3B Open Every Evening' Until Xmas another: STORE .CROWDING OFFER -Plain and Fancy 20c and 25c Ribbons lOc Yd It's a cleanup of thousands of yards and includes Rib bons of every kind; plain, fancies, moires, plaids, bor ders, etc; 3, 4 and 5 inches wide, many of .them the finest and best, tor all. are odd lots we ve marked sen sationally low to create an excitement; plenty -g f of pinks, blues and reds, and all 20c and 25c I I If values. Choice, yard Js. J V Clearance of Xmas Umbrellas atJHalf All- our finest and bat for Sen and Women; beautiful and exquisite Xmas Umbrellas; handles are the prettiest you've ever seen told, pearl and fancy handles: finest pure silk covers; all values, and none wprth less. Choice , All $4.00 CM rQ kinds PleVO All $2.00 kinds ... $3.95 95c Bl Cuts on Christmas Leather Goods Every remaining line at prices to sell them In a day. Everything s;os like this: . All $2 Solid Leather Hand Bags. ........ All $1 Latest Novelty Hand Bags 59 $2 Leather Glove Books; samples ,...98 An Exciting Saturday Sale of Seventy-EigHt Women's $12 and $15 Long Coatst They're' the odd lots of one of the best makers snd include some of the pret-y tiest 6hown this season. All the lone three quarter and seven eighth lengths in handsome novelty- pUidVand-cheksdi-ibrownSr-CTaysetc.,: silk andi satin lined yokes,, fancy velvet and strap trimmings. Really elegant gar ments and Coats much finer than you expect to get at such a ridiculous price. AU 51a and $15 values, but there's only 78 in all, and early choosing is advisable if you want the best. . Choice; 8U.U9. ... . . ..- CLEARING WOMEN'S SUITS $12.98 Kan 7 ef our finest, worth up to ttO and even tit, now $11. IS for eholce. These Include the best of thle season's styles: nobby. Jaunty Eton, pony and box Jackets. In plain- and fancy materials; many nicely trimmed; all fully tailored: Jacket all silk lined. Pick out the finest of these. Choose a tlO or even SIS suit If you want, and 111. II buys the best. Odds and ends of Long- Kimonos; Broken lines of Women's . worth up to IS. at. choice, SI. 25. tt Short Kimonos. Pick I and SI. 75 'em out S1.25. It Short Kimonos. Pick U Wv .S1.75 'em out ..Ov 100 WOMEN'S SAMPLE DRESS SKIRTS All samples; all 1 of a kind; made of best all wool materials in mixtures and plaids; latest models and including handsome plaited effects; all $7.50 to $12 values. Choice, f.oo, f and.." materials in $4.49 $12 Plaid Silk Waists ea a 0 Go at choice . Samples of all the prettiest of this sesson's styles; 1, 2 and i of a kind; made of the finest silks, any and all sites in the lot; all IU values. While they last, choice values. vv una $6.49 Wanted ! 100 Extra Salesmen, and Salesladies Apply at once, whether you Have Had experience or not makes no difference Any one can sell Xmas goods the way we are sacrificing them now. 49c for Men's 75c XMAS NECKWEAR In Fancy Box Our reaular TSe trrade and lust the same ethers ell at a dollar; made of finest silks and satins; tacks and four-ln-bands. Every one In a fancy box, and thousands to choose from. AQp .... rs m ' Choice. 49c Men's Suspenders Cut from Tlo and II down te 41c AH our best Christmas roods; all silk and fanoy embroidered styles: void and sliver finish buckles, rick out the beat; all 7o and L0 kinds Pair... FANCY SOCKS Men's fancy Chrlstmaa Half Hose; finest of lisle; JI 'colors; sample dosena. worth up to sso. for l day, pair. 22c Just In 100 doian Men's regular 11.11 Laundered Shirts at lie Prettiest and handsomest patterns Just the thine for Xmas sifts, and all 11.71 shirts 89c Clearance of All XMAS SLIPPERS v Every pair marked down Only two days more to clesr out over 2,000 pair and every price has been cut. to the bottom. Misses' and Children's Felt Juliets In red and black, all alsea; worth up to II. IS. fall .; - Choice, pair, 794 and VrV V Women's Felt Slippers and Juliets Almost half price now to. clear them In a rush All that's left Pelt Slippers and Juliets In black, red, rreen. brown, eta; all fur trimmed; all alses; worth 11.71 and 12.00. Choice at, ftft Pir, ft.39 and.... :VOC , Men's Slippers Must Co No price too low'to clear tliem out All kinds, all styles; Opera and Everett cuts; best leathers; fancy and patent leather trim med; black and colore? many all kid ltned; slippers worth SF 11 and up to 12.60. While they last, pr., f 1.40, 98e n0 -C STORE OPEN LATE TOMORROW NIGHT Xmas Gifts At Reduced Prices AU holiday goods at one third to one half off. Thou sands of other things besides htse. - Read on. . Manufacturer's odd lots of Women's fancy Lace Collars; Metal frame and burnished gold Medallion Pic- -tures: 50c values... ....&OL 75c Jap. metal Crumb Trays, all fancy styles; choice JC- of the lot .4. ....40C Women's 50c Silk Elastic Belts, with fancy- un buckle....... ayc Just 6 Carving Sets: worth c:..:.....;:.$3.48 25c Baskets with bottle of Perfume. While they 40c Japanese fancy box and bottle of Perfume; An special tC Men's 50c and 65c Xmas Sus penders in fancy 3SC Groceries At Big Savings Why pay reaular prices else where when you caa buy Ilka this and at the same time have everythlna- guaranteed. too, and a Golden Ragle guarantee mean a satisfaction or imhut back. y 10-lb. sack flour for ..t94 X5c pt. Jar Pure Honey.. 184 Finest London Layer Raisins, 1.000 lbs. only choicest, fin est grade, large else and never sold under lOo. While a Til. they last, lb lXjC SSo - bottle Imported - Olives: while 60 bottles last. sp'l.'.T Res. lOo can Cream, I for 154 lie pks;. Trlsoult Toaat..l04 Large lOo ean B. T. Babbit's Ly .........Te 10-lb. sack Corn Meal, white or ysllow 20a Rag. 40e Qround Bplces per 25e loe pkg. Gloss Starch. .....54 10-lb. can Syrup; (0e kind; for Fairy Soap, Ivory Soapper ';.: L...4ej j wo ootiie Ltram er vanilla Extract 64 1,000 lbs. Mixed Teat extra worm evo io............zf This Is tied Into a big bow at the top. The fragrance is exquisite and lasts really for years, which Is not always the case with the Christmas sachet. The orris ring Is Intended to be hung In a wardrobe where it diffuses its delicious scent long after the Chrlatmaa festivi ties are a thing of the past. ft Aunt Rebekah'Ss Letter., Mr Dear Camilla: So you are en gaged. Well. I should like- to send you rev congratulations, ray dear niece, but if shall withhold them for the present . Let no "Sweet Olrl Graduate of a cooking school, nor her economically In clined sister, be deceived. That you ean prepare a dinner for four at the rate of 10 centa per capita and a breakfaat for half that amount Is no proof that you can marry a 10-a-week man. start housekeeping In si large elty and "live happily ever after." To T"be BureTthe'fT "Will be but two at the beginning end till ,frOm 10 leaves M0.- But with this must be supplied so with many things. There are dally lunches, ear fare and ctgars for the head ef the house, for which we will allow him 11.10, with the privi lege of doing his own shaving and shoe- pollshlng. The Wife will find that she,r too, will occasionally be obliged to spend a few cents for luncheon. And. while her new neat will prove attractive at first the time will some whea she will feel like flying off somewhere: not being able to accomplish this feat, ear fare may be required to eonvey her to the home of mother, an old friend, or to the shopping district; we will allow her 10 oents a week and advise her to keep away from the latter locality. Suppoee you rent, say, three rooms at II per month; 11 per week. Allow 75 centa per week the year round for light and heat; It rente per week for laundry the wife doing the greater portion of It herself and the dally and weekly newspaper. 11 cents. Now, there come occasional calls for medicine, and -when one of your teeth starts to ache and you feel like smash ing the whole creation, you want a den tist. If we allow (0 cents a week for these, it gives but 111 a year, or 111 for the entire medical requirements of each Individual not much for serious illness, or many gold fillings or crowns, la Itf . Twenty-live cents' a week frho1Is hold wear and tear la but 111 a year for the renewal of all bed and table linen, carpete and furnishings ef every description; surely little enough, yet no more can be spared for the lie weekly Income has reached a 11.01 level. m Let's give jthe' 4 cents to the wTfe surely she Observes it-and we have II eaeh for clothes, an occasional relief front the humdrum existence in the form ef amusements, and the thousand and ae - ether things aot allowed for, 1 cludlng ths fund for the Inevitable rainy day. If the girl who le earning her own clothing and pocket money. . or the one who procures the same by 1 the simple process of helping mother and having an occasional fuss with papa, cares to risk it with these figures stsrlng her In the face let her go ahead. But. take this warning with - you: Don't go In debt, for that way destruction Ilea! If you marry a 1 10--week man live at the rate of S0 a year and not at the rate of l,000. When creditors begin haunting your door, Batan will let his demons loose within! I trust you are not offended with this and will write soon to your affectionate AUNT REBEKAH. ft ft ft New Things in Silk. Net waists over plaid silk linings are fancies which ran be carried out In wsyg"that one would not have dreamed of until the combination of brown with everything white waa made. Brown net la put over black and white check, and, again, the popular gray net Is put over black and white check. Large broken silk braids are used, and are pretty in navy shaded up to white and covered with dark blue net. A coarse kind Is used, and msy be trimmed with stitched bands of satin er ribbon velvet. . Plaid silks In pastel shades 'are at tractive aav waists, .with creamy laoe chemisettes If the finish between neck and body of waist Is made of velvet ribbon to harmonise with one of the shades. Black and white plaid silks, broken and Irregular, with thrown up stripes of white satin, edged either with cream or black velvet ribbon, are one of the simple yet pretty things. They are cool and attractive In lavender and gray or white 'velvet ribbon and tiny sliver, buttons. ' ' The misty black walat la a serviceable possession. Lining silk of the thinnest kind la bought for these Just near enough to transparent so that the whit underneath shows cloudily through. Black spotted net In an exceedingly small euallty makes one, snd if one happens to have enough black thread lace or guipure edge to sew Into a small yoke and collar the moet attractive of waists may be made cheaply. Coarse net trimmed with black velvet ribbon and made over chiffon is one of the wane, aa in other aiaoks, plenty of nine needlework shows, and the fine Brus sels net, depending for ornamentation on many little ehtrrlnga and narrow gathered tucks, makes daintily attract ive waists. . Boaada Pussy. 5 First Commercial Traveler Singular, Isn't IV thet Whan a man's arm IS am putated he rah feel an ache ia the place it uaea so per Second C. Tw I ean tell you something mors singular than that. My wire awoke one night while I was away, thinking she' heard a 'burglar in the room, and aha says she wss so) -frightened that her teeth e nattered la a tum bler on ths bureau. aj-wO La ui cu x i com. raxjui ixs oovcm rrm. . omr bat ato wmx. Cera Beef Baalv Poached XfY--lS4 Oodlsh, Bails, Oiissa Sasee 1K4 Pried Base Clajns t4 rrtett Oetas - .v r. . r. .-. . . rrr. .-.-T7 1 6 f -Oalve BnOas with SofaseUe Bgg ' Bostosi Baked P aa4 Beans 1 ) ahjoerbsttt wish Cseeee, Iteu.a , Style 1 Some (Bade Save sere 1 Coffee, ares aad Tai as e 1 oet with all meals. 1 e J ri. a 1 lauut is the iea. s t la, .Sows ee eaS, torn aja-. . s . Besveya w