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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1906)
. THE ' OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING. . DECEMBER 21, 1&08. Lioooy iioo SEimioii riiiEiioofi are COWLITZ RIVER OIL IS Hi;iIS THAT SIOAIIE JUR03 PERJURED IDELF STAMP SALES ARE SAYS . PRISONERS VER Y lA R 6 E - j - A R E FED- S IVI LL ACCUSED BY HOLAri RAMPAGE AGAIf ELTIfJG STANDARD Pi3trlct.ttO!Tieyj!lXJC8l I Retiring Register of The Dalles , i Land Office Makes Crave - .Charges.'.1 PLOT FOR POSSESSION itVlOF WATER POWER Dclarc Men Accused Attempted to ; Defraud Real Owner of Land but r-Were Prevented When Attempt at Filing Was Made. , " ' ' Malcolm A. Moody, ex-congressman of The Dalles, end Senator Nathan Wbeel don. now a leader In the atate legists- tura from tho bum piece. re accused by retiring Register M. I. Nolan of Tha r.n. land of flea of a sensational plot to secure poeeesslon" of The water power ' for years apparently belonging to J. H. Bherer on tha Deschutes rtvar abova i Tha Dalle, and for which Mr. Moody la ' reported to have ottered $0.0 In De cember. lBSe,"- Mr. Nolan In hla etatement save ha was . Instructed by Moody that ha Moody, and Senator Whealdon had a man who would fUa on a oar tain placa of scrip land on a certain morning and asked Nolan to bo euro to b at tha -x office to sea that tha man cot none the X: worst of It. Nolan, further aaya mat be did as directed' and knew nothing of tha piece or land upon wnicn me filing; waa made until noon., ana uii upon finding out he loat "the last vee tlge of friendship and respect" he bad , for tha former congressman and hla former patron, and decided to do what be could to aid Sherer regain possession . of a clear title to his land. It Ja known from the records of tha land office at The Dalles that on Jan uary . 190s. J. C. Veasie of Portland appeared at the office and covered the ' land with scrip, now said by Nolan to . have been ordered by Senator Whealdon. before the letter cancelling- tha Indem nity school selections In which the tract , waa Included waa received by tha filing clerk of the land offloe. ,. Accuses Woody and Whealdon. In making bis statement Register No lan gives It as hla opinion that the schema thus .. engineered to deprive . 8herer. who had roaaeaalon of the land and had Improved . It. and under the practice of the department should have had first chance to cover It after its cancellation aa state land, waa engin eered and concocted by Mr. Moody and Senator Whealdon. In dlacussing the question be aaysr . "It Is my opinion, founded on 'Strong circumstantial evidence, that tha scheme to deprive Mr. Sherar of his water power was concocted by Mr. Moody and Mr. Whealdon. The scrip which was laid upon tha land was ordered by Mr. Whealdon from a dealer In this city after a letter from the commissioner csncelirhgnaeftirilly-' Bcliuol selection-. under which Mr. Sherar clalma the land Involved was received in this office, and It waa ready for filing before the PENALTY OF CRIME PAID BY HOSE Slayer of Madg e Doyle Admits Murder on Scaffold and Prays for Forgiveness. JURORS WHO SENTENCED ; Y- HIM WITNESS HANGING Studied the Bible Since Conviction and Professed Religion Prison Of ' ficials Believe Repentance Was Sin v-cere Not a Vicious Man. (veclal Dl.rxtrk to Tea Jueraal) Salem. Or., Dec. SI. Henry Hose, convlted. of murder In the first de gree for killing Madge Doyle, alias Madge Wilson, In Portland last October, paid the penalty of bis clime at 11:21 o'clock this noon, when the trap was ; sprung. 'He marched to the scaffold be ; tween his guards and after a brief prayer, with visible nervousness, stepped forward and said: "My . desr friends, I committed a crime, and J never did deny It. I feel awful sorry for it, and all I can do la to pass It to Ood for hla mercy, and I - hope he will give It to ma" Jarors Attend la Body. The black cap waa put on and the , nooss adjusted, and one minuts after v be had reached the scaffold ths trap wss ; . sprung, and 14 minutes and IS seconds "afterward tha. accused man was pro nounced dead by Dt. J. D. Ehaw, prison physician, and Dr. Lee Btelner of Salem. Hose was J I7era ofage- H yA served five years in ihe regular army . In the Philippines and waa at German deeoent The Jurors at tha execution . werei Joe Morak, Fred Jerman, John Van Wagner, Jack Cooper. W. 8. Rider, J. H. Bparr, Oodfrey Matthews, R. R. ..Ruffnsr, J. W. Thompson, Thomas Esch, , Georgs Brunk and Cook Patton. ." Beoaaaa Sellgloaa, .. His 'religious advisers were Rev. St. Pierre, prison chaplain, and J. W. Knlp , set of Portland, known aa the "opium and cocaine evangelist." who had been ; acquainted with Hose for some time. Immediately after his commitment to prison Hose bsn studying the Bible and It la aaserted he died a Christian having made confession to the clergy men and ethera. and all believe ha sincere In so doing. Those who have been close to Hose say be was not the oruisi man no wss reported to be and waa deeply penitent. Probably men were la attendance. muni men a numoer or meoical sttl dents. STANDARD OIL HASTENS TO OBEYJTHE.UWS Vs " Jmrl Snerlal Ihnjt.) ' New York, lec. II Jt was learned teilay (list. .the Slsndnrd Oil company . af New Jersey, the great holding com- rutey con flirt ins- with federal laws, haa felven -ip the stock It held In ell con aittsest concerns and now complies with V the slltntea The t'nlted States at torneys will prove Ibis when tha federal proceedings begin In St Laule.' clerk who records such letters bad even seen the letter. I was Informed by Mr. Moody that a certain man would be at our office at t a. m. on January IS, 1I0. to fila tha scrip for him, and I waa requested to oe sure-ana. ttm mere w eo that he. Mr. Moody, got aona of the worst of It, aa there might be other fil ings for the land. "I waa there. The man filed tha scrip There waa no other person after It. I yet held soma confidence In Mr. Moody's probity. I was culpably careless in ref erence to the filing of this scrip and did not know the description of the land affected until noon of the day It waa filed, when I ascertained that the land Involved formed tha Important part of tha water power for which Mr. Moody bad offered Mr. Sherar l0.000 In De cember. 1105. When I realised what was being attempted. I lost the vestige of friendship and respect," which a fot-J mer attempt to wrong a person to wnom I felt friendly had left ma for Mr. Moody and since that time I have need every possible effort to protect Mr. Sherar In. the possession of hla property. Will Be Investigation. 'There will now. aa TmIIftTaTjy l!ie secretary's letter of December . 10. be a thorough Investigation of tha case, and If there la any attempt at white wash, X may ask extensive apace from you for a statement, that may take in tha whttewaaher. "I wlah to finish tbla statement wltn tha assertion that there was no charge against my associate by the complaint upon which report was demanded ay the commissioner of the general land of flea by Npvember 1. 10. by my let ter of resignation, or by the report which I commenced Immediately after writing my resignation, that neither I nor any one to my knowledge, expect her to derive any financial benefit from tha plot against Mr. .Sherar. if It proves successful The concoctora of this plot should coma out from behind tbe shel ter of a woman and Interior Develop ment company, If It baa discovered a fatal flaw In Mr. Sherar'a title to hla land, and f lent "the ease squarely and fairly In tha open." ,' I have made no charges against my associates. Tha copy of complaint. which made It necessary that I ask to be -relieved before making a report on It, brtnga charges against tbla office and not against the . receiver or any other particular person in It The spurious . diapason from Washington, District of 'Columbia. published In the Oregonian of November It, ltOI, con tained In Itself clear evidence that the only part' of irwhrcConlda-Hedtej-iagt-yn trtej ta earve Petrol- on was that my resignation had been tendered and accepted. . My resignation was sent from here on October IT, and by a letter dated November t, 1101, I was Informed by the secretary of the Interior that tho president accepted It. to take effect 'when my successor was elected and qualified.. Under data of December t, 110s, In a letter also from tbe secretary, I have been informed that the letter of November . 110. accepting my resignation, was with drawn by the president, pending in quiry Into the causes of It. Mr. MnAdv. when ' aalrA pnnMnfnf the allegations made by Mr. Nolan, aaldi that he bad absolutely nothing to say and did not wish to discuss tha question In any manner. DEATH SENTENCE PASSED U GAS PIPE THUS . , , , j. . Louis OabnerasTBerHangerJ for the Murder of Japanese Banker at 'Frisco. ' (Joerail Hveelal Servlee.) San Francisco, Dec. SI. Louis Dab- ner, aged II. on of tbe gaiptpa thugs, was this morning sentenced to hang for the murder of M. Munaksta. manager of the Japaneae bank, on October S. , John Blemsen, his companion, awaits trial. Dabner pleaded guilty. The pair are also accused of ths . murder of Johan Pfltsner, - a . shoe dealer, . and ' Anton Frlede, a clotherler. , MINOR CRIMES ARE REPORTED TO POLICE O. A. Lyman. !3e Tenth street, rrnorta that his house was entered by a burglar last night and an "Immense" nnscet pin, gold link purae containing a dupli cate deposit sup for 1133 and a safe deposit key carried away. There- la no clue to the thief. Mrs. H. Pomeroy of Oresham haa notified the police that she entrusted a dress suit case to the clerk of tha Hotel Scott last Saturday nle-ht , and when her spouse celled for the valine It could not be found. The grip con tained among other thing a pair of rubbers, a. gray skirt, a Kimono, a look- mg-giass. a comn and last, but not least, a prsyerbook. CHRISTIAN PAYSEN IS INSANE AT THE DALLES Special DiapahV at Tbe Jearaat.) The Dsllee, Or., Dec. St. Christian rayaen, a Oerman, nged S4,.waa ad JudgedTnsahe this mornlna. n "had bee working for Seufert Broa. at their cannery for some Una. His Inssnlty had homicidal tendenclea and he wss secorainsly sdjudged a person dan ser ous to he at large. Mental aberration was noticed aome days ago but he did not become violent till yesterday, when a complaint wss sworn out and he waa examined by Dr. Renter, rayaen will be taken to. the asylum as soon aa an attendant arrives from Salem. , ... i CJ J Loui Dabner. Banks Along New - Channel Washing Badly- House Tum bles Into Raging Torrent. (Special Dleaatck te The Jooraal) Castle Rock, Wash., Deo.. XI. The people of Castle Rock welcome tha sun shine of today, the heavy rains ef the past few days having ' caused a rapid rise In ' the Co wilts and another flood waa feared. 'The water' la rushlna- through the new channel cut by tha re cent flood In a torrent. Families have been moving out of their .homes that were expoaed to 'tbe ravages of - the river. Tha banka along tha new channel are cutting away badly- The house of Fred Bolbrooke wss undermlnted last night and fell Into tha river. A few feet more of rise awould endanger a number of other houses. N HE-FOUGHT AT-iVICKSBURB BUT HE rAS JAILED Police Put Him Iri' Prison Even Though He Is Civil War Veteran. - Paul Tollior waa before Judge Cam eron thla morning to answer to a charge of drunkenness and disorderly conduct, preferred by Patrolman Buiii. "I was In tha battle of Vlcksburg and received a bullet bole In the head." said tha old soldier, when asked to plead. "Every time I take a few drinks am unable to rememner anytning. 'There are a number of others here this morning, who are afflicted the same way, altbougb they were not wounded," said Deputy Fitzgerald. "That's true." aald Judge Cameron, 'and when you drink in the future I would advise you to remember Bull Run." -'.;',.. ! Although Patrolman Burr! testified that Tollier was exceedingly abusive when arrested, tha court allowed the veteran to go upon hla promise of good conduct In the future. At t viia, ln.ii.tlna wKa wIiIIa InfAwt man Ellis, escaped with a $10 fine. . "How do you feel thla morning?" asked the court when the prisoner, still suffering' from the effects of hla "Jag," waa brought before htm. - "Ta. Icu hab Katzenjammer dls morn ing," and Augustine looked so forlorn that Judge Cameron did not have, the heart to impose a severe penalty. Henry Hill, known aa "alow and eaay," waa before Judge Cameron on a vagrancy charge today. According to the police. Hill Is so lasy that It la absolutely painful for- hhn to evan speak. He was given one hour to ge out of town, but-from -the snail's psna In which ha walked out of the court' room It will takeTilra at least two days to reach tha city boundaries. - WALLA WALLA THINKS FLOOD TROUBLE OVER (Rpeetal Dlspatra te Tbe Joarael.t ' Walla Walla, Waah Dec 21. No further trouble from flood la now feared, as the water was rapidly reced- j ing st noun snd rt nfrtlf'lgm the head waters of Mill creek and Walla Walla river aay tha rain haa ceased. Tha volume of water which rushed through tho city flush with ths Xov of the bulk heada last night waa equal to laat May's flood, but did not cause nearly equal damage becauae the people were bet ter prepared. The only damage to city bridges waa the ripping of the huge cement pier on Fifth street. Tha threat ened overflow of Alder street laat night waa prevented by a large force of men piling aacka of sand on tha place of overflow. Tho beadworks of the new water ayatem. Just being completed. IS mllea up Mill creek, were damaged to the extent of hundreda of dollars, Electric power in tbe. city gava out at S o'clock thla morning becauae of tha undermining of tho foundation of the big flume abova tha power , plant on Walla W'aUa river. A large portion of the residences In tha south part of town were flooded In their cellars, causing several thousand dollars' damage. BLACKSMITHS OF LINN COUNTY RAISE RATES (Special Dltpatrb te The Jnarasl.l Albany, Or., Dec. 11. The black smiths of Linn county have perfected an organisation for the purpoao of obtain ing better rates for their labor. O. P. Dannals was elected president and W. J. Moore of Brownsville,' Secretary. A resolution waa adopted favoring an Increase In prices commensurate with tbe lncresse In the prices of materials necessary In their - work. It waa re solved thst the present, prices are en tirely Inadequate and that a schedule ahould be adopted subscribed to by all members of the trade within ' Linn county, and such a schedule was agreed upon. ' Blacksmiths from all parts of tha county were present and joined in Jhejlan. . ' . ' . ALBANY WILL HAVE ITS THIRD CREAMERY PLANT . ' ii (Special Dlipatrb to Tbe Journal. ) Albany. Or., Dec 11. Tbe Haselwood Creamery company baa made arrange ments to establish a branch skimming station at Albany. J. W. Barton of this city will' have charge of . the- station. Land haa been purchased and all ar rangementa perfected to take up the work of construction Immediately. Albany Is rapidly becoming a great creamery center and dairying has msde wonderful sdvsncement In Linn county. With the - two creamery snd butter msklng rnstltutlons It alotady his, Al bany will be tha matket hr all the but ter fat produced In the vicinity. The Haselwood company haa a station at Shcdd and one st Lebanon. PITTSBURG MILLIONAIRES QUARREL BEFORE SHAW ' Pittsburg, Dec, St. Secretary Shaw routed 20 millionaires out-ot bed this morning to meet him at 7:80 to dlncuaa the new poatofflce alte. ' He listened to arguments for three hours and told tham thst be would decide later. Dur ing tho hearing, one J'lttaburg man- I leaped to' hla feet and" challenged his neighbor. He aald: "It la not so, you are no telling the truth." . t Hhn w said: "Hit down-. If you raise another dlstyrbauue. 111 have you put auU" . ,. ', ' : I Continued Prosecution Causes Value of Security to Reach ' V New Level. -. : ' v (Joeraal padal-aervtcs.) ' New York, Deo. SL With the govern ment forces still In pursuit of trusts, the stock of the big . corporations is slowly but surely . melting away In value. " " Today on the curb Standard Oil sold at f 30 a share, the lowest point reached by that security In reoent history. A month ago Standard Oil was selling at I5UI a share, or Just 111 a share higher than "the price of today. Thla makes the net decline In oil over II day for that period. " . If thla rate of decraaae In valuea la continued for any length of time - It will not be long before It will have no value at alL At the rata of 11 a ahara the value would drop to nothing In less than a gear. Big Dividend Does ma Oood, it urjusra I8W Wcsrs 'slmc Uie Standard Oil company divided a dividend of 110 a ahare between lta atock holders. The company haa 1.000.000 snares of stock which have a par value of $100 a share.'. Up to June,' 1199, tbe company bad only Issued 110,000,000 In stock, which . was divided Into shares of 1100 each. At that time tha capital waa inoreased tenfold. Dividends were paid on the old Stand- ard Oil trust certificates ta 1SII at, the rate or u per cent per annum. In other years the dividends paid were 1815, IT per cent; 1890. II per cent; 1807. 83 per cent; 1898, 10 per cent; 18(9, IS per cent; '1900, 48 per oent; 1901,. 48-per, cent; 1902, 40 per cent; 1U3, per cent; 1904. is per cent; 1905, 40 per cent; 1906, 40 per cent TRAINS FROFJ EAST HELD UP BY .SLIDE 12 Westbound Traffic Tied Up In Blue Mountains Track . Covered for Mile. Westbound trains Noa. 1 and I. from Omaha to Portland over tbe O. R. N., were held up mora than 12 hours, by a slide In tha Blue mountains last night and will not arrive here until or 9 o'clock thla evening. ' At about 9 o clock last night a por tion of a mountain side a mile and a half east of North Pork softened by tbe heavy rains, came rumbling down and covered tha O. R. N. main Una sot feet deep for a distance of about 100 yards with rock and earth. General Superintendent M. J. Buckley and Di vision Superintendent Campbell were annn nn the grHimt- wtth steam. tnl i and vigorous action was taken to re move the obstruction. Tha track waa cleared at 11 o'clock today. . SHIPPERS AIR GRIEVANCES AGAINST RAILROADS : Discrimination Inthe-Furnishing of Cars Alleged Illinois Central Owns Mines. ' '(Josraal Special Servfe,.) Chicago, Deo. 1. Interstate Commerce Commissioners Lane and Harlan are holding a aesslon here today Investigat ing tbs congestion of traffic. Tba tes timony of shippers shows that tha ear shortage Is general, particularly In the northwest and south. - - - . Many witnesses 'accused the roads Of discriminating In . the , furnishing of cars; others said that with tbe short number of cars, some were bound to be disappointed and the last served would be likely to charge discrimination, - Tbe Illinois Central waa accused of owning coal mines and refusing to carry tha coal of othsr mines until tbetr own product had been sold.-- 7- NORTHLAND'S LIBEL 1 AGAINST MELAN0PE fle-lat DUtxteb te Tae Joeraal.t Astoria, Or., Dec. II. Deputy United Statea Marshal W. D. Griffith this afternoon filed a libel suit against the abandoned British bark Melanope In favor of tha owners of the ateamer Northland for the aum of 168,000. The Northland towed the Melanope Into the river from the open sea. - - BRIDGES ARE SHAKY, ,j BETWEEN SOUND CITIES (Special blapatrk te The Jmrraal.) Seattle, Dec, II. The White, Green and Puyallup .rivers have risen eight feet as tha result of rains and the melt ing of heavy enowa In tha mountains In the last few days, threatening another flood between Seat tie and Taeoi Northern Pactfto bridges are weakened and passengers are being transported by Interurban llnea, LINN COUNTY, TAXES vt VERY WELL COLLECTED (Sneelal Dintatch to The JoarnaLt Albany, Or., Deo. 11. -The sheriff of Linn county haa prepared his delinquent tax list, which shows 14.807.(1 still due on real property. This list Is excep tionally small. It Is to be turned over to the printer Immediately. Tha sale Will be held January 21. - GEORGE W. PERKINS BEFORE GRAND JURY (Jmraal Seerta! SerTlee.) ' New Tork, Dec. 11. George W. Per kins spent a half hour before the grand Jury today. District Attorney Jerome told Mm to be ready to coma again. Z Fermlta. Tha. following permit have . been Is sued! J. M. MeCauiey, one-story dwell ing, Rast Twelfth- between Maaoa-and Hkldnvre, cost l00; C. W. Courtney, four one-story dwellings, Morris be tween Commercial and Uantenbeln av enue, cost tl.200 each; John Amberson, two-story dwelling. East Twenty-second between Rest. Davis and East Couch,' cost UAH; Otto Rothschild, apartment house, Columbia between Second and Third, eost 16.000. 'gument Makes Sensational , ; Accusations. '- (Special Dlepateh te Tbe Joeraal.) ' Spokane, . Wash., Deo. 11. Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Pugh In bis argu ment for the atate In the Sloane murder trial today made the sensational charge that one of the Jurora had, prior to being examined, expressed, the opinion that tha defendant was Insane, and. looking squarely at one of the Jurors, he recited the penalty for perjury and hinted that soma action might be taken by ' tba prosecuting attorney's of floo after the trial is over. . Attorney Robertson, - of eoonsel ' for the defense, who Is making hia argu ment today, denounced tha action of Pugh and declared It was an attempt to intimidate tha Jury and appealed to the members of the Jury to disregard tbe covert threat made by the prosecutor. While no namea were ' mentioned In court, it is said tha prosecuting attorney haa been making a oulet Investigation during the- progress of the trial and sra6nTOtT'Tno" Julfor"TnHbieaTlo has positive evidence to prove his ae a man who la aald to bava a wife In the insane asylum. Robertson Is expected te finish his argument today. The prosecuting at torney will close for tha state tomorrow, and It la expected that tha case will go to tbe Jury tomorrow night. S. MORTON C0HN BUYS THE HEIL1G Well ' Known Theatrical Man Pays Over One Hundred Thousand for Play House, v Tha Helllg theatre at Washington and Fourteenth streets waa purchased today oy o. Morton uonn "or roruana irora Belesoo, Mayer ft Co. of San Francisco. Tha price paid was 1110,000, Tho purchaser took tbs propsrty sub ject to a lease now In effect by whloh Calvin Helllg haa control of tba theatre for the remainder of tha present season. Mr. Bernstein, law partner of Mr. Conn, aald: . , v f There will be no change la the maa agement of the house at present What Mr. Cohn will do with; tbe theatre next year la problematical. . That la too far away. Ha considered the prop erty a good buy, considering tha fine location, with lta frontage en both Washington and Burnslde streeta"' JUDGE THOMPSON FIRM ON CROSS EXAMINATION (Special Ihapateh te Tae JearoaL) Taooma, Waah..- Deo. II. Attorney Thomas M. Vance haa been trying hard today to break down the teatlmony of w Thompson, on trial for the murder of Judge Emory. At noon he had made no headway, tha evldenoe remaining un shaken, Thompson meeting . Vance s questions with aa adcoltnesa that de feated their end. ' The cross-examination -of Thompson will eontinue all day and perhaps tomorrow. FIFTEEN DAYS FOR MUCIOUS MISCHIEF (Special Dtspateh w The JearaaL) ' The ..Dalles, Or.. Deo. II. William Koakins was brought from tha looka charged with wilful destruction of per sonal property yesterday and had bis trial before a Justice of the peace thla morning. . Ha waa fined $Iv and In de fault of payment waa Incarcerated In Jail for IS days. Ha had been breaking tha windows of houses and bad other wise maliciously destroyed property. . COUNTY DIVISION IN STATE OF OKLAHOMA " ' 1 ' (Journal Special gervtee.) ' Outhrle. .Okla., Deo. 9,1. The oonatl- tutlonal convention today adopted the report of the committee dividing Okla homa state Into 76 counties. A recess to January wag taken. - ROBERT DENSMORE FOUND DEAD IN HIS FIELD - ; y . (Special Atspeteb te The SeeraaL) The Dalles, Or., Deo. 11. Robert Densraore, aged about SO years, waa found dead this morning four miles from Mosler In a field where he had been blasting stumps. Densmora had lived at Mosler over SO years. He leaves a widow and aeveral children. LANDSLIDE BLOCKS THE LINE NEAR HURON " (Special Dlapttch to Tbe JoSrstL) Baker City, Or., Dno. 31. A slide near Huron laid out all trains for five hours todsy. It is .believed the road will ba cleared tbla evening. SERVANTS ARRESTED FOR STEALING PLATE! (Jnarsal Special gerrlee.) -IHIea. N. T., Dec. 21. This afternoon a woman waa arrested with Frank Hell berg who posed as his wife. Ths couple confesssd that they had stolon $14,000 worth of piste and Jewels from the home Of Charles Stein In Chicago, where they were employed aa servants. TWO GILMANS HELD " TO THE GRAND JURY (Jnomil Special ervlre.) - Dayton, O., Dec. 31. Collins Oilman and his mother were held to the Rraill Jury todsy charged ss accessories to tmt murder of Dona Oilman. The - case against Fayne. Dona'a stater, was dis missed. - SAID TO HAVE ORDERED - SON TO ASSASSINATE "1 (Journal Special Service.) ' JCensburgr 111., pec. Jl. Davil Kel lem was arrested today' accused as an accessory to the assasslnstlon of Sheriff Compton. It is alleged Kellera ordered his son to kill Compton. ' a Treaeaxa Bos Stolen. I ' (Jos reel Special Service.! . ' 1 Reno. Nev., Dec 11. A treasure box from Tonnpah. containing 130.000 waa stolen last night from a Wells-Fargo a. xoaia is mm aiew. , 1 Local Postoffice Breaks All Rec- . ords of Previous Holl- ( day Seasons. , Stamp salsa at the' poatofflce ao far tbla month are greater by 17,411 than for the corresponding days in December, 1905. 60 great have been -the aalea at the poatofflce building that. Postmaster ; M In to sstlmates the sales for the month to exceed those of December, 1905, by more than t,0OO. The ruah to buy stamps haa been enormous and todaya bright weather vrvugnv vuv laouHuai vi siiujpera wuu have beselged the stamp -windows all day. Long lines formed at tbe windows and the efforts of two .policemen were necessary to keep tha lobby free from congestion. So great has been the sale that a special- order for t,00 worth of stamps haa been asked for to make tha supply laat until after tha ruah. 80 far tha aales thla month bava amounted to 146.218, Last year' thsy reaohed 117,807 and Postmaster Mlnto above 165,000 for. tbe month. Mr. Mtnto haa been Juggling tha fig- urea resulting from tbe. stamp . aalea and has settled la. his own mind that the population of Portland' la abova 100,000.. This la tha way he figured It out: .. "In 1900- ha aald. "the aalea Vwere 1201.000. In 1900 the aalea were 1498,- 000. Tha population In 1900 waa 90,000. Now allowing 190,000 for the sale of stampa due to tha Lewis and Clark ex position the aalea In 1900 were double those of 1900, If tha population In creases at the same ratio as tba aalea, and there Is every reason to believe that It does, then tba population must be 180UIOO. Still, to make certain that there could be no overestimate, I have knocked off (0,000 from tha '110,000 and would be willing to wager that the result, 100,000, Is less than tha true population of tha city.". , LIPMAN AKD WOLFE . HALED IRTO POLICE COURT Adolph-Wolfe and Isaao N. Lip man, heada of the large department store of Llpman, Wolfe at Co were arrested yesterday afternoon by Patrolman Bar ter oa a warrant charging them with selling liquor without, a license. The warrants were Issued upon complaint of License Inspector Hutohtnson. who al leges that Henry Barn hart purchased a quart of whisky from tha defendants' establishment yesterday.- Adolph Wolfa deposited IJOO caah ball to guarantee the appearanoe of htmaelf and partner when wanted. In tha polloa court thla morning the matter waa continued for trial until December tt. nice legal question la Involved In tha case. Llpman, Wolfe Co. are la possession of a government retail liquor osnsav which allows them to MniiA. 1 n nu.ntTtt.a e-" y 1,,. than one quart. The -city ordinance pro vides that all persons who dispense vlnoua, malt or fermented liquors In aay placa In the city-roust secure a retail liquor dealere license, The - firm la question paya a merchandising license and In view of tha fact that they do not dispense liquor In -quantities of less than one quart, are expected to eat up the defense that they do hot aome under the provisions of tha ordinance. Deputy City Attorney Flttgerald holda that it .is mandatory upon ovary person who saris any kind o quart or less ta take oat either a druggist's or saloon keeper's license, Ir respective of tba payment af any athar form of tax. SHOOTING AFFRAY IN A PENDLETON RESORT - (Special Dispatch te Tbs JesraeU Pendleton, Or., Deo. 11. A man named John Clark waa shot by Officer H. Waters la tha red light dlatrlot at o'clock thla morning. Tha officer waa called on by tha woman running the house, on account of men refuatng to leave and not pay for drinks. The of ficer naked two men to leave, which they refused to do. - He then took hold of Clsrk and waa leading htm to an ad joining room when ho waa attacked by the other disturber and the two men badly battered tbe officer, who finally got his gun and ahot Clark in the right side cf the mouth, tha bullet lodging in the back of the neck, making a pain ful wound, - which may not. bo serious. Tba officer Is considered to have been Justified. . - . , ' ' C0UNCILMEN WILL VISIT THE SOUND Largely ' because tha antl-paaa law goes Into effect the first of tha year, a party of Portland counollmen haa been organized to visit the Puget aound towna and Victoria and Vancouver, Brit ish Columbia, just before December cloaca Shepherd Is leading tha Cock. Seattle's system of assessing property benefited by a publlo Improvement will ba studied. ' Here such property becomes bonded by law and the owners have' little power of remonstrating. The crematories of these cities will alao be visited. Among tha councilman who have signified, their Intention of going are Shepherd. Henefee, Masters, XOIla, Preston, Beldlng, Wallace and City At torney McNary. . - - DIVORCE SINCE HUSBAND FAVORED WIFE'S SISTER ' (Jenrnal Bpertal Service.) Milwaukee. Deo. 11. Clara HeyL aa a reault of her husband's defense of hef sister's contest for the Schandeln mil lions, filed a suit for divorce from Jacob Heyl today. - . , . - . . Torpedoes en Tracks. - ' , Patrolman J. J. Murphy reported, to the chief of police today that aome per sons, believed to be striking carman. placed railway, torpedoes ion the car tracks at Fifth and Jefferson streets at 10:00 o'clock laat night. The explosions. Murphy said, badly frightened a number of passengers on pssstng cars. - . BRYCE ADMITS HE IS APPOINTED AMBASSADOR a (Jnsraal Special Service.) e London, Dec. II. James Bryce e a admits his appointment as am- - bsssador to America.' This la his last day In parliament After e e reading the klng'a message both 4 houaea adjourned until Febru- ary ). a - ' -"T ': Sheriff Stevens Will Therefori Ask. Legislature to Allow Him to Furnish Their Food. ' awaaasBBBggs. COUNTY DELEGATION .. - - - SHOULD FIX RATE Commissioners Declare Present col nomlcal Method WiH Be an Inn ctble Affumtnt Against Law Giv ing Perquisite Back 'to Sheriff. .Sheriff Stevens will ask the legisla ture to give him tha control and eustody of all aounty prisoners, as well as tha right to feed tham. Ha aaya ha wanta tha Multnomah delegation to the legls. lature to fix the ptioe per meal ta.y shall rr-ilTs fns faedtns-TTfjn.'.'r. county Prlsonera are ba by. the county court Thoae wha are serving definite sentences are at tha Kelly Butte rock quarry and thoae awaiting trial In tha jail at tha eeurt house are fed by C. Ebellng. wha la aa. der oentract with tha county. Sheriff Stevens bellevea that auoh a law as ha dsslres would in no way In terfere with the rockplle at Kelly Butte. ...7' woul1 marely place the responsi bility for tho prlsonera on me," said the eherlff. "There la na responsibility oa any ona now for tba prlsonera at tha rockplle, i. . t ' ' : "feeding tha people confined la the jail here aeems to be done on the pre aumptlon that every one in tba Jail u ' there to ba punished. Xbat-is net tha . ease. . . "There are many Vho are held as witnesses, others awaiting trial and aome are insane. X rea no reason why a person wha la so unfortunate aa to get into jail ahould be fed from tha swill barrel of a restaurant "Nona of tha people now la tha coun ty, jail In tba olty are eervtng sent- ' anoes. All who have been sentenced are at tha rockplle. Dlatrlot Attorney Man- nlng haa expressed his opinion in writ- . ing that I have tha right ta feed tha" prisoners who have jtot -been eentenoed. I submitted thla letter to, the county court, but aa yet they havt taken aa action on it" 1 Commissioners Barnes and Ltghtne aay thsy believe that tha saving to the county effected by taking the feeding of ' the prisoners from tba sheriff will b an Invincible argument against a law giving me perquisite back to ths sheriff. Commissioner Barnes aaya that tha difference between what waa paid ta the sheriff and what It now aoate ta feed tha prisoners la appreciated by tha taxpayers. The price paid to the ahetiff waa lru cents per meal for each prisoner. Con tractor Ebellng receives 11H centa per men, wnue tne coat or reeding the . men at mi rooapue :o less I . FIXES , UP CASE ; BEFORE "COURT COSVEHES Ferranto Says He Never Threat 7 ened . to Kill Ms Sweetheart. An amicable adjustment of the of A. Ferranto, tl years of are. who waa arrested laat night by Detectives Mallet and Hill en a warrant charging him with threatening tha Ufa of hla sweet heart,' pretty 17-year-old Jennie Mag glorlnl, because she would not name tha day for their nuptials, waa effected prior to the opening ef the polloa court this morning and the. matter waa con tinued Indefinitely. c Nardine, guardian of the young woman, waa the complainant and al leged that Ferranto had declared ha would take tba Ufa of his ward It aha persisted In scorning hla love. The girl Is employed at the Paclflo Coast Blsoult oompany, and It haa been tha habit cf Ferranto to escort her home at tha con clusion of her day's labor. During ana of their strolls In tha gloaming thla week tha young fellow Is said to hare uttered tha threats whloh resulted In hla arrest - Ferranto Indignantly dentea that he ever even Intimated that ha would slay his sweetheart and, undaunted by hie arrest, will woe the fair Jennie with renewed ardor, .. MUSICIANS WANT v THEIR OLD POSITIONS In art effort ta gat aome of the musicians back Into their former jobe In aaloons and muslo hail a the mnal- clans had introduoed to tha council yea terday afternoon an ordlnanoe permit ting men to play where liquor la sold. It la evident that women performers and musicians won't be allowed, and tbe musicians are trying te get what they can. Mayor . Lane said thla morning he waa not aware male muslclana had avee been ordered -Qttt Tbe council yesterday afternoon firi lahed up a lot of routine business left " over from, (he regular meeting -Wed-- needs y. A number of improvement or dlnanoee were, put through. Nearly all were .for minor Improvements la eutly nig parts of the city. , RAILROAD COMPANIES GRANT WAGE INCREASE - Application from- - employee ef the railroad companies for advance of wagea are receiving favorable con sideration at least by the steam road management. The awltchmen of tha Northern Terminal company and all tha trunk llnea entering Portland have been granted a ralae) of 4 cents aa hour. Trainmen and engineers are also apply. -Ing for Increases. The switchman's day Is 10 hours, and half an h-our at extra work will be recognised as ever time. Day foremen in first-class yards will receive It cents an hour, night foremen 17 centa, day helpers It centa and night helpera 34 centa.- In second class yards the seals la 1 cent lower. ' Blaa Suddenly. Mrs. Margaret Fety, Widow ef Claude Fety, expired auddenly at an early hoar thla morning at the realdence cf her aon, Emlle C, Fety. Death was due to heart failure superinduced by old age, . Mrs. Fety being 77 years old. In earn- ' , pany with . her husband she came te -Portland when ths olty waa barely mare than g, ylUaA. ' . : " ' Vl7