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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1906)
SECTION TVO ff" K PAGES 13 TO 24 PORTLAND. OREGON. , FRIDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 21, 190$. DR. BELL RESIGNS THIS WORK IS GLORIOUS PASTORATE Bakr City Preacher to Leave His i Church After Fourteen Years of Service. - SPEND WINTER RESTING THEN TAKE TRIP ABROAD Prominent In Masonic ' Circlet and 'fiarMMate fnr nffir. r(' Cranr? Chaplain at Next Meeting of Grand Lodge. ' (Special Dli patch t The JosraaL) Biker City. Or., Deo. 21. Attar nr. Ing In the local pastorate of the First Presbyterjan church for -14 years,- Dr. J. K. N. Bell. grand chaplain of the Ma onto lodge for the put IS years and one of the moat widely known and popu lar divine in the west today, baa ten dered hie resignation, which haa been accepted by the presbytery. . -pr. Bell was forced to resign the local pastorate because of his wife's health. The altitude here Is too high for her, Dr. J. R. M. Bell. He will continue bis pastoral duties Jieie -until the flnt .of the year., whaa he will go to Portland to Join Mrs. BelL He will then determine upon his future borne, which will probably be , the me tropolis pr some oUy'ln- the Willamette alley. probably he will spend the winter and spring la rest, possibly at -the home of his daughter.. In valleje. California. After the Masonic grand lodge meet Ing In June. Rev. Bell will 'accompany Professor J. B. Horner of the Oregon Agricultural college at Corvallls on a trip abroad. ., Tbey will spend day In seeing the old country 'and the Jloly land, but will net loin one or the many touring parties, preferring to make the journey Independently. Tram- the -Willamette valley, where he served In the paatorates of Corvallls and Roseburg, Dr. Bell came to Baker 14 years ago. He entered the-ministry In 18 at Wythevllla and came to Ore gon In 1874. Since then he has con tinued his study and taken letters in Princeton and the Oregon . State uni versity. Dr. Bell has been prominent In Ma sonic circles and at the next grand lodge meeting be will ba a candidate for grand chaplain; which office he has held for It years, being tbe oldest grand chaplain. In the point of service. In the world, and it elected again win nave served longer In the office than any other man since the days of King Solo mon, so far as the records or maaonry exist. SILVERTQN LIGHT PLANT COMES TO SALEM'S AID a4l Dlin.trfl ta The Iimnill Salem. Dec. II. The Capital City In utter darkness would have been the . result of an accident at the local plant if the Sllvertnn plant had not come fe the rescue. One of the large engines was put out of commission Inst evening by tbe working loose or a piston which knocked out the cylinder head, entailing a loss of nearly IZ.000 to the company. , While the remaining equipment would handle the load of the plant quite satis factorily It would havo been taxed to He utmost, but with the asaiatance of tha SUverton plant the load can be car ried easily. It will be six weeks before the parts for the Incapacitated maohlne will again resume work. The Silverton and the Salem electric plants are owned by the Portland General Electric, com pen , Contracts awarded" Fop asylum supplies (Special Dtipatrb to Tbe Jenraal.) Salem, Or., Dee. 11. Awards for the supplies at the state Insane asylum for "the next six months were made yester day. George Fendrtch of Salem secured tha contract for the meat on a bid of II cents for beef and mutton 10 cents, hams 14 cents. If the samples to be sub mitted are satisfactory, xna nour con tract was awarded to Balfour, Outhrla Co. at 13.05 per barrel; the fish sup plies goo W. 8. Fltts, the drugs to Z. J. Rlggs, hardware -to Spencer A (Co., tinning to Pearce at Co.. all of Salem. On many articles, such as clothing, gro- r cenes ana vinor vuiimivuiiit-e me awirai hsve not as yet been made. - - worth doing ! worth doing well. " If yotl wish to be cured of Rheumatism, use Ballard's Hnow Liniment and you will be "well cured." A positive cure for Sprains. Neuralgia. Bruises, Con tracted Muscles and all -the Ilia that flash la heir to. A. O. M. Williams, Nav. asotav-Tcxaa. writes: "I - have weed Know Liniment for sprained ankle anri !lt gave the best of satisfaction, I nl ways keep It In the house." For sale .... - 1 1 v . , The letters below are but a Bertfof eee week'i lattert. . ...... 'e are earrlng aotw and happlnaaa Into bnqnea cloedee by Urlf bt't Vtsaaaa aad ma- brlvs. Sea what aa - lutereat tbe dragclata. toe, t taklog. Alao Bote that tbaae tetters are from all over tbe United statea. rnm O. P. Safford, drugflat, mat, aflcbl- ta: . "Mr. Artbor Uclntyre of tbla elty.waa as bad with Brlabt'a Ulaeaaa bia rrlaada save OB all bopea. Ha waa pat oa tha Banal Cam-1 poood ana today wall aaa is . aoaiotaa. Atee Mr. Jnatua C. Uoodwis waa alck In bad over a year. Bad bean Uppad and after a oonaultaUoa1 tha pbyalriaaa f htm sp. Haa bean now on roar Reaal Conpoand all to eight month and la at workatery day. A Iwar-aurprBa-to-alT""' ' From W. O. Bbepard. . drscglat, Brarctt, Waahlnatoa: "I report tbe following: Womaa sitdala age; in a very bad condition; both albumen aad near: told by pbralrlaa caee bopaleaa. After- treatment with Dlabetle Oempoond laln entirely - comfortable condition and beHevaa eera la complete." rrom WUllanr D. ' OsBcaa, dragglat, OtUwa, Illlnola: "Wi have a cantlemaa here, a btr. Blod- gette, who the pbralclaa aald wouldn't live all month. He atarted oa lulton a Beaal Com poand and kept setting better. Ha b atlll alive and comes Into our tor almost dally. Ha ear be would bare bees in bla (rare If be bad sot taken It. wa aiao neve einera. From . J. U. WrlshC- Mineral WeU. Teiaa: "Let me atate the eoaditioa I myaelf waa In. I waa taken alck tour yeara.aso. Doctor aald It waa Brlxht'a. A Booth later tbe dropay came. Waa then In bed four month. Heard of your Fnltoa'e - Compound and aant foe doaen. Tbe autb founa ma improring. new for twe doaeo swra. The followlns Harch wa examined br an enert and pronouaeed aound. Am sow la doe health. . It la the greateat thing In tbe world." from Walter X. vverioa, ansxui,. waaava, Ohio: "Oa Aumet ST oo sent me aa offer which I turned dowa. sever having hoard of your com poo ml, since than I bare Beard er e caa of Hrlfbt'a Dlaeaee bring cured by it after tbe doctor bad glren him up. It not too late I will take that offer." mm Frank Edmoadaoa as Bre., erocftata, Atlanta, Oeorsla: "We aUrted three Tear ese with a hsa- drad dollar order. Onr lat order waa for a thousand aad flfty dollara net. There bare bow have' a number of patient aa the com nouBde aad all are doing well. - Wa know ef so preparation that we have tbe aame cea fldeace In." From H. O. Aaderaoa, aruggUT, neaperee, Idaho: -"I sladly took all "the Reaal Compound Mr. Itocklere broucbt with him. Tha reeulta la hie eaaa and our effort bare gottea ear oral pereona on It and we have not bad a alDil one of them aay la sot helping them, os the eoantrary tbly are all being helped." From Bhermaa aj ateumseu vrug wmpany, Omaha: IWa believe that Dr. ef ram city will- give you a testimonial la bla own eaaa of Brlrht'a IHfteaaa. Ha became alarmed and faction. He B) a regular- graduate. We . have sot tha detain, bat think be will give them." Prom Cddy at Co., drugglats, Sowora, . tau (oraiat '. , ."It fc aarnrlatas iho asm bar of people who havo been anoaratlr Cured, aad there era number wboae Uvea bare been prolonged. -Oar pbyalclaa haa also preecrlbed the compound for eeTerat yeere with excellent reeulta." From B. . Mugous. aroggtai, eaa ansa. California: "Your Comnoundi have erreeteo. wosaerroi cnrea ln thla city, one in particular, a Mr. Emeraoa. waa aim up by aeveral pnyelclaae. He la now atronc and well acaln.". from B. U yuu -gruxgmgpnnsueia. MIourl: There bare keen , several euro Brigbt'a Dlieaae In our city. Among them waa a Mr. Wllllama, who bad to be carried to the anrlnia for treatment. la bow wall and attending to buataeae." Above are but part of ana week's letters. but no room for siore. The lovely and etlmulat- Ing fact la that Bright a Ulaeaao. Diabetes and aerloua Kidney Diaeaaaa. unlveraally 'be lieved Incurable aad fatal, are bow poeltiTaly enrable lu aearlv nine tenth of all caaea. For Rrlrht'a and aerloua kidney dlaeaae, get rnlton'a Henal Compound. Diabetica win k for rnlton'a rHabetlc Compound. Bead tor booklet. John Jroltoa Co., 6SI0 8aa Pable avenue, Oakland, rauioraia. Get from vonr- drosalet. Druesuts sunpiiea br Clarke. ' Weodard Drug Co.. wholesale drug- glata, Portland, Oregon. PLAH TO HAVE- INJURED SHIPPERS F.1EET AGAIN Car Shortage Sufferers Likely to Gather for .the Second . Time. '(gnerlal Dtipatrb to The Journal. I s Albany. Or., Dec 21. A phut to have a second meeting of shippers and those Interested In the car Shortage question Is being formulated by the cltlsena and residents of tbs valley. This meeting Is to be held In Albany possibly a week before the legislature convenes In ses sion. ' ----. . Much feeling exists over the situation and a sentiment prevails that legislation that shall be effective la tbe only solu tion to the question. The object IN to have aa large and as enthusiastic a gath ering ms la poaaible of the -valley ehlp oers and those having products tied up awaiting shipments, so as to Impress the state law-making body with the neces sity of prompt and effective laws . to control the situation. - It was shown that the county had suf fered beyond the posslhillty-6Ta full estimate from the discrimination prac ticed by therallroad authorities The dltlsens of I.lnn are determined that the present situation shall never again be possible and Intend to make themselves heard regarding me true etate of af fairs existing. ... - ...M aa aea aa autatsaMn. aaaaBBVaaaaBBBHaBBBe mam sp Preferred1 Stock Ceased Oeede. -Allen A Lewta Best Brand. COUNTY BOUNDARY LINE . WILL BE ADJUSTED (Special tMepatcb. to Tha Joernal.1 Albany. Or., Dec. 11. The Albany Commercial club of the city haa ap pointed a committee to look after the In terests of Linn county In tbe boundary line dispute between- Linn .and Lane counties. i It was decided to appoint; a ceramfUee of five to meet with the Eugene Com mercial club and endeavor to reach an understanding end have the matters adjusted without recourse to the legis lative bodiesvof the, state. . It Is contended by the county that in a boundary established In 1887 an error was committed and that Una la ; now VrV -dS-l -av"? III . ff y M aw H IL. f II iJii ;.. ir.- C W. III .KiKjV". Jl iAB a ui rrrj a w n .:.ktotoEl v Lif ."TiTiTV.TrriTH ill- Lk-vMS- hi -. Ta k i-:u.vw s-ji . ......... II I , i III SkfT. II ' i W7 V? W iffli Dressing ire .roinf to , ... $ ' troV ke a drive oa " Ba LAailuAJ .r7.T- rf Dressing Tblee be- ' t&vSI f?rSr 2"5a kcu,-w hare, too ,. -wi .manT. An elegant . - feaaaa r-iVr?rvaa tefl-atiy rtoct- in .11 woods. 1 r3 lY-V;--'-J.f7 " French plat; mir '2&WSyi W "' fors on all of these. JSlsISi' Price j from II f&UVM : EE ftai TERMS $1 DOWN . . i 11 ' I Vrvn-A Dining Tables ,Eat your Christmas dinner from one of our celebrated "Hastings Tablesrmade from selected quartered oak, hand polished; fitted with genuine Lyden locks.' RegHlar value $5.00. PRICE . r 184 -186 FIRST Justly seeking what la hers. The com mittee to meet the one from Eugene Is as followai Senator Frank J. Miller, Hon. 6-Foot Length, r" Th"e time when people invested good money in presents has passed.. Only presents that stand the test of time Reed The celebrated 'Heywood Wakefietd Reed Rockers . are cold by us. We show ' a larpe assortment and tempting prices. Rocker like cut; Spe cial Chad's Rockers A splendid assortment' in all styles oodrane or upholsterecTseiurome in mission and weathered oak finish. Child's Rocker, like cut; made from hard wood, golden finished; regular val. $1.65, ' PRICE ; lb1 trtl vafv ajaaasauaav -mar . . and up ..- ,. - 117111 leK. - wr.r . I MaKe ifTLJ ITT7777 - ' 'Easier T?l,' ; ffW Than v ,11; : ; HA WcD0 yg X WE DELIVER GOODS IN ALL, THE J. K. Weatherford. Judge C. H. Stewart. all of Albany; and A. A. Tuaslng and Representative F. M. Brown of Browns-1 ' : ;- USHMJL AWB PIIETTY ' are appreciated. - Iafewhiwts Morris Chairs Rockers New shipment Just In In the nick of time. Beauti ful Frames, massive and artistic, large assortment of cushions to select from. Chair like cut. snrinor seat: regular $8.50. $1 DOWN, 50c A WEEK $1 DOWN, $1 A rTeSr- 9 - 1 1 'ITholany6 gM . ; o , . aL JiS. I " ered oak; swell KrfsVfivt ,i rfrrvf I i r,- a u U styles; with or with-Sffe-Vfe " I N at ery II I ' j i didly equipped In- erva n,nj,Kj i cttj i. 1 n jejTril 1 I aide. Big assortment Rj Ilia MM I I III rial' II - aaaBjaaxeuar - - - w . u n - ii w . s - . ..IK .wail' I H llaaak. ; ; Genuine leather uphol stered Rockers; all hair stuffed r J $48.50 1 A - l CONDITION AND GUARANTEE SATISFACTION CREDIT YOU WANT I villa. i A memorial was ordered presented to the representation . la con grass asking - ' . i I'' trashy, non-lasting WEEK " VL ff ' ...A AND UP Terms 50c DOWN 50c A WEEK Dressers 50 different styles of Dressers to select from; all finishes and all styles. An equally good selectiorfof Princess Dress ers. Dressers make Christmas-giftS-that are'appreclatetf. Dresser, like cut, made in Pacific oak, PRICE mm $1 DOWN, $1 A WEEK that every effort be made to gain publla building for Albany. Tbla .will forwarded In due form end erS r g mm Tables ' A, present' that the whole B ' r , - . , lamuy. enjoys is a goou t Reading -Table. W have" ome very j artistic mission and golden oak tables .that will look a whole lot prettier In your home than on onr floor. PRICE' ' j MBr- AND UP FURNITURE CO. a the Ore-en 4elen.)n e"! to t be ts won ef gaitvlng tbe d:il I - jlt -.'.-i at3 library