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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAti' PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENINO. DECEMBER 21. 1908. COUNT BONI'S FIANCEE. ORE LAriD FRAUD . . . ALL 510 I BRIKEASJ?UINErKTH&HOLIDAUSINESS-OF-EVE CtttAPKrt A STORtN W OUnYTED 5WE3 Lax Morality" Prvdlng Army Millionaires on Trial In Omaha , Found Guilty of Defraud- Ing Government. Ufa IB Faraway Tropic Isles Shown by Pershing ScandaL CONVENTIONS IGNORED -BV DUSKY SWEETHEARTS HIRED MEN TO TAKE UP -V CLAIMS AND SELL THEM images PHILIPPINES nicTious Engagement of - Sweetheart Nature - Entered Into and Thought Nothing '. of General's yfite Probed Accusa tions Some Time Ago. , , ". v . - '.' ' (Jearaal Special lervtea. ' Washington, Pec 21. Th war da : partment and army . circle hum with . gossip about the alleged love affair of Oeaeral Pershing to the Philippine. According to the gossip of army of fice re, convention are there 1 snored. The lac (O roue habits of the sunny isle, the riot of color and the Inertia of the orient, with the sapping of the social fabrlo. aet Into thn Mnnrl end tha normemDer uioee somnolent oaya la the deadening heat of the tropics stall with Klpllnr .old aoldler. : "Ship me somewhere east of Sue. -" Where the beat la Ilk the wont, . Whn there ain't - no Tea Commacd- .. aaanta ...,,Aa4 man oaa rale a thirst."..- " Bemlnleoent officer told of soma of the habit and Ufa of th Philippine. They referred to the querlda, or aweet , heart, ifitw In Zamboanga and Jolo, which. It ta privately oonfeaaed, la much . - affected by United State officer. TTs Qsarloa Systasa. ' Tfca sjuarida system comes Bearer to th trial marriage ytm recently ex ploited by lira. Herbert Paraona than anything- elee yet appearing In th ao ' clal Ufa of th United State and Its "ooloniea." Specifically - It 1 what ; anight b called llaalon limited to th colonic. Th ladle of Zamboanga and Jolo are credited by the officer with - being good women. X Zamboanga gen . tleman, or for that matter a United 1 State offloer, la kind to on of th ladle and aa engagement of a querlda . or sweetheart nature-1 entered Into. Th contracting parties do not regard this aa binding, aa the c attract la dls aolved at will. The contract la not re garded aa dlagraeefdl to . the lady In question and la not taken ta heart so much as th ona told- of In Puclnl's opera of "Madame Buttrfly!l - Senator Francis E." Warren, father- ' la-law of General Pershing, declared his unquestioned confidence In him and . added aa th moat effective proof, that Mra. Pershing ha th same confidence. These atorte cam to th attention of Mrs. Pershing some time ago. It was through a letter to. her husband, which she had seen, that she learned that such torles war circulated. She Inquired, satisfied herself and then wrote to her father, who happened to be chairman of th senate committee on military af - ' fair. Senator Warren told of thla let . ter. . . 'Dear papa," wrote Mra. Pershing, "If Elks' A: 0dil SPECIAL in CHRISTMAS SLIPPERS .Ladles' Fur Trimmed Juliettes, in red and black......... ..08 Ladies "Alfred Dolge's Felt Juliette, in green, wine, black, brown and. gray, all sixes. Special at. $1.35 ChUdren's Slippers, from 35a to. .$1.00 Men's Embroidered Slippers, per pair ........... 65tj Men's Genuine Goat and Vict Slippers in chocolate and black, Everett - or Opera cut ; regular $2.00 A' recent photo of Baroness de For- . eat, also known at Mm. Letelller, divorced ' wife of .Albert Mauler, the millionaire chocolate manufac turer whom Count Bond de Castel lan ii saicTto be engaged to. She it worth at least $75,000,000. any stories about Jack com to you to hla discredit, don't believe them. No matter how clrcumsUntialthyjnay be. or powTWcITthey may seem to be substantiated, they are not true and you may be sure of It." . ' Th protest against th confirmation of Pershing mean nothing, as he waa confirmed IS daya ago. Don t let the baby urrer from ee- seme,' sores or any Itching of th akin. iJoan -Ointment gives Instant relief, cures quickly. Perfectly safe for chil dren. All druggist sell It. Representative Hermann's trial Is set for February 4, but whatever the result he will manage to draw hi salary till Bring the little folks to see the Columbia theatre. It is free. All-day per formances Bldg., Seventh and Stark ClFlslliiiaiS' QM grade. Special at... . . . ... ...... . THIS IS THE BIGGEST SLIPPER AND SHOE SALE IN PORTLAND Nothing more pleasing for your sweetheart, wife, mother, sister or t I , t friend than a pair of our celebrated , American Girl Shoes 'In all leathers and styles, the Specials in Children's Shoes Men's Vici Kid and Box Calf, lace or Blucher cut, up-to-date Shoes, at ...... ...... ;V... '. ?2.50 Also the celebrated James Means' Shoes in all leathers and styles, ?3.oo .... . t STORE Same Defendants Were Convicted of Fencing Government " Land and Punishment Made a Farce Pro- ' voking President to Anger, ' r. . ....; .. . .. : (Jon rati apectal lerrle.) Omaha, Neb.. Deo. IL After a trial laating over a month Bartlett Richard, president; Witt a. Comstock. vice-president; C C Jameson, secretary-treasurer and general manager of th Nebraska Land Feeding company, controlling th OO,OO0-acr - 'spade" ranch, and Aqullla Trlplett, their agent, were con- tiCted3othajtederiil,.rniirt .isst is on 31 count of an indictment which charged conspiracy to defraud the gov ernment of publlo lands and suborna tion of perjury. Th Jury took but two hours to consider th avldenc. Settled Horn, Th mllllonalr defendants and their employes were convicted of attempting to secure tltl to vast tracts of land within th "pad" ranch enclosure In Cherry, Sheridan and Box-Butte coun ties. Nebraska, by fraudulent mean of homestead antrles under th Klnkald law,' which permitted th homesteader to take up a ctlon of land in the semi arid districts. Scores of witnesses were Introduced who swor that they filed on th land at th solicitation of agents of th principal defendants with th understanding that they would be paid all th way from $300 to $1,000 for their claim a when titles were secured and that all necessary Improvements should be made by the company. A year ago Millionaire Richard and Comstock were convicted la th federal oourt of Illegally fencing government land and fined (300 each and sentenced to six hours' imprisonment each. Th latter part of th sentence was served at th Omaha club In th nominal cus tody of their attorney, who had been deputised for that duty by United Statea Marshal T. I Matthews. A, a sequel to thla episode. President Rooeevelt re moved both the marshal 4M United States District Attorney Irving I Bax ter. - . , Others raea Trial. ' A few months later Rev. George O. War of Lead, South Dakota, president of a big cattle company, and two of hla agents were convicted on charge simi lar to th on on which Richards, Com stock et al. hav Just been tried. Ware's cas la now bef or th United States court of appeals. Fred Hoyt, T. M. Huntington and James Balrd, officials of the Maverick Loan Trust company of Gordon, Ne braska, and Amrl B. Todd of Denver, .naattU-wr -tarindedljBLih teiHct- J ment found against Kicnaras, comstocc and th other, but elected to be tried separately. Th trial will begin early In January'.' F. M. Walcott, an attorney who was also Indicted, waa discharged. A number of other wealthy cattlemen and their agent ar under Indictment for similar offenses. - . Th maximum penalty for tha offense Is two year" Imprisonment and 11,000 fin on ach count ENCAMPMENT FORMED: AT CENTRALIA. WASH. (Special Itttpetea to The learnal.) '."CentTalla, Wash., Dec. II. Encamp ment No. (0, L O. O. F., has been or ganized here with 30 charter members. There were about 100 member In at tendance. Including Grand Scribe L. W. Bart and A. V. Hoska of Tacoma, and other visiting brothers. - The following officers were elected and Installed: C.P., A. C. Greene; 8. W s: C. Davis; H. P., E. B. Foote; sortb, s. a. Norton; treasurer, J. It. Baxton; J.. W W. J. Glover. Th new encampment starts out very auspiciously and with a flattering pros pect or a large increase in membership . . OSf . i. . best shoe on earth for J J 50 " Money Savers In Footwear " 230-232 Morrison SL Near Second Suffers with 'the, rest.' Our counters and shelves arc loaded with the holiday stock of Rpdgers & Sons THAT MUST BE SOLD AT SOME PRICE between now and Christmas. ; - '" .'."'" ' ' ...... , . ..... -..:..'. .. . ' ' .'. AS WE BOUGHT THIS STOCK AT 36 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR, we can afford to prive you bet ter values in useful Xmas goods than any other house in Portland. MAKE US PROVE IT. sC Read These Items: All Bodgers A Sons' $15, $30 and 323.50 Men's Suits. Over 1 coat and Cravenette must go at i S11.8S Wo hav picked out a beautiful Una (T5) of Bodgers' finest sulU In blue, flacks and fancy worsteds. ' double and single breasted, worth $16.00 to $21.60, for ....$11.05 13 tailor-made Overcoats, from Lamm Co.. In beaver, chin- ' chllla, meltons, cheviots and whipcord, worth 120.00 to 3S2.SO, for n.e5 ii Priestly Cravenette in dark gray mixture and othr rich ef fect; worth as high ss 337.60; Suits, Overcoats and Cravenette -all go at 911.95 4.00 Dree Shoe, $30. . For Men or Women. 100 pairs of Rodger Son' finest $4.00 Dress Shoes, ladles' and gents. 10 styles of leather. 10 shape 92.50 S&OO Hats, $L35, (00 Bodgers eV Sons' stamped $3.00 Hats, newest 1307 shapes. 91.35 3.8S Slipper. fU.OO, 1,000 pair of Rodger Sons' fin Slipper. 60 kind; enough to please every man and' woman in Oregon; $1.60 to $3.26 kind for ... 91.00 9S.0O Soya Suit, $US. 60 atylea of Boys' all-wool 3-plece Suit, Rodger A Bon $5.00 and $.00 grad for 92.95 a.00 rnra for Ktsaaa, 99.49. 8( aet of Misses' Furs, in all col ors, satin lined; worth $6.00 to . $0.60 92.49 ' flS.00 Xdls Tars, S4.4S. . Hundreds of Rodger dt 80ns' fin Furs , in atoles, collarettes seta. In musk, otter, raccoon, fox, eto lined with finest Skinner silk; -"rbeanttful tar Xmaa linsr for.. 9-1.49 A ilrL.- e.-r- Store Third and Alder STRANGE RELIGIOUS GREED ACQUIRES HEV GIFT Apostles of Tongues of Firs Gifted With Power to Writs Different Languages. IfMwI.I TMiiiatrfe ta The Jearaal.t . Balem. Or, Dec 21. Not content with the nower of sneaking In tongue, th "Tongues of Fir" hav acquired tha crlft of writing in foreign languages. "What next?" I the question that I being asked concerning th Strang things and revelation that ara seeming ly mad at tha Pentacostal Apostollo mission In this city night after night. Tha number of converts Is spparently growing and tha gift of tonguea has been obtained by many. . But great as Is the gift of tongues another gift has been ahowered upon thla peculiar sect, tha gift of writing in tonguea Naturally, here again th language written ara thoee of th ori ent, dialect Ions ago forgotten. To many who attend tha mission of th worahlp resembles a continuous vaudeville performance. At first there is some singing, then lomi agonising prayers a offered. . Solo ar Inter mingled, ilarrangue to th orowd fol low, delivered by th various speakers. That some of th member are be coming considerably worked up over the antics of the mleion and ar being hyp notized or rather ar in a desree hyp notising themselves Is shown by th fact that a mother with her two daugh ter and son refuse to go horn and attend to tha duties of th household. Th husband and father is much wor ried at th Strang action of hi fam ily. On of th daughter hss recently acquired th gift of writing In foreign languas-es snd 1 becoming mor ana A Record-Breaker. It la aaid that tha greatest and quick est permanent advertising aitccess on record la that ol uascarets (,nar ca thartic, which have been persistently advertised -In ovary way, but chiefly in newspapera for about aix years, in that Urn th sal of . Caacarets has grown, from nutting -la- over on mil. lion boxe a month. Thi wonaanuj record I th result at great merit suc crssfully mad knowm. ' Thoee who tried Cascatets s a direct result of ad vertising, were pleased and recom mended tha article to their friend, until ' It f am waa apread ta become universal, II si : 1 UoKHiVvXST Cower ARGUMENT 97.00 and 9S-00 ImI icraie d Spread, 99 S8. In 10 beautifully raised designs; they are too fin for our trade, so-out they go atv 92.98 9&JO and 97.50 BOx Ssirta, 94-SSv In 16 new colors, changeable ef ts. genuine taffeta,. -- deep- flounce; Rodgor Bona' $7.(0 and $8.60 Skirt ........ .94.25 93S.00 Cloaks, Salt and Cravea ettes, 99 .aa. 99.95 (or Bodgers 4 Sons' $37.60 Suite. 99.95 for Rodgers Sons' $38.09 . Cravenette. r 99.95 for Rodger Sons' $22.80 lrfng Coals. " :; 918.0O Cloaks, Snlt and Crvn- . ettes, 95.95. 95.95 for Rodger Sons' $17.60 Suits. , . 95.95 for Rodgers & Sons' $16.00 lxna Coats. f5.95 for Rodgers A Sons'-1.$0 uravoneues. . BTiiTTxrao rvr vr " nr ASS SO MX, IflOITUUUAX, XMAS BOXES. 91 WILL BTTT AT TX9 BOBTOBT STOKB. 91 for Rodgers 4 Sons' $1.60 and new miytm t.umcm. 91 for Rodgers & Sons' $2.00 to $3.50 gold and silver-handled Um brellas. 91 for Rodgers A Sons $1.60 and ' $2.00 Marseille Spread. ' 91 for Rodger a: Sons' $1.76 to 12.35 Fancy Table Cover.' . 91 for Rodger & Son' $1.86 to 82.46 Dress Waist. 91 for Rodgers ft Sons' $3.60 to $3.6 Boys' Suits. . 91 for Rodger A Sons' $1.76 snd $2.00 large-slsa Blanket. 91 for Rodger Son' $1.33 to $1.85 large-alse Comforts. 91 for Rodger-" Son $146 to I.00doar6ScaTXaTe,-Trh s Uos. , - ' 0 ' A Streets, Portland, Oregon YOUR GLASSES BO THIT mi It they're not EX ACTLY light, let a th.m K. Wbb we lit roa. we At yon rkACTLY. Inf eipvrlence, every neMry eolfa. tllle apparatus and the required koow leds enabling at to eerroctly ate the seme, ear owa cnnplete workshop with e.ery ftcllttv even ta the crteilltis of tperUl Wns r stl it yoar . din paeal here, itwirlng s urvlce not piw lbl wits 1 ethers Ira fortunately equipped. A tain, do your (Isaacs t lx, or atari Stl , MonseI Optica fa rJOLKftii 4li(ASa Sa. PORTIAND Special I e $2.00 to $2.50 Manning ii Co. 88 6th St. more enamored of th work of th mis sion. These people work during th day, and testify and talk In strange tongues la th svanlnz. ' ' ... - - CARTRIDGE IN RUBBISH THROWN INTO STOVE HUUboro. Or.. Dec 11. Miss Adelaide Cawrs, eldest daughter af Joseph Cawra. residing four' mile 'north of bar,- had a narrow eecepe -from - an- ex ploding shotgun shell. Bh had gath ered a large bundle of old paper and letters, which she threw Into a stove. Th collection contained a abetgua shell, which exploded.jdsmsglng the tov and peppering Miss- Cawrs' left side.- A urgeon waa called and extracted th shot, --The patient ia doing nicely. . - Winter Waists T. 91 for Rodgers A Sons' $1.26 and $1.6 do, fin Towel. 91 for Rodger A Sons' $2.00 ts $3.50 Ludles' Fancy Bags. 91 For Rodger A Son' $3.69 to $5.00 Ladles' Tan Coats. 91 Tor Rodger A Son'. $1.75 and .. 32.35 pair Lace Curtains. 91 for Rodgers & Son' $1.60 "Wool Shirt. ... V-.-.-.' 91 for Rodgers Son' $1.09 Kid Glove. . . 91 for Rodgers A Sons' $1.60 box Fancy Suspender. 91 for Rodger A Sons' $1.80 box Lnen Handkerchief. -91 for Rodger A Son' $1.76 Wool Underwear. , . 91 for Rodger A Son' 31.60, 81.78 ' and $2.00 Ladles' and Gentlemen' ' Slippers. , 91 tnT Rodgers A Sons' ' $1.76 and $2.35 Ladles' Dress Shoes. ' 91 for Rodger A Sons' $2.00 Suit - Case. 91 for Rodgars A Bona' $1.76 per ult Ladle' Underwear. ' 91 for Rodger A Son' $3.09 Ladles Night Dresses. 91 for Rodger A Son $1.79 I Ladles' Flannelette Wrappers. 91 for Rodgers A Sons' $3.69 Ladles' Long Kimono. . WBTAT BOO WTUb BUT AT . BOSTOBT STTOBB. 50 for Rodger A Sons' $1.11 and $2.66 French Flannel Walts. - , 50a for Rodger A Sons' $1.00 and $1.29 Ladle' Percale Wrappera. 504 'or Rodger A Sons' "f&a and 0o Knit Underwesr. , 504 for Bodgers A Sons' $1.00 and $1.35 Ladies Collars. ' 504 for Rodger A Sons $1.99 and $1.25 pair Bed Sheets. 504 for Rodgers A Sons' $1.90 and l.tu Fancy uarters. .-, 5Q4 for Rodger A jSons75aandJ. UEc Form-Fitting . Corsets and - Olrdles. w ICE CREAM SPECIALS HOLIDAY FEAST DOUBLY SATISFYING TWO FROZEN DAINTIES TO MAKE THE Reduced Prices for the I0IJLY MICK f, ' A decidedly novet and ap propriate combination, Jtypi cally suggestive of the sea son in appearance ' and de? , licious in flavor. Sure to make a "hit" and certain to please. 'Another of the many " popular H a t e 1 w o o d sur prises. ' -' One I-qt. Brick. (fn - - Special. . , . " ...UUv SSili:;$1.00 $i.50 Carcfuilypac!t;ed toTrrive iiTperf ecf condition" for serving and deliver without extra charge. Christmas deliveries at 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. ', . . 504 fr Rodger A Son $1.99 and $1.35 Fancy Waltres Apron. 504 for Rodger A Bona' $1.31 and $3.36 Dress Kimono. ' 504 for Rodger A Bon' $1.36 and $3.69 H doa. fin Napklna, -504 for Rodgers A Sons' Tea and 9oo Outing Flannel Skirt. 504 fr Rodger A Son 75a and - ,$1.00 Neckwear, In faneyXma boxes.: 504 for Rodger A Sons 76a and $1.00 811k Suspenders.- In fancy . Xrass boxes.' ti 504 for Rodgers A Sons' 860 and $1.35 , Dress Shirts, In fancy Xmaa boxes. .. .... 16O4 for Rodgers A Sons' $1.00 boa ' Fsncy Half Has. 504 for Rodger A Sons' ' 76e and 31.00 Silk Handkerchiefs- . 60c Ladles' Fancy Garter. ' ' . . . WXAT 95s WILL BUY AT . BOSTOaT TOBS. 254 for Rodger A Son fin 6O9 . La dies Llal Thread Ho. . . 254 for Rodger A Son' fin 40o ' Men' Fancy Half Ho, i -254 for Rodgera A Sons' regular 60o and .76d FancyplidaJJeck wear. ' , '!' 254 for Rodgera A 80ns' regular . 60c and $1.09 Ladies' Holiday . Neckwear. .. . i . ,254 fr Rodgera A Bona' 40a and 254 for Rodgera A Bona a0 and 0o Men Fancy Garters, 254 for. Rodgera A Son $60 to 60o Men' Silk Suspendera 254 for Rodgeri A Son 60o and 65o Mens Bilk Handkerchief a 254 for Rodger A Son 60o and 76c boxea Fsrfuma. 254 for Rodgera A Bona lOo ta ' $1.09 Pocket Books. ' 5" foTtod"gerr A Sons' I99,'9exaa' (Hna.Boap., :- Occasion-Order Early ROLL This Is made with' a tutti fruiti center and an outside .circle , of frozen whipped creamdoesn't that sound like a genuine treat? This is an extra .fine combination and one not often prepared. One 1-qt. Roll, reg. HCn $1.00. SpecUl. ...... i uL Two 1-qt.' Rolls, f i A teg. $2.00. Special. Ila4U Four 1-qt Rolls, (fj Pfl reg. $3.50. Special. 4)WdU MMm