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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1906)
TIISvCSSGOM SUNDAY JQURWAt, "TORTLANSUHDAy-MORNING;' DECEMBER "16, 1900. ' ' v . ., : ' . -.. , i " . . . ...... ... i. A ii'lf j """" -1 -"--4i:vi, L, ifSf K&jr. : , 3tl . , - i Stove Open 'Eveiiinr:a; Our store will be open evenings until 9 j o'clock from now , until Christmas! Prompt Servioo v' ; ! r- :- r Extra salespeople have been provided all oyer the1 house. Ad ditiorial wrappers an cashiers assure you of. courteous service and prompt delivery of goods. We have planned to serve you 'V' -.V.k h - V promptly and. well.,., ? r '.- ',' . Goods -Delivered- Everywhere We pride ourselves on our prompt and efficient delivery. !.If you do not wish to be encumbered with bundles we will deliver them for you to all parts of the city, to Sellwood, Vancouver and Ore . ' gon City, at any time you wish.- ; . Our good management and greatly in creased facilities assure ' you the most - i v satisfactory service. 4 f V " A. 7 . ' : jXMAS SHOPPERS HAVE MADE :THIS STORE THEIR HEADQU able attractions nerfeetlv adaDted to meet tne reauirements oi oeonie wno are in searcn oi cuts 'IV v .' the person you wish to remember. , We won't try to more than fairly hint at the thousands of g.qjQure'lit the Xmas Spipiti and TKis'Store Is Fairly Bubbling Ovep i kRTERS. 'We are now showing the finest assortment of merchandise we ever had at any unnstmas time'." " Ouf'magftlficehf Etficfc includes innumer- person you for old and voune. expensive' and inexpensive. In fact this is the place to get just what you want and just what will please ' suitable gift things we have at this store, but we do most cordially invite you" to learn for yourself. Real money-saving oppor-., t You Are Not : r '" Guessing: Slippers for;Holiday i ::.:t:Girts;'::;,;j iThis Holiday gift question is sort of a guessing con s test. J: Every . one is trying ' to guess -what - will most Dlease the Derson td whom they intend civine the pres kent;-there is always a-degreeof sanxiety for fear the .nirMnf .mill vit ltt . :Thm itn't.9 sahI vtnAT ' V n ua that is not pleased to get Slippers; they're always appropriate. It is not a -question of how much they r fv ' C08t be small or great in amount, they rest the tired ; feet when night comes. No other gift; can you make cjj i pert. .Buy early while the stock is complete. f U7Amn'a V1f tln1ii m1 Kv A Ifro 1 TlAlara AT s nit.' : factunng company the best best $1.60 grade s jiptrday .7T.Trr.;; ..... .t. , W Misses .Felt Julietapurbest $t2$ grade, ,Q A! fA ton, sale. T '" - i V jlnfanu Fur Trimmed JulietsOur; regul 'r.cT f) A - Tgrade. Special sale price-. . . ... , . . , . 3 U tunities for practical gift givers. The" Zlost Pronounced Money Saving's "Will Be round in the II" Bdill' ?anidl UShow itself . thit year witK' a " most complete line of . Toys and ' Dolls. Wc take pride in our Doll Section, carrying incomplete line of all sizes of the celebrated makes - . Randwerck & Kestner; the most famous dollmakers in1 the world. A ssvine of fully 20 per cent on . these makes here. ' Bri Xmas lists here; "every day us well prepared to 'meet ; your wants with the best of merchan dise at Roberts Bros, prices. Good old Santa Claus says that in all his days of Christmas shopping he has never seen such a wonderful display of Toys. Dolls, Books and Games as he has found here this season, and. judging by the way the goods have been going out, he pour srinz yo f Unas - n n v -j has done a good share of buying here. : Our prices will always be found lower than elsewhere, and we will surely save you money on your, Toy. purchases. Visit these great departments assort ments are still very complete, rr . ., Kid Dolls-Very bet Dolf made, all sites. ' Prices 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00; $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00. $4.50, $5 JO. - it .. . .; -..'... , - . .. .... t Dressed Dolls Keautifttl assortmentr specially priced at 10c 25c. 50c. 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.25, $3.00, $3.75, $4.50,' $5.50, $0.98, S1U.0U, 1Z.SU. go. Mechanical Trains Very best Krade: the kind that Prices 35c, 60c, 75c, $1.00, $1.75. $2.25, $3.00, $4.50, $5.50.. Steam Engines Unsurpassed line of Steam Engines; splen-, did values. Prices $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00. . 1 Iron Toys Every conceivable kind;1 all best makes. Prices 10c 15c 25c, 50c,.75c $1.25, $1.50, $3.00. ' , ' Mechanical : Engines Unlimited ."assortment; "warranted to; nm. Holiday prices 25c 35c 50c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.75, $35. j Horns All kinds; good grades; just the thing to please the.' children. Prices 5c 10c, 15c, 25c, 50c 85c. :, i Toy' Animals Every imaginable kind dogs, ' cats, sheen.! horses, cows, goats, etc. Prices 15c, 23c 50c, 75c, $1.00, $r.50 $2.00. $2.25. $3.50. , , , . j Rubber Toys Balls and animal( for the baby: Holiday prices 5c, 10c 15c 25c 50c... - - t . a ' Iron Banks The wetl-made kind. Prices " J0c, 15c," 20c 25c, 35c. ''.,.'.'.'. .". ' ;' . Xmas Books-For boys arid girls. ' Our assortment of books is unsurpassed in the'eity;' neatly bound; good type. Price,, each, 25c. . . . . . ' i Rag- Dolls-V'1ll 1 stand wear and tear; ' large ; assortment.. Prices 25c and 50c. . ' . ,r . . Worsted Dolls For the baby;- well made.' Prices' 15c and 25c Men's .SUppers,-fin '"alligator ,'nd - embroidered st'yles, .patent leather counters ; our 'regular ?L25 Aft fm adeJlonday . . . .... 4.......; .... "w: Men's Black and Tan SUrjpers--Vici kid. s1 AA ',?-4Bd turn soln- Stt f0 values. Monday. ...JU U Men's Vici Kid. Opera Slippers; $1.C0 val- ( iA . ues. 'Special Monday, per pair . . , '; ,T. V v ; f MeiJus . ad Boys Leggings, in jerseyand can- OCn vas; our. ljOO values. Monday. special Ut Women's $3.00 ,Vici Kid .Shoes,' light and heayy soles. .Special Monday 1 rJL Yr 1 $1.97 i WJiy fot a Glove Order for a Xmas Token - A time saver for you and better for the recip ient,' because -the " gloves -may be leisurely selected, to suit her individual taste and -then properly fitted when our fitters are not hurried with, the , Christmas selling.1 Our glove order is good for ' one pair or as many as you wish. ,-' " 4 Gloves for Xmas Grifts Extra good gjoves that win greet you at the glove counter all this week. . . . ; - 100 dozen women's 2-button glace kid and - suede .Gloves, in black, white and all the new . C 1 A A shades per pair f 150 and.. v..i...)lUU Kid and Silk Cloves in 8, 12 and 16-bVtton length at popular prices. V .L": . . r.- ;.;.',.,; All wool golf and cashmere Gloves at 23, 50 e, 63 -A -Great Holiday Offering t- W7 fjCorset Covers in a splendid profusion, made of the hn j j7 v est of nainsook, richly trimmed with laces," headings,' ribbons and embroideries. An eastern manufacturer s Corset Covers 1,000 Dozen Just Arrived in Time for Holiday Buying. intrbductory offerihg for the season of 1907, purchased at a startling price and placed on sale tomorrow only at figures that will cause a rush for them - . , AH 60c Covers tomorrow. ................ i...25e All 75c Covers tomorrow ; , ... ............. 33 All 85c Covers tomorrow....... ........... ;..39 AH $1.00 Covers tomorrow. .............. ......50 ,; , f ALL colors in ".yr ' .' ' Women's Pure Silk Hosiery ' 20 Dozen Travelers' Samples-Best $3.00 Qualities Spun Silk Stockings for women, in black, white, navy, red,- golf green, champagne and tan colors. These i "tcnTeTtrrttHrcmra- lem tomorrow . k . $3.0 .1. tomorrow, all colors and all sizes, at, the , . A A Best $1.00 quaTnTcTtomorrow ; .S2.U rji pair...,'.',.. ... .............. '. 4)1 sUU I Best 51.00 qualities tomorrow,. ,.,...,,,,'. ,t.5 's iiong 504nch Garments at a Remarkable' Price- Beautiful1 fashioned Coats that hang very full and loose, cut with a swing and a dash characteristic of high priced coats, some are trimmed with "velvet and IbuttonSrJather-arc, plain tailor-made plain kerseys,; plaids and mixtures ; worth $f5.00 and 'frl') CA $16.50. Special this week . . ; . ... , . ....) I idD U -WomenVStylish'Broadrloth and KfraeyflatsJO. inches lorn?, in .black, brown, 'navy and red,; satin lined throughout ; $20.00 'values. jOn PA sale this week at . . i . -. . ....... ; 7. 7i . 7. . . p 1 UsO U Women's Coats, 46 to 50 inches long, in'loose'fitted; models of 'plaids, checks and -mixtures; QO CA values up to $12.50. On sale this week at.30OU Fine Purs; tow Priced A -large assortment of the season's choicest, Furs including Mink, Opossum, Fox, Wolf, Squirrel and French Coney,' all the latest shapes, hundreds of beautiful fur pieces in every imaginable fur and -shape 90,:?X.25, J$2.2V$2.50, $4.50 and 1 . 7 et nn Up ..'... V.. ......... . Sale Tailored Suits n lor 7 Women and Cliildre Prince : Chap Suits," Sack Coat Suits, Blouse Suits, 86-inch Coat Suits, Semi-Fitted Suits, Tight Fitting Suits,' Pony Suits, Eton Suits They are fashioned of broadcloth, cheviot, worsted, :serge,v checks "and plaid sw-allthe favwed shadesT5f-theeasonrThe jackets have linings of exquisite quality" taffeta'"or satin. : Skirts-- are- ln-theiiew-rplaited, 'plain ,and kilted models. .'. ll he trimmings take' fbrtn In brairl- ing, embroidery, velvet and Persian garniture ; Suits' Worth Up to $18.50 at . . . . . . . . . . . $15.00 Suits Worth. Up to $22.00 at .... . . ........ $17.50 Suits Worth Up to $35.00 at. ........ ... .$25.00 Silk Petticoats ... . , , One of- the most -useful and -much -appreciated Xmas gifts is a Silk Petticoat. We are now show ing an immense assortment of them m black and all the best colors at 84.50, 85.50. 0f PA ipxj.itjt 4 .uv f anu. ... ..... mmj v 1 Amas nananer cm 10 c : for-Women niid Children . "J : Our handkerchief stocknoted as it is for the variety ,A oi styles shown, is far and away the best we have ever displayed. " Thousands of dozens of handkerchiefs are here in linen and fine mulls, embroidered, hemstitched and initial, by the box or singly, as desired. For Mon-. '-; day we have some exceptionally attractive specials," a A follows: 'y7"'t : , -.v: 'v. Our best. 25c Handkerchiefs, Monday, per x 61 f7C ' f dozen, neatly packed in pretty holiday box. O i Our "Vict TnriHlf Arcliif 1 raid) v rr ' A e . . box..,,.. sUlaiu A ITotion Department " "Holiday Suggestion Select your tffta lor women at our Notion Department, where will be found the most complete stock In the city, at uniformly lowest price. t A lew hints follow: - Women's Silk Belts, in extra oo4 quality silk, in plaids and stripes; mounted with neat gilt buckles. A splendid value at...... .......... Leather Handbags, a good assorts ment of neat seal grain Handbags, in black, brown and green ; ... heavy riv eted frame;' moire lining; com purse, etc Good value at, ech7...:...J.'..,J..X,..i.... 1.1ft Shell Hairpins, in black, shell and amber; straight or crimped; half dozen in box; good quality. Price, per box. Of Sterling Silver Hatpins, in newest flower and Gibson de signivery popular, rnce, ech..s...t xaf Fancy Hose Supporter! in large 'VaHetf "6'f noli Jay designs each pair neatly packed in pretty fancy box; Koth pad snd side supporters; good;valnea at... ...,v,..ftOt and Tf Fancy Clove and Handkerchief Boxes, with pmty hand painted covers; fancy silk linings beautiful designs; suitshle Xma gifts; an attractive novelty, price, each. . . .21e Silver-Plated Toilet Seta Comb, B,pih and. Mirror nseful Xmas present; large variety of attractive patterns' in quad ruple plate hat compare favorably with . sterling silver. Prices, SJ0, 14.9S, $3.50 and... ;..... ...f2.95 TOILET SETS .Beautiful Styles In Toilet and Manicure Sets Put up in beautiful boxes at 65c 75c $1.00. 11.2S. $1.0. $Z0O, $i50 3M and up to............. 15.00 Shaving Sets In neat boxes at $15 and.l.....i,..f.25 Celluloid Clove and Handkerchief Boxes In various and handsome coloring at 23c, 60c, 75c and up to.. ...f 1.T5 i Women's Knit Blour es All Qualities Reduced Tomorrow 30 dozen all "wool Blouse Jackets for "women. Dlain white, ntain red. navv of fancy combinations, all styles and sizes, at the fol lowing reductions : , . ' ' ' 00 50 Useful Xmas Gifts merchandise to choose from. -Buy now, while assortments are complete. Buy where yon can get the best goods for the.' least money. If. you investigate the matter thoroughly; Roberts Bros.' will be the place you will choose to do your Xmas shop-' ping tomorrow, and every day this week. .... Silk Suspenders, in a large va riety Of fancy patterns, in dain ty colors one pair in pretty holiday box; specially priced 'at 2.50 down to.,...i..BO Xmas . Neckwear, in 'large -.aortrrcnt of r.bby gtyles ; every popular -x shade - and pattrrn." Trices from $1.50 dbwn toSO ' Mens cam Kones inese are, .. . without doubt, the greatest bargain We have ever offered in Men's Robes. Border trimmed, of heavy, imported Blanket, alt the desirable colors; exceptionally good values at f 3.00 and .... .v. ....... ..V ................... .-. ...f S.OO Fancy Silk and Lisle H"dkerchiefa in large assortment of pstterns. in white, blue and gray; very suitable for Xmas gifts. Price, each.. .......... ,. . ...... i ;.. i . f.. . . ,25e Initial Handkerchiefs, in great variety of Japonrtte, lawn and linen; every one good values. Prices.. .... .10, 15, 25f Rolbrb 1 s H at ' The Hat of Quality and Style. RO.BERTS BROS.; SOLE AGENTS. Buy-a-Hat Bond If -uncarUin as o styla and eoler-. good at any time until used. , half box,1 neatly packed in pretty Our best quajity. all linen' Initial Handkerchiefs. " One jr half dozen in fancy Xmas box; worth" $1.25., 'OP -Special Monday; . . ; . ; i . . . . ; '. ; .'.00 V ' Holiday Gift Ribbons : j We have something" entirely new to offer in a com- y bination- Netk-and ' Belt Ribbon,-rTo"4ntroduce-thls"- new production we will place thousands of yards of it a., on sale Mday in two special lots. ; - . ,; ', s lui i ipeciai, yd.XDf lui 5fr special, yd. v- x ins la-vciy iicivy on, iiuuuii, prciiy Luiuuuiiiun ot . deep ncn snades or red, green, pink, lavender, blue and brown; sold all over the east at 40c and 60c perjrard. Special Holiday prices Will prevail Monday and Tues day. 1 ' .o NewNeolcar We are now showing the most jlNgckwcar in alt the JatcfiUaov- j elties rtf the aeasnn. farkl of & nr!.. -i.m11 4r.n t M.' ft 1' buyers: , A wonderfurcollection of 50c Neckwear, One TJ, t piece in dainty box, Monday uC A superb showing of 75c and $1.00 Neckwear. AQn J All latest novelties, Monday. . .,. .V. .. .....40C Another Purchase Sample Neclrvrear 1 J, 'An ImmenMassortoentbf itylisH Neckwear In Stocks, Tabs, Collars, Irish Lace Sets, Venise and Em broidered Collars 'and Sets, all priced Monday at V - wholesale cost. ' 85c Values, pecfal Monday, each.".., $1.25 Values. Special Monday, each. $1.50 Values. Special-Monday, each. $1.75 Values. Special Monday, each. .. .. .'. .;. .1 $2.00 Values. Special Monday, each. ..... sot " $1.15 1 , 81.23 A W Useful Xmas Gifts in.Domcstio v Practical and sensible gifts are always appropriate and always appreciated by the housewife. Unsur passed assortments of Towels, Linens," Tray Cloths, r a T v. ri.t.m rt..i. c.. c A 1I1U IVI1I.I1 VIULJIS, XailldSA VUl 11113, CIC, all aT unequaled prices. '; " - ; " , U Silks for Xmas v ; Nothing so acceptable for Xmas gifts as a Silk Dress or Waist. Our Silk Department is now more than f complete with new, nobby,' crisp, desirable silks in an ) TnfUess-variety-oi patterns, all the new -color iugy and designs. . ror tomorrow we place on special sale an assortment of taffetas, .Louisiennes, messalines, crepe silks, peau de soie, crepe de chine, flannel silks, peau de cyrnes, etc., not one ever sold for less than H C $1.25 and $1.00. Monday. . ...f OS Holiday Gitt At Two Very Attractive Values 'Are Maid's Tea and Bib Aprons, made of white lawn; finished with tucks hemstitching and' embroid- Of""- err, tor. Round, Dotted Swiss Tea Aprons, trimmed with embroiVrciI ruffle: Aprons. Special at. i w 1 in .-r 1 r 4 ,ji '.V