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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1906)
- .- ...... ..... ' 1 . ... Rata or mow tonight and Tuesday; outhwet wind-,- , ... - i. v ' r-: , I I - - . r "S. esas- -m t-lizo ' - . " 1 , . V . . ' . -M II ' - - f M "V , N .11 ' 11 1 v ' . ' r - - 4 ;. ' vol: V; toof 245.) -. '-111 L-tl'-n hwt4U4hifJJ3-igar wtnnniny 5 crippled, bur some cars , every hour. -i Both sides arbitrate. , The, offer of After the complete tained. The working carmen were freely hooted at from the streets, and there were some few acts of violence and no cars were run after dark. A similar situation prevails today, and it is probable ; that the company will not attempt to run any cars after dark tonight t Manager Fuller scoffs at the suggestion of the strike being won by the men. On the other hand, the unionists are confident. Viir Hold" Meeting Tonight to Decide Whether They Will Take Part in Strike :df Carmen and Tie Up Power Plants, : Shotting Off Lights and Power. That tH local branch J f thi - inter . national . Brotherhood , ' of Electrical "Works ra will taka a hand In tha atrlka T of tha carmen aina hlKbly yrobabl tbU afternoon. Tha off Item af- tht , : union hava alreadr taken atepg looking toward eallins a aympathatie atrlka pro- vld4 the member vote favorably ,on tba pronoaltloa. -.'j - i , , A atrlka of tlje electrical worker would mean tb complele tying up not only of the atrect railway ayatam. but every othr Induatry la the city -which depends upon, the. operation of tha power-houao of the Portland ' Oeneral Electric company In thla city. : Yeiteailay W. U Trulllnger. aecretary of the Electrical Workera' union, tele graphed a report of the attuatlon here to the headquarlare of the Pacino-ooan ell In Oakland. A local electrician' union la not allowed to go on atrlka without the consent of Its dlatrlet eoun ell. and tha action of Trulllnger waa taken In order that tha council might be ready to give Its immediate consent pro vided tha member of the union vote o go out in aympethy with the carmen. Trulllnger then called special meeting of the union for tonight, at which time - the question of a aympathetle strike will be considered. 1. Inquiry among carmen brings to light a feeling that the electrical , worxers hold the key to the situation and that LEABO DECLARES FillMil HAVE' 'A SaytThat Not OverOne Third of tha Regular Cars Ar Run n?ng and rThat tho Men Are Deserting the Service of the ompanyJiveryildu ? ' T. M. Ieabo, chairman nf -toa atrlka commit tee. gave out tha follow lag state. ,. tnent at noon today: ' "We hava tha atrlka won, even If we -don't get another man to leave the care. Not over one third of tha regular num ber of ears are running today, and the compeny-has pressed into service every " platform man It baa. But there are more doecxtlone every hour.- Some men ' e,ult laat night,, ethera have promised to niilt tenlght. and still others hava given the assurance 'that they will refuae to taka out their cars la the morning. . Tha man are joining the union- In, bunches, Vorty signed tha roll and were initiated last nlgnt. . Out of a total of aomewhere ' between to and 100 platform men now .In the employ of the company. 100 are On atrlka. Everything looka favorable to us, and thes situation Is becoming .more favorable every ; minute. une thing t went to av any and all ru mora to the effect that tha strike haa been, or will be called off are false. The strlka will not be railed off until it is settled one way or the other.' I also want to protest agalnef the publl rstloh lit. the morning paper of a Hat of those erreated during the peat two dy and 4he auggestlon published , with tha I let that all thoee-men were arrested a tha result of tha strike. Kor the most 1 part thev are the resular Sunday drunks and vaga. Wa propose tot make Oils fight in a peaceful way, and tha com mute -will In no wise countenance vlo lenca of any kind.' LVOnTHE STRIKE r- -fa - 1 v , ;; i Portland; Oregon, monday evening, ; December , . i W i are rurining on every line. From one third to one half the 600 platform men employed by the company are on strike, and the unionists report that claim a victory. 'The chief developments today were the entering of the electrical workers as a posisible factor in the controversy and the offer of arbitration was. turned down tieup 'accomplished by the strikers1 arid the mob Saturday night, no cars were run until daylight yesterday morning. ' From daylight untU' 5 p. m. a they . can force on. early'Tgettle'iBantf they, a daalrsi - ,Tbey need only - to threaten, to atrlka." said one. carman. "and tha romoanv will alva liu'. . Inquiry among the electrical workera reveals a strong feeling in fatrof of tha sympathetic, atrlka.' While Secretary Trulllnger wouldn't Ventura an . opln Ion aa to what the action of the men would be tonight, ha waa frank la Ma belief that his union can force a settle ment In favor of the atrikera if it take a hand In the conflict. - t '1 believe that the electrical workers Mr. Trulllnger' today. At the aame time I believe there are other keys. believe that tha carmen will be able to win without a sympathetic atrlka.- At the same ttma developments of tha paat two daya have brought my union Into the situation and tha ' question of a aympathetle atrlka will be considered at a meeting tonight I do not wish to predict aa to what action tha membera will take. It la In their hands and I cannot say what they will do." SIX HUNDRED F.1EH -WOULD BENEFIT U ADVANCE III -WAGES Scale' Demanded by Striker Is One Cent an Hour More f Than at Present. Six hundred men would be benefited by the higher scale of wages per hour proposed by tha union. This f Includes the - extra, , men . who work i whenever needed by tha company.' . : ' : ; Tha scale 'demanded by; tba union la as follows: .For men In the aerviee of the company one year, 14 centa per hour; for second year men, 21 centa an hour; I cent a an boar. for third year men end eo on to II cents, the .highest bour'wage naked. '. This aoale la one cent an hoar higher than, that now In force.. - . In the agreement presented by. tha Union Saturday there Is also a provi sion 'that the system of photograph Identification of platform men now In use be abolished. Twra la alsd another section by which tne company Is to agree not to discriminate" against mem bers of the union. . Thla agreement Is to be binding from January t, 107, to January. 1, ,jo. ; . ! TRO OPS AR E R EA DY -. . . v. -. . -. .. ' Captain 1'.H. Knapp, quartermaster- general's office, Oregon Natlpnal guard, stated todiy, that white no thought of a cell for troops bad been entertained the men could -be -called oat- on short notice. ' , , f ; The call for troops wduld have to be made by County Judge Webster, at the solicitation of either. Sheriff Stevena er Mayor I,ane. - Thelaw -bearing directly on this point la found In the mllltarr code. The following excemt . f rom ar ticle 11.' aectlon 107.-explains tht sra. cedure In calling out tha state militia s "in case or sny-breaoh of the peace, tumult, riot forcible obstruction to the execution of the laws, or resistance to the pmceaa of the state, or the Immi nent danger thereof, the county judge of any county, on tha application or tha sheriff or the mayor of any city, may rail tor-aid upon tha commanding of flrer of ' the national . guard stationed therein or adjacent thereto." " 1 - Mayor Harry Lane thinks that at tha nf a wnTamettfi HfiVVits rar by Manager duller, . and tonight the electrical workers -Hfnrriniii n niii i rr A Kl Ml . 1WB f aWSblBKW .wise THEY BELIEVE WORST IS OVER vt Declare Men Want to Work but x. i Kl 4 -TLVvaiiI . r... . f ' alA w livi 9 I ri I i vblm vi Ilia, Crevvs' : Assigned to ' All Cars ,Runnlng,Today, OTficlala of the Portland Railway. Light It ' Power - company expreased themeelvea this morning as generally satisfied with tha atrlka situation. Oen eral Manager Puller does not view with alarm any future - results which may arise, and In fact' believes ' that the trouble., which ha lays to tha hoodlum element more than to any other source, will soon be over, i Mr. Fuller ; thla morning jobjooted to having the trouble Saturday night and the general situa tion of the car service yesterday and today termed "a strike." "I hava never considered -that there has been a strike In progress." he re marked thla morning, "and that for the reason that practically all of the men have wanted to work. . If the trouble had been general atrlka tha men would hava abandoned tbelr car a Bat they didn't. A few did and tha greater part of these were either dragged off bodily, or were compelled to leave their care by tha throngs of roughs who sur rounded- tha cars and threatened bodily harm -: If their demanda were not ac ceded to and the care deserted. Theae three ta, of personal .Injury and the In terference with the carmen are the only things today which prevent the resump tion of the regular acedule wit a full quota of care throughout tha city. Aa It la i this morning, - the Eaat Ankeiry service, is complete., and running a i always has, nd tha same la true on the line of the Oregon Water Power com pan?, Ta me tha altiistion n It r1lr la does' not put on the appearance of a strike In any sense of the word r ' Servloe Begins Tale Moralag. 7 The service , thla .morning began at seven o'clock, the" same aa yaaterday. Out .of the total of, tit men at the I t present time there Is no necessity of sailing fcr troops. He la emphatic in the belief that the trouble ran -be han dled without tha aid of the state troops. f When' asked whether he would aak for troops to aid In quelling dlstnrb aneea and rlota, he aald: . . "No. - We would swear In special po licemen and go to. It However, I do not anticipate a repetition of Saturday night's riots. s near as I can learn it waa not tha work of, tha union men, but. hoodlums who are aj way a on the streets Saturday nlghte." . 7 -.. ..Wliat Sheriff Steveaa Saya. - , Sheriff. Stevens was' Inclined to, the belief that tha police were handling tha rlotera . wall, . and. said In. respobaa to an Inquiry aa to whether he Would eall upon the atate troopa to take 4 hand In the trouble: ' v - "I have not taken tha matter up 'frie police have-been handling the affair and I think they hava seen doing well. W U tba present Urns there has been at Third and Washington streets Saturday nieht at 6:30. ' SCENES IN THE STREETCAR STRIKE 4ayyiWaig 1s.,aaayaajaa --.V .' ' V ' '" iip in i ! f, imm wiiii ti e ii iin wrew wit . Crowd ION TEAMSTERS DELAY CARS M Piedmont-barna, there were only three who refaded to take out ears.. All the care on the East Ankeny division and the lines of tha Oregon Water Power company went Into service with their regular motomaen and conductors at aeven this morning. Throughout the entire East Side, the service waa com plete, although delayed ' a ' couple of hours. The delay waa made aa a mesa use of safety to prevent any Interfere ence which might have come, aa It did Saturday night. In- the darknesa and prompted, by the rougher element. Laite yesterday afternoon and during the evening the crowds of strike sym pathizers which con Breasted about the) eavter street barns made threat a against the- motormen and conductore aa they came in with their-care.; , N assaults upon the company's property were made, however, the crowds threatening -veng eance if attemptsjrere made this mora toiaksahy car8Treinth barn. I mi It waa partly to preventany demonstra tion here or elsewhere'Tn the city that the hour for atartlng the servloe was set at seven o'clock. For this reaaon. (Continued on Page Two.) I F NEEDED no eall on me to' take' a hand' In the trouble, ' I do not anticipate a repeti tion, of Saturday night's affair." Oeneral Manager F. I.' Fuller of the Portland - Railway r.oTnpaay, aald that he had not considered the advisability of - asking for troopa. In speaking of "the matter ' of handling - crowda. Mr. Fuller saldi-c- , (;-.-- v1-' -' , : "V e have not considered the advisa bility of aeklMg for troopa.- Wa have had 00- trouble with our. men,' but with tnw-outsiders. We could not expect the police - to handle the erowd - Saturday night. They are not used to that sort of work out here. -They did excellent work yesterday, however, - and - X- think they should be commended for It. They kept the atraeta cleared In good shape. J'ho trouble Is at night when the offend rf cannot be Been. , . 1 -"t'nlees -the police . and the sheriff prove themselves, unable to handle the situation, we. will make no application for troopa." :4k. t .-. ... . I , ... it 1909; fo.urteen pages. will decide whether or not to Watching Company's Effort to Move Cars." DRIVE HEAVY TRUCKS Oil TRACKS AKD TKEH SHREWDLY BLOCK CARS . - f - SJSBBSBBBBBBBBBBaaS aXaBBBSBBBge l. Big Truck ' Ties Up Second - Street Lines for More Than ;'; . Half Hour. That tha teamsters are In sympathy with the strikers waa shown In several In.l.n n. m mnMitn. In Mrimi. U - th"- h. ,h ,ir. r kuM vana would crowd In front of the cars and- delay them, while . agents ,ef the union would circulate am sag the1 motor men and conductors. In an effort to In duce them to leave the car and Join tha strikers. . . - . . , - A large truck belonging to the Hol- man Transfer company crowded in front of a Mississippi avenue car on second street Juyt off of Washington at. 11 o'clock, and In some way the hub of flie front wheel was wedged . under the Side of the ear and tilted It to ons aide. While the car wheela did not leave the tracks, the car lurched menacingly to one aide and several of the side boards were ripped -off. ' As a result of the affair between II and to ears were' tied up for more than 10 mlnutea and much confusion resulted. , litrge crowd gathered and the police feared a repetition of the rlota that oc curred Saturday night. Pike poles were bsed In. freeing the truck from Ha po sition, and tba cars soon started on their ' Similar ' occurrences look place tn (Cher parte of the city. One on Wll- llarira avenue resulted In the tleup of six er eight care, and It Is said tkat tha teamster In this Instance acknowledged afterward that he delayed the care on purpose. Such methods were used ef fectively in lite big .teamatera'. strlks In Chios, pro several years ago and persons who aaw today's airalrs said that they were rtmlndert of the way in which the using men In pktgo suooeeded la oaus- PRICE ' TWO . is still on. The business of tie up the power house ME -MITRATiBUTl Strikers Tell Committee of Business Men . They Are Willing to Effect Settle mentOfficers, of Company Refuse :'. to Discuss Such Plan of Settlement - I . ing no end of tronhle en State street by their- cunning methods of driving into a place from which It would take the police aevrral hours to extricate them. - Ten Team for Insult to Ofneer. Tsan Antonio, Tex., Deo. IT. Alden H. Ealn of negro company . A. Fifth In fantry, waa sentenced to lO yesra at hard labor, at Fort Leavenworth, The negro waa recently tried by court martial on a charge of using threaten ing, abusive and profane .language toward two lieutenants and waa found guilty. , .;; ;. . , ; ., .. For Ihc Week The following Is ths advertising eea-snaing with SuudayrTemtr Itr ":'.V,.,:, '; J-.- Journal .Inches. FOR SIX WEEK DAYS - , Local 'display.;. . . . . . . . . . .... Foreign Classified' Display, real estate: 7. v. Readers FOR SUNDAY M ' , Lbcar display...'. .V,;v.w Foreign " . . ; . . : . i . . CUssified . . . .7. . .' ... . . ..... . Display, real estate.. ........ Readers ...........'.....',.... Total for week. ..12.SZ3 The Journal greatly increased Its lead carried over the other two dally panexe ef yaaterday. exceeding tha Or-nnlan by morning paper a evening edition, by t.l 1iv-he. - Tha T leg !. for the Orst time !n Ita ' tlslng during the week. In tta alx Issues, than l did In Its seven '.seiiea. which puta ths momii - i advertising rece. The Teiirram In lt m, - i Tha Journal fcsa -dlstAnced'' its r The JoMrnul tm ln"red thn ld c , era rei'imlzlng the worth of a ' than ti-l of etthor lha Or CENTS. ; JjAHir'JivrcV-T the comoanv is seriouslv tjiere are more desertions the strike committee to partial service was main la IbaatjlVa iQmmUies la. eharga of tha I. carmen's fight 1 v.llllng. to arbitrate 1 uui. tn company offlclala refuae to listen-to-any - such proposal ' Oenersl Manager1 Fuller takea tha Stand, aa umed since the beginning of the trou ble, that there Is no strife between tha carmen and the company and therefore nothing to arbitrate. Tv -"-ThlS morntnr wr Pr tar Bf-tha firm" of Olds, Wortman 4 King and Dan MeAHen of Allen aV - McDonald, repre senting the department stores snd other large business houses of the city,- called uPonJha strtkeeommltteelnjbejjglf pf peace and the arbitration of the atrlka. 1'he business men renresented to the committee that the trouble has come at a time Inopportune to the bualnesa in terests, that the large firms are losing thousanda of dollars aa the reeult of the interrupted aerviee throughout the city. The atrlke committee waa told that the business men offered them elves aa Intermediators ofjthe trouble and asked If It would not be possible to aubmtt the matter to a capable board of arbitration pending Its final settlement. It waa pointed out to tha committee that tha Immediate aettlement of the trouble waa not absolutely essential te thera. while It waa. of vital Importance to the bualnesa men., , Willing; to Arbitrate. The strlka leaders after hearing thai argumenta or the bualneaa men stated that they would be willing to arbitrate and that pending the aettlement of tha dlfferenoea existing between tha - twe sides they would be willing to send all striking men back to their posts pro viding the oompany would agree te tn propoeitton and would aubmtt to arbi tration. . .. . . .. -The arbitration eommlttee then called pon President Ooode and Oeneral Man ager Fuller of the company, but her net with refusal to their plan. ' Oeneral Manager Fuller aays the com pany has no strike on its handa. that' Its employes are willing and ready to work, with tha possible exception ef per cent, and that therefore ho- haa- no knowledge of existing dispute . as be tween tho company and the company's) men. He has nothing to srbltrate est (Continued on Page Two.) Entiing Dec. 16 record of the tnree dally papers ef Oregonian Inches. . ", 3,713 " 740 : 1.503 c .. 208 73 Telegram Inches. 7.830 60S 920 614 87 6,738 S34 1,423 391 ,.49 JX 2,807 -.- 2.142 - 229 609 ' - soa 18 9.623 volume i 8S 444 1,068 18 i i 9.S23 In th eiveri inltig Portlend tor h t,tt Inches i ! I l.,l .'i, A 1 til. l i lii t - r in ( tn .r ' r I - i ir by ') :o : l