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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1906)
. - 1 : mirinpiST THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 29. 1808. FACES !"titHrll:'! mm AUDIENCE- JVKW -'Hi! if H Hi,. IIUIllUlUVI ! i 'i '.' 1' ' '.'l'1 4.;l:j!'S'4! r ; ll...:. : ' .1 '!,' ' i -irGOODj .... 'John Ktndrick Bangs Gives Joy ; ' ful Reading at the White ' -t 'Temple GIVES SELECTIONS , ; ; FROM HIS OWN WORK Jteads From Unpublished Article as Jr Well as Famous. One and Cause . Frequent Outbursts of Laughter I and Applause. , -' :.'V ' ': nnhllS. or. that sortlon 'f lt that attended th second of ttt T. M. C A. OUFS OI leciure n night at th Whit Temple, bad an op 'portunity of hearing portion of th P!jiilll!P!!JWfWimf Vi , John. Kendrkk Bants. works of on of America's greatest bu- auid intnrted by that earns dignitary; " John Kendrick Bangs, most wtSaly . ' . 'i TrSDMooar on cn orew s tarr kouae one that filled th auditorium of th church without at ail orowdinr it and sent th auditors away wall pleased. They had not bean hllartoue. although Interruption to th readings were fre quent, aa soma mora brilliant witticism than th rsst eompelled tha laugh. But what they will prise most of all In th xperleno of last night will be th fact that they have heard th treat humor ist Interpret his own work, Th evening's entertainment consisted of selections from varioue worka of th author. There waa tha discussion . of Aha possibilities f antediluvian animals for a menagerie, by P. T. Barnum and Koah, from th "Houseboat"; there, waa the Christmas morn, ol the year IS S; M. day at Oyster Bay, th account of .which was publUhed in th New Tork llerald. but. nevei In book' form Mr. Bangs Says If was written In the wilds of Main hunting grounds, and la never likely to appear In any volume- and i or two other selections from works published and unpublished. They served y-lllBsrrtariouB ' sides of th au- thofs nature, and th humorous x- aegeratlon. amounting almoat to a carl " cature, that seems to be th prevailing not, though by no means th only witty one, of than) aUL , ., ' ' nunoriai Bands Wall . The selections war read without th slightest apparent atralnlng after ef fect without even any apparent attempt at elocution yet with such art aa to bring out In th almoat nonchalant man ' ner characteristic of tha author, every ahads of meaning, la other words he taad with tha highest art. -'Thou who attended with the idea that they would hear aomethlng of th Bam Jonea type of speech, were dlsap- r !"'"" 'i: ..i,i;:,.'"-,V-a ,;. "f J ,ikiT-:::.,'.!i Tk .. it ... Suits Overcoats Raincoats Made by America's Most rashioriablc Tailors-Alfred Benjamin t Co of New York Correct in Style A -Conect in Fit Correct in Price . $20.00 to $40.00 W ;T; As to Valut None A coin collector tad an accumula tion of pennlea Ha. told his son bs would mak.'hima present of ths antlr lot If ha would put' them in .boxes, tha same number la each box. There was an odd number of pen nies so that-If be pot aa equal num ber In each of two boxes there would ba on penny left over; la a like man ner be figured on J 4. i, . T. I. t. 10. 11. U, IS, 14, It, It. JT, 18, It, 10, 11 and H boxes, but. In every eaaa if he put aa! number In eaoh box' there would 'be one (only, one) penny left over. - The aon gave It up and told his-father ha thought It Impossible to perform the-feati His father replied: "8KlDOO--t for you." Th Son then ut the antlr lot of pen nlea la tl boxes,' th same number In each box, .How many pennies were ' tberet - ' .. .!-' . ' '' 1 " , '..'.'; , To make the problem plain: The entire numBer of pennies waa a number, which If divided by any namber fro m 1 to St Inclusive there will be a re mainder of one (only one) and If divided by tl there will b no remainder. Address all ' answers , to nim BSXTOB, The "Journal, Portland. The "priaee are worth worlclne; for 'and winning. "To the person who sends In tha beat solution of th Bkiddo problem, 110 In bright new pennies will be given; for 11 others, beautiful "IS? stickpins are the award; and others will set tl .pennies Juct from th mint . ; ,..,'- . . Copright JSOS by a C Kelly. Chicago. ' ' . ' SKIDOO WORKERS WILL DISCUSS PROBLEM WITH THEIR TURKEY nSUdoo is too asy for us boys 4n Couch school, a lot of us did it In an hour, whan teaoher wasn't looking. And It's Interesting, too. Th anawer is II for you. Ws'r ' goln" to dlvid th money. Betys can't guess wnat acn u get. Us boys know. . t - "BOBBT BROWN, . v- , Tor T Othef'FeUows." Kobert, Robert and th seven other boys -the puisl. editor Is pained posi tively shocked. Ths Idea that pupils would take time from their studlea to find th solution of ths skldoorproblem! Ths fact that ths pusxl is Interesting has nothing to do with th case: the school problems should be considered Interesting, and should be taken up with pleasure by th scholara It Is fortunate that th skldoo contest is nesting aa end, as th boys and girls seera to be giving mors attention to It than they are giving to their itudlaa. t above all others that 1 I have to be thankful for," writes Mrs. Oreig of Bellwood, "14 that I have finally- solved the skldoo puxsle. I never saw anything-llk It; It's the hardest thing I ever undertook. Th answer Is 1,708.151,180. I'm thankful It Is dona Mrs. Christina Packer, Lenta, writes that th pusxl la not hard, and that one la ths answer, and In th sam mall Fred Wallace. R. F. D. Ma 1, Aurora, givea in o aarae anawer. ... - Th way Mrs. Packer and Mr. Wallace figure it out la very convincing Indeed; and mad th pusxl editor wonder If on wasn't th right answer. But Har ry Merwln, 171 Porter street, sends In his solution, vary carefully worked out, and this la the answer he gets: 1.124, 000,717. 777.B07.e80.000 pennies In each box, so ths puxxl editor Is still in doubt' v .. .. - . r. rhey aySasv Th anawer to th skldoo problem are. getting mora interesting eaoh day. Tha twenty-threeaklos Sr numerous, and figures do not fib, 2 could saslly be th. anawer. Among1 those who aay tl la right are: Earl Brie. 1760 Hodg street; Emma Fleck Lenta; P. M. Rouah, w.lnUr; Jnhn R. fllbbs, Forest Prove: Thomas MoCann, . Woroester building;" Viva Dafo. 140 E. Sixth street; Fred erick C Coales, Ashlandi T. 8. Mears, Tualatin; E. EL Weber, 141 Russell street. . v - -. ' This Kay B It If It takes seventeen yards of baby ribbon to make a baby elephant's smok ing jacket how far must a feather fall to break a 14 blllT This Is tha -correct answer to th skldoo problem; bat the correct solution Is to find th least pointed. Thos who thought It lmpos albl for a noted writer to entertain an audience were also disappointed, agree ably. Tha only originality In tha vn- 311 MORRISON ST, 0pp.-Post of flee Ctn Give Better -1 s common multiple from-two to tl Inclu sive snd add one. Hoping It Is not akldoo for m and thanking you In advance for th' thou eand pennlea. IONE MORRISON. 187 Morris Street ; ' i - 6S a Favorite, To. Many of th mathematicians' who have been working on the skldoo prob lem Inalst that 821 Is the correct an awer, and th eas with which the solu tion works out that way is very en couraging. Bom of th ISt-era are Alice E. Johnson, 428 Mechanic street; Roe Cota, 190 East Clay' street; H. A. Curtis, Astoria; B. C. Moser, Pendleton; L. O. K., Kingston; Hsrry M. Miller. Portland hotel; Robert O. Grant Cham ber of Commerce; Suaan 8. Metcham, Baker .City; Arthur Pearson. t0 Oan tenbeln avenue; Mrs. Emma Wait Salem. Ksay Folks of XCaxy Klada. Her are some answers that clearly tndioate ride dltference L of opinion on th subject of th Skldoo problem: Albert M. Merrill. Unlveralty Park, 1,691,02,407 pennies in each box; Alva Leland La Rout, 209 Meade atreet 81 snd 1 over; T. H. Parish, Newberg, I3i,7i,ei; William M. Anderson, Lenta, 171,151,017 pennies In each hox; i " . . 460. . Magnolia . atreet Woodlawn, ll pennlea in each box; Mrs. M. JT. Phelps, 111 Lincoln' street 1 penny In each box: J. Brown. 172 tt East Oak street 10 pennies In each box; J. R. Bowman, an even number of pen nlea In each box; W. A. Oernn, O. R. N. Co, (.864.128.880; Clarenc Marks, Parker,- 132. 729, 60,000, 000,000, 000,000, 001 pennlea -(the figure -and th way Clarenc uses them sppear to prove thla); Ralph Wettelalrd, 114 Tillamook street 1,!24,1I.4I7,287 pennies la each box; B. H. Jeter, 108 Marguerite ave nue. IS1.16S.80T In each box; Mr a. Mary Lclghta, (11 Carlton avenue. 1,691,082, 407 In each box; Tracy Staats, Dallas, l,Il,ta,oi pennies in each box. - Other answers have been received front the following: Anne Carmody, 447 tt Hood street; 8. Leronge, 620 Bavler street; William True, 744 East Pin street; O. J. Lindsay, Roseburg; Tenth street; Velma Edwards, Cor valie; O. Beck, Sheridan; Meta Racha, county Clark's office; N. E. Watkias, Corvallla; LT N. Lund, - Vancouver, Wash.; W. 8. RUea, MonUvllla; E. Wat kins, Philomath; Alfred ' Anderson, Chamber of Commerce; D. Lehman, Haya, Wash.; Lucille Logan, 184 Grand avenue; 'Anna Alexander, La Brando; a, C B., 148 Boas street; A. W. Blgelow, 478 State atreet Salem.. - Ing lay In what-th author waa able to produce In th mind of th bearer that the latter had not eeen in th works befor. Th entertainment lay In th clever manner In which this waa dona In a word. It waa "an evening with Bangs." , TURKISH RUGS . C, . AT A BARGAIN Plserltnlnatlng ahoppsrs Offered Ua . usual Zadaosmsata to Buy Bar Ort- aatal Baga at SS per cent S lac oust Th rug-importing house of Jabour A Co 141 Washington street Is easily In th lead this season with a cholcs collection of rare and worthy novelties In ruga carpets, Florentine and Cluny lacea. embroidered patterns and other decorative novelties designed to please in most captious 01 unnstmas snoo pers In this Una Th importance of this discount sal may n best realised by thoae who have patronised th Ja bour store snd have been convinced of th fact that this rug house gives cus tomers th real worth of their money, To meet th demand for art goods there ha Just been received "from Psrls a splendid line of goods, all of. which will be Included in thla aale. A sub stantial and creditable sift for m horn of a friend Is a Turkish rug and no hdus In th West can compare with Jabout . for-pricea,and , patt.rna, Ijf now outfitting a new home, fiat or one room, or If you are Interested In know. Ing how economically to transform tha appearance of a too-familiar room and would Ilk to mak It cheerier, let us advice you. W hav rug at price to suit all tastes snd purses. W hav imported rugs and carpets with a view to suiting ths most discriminating and fastidious customers and ws now offer you unusual opportunities, which can not possibly laat long, to mak selec tions for your holiday purchases now. Evsryons who visits th store will be amply repaid for the time spent in ex amining and comparing our prices and goods. W offer something dainty and deatrabl and at the light prloes for shirt-waist patterns, klmonaa and fsncy laoea Th cream of th novelties is found her and shoppers are Invited to call early and take advantage or this chance. Out-of-town Inquiries will be given prompt sttentlon and letters cheerfully answered. ' Arlington Wedding. Olpwl.l iptrk te The Jnoro.l.) Arlington, Or., Nov. 19. Th wedding of W. 1L Morrison and Mrs. Hattls Snodgrsss Wrlsten was SolaiAnlaed st high noon yesterday at th .residence of ths brlds's parents, Rv. Moorehead officiating. The groom Is well known la business circles, holding the posi tion of foreman for Kerr, Qlf ford A Co. at Condon, and the bride Is ths daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs, A. B. Rnodgraaa, pioneer residents of this section. Both young people ar very popular through out the county and left on the evening train fdr Condon, their future noma you: ARE WCLCOME 111 J fJIT , buyer. a jj aw - " -a i.-r-T- : rsts--.- at . -.j V ... Bo HANDSOME BUFFET $18 $3.20 $3.43 Th plctur doesn't begin to do t Justice, jt -matches the rocker orponite Weathered oak finish, beautifully Made of beautifully grained oak. In golden or Bnd Is equally as comfortable, grained. A rocker of simple, yet weathered" flnlah. and fitted with a heavy Weathered oak flniffh. and wtll ',,,.. deairn. and ona you'll plat glaas that measures 1II0 Inchea. Cab- buUt. lv . ohair that la in no p,17n,r J"" M n 7 " Inet work and construction ar of th vary way to be compared to th aver- 'nd around town selling at beat. .. aa bargain counter article. double ths money. ... Tabourets $1.25 Made from aolld oak x In. th best possible manner. Weathered . finish. Put together with mortis -and ;ten non exaotlyy aa pictured, and on that usually sells for ner-As" ' ! 6methlng ther ar only few, w would ad vis early shop ping, 'i . ." v 1 - "! POM SSI STOCKMEN BLAME ROAD FOR LOSS Baker County Cattlemen State That Railroad Delays Furnish tngars Needed. ... 1 FORCED TO HOLD STOCK. FOR WEEKS SOMETIMES Traffic Officials Say That Shippers ' Are to Blame I oV Not Ordering in Time Business Demoralised by ' Recent Floods. (perltl Dttpateh to The Journal.) Iiaker City, Or., Nov. It. Thousands of dollars have been lost by Baker county stockmen during the present aea e6r Utfa tf gBT1H mm gr-CTrosed- by-dels y In shipping. Upon whoss shoulders rests the blame for this shrinkage is a question which la agitating local ship ping circles now, th -stockmen claim ing thst they hav been unable to get cars when promised by th railroad, and the oflclals of th latter declaring that the shippers fall to notify thsm of their proposed shipments until it Is JLoo lat to get them cars. - It is estimated by local shippers that approximately 1,000 head Of cattle are shipped out of this city every month of th shipping seaaon. Th stockman dnclar that In every Instance they ar forced to hold up their shipments from two to 14 days, while awaiting th ar rival of cars. This delay causes a loss, they ay, of t!0 a dsy on every 1,000 head, sa they ar forced to feed hay, coating 110 ' a ton, and shrinkage amount. to 22 cents a head a day. If thsir . estimates srs . correct and th average time they are forced to wait la flv day on each shipment, th lo.a haa been' $1,100 a month, a total of nearly 15,000 loss for the sesaon. . . . , . On th other hand Agent Lawrence saya thla lnaa haa been brought upon Bad a Olos OalL "A dangerous surgical operation, In volving the removal of a malignant Ul cer, aa large as my hand, from my daughter's nip, waa prevented by the application of Tlucklen'S' Arnica Halve." leys A. C. Btlckei of Miletus, W. Va. "I'eral.tant una of the Halve eompletely cured it." Cur. Cuts, Burns and Injur- use 09 l'A:QOOD iss, lie ; at lied Cross, fhju-macy. . , io;a ie Lt us open an account with you. It's a pleasure for us, and a convenience for you. , So handy to select anything you may need and have it put right on your account; especially now, as Christ-, 'mas will soon be here. It makes no difference in the price, as we make no prica advance to the credit baver absolutely none: von ara hist aa welcome aa a credit buyer as yon are aa a cash Moreover, as all ut prices marked a ARM CHAIR. Early English Library Tables Tha graceful patterns Ara only equaled by the careful construction and . richness . of the wood. Th finish la superb and. will appeal to those who do not ear for th a. V mtA affll want new and up-to-date;'WTiav them at all pHces; . , - . ;., ,' ; Table pictured, .above- i. .1 . t . f 20.00 Handsome Table with drawer.... ...fT.BO th shippers by their own negligent. He says that In a number of cases, which ar cited by th stockmsn. th trouble has b.en that be received notifi cation of - th Intended shipment only on day befor th arrival of th stock and that he did not hav time to get the cars Into th yard for them. Mr. Law rence asys that while ther has bean a large number of cars tied up, both In ths north snd th sooth, that they can furnlahed th shippers If ressonable notice 1 given him.. The tie-up in th north caused by th flood snd In Cali fornia by th delay In unloading at Ban Francisco, has worked a harnahlp on this section of th country, but traffic conditions ar being righted with as great rapidity as possible. We Beg to Announce That We Have Secured The -Agency For The i : JUSTLY FAMOUS Selz FOR. . A Trial will convince yon , that they are the pest ; thott told for the price All Stylet All Siies ...... -.'...- , .1 $4.00 and $3.50 MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED ROS E NT HA W S 149 THIRD STRtrr ' "Portland's Boat Shoe Store" mm WW' r in plain figures, the buyer can always HANDSOME ROCKER BRASS BED $36.00 llluatratlon ahows one of th handsomest brasa beds on " -Ho-arltet-The headboard la it tnohes high,' filled with beautiful scrolls and heavy straight fillers Set or f with IH-lnoh huska It is mad of th best quality brass and finished tn tha finest quality Ftenon lacquer. to- 0LYMPIA REFUNDS CITY'S PUBLIC DEBT -""-(parte!' DUoetch Is Tae J ok rati.) J -Olympla, Wash., Nov. U. Mayor Carlyon has- signed a new contract with ths water company for furnishing th city with water for Ar purposes, whlob reduces th rantsl to 110 a year for the flrat 10 hydrants and; 111 a year for hydrant hereafter, Installed by order Of th city. Th city council haa, alao refunded 1101,600 "of city Indebtedness having procured th money from th common school fund. Interest 4s there by reduced from per cent per annum to 1 per cent per annum. Sheas MEN ii 11 , .1.". 1 : $1 A WEEK BUYS ANY ARTICLE IN THIS STOR-E feel safe In EXTENSION TABLE $20.00 Oolden quarter, sawed oak. hand somely polished; x tends t I feat In length.- . v'- oar Table f 1,20 Bam atyl and finish as th ' round ILliVTUr The Monarch Rane The Range That Bales Hall Stands Are th Indicator I ;to tha ton of your, home. Tou will be sure to strike it right If you get one of these: ' . ,. . Polished quhrter sawed oak, with - French plat mirror. aa.. pictured. .njl 8oUd Oak and well finished." nn"Tyou" would expect to pay ,$!. for... r,15 nrwm?a -U 1 I' VTITITI TaTT3 klrUUiUJUiMJiS QUO (HiflSB GK0 1&i?(!(3(j3 1 f WiVrytSrow awav vour ivttrit- Wsyljlj li matter, whenYoucner. KIAT'N'S RciiABit CtASSinto Namis of OrtqonirWsshmgron rrmr, fruit, grain,(iopi poTaror ,chicht ni .sreck .nuinber m rsmiiv, tic. RURAL DIRECTORY C9 ti tra.a t, sosTtows. citoa fr,: :: ijiat.;,. '.Mar X 3- J III '4 1' 13 mm mssm- mm j - V A,-' 1 V