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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1906)
" THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 29, 1006. -w 285 Hcatherbloom Men Who Wear Only 1.50 Tics Will Like These AT $1.75 Value at 98c 285 Petticoats, made of famoua Heathcr : bloom taffeta, -in black, red, reseda, new blue, navy, gray and green; with flounce shirred to bodywitn shirred beading, ; trimmed with tucked ruffle- and flounce. These petticoat can be washed and re tsXn all their beauteoua luster and aur passing finish. Wear longer than ordi nary taffeta. Sell regularly for $1.757 and are extraordinary Pe',rf cial yalue at the Friday V fC f aale price FRIDAY-SPECIALS -FROM-'THE-SCkOOI OF STYLE" $37.50 Tailffr Suits $24.50 $50.00Tailor-Madc Suits $33.75 100 highest class Tailor-made Snita in Eton, jacket, blouse and nov elty styles, in all the newest fall and winter shades of red, green, navy and brown. The materials are broadcloths, cheviots and fancy Scotch mixed cloths, bvery suit new this sea- $24.50 son. The very best suit bargain of the entire falL Sell regularly up to $37.50. Special 125 highest class Tailor-made Suits, fn plain tailored' and novelty styles, made of finest broadcloths, cheviots and fancy mixed materials. In black, red, green, brown and navy; made and finished in the most exclusive and attractive styles. The lowest price quoted in Port- land this year on suits of equal - high grade. Sold regularly up to $50.00. Special salo price.......... ........ i f $33.75 35cHosieiy'25c JOc Hosiery35c Ladies' black wool ribbed Hose, with merino toes and heels' and seamless footr"35c qnalityr-Spedah sale- re price, only J 0 Ladies' black wool ribbed Hose, with merino toes and heels and seamless; fine quality; regular 50c aralue. ; r-' Special at .................... a . . ? J Ladies' extra fine black cotton Stock ings, all black, split soles or maco foot; 50c value. Special, three ", tfjl (f. pairs for. ........... ...,...iJX.UU Agents for - the " famous ' WearwelH Hosiery for women and children. , The world's best at.,...............25e $7 Blank'ts $5.95 851ahk!ts.$6,45 White Wool Blanket, 1M for full size -double bed. 5-pound ' tf e ri e -weightrregular $7 val. for:". White AH-Wool Blankets, .'. S-pound wcigni, xor run sue Deas, witn pink borders; regular $8.00 , a c value for . . . .k . . .JJ) 0 .4 5 6-pound, WhifeWooT Blankets for full size, double beds; regular $9.00 value. r!.!;;V:.::Jv.JS7;50 White' Wool 'Bfankets. 11-4 size for ex tra large double beds, 7-pound weight; regular 911 -vaiue special Q - C fl price for this sale.... .2 U $5.00 Oil Heaters for $3.38 $6.5Q Oil Heaters for $4.48 ' EQUIPPED WITH SMOKELESS DEVICE The famous "Perfection" Oil Heater generate intense heat without , smoke 'or melL The oil fount and the wick carrier are made xsf brass throughout, which insure durability. Hold four quart of oil and burn about ten hour. Have oil indicator and are self-extinguishing. Absolutely safe and simple wick ' cannot be turned too high or too low. Every heater warranted. That means that any repair will be made free of cot by our stove expert I llrff P ' . At About Half Regular Prices OC' " I -f-. Rings-for ladUa gentletnerLTnisse''tnd babies everything guaran- " V I I j ' ' r . teed soli gold set with rich' and brilliant atones.' Only one and two j LADIESRINqS I SIGNET RINGS SOLID GOLD 1 1 At HALF PRICE; VERYSPILCIAL : iAm i un Iff Beautiful Baby Rings at bait II I I La41ea Ring In eluster. soil- Rtn" J??' pr,c- IT 1 1 , talre. marquis, and other aet g""?n 24" Regular 50C RingS 25C -VI If tlng cuaranted olid old. -'m'mJL . B 1 II i ' ti.00 BOlld Gold Rlnas.Sl.50 2-60 B,T,et Rlnsy., .. 11. BO . A. special lot of plain nd - I I, II 18 50 aolld Gold Rlni 111.7JS II.BO Signet Rings ... .112.25 chased olld gold Bmby Rings. . II! 11 $i.B Solid Gold WngViialaS gJa-Rlnjj. ....JI3.00 " -sorted . . , 1 I II , $5.00 solid oow Rings-i 12.S0 !52? 2 SJ"" " 252 RefluldT $1 Rings 50c II II solid Gold Rlngs.ll3.00 Signet Rings ....$2.50 J .. .X ? J U - If ' IT 00 Solid Gold -Rings K3. SO --wr Brwi -iuo in mens oviiu uiu uouj luuaa, uonrjr IBJ M OO Solid Gold Rlnf. f 4 OO f S.OO. ; T.60, Sat-'Jeguu'r ft 'v'alS 1 1 " M.5 solid Gold Rlnga.l4.25 $8.50, f S.OO, 10.00. flat, regular 11 values. v u 1 1 .oo solid ooid Rings.i4.60 ' Regular $5 Rings $2.50 - 1 1 , ;;;;; as as safeg misse.s- rings sssSs l - regular pries of SS.o). II L Xngraving TR1LE, $2.25 Value, $1.25 Regular $3.50 Rings $2 II I liV " , ' TZ .;.. Misses' and ChUdren's pretty Misses! Rlnga, set with aolT: II IIV P"tty " FREB Of t., turquoises, emeralda! 'W1" vl.ue- - ' MM t charge. A sensational good value. Reg. $3.50 RingS $2.50 ill II II YV exrrsorainary King sale preeents prices about hall those you . f- m m . ui"u yuj iui mcMi;iin;iri -reguier-jvukuj stoics. l lie rings MM I . .are set with opals, turquoises, pearls, diamonds, rubies, emeralds and ' wj I X ' all the other stones. Every ring on aale ia guaranteed solid gold. 'Mi , V . Only One or Two of a Kind f ! .-I III imp. ll.i ' HIM , , ' . Eatly Shopping Pays " V ; " I t 'No Telephone Orders Filled rzTZ-' XXfc MTTSTP. 2fV fct 77V rrf nctm, ow . mw a V1At 1 I I M munu 11 w. I Ni-4- Vili 1 ' " VV J-,oay.ngU, MJJ sot I i s lev Mississippi BUS- II ii 1 I I I I 11 11 I etw aclases Mm ' . " . TteriVknToaWQ h III LIT1 i I ' Kin Xa, xasue Old . f I f V vv I ,y I i nnonn - s y H Wea the sjaow Birds ." - , Mulinn lir- A J -- Cron the Tails? , jryLj f XaL'V vV AU the selsotloas and hlta of efTy S Xy V Vx : rrom Farts," playing at the KeUig. Jh Jff W yW Beet Bnurto SeparCment . la ForttaaaV y(jty 55c They're all that the man who wears a $50 suit demands. Swell, stylish. rich looking, tasteful. All pure silk. The newest ideas in swell Four-in-Hands. Made of rich fancy scroll Ottoman - silks, ' serge silk. twists, French taffetas and Louisiennes, in figures, polka dots and raised stripes that will at once appeal to refined dressers TO YOU. Newest shades of gray, wine, cream, blue, black and pur pie. Any one for 85c. .... . . -rtT.- 'Oil Men's Blanket Robes Men's" luxurious; comfortable Blanket Bath and Lounging Robes, cut full and long, in rich and exclusive patterns. Ideal' presents. ' - . J,. ' Blanket Robe's; special.. .3.T5 Blanket Robes; special. ..95.75 Blanket Robes; special... f 8.75 Blanket Robes; special . . ,f 9.75 Men's natural merino Shirts," either $1.35 quality. Special sale.. ., f it-- sir-' vf.-i House Coats A loose House Coat, a cheerful fire and the evening newspaper ideal comfort for a man. Here are the coats: ' , New House - Coats.. .,.f5.00 New House Coats....... 5.05 New House Coats . . . . . . 46.95 New House Coats-. . .f 3.75 ribbed or plain; regular $1 Women's Underwear, Regular 75c Value s at 49c ii Women's finf VihheH Veffts and Tights.' medium , weight, high neck and long ileevesf tights ankle length; sold regular ly at 75c, and extraordinary A t Friday values 4Vf at - - ' - Ladies' .J'Oneita". Union Suits, either gray or cream color; this underwear is famous for its quality; regular 75c - j tm . ralue. Friday for, (X C jnly... r A? Ladies, "Oneita" Union Suits, ,' cream color only; $1.25 qual- 4 . yrjC - hy. Friday special price.. ........ "w Ladies' heary weight' fleeced Vests and Fanta, cream color only; 75c m 0 quality. Special ' J$Ct . 1 Extraordinary Friday' Sale of Books Standard and Popular Books Suitable for . Christmas Gifts -AIcazar-Classicsr-5oc-Values-f6r-29c1 rMore than 200 titles from the best writers. Both worth 50c skalt TrintmA sM 1 srffM i"lsa e fvn mnA 4sinti'1w knHM( Gam& JjgS- of the titles are: Ahh rnnstantin." "Aesoo's Fables, - "Alice in Wonderland." "Bitter Sweet.'' "Burns' Poems," 'Autocrat of the Breakfast Table." "Black Beauty, Minister's Woo- Cranford." "A "Ir. uim Q,.r. " wTriaaure Island." ing." "Man Without a Country,", "Reveries of a Bachelor. Dog of Flanders." " ' . , . The Famous Henty Books for Boys An entire edition of 40 titles. ?Sr each, reduce! to. ... ....". .....tJW Best standard books in genuine leather, gilt edges, good paper, 40 CQn selected titles, boxed, at only.......... $1.50 LATE, CQFYRIGHT FICTION FOR 30 CNTS FamousBooksof Fictions-Delightful and fascinating; " tales of adventure, love, mystery and humor: - ' , - "The Conqueror" "St. Elmo" "Man From Glengarry," Tales of Sher lock Holmes," "The Virginian' "To Have and to Hold." "Infelice." "Light ning Conductor," "Man on the Box," "Eden Holden" and others. , . , Remnant Sale at About Half Regular Prices Black and . Colored Wool Dress Goods Ends Hundreds of short lengths, suitable for-Skirts, Waists or Misses' Dresses. In all colors and black; also Shadow Plaids, Scotch Plaids, Broadcloths, Tailor Suitings, Serges, Worsteds, Novelties, etc., at about half regular prices THE, IDEAL TIME, TO BUY CHRISTMAS GIFTS IS NOW This advertisement suggests many opportunities to buy them at special price. Stocks are at their best, full assortments being shown. Cars and stores are less crowded than they will be later. Salespeople are less busy than they wilt be with the closer proximity of Christmas. ' SURVEYORS SEHT II1I0 FIELD 1 Oregon Water Power Orders Them Out on Some Secret r- Mission. ------ MAY MAP OUT LINE ? TOWARD MOUNT HOOD 'Possibly Working Under Secret Un- V demanding With the Chicago, Mil waukee ft St Paul Line Ars Pro I visloned for Three Month. , It Is rport4 from Oresham that the : Oregon Water Power A naiiwar pany faas Just sent a ertw or surveyors Into the Held from Anderson station, provisioned for three months, and that , they have laid their course toward the cascade mountains. Whether ther are Instructed to survey a liner to Mount . Hood to anticipate the project of the , Mount Hoo4 Railway Power oom- pany, or are working under secret un derstanding between the O. W. p. and the Chicago. Milwaukee at BU Paul Is a 4 aeetlon .. thai ...furBlshes Inter Ung speculktlon. The (act that the Milwau kee has had surveyors at work all summer on the John Day river Inclines many ; knowing ones to believe In the Utter theory. A point of dlvet-slon at Anderson sta tion Is about four miles south of Ores ham and affords a route of easy grades to the Bandy river and the valley of the Salmon. A lino ean be located. It la said, by folowlng the watercourses to Btlll Creek pass, south of Mount Hood, and the Cascades ean be crossed with nt . esoaaatvogradefcOnce over the mountains a road would find level grades and tap every productive valley now touched by u O, R. N. branch line between Portland and Condon ,. ' " 1 m.'. ' " o Staay Un. e Style I uk4 by kmtxsd Kmr-ers stone aafl se eever ausnsied Mrs. de Ultra WeU, perksps be Is it, my dear. sr s Thanksg iving Day 10, 15 or 20 Years Hence Will Be Something to Be Thank fill for If You Take a Policy Now In rmm rouor-iourar oompajtt. Home office. Commonwealth Building, cor. Sixth and Ankany, Portland, Oregon. A. U Mills, t President.. Ik Samuel, Oeneral Manager.' Clarence 8. Samuel, , Assistant Manager. DIES OH STREET OF APOPLEXY H. C. Slocum of Roseburg Ex pires Suddenly at Third" and Morrison Streets. HAD COME TO SPEND THANKSGIVING HERE Was Pioneer and Father-iiuLaw of S. P. Strang, Proprietor of the Ken- yon Hotel at Seventeenth 'Washington Streett." and As a result of a sudden stroke of apoplexy, H. C. Slocum of Roseburg, Oregon, expired on the street In front of Skldmore's -drug store. Third and Morrison streets, at 1 o'clock last night The streets were thronged with Thanks giving shoppers at the time. Policeman Ole Nelson quickly notified Coroner Flnley and the man was re moved to the' coroner's establishment. It was there that hie Identity was dis covered. He had with him cards con taining the name of Samuel P. Strang, proprietor of the- Ken yon hotel.- Seven teenth and Washington streets, who was - summoned by telephone. Mr. Strang la a son-in-law of the dead man and he completed the Identification. Mr. Slocum had come to 4h city to spend Thanksgiving day with Ms daughter and wife, who are visiting here. He had not notified them of his coming and was on his way to the Ken- yon when atrlcken with apoplexy. - H. W. Slocum was (S years of age. He was one of the pioneers of the southern part of the state. At one time he was a deputy United States marshal, and he also served In other official capacities. He Is survived by a widow, his daughter, Mrs. Strang, and a son. 1L C Slooura, deputy sheriff of Douglas county. The son will arrive In Portland this morning. SHANNA CUMMING TO ' GIVE CONCERT TONIGHT i , Shanna Cummlng and the Bostonla sextet give a concert at the White Tem ple tonight that Is said to be soul-sat-Isfylng. As an oratorio alnger. Mrs. Cummlng has gained fame, and her charming personality brings ' her au dience into Immediate and close sym pathy with her rendering of the gems from the masters. The Bostonla Sextet club, sn organisation of finished artists, 111 give several selections. T Seaside la golog to have a booster dub, , ... , ... eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee4eeeeee eeeeee OAKS R I NK MASQ UERA D E . eeeeeeee TRAINS FROM EAST AKD SOUTH ARE LATE ejsaaaMaaasiBSSBesaBSBBSaaBSSSBSi Heavy Snow in Mountains Held Responsible for Most of the Delay. Trains arriving late yeatrday and today on the O. . R. A N. and Southern Paclflo Unas are aatd to have been de layed on divisions beyond the Or tin boundary tK and no reports as to th causes are received by Itnut official Yssterda'a Ko. 1 tro i t .t wM c- Uvered to the O. H. A K. company ve hours late at' Huntington. Today the Southern Pacifie s overland train, due here this morning" at T:2t a. m, wae turned over to the Oregoa lines at Ash land four hours Ute And did not reaeh Portland until noon. V Cold weather and snows In the WW talna are delaying trains oa the Abort Line, and the greatly Increased welM of Union Paclflo paseenarer trains la Ue last two years has rendered It Imprac ticable to maintain the sied preeorlbed for the lighter trains that were operstt prloi1 to the Iwls and C lark fair. rr this reason tt tune canls ar twlng r v1alk and afier Hecemlwr 1 tli.fH ! he a difference of alront t l-mire 1 In the arrival of o. it. 'J. I Portland. O" I't H"s " 'i "' 1 a r .rl , .1 . - I - -V