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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1906)
... A THIS OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING." NOVEMBER 29. 1&P6. lit , CKN YOU ) tufig t BUf NOT ON II ' i - Id lwHEhRGwHATAVWof TRICES U1thEyr NOT I A IftlP UP TO THEfUNn ON THAT BLUFF. W6 - It , " ' ?- tx i y "vJOO r- &Q00 SOME Tint,. WE It fcJ, NO "' TTi J - X ( sSFniS WUPEARtY BEFORE TheJ " CcOuNSE; ; : " .-.V '. NEXT DAY . ; , , 1 NOW TmKOW YOUft I tRETTY GOOO FOR " ; , . , rTl 1 J THE FIRST ATTEMPT. " ' I I "AT S -. R GHT FOOT. LEAN - , - - v ,, ; ,- H ''EMIOUFQNa. ) QuTvOaROs'AnD V 1 - tff"" .- '.-TV Srjn BALANCE WtTH -V P 1 . - c -v k 3 the left. ' Llw ' ' ' " '5 '' T-r.- p& :; - " a ... .... 4 , WHV lCTurfie ARCWT Twirl II I ILtARNtNG SOnENEW TBlCKSt 5 1" ) .,VM'Llf THERE. AntffT THE I ---.-t MB HAiLROOri . (HALl-ROOn BOYS ;'WHY THEY - ' 3tconE - - V3 rCAN7 EVEN BALANCE OM - ... .. .'- r3 CTTGENTS . YOUR HOUR iW jff , " ' : : r,ir0NE ?oor- Jv?w,LL beer--no lr? &uh . r aw kt? r-crfuf in 10 youcant Jhs l jIA V3A',t-iiNUTES. expect QtALfyi & ol ' j They ' PERSON AU MIMI IATMOHD (l-M rmiaatf 3S8Vi MorrlMn Jtr room 14. traatacan, DOLLS' HfWPITA Hpalrlnr aad dm ulnf. Boon S, Wuktnctoa at. . JLADIB8: . Ak yoar dnjiiUt for OilckOTtcr . (iUU XJiantoaa Krua nua; rrcanna a baat. aafaati ahraja rallabla; bar of joot 4rnctiat ; taaa as othar. Chlbaatar Dlamoad Brand Pllla ara aold br (Irnaflata aTarwbara. "TTi iltliaatat Cbm. W. niU, -PI. " LADIES: . Dr. La Franoa'a Coon poo od; aafr, apaady racalatnr; SB ranta, droarlata or Ball; . booklat fraa. Ir. La Franco, I-kllaaalptala. Pa. ATTORNEYS. C. H. PIOGOTT AND J.- A. PINCH , Attniaaa-at-Law. Praetlc In all 4 Ualkr bld(., eornad Baraad and Morrlaoa. ART. mra Ur.HSONa B aabraldarr avary dan ' aaw atamped aklrtwalau, coraaloTara, -ba - Wt Jarkata, bata. omhrallaa. ate, Tba Kaadlaoraft Shop, tn Waahlaftn It, ba- Waat Pars aaa Tanta in, rROPKMOR K. MAX MIT KB, S48 AMar. Partralt aad laatlacacw artlat aad taarbar. ASSAYERS. QASTIW CTAKJDK EXTRACTIOI CO.. Mod taaa Aaaay Offlra. lHfl Morrlaoa at BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. BOWR, DAVIS KILRAM KS-1U 8a ad at. Ulaak hooka aMaafactarad; araata for Jonaa latproaad Looaa-Laaf ladfarai aao tba aaw fcartka Uat, Ua baat aa tba aiarkal. v BUTCHERS SUPPLIES. ItTTCHKB STJPPUrS S. Blrkaawald Co- 104 Od Baaratt at I laraaat batcttar anpplj bouaa oa tba ooaat. Wrlta for oataioiua. BUTCHERS SrPPLIES Aoolpk A. Daka-a. Idl-iu rirai ai., - alata aaaortnMBt carrlaa a full Una and wo. at bnraat aiarka prVaa. CHIROPODISTS. CHIBOPOUT and PadltTirin. Mra. M. D. BUI. Boon SW riladaar Bli(. Pbnaa Paa. 18A. CAFES. mil OPP1CE SM Waablactoa at., pboao Mala til. aiaai-Vloaaa. u- CARPET CLEANINQ. IT AN DA BD Carpal Claaalnf Co., la aat plant aa tba roaat. Lorlnc and llardlnf ata., trio pbooa Eaat SMU. Carpata alaaaad. raSttad. aawad and laid: botb ataaa and lataat aoov ,, praaaad air . p aaa; raaoaatlos aiatlraaaaa ' aad fvatbara a apaclalty. .. . ANITA BY aarpat alanln. ancfloa aad cna. praaaad air oaoiblaad: rarpafa claanad oa fluor . wltbout raBMtaL Mala K34. Mala SSUO. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. I. A. MELTON, tba ca nitar, S04 Paarth at Star aad afflca work. Mala 1187. 1 " I 1 1 CLEANING AND DYEINQ. Portland Staaai Claaalnf Dralaf Worka; prao. tleal baltar la aoa paction, til 4tlt, Paetit tat. CI.OTHS8 rlaanod aad praaaad 91 par asonta. t'alqaa Talbxinf Co., at Stark at R. W. TtHtNEM. protfaaloaal drar and ajaaaar. 0S Jtffarano at. I'hona Mala SS1S. DRESSMAKINQ. MT KI'IOCIAIj CIJRISTMA8 OFrKbl I wll r , auka a racnlar $li aalt for f 10 hat wa thla and tha 2.1tb of Daoaaibar. Mat. Bald win. 129 Grand ara.. city. 1ST Anaalaa Draaamabtns Parlora, taj ruth and Mala. Parlfle '"' ; . GASOLINE ENGINES. BANOI.INS aafltiaa. all alaaa and aljtaa. at ' lowaat prloaa. Malraaa Macti tsar Co.. Ul-4-d atari laoa au THE ; HAUL-ROOM They Do It on OO.QO vopyngbl. loo, by tmnm jmyTMi ukt. Do Some Wonderful Stunts CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST St George : St George CAN TELL YOL'B VTt.1V NAME, AOS, OC CUPATION. f 10.000 Cballrnta (or Ula Eqnal dlO.000 CotaaiaBda br rdaeatloa aad la andowad wltb tba avttarloaa poward of tb Eaatrra f Maft to hral tba IU, wak,-alrk afalctadi " ran aaa tba paat aad tut ara of roar af ' falra crfatal rlaari craatai a dlalna lnfia- tnoa to orareoma domaatlc. lota or pual--aaaa IbiTOrnr' tnatra U1. to oT ail tblnfa bMdaa, doubtfal. dacapHra: tfaat anno, parplai or. praaant aaeeaaa: tba only loam meaiator 01 aeerat inaaaara la Amarlra; lmplanta la roar Ufa aad balnff a naraaloaa (urea ta gain your wlab la aiar - rtara, OTa, arlntnt, wumtj, baataaaa, wln alnf rack: raoMaaa aatl. eoraa drlak hab Ita, all waakaaaaaa wklch dapraaa 70a or coarra tba will, raatoraa Vmt altalltj. Ilnda traaaaraa, Blnaa, mlaalng aeaa, paparaj KurpUaa aatral daad-traa awdleat, par chla palmlat. mratlo kaalrr, onplata Orlmul Ufaroadlnc clalraoyaatl paaltlralf Cuaraataaa tba baat aaaaao yaa bar aaaf ad atmply b takla your baad aad laok ln at roa talla aaarrthlaf wttb aaaiaa. datta, facta aad fltraraa; al7a rallabla: aldaat, BMat aaparlancad ta all aaealt and - apaclai arki ausraatioaa, aaeeaaa atbra tlona, Kwatal talapatby; baatana marrlaca, raatorwa loat lora, raaaltaa tba aaparatad, autwlta firala. anamlaa. Onaa Sundara. MO FOURTH ST.. COH. WASHINGTON ST.J ..waia ficnt ap. rornar rooroa. : ... Don't mlataka aama and alara. . . t- A SPECIAL Aa.O RKAD1NO fOM 1 00. lead! Read! Read! this is roB root read carefclli TBS POLLOWINO WOHLlMl Madam Barth 1 ta paraiaBaBtly lueatad la bar awa baam. 4M ITARK ai. laim woaaarim waasaa, aa knowladrad by tha world to be tba (raataet elalraoraat aura. without yoa wrltlnf a quee- tlaa or attarlnc aaa word, aba talla yoa loat what yoa eama for. bow aiany la yoar faa IIt aad all about theob Talla aa ra, dataa and facta. Talla yoa of lore, maniafaa, dnatba. baatneee apaealatlooa. Inaaatmaata, rte.l lorataa otl. (aa and asloarala ef all fcloda. ramo aTll Indueaeaa aad teaehae . yaa how to ooatrel tha ana yoa lora, aaltea tba aeparatad and eaaaaa apaady and eoa arnlal marrtaaee. No mat tar what yoar row anion nay aa, MADAM BAHTH WILL HELP YOU, 428 STARK, CO a. 12TH. ALL WORK OUAHANTKKD, PEE WITHIN BKACH OF ALL. HOURS 10 A. M. TIIX I F. II. ENGLISH AND OERMAN SPOKEN. rOR A FEW DATS ONLT. A SPECIAL to RKADINO FOR L ALWAYS CONSULT THS BUT. ' - - PROF. B. KBIMO. : Oraataat Maine aatral daad-traarw elafr. orant of tba aca; ADVISER ON BUSINESS AND ALL AFFAIRS OF LIFE; whom yoa will marry, bow ta control tba one yoa lora. area though aillae awayt reunltae tba aap- aratafl; iim aecrrt powara l tuniroi . I will do all ataara aaramaa to oo. aaa a araat dral mora. TUB KNTIHR WORLD HAS BKGN STARTT.ED WITH THB POW. EKS OF THE UNSEEN FORCES I HAVB AT MY COMMAND, and I proae It ta yea with- Br harlnf yoar NAME TOLD (IN FCLI), JtST WHAT YOU CAM FOR, and aire Sou adatoe ahaolntaly PRICK bafore yon daclda o hare a readlnf. WHO CAN OR WILL H) MORS TO CONTINCE THB SKEPnCt HO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY, AS IT WILL NOT BK OKFKRKD TO YOU AGAIN. pROr B RHIMO. : Parmaaatly Locatrd la Ilia Owa floni, -HOI KS. 10 TO a, DAILY AND SUNDAY. No. S86 Fifth at., coraer Madlaoa at ; McIVOR TBAT1S Clah trant and palmlat: tall wbaa and whom yoa wilt marry; tall aa ta rbanaaa, traaal, an fa and pa Tina Inraatmrnta; la fnct. aaarytbltif. S41H Morrteu at. Low tpe oe. PROFESSOR WALLACE, palmlat, claim rant and medium; readlnca 60c. parlora 4 aad S, Tha Ooanioa. BtW4 Morrtaon at. EDUCATIONAL. - SKATTNO Prlaata acbool of akatlnc, apadal ciaaaea era ry iw wy aaa a rraay i ' rata laaaon for beelnaere dally aicapt Saoday aadar tha rpeclal direct loa of Inat ctor . O. Ratala. Call ap phone Mala tleO. Erpo altloa Blak. MARY DAVIS MAOINNIS. tea char of eaaaan tlonal and naturallatlc rbliiai water-color heada 1 apadalty. Stadia 831 B. Sth at, N. WANTED Ama tear taleat for dramatic aa clty: aplandld-opportunltiaa. Call aaaalaaf ju hfU at, ) w ..." BOYS. Per. on Skates. . COAL AND . WOOD. - Telephone Mala taaa. ' Smlthlnf Coal aad , Coal (or Ship a apadalty. The ' - STOREY BROOKKS FUEL CO. ' (Incorporated.) Eacluelre airanta for , COAL. CORE. CHAHUOAt . - Offlra aad Yard Iront and Kearney ata. WB bare 1,000 corda of lS-lneb dry alabwood that maat be anld before January 1, at A2.26 to 3 par load. PORTLAND WOOD COAL CO., Cor. loth and Irvine. Pboae Mala 4STS. THB PORTLAND FUEL 00 Saccreeori to C. R. DAVIS FTEL CO., Pbone Eaat So. S87 Eaat Morrlaoa at ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealrre la cordwood, coal ; and (reea aad dry alabwood. B K. and Alblna are., S btoeke eaat of ferry. Baat aTe. STEEL BBIDOB FUEL CO. Daalcra la eoaL eordwaod ana ary aiaowooa. raeae Biaet aaa. OREGON FUEL CO. wood. S34 Aider at All ktnda at coal aad Phone Mala do. WESTERN FEED A FUEL CO. Hoaaa aad blackamtth roala. ' Pbooe Mala 101 i. STAR BOXWOOD CO. Phone Mala 8148 box. block and alabwood. (of DANCINO. DANCING leeeoa. S&c; ciaaaea or prtaata: waltmv Ing, two-atep, three-atep, etc.; elaga dancing, buck and wing, . cleg, reel, aklrt, Bpaalah. Highland' fling, ate. Prof. Wal WUIooa, old eat recognued tea char, Allaky bldg. Third and Morrlaoa ata. WOODWARD DANCING SCHOOL Claea Moo Tburaday and 8atarday ere.: aerial, fancy and etep daaclng taught; fearing taught; private Ireaona dally. Weatera Araaemy hall, Beeoad and Morrlaoa. PaclOe 1S3U. PORTLAND Dancing Academy, leading acbool; ballroom otlouette, correct aorlal and elaaale dancing; both aexea: ydung lolk. adulu; tn atractlon dally. 80S Aider. Tel. U. 1801 prof. Ring lex. dancing neater. PROF. BATON Dancing ecbeoti elmea for hi dice Arloa haa Phona Baat 3604. BROWN'S Daaclng Academy. Bnrkhard ball. 87 H Eaat Boraaiae. raoaa ataia aria, nance ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. Engtneere, eoatrae tore, reoelrere, electric wiring, euppllea. 84 JJtlrat-aMC- Stark. . Mam aoa. at. M. 1m WESTERN KLECTRIO WORKS,- SI Blifh at Contraetora, electric enppiiea, moiera ana dynamoe: wa Inatall light and power plinta. FURNACES. BOYNTON farm-air farnaeea aaea foel. I. O. Bayer Fornaca Oa., 28S Second. Mala 461. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRE A IRON WORKS SflS Flandera at., cor. Third. Phono Mala BOO. HOTELS. THB BELLRVUB, Fourth and Salatea eta. Hooma ooc ap: ratee or -were or anoniai eot-of-towa trade anUcited. Paclte S10. HOTEL Portland. Aaorlraa plaa;S8. $4 per day. BELVEDERB; European plan; 4th and Alder ata. Hardware. PORTLAND Hardware Co. aoUdta OT.porttmlty ta anate pricea. T4 aiita ai. racine ana. MUSICAL. THB WKRRER STCDIO Maadolla, banjo, gui tar I aa true t los Glbeoa mandoline, . SIS A Idea. etolla, piano, treabnna, elartaet. Pi B A. Smith. 804 13th. Mala 4708. LEVY'S MUSIC HOUSE,' 171 Penna at Larg oat etnek abeet maale la the elty. MONUMENTS. hiRU A BINOSLEY. M Flrat at rartUadt . leading marble aad gtanlta worka. INSURANCE. ISAAC Ia WHITR, Bra laawaaaa, tock bid. , IAS. Mr!. WOOD, amployanr1 liability aad In- ainauai acaarnt accarity nonoe at auaiooa. nam- eva matter aiea. MONEY -TO LOAN. MONET TO LOAN Oa Improvad city prop arty or for bonding parpueee, (or from I to 10 yaa re time, wltb rrlTll.fa to repay all or part of loea after mo yaare. Loana approrrd front plane and tnpaey adranced aa building prugraeaaa; BMrtgagaa takrn np and raplacec MZU H. STRONG. FlnaaaUl Aptat, I Stark at SBB STAR LOAN CO. Any aalarlad employe, ware-earner, aaa get oa ala no la, without mortgage t -t Month. M MenU Wb. tnA Annfaa to oa AlH Jul oa tlt.&O or IS IB fa.OO-Uaiiay to aa S 0.05 or I3.BS or 11. od . tlA.0O Repay to aa t 4.00 or $2.00 tl aw mcaay oiog, CONFIDENTIAL LOANS oa aalarlca. Inaaranea Dollciaa. planoa, rurnitara, waranoaee i ealuta, etc.; any deaeralug aoraoa may eeoure a. liberal aarance. repaying ay aaay waeaiy or monthly loatallmanta, (NEW BilA LOAN A TRTST COMPANY, SOS AMngtoa bldg. MONBY LOANED TO SALARIED' PEOPLE Just oa your awa aama no other arcarltyi doa't borrow until yoa eee ma; my ayatam la tba beat for railroad mea. dark a. bookkeepere, aueatcar mea and all other employee; bual aeaa atrlctly eonodeaUal, F. A. Ntwtoa. 424 Ablugtoa bldg. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE And otbera upon tbelr owa namee wltboat aacurlty; cbeapeet re tea. eaalaat paymenta: -.offleea ta oo prlaelpal 4laa: aave yoaraelt money by getting our terma Bret. TOLMAN, 22S Ablngtoa bldg., 1UH Third at WANTED Notee, mortgagea or coatracta oa any kind af real aetata la Oregoa and Waabmg- ton; eeeona mortgagea nurcnaaeo; ir wall eo cared. U. B. Noble. SIS Commercial blk. MONEY ta loaa In aama ta aalt. t and I yea re, aa low aa S par cent oa Improved city prop erty. Moulton A Scobey. Sol Columbia bldg., ' SdS Waablngtoa at. DON'T borrow money oa aa la ry aatll yea aaa HuttGn Credit Co. 01 J iMkam hidg. MONEY loa ned aa furniture, planoa and ether aecarltlea. - W. A. Hathaway, room 10, Waahlogtoa Bldg. Pbooe Paeloo 188S. WANTED Appllcatlona tor mortgage loana, - direct tram owner, from $B00 to $1,500, for term of yeua, low ratee, moderate chargaa. W. a. Ward, Attorner-et-Law, AUaky bldg. MONEY to loaa; . large loana apcctalty; alee building loana; loweat rate fire laaaraaco. , WlllUm O. Beck. SIS railing bldg. CRESCENT LOAN CO., 428 Mohawk bldg. . Money to lead oa eaay-narmeut plan ta ' wage-oarnere ; itncuy oonnoentiai. MONEY ta loan oa all klnda ef eeeurlty. : WlUUat Boll, room w, Waablngtoa bldg. QUICK loana aa all aecarltlea. S. W. King, 4ft Waablngtoa bldg. Phona Mala S100. WILL loan SS,0no or leak, real oatate eeeurlty, ( per cent rarrtngtoa, Featoa bldg. TO LOAN Bama to eult oa chattel aacurlty. R. A. Frame. 614 tha Maruaaa. - A LOAN for the ai.lin-ftttiry or etattaL The Loaa Co.. 410 Dekum bldg. LAND SCRIP. WANTED AND FOR SALE Land actio, all klnda. tnc Iodine approred foreet reacrra for aurreyed. anaurrayed, timbered and prairie gorernment land. a. ai. u amnion, loa rotv .lend. Portland, Or. MACHINERY. R. TRENKMAN A CO. Mtnlnc. eawmlU. log. glng machinery; hydraulic plpea, caatlnfj all inaa repaireo, . ua oria evurin. A. I. PAUU 10S riret at, engloea. bollara. aaw- mill machinery; Wlcka' Broa. nooring gapg. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS.- DBS. ADIX A) NORTHRUP, 4IO-1S-1T Dekum bids.. Third and Waablngtoa eta. Pboae Mafa 840. Biamlnatloa free. - OPTICIANS. DB. B. I. MILLS Optoaetrlat and Byeetgtjt Bpeelarlat Ruoaaa ad STi alt! WaablugUia Sueel PRINTING.' THB MODERN PRINTER YArtlatle printing. 3d Ruaael Bldg., roorta aaa auimeoa, raoao Padoe 162S. EVERYTHING IN PRINTING From eb-culare to catalogaea and aewepapeaa. MatxopollUn Printing Co., 14T rroat at OOILBEB BROS., prlnten Carda btllheada. etc I'hona main ibm. lee tnret at. PLUMBERS. FOX CO. nltary prambera, SSI Second, bet Mala and Balmoe, uregoa raoaa aula iauui. DONNERBERG A RADEMACHER, No. 80S Burnatoe at. PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. r. B. BEACH A CO. The Ploaeer Palat Co.) window glaea aad glaalag. 18ft Flrat at Pboae 184. PAINTING AND PAPERING. FOR reliable work, reaaooable prices, Sbeeby Bros., 3H3H Yamhill, near 4th. Mala 8073. RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS, 348 Alder at., pboae Mala 710; robber stamp)., eeale, at coolie; bag gage, trade cbecka; brea algae sad platea. REAL ESTATE. PARRISB. W ATKINS CO.. aetata, incur a nee, reatal aad taaa Trent. 330 Alder at J. w. OOILBBB. real aetata aad loana; eetab Uabed IsNS. 146 Flrat at, rooa 11. i. B. RICHARDSON Pbone Mala B3d. 823 Chamber of Comarereo. ROOFING. TIN ROOFING, goteclovaalrU oed giaarul obblng. J. Loall. 813 Jefferaoa et. Pee 1434. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of every deocrlptloal beak, bar and etore Siturea made to order. The Lathe Co., Portland. R. H. BIBDSALL. deetcner; ageat M. Winter . Lamber Co.. T Hamilton bldg. Mala bo 30. SAFES. PORTLAND SAFB CO., aole ageaa Sar Herrlnf. Hall-Merela sa fee and Manganeee aieel Bafe Co.'a bank aa fee. The largeet aaaortment o( high-grade fire' . and burglar-proof aatea la the aorthweet 82 Seveelh at DIEROLD manganeee and Are-proof aafee; lock oute opened; metal Sitnrre: eaalt and latl work iacka. J. B. 8d 3d. Mala 1454. EIGHT aeeend-kand Bra -proof eafee aad two aecond-haad bank afea for aala cheap, at TO Slth at., Portland. Or, STREET PAVINO. WARREN Coaetrarttna Co.. atreet peeing etna, walka aad eroealuge. 814 Lamber Eirhaaf e. THB Barber Asphalt Paring Co. af Portland. Office dnS Wore ester blk. r SIGN PAINTERS. FOSTER A KLRISBR SIGNS. ' Wa have built ap tbe laraaat aura baataia la the city by flrst-clasa work and keeping oar pram leek. Our price are rlgkt Fifth aad Eeerett ata. Pboae Bt. 8S. W. P. BURGER SON, 34 Yamhill at at alt klnda. I'hona Pacific S233. Slgaa "SIOSS THAT ATTRACT" A. H, Boa) Co ' Shi Stark tt rboaa PactAo !, , , , FINANCIAL ;ASS TTLTOV, BANKERS (Xata allayed ahw aarn.. 117" . ore ". ueaver, aa Loadoa. Parle, Wa a Beam at Baahtag Bealaeea. Conertleae medo at an eeiaia ,,7 I i 4i . . . ii ki. i kbmm i all nolata ha two irau . i . umeha. Baa Ftaaclaco and Montana aad Britiaa wiuaioia. i ' a, r.rauatia-1. Mflganaiai-aeaoeaaaw. - " i , i .rtir - I A.aCHASTS' NATIONAL BAVX. VORTLABD. 0RESO3T. I i: "RANK WATSON Preeldeat I R. L. DURHAM weaaral Baaklag Baalniaa. Drafta caablar I au Parte el the World. u BITIB STATES RATION Ai BABX OP nnnflwti corner Taira aha rr-,. j " aaaxuig aaweea. oae oaited Statea ana Earope, Hoagkoag aad Vlea-l'rI!u:V. - AINSWOHTR I VKO-Ireeldeot R. I.BA BARNBS I . AaaUUet Ceehler h( M"ar LUMBERMEN 8 BANK Pee tla ad. Oregoa. Coraao Beeaad aad Mark atieeta, ,.?a,MrH1 ad aeelnga depart meat. Intereet paid oa aaelaga aaeoaata, Drafta aad n r r?f m4lt tauod arallable la all parte ef tba world. - r rRRD n u.?ii:iX"-: - PeaeldtBt I E. O. MfABS Caehlee loJii a 2 IT"r."iIJ-- ""f Vlre-Preeldeat H D. 8TOBBT .. ......,. Aaeleteet Oeeblet g.ltj!iLJtSA2IJBeeond Vlce Prealdent t PLATT A PLATT.. .....weaeral Coaaaet T OF CAIXrORNIA Bttabllabed 1(84. Bead OfBea, Baa Tteneaeee. OaNforaw. r...", L "J.6 wp...i (4 noo one Snrplua and andlrlded aroflta. 810.O88.4nS 8S weaeral Ranking and Weehanrei Bnalneee Tranaeeted. Intereet 6a Time Hepaalta. .. A V IN 08 DFPARTMENT AcoraaW may be opened of 810 aad apward. . Port la ad Bra arb Chamber of Ceaamereo Belldlag. WM. A. MACS AB...... ..MeaaaerH. T. BUBTCH a BLL. ..... Aeaiataat Maaagee F7RST NATIONAL BANK P PORTLAND. OREGON. i "L-.".." .' Daalgaated Deooaltory and Flaaod.l Afeot of tb. TTatted Statea. ' . , A- L. Ml 1X8 I Caehler.. I. W. B"!'",! " ....W. C. ALVORD I Beeoad Aeaiataat Ceehler B. W. TBVBNa tZ..' ' Ittere ef Credit Aealiahla la Rnrepe aad the Kartera Statea ' ' or 51.1 "- and Telegraphic Tranafere aold ea New York. Bortoe. Calcaga. Bt Leake, .r.V; ?"!"!!." Praacfciee and the principal aolnta la he Northweet. " m.-?ii "i ? " "r,,, " to exit ea Loadoa Parle. Berlta. Frenkfiat ea tae-Mara. noagkongYokohama. Copenhegea. Cbrtatlaala. Btockbolm. St Pateeahorr. Moocow. Borlca. TRUST COMPANIES. P .?.1?9 nOTT COMPANY OF 01ZO0V Tee Oldaat Treat Ceapaap ta Oreeeo. RBSorrRrna OVER gt.TSOnoO. Oenerat a.nklne. 3 par cent tn tercet ea check eceoanra 'eeen hundred.) en dally ha! a area of IMS a orer. Lettera of credit end exreanre aa all ,..tTrM' "erhira accnonra. Time rertlflcatae. S to 4 per cent! ehort-eaU eperlal certificate., gnoo or mar. 3H re 4 per rent Call for Bonk of "I LI. for RATIONS. .... . Tn"' Coraer Third end. Oak "treat a. Phone PrlraU Bicbaaga T3. 2 .I.- .ri'IlT"" ....Preeldeat I H. L. PITTOCB: e Vice-Preeldeat B. LBH PAGET Secretary I J. 0. OOLTRA ....Aeaiataat Secretary ECU BIT Y BAVrNOS A TRtST COkTPABT Tejeneta a Oaaeral Banklnc Bwraeea. ea aiaaa one aaelnjra Aecooata. Acta aa Credit Aealiahla la AD a" a' Peeeldeet I A. (a. MILLS Second Vice-Preeldeat - GEO. P. RPBBKLL T M0RTOA0I OVARANTEE TRTJST V " 1"""'" Oeaeml Benktng Bnalneee. "wiaan per rent lotaceat allowed, CAPITAL W. WATERBUBT. Preeldeat ) C B. LOGAN HAYS alata at Secretary Btke Terapla-, SeeeBt, d g,,rk n,trte. Phono Main J84. Open Saturday Breaing Iht avTSRTKWESTERB BTABANTEB A TRUST I ., a-emoer aateBaage. R. Corner Second and Stark Streeta (i - . v rial' A I, AftKltT FOB CORPORATIONS. State, Coaaty. Maaldpal and Corporatloa Bon. la Bonvbt and Sold. New . . dad in a need, atocta and bonde guareateed. TrrXX TARAaTTEX at TRTST COMPANY 40 WA8HTNSTOB STREET. MORTGAGE LOANS ea Portland Real Batata at Loweat Ratee. Tit lee Ineared. 'Abetreeta Faratebed. J THORBPRW ROBS......... Preetdent I JNO. "J. AITCHIBON ...'.Secretary OEOBQB H. BILL Vice-Preeldeat ) T. T. BURKHART Trooeoref BONDS AND M ORRIS BROTHERS. Cham baa ad Commerce Mnnlrtnet. rith-ood and DOWNINO-HOPKrNa COhTPANT ICatabUahad 188 BR0XXR8. . BTOCKB. BONDR BRAIN .te Bidd ft. C.ea an o ar.ccin. Prlaata Wiree, ROOM d CflAMBBR of COMMERCR. Phone Mela ST. "KX J. .0. LEE COMPAaTT OommoawaalU Brokerage Department Boa Ua Before Buying or Selling Stock Otna . WILDE HOMB TELEPHONE BONDS BANK STOOLS. . Member Portland Stock Exchange. ' Corner Birth and Waablngtoa Streeta. Portland. Ore yon. Oycrbeck. Starr & Ccoke Co. sunr, pRonsioNS. cotton, stocks and bonds. WE DO A STRICTLY COMMISSION BUSINESS. Coatlneoua Markata by Piieete Wire. Qatck Beratce. BEFEBENCES Ladd TOtoa. Beak- are, aad United BUtea Natl anal Bank af Pertlaad. SEWING MACHINES. PHONB PadSe 3788 aad I personally win eall and repair yoar aewtng-machlne; work gueranteed. 8. Sama, adluater, 801 Third at TYPEWRITERS. BKAIMiUARTERS for new and rebuilt type- wrltere ox ail maaea; aee oar wiouuwi u y.v are going to boy a new typewriter eee oa be - fore buying; wo caa ear a yoa money; we bare rarte for repairing all machlnee; atate axante for tbe Vlaltile Pox; we buy all klada or typewriierv. ,ua j rm 1. 1 nn wiviMai , AVA. - Elllaotu aaanaier. 84 Third at WB cell Bamlngtpna. Bmljyemterai)eaat, norea, etc., lower tnau auy otner company, lnreetlgato. Underwood Typewriter Co., 88 oth. TYPEWRITER repair and euppljr Co.. : 490 Waablngtoa at Phone ataia osoa. BLICKENSDERFER typewritera. 340 aad 8S0; aappUaa. repairing. Roaa Koea. SBlVk BUrk aaaaaaBaaaaaaaaBaaBBBaaaacaaaaaaBaaaBBBanaaaaa-am arrai aaa TRANSFER AND HAULING. THB BAOGAGB OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO., cor. Sixth ana u ate.; oaggage cnecaeo - from hotel or realdenco direct to deetlnatloa; paeaeagera therefore avoid rush aad annoy ' aace at depots. Prlrate exebaage 88. SAFES ptaane and furniture mo red, packed ready lor anippiog iw aaippm, worn gueranteed; Urge. 8-etory brick. Sre-prosa warebonae for storage. Office SOB Oak at Olaau A Roe. Phone Mala 847. I. O. PICK,, onica no rtrat ai. , oi an a no mare and Oak ete.r phones ): planoa aad fmnTture BWTed and packed for chipping; eommodkioe brick warenouae wiisi RieHi. aavai Freot end Clay ata. CUT ratee . oa hooachold gooda to all polnta eaat; we make up car km da : apodal rooa for - trunke while welting. Oregoa Auto-Deepatch, 13 Flrat et Pboae Mala 718. ROSE CITY VAN CO., ofca 141 Flrat at. pboae Mala 8220. Furniture and plaao-aoelng a e per laity; we gnaraatea our worh. i NATIONAL TRANSFER A 8TORAOH CO. 370 Oak at. Telephone Mala 4400. Transfer ring aud atortrg. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 184 North Sixth. Pbone Mala SO. Heary hauling and atorage. INDEPENDENT BAOOAGB A TRANSFER CO. Storage. AM Stark at Mala 407. POST SPECIAL DELIVER No. SuOtk Waaav Ingtoa et. Phone Main Sol. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brnah. aoaa, 81 per mouth. Portland Laundry and Towel Supply Co.. Ninth and Coach. Phone 410. TELEPHONES. THE only exelnetae towpbooa-hoaae. B.-l . Electric A Telephone Maaatacuirlaa eoa pany, 83 Firth at. - fcjaiii'ii raamaaaiaxaaMaaxtaTe WHOLESALE JOBBERS. TUB BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. Jere ef eeddlery, hardware, borae goode, laather, Dad Inge and oboe store euppllea. Fifth and Oak. BL A. OUNST A CO. DISTRIBUTORS OP P1NB C10ARS. ! , : PORTLAND, OREGON. SHKRK. GAEE A GRAHAM (Ibc.) cnmmlaloa merchanta. Jobere of (rulta, produce, etc.; ' eonalgnmeata aolldted. 12ft From at EVKRDING FARRELL, prodare end eoa mlaloa merchanta. 140 Front at. Pertlaad. Or. Pboao Mala 178. - OREOON Furniture Manufacturing Company Mannfacturera of furniture tor tba trade. Portland. Oregoa. WADHAM8 A CO.. wbnleeelo croc or a. mane- .factarera and aommlealoa morehaata. Fourth and Oak ate. FURNITURE manufacturing and eperlal ordere, L, Raeeoaky'a furniture factory, 8u7 Front at ALLEN A LRWIS.-eommlaaloa And produce mer cbaata. Froat aad Uarle ate., Porllaad. Or. WHOLEBALR crockery and glaaawara. Prael. Hcgele Ao-UW to 0,y t"1' ' WINES jND LIQUORS, r ' COLUMBUS, Call race la wine oepot! all kmda ef wine. So a glaea. Cooke' aad Cooke' Help er. Ueadqaartera. US Fourth at Phone Pa cific 3IWL P. LoratL BANKS. at 18SS.) . . . . . . . v rrzz . uauttua w. boit... aad lettera ef Credit taaaod Arallahle ta Collect tone a ajpectaiiy aad Telagrephle Treaerere aold oo New York, W.eatea ChUege. V0RXXAV1V OBXwOSV- ion una acreer. ' , n . viti i iwki aeanaam ra . . - Manila. Col Wat loea Made oa Feeeeable Toraae, Caehlec..., B. W. BCHMt-S B AaateUat taahler ... W. A. BOLJ A. M. WRIGHT . . Sod Merrlaea Btroet, lertlaad. Ovagea. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. lateroat Allowed Traeree for Bata tea. T1 Drafta aad Lettera of Parta of tV. WaarlA. I. A. LEWIS B. 0. JUBIT35 Aealatant Secretary , Fll at Vita Pieeidaat COMPANY BANK. ., ? " Intereet Paid ea Time Dapoatta. Saeiura compnanded anarterw. . ,...1100.000. 08 ' . . W. MTLt.RR TVe-Preeldeat OOMPAWT Pert lead. Orearaa. INVESTMENTS. Bldg. pebllc attilce rerporatioa boada. Bldg., Sixth aad Aakaay ata., PortUad. Oregon. 11. W. Donahae. Maaager. a a Bonde. Can Alwaya Baea Tea Money, -' (Mean here Chicago Board ef Trade.) -I0S Third St. McRay Bldg.. Portland, Oregea, SLOW COB American .. Ship ViL F Babcock LaV-Befln Out Six Montha ; for Portland. LEFT BALTIMORE, MD IN MAY AND IS OVERDUE Supposition la That the Windjammer Encountered Storm Weather Off ' Cape - Horn Where .Wind and Waves Have Played Havoc. That the , American ship W.- T. Babcock will bring a tale of bardahlpa when aha reaches Portland from Balti more la expected, for ahe Is now sev. eral weeks overdue, although not. yet poated on the liat of Urdy wlndjam mere. She left the Maryland port May 11 with a cargo of coal consigned to tha Pacific Coast company and since then bar movements are a mystery. Terrible storma have been raging off Cape Horn during tha months -of last eummer. according to reports brought nere by veeeele from Europe, and lm menee Ulande of Ice from the antarc tic have made navigation more than ordinarily dangerbua in tbe bolaterous watera south of Terra del Fuego. The Norwegian - steamer Norman Isles reached Portland a couple of montha ago with .her stanchions twisted and decks bulging as a result of her en counter with the elements off the Horn and the officers admitted that they were fearful every moment that , the stanoh craft would go down with her cargo of cement. Since then a number of windjammers have come into port with simuar accounts, all agreeing that the seaaon has been one of the worst ever recorded. The Sailors of tbe Vaowch- Kmpepenr Wrnrtlk 'wpOTtddfTip-" on reaching port the other day that off the Horn two. Immense Islands of led came within a hair's breadth ef crush Ing their - veaael and that she had to be guided with the utmost care In or der to avoid running Into the drifting obatructtnns. The supposition Is that the Babcock encountered the stormy weather and loat considerable time In getting around the Pacific side. . Bha was built In Bath, Me., In 188S and la therefore conaldered fully stanch enough to ride out ordinarily rough weather. r The, old wooden craft C. T. Sargent and Harry Moree have Juat reached At lantic ports from Portland with car goes and both of them brought rr porta of trying experiences all the way. The Harry Moree - drove before a fearful gale under bar poles for a number of days and then again she lay bet plena In calms , for weeks until the sailors were nearly blinded by the glaring awn. At last a monater meteor fell from the heavens and burst Into a showep of flame over the veaael ss she waa near Ing her destination. Mtraruimiely, no one was Injured by tha glowing mln. alla but tha aaliora were nearly fright ened out of their wits. OCEAN PEACEFUL AGAIN Ooaartlxtg Btoeunoraj Arrtva aad atoyor ood Weather Oatatde. After having been decidedly bolater ous for several weejha, tha old raclfle has finally on'etcd down and aleejnera Arriving from coast porta once rr ?rs re- COAL CARRIER IS port pleavaAnt voyaA Tha Alllanoa, CaptaJn Kelly, arrtvod) Rt lNuoh atrwat wharf at It o'clock lost night rrtxa Coo Bay brlogln 48 paaeongera but aaave J amount of freight Thla waa duo to ta fact that ah dellvarad . oaAwd of aajmon Rt Aatorla. ahejulual trip UOa tlraa, Sana. CaptalR Kelly, "duo prlnclpaUly to too foot that w encuunterod flua waaunap botb sotnr And com In a. . Tba aa waa amooth and tha wind light W mado tha round trip between Portland and Cooa Bay In four days and flva nlghta." That ateavm orhoonor Johan I'ouiaoti Arrived at tho tnllia of Inraan. Poulaaa Co. at 18:19 o'clock laat night to load a, returo cargo of lumbar for Boo Frn- claco. Bh la In command of CaptoiR Merrlam, formerly of tho F. A- KUburov Bha, too, encountered smooth amlllnaT. ' BIRDS ENJOY FEAST Waterfront Za Quit aad rtgooRS 'Cbafg-e af Waervea, Everything la quiet along tha water front today aad a padlock adorns tha door of tha longshoremen's headquar-' tors. Nona of tha vaaaela la tha harbor or working and tha aaliora. too, ara shaiing in the reat afforded, by ' tha occasion. ' The waterfront pigeons ara ' feaatlng because there Is nothing te frighten them away from the streams of groin that acoumulate on tha wharvoa where vaaaela - are receiving cargo. Swarms of the birds were out early and took thalr Thanksgiving: feed and the seemed a contented aould - - During work days the pigeons fre quently have ta snatch their food an tha fly. although soma of tha bolder ones have learned to underetand that the men who send tbe oacks Into tha ahlp'a hold ara not to be clave aed with their enemleo. . ' Moat of the dock . offices remained eloaed all morning and tha custom- bouse transacted no buaineas. . FOREIGN SAILORS ROW oat Stevoea Being sold la tha TaArVo This , Crews of the foreign ships in . tha harbor ara rowing races, hls stemooa in the lower harbor. Much Interest ta" being taken In tbe matter by tha anil ors In port and other people attracted by such sport and the amuoeraent of the men who follow the sea. Tha races are being run from Montgomery dock No. 1 to tha eteel bridge. - Theae ahlp crew racea ara held annu ally on Thanksgiving day when there nothing for the sailors to do after having hoeed down the decks In tba morning. Small prlaea are offered tha ' wlnnera to make tbe events Interaatfac ORIENT WANTS FLOUR rortlaad-Aslatko Tetaaara Will BeaUr Wrhh Capacity Caigoea. TJnuauolly heavy calls for flour ara being received from tha orient, accord ing to officials of the Portland St Asiatla Steamship company, and tha next few llnora from thla port will go out with) capacity cargoea of flour, almost ex clusively.' v The officials believe tha heavy demand) due largely to tha damage eauaed by tha recent floods in western Washing ton. The nesrt liner to sail from hero will he tho Arabia, which ta now an route from Hongkong. She will carry ay about ha.OQQ barrels of flour. ALONG THE WATERFRONT . Captain Sal r aeon, temporarily master of the schooner W. V. Jewett, cams to Portland this morning from St, Helens, where . tha , . vessel Is loading lumber, to angaga a crew. He saya sailors are scarce and ha may have to send away for enough to take , hlaj veaael to sea. ' :Tha bar la Very forgy thla ervlt)g- snd the only shipping reported outside this moraingTwaS'Tt rour-Ttiaa'edr" schooner. , . She waa sighted before tho denoe vapor obscured tha view from tha etatlon ot North Head. - Tha Brltlah steamer Blackheath la ashore in Grays harbor wltb 2.040,008 feet of lumber on board. She Is bound! for Australia and will in ail probability be pulled off by tugs at high tide. The steamer Pheasant, which has been operating on the Skeena river dur ing the past summer, is a wreck at Beaver Dam, 14 miles from Haselton. MARINE NOTES Aatorla, Nov. 28.-i-CondItlon of tha bar at I a. m., moderate; wind, north east; weather, foggy. Paaaed in at 3:11 a. m.. steamer F. A. Ktlburn, from Ban Francisco. Outside at 8 a, m., a four masted schooner. Sailed at 10 a. m., American bark Star of Bengal, for Saa Franc loco. - Astoria, Nov. 31. Arrived down at p. Rt, Norwegian steamer Terje Vlken. San FTancleco, Nov. SS Sailed at I p. m steamer Coat Rica, for Portland. Arrived, American hark Hoaiewardl Bound, from Portland. Sailed yester day, steamer San Mateo, for Portland. ' Astoria, Nov. 33. Arrived at It a. m.. American bark Susie M. Plummer in tow of tug Bam eon, from San Francloefx Loft up at 18 a. m.. ateamer F. A. KU- burn, from San Franclaoo. - .. -' Saa Franclaoo, Nov, at. Arrived at noon, ship McLaurln, front Colombia river. .. SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT ACCUSED OF EMBEZZLING (Special Dlepatch to Tbe loaraaL) ' The Dailea, Or., Nov. 2t S. J. Strata ton, superintendent of schools for Mor row eounty, hoa been a treated here on a meseage from Sheriff Shutt ot Hepp ner. Ths grand jury hod returned sv Irueblll agalnat "hlra for embeuiamenC" It is claimed that Stratton, pa R member of tha Iona Trading company, which has lately gone Into bankruptcy, era bessled between 15.000 aad 14.000. Mr. Stratton was en route to Portland to attend a meeting of teachers when ha waa placed under arrest Bait was fur nished and Mr. Stratton left for Iona today, whore he will faca his traduoers and enemies. LUMBER TOWN SUFFERS CORDWOOD FAMINE (Special Mepatca to The loam. I. , ' Aberdeen, Wash Nov. It. The pe culiar situation now exlals hers ef a town In the buJat of a lumber region, with seven sawmills, having A weed famine. ' For two oV three weeks past tha mills have been, unable to keep ap with their orders and at the prevent time It is almost tmpoeelble ta get a load of wood for any money, simply be cause tha mills eannot furnlaft It Tba situation la astrravated eti account of the unueual cold weather now prevail Ing, and the foot that but few people uaa eoal especially, for cooking pur. poeea. A Osss few ffeeoad ffSeae t, From the Indian" 1 Conalderlr-e the la. t I t I ' ' fine waa l w ' n 1 ' 14,000.000, It r t ha a i etatuUrd lo ' " r, 1 qncauur'i: J t : ' 4 I