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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JO URNAE. PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 1CC3. 15 Clcrb Closed Today Credit Purchases Mads Hero Tomore December Acss:n:tC.crQ CcccJ Today Artistic Picture Framing Done Portland Agents for Butterick Patterns and the Christmas De lineator 'Subscriptions- Taken Id Your- Order- HolulayOrl den Should be Placed at Once H Marrow 1 -A i , - . ii ii 1 , .... ... ii ii Women's tar--- ' S $18-$50 Vol's. Half For Tomorrow's 879th Friday Sur prise Sale - Portland's leading cloak store offers a sensational bargain in women's high-grade Tailored Suits 200 garments to select from, this season's very latest fashions and ma terials, Pony Coats, Prince Chap Suits, Bolero blouses, blouses with peplum and tight-fitting jacket ef fects, Persian and button trimming.-' velvet, collar and cuffs, tailor strapped and stitched suits; checks, mixtures and solid colors; cheviots, broadcloths, tweeds and serges, in. all sixes ;. suits selling regularly at prices from $18 Tk uo to $50 each, at 2 1 See big Fifth St. Window Display ; Better plan to come early if you want the best bargains 2d Floor, Women's.Childn'sFlanrielGovris Our entire stock or Women's and 'Children's .anneletftTpiwns on sale at special prices. You'll appreciate one of these warm night dresses these cold nights. Styles are the very best Fancy stripes and all white trimmed in fancy silk and cotton braids. High neck; .Mother Hubbard and round-neck Kimono styles. All sizes. Grand. bargains. ; ' i. $1.23 Valnet each at . 98 $3.00 Va nes each at $1.59 $1.50 Valnas each at $1.2 9 -$3.50 Valaes each at $1.98 3000 Pdrs of Womcrfs Hose 50c Values Tomorrow for 33c Pair 3,000 pairs of women's fine Hosiery at a very low price tomorrow -Three big lots to select from Extra quality light weight black cottons, all over lace and ; "boot effectsrveiy best-pattemsrHerms-- dorf dye, Hosiery we"sellthousands of pairs of every week at 50c a pair All sizes Buy all you want of t'- ; them tomorrow at, per pair Mail and Phone Orders . will receive our prompt and careful attention Order early " "Great special , values in women's fine Silk Hosiery All grades Women's Ruffe, Very Low Priced Our entire stock of" Women's Neck Raffs at exceptionally low prices tomor row. Novelty Chiffons; Nets, and Liberty Silks. Latest styles .and colors, rink, light blue, brown, white, black and white and black, in ruffs' and cape ef fects. ' Grand bargains at , . . ' f ' $2.75 values reduced to, ea.$2.00 $7.50 values reduced to, ea. $ 5.G3 $3.00 values reduced, to, ea . $2.19 $10.00 values reduced to, ea . $7.69 $3.50 values reduced to, ea. $2.79 $11.00 values reduced to, ea. $8.60 $5T00 values reduced to, ea. $3. 79 $11.50 values reduced to, ea. $8.80 $8.50 values reduced to, ea. $4.89 $16.50 values reduced to, ea. $12.49 300 of Them, Choice at $3. 1 0 In the men's Clothing store' for Tomorrow's 879th Friday Surprise Sale a great : special . . j'.: , . " lot of , men's blanket Bath Robes at about half their value Opportunity to buy a pleas ing holiday gift at a big' saving These Robes are full length and width" with large' Byron collar and trimmed with cord and tassel Great assortment of patterns and colorings; neat dark effects in browns, grays, blues, greens, tans, figures, dots and allover effects -A necessary article f or men-Tomorrow 1 only ' mm your, choice at low price S$3.10 See Morrison Street Window Display- Mail arid ' Phone Orders will receive our prompt and careful attentions-Order today Second Floor $5.00 Couch CoversS 3,95 Ea. Great special lot of OnentaT Couch TJoYers7T)Iue,. redT green" and "terra eottar very large assortment of patterns and color combinations-, size 60 inches wide by 3 yards long; best $s- values on sale atJ... 200 Negus Couch Covers, reds and greens, Oriental patterns, very' . best styles, 60 inches- wide, 3 yards long, special., values at...... Rope Portieres of heavy chenille cord suitable for; doorways, 4 to 6 feet wide,, red and Oriental colorings; our best $7.50 values, at.. S3.9S $1.65 $4.95 Reg. $3.35 VakBoxof 6, $ 1 .39 Grand Friday bargain In women's .fine Handkerchiefs, six in a box, a. special offering that should interest p61tdaysh6pperatiBTy-economic- ally inclined These Handkerchiefs are all pure linen Pretty hemstitch cd and embroidered designs put up six different patterns in a fancy box, making a sensible as well as pleas "g Holiday gift Regular vaL $2.25 a box Your choice to morrow while they last $1.39 Our Great Sale of Gas Ranges In the Big Basement Store Tomorrow. Housekeepers Are Interested. 4-burner Classic Gas Ranges, 16-inch oven, separate broiler, C 1 1t full guaranteed. Regular $23.25 model, on. sale; at V 1 C ea7 4-burner Gas Range, with warming oven, 20-inch baking oven COfl t and broiler. Regular $35.00 Gas Range, on sale at ytfOJVJ 4-burner Gas Rangewith lg-inch oven and broiler; $14.50 value 11.19 4-burner Gas Range, with 18-inch overt,' without broilerr $12-50 value ..9.95 2-burner Gas Range, 18-inch oven and broiler; $11.25 value .... ......99.00 2-burner Gas Range, 18-inch oven, no broiler; $9.00 value, each 97.43 J 000 Renaissance Pieces $3.50 to $4.00 Vahics $1,59 75c to $1.35 Values now 47c 50c to 60c Values now 23c Three great special lota of Renaissance p pieces on sale for Tomorrow's 879th Friday Surprise Sale - at temptingly low prices Handsome pieces in large assortment and marvelous values. .-, ii ii v LOT 1 Choice Renaissance Dresser and Bureau Scarf a,J 8x54 and 20x54-lnch obiong, square, round and octagon medallion cen ters, $2.60 to $4.00 values tftl CO the 'extremely low price of. ea P J r LOT 2 Choice ' Renaissance centers, 18 inch size, round and square, - good assort ment -of - patterns; 75ct to L20 values at the very low price of, ea 4?c LOT -3 Choice Renaissance pieces,' 12- inch size, round and square, all new, pat terns, our regular- 50c and 60c . l values at the very low price of, ea & V mm I III BAVr. 1 III ill 1 , ' the Big Fifth Street See Window- Display Great China Specials in Basement -Crest special lot of 400 German China Pitchers, with neat floral deco- 1 'l- , rations, 1-quart size; regular 30c values, on sale at the low price of.... 1 9C Great special lot of 400 Dainty German China Sugar Bowls and Cream 00 Pitchers; regular 35c and 40c values, on sale at the low price, a pair....VwC Holiday displays of Silverware, Cutglass, . Copper 'Noyelties, . Nickle-Plattd Ware, Chafing Dishes, 5 o'clock Teas, etc, are now complete a showing' second to none In tbs eity. ; Buy early and avoid the crowds. :'. - 3'000lMeI-'s... SEiirts $1 Values for 49c 3000 men's fine Golf Shirts on sale tomor row at half value All new styles in great asaprtmentrMadrasrOfords and percalear iight''and'darlrpatterng. attached or-aepa rate cuffs, stripes, figures and plain blues, tans and grays All new fall and winter Shirts that we sell thousands of at SIXHT each All sizes and sleeve lengths AjTkf Phenomenal values tomorrow at See MorrisonT Street Window Display. Mail and Phone ' Orders Carefully Filled Toy Dept. Bargains 3d Floor Colonial Doll House, 4 rooms, can be taken down and , packed fist; QQf regular $1.35 value, on ssle tomorrow at the low price of ...... ....... "Tumble-In," a great game and evening entertainer; $1.25 value S5.95 Ha-Ha," special hand car, best model, latest improvements andC easy running; regular $7.00 value, on sale at the low price, each.. x .... ..- .-. . . j - - Farm Wagorv with shafts and tongue; regular $8.00 value, each... f)6.9S Child's Morris Chair, handsome style; $1.50 value, for the Jow price of.. f 1.2 3 Child's Red Rocker, 60 value, 494V 25c Crokinble Game for ........ 19 SPANISH AVAR VETERANS 17ANT THE ARMY CAHTEEH RESTORED Local Camp Sends Letters to Senators Fulton and Cearin Urging Them to Work for the Res- - ':.v: ' toration. . '- . ;'". '.' VUer urging ftonatora Cbarlos W. , Fulton and John M. Oemrln to tak ac tl strpa at th tint elon of con-a-ri to scrure the repeal of ' the law forbidding the sale -of ber and light wtnea In army canteen will be aent to the aenatora bjr Camp Scout Young No. I, United Bpanlah War Veterans. Simi lar letter will be aent to the repreaen. tatlvea of this state In the lower house ' of congreaa. - - At a meeting of the ramp at Audi, torium hall. Third and Taylor street, laat night, it wm decided by a unanl- " inoui vote that the letters should be . snt ' ' Resolutions declaring that the organ. Isattoa deetraa to go on record as stand ing wltlr the regular arpiy In favor of the reorloh by eongniSs of the aale of beer and light wines lii'army can. teens, was read. The resolutions de. nlar that the military experience of tho Spanish war veterans haa. clearly dxtnonstrated thst genuine temperance Is effectively promoted by the opera tion of a ranten where light drinks re sold under proper restrictions, that the -rnsmbsrs of the organisation have se and reaJIsad the evil effects Of preventing soldiers from purchasing mild . beverages within their own post, and forcing them when they desire a stimulant, to procure It In surroundings destructive of physical and moral health. It U stated by the resolution that the officers of the regular . army, almost without exception, favor the return of the Canteen, but are so situated that they cannot work to that end; and that the U. S. W. V. considers it within their province to aid them-toward securing the desired legislation. These, resolutions were adopted by unanimous vote. The movement-In the U. 8. W. V. Is concerted. All the camps in the country with a total membership of over 100,009, are acting together In recommending to congress that the. an-tl-eanteen repealed. . . - The legislative committee of the na Uonal encampment has been instructed to preaent to oongrees a memorial In dicating the opposition of the organisa tion to the present restrictions tn xthe oantoen. In addition "to the letters ad. dressed to the senators and representa tives to congress from Oregon,) Camp Boout Young eommunloated to the na tional headquarters the hearty sytnpa- thy with the movement of the local camp. A petition to congress is being circulated among the members of. the camp, asking thst the anti-canteen law be repealed. This position will be signed by nearly, every member of the camp. Personal letters to Oregon congressmen urging them to give the matter their attention will be written by a number Of the Influential members of the camp. Condon men are agitating the project of a beet'augnr factory I all that Is needed Is capital. FLEISHMAN RETURNED TO FACE HIS CRIME Brought Back From British Co - lumbia to B Tried for Larceny. . Merits Fleishman, he trusted em ploye of Woodard, Clarice Co. who. de camped with $00 of the Arm's money and deserted his young wife was brought back from Vancouver, B C, last night by Detective Sergeant Jones. - Fleishman, upon reaching police head quarters, telephoned to his wife, ap prising her that he had 'returned and was wlllliur to face the eonaequencea of his crime, lie . absolutely refused to make a statement relative to cause- of the theft. This morning beyond ex pressing a desire for something to read and complaining, of the chilly cell he occupies, he would not discuss the ease. When arrested In Vancouver f 810 of the (none alleged te bare been stolen AWoman Should Buy a White Sewing Machine WgaTSa It Sewg Faster with Less Exertion. It Holds More Thread in the -Shuttle. " ' " " r """It Uies the Short- Needle, Thus Lssssrunc the .Breakage. Its Attachments Are superior to Tnose of Other Machines. rawssT KAOxxna kxjrrmo . szwrjro KAOsmrxs mxirTzn ch CstBAJT ' ono kuomnf It Uses the Triple Feed, Which Has a Great Advantage, Because ir Feeds Faster and setter. Aren't These Reasons Enough Without Mentioning Any More? ' F'or further particulars, see ' . ' H. D. JQNES The Man That Sells the WHITE, Xing of 8ewin( Machines. , Z. 280 Yamhill St., Con rourth HivcUusbarid biyou Phone. Main 6102 - one for Christmas , found in Fleishman's possession. This sum la being forwarded by express to the local authorities. , W. r. Woodward ' of Woodard-Clarke Sk Co., called to see his former employe today to secure an order from Mm for the money in the hands of polios, Fleishman absolutely refused to ac cede to the request until he had con sulted his lawyer, Upton. Mr. Wood ard stated to Chief Qritsmaoher that Fleishman bad. - bees systematically stealing from the cash till in the store for three creeks prior to his flight to British Columbia. According to tfte head of the drug firm, Fleishman was In the habit of assisting the cashier In making change during , the busy hours of the day and whenever ha went behind the cash desk there was Invari ably a shortage of II to f 10. It Is the Intention of the firm . to proaccute Fleiahman to the full extent of the law, -V .- V i';. V 1 ' V ... . '- i i