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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY ' JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY 'EVENING, NOVEMBER .29, ' 1903. 13 EVENTS III REAL ESTATE WORLD Comrtock Tract at South Sun ... nyid Is Purchased by v " TJA,' E,' Lee." ' . FRANK C. BAKER MAKES ' I PROFIT. ON INVESTMENT4 Cleans Up Forty Per Cent In Less Than Six Month ori Quarter Block , "at Southeast Corner of Third and 'Jefferson, - , y M. Lee closed a deal yesterday (or the Com took tract, Bouth Sunnyalde, containing 10 Iota, for which ho paid 111,000.. The purchaser Intends to plat the tract, putlns In all street Improve ment! and opening'' up the streets that have been Ion closed. The tract will be called Lee' a addition. j . B. H. Lombard and associates bought the southeast quarter block at Third and Jefferson streets yesterday from Frank C. Baker. The purchase price, IS7.600, is considered cheap for. that district. Mr. Baker bought this lot last Stay for I2S.S00, thus clearing p refit , of 40 per cent In about alx months. This and the. Matthlesen hotel property sale, made a few days ago. Is In Una with recent predictions of realty dealers that -business property in the southernor tlon of the city would undergo a general advance In prices. This sale was made - through tha agency of J. H. Falrbrook. The Baker estate has sold tha south east corner of First ; and Columbia streets for 120,000. Tha name of tha - purchaser. Is ; withheld for tha present It Is given out that the lot will be Im proved with a three-story brick block at an early data. 'Tha Rosenblatt aetata has commis sioned a local architect to prepare tha plans for a seven-story. 150-roora hotel, to be built at the corner of -Alder and Tenth streets.-' The hotel wlT be leased to J. E. Tarrant, a Noma miner. A building permit ires issued yester day to Contractor Barrett to erect a 126,000, three-story brick on Everett street, between Sixth and 8evanth,for Frank BohlegeL Tha building will be BOxlOO and will be ready for occupancy In- ths early spring-.' ' iThe 'architect of ' the Welle-Fargo building has asked for bids for the tile and marble work of tha building. There Is to be about '15.000 feet' or tiling laid 1n the building. The marble' will be used largely la bsses and walnscotting, to trether with . small area -of mark) flooring, ,...-. 'Real aetata' transfers filed for recdrd yesterday amounted to $212,697. Consid erably more than half thla amount was . mads up by the three following deeds: The corner, of Bixth and Burnslde by Thomas Scott Brooke to -sArata Bros., far $74,000; lota . , T and s. block 120, Cbuch addition, from C. W. Cornel lue to R C Tenny, consideration 2J0.O00; and lots I and , block 10, from James D. Hennessy -to Peter Taylor, Hmsiders tlon 121,000."- -.' ku::d.ed ti:ousa::d fos braiits pass g::e Boland -Creek Cold Producer Taken Over by Portland ..J. Capitalists. (Special Dispatch te The Joe rail.) ....Grants pass, Or,, Nov. . The Bo und creek quarts mine and clalmf.To-' cated In the Sucker , ereek distriot of Josephine county, south of Grants Pass, have been purchased by Portland capi talists. The names of the buyers have not been made public, but the consid eration is given out as 1100.000, of which a large payment has already been made." - - The Boland creek mines were former ly owned by A, W. Gilbert. W. E. Smith and C E. Platta. . The claims contain three well-defined ledges, all opened by tunnel and, drift' and all ' carrying high values in free gold. Much of tha ore carrlea visible quantltlea and assays up Into tha thousands. The property la equipped with a small plant used main ly for development purposes. ... Tha new owners will take possession of tha Boland Creek claims at an early data and will not only mora deeply de velop tha claims, but will Install more expensive equipment and prepare them for operation on: a large ' scale. The mines are located a short distance from Holland, tha supply point for the Vpper Sucker mines, this place being the new stte of -the old mining camp of Alt house, which bed Us beginning mors than 60 years ago. ; Oopher and Baby Mines, After ups and downs covering - a period of eeveral years tha Gopher mine, on Jump-Off-Joe creek, has practically been abandoned. The equipment mill, hoist, cable, skip and engines Is being dismantled and prepared for shipment to a mine near Ooldfleld, Nevada. ' - The- Baby mine, located near the Gopher, and which has been quiet for some time, is busy again. Its owners, tha Capital City Gold Mining company of - Sacramento, - have - Increased the equipment and will mora deeply develop tha property. INDIAN WAR VETERAN 1$ DEAD AT JOSEPH (Special Dispatch te The Journal.) Joseph, Or.. Nov. 10. John Ross, one of tha bast known citlsens In this local ity, la dead after a lingering Illness of about six months. Mr, Ross was born In Buffalo, New York, about SI years ago. He took -an active part In tha In dian 'war, and be was personally ac quainted with General Gustaf, who, with his entire -command, was massa cred by tha 'Indians. For the past 10 years ha has resided In - Joseph, and he spent a greater' pontion of. his time prospecting In tha hills, being Interested la a number of mining claims. Free Catarrh Bod Breath, K'Hawklng and Splt ting Quickly Cured -Fill Out 1 f ree CoupoRrBelow, "" " " " -4 i "By hew Dlseevery Quickly Cares Catarrh." C X. Oauas, . Catarrh Is not only dangerous, but It causes bad breath, ulceration, death and decay of bones, loss of thinking and reaeonlng power, kills ambition and energy, often causes loss of appetite, indigestion, dyspepsia, raw throat and reaches to general debility, Idiocy and Insanity, It needs attention at once. Cure It-wllfr Onues' Cstarrh Cure. - It Is a quick, rsdlcal, permanent cure, be cause It rids the system of tha poison germs that cause catarrh. In order to prove to all who are suf fering from this dangerous and loath some disease that Gauss' Catarrh Cure will actually cure any oaae of catarrh quickly, no matter how long standing or how bad, I will send a trial package by ntall free of all cost. Send us your name and address today and tha treat ment will be sent you by return mall. Try It I It will positively cure so that you will be welcomed Instead of shunned by your friends. C. B. GAUSS, 7717 -Main fit., Marshall, Mich. Fill out coupon below. - . - Xannah Oraham round. v (Joeraal Special Bervase.t T " New York. Nov. St. Hannah Graham. who caused tha arrest of Caruso, has been found. She proved to be Mrs. Stanhope, wife of Adams Stanhope, tha ball player. : - J. S. Morris of Scio has started a movement for a gymnasium snd a free reading-room for young man and boys in that town. , Spread the World's Table along every line of longitude from North to South: every parallel of y latitude trom nast to west;, pue M yXv thereon the ibooVof "every dime and t.r -c will surpass them all In the elements which' make a perfect world-food. ; ( ;In a dust tight, C motstur proof package 5 i SeTcral Cars of Bananas Dug During tha Day Car Eastern Cranberries ICojnea JToo Trade No Chickens Unsold ' NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY GUI. ED BY "5-DROPS" ' "S-OUOPS" I sm enters! sad external resssdy. Applied axternally It grrea quick relief tohe sufferer, while a euro Is belngeffected by Its use Internally. When yoa are Buffering with Rheumatism la any form use ' -D08." It does not matter whether you have Innammatory, Masoular or Articular Rheumatism, this remedy. If ased as directed, will slvs almost Instant relief from those terrible aohes and peine. It rida the blood, tlaaues and Joints of the eric acid snd other poisonous mat. ter which eauaes those Intense rheumatio pains. This Is ths only way la which a permanent cure sea be effeoted. . "S-DR0P5" will car Rhsamatlsm, Neuralgia, Kldnsw Trouble-, La Ortppw, Colds, Couitha, Lumbago, Sciatica, Oout, Asthma, Catarrh, .Dyspepsia, IndlgesUon, houraltid Headacba and othsr kindraa aisaases. K - . If yoa era tufferlng with Rhenmatlra, JVnoralgla. Kidney Trouble or any kin dred disease, write to ue for a trial boula of "t-DHOn." end teat It yourssil. - - NOTS-Lerre lie Settle "(-DROPS (300 Doses il.OO.) Pee Sale by Draggiets. II "sDKoPS" Is net ebtalnsble m year tews, order trees as dlraet SM we vu eswa h sweswia mm ress i receipt at erica, , SVAISM RHEUsUTIG CURE CO., (Dept. 43) 160 Ukl St, Chlcrgo PRE 13 i ' Tblt enapoe Is good far eae trlst paekit ef Gaels'- Ootnblwd Cstarrb Core, Balled free is plsia Dark af. Simply SU la rr Bane ' aad tddesas ea dstted lines bslew aad mall to . 0. X. OAVSS. rm Vaia Stnet, Marahall, Hlokigaa. . . r NO TURKEYS LEFT Oil THE STREET Front Street : Market . Entirely Bare of SuppKee Either " " Good or Bad. . DEMAND FOR BIRDS IS BEST EVER NOTED The Leading Specialist In Men's Diseases For sixteen years I have devoted, my. entire time and energy9 -ta the treatment of men's diseases. My methods have been -perfected by-actual experience," th a thorough theoretical knowledge aa-a ha:if, f ?rn thft only physician thoroughly and permanently curing those func tional derangements commonly classed as "Weakness," and,, my success in overcoming such cases has placed me foremost among specialists treating men's diseases, and has brought me . the largest practice of its kind in the West Every afflicted man la Invited to write me a description of his case. Such Is my knowledge of men's diseases snd so perfect are my methods in trestlng them, that I am able to effect curea in all ordinary eases without seeing the patient In person. All correspondence atrlotly confidential. Those visiting Portland may feel free to call at my offlcs for personal consultation. ' TRANSPORTATION. mm 111 rTTnTTrf.trn kiwitieuius Aito omorr pacihc 3 TraJni to the East DuiIy -3 ZT"' "o atandarj asd teertst steer IDS cars dally to Oaaaka. Qilaaa. Bnekaeel (xalat SlMDlDS-raia Amll t s Clt. ( ?,V?2,,J, "''.'aiss esalrealre aeaie free! ta ! tb' Kmt 4.11. ! t'aios. ikn.! ! S!cVrl'""' Stieelel tar Leawa, - asrtva. . TATX.OB, Tha Leading Specialist, . Pay When My Fee In Any Un coraplicated Case Weakness So-called -Weakness" In men Is curable fully curable. It has not bt-n cured by those meaeurea com monly employed, for they are meth ods bssed upon .supposition-and not upon fact. - Prematurenees and loss of power in men la due to a chronic state of Inflammation in the prostate gland, and not to a disordered ner vous condition, as has been supposed. I treat the Inflammation by a lwral process that doea not fall to accom- Sllsh its purpose and wlththla con Itlon corrected full "end complete , strength snd vigor returns. . STRICTURE My treatment Is sb solutely painless, and perfect results can be depended upon in every In stance. I do no cutting or dilating whatever. . Contracted Disorders -Every case of contracted disease I treat Is thoroughly cured; my pa tients have no relapaes. When I pronounce a case cured there is not a particle of infection or inflamma tion remaining, and there Is not the slightest danger that the dlseaae will return in its original form or work Its wsy into the general system. No contracted disorder Is so trivial as to warrant uncertain methods of treat ment, and 1 especially solicit those cases tlmtothexdQclors Jiavsbeea unable to cure. I have the larrest praotlos beoaase Z invariably fnlflU say premises, :. Sty Colored Chart showing the male anatomy aad affording' an' in teresting study la men's - diseases free at offlea, r - ,- - Varicocele 1 Without using knife, ligature or caustic, without pain and without de tention from bualneee. I cure Vari cocele In one week. If you have . Sought a cure elsewhere and been disappointed, or if you fear the hnrsh methods that most physicians employ in trestlng this disease, come to me and I will cure you soundly and permanently by a gen tie and painless method. Don't de lay. Vsricocele has its dangers and -brings its disastrous results-If yon will call I will be pleased to explain my method of curing SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON No dangerous minerals . to drive ths virus to the Interior, but hermless blood-cleanelng remedies that re move tha last poisonous talnw I i" ,. " T' Muatmgtt.B. sir. g:as am s:ee r Spntaii. flier foe Baatara aaj.lDtsn Walls' Walla. -r ' iCT ."orthars iolats. dally. S:ll ess S:SS ats f, "?."' peaaf for. tas Sast Ji-Pn"''"", Sally.".--.... a:lips filisai fjart.aod Disss ke:. ret ell points bstweea Bless sad 1 frortland. dally.....,.?.....- S-1S am SSSr ACor.ciBi4 aivtn pitirion. rm lnrla sod war polats, SDUMetina w 'J''" tot Ihraes snd North Beech. atsa """.l.. aah-at. Seek. Uerea S . SV Sallr. '1V ."""x'ri SaterdaT. tS p.- a. AlleS sboet I s. .. eieapt SnMaf. TAMHIf.L BIVSB SOtmi. Kror DartiNh-Vrrco CUf aoe. kaaikin t9 , sis, staansra Bats and Madoe, Aah-at. esS. 'T a. b. dally, eteavt Sssday (watee f Jilttlns). Arrlre I JO a, av ealty. esese Sunday. SNAKR BIVBB BOOTS. - rw Uwlatna, Idaho, aad way Bents frees Blparts. Waah., stesnsrs Bpokaee aad lewto. toe leare to a. m.. or spoe arrrrsl Train Nr. 4. dalle Saterdsy. Srrree 4 O. SB. datlT earent FYtday. Ticket Office. Third end Waahtagtea ete. -Telephone Male Tit. -. C. W niNOMI. City Ticket Aseet Wm. McMtmBaV, neneral Paaiwnrse AreM. sr.. Tm TT,4riwrl r ' Cor Second & Morrison Stj. Private Entrance . i ne UL 1 dyiUr LO. 234 J Morrison Street PORTLAND, OREGON v Hoort 9 au m. to 9 p m. Sundays, ! a. m. to 1 p. m. Witt the exception ef the receiving ef several cars ef Masaas, which were mam today. Sad s ear ef eastern eraaberrles, the rreal street bosses wsre practically deserted today. As anaeaal tea tars ef the market, however, was ths fact that set a etnle tarkey was left ansold la say of the saarkets, se good wss tbs desaaBd ap te the very last ef the purine. ALL QUIET IN LIVESTOCK MARKET TODAY Receipts Quite Liberal for a Hol iday but Trade Takes Care of Everything. Portland Fnlea toehrards. Her. IS. live- stock receipts i - Tines. Cattle. Bheee. Today SHO , SS ft Week Sge..,.. ' ' . ... atonU as. ............. at M SOo Tear ao let BO lis Being TbankagiTing say mere was practically BMhiny doing today la the local livestock market. RacelDta wars Suite libers tor holiday, bat demand la all Usee eoatlsaee good wit a r newer prices siiii ue rote. Oendltlcee a year sso: Moss, slowt cattle. arm; sheep, arm. A If values aoehasgsd. orflelal llrestoes prices: Hon- Best eastern Ore mil. t8.Tr!: storkere and feeders, t60: Chins fata, t..tO. Cattle Best eastera Orafoa steers, tt (in S.T5: best eows and hlftra, S.00; itockers snd feeders, tJ.TB; balls, tl.PO. Sheep ktlud, SMei lambs, (He. MEN TREATED A ISO. CURED Investigate Before Taking Treatment Elsewhere Who are afflicted with HEBVOI'S DEBILITY, or Palling Streneth, eotnmonlr Sailed "LtlHT MANHOOD." Kshauatlng tralas, Plaiples, Lams Back, lnrtamaatioa ef tba Bladder and Kidneys, Hlchly tail ored T'rlne. Impolency, neaptmdeary, Palllaf Memory, Ixiss of Amhl tlon, 'Mental Worry, results ef eiceap snd seerworki Plies, Platela and Hedrerele or other weakliest, whirs abeelately aaflt thea for llue, Bual aeas, Pleaaors ar Marriage. . Ve ae pay. Blent Veisea, contracted or beradltary; Skla Blaeasas, ttbenmatlatn, Sana,' Swelllnra, Olackarrs, Oanatrkeee, Olset, Strict are, Ea lar(ad Frsstate ead Hrdrsoele. Hon it Seallnfa, Sucraaifuf aad (loo avian I loss Berries,- Keaeonable Charges. . - - CaU sf nits SS. I t. tVU.CZ, 1st first Sc. t Orsgea, DRYERrO'MALIEToTr" CO. CHANGES NAME By the wftbdrawal ef Toeey O'Malley from the arm ef Dryer, O'Malley Ce e sew aam kas bees adopted by. tbs Arse, W. H, Oryar and W. W, Bollaat rc mala aa members and ths new name baa bees taken from them the Preer-atoUaia compear. Mr. Dryer bas beea connected wltb front street since 18UO, end before entering the present Sna was a hlpper of Oresoa potatoes, eeloas and prunes la car lots to outside markets. Mr. Bollaoi Is else well known, being located ea Trout street for about 10 years. Ha was connected wltb the Arm ef Page Boa fur about tee yesrs. Both aw tribe ra of the saw arm are very popeiar with ether Saorebaata. TO PARTITION LIBRARY FOR STATE OFFICES fgperlal Dlspatcfe te Tbs looms Lt Salem,. Or., Nov. II. For tba fourth tirna Secretary of State Dunbar will ree ommend in his report to tbs Isglslsrurs that tha old library room on tha third flonr Sf tha stats house be partitioned for offices. " . Ths new Offices' and commissions which havs been . created by tha Isst leglalature require more room than tha ospltol building new affords when tha legislature la In aeesion. At preaent the corporation department occupies the office used, by the spesker of the housaths et library commission has Its headquarters In one of the commit tea, rooms and tha state engineer depart- We Cure MEN ONLY LICENSED TO PRACTICE . , j MEDICINE IN OREGON We Treat the Following Diseases Only - Shemmatlam, Acuta and Oaronla. OUR a FEE In Any Uncomplicated Case j . , ,. r CONSULTATION FREE ' :8 1 0 Slood Volsoa, Croaorrhoea. - Tarlooeels. BTsurasthealtw , BTervoos SeoUaa. raralyats. aieet. SyphlUs. , Vllsa. ; Kidney, Blatdaa aad All tTrlaary Disease. SistaMlshed SS Ti ........ la Vortlasd. Tea pay as fos cures not to experiment w have proved tha fact that our methods are tha best, latest and ths most tclentlflo, In every respect There, are soma cases that ars Incurable and we determine whether It Is ourabls or Incurable Ty a thoreuch -physical and tulcroscopical examination. . It you are troubled with any of the diseases wa . treat, and have experimented with tha many "so-caned" specialists, and still have the desire to be cured, call on ua At once. We will be able to tell you Immediately upon examination what we can do for you, and If we accept your case It will be but a abort time until all the old vim and vigor, all that God-given power will return to you, tha symptoms entirely disappear, and you realise that a great blight has been lifted from' your Ufa. Wa have made more happy homes, more happy men, by curing for life those afflicted with Varicocele, Btrleture. Urethral Obstruction. Blood Polaon Nar ""VTtAriJeMTnyraiaease of IheMHadUer and Kidneys and other, associate diseases, thea all ths other specialists In this section of ths country combined. No Pay Unless Cured It will act east yoa anything- to sail at aw offloe aad consult tts, aad by se doing it may save yoa nanoa tinno, worry aad snoney, aad because if wa cannot ears yoa wa will honestly tell yoa so, and you will not be aersnjrnanctar obligation "to "us." BraCXAT SISXABXS ' We Cure In It to It days. We have devoted years of study to the formation and complete eradication of urethral obstruction. We restore health and tone to tha membrane. Our treatment removes the .necessity, of any surgery. . Tha right treatment applied the right way will always bring good results. , - OOBTTBAOTBB SISBASBS. We cure thess aliments more quickly with less pain and inconvenience than any one claiming to treat suc cessfully these conditions. Has your case beoome chronto through Improper treatment or through the uea . of caustic remedies T Has It caused a deep-seated in- ' which you now suffer from urethral obstruction T Our treatment cures these conditions quickly and the euro ia permanent. Hours a. m. to I p. m. Evenings, T to. 1:18. Sundays, I a. m. to U noon. Write If you cannot call. , ST. LOUIS RlEDICArAND SURGICAL DISPENSARY cominrm bbcqbtp Attn tasctji,!. mnn, vobtkaitd, obxooit. EASTv-SOUTH mm l2?f sumVt. I Q lotses . snaaaal "? I la souTia IQ1 Lesve. ArrtTe. t'sloa Depot. Portland and San ' frmm. ctaco Kiprees Stops only "' - - , st moat important stations between Portland and San Fraarlaco; connections at . Sau Franclaco fur all points Eaat and South 11:10 pa 11 JO pea Orerland Kipreee Trains . tut ail local points south. Sacramento, gas Francisco and points Eaat and SMtb. T:4S Pm S SO pS Murnlns train connect a at Woodnura dally except ' Bundar wltb Mount Ansel V and Bllrsrtoa local ; aat - f M P Cottage Grove paasenger connects nt Wood burn snd Albany daUy. ssceut Bun- day. with tralna for nolnts on. Waodboru-SprlncneM and :' ' Ainanr-ue nanoa branches. . M:iSBm ii:tmess rorTallls paaaenger... T:80sa SSOpes Sherldaa paaeenser 4:)0 pm 10:tO SOI Forest Grove paaaanser. .. .1111:00 sm IISMsni Foreat Urovs paaeenser.... IIS:20pai l;j;Dps. Dally. MDatlr escept Randay. . JEPrEHHON-STBRBT HTATtOPJ. For Da Ilea snd Intermedials points dally, T:M a. a. and 4:1ft p. m. Arrlee Pontes lOilS e. m. snd t:23 p. m. . For time snd card ef Oewere satnrtisa tsetse epplr at City Ticket Office, er eta tins. Tickets to Baatera points sad K arose I aha linen. Chins. Hnnolnlu sad AoatrsUs. rite Ticket Office eorser Third sad Wssee Inytos arreete. Fboae Maa Tit. C. W. STINOBB. Wm. McMTJBBAT. City Ticket Aseat. Qaav. Paaa. Aeeet - TIME CARD OF TRAINS- Portlondi C. GEE WO -- Portland's' Widely Known tnd Successful Chiness Medicinal, Koot and Herb Doctor Bis fsawes remedies, the logredlests et which ws Impart direst (roes the Orient la large eeaatltles sad prepare aad set ap tar ase la bis ep-to4ate labelory. He BMreerr, Belsoos er srege ef ear klad seed. Fnreiy teyetable. The Doctor treats sseeeeefslly snd gasranteee P ears all etomacb troubles. esSarrh. ssthms. Irnif. tbmat, rhesfnartam. eervaesseea, llesr. tldaey ssd lost manhood. ySMALI TtOuTILEB ABB AXX yBlTATl OISkASXS, , He false er sjlaleadlng state meats te tbs rtleted. A safe ssd Matins eere In tbs qeleb. sat possible rime aad st tbs ma eel esst saw. rJMe for boseet trestmset. If yea sanest eall. write fee simpt bleat and circular. Tnelese 4 eents te stsmpa, OOBStriTATtOB TXTZ. tbs O. See We ChUMse Medinss Oe., ISSts as a Vliat St., Oar. M u Merrlsoa, rerUaae mesdoa thlaf saper. Scott's Santal-Pepsin capsules Veil sC e.e-r v A POSITIVE CURE for Inflammation orOsterrb of l he Blender snd Pliaeeaa Kid- ners. seooassoraw. uures quickly and sermsaeatiy ths worst rases ef SJasisriassa snd Saesee, ae matter ef how lon( eteadlns, Aheolutelf barroleas. Sold by drufaiete. price si .on. or er mail. Per Sale by ma eld, tim I boxes, THE SAMTAL-PEPSIN CO. Bsllreeatslae. Obde. Weederd. Curbs St Oe. Pure, ftafev Sure tit. Bandereon's Compound flavin and Cotton Root Pills. Ths best and. only reliable remedy for DEBATED PE RIODS. Cure the most ob stinate oases In I to 10 days, rrlce ll per bo, mailed In plain wrapper. Ad dress T. J. PIERCL. D. O. 1(1 First street, Portland, Oregon. . faaaaaaaaaaaaa ajaaa ment la occupying a senate committee room, i Tha old library room on- tha tilrd floor la for tha time being to 'be divided by temporary partitions to be oocupled by tha stats snglnaer, tha li brary oom miss Ion and tha corporation department. Should Mr. iiunbsr'B report find favor with the lerlslature tha offlcea of ths supreme Judges will be moved so ss to be closer to one another, thus facilita ting tha work of tha department, , - DISEASES OF MEN Consultation and Exam I -nation Free Don't wait until your whole system becomes polluted with dleeaee, or until your nervous syetem Is tottering under tha atrsln, an gnu earW physical and mental wrecK, unfit for work, buelneas or study. Uncertain or improper treat ment can only do harm. There la only one perfect, aafe and lasting cure for you, which you will And at the Norton . Davis Medloal Co. Start right, and start at once, veiays are dangerous. WS TBJAT MM OsTLT AJFS CTBS TUB QDICKXT, SAFELT ABTS THOmOVOBXT. t Mm), Bvery soaa snfferlng' with disease, varlooeels, hydrocele, kidney er Bladder dleeaee, blood polaoa, nerve debility . aaaaed by aaeeeeee, eto or with any of their numerous and distressing symptoms, owes it to himself, his family and especially to ths future fenerations, to get cured promptly, safely and thoroughly. PAY WHEN CURED We have such confidence In our methods that wa will treat von with. i one asaing ior a oouarnmu curea. Over 50 Per Cent of Oar Cases Have Been Cared at a Cost of $ 1 0.00 and Many Only $5.00 If you cannot call, writs and describe your troubles and wa will ad. 1 vise you If .you .cam be oueed at home. ' " 1 - '- - " '" umca noure s a. m. to i p. m.; Sundays ana holidays, 10 to it. .' ' DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. Treading Specialists la tha BTerthweet, XstabUshed IBS. TABT HOT BIOTBIh SSH TTHB.D BT OOBBrBm rUTB, IOSTlVABrS, OB. tave. Antra. Tellewstons art Raseaa ctty. , St. Louis Special for Chehalls, (entralla. OIepls. Oray's Ilarhor, Snath Baad. Tsooaa, ... , 'Hti "r"M"l i i nn - tte, Fllllnca. Ueoeer, Out- . . . . ua. Ksoaas City. St. beaw . anA annthaar hmWm i I'SA Me i'SS as ! North Coast Limited. electrM ' j llshted. lor Tacoma. Seattle. 1 I Spokane. Butte, Mine ea polls, it. Paul sad the Beat. sail. tKWee IM Sm Pnast So nod Limited, for ' Claremout. Cbehalla, Cee- - ; ! trails. Taeoma . aad Seattle ;enly. dally :S0pai :Btsal . I Twin Vltjr Erpreae for Taco- ma, sear tie. epoaane. ueiene, . ' Bntte. St. Pan). Minneapolis. ... . . , Lincoln. St Joseph. Kan, as . ' Cltr, Omabs. St. Lewis, with out Chan re of ears. Direct .' t connection, for all points Bast ssd Sou these t. eslly 1I:S l:Sg sej IV THE COatfOtTTABIX WAY. ' L Evory Woman miaimeiiau ana snaaie I now etu the woDasrrui MARVEL BMrlifea foray I The ney Veawst Itiswe. JmJa- was ess Jawiee. uem-aai. I Hoea conesnlent, . tlUaeeeaa laefellf. vfa;. t. av ?.mr.-'v -eV aeW BJBSsmaBjBKaa vr aw la rem aeasrM fee B. It be cannot enrol f (he UStIL, aeaept ao other. Put aand atanin fos Illustrated hoehaMM. ftl full naxtlonlan sad illrectiona In. TaluaMetoU,ies. Pianvai, r 4 eessT.. If tt tniaK B700SABO, CLABKB CO. I TRANSPORT Al ION. DBUQV CO TTD LADB-DATTS STOBtS. St, Ksrtlaad, fa ue at Oe.. CU Remedy. iMwvrsv BBTBSt BtBOWB TS) BAII. Tarrast's Bstreot ef Oebebe end Sbsaaaiilaia tiaiiili1esiafas Lmm i See a. sloes, whites, see. Keep teieso. seeeeefcee te oners. Illws Re'w.' a start Is' a, SM Waeelastoe .er nan rrom Tee U tie fees. Taere at assay Want Ada to today's f saraal that trlU laterest yea. Upper Columbia River STEAMER Chas. R. Spencer Leaves Oak street dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at T a. m. for TMM BUIII and BTATB VOBTAOB, Returning, arrives Portland. Tuesday, Thursdsy snd Saturday at p. m. Low rates and excellent eervlce. Phona Main mo. S. S. F. A. Kilburn te Osss Bap. Bereks and Bee risnitses, ' Best salting from Portland, frlday. Be. IS. ' Net Sailing from Bsa frsnrlaeo. Thar., Nor. tt. CBAA B. STSKI.SMITU. Ageat. Ci S:rt:t DvcX. r:::.: i: 2;:o 2 Overland Trains Dafly 7 "Tbs Oriental Limited. the met Stall VIA SKATTLB ABP SPOKABB. Porilaad tins schedule Dslly. TMlly. Loses. Arrive. Te ssd frem Spebsaa, St. Paul. Minneapolis, immth sna sii pouts , test els Seattle SrSOam TS let 11 :S sm I K sm To end from St Psul. Ilnneapolla. Dnltith aed ell potsts Bast vis Spokane t-11 pts S AS am rest Berths Bteaauhle Oe ailing from Seattle for Japes and China norts and Manila, earrrlaa see sengers aad frelcht. S. t. Minnesota. January a, . S. t. Daltots. rahruary t. llLprOMTVSKB XAISKS,' Uapan Mall Steemablp Cm.) S. S. 'Xasa Mara will sail frees Seattle about PeonEher Si for Japaa and Chinees pons, esrryiag iiinis snd freight. foe UcteU, rates. bertsjasntvav Hens. etc.. eall ee er sddrese BtCKSOB. O. T. T. A. 1ft Thrrd at.. Pertaad. Orecea. Bbsae Male ass, - - mm ' SJ Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Italoa Depot Lea re. An ere. Por Maraeie, Balntsr. Clata basis.. Weatport, CUfton, Ae- ,' torla. Warren too. flaeel. lenmmoed. Port Sneiao. Oeaf kart Park. Sea. Ida t:Maal 1I:M Sal Aatorla aad Seashore, esprsss dslly T St em tSeet U tnins dslly. . C MA TO, (J. S. A Aeeoata. Oe. A. STIWABT. Commeretsl Asesl. eae Alder street. Phone Mais sue. POR.TLAND-AST01UA ROUND TRIP DAILY Bsaept Btuidsy The Fast Steeaaes TELEcrjir:! Leaves foot Aider st a 1 a. m. Arrive Astoria 1.00 n. m. Leeva Callander dock, Astoria I Mp m. Arrive Portland t 0 p t Steals Served a la Carte. ii'hone Alain U. B'JOTT,