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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1906)
THE OREGON ..DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 29. 1906. X3 mm TALKS OF r -HIS VIEWS . Says What He Intends to. DO ,V While "Serving State of Ore-"-: f- 1 gon In Congress. - V f .. . '' - " ' : .. . l IS INTERESTED IN. . ; OREGON CITY LOCKS . - - -, ; Declares He WH1 Do All . in. His 'Power to Have Government Buy " ; Present Ones . or Build New- ;yPriendly to Coot Bay. V' W. ' C 'Hawley. congressman-elect f from tho first Oregon district, outlined . his plans yesterday at the Perkins ho- tel for the .work he expects to do when Th most Important of these, according w"rVf " XiZ ZXll r . t. Mr. Hawley. will be In connection ' llTMl with th. purees of th. .locks at Or. SJttwWU a SaS :; th government, Th chief objection to th present locks Is that they ar owned ' by a private' corporation, which places :n nbargo upon each vessel that pass through, with th result that the tollag ha to be anally paid by th shipper. In speaking of his plana, air. ..Hawley said: f - favor government ownership of ! th locks and will seek to accomplish that end when I am In congress. - The t best oourse of procedur that I think I of at this time to accomplish their pur- chas . will b to secure air approprla l tfoa for a survey of the river at Oregon scity- by government engineer and a a i Inspection of the present locks for the I purpose of ascertaining their value. If th lock r deemed worthy of pur--. chas by th engineers and a fair price ran be arranged with th owners, I - thins: that th best way Aovsolv th solution of navigation on thWlllam- Sett river will be to buy them. . If th lock are not shown to be solid and In condition to be repaired, then I . will J favor new locks and th survey by th i engineers would be mad with that Idea t la vlw. '- - Work at Ooos Bay. , "Next to th opening of navigation on the WlUamett river the roost impor- ttant work that I will have to do wUll : be In th Interest f th Coos bay en terprtse. Of course th Jetty work at the mouth of th Columbia river will I b In th hand of th senators from Oregon aad I will do ail in my power j, to aid them. In securing th necessary appropriations. The Klamath project 7 and other enterprises that affect - th . whol atat will also have my support. ... -To bark back to th WlUamett river ; scheme, there was an editorial in Th Journal recently which I thought was .very good and wall worth consideration . from th public. It waa timely and .stated th problem clearly." V Mr. Hawley will go to Washington soon for i the purpose . of preparing .himself. forhls work In the next con i aress. He has not decided definitely when h will leav for th east, but : probably not nntll after the first of the ' year. . He said that he "wanted to become 'acquainted with th beads of th de . tpartmants In Washington so that he ..will not be a total stranger to them ; when ha assumes his office. TESTIMONY GIVEN -v v BY MAYOR LANE -' Mayor Lane gave his testimony b for th civil aervlc commission yes ' terday In th caaw of Ben Blglln, ; ex- - - harbormaster.. Tb . hearing -was ooa eluded except for th arguments of th attorneys.;' . ; - The mayor mad substantially ths same statements ss at the . trial before th police committee of th executive , t board. He said he did not consider any tffllcer who would shoot at a light with- . out knowing who was near a lit parson to wear a star and bold any authority ; jTrom tho city. - , ' ; On 8atnrday, John F. Logan, attor ney for. Blglln. and Martin L. Pipes, .attorney for th mayor, will present their arguments. . ' .STATE PRISONERS GET - FINE DINNER TODAY ' ' ffseelal Dsnstck to The loemtt , Baiem, Nov. J. Salem is fittingly observing Thanksgiving day. All the ' state and county offices are dosed. The - churches held services this morning and tonight -there will b a union meeting at th First M. EL church. At th penitentiary an unusually On dinner will be served to th prisoners and a short "program J will be - rendered -by talent from th city. At th asylum th day will be celebrated with dances, one for th Inmates and another for th ' attendants, Th game between .Wtl lamett aad O. A. C will be th feature ' of th afternoon and a large crowd Is expected. The stores will close durlrsr .th afternoon. , . A WINDOW OF COMBS , ' aasssBasss This Tnlqne Window Attracts a Ores! " Deal of Attention A Oreat Stock of 1 Comb. .-. '. . " . . ' . . ' There' is an elaborate showing f ; combs In on of the windows of th Golden Eagle Department Stora This at or haa a great many windows, but this particular window Is at Third and Yamhill and la a most carefully .. ex ecuted window display. The combs shown In this window are a small part ' of an elaborate purchaae made by this ' house'.- It Is the entire sample line of th largest importers of these goods in th United States. It la believed that this Is the largest assortment of combs .ever brought Into any-ator In this city th number running Into thousands. It Is to b "C(nnb Friday" at the Golden Kagle department store. Then every body In tho store will be selling combs that day. -' . Gabrilowitsch the Pianist. Gabrtlowltsrh Is a countryman of that pianist of tho pink hair1, Paderew ski and haa the same tens Slav nature. backed by a protllgloua .technic and aiMiiillir. In him one Is conscious f art la Its most subtle and fasclns'- lug form, for hi charm Is not ons easily forgotten; It has tnai inaennanis qual ity of lingering In the memory of hi listeners. Few pianists have left such' a trail of admlrere behind them as has this vouns Hlav. with his Parisian m- flnement and his Oerinaa thoroughness. The retal here at th Helllg theatre . , venlna- will call forth a ot.ouring or "" st f -t will open Monday morrrlng tlr Ths reortal i under the dlreto IMnb f LW twra-4n'j'ua Coman. ; CITY: PRESS CLUB MAY BE REORGAHtZEO Subject Is Discussed at Dinner Given. by Local News- -vr ,'y . paper. MenVrJ, , .. Reorganisation of the City Presa club was discussed- at a midnight dinner givfn at the Hotel Ore iron laat night by taff member or the thro daUy newintwn of the city. Th suggestion t mat -with :spoatsnou approval and a. i ommttte 'was appointed to rorm i nrw plana- at n early data -i i uiat During-th time of fta existence the City rse club entertained and waa entertained by many eelebrltlea Jlnka, high and low, were given at regular intervals and they alwaya proved popu lar. - - J- r -- ;- '.- The dinner laat night waa a succesa Anecdotea fairy tales, new and true stories and brilliant Impromptu speeches clreulated ao freely . that the houra passed like minute. Newspaper from all parte or th world formed a unique background for the floral decorations. Portland has about 11 actlv news oaner writers but a number of . them Keel. Willard L. Marka. H. Glttlnga, J. R, Lake, WlUard Wlrta, K. A. Howe, J. I Watlln. Horao ptevens. George Putnam, Monroe Goldstein, J. P. 'Wager, George A. White. L. K. Hodgea, James Rlntoul. C H. WlUlsms, W. J. Petraln. Arthur A- Greene, Ralph Watson, Les ter Humphreys, Horace E. Thomaa Don Steffs, N. L. Wilson. John L. Travis. RICHARD MARTIN TO DRAW PLANS FOR ARMORY ... . t .. -- . ;.v ( ..... ' Building Will Be Completely Re t modeled to Suit , Needs 'l of Guardsmen. " . Richard. Martin, the architect, has been employed by th county court to pro par th plan and specifications for th complete remodeling of th Interior of th armory at Tenth and Couch streets.... . Among th mors Important additions will be a model dancing-hall and a swimming pool. 24x60 feet It Is also proposed to Install an electrio and gas lighting systems, and a complete heat ing and ventilating plant. - It Is under stood that th county court has agreed to appropriate flC.OOO with which to tnak these alterations and additions.. - Th Improvements will not be mads on as large a seal as wss first Intend ed by thoso who have th matter - in hand. Th plans originally contem plated an excavation under th asphalt paving of th ground floor to form a basement In which a modern, up-to-date gymnasinm snd swimming tank might be placed.- But It-waa found thst this work together with Improvements con-?for sldered more necessary would cost 110.- 000, a sum which the court old Tet uu to appropriate at thl lime, necessitating- th abandonment tor th present of th gymnasium -featur. Tba altera tions decided upon will ,be pushed to completion aa rapidly as possible. ; SHOOTING OF DICH IS TO BE INVESTIGATED Salem. Nov. 2. At th request of Night Policeman Buatck. tha health and polios committee of the city council will Investigate the shooting of Frank Dlch. th young German whom tha policeman accidentally ahot near th passenger depot her Sunday night Yesterday Attorney A. L. Welile, of Portland, - representing . th . Germao consular sgent, assisted by Attorney C. M. Inman. of thla city. Investigated ths affair. A statement was obtained by them from Dlch, but they did not car to divulge any new Information obtained. f any action la taken by th German government. It will be through th federal authorities and hot through thoae of th state of Oregon, aa In In ternational - affairs no notlc of at to line ar takaa by foreign governments. rilh'a ennrilttnn lata lata evanlna waa 1 entirely satisfactory to th attending physicians, but th crisis will not be paaaed until another day. Th com munication presented before th council by Officer Buslek recites In detail' the account of th accidental shooting. . It haa now developed that possibly Dioh understands and speaks th En llah language quite well,, as he asked Bualck for a drink In th English tongue. Th report will b mad next Monday. ' PASTOR GETS WARRANT ; , FOR FAKE BEGGAR , A warrant was Issued yesterday for th : arrest ' of John Do Wynn. upon complaint of' Rev. A. J. Montgomery, pastor of th Third Presbyterian church, charging him with obtaining money under false pretenses. It is al leged by the complainant that Wynn, Wbos sddress la unknown, called on him with a pathetic plea for assistance on th ground that both himself and wife were out of employment and had -ntfLfunda ia-jex.rooin rent Dr. Mont- gomery did not place ahyTaltSThthaT fellow's sf.ry and refused to assist him. On Monday, "while visiting Rev. Henry Marcotte of Westminster Pres byterlan church. Dr. Montgomery was surprised to And th sum beggar tell ing, th same tale to that minister. Fully convinced that th man was a fraud he then decided to aecur th warrant. ..'. , '. THANKSGIVING OBSERVED BY EUGENE PEOPLE . i . . . - (tperisi DUrstcs to T Jesraal , Eugene, Or., Nov. Eugene people are observing Thanksgiving dsy in ths usual manner. . Th stores all closed fhelr doors snd the merchants and their employes took s half holiday. Union religious services' were held at th Christian ehsrch la th forenoon, all tha Protestant churches participating. Th afternoon- football game between the Eusene High school team and the Columbia university team of Portland ia being played. , ... Thanksgiving at Fore Owv. - 'Rperliil IHspstck te The Joarail Forest Orovo, Or., Nov. . Thanks giving Is being observed by all the cttl-s'-ns of Forest rove. 'All business : houses were closed today and the people ! sathered in the Methodist Eulecopal ; in.r ....,n, i infl ciiuren. where the Re. Mr. Sins of th Chris- i tisn church, preached lha Thanksgiving .- 4 sermon. FIRST HIISBO; THE EEST says nas. ROBE Brigadier-General's Wife Con trasts His Conduct'With That: J" L zL frmet Spouse . . ?.rt" fc -i : ; . w (Jooraal gpseUI lor Tics.) r , Los Angeles, Nov. .Brigadier-Gen eral Charles J Rob. V, B. A. (retired). Is being sued tor divorce before Judsh Wilbur. In the . complaint Mrs. Rob draws soma .. Try- sever - comparisons between the treatment accorded her by General Rob and that to whleh ah was accustomed during th life of her first husband. Charles Kendall, with whom ah lived twenty-seven years un til his death. . On of the illustrations given of General Robe's temperament deals with a theatre party In Grand Rapids, Michigan, In October. 10&. H purchased tickets for himself, wife end daughter, but left out hi wife's sis ter. Th latter was very much wounded , by th Inattention, but he refused to explain. General Robe, It la alleged, took his wife to a Chicago hotel and forgot to register her aa .hi wtf and only did so when It was called to his sttention. Mrs. Rob left General Rob early In 10, after thre years ha his wife. H resides at San Diego and sh is living In Loa Angeles. General Rob waived time to answer and entered hla, default to the complaint. NAVY DOCTOR'S FIANCEE ; STRAK6ELY MISSING t " " sBasasaBaBSBBaBssBBBjasnBBBBBansP Niece of Keith, the California Artist, Disappears After An .nounrlng Engagement. (Jesraal SpseUI aervtea " ' TaUeJo, Cal., Nov. IS. Elisabeth Keith Pond, a daughter of Commander Pond, and a niece of William Kafth, th artist, whose engagement to Dr. Francis M. Shook of th United States Navy Medical corps, wsa announced Sunday, has disappeared from Mar Is-J land. Much mystery Is connected with th disappearance of th young woman and Commander Pond and members of his family display reticence Inr discuss ing It. They declare that th rumors of suicide are baseless and that they do not believe she had any reason for Wishing to seek death, - ; , i They are greatly worried and eon earned over her safety, however. This fact Is illustrated In the search being mad for the lost on on vry part of th Island. .. Practically every frea man and officer connected with th. naval atatlon Is taking part la, th eearcb. . SUPERINTENDENT RIGLER REPORTED MUCH BETTER City Superintendent of Schools. Frank Rlgler, who haa been dangerously 11! several daya, la reported to be lm- proving. Dr. A. E. Rockey. who Is at tending blm, stated this morning that there haa been marked Improvement In I Mr. Riglera condition In ths last three days, and that he has had no fever ro that time. Mr. Rlgler will probably be 111 for a number of wee lea but atrons hop for his ultimata recovery la held out by Dr, Rockey." Th teachers' institute, which was In session. Monday, Tuesday and Wednes day, sent Mr. Rlgler a letter expressing their sorrow and sympathy with him in M illness, pnd, . s"t h.lm,a . magnificent bouquet of cnryaanthemuma .. TWO MEN DISAPPEAR -1 FROM TACOMA HOMES (Special Dispatch to The JeoraaLk ; Tacoma, Nov. 29 The police ar pus sled over the mysterious disappearance of -two men. Earl Farrar, a driver for a lumber . company, and Adolph Vosoba. Vosoba ats dinner on day two weeks ago and walked down the street and has not been, heard of or Seen since. He was a laboring man, steady and reliable, and hla friends do not believe that he would voluntarily leav his wife and children." Farrar la known to have gone Into the Oxford saloon- Sunday night, and ' ther every trace of him la lost. He had a gold watch and money on his person when h disappeared. BEAUTIFUL WEATHER ' FOR DAY IN CHICAGO " (Journal gseets! arvlee.i ' ' Chicago, Nov. St. Thanksgiving day in Chicago dawned bright and clear. Thwether la mild and delightful for tha crowds of excursionists. It Is es timated that over 75,000 transient and atrangera ar In th city today. Moat of th Chleagoana spent th day at home, but for travelera and tourists th ' hotel and theatres broke all rec ords In their efforts to entertain. SAN FRANCISCO LAWYER PASSES THROUGH CITY - a i' ' ". ' James Reld Prtngle, a leading attor ney of San Francisco and a member of ths law firm of Smith Prlngl of that city, was In Portland today en rout to Seattle where he Is engaged In an ad mlraltygult 'in the- federa Prlngle has 'a hoat of friends In Port land who called on nim at th Portland hotel today. He left tbla afternoon for the Sound. What's Chicken Wow-Wowf . " (Hneelai Dtipstcb . to Tat Jnarael.) - " McMlnnvlllo College, Nov. t Classes sdjourned yesterday until Mon day for th Thanksgiving holiday snd quit k number of the students left for their homes on the afternoon trslns. Last night the' t. D. frsternlty en tertained their lady friends at a chicken wowfcwow." - This was preparatory for Thanksgiving. Quite a number of th student from here attended the 1'nlverslty.of Oregon Multnomsb football gams in Portland today. ,.', ; ' J'aatlfl Dismissal of sTgross, (Journal Special Berries.! ' Brownsvill. Tex., Nov. 2. General A. B. Nettleton, who wa requested by the local cltlsens' committee to make an Investigation of th trouble resulting in th discharge of three . companies of negro troops by ths president, report that the discharge waa fully wan-anted by tho facts In th case.: ; . Orchard's Trial Fostpoaed. ' (Spectnt Ptipitrn to Ths Jon nisi. I Boise, Idaho, Nov. 2. Harry Or chard, who killed former Governor , - i, " . : I sence, wa wrn .w vmu wen wuay w appear In court.- By consent of both I sides th trial was postponed until the inaxt Uru oi oourb CHILD IS DORU flflAl Little .Visitor Comes Into the 3" World In Berth Tof PulU man car. , , ' " MOTHER ON HER WAY v - - TO LEWISTON, IDAHO Removed Prom Car to Good Samar itan Hospital and Cared or at Ex pense of the Southern Pacific Com- ; pany. . Mra, J. H. Mann and thre children are guests of the Southern Paclflo Rail road company In a Pullman car at ths union depot.- The youngest Mr. Mann is th direct cause of the family being entertained . bv th r11rn1 enmnsnw. Hi has been th aueat nt th. mn.n all .bli life, .having bean bom on th car yesterday morning within half aa hour after hla mother boarded th car at Sacramento.- Th new baby has a brother 1 vesrs old snd a slater less than a year old. The older children played about In th alale of th car thla morning, but th new baby was content to Us In a berth beside his mother, while they waited for an ambulance to take them to th Good Samaritan hospital. Mra Mann waa on her way ta Lewls ton, Idaho. Sh cam from Loa Angeles with her children, reaching Sacramento night before laat. Yeaterday morning at I o'clock aha boarded tha Southern Paclflo train at Sacramento. Half an hour later a son and heir-was bora-to her. - ' ' , '-- Dr. A. a GUllland. ft Southern Pa clflo physician happened to b on the car. and took charge of th case. He was ably assisted by. Mrs.' Davis, also a physician, who attended Mra Mann constantly for a day and a night with out rest, yesterday Mra Mann tele graphed to her husbsnd to meet her In Portland, but when th train arrived at ll:t0 o'clock thla morning Mann waa not here. . a, Mra Mann had no friends in ths city, and " waa unable to, change cars for Lewfston. Patrolman Ac Weloh notified- the police department of th oasa Th police took It up with th South ern Paclflo officiate. ' who ordered Mra Mann taken to- th Good Samaritan hos pital and cared for at their expense. Th mother and child are reported to bo out of danger and resting nicely. Porter R. W. Winn, who has charge of ths car, believes that ths olrth of a baby bOy in hla ear will prove a good omen, and that fortune will smile on him alwaya. . SUBURBAN RAILWAY : TO BECOME REALITY '' (Rperist Dlspsteh to The loarasL) Salem, Or., Nov, it. It seems that tha proposed electric railway from Salem to ths Mehama district wlU b a reality. I Th first official steps taken by ths company were mad laat evening wh-n E. N. Hall, representing A. Welch, the electric! line promoter, naked that th city oouncll appoint a committee to confer with the representatives of ths company for selecting an ntrano Into the city. After th rout haa been se lected a franchise will b asked of ths city. Most of tha tight of way Is said to hav been secured and Councilman Gesner. Lowe and Jacobs were appointed epreaent..tnaJnMreata.ofJ3icity, Salem people ar favoring thla muR-1 urban line and nothing will be don to Interfere with the prompt construction of this line, which Is destined to b of great benefit to .th Capital. City.. . 1 i - MUST KEEP SOBER ': OR SERVE SENTENCE " (Special Dlspstck to The JearML) ', Htllsboro, Or., Nov.. 2. Judge lie Bride jeeterday adjourned circuit court until next Monday, when th JurySrttt return and try th cases that hav been set. The term will likely last two weka Ther ar not many cases of im portance. Before - adjourning yeaterday Charges Biggs... of Sherwood, charged with assaulting John Roberts with a dangerous weapon by cutting his throat with a pocket knife, entered a plea of guilty and was aentenced to four years' imprisonment In th penitentiary but paroled, during good behavior. It ap peared that Biggs, when sober waa an lndustiioua - law-abiding cltuten, but quarrelsom when In his cupa Hs promised to abstain from th us of intoxicants and th court gars hire another . chance. Roberta recovered from- th wound. ' MANY HOP SALES MADE IN EUGENE (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) - -Eugene, Or., Nov. It. E. .Clemens Horst Co. hav purohased a large amount of hops In this vicinity lately. the following being soma of th aalea mad wlthtn th past fsw days, th price ranging from T to II cents per pound: W. D. Hughes, lit bales; J. W. Seavey A Broa, 670 bale; Coleman Wllhelm. 11 bales; W. A. McOillla SO bales; Robertson Ik Potter, SO bales; Lenn and Welby Steven, 4 bales; MrrtMaribwrt-Aw-Waahburn, ' halea;., Kd Ayers, 204 balesjS.HFrlendly, 80 bales, and Anna Lowry, bales. . .. . PUPILS OF EUGENE i ENGAGE IN CHARITY T, .. ' . : '"'.'. v (Special Dispatch to The JonraaL) Eugene, Or., Nov. !.-A ton or more of fruit, vegetables, ' provisions and clothing wers shipped from hero -o' the Boys Snd Girls' Aid society at Portland today, being th donation of th pupils i Of th Eugene puirlio schools as a Thanksgiving offer. Th provisions were collected snd shipped under th supervision of Deputy District Attorney J. M. Williams, who Is secretary of the local board of the society. Mrs. C..W. Low is president, and- the other mem bers ar Attorney L E. Boan, Darwin Brlstow snd Mrs. Geo. H. Kelly, ( Xollda Baa Is Suooesa ; (Special DUpttrs to Tbt Journal.! Salem, Nov.. 2 The Thanksgiving ball given by Company M, O. N. G.. of this city. In th armory last evening waa --largely attended and the event t functions of the season. The militia ' boys turned out in full dress uniform, i which added color and tone to the affair! and gave It a distinctly military mark. Ths grand maroh waa led by Miss Daisy i Den nl son and Private Ernest Hsaa. Be tween the dances punch waa served by Corporal John Holman. Another of i these bop is planned for Christmas eve. ; - ... - - '. fTEOT ,!A0E TO MA KEELEY iriSTITUTE Incendiary Tries to Burn Down Building but Flames Are Dis- ' covered In Time. ! X (Special Dispatch te Ta Jearsal) - Helena, Mont, . Nov, 19. A dastardly attempt waa made early today to. burn th building of th Montana Keelsy In stitute company at Runnyside, near here, but , fortunately th fir was dis- r.avered before It had gained any great headway, and- waa exttrtgulahed with comparatively slight loss. No one wa Injured,' although aeven persons 'were aaleep In th structure at tho-time. That tha fire was of incendiary origin admits of no doubt and It la believed that th author la th sam person who commit ted several damaging outrages at Mon tana City. ',-.-, m A dance waa given at 'Alhambra last night and . among thoa who attended waa a miner named Fleming. Fleming started for hla home at about 1:30 am. and discovered th flames in Its lnolp leney. Ha rushed to th' Institute and with "great effort succeeded In pulling away tha burning artlclea which, had been aaturated with coal otL Th sleep ers were awakened and ruahed from the burning Institute. The flra was soon extinguished. . Th ' Instltut company has offered a reward of 1260 for the arrest and eon vlotlon of th perpetrator. ; . , - PLANNING TO SUPPRESS ; - PETITION NUISANCE (Special Dtspatck to The Joaraal.l ' Grants Pass, Or., Nov. 2. The con tribution and subscription nuisance. thougii possibly no worse in Grants Paaa man an otner towna in Oregon, is a matter of continual annoyanc especial ly to hualnesa menr being many times a useless drain on- tha purse and time of busy men. That tho nuisance may be reduced to the lowest poaaibl mini mum th Grant Pass Commercial club haa taken the matter in charge ana a oommltt consisting of Hv L. Gllkey, cashier of tba First National bank; T. P. Kramer, . manager . of th Kramer Hardware company, .and K. C Klney, manager of th Sugar Pine atore, was appointed to Investigate and.paas upon all peftt Ions for contributions and aub- acrlptiona Bualnes men will be in formed of th merit of all petitions and can act accordingly. . x LA GRANDE COMMITTEE TO SEARCH FOR COAL : ' (Special Dispatch to Th Journal.) La Grande, Or, Nov. It. At a mass meeting of cltlsens held In th city for th purpo of:, discussing ' th fuel shortage tit was decided at place th matter in th hand ot a committee, J. A. Thronaon. Turner Oliver and J. E. Reynolda If the committee finds that It cannot accomplish its ends by corre spondence It will send on of their num ber to coal mines with Instructions to rmaln with th officials of th mines until aoro coal cap b secured. ' . It developed at the meeting that th cause of th shortage waa not altogether due to th ear shortage, but largely to tha Inability of th mine to fill orders. Th committee .Is leaving no thing, un- fdon to rellev th situation. . ; NON-PARTIZAN TICKET . NAMED IN KALAMA , - (Spseial Dispatch to The Joaraal.) Kalama. Wash.. Nov. It. At a mass convention held her a non-partisan mu- . nlclpanicarSl lu be voted fas on Da eember. 4 consisting or a mayor ana two counollmen for two years, snd a treasurer was named. A. L. Wataon, state sens tor, was nominated for mayor. Robert E Tunstall and Dr. L. M. Slma for councilman, and E. G. Ktndorf for treasurer. PLENTY OF TURKEY FOR OREGON PEOPLE Pendleton, Or, Nov. 2. Thanksgiv ing day la being generally observed In Pendleton and all eastern Oregon. A union meeting of all the churches in Pendleton waa held at th Presbyterian church thla morning, the sermon being delivered by Rev. C II. Nellor, pastor of the Congregational church. ' Turkeys ar plentiful, and the poor are being taken care of In the varioua towna .'',.' MANY WORK HORSES - - - L0SE1IVESIN FIRE . (Special Ptapatrb to The JosraaLI Lewlston, Ida, Nov. 2. Twenty-two head of valuabl work horses war In cinerated In a flr Which destroyed Erlckson V Peters' stables at Conclusion oamp on the Lewiston-Rlparia railroad line laat Tuesday evening. The origin of the Are Is a mystery. The flsmes were discovered at the front end of the stablea and the recovery of th animals waa Impossible. No other damage re sulted. , Th loss la about 12,600. DARING HOLDUP ON ' - STREETCAFLPLATFORM i I. T . , fJoarna! SpeHsl Berries.) New York. Nov, 2. On of th most faring. .robbexlea Ia .this, city for manyi years occurreu mis mornin. wiuuaui Connelly, a produce merchant, being alugged and robbed on the platform of a Broadway car. Three men got IIS, hla watch and jewelry and left the vic tim unconscious and escaped. DstabUahss Branch Hons. r-rtl Plupatcfc to Th Jonrnsl.) -Lewlston. Ida, Nov. 20. Th W. P. Fuller Paint V Varnish company will! establish a branch house her February. 1 under the title, Idaho Pane V Glass; company. Th Arm will carry 226,000' worth of. stock and do principally a wholesale buslneas In the . Lewlston country. C. L. Ltndsey, a well-known traveling maivJs.lft..cbarge of the new firm. , ' SUES TO RECOVER TEAM AND WAGON! Oregon City, Nor. 20. Charles A. Cogswell has instituted suit In the cir cuit court against George A. Hyde to recover one aran of dark brown or. black horses, one set of old harness and on "Old Hickory" wagon, which the" plain tiff alleges ar In th possession of i 11 yd at Mllwsukl and states that they ar worth 2160. He demanded posses-1 slon on November of this year, butj Hyde refused to deliver the property. Cogswell also asks for 110 damages. In th event or inaDtnty to oenver tn property the plaintiff sues for Judg-1 1 ment for the value, wnlcn n places at i jlllO. ') , ' . ,V . , ,.' ; Mil HOLIDAY IS OBSERVED lil OSEECl CITY Business Is Suspended and Peo- r " pie Go to Church or , Football Came. 7 (Spselal Dlspsteh to The JuaraaL) - Oregon City. Nov. 1. Thanksgiving day ta being observed very quietly In Oregon City. Several hundred people went to Portland early this afternoon to attend th annual football gam be tween th Multnomah Ama(eur. Athletic club and tha University of Oregon team a. . Many students from state col leges are.: visiting- with friend during th Thanksgiving vacation and house partlea are, the rule.. 1 Service were held In th churches of the city this morning with appropriate sermona tha Baptists. 'Methodists, Pres byterians snd Congregationalisms hold ing union Thanksgiving services in ths Presbyterian church, wher Rev. IL B, Robina, paator of . th First Baptist ohurch. conducted the service. Solemn high maea Asa observed In St John's Catholic church, with a sermon by the paator, Rev. A. Hllebrand. Thankagir lng services were held In th St Paul's Episcopal church, wher Rev. P. JC Hammond, th rector, preached tha ser- tak?."'f S.Vl5M tnbenfl Ooo Samaritan Si.!t" u. ' . ..t.a .v. wvaM ,tw HiM.mi in, Thanksgiving aeaaon very liberally this year, but an, enjoyable dancing party waa given last night In th Armory nail to th mualc of Parson's orchestra by the German Maennerchor. . Th attend ance waa large and th oocaalon was thoroughly .enjoyed. " In th Armory hair tonight th Uniform "Rank, Wood man of the World, will give a dancing party and Doll a orchestra will furnish ths musto. ' . The courthouse and banks wer closed all day and In moat Instanoea store closed before th noon hour. Th Port land Flouring Mills company, following lts'usual custom, gave to each of-its employees a large-si sed fat turkey. - Th WlUamett Pulp V Paper company aad tha Crown-Columbia Pulp at Paper com pany will give Ilka donatlona at Chrlat mas tlma Rev. Kraxberger wll deliver a Thanks giving sermon In the German Lutheran church at T:4S o'clock thla svantng. Hs speaks from the text. "Give Us Th's This Day Our Dally Bread." Ther will be special rauslo at thla service. - ILLEGAL VOTERS REGISTERED FORtCOFJIIKB ELECTION - -' 1 Reward of One Hundred Dollars 'Posted Up for Evidence 1 " " of Fraud. 1 "' 'r-x ':- (SpseUI Dlapateh to The JeenaL) Vancouver, Wash., Nov. !. Informa tion haa been received that leada to tha suspicion that a large number df illegal voters have bean registered to vot at th coming city lctlon. Thl Informa tion ta - aald to b reliable and precau tion ar1 being taken by those who wish to see a clean fight to arrest any and all 'men attempting to vot .who hav not a legal right to do ao. The turn of 1100 In cash haa been de posited In the Vancouver National bank and It haa been offered e a reward to any peraon who shall produo evidence that will bring about the arrest and con viction of any one who baa been Il legally registered or who attempts to vote Illegally. THANKSGIVINGDAYOBSERVEO VANCOUVER Business Houses Are Generally . ClosjBdChurches-Well Attended. . (.Special Dispatch to The JsaraaL) " --Vancouver, Wash, Nov.. 29. Thanks giving day la being religiously observed In Vancouver. With "the exception of the aalodna and eandy . store, nearly very business house of the city re mains closed all day. The business por tion of town la deaerted, The aervlcee at the varioua churches are being well attended. ODD FELLOWS WILL HOLD ANNIVERSARY (Spselal Dlsnatca to The J on rial.) Oregon City. Nov. 2. Garfield lodge. Independent Order of Odd Fellowa will eelebrate-lte anniversary next Saturday evening at Estscada with a program and banquet. Judge Thomas F. ' Ryan, who instituted th lodge, will deliver a speech on this occasion and othsr promi nent Odd Felowa of thla city will be present. In the. near futur a lodge of Odd Fellows will be organised at Sandy. '. Many Xarrlag XJoenses. ' (Sptelal Dispatch to Tk Joarsal) Sancouver, Wash., Nov. 21. Cupid a up yesterday Just tn time to cele brate Thanksgiving and kept th county uditos-buayJaaulng . marriage licenses. During the past week or 10 daya but five marriage licenser have been ap plied for at the local courthouse, but yesterday that many couples were made happy by securing the , muxa-covated document.. . The following persona were issued li censes by Auditor Burnham yssterday: Pat McCollura and Mlaa Alice Homer, both of mis county; Henry R- Jacobsen and Mra Carrie M..McMurray, both of Vancouver; Charlea Hicks and Mlaa Re becca Bonge of Rldgefleld, this oounty; Peter L. De Kinder and Mrs. Ellen Funk of Portland, snd Otis T. Fuller and Mra Gold! E. Fuller, also of Portland. . i as ii ' s. Tay lay WWst. . (Special Dlapatek to Ths Josraal.) . Oregon City, Nov. 29. Mr. and Mra Linn B. Jones entertained th members of th bridge whist club at their home on the hill last evening. The prises were won by Mra John P. Keating and Bruce C. Curry. Choice refreshments were served. The members attending were Mr. and Mra John Adama Mr. and Mra O. W.-Kastham, Dr.. and Mra A. L. Beatle, Mr.- and Mra John P. Keating. Mr.'and Mrs. Mnn E. Jones, Mr. snd Mra Bruce C. Curry. L .. . Attended Masqae Ball. Oregon City. Nov. 2. Mr. Ralph Rc.heurer. Mr. Sidney Nuttall. Mr. and . Mrs. Tom Trembath. Mra Nora Klnxey, , Miss Angls Mayvllie snd Mrs. Ssphronl , Clark ar among those who WlU attend the masque ball given tonight at Auroral by tb Aurora band. '. i T170 LARGE L AND TRAUSAGTIOnS Swift A Co. Buy Tract at Echo - - -for Hundred and Sixty - - - '" x " . Thousand. ; : " : .' '. v ';V HINKLE DITCH COMPANY ' 1 .PURCHASES HUNT TRACT Concern Also Buys Butter Creek Water Company Ten - Thousand Acres of Land to Be Irrigated by New Company. - , : '....!..,-, C, (Special Dlapateh to The Joemal.) Pendleton, Or,, Nov. , 21. Two land' transactions - hav Just been concluded In Pendleton whloh will hav an Im portant effect on th futur of Eobo.'' Laat spring. WUUam Doherty and Swift lo. secured an option on th large T-T lift aalK Mass. ITsks A uia4I a. a. 7h"' Vhi dealw'tnVt pucs'h;. BOw been fully consummated, th land I ben sold to those people by th Or- Mn T an1 a. rnnatm.tln. the prioe of 1140,000. The ranch con sists of 1,200 acrea . . The following statement of a deal by th Hlnkl Ditch company baa been mad by th officers of that corpora tion: .'. . JHakle Bites SCerflwC. ' On November 21 the Hlnkle Ditch company entered Into contract with J. ', Frank Wataon, preatdent of -the Mer chants' National bank, of Portland, Ore gon, for the purchaae of 7,622 acrea of land for $70.000. . The lands are known as the O- W. Hunt lands lying on lower Butter creek and along the Umatilla" river below the mouth of Butter creek. The - Hlnkle - Ditch . company also pur chased the' contracting Interest In tha ' Butter Creek Water company from Har ry C Rogera - Tne Interests -of the' Hinkle Ditch company. Butter Creek Water ootnpany and the G. W. Hunt In terests are merged In the Hlnkle Ditch company. - The land will be placed on the mar ket In tracts of 1,020, 40 and 10 acrea, and aold during the winter and follow ing spring. " , , ,' ,. ', The Hlnkle Ditch company aow baa I 14 miles of ditch construction from the Intako from the Umatilla river abov' Echo to Butter creek, where the main canal branches Into canals covering the . land In Butter creek and north and west of Butter creek. Along the Umatilla river moat of tha lands purchased are now under main canal and require only the building of laterals to tha subdi visions of the particular sectlona . ; Irrigate Xrg Tiaot, ''. Th eanal for a dlatano "of seven mil from th intak ia now 26 fact . wld on th bottom and 40 feet wide on top. Work la going en on all parts of the ditch, and It la .understood that 1, 000 acrea of land will be Irrigated In thla way :' ..... The Hlnkle Ditch company la eon troled by O. D. Teel of Echo and J. T. Hlnkle of Pendleton. - Mr. Hlnkle Is prssldent and Mr.-Tel euperintendent of the company. It will-mean the Im mediate cultivation of several thousand acrea of Umatilla county's richest eoll., RUNAWAY COW IS C i KILLED BY POUCE The cow that wandered away from the stockyards thla morning and created sonsldarahls vsnltemvnt slitng i,)ulmKy and nearby streets, knocked over the poundmen, two ordinary cltlsens, v a woman and a child. One of' the men ,i Haill t,rtilaad.4'Tha Anw ftnallv ran Inte a yard at 7I Raleigh street. . She resisted capture and was snot y. pa trolman Parker. , WaiUag-ateom Opened. . ' . (Spar la I Dlapttck to The Jonraal.t Vancouver. Wash., Nov. 22. Much ta the gratification of the traveling public a waiting-room haa been established at the - ferry landing at the foot of Wash ington street. Heretofore passengers to Portland either had to wait In the cold or repair to the office of a nearby hotel. . The new waiting-room waa not Installed through the efforta of the railway com-panybutby-a private party. who ex.. pects to run- a confectionery store in connection. - ' ,. " i x 'I'' Win mead Snakespeare. (Bpeetal Dtssatcfe to Tkt loersalt . Oregon City. Nov. 2 The regular fortnightly meeting of the Avon club will take place tomorrow at the home of Mra. William E. Pratt, and the read ing of "Love'a Labor Lost" will be con- tlnuad. ' , a- . ; AMPHIBIOUS AUTO Equally Useful as a Motor-Boat of '- . - an. AutornobUe. 4 ' A recent Invention of a 'Frenchman la a novel ' machine which 1 aptly termed an "amphlbtoua automobile" becaus It Is equally at home on -lender water. - Tbla - device ta similar In construction to the usual motor boat. It haa additional features, however, which the ordinary motor oraft does not posseaa Concealed In the body of : boat are -four wheels. These wheels, with the assistance of attached apringa COMBINED AUTOMOBILE AND MO TOR BOAT. . the automoblilst can Instantly convert Into the supporting gesr of an ordinary motor Vehicle,' the rear wheels doing th driving. For touring-through the re. glons Interspersed with lakes snd other bodies of, water suoli s a contrivance would prove ef Inestimable value. I