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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. . PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER ' 19, ItSS. 7c;vn kcsi jj TOVISiri AKVIEKIlTTt. -JlaiUg . ....Harry Bar aa ford la "The Wuniaa-Hatrr" Rtkw "A Iiapitiui Town" Kaiulrt... ..... ,'Tnol. Joo Bprocaby" Lt1 . ''We'aee o( Imuhiii" . Star. ........ ."A Stranger la StranKe Land" FUW Vaadartlls Grand ................. TaudTlll - - A portion of th Multnomah delege. tlon to tha lower houaa of tha lsglsla ' tura mat.laat night at tha office of ': Frank F. "rrnan, la tha Fanton build ing, to dlarsuss different matters, of lev ' lalatlon and affect an organisation. A ' general - discussion waa held by the i . membera present. . It waa decided to , . ,hold a, aeoood meeting on Tburaday, De cember II, at which time tbe delega tion will be organised and proposed leg lalatlon taken up t or . discussion with , a view of harmonious action at Salem. Though hla permit to blast has been revoked by tbe city engineer, Lafe Pence will continue his Work of washing down , the hillock known aa Scotch Nubbin on ' 'Willamette Heights. Tbe clay face on tha hlllalde la very bard and powder waa , ' used to loosen tbe earth so that the dirt . , could be eaaler flumed down to the low lands which tha Pence company la fill ing. Mr. Pence says that the revocation of his permit will make tha operation i'fflw expensive, but that her will keep on just tne same. . . . J Tht Woman's Auxiliary to ths Mu - nlclpal association held Us first meet '." tng of the flecal year last Monday " afternoon. There waa a full s-epresen-. tatlon of tbe board of directors and . much work was planned for the winter. The organisation begins the new year .. . with large proapecta of aggressive and vigorous work. Mrs. Ada Wallace . Vnrub. ita new president, brings to the ' work a .broad experience of SO years . '.' snd much la expected of her admlnls :' tratlon, , ., ' ' t ;' ,: We preaums that moat Journal read ers are thankful that we have hereto fore made for them ao many delightful photos. Ws know we are thankful we .have been able to excel In this work, snd that the great masses ot humanity have afforded us an opportunity to demonstrate ' how splendidly ws can serve them. ' Let us make your Chrlet nun negative at once. E. W. Moore, Elka' building, Seventh and Stark. . , VX AkX TBULT XXAWrUX. Never were there Mlm Jest ss thankful That today we ere the eeopls la this lead ef iiiwrtaa, ... Aod.tb.l iwrrtm eroaaa as an the wultl- tudaa are glad. ... And tkat eailae euiruae . their (aoas ea4 aa ' haart is ever ead.:- Aa,-we si aaaly tbaaaftil thai today- Of tnouaan rurtlaad famlUae. beeauee we Aad we de-tt a aaatlyst e vary MUle --.Mat--- . . . . That ua agony ef waaaUy la te tbaa foe- .. e?er iuaC We're glad yo W yosr ilteW"aefoat we B.ya not aogagad . ...' la appropriating eeras that has Vscle saw . . eoragedi ... ' Aad today w earve ear blMlet le eat eulat. PlMMeik aVOIEsV Aad will aaa a world at baaaty ss ea Ooonctl v Crest we reasv, , .... .,;...... Wa rejolee that Lawyer Beary haa aaclare "Twaa aU a ." , , , Aad that langhloaly the Jvdga resulted "I koaw It 'lora he apoaa," ' Aad tbora'e pleasure la anaooada that tha writers wink aa eye, Aad editors ere handing te each athrr turkay . CKIOH LACHDkT. ' TaL Main SOS. gnon aad ColsmMa. HISS DOCK PRESIOEIlt IS Portland Woman Chosen to Lead 1 the State Teachers' Asso- : , " elation. ALL OTHER OFFICERS CHOSEN BY MEMBERS Organisation ' Votes to ' Hold Next Meeting at Salem. ' With Albany ' Running Close SecondSeveral .' Excellent Addresses Made..: DiR WITS --EAST-SIDE Crystal - Springs 7 Sanitarium - Plans to Make Large Improvements. - SPRINGS TO FEED LAKES AND SEVERAL FOUNTAINS Landscape Gardening Will lie Intro duced to Beautify. Entire Mount Walks. Terraces, and . Artificial ' Waterfalla to Be Constructed. v L. C Oarrlgua and D. 3. Hemes, at ' torneys for ths petitioning creditors. In the bankruptcy proceedings against the . -William aburg Mining company, appeared '. before Judge C. E. Wolverton laat night and secured a . restraining order pro "'hlbltlng the sheriff of Joeephlne eoun - ty from selling property belonging to l Nm iv. um. i nex be held. been adjudicated. . Harold Finch, accused of throwing a spadeful of quicklime into . Gordon ; Stuart a eyes, was arrested last night. . but was soon released on his own recog- , nlaauce. He dales that be is guilty of the offense, and aays that young Stuart was playing near where he waa mixing .; mortar and that some of the lime was splaahed upon his clothes. The United States civil service com mlitslon anriouncea that on December IS an examination will be held in this city for ths position of clerk (male) for po- - sitlons In the Portland Oregon) post . office. Persons desiring to compete should eall on Z, A. Leigh, postof floe department, city.-- .: '., ( ' - John Kondrlrk Bangs, the humorist, ' author of the "Houee-Boat on the Styx." former editor 1 of "L.lfe, "Harper's .Weekly." snd the ('Metropolitan Maga- - sine." Is to give the second number ot the Y. M- C. A.-Star eouree tomorrow ' bight at the White Temple. ' ArtlrlfS of Incorporation of the Ore- gon-Merc&ntlle 'eV Investment "company have been filed in the otnee or tne county clerk by- Margaret White,- A- B. Wlnfee and W. A. Johnson. ' Capital ' Stork, 110,000. . : Miss Aphla U Dtmlck of Portland was honored with the presidency of ths western division of the State Teachers association when the. organisation closed Its session yesterday. - Other teachers Sleeted to fill the offices of the aaso clatlon were: R. F. Robinson, vlce crealdent: W. W. Wiley of Tillamook. second vice-president; a. 'W. Jones of Salem, secretary; Caroline A. Barnes of Portland, - tremsursr; - J. H - Powers of Salem, executive committeeman for the long -term:- P.- X Campbell - of Eugene, committeeman for the short term. 8alem rmeetlng of he sssociatlo7lVlll' tmhhi: Other permlta have been L Albany running second and ln rv,n on. 'urther aids ot llnJ77 r w- w..V Tour eyes examined Free. We are still selling eye glaaaea at 11.00. A per fect fit guaranteed. Metsger Co.. Jewelers and opticians. 111 Sixth street. Japan Basaar, removed to Sixth, south Closing out aale of 15.00 worth Japanese fancy goods, regardless of cost, . Come early to secure first choice. Steamer Jessie - Hsrkins for Camas. Wsshougal and way landings dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dock at S p. m. : Reserved seats can be secured at the T. M. C. A. for single admission or for tbe entire course, . Richards' special Thanksgiving din ner, with wine, 11.00 per cover, 4 to S:l. -, i ; - . Woman's Exchange, III -Tenth street, lunch 11:10 to 1; business men's lunch. Acme Oil Co. sells the best safety coal oil and fine gasoline. Phone East 78. "Publlo stenographer, Phone Pacific 1 1." laborer's bee; Shattered. . (Special ptapetefc te Tha Joaraal.) -, Hilleboro, Or., Nov. (. Another ac cident orcured yesterday on the works of the Pacific Rsllway Navigation company's line north of Buxton, this county. A gang of men were at work blasting rock and a flying rock struck a Greek laborer, badly shattering one of hla legs. A special engine wss sent here and hurled back with medical aa SlstMice. Amputation may be neces- ary. ; Albany running second and being defeeted after a sharp contest by a vote of S01 to 111. ' Waats Zrfuger Tsju ' The Association went on record yea. terdsy for a larger school tax per eapita, it being decided to ask the leglnlature to increase the tax from If, the present amount, to IS, a sum calculated by the teachera to more nearly meet the needs of ths schools. , Profaaa or Traver, formerly superin tendent of ths. Pendleton schools, ad dressed tha meeting tn the morning on the subject of primary work. Btory work was discussed by Mrs. Emma B. Wlokersham.' J. M. Powers, of the Salem -schools- spoke, on the study of history,, while - A. U BrlggsV president of the Drain Normal school, and T. A. Hayes also treated of the same subject. Professor Joseph Shaftr of ths Uni versity ef Oregon spoks on history study tn the - northwest, showing Its value to the students of this section. m. XCoore Talks. ' Ths afternoon session wss opened by the singing of "The star Spangled Baa then introduced and gave what Is per haps the most notable of tha excellent addresses for which this convention has been marked. His remarks were greeted by prolonged applauae, obliging htm to return to the platform and bow bis ac knowledgements. Dr. Moore expressed tha opinion that a teacher cannot have too many theories. Ills srgument was for a broad philosophy of life, inasmuch as everything depends upon the teach er's having tbe right theory of life and of the possibilities of her vocation, .He quoted Martin Luther's famous saying that "tbe danger Is that In shooting st life we aim too low. He made a strong plea for right conceptions of the old question of heredity, decrying that pseudo-sclentiflo paganism which holds that acquired characteristics are in herited and ahqwed by reference to that famous criminal family, tha Jukes, which In three generations cost the elate Of New Tork 11.700,000, that It waa not the heredity but the environ ment that produced these reaults, .' Dr. Moore told of a vlglt mads to this country during recent years of a noted Brahmin In order to study the metbods which had enabled the negro to lift himself out of the depths of Ignorance, craving for his own people the eame opportunity. The speaker apoke of this striking Illustration of the power ot education; a member ef the priest class of the oldest civilisation In the world, coming to the youngest to learn from a negro, Booker Washington, how to up lift his own people. In closing Dr. Moore spoke of the teacher e holding the keys of ths city. Dr. Wtnshlp of Boston followed with an address on aids to - the tsscher's work, emphasising two points, srreeted development and personality. He said that more had been done for the race in the last six years than In the previous sixty. ... ; " Bast Side XepartmsnV " ' Tha Crystal Springs Nervous Sanita rium ot Mount Tabor Is soon to begin aa elaborate plan of Improvement that will beautify. Mount Tabor to an extent that It will be one of the most desired lo cations of any- of the suburban dl. trlots. "Artificial lakes, terraoeev foun tains and -other details are embraced in the scheme which is to make aa Ideal grounds for the Institution and which Incidentally will beautify Mount Tabor so that K will - be an object of envy among all other suburbs of the city. For the last three years the. Mount Tabor Institution has kspt a force of men occupied adding Improvements, buildings and other equipment and has been enlarging Its facilities rapidly un til It will soon possess all that Is to be desired for suoh an enterprise. ' Already It has perhaps the best equipped nervous sanitarium in the northwest and) soon, when the contemplated plans are com pleted, will not be surpassed on the eoast. - Shortly after the Lewis and Clark fair the sanitarium acquired possession of the Massachusetts building. . The build ing was moved by wagons from tha fair grounds to Its present sits, a dis tance of five miles, and set up, retaining the original style, that of the state cap ital of Massachusetts on Beacon HilL The building was constructed of ex pensive material and' was therefore a valuable structure. . It was remodeled inside until It Is an Ideal arrangement for the purpose it Is now used.- Site of Boildlag. The building has been erected near the end of the carline and near the top of Mount Tabor, where an exqulsita which ths building has been set up. On ths sides of this ravine are IS springs furnishing a surplus water supply of 1,000 gallons every 4 hours. Kach of these springs hss been developed to 10 or 40 feet and their aource Is permanent. It la from, -these springs that the(lnstl tutlon receives Its nams. The sides of this defile, on which the Maasachuaetts building rests, are to be terraced and seeded, trees and shrub bery are to be planted, rustio seats and arbor nooks are Included in the plan until the grounds will Jm fitted up like a world's fair tn miniature. The bot tom of the gulch will be prepared and leveled" and two artlflotal lakes con structed on either aide of a long ele vated entrance to ths building from the carline. These lakes will be supplied from the springs end the supply will be great 'enough and so continuous that a riffle of considerable volume will con nect the two lakes. Fountains will also be Installed In tbe lakes and be allowed to play continuously, being supplied from the almost unlimited source of the springs. All of thess Improvements will ' OUT OF, SORTS . People Not ' Really Sick Are Often Most in Need of Care. ' oWBTrhoetalIyre"sr-t need of kind words and medical treat ment are not thoss who are really sick, but just "out of aorta.", -" . Ths old-time energy. force, strength and happy spirits - are lacking; tbe physical and mental powers ars flag ging; there Is poor appetite, and they cannot get the good out of ths food they eat. In nine cases out of ten. this re aults dlreotly from a weakened stom ach, and no other treatment equals Ml-o-na to restore strength and health. ' When the nerves and muscles are weak. If there le Sleepleesnesa, Irrita bility, and specks before the eyes, when ths head aches and there is a dull pain In ths bdek. and there Is any distress and heaviness -In the stomach, dlsxlneas, and sometimes nausea, ths uae of Ml-o-na stomach tablets for a few days will make world of Improvement, and continued use for a reasonable time will restors perfect health. These tablets are not mere digestives; they absolutely strengthen all tha or gans of digestion, so that there Is good appetite, perfect digestion .and . strong nerves, when they are used. ' " A large box of Ml-o-na stomach tab lets Is sold for SO cents by - Woodard, Clarks st Co., with an absoluts guaran tee that they will be successful la cur ing digestion and restoring' health, or the money will be refunded. Ask them to show, you the liberal guarantee they give with every S0-cent box of Ml-o-na. aVMUSJIMJIsm. 14tk aad TVv H.HM Tt,.... Waehlegtoa " UCIIIK llitauc ,Uale Pbsae 1 Mights, Vext . Seaday. Xaaday aad TneaSay ine inarming Anrpue, . - ; BCA.UOB F1AXT la tbe Comedy Saeveaa . The Illnslon of Beatrice Seat Sale Opens Tomorrow. FRI0KS Iwer rieor, $1.10. 1; Balcony, 1, Tc, SOrs ilallerr. Hoc. Se. - Holmes, wife of J. A. Holmes was held yesterday and concluded at ths Portland crematorium. Mrs. Holmes ded at her home, 90 East Morrison street, Sunday, November SS, aged (S years. OREGON CHAIR COMPANY -WILL BUILD FACTORY - To the Oregon Chair company has been Issued a permit for the erect Isn of a three-story frame building, to be used as a faotory, on Macadam ' roadl at the extreme southern end of the city. It will cost S10.000. - Thomea Muir Is the builder. This will bs another of the numerous manufacturing plants estsb- nr-" - P1"-, Moors of,,LpaAogelcs- wasl be completed- In lira romtngrsuMmef adTWT Angus.ono-atory dwelllfigT'Po'rtsq they - will be executed as soon as - the weather wilt allow, Fief erred Steak Canned Crsods. Allen A Lewis' Best Brund. For centuries the bee has been held up as an example to improvident man, but the lesson has not been earned FAR enough. ' ".. Emulate the bee's thrifty habits and dill gence, but DONT store the results of your labor in a hive or crevice where some crea ture stronger or sharper than you are can rob you. V Bring your earnings TO US and start a bank account. Your money will then be available whenever you need it and will be ABSOLUTELY SECURE from loss in I the meantime. - But that isn't ALL we will GIVE you our advice and Influence rerardine vour business affairs and the BETTERMENT of your financiarcondi tion, and we pay 4 per cent interest on your .Savings Account. Y7 Xs Private Snterprlss. ' Few people are aware of the magni tude of the Mount Tabor Institution and ths kind of work undertaken there. . It is a privets enterpries under ths super vision and ownership of Doctors Robert L. Gillespie and Henry Waldo Coe, who are the medical directors and R. M. Tuttle, buslnesa manager. The sani tarium, which undertakea the treatment of people afflicted with mental and ner vous troubles, comprises IS buildings, covering SO aores of land. , Tbe cottage treatment is the system employed, so that all patients are Isolated. Besides ths private retreats the Morntngsldo asylum is situated here, where the In sane of Alaska are cared for by the government. However, this Is entirely sepsratsd from the nervous sanitarium and the Maasachusetts building. Will Xave Oar Xdne. . The owners of the Rose city addition in ths northeastern part of the city, comprising shout 1.100 acres which Is to be platted soon,' will either build a new carline or ask ths railway com pany to build one to ths location. Nu merous plans hava been offered by dif ferent people for reaching tha tract If ths Portland railways build they will probably reach it by extending the East Twenty-eighth street line to psss over Sullivan's gulch, which Is soon te be provided with a new bridge. The own ers of the tract. however, have thought of building to the tract over ths Burn side bridge snd pssslng the Hawthorne and east, side high schools, whioh will have an attendance of about 1.000 or 1,700 when the east side High opens. Mass Meeting Scheduled. Arrangements Have , been msde for holding a mass meeting In the Laurel wood Jjall on tlA Mount Scott line next Monday for ths purpose of preparing a petition for the erection of a modern school building ln this district to take the place of the temporary structures now used "along ths line. There are 400 children attending thess various make- shifts and more are coming Into the A district every day. It Ja estimstcd that a building of not leas than 14 rooms will be required and since thle district Is within the limits of ths olty the city will be called upon to erect the building. Msny people who hsve visited the park sits on Mount Tabor complain of reckless shooting auowea on tne mil. Indulged In' by boys with smsll rifles and revolvers.. Some people have even been afraid of their Uvea and the au thorities hsve been requaated to Investi gate. This property Is within the city limits snd can be reached by tbe city authorities.' . The big electrlo crane In the Alblna shops was teeted yesterday in being re quired to lift a 176,000-pound locomo tive. The crane has a capacity of S40. 000 pounds, but never hss yet been given an opportunity to reveal Its mon strous capabilities. Ths Alblna shops ars ths beat equipped on the coast. Councilman Menefes snnounces that the filling on Kant Oak street will not obstruct ths trafflo on Grand avsnue, as ths Pacific Bridge company -will menage their cars so as to prsvsnt any Inconvenience to the traffic : Some anxious oltlsens of St. Johns havs declared that the city administra tion should st least license Jive more saloons since that city "needa money." About to. 000 more routd be used very handily ta fitting up the new city hall, say tbese careful oltlsens. The general -ef ' Mre. Mary Frances - - I . issued as as follows: C. K." West, one-story dwelling. East Tenth, between Prescott and Going, cost 11.660; Cora U Sabia, qne-otory dwelling. East Eighteenth, corner Kllllngsworth avenue, cost (7S; Mrs. Williams, woodshed. Berkeley, be tween Dawaon and Houghton, cost tit; Ladd at Tlltoq. repairs. Fifth, between Stark and Washington, cost I2S; Mc Holland Bros, two-story dwelling. East Burnslde, between Eaat Twenty-Ninth and Goodaell avenue, cost $1,000; Ja cob Clifton, one-atory dwelling, Mai lary avenue, between Wygant and Going, coat tl.tOO; A. Erlckaon, two one-story dwellings, Michigan avenue, between Falling and Bhaver. coet 11,000 each; W. W. Robinson, one-atory dwelling. Kaet Eighteenth.. between Holbrook and Kllllngsworth avsnue, cost 176; F. Coleman, tear down, Marshall, between Eleventh and Twelfth, coat $100: Long Be Kltchlng. Store and dwelling, Haw thorne avenue, between Eaat Sixth and East ueven'n. cost gl.ooe; Mrs. A. 11. Burton, two two-story dwellings, East Ninth, corner .Cambridge, cost $1,400 eech; Ben Lets, repairs. Sixth, between Washington snd Alder, cost HOP; J. It II IS Id rS rl HI HI as PS IS s s at I, T) The Store) Noted for Best Goods at Lowest Prices ' r 7 M Altte-MMooi" Just a word about thess remarkable values for Friday and Saturday: First, every article is of standard quality, which means no "seconds," Second, the prices are lower than we could duplicate them for at the present market quotations." Can you afford to pass thern V by? ' Mail orders filled.: .. .-"... . -.; - . WOOL BLANKETS White Wool Blankets, size 68x84 inches, red, blue and pink borders; good $4.50 values. Special ........ . . .$3.35 White Wool Blankets, extra large (76x90) and heavy colored borders; best $5.50 ' quality. -Special ............... .$3.05 Gray Wool Blankets, good size and weight, pink and blue borders; $4.25 regular. " Special :.$3.50 Red Wool Blankets, made from best grade wool, good weight and size; $6.60 value. Special ..$5.50 n LACE CURTAINS $1.50. Scotch Lace Curtains, 3 yards long and 50 inches; wide, latest patterns. Two Day Special ,.$1,00 Fine Nottingham Lace Curtains, 3 yards long, extra wide, and regular $2.00 values. Special . . i . ............ , .$1.50 Ruffled Swiss Curtains, in new. lace stripe designs, 3 yards long:, extra wide; $1.50 value .85e Bobbinet Curtains, in white and Arabian, two rows , insertion and edging; .$2.50 value . . . , . . . .... .......... . .$1.63 - COMFORTERS White Cotton Filled Comforters, in light and dark colors, hand tied and best $1.50 grade. Special ...$1.15 White Cotton Filled Comforters, full bed size, best ilkoline cover, and worth $1.75. Special, each .....$1.47 Extra large and heavy . Comforters, filled with pure white cotton and hand tufted. i Special .81.95 White Cotton Filled Comforters, with best silkoline cover, light and dark colors ; $3.50 grade ..$2.75 ill BED SPREADS White Bedspreads, full size, and our regu 'lar $1.00 quality."" Special .for two days, each . ,-. .75 WhiteFringedBed3preads extra heavy, Marseilles patterns, and best $1.65 prade. Special j .j,, t ., , . . ....$1.35 72x90 Sheets, in extra quality, with deep hem and reinforced center. Special, each . . . .... ............ , , ...... . .50 Pillow Cases, size 42x36, fine quality, with deep hem ; regular 12Jc value. I ' Special ......... T ...... , . . .llt Lace Curtain Ends Special . . . 16c, 19c, 23c to 35c Writ M 0r Hew 4 Qbfc-AM-- (dhCzii tn CORNER THIRD AND MORftlMM STREETS Mail Orders .' Steoale-s "7- a f owns e---. aad Carefal Attention Hstw-u- - m at - m -t j AanrsarsDSsnrs. month avenue, between Dswson snd Willis boulevard, cost 400. THANKSGIVING MEETING HELD BY THE W. C. T, U. " The central W. C. T. U. held special Thanksgiving meeting at the headquar ters yesterday afternoon, with Mrs. Ada Wallace) Unruh presiding. There waa a large gathering and each member gave a Thanksgiving sentiment In reply to roll call. A -generous offering was taken for the rear's work. Mrs. Sleeth. who haa been In eastern Oregon on an organi sation tour, rsported progress In the work. Almost aU the members In giv ing thoughts on - whst they had to be thankful for mentioned ths w. c T. U. with its Influences and helpful asso. flat lone, and opportunities for service, Mrs. Keller reported activity In the purity and rescus work, and said that cordial responses have come to calls for help. The work Is growing so Isrge that it win need two or three women to car for It ln this circle alone. Teachers' Convention Bnds. (Stwctal Dlipatrh to Tbe Jmrraal.) ' Pendleton. Or- Nnv, . The annual convention of the Eastern division of the Stste Teachers ssaoclatlon csms to sn end In this city last evening. The meeting waa a very successful one, snd it was decided that the next convention be held st La Grande next year. Professor Eaton Dancing School Class for ladlsa snd gents Monday and Thursday evening at Arion ball. Phone East HO. Milwaukle Country Club. Eastern and California race. Take Sellwood and Oregon City cars at Elrst and Alder. w'irSJ. Heilig Theatre) 5 Torioirr rttAincBorrnra man , TM Itrllcbtrnl Cotnwtlaa, : HAET BEAXSTOaD, ' In toe raany CmlT, , "THS WOaLaJT 1LA.TEK.'' PRICES Est ire Lowrr rlonr. 1: Baleony. Tie, snr: ;.iimt. aim. Sfle. - Oregon-aad Multanmak Football Tsaaaft- WtU . Alteaa. . SO. Dae. i, Saturday. 1. OS. wShtiJLThe Bellli Theatre fri. aad Sat. Nlgata. Nov. Sprclal-Piics- afattasa ARTHUR"DESQOPTl . la George Ada's Mnekal Cesaady Saeeass, PEGQY FROM PARIS Craning prlraa. SBe tn il SO. lfatlnee, SSe to 11. "aia sow aaiusg-et toaatre bosofSee. EMPIRE THEATRE Vfalo 11T. - Mlltna W. Heanas. Masager. Playing Only Ra.tera Unas atrraeMoss. SI All H IN IILK1'AI Graat TS.nk.jtlTlns Off.rtns. srauuzax , Tkts Tear, tici.t r josh The Graat Baral nrrraa. All Mr Boa tba rm mourn sawmill i Recalar Empire Prtoas. Baas Woaawaaiaoy Aaasas, Sewyer." D.W.. Tk..i.. Pbene Mats 1S0T. WM1 I licau S. Orason Tkaatrs Oe.. Laaeae Tbe Wld.lT Benowiied BAKBB STOCK OO. Toelght. All Thla Wark. Matlsaae Tbankaglrtos Satire on ProhlWtloo. "A TZXPIBABCB TOWI." Dtreetloa Mr. Juha Balopolla. Brery AS Srreara ef La urn tor. Broalag Prlraa Mt. Uc tor: Mat, lSa. : Bast Waoa "A Sealal Xickwaraua. The Grand Weak ef Bar. Is, ISO. JTSOatS, rSIEMOMT ABD JEBOMt, dout iii rioa- LABS. OlarVa Bat. uai aaa Jtoaasy Xiaawols. ' Mr. aad Mrs. Bareld Kelly. Artaar H. Kbarae. The Three Beate Biotkora. HarsU Korf aal the trraaclaaata. STAR THEATRE Weak ef Bereesse SS. Psoae Mala Set. "A Stranger in a Strange Land' Marbteoe Teoadare. Tkaradare. Sarnrdara aad mnoaya ai a:v 9 m. rnroa iu aoe su feats. Every arealoc at S:1S tw at-1 Brtroa 10, SO sad su rrata. Columbia Phonograph Co. 371 Washington Street, Portland, Oregon bargest BCannfaetarers ln th World of Bias aad OyUnds (Owners of the Fundamental patents.) Unique Christmas Gifts COLUMBIA Graphophones Type Peerless . . $40 Type Sovereign . $50 j Zatlre Bonf on th COLUMBIA Half-Foot Records COLUMBIA BU1LDINO. By GROVER CLEVELAND and Fislunfl SiiooHntfl SMehes Graver Cleveland has always gon fishing and shooting; lor ths fun of it; and probably no phase of th former president's many-sided, rugged character has brought him more univer sal affection from his countrymen than his keen, justice-lov-ing sportsmanship, i His book has an intimate human quality, combined with a calm, genial philosophy that will make it a sportsman's creed for this generation and for many general tlons to come. Mr. Cleveland's book is a guide to the spirit . of true sportsmanship. 1 ' . Fifty Illustrations by H. 8. Watson. . .. : (PrIo (1.35 lNtit) , The Outing Publishing Company II and ST West list St, New Tork, "THE BALANCE OF POWER" Is In lis ftnlarrje Edilloa ri ii DIdosino Granite Co. i i iuru oircgi RORTLA N D J 6 REGON - i.' ...: .- f i ' K J,BtAESlNO. Mgr. Phone Mstn.4444 lW-.-nU uaiJ '..'. LYRIC THEATRE wssz sioonmro xorxxiza ss. "We'uns of Tennessee ' tea iRTHrifS srrrEssm. rOMFHY DRAMA. Boa of Mrs enae fnnj 10 a. as. te IS . a. aata raa ae r.aTTs by shoe. Mala 4A8S.- HOTEL EATON ooa. Moiuso airo wxst rats its. NEW BaaAMawty faralaSaS, alvgaetly seels. Sreproaf. Se Bilnaiae' walk fraa Saart ml abopplt Sustaaee dlalrb-t. aU lary. airy, eetaide rooM. araaa IhM, alaetrtr Hints, tlpkoae la aach epartaaret. ate, Lars efflr, Iobb(1b. sawkln. wrwtaw. ladles' racaptiae yarlors, Baoaia . taaaiiai by aaatl ae talapboae. rlvate eialiMa sieete traiaa sag eeaaaMsa. Rooms S1.00 to $5.00 a Ooy sal Betas e Oaataaaraaal SVaa, A. AXstSTBOBe. wm KEMP PRINTING COMPANY WE'RE IT IF ITS ?milG Good Printing Prompt Printing i I