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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1906)
PAGES11 TO20 PORTLAND, OREGON. TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER "27. 1908. KEED INTREST in THE BIG GAL1E . during the- winter and spring months and, which this year promises to be mora . notable than ever before. The chief events will be the third annual mid-winter tournament, to take place In January, and the United . North and, Bouth championship tournament, to be played during the latter part of Maroh OREGON STUDENTS IE H1D1CIMI1T Eugene Followers Do Not Uke -the Reception Accorded " Them In Corvallls. ' i SECTIOH TWO Power's Great Three-Room Outfit Offer I and the early part of April. LOCAL BOWLERS PLAY FOR 1 FESTIKE TURKEY Oregon Pioneers Take a Brace at , Last Moment and Manage to A Beat Cigar Men. ; ( Follower of Oregon Are Very , Confident of Downing V. $98.75 Special Terms $10 Down, $2.50 a Week s the Club Me MULTNOMAH PLAYERS : . v ROUNDING TO FORM Captain Jordan and His Men . Will !T Hold Their ' LuF'Practice " TEfiT --7 Erenin in Preparation-for the An- noal Struggle on Thursday. The only event that la engaging the attention of everybody these flays Is tha . annual Thanksgiving day football ram between tha elevens of tbo . Multnomah Ametenr Athletlo club and tha Univer sity, of Oregon. This cam la, al way a - looked upon aa ths real event -of the . j year., and. Judging from' tha past, tha -, match on Thursday' will be ma great. If not a greater affair, than ever before. Tha all absorbing question Is, "la this 'Oregon's yeart" - Those Tho hava fol , lowed tha fortunes of the Oregon team fos years are of the opinion that Mult- nomaht is doomed this year. They even go- farther and: say that they will back - Oregon ' against Multnomah at odds If necessary. This is strong tAlk. While all tha discussions and predto- tlona of the Oregon men are going the rounds, poor old Multnomah appears to have been overlooked by plenty of the , . sports who usually . pick tha. club , to eoni out on top. l , - "Let them back Oregon all they like," says Hiram Keller, "we will show those Eugene guys what we can. do.' Keller la the center in the clubsquad and haa been a olose student of the game for seven years, and while Ma predictions do not always come true, yet there are . many who will give them fair consider ation.' ' r ' . ,... v Tha faot that BtuLjames Is suffering from a very bad leg that may keep him out of the game too has worried the elub men considerably. . Should James be not able to play, Dolph will' be sent in as fullback, and another halfback placed In Dolph's position. How .-this ohange at suoh a late .hour would work is a matter of conjecture, - . Last evening - the elub boys went through a long '.signal - practice and everything went off In fairly good style. Thisevenlng the JijsA.wojkouAwllLbe. . held-and after It la over It will be pretty wellL known whAi.jmsnwlll line up against Oregon. Tbe M. A. A. C rooters are out root ing and from the present noise that s being made, they win outroot the band. MT. TABOR HOCKEY CLUB, WANTS A MATCH GAME - Sporting fedltor Journal Tha Mount Tabors hereby challenge any team In The clty"whossw:elKht does nolaverage above 148 pounds to a game of Held hockey, to be played at and 'when the eontendlng captains decide.' Eleven players to a side and play by' rules of the American Field Hockey association. All answers should be addressed to Stanley D. Young, Mount Tabor Btatlon, 214 . East Forth-fourth street. ,oltjr. Phono 4112 after-7 p. m. , Oolf FTogrsm at Flneharst. i floanel Sneeial Sarriee.t ' '. ' Flnehurst, N. C Nov. 17. Tha au tumn golf tournament of the Plnehurst -Country club opened aunplclousiy today. to. continue until Saturday. The event Is the first of the -usual series -ot tour- namenta that take place here each year Watch Your thirty Feet -r - ): of . Bowels! . :' ' ' - . . ' - . 1 TT T7OU hava thirty feat of Intes- f tine.! '""-.V :U 01 , What makes food travel through them? ' ' ' . A set of Muse Tea thai Una tha walls ef . these Intestines or Bowels.' , r "... When a piece) of Food rubs tha walla s tha Intestines thesa Muscles tighten ' Vahtnd It, and thus It starts Musolo wavs which drives It through tho whola ; langth of tht Bowela. . . ,i ; , ; ,? ;., : It should take about 12 hours to do - mis properly, so that nutritious parts of fhs food may hsvs Mma to be digested : tad absorbed. ' : Y:l-:s '."",' ' '',; '-v .;:'-: . 'v''''" But, If It takes twice or three times ;. mat period tha food spoils In passing, and becomea, atJULhuLL jacayed before being eaten, .. . .. . , ' 7 Wow, the causa of deity Coiatlpatlgn7 Is simply Weakness, or Laziness of the ' Bowel-Muscles. : ' . Want of Exercise, Indoor , Employ - merit, weakens thesa Bowel-Muscles, ' -' hurt ss It weakens Arm and Leg Muscles. , ' ; '. ',, '.- , "Physio" like Salts, Calomel, Jalap, Phosphate of Soda, Mineral Waters, sim ..pry flush-out tha Bowels lor the one ' occasion only. : They do not remove the C'tuse of ' Constipation. :A t , v But this la different with Cascarets. Cascarets act on the Muscles of tha Bowels and Intestines. . They act Just ss Cold Water, or Exercise aot on a Lazy . man. -. ' - ' '.-"., " r They act Ilka ayarclse. i - A Caacsxet produces tha asms sort of !. Natural result that a Six Mile walk Jn , j tha country would produce. Tha Vest Pocket Box is sold by all Druggists, at Ten Cents. Be very careful to get the genuine, made only by tha Sterling Remedy Co., and never sold In bulk. Every tablet atsmoed "CCC.' , 1 747 i. 4-Thev bewlere-aad great-sport -yesterday at tfc,.C$regon alleys playing for turkeys. Tha score oljust 129 had to be made to secure pone. Today " the"' highest .' total pins fot. two men playing as a. team, wins the- much-sought for birds. .. The games last night In class "A" was between the jDregons vs. Schlllera... The 1st ie teem' bsd.tfaa Jgtrst.., two .games up to the last frame,- when the -Oragons braced up and bunched their strikes, get ting both, aa well as the third. Hamil ton bowled In fine form, securing, the highest single game of til,' also ths- fins averags of 221. Bait was strong with a 200 averags- The scores: j . ".-,....1 ' s . ,. OKJSOONS. 1 , -' :..,., - ft) ();( "At. Ball : ...... 20g IMtOQ Capen .:.2u US 17S 17 Reese ,,......142 U1. 114 12 Hamilton '..tOt 111 I4T 121 Keating Total ' ,167 174,109180 eesaesescaeee ...iii m m ; V "CHILLERS. . ' ' :". C'M 'H : K '.' r (1) (!) (J) !AV. 158 169 H 158 Newberger ............161 KB I7 17S Harrington' .....138 ,20 Isa 17 Christian , .............'......189 132 127149 Lunuey :; Total .....Wl 860 864 " The class "B" match was exciting, aa some ot the novices made plays credita ble to old-timers! at JJia gamaThs Comerclal No. 1 played the Lyrics, tak ing two of the games. The team showsd up well and will be olose up to the top notchers at tha finish of the season's schedule. Stratton had the best single game, 223, and high average of the Lyrlo team.- Keea rolled tha most - consistent game of the match, averaging 17. The scores:- ':' ..-. ' , x , COMMSRCLaX NO. 1 - .'',"; ," (i) -2) D at. Kees ..............172 ISO ltl 17 Dnvon .......... 1 ; 171 , US HI Bull.; .on" .......... 160 J.l ,14T 1 Btin., ......... ,.162 f 172 VH11T2 KllUngsworth .... . ,16T ygt-llt-iag .. Total . : . 0 ' Hlnaenkam ..,.l(I Btratton Kalk 16 ' Ogden ....11 Flood ..if r in 01 (I) Av. Ill 117 121171 1T1 14 114118 1 1(1 Total .711 Til 114 ' ' Tonlghjl - the "Happy Dales play . the wiuamett team. . YESTERDAY'S RACING IN r- ; r r S0UTH AND WEST . . . ' ' (Journal Special Serrtee.t Oakland, Cal.. Nov. 17. Yesterday's racing at Emeryville track: .,- One mile, selling Atkins won, Gov ernor pavls second, 1 Tosaro third; time, Six furlongs, selling E. M. Brattain won. Van ' ' Ness second. Clandestine third: time. 1:11 l-t. Six . furlongs Shady Lad won. Har tal n 'second, Alice - Carey third; time, 1:14 1-6. . Six furlongs, selling Mansard - won, Royal Rogue second. Phalanx third; time. 1:14 1.-6. . - Five and one half furlongs Native Bon won, Tony Faust second, Woolmar third; time, 1:0. r One mfle and one sixteenth, selling Inflammable won, Laselle second. Duel ist third; tlms, 1:41 4-6. - A aTsw Orleans. v ' (Joornal Bpeeial Service.) New Orleans, Nov. 17. Fair Grounds race results: ' . 1 . ' Five furlongs Ben . Arnold won. Windfall second, Spider Web third; tjme, 1.01 1-6. ' Six . furlongs Whlppoorwui won. Kohlnoor.. second, ' Abdell third; tlm 1:14 1-1.' ' -rT One mile and ' one quarter, aellln Gladiator won, ' Safety Ught second. Oberon third; time, l:u8. One mile St. Valentine won, 'Jack Doland second, Dr. Spruelle third; time, 1:40 1-6. i . ; Five furlongs Glamor won, Beau Brum met second, Morales third; time, 1:07 1-6. , - - One mile and one sixteenth, selling- Colonel Bartlett - won. Dr. McClur seo end. Merry Belle third; time, 1:4. At Washington. "tySSf uiT"RpcTrSerTlce'!T Washington, - Nov. J7. Bennlngs raoe rsnraltsr- 1 V r Six and one naif furlongs,' Columbia course Pretension won, Avanteer sec ond. Dolly Bpanksr' third; time, 1:22. About two miles, steeplechase Ca- loorahatchie ' won. Captain, Hayes sec ond. Valley Forge third; time, 4:16 1-6. Seven furlongs Fire Brand won. Welbourne second. Bivouac third; time, l:t 1-6., ' ' Five furlongs Berkeley won,-Regal Lad Second, Soprano third; : time, Seven furlongs, selling Belle Btrome won, New York second. Scarfell third; time, 1:1 1-6. 4 One mile and one sixteenth, handicap -Dolly Spanksr won. Water Orass sec ond, Lord , Boanerges v third; time, 1:41 4-6. .. WAVERLY GOLFERS WILL PLAY ON THANKSGIVING On Thursday the regular annual han dicap tournaments for the Thanksgiving cups, for both man and woman, will be played on tha Waverly links. Tbe courae is in splendid condition and a large list of entrlee Is expected. Play wilt begin In the morning and continue throughout ,)he day. The tournament la open to all' members of the club and the winners. In addition to becoming the holders for one yeas of the magnificent Thanksgiving trophies, will each be given a sliver loving cup, . UMPIRE. ABBOT HAS i ; HIS SAY ABOUT TROUBLE Captain Chandler and His Men Are Undaunted by the" Shewing" Made galnst,'0. A. C. and Are Doing Special Work for ThursdayTQaMC ' tSpsisJl. Olssatsh to Tee yosrasL) Vnlverslty of Oregon,-Burrae, Nov. J7 Oregon's team khd the few rooters who attended the Corvallls game re turned Saturday night with tales which may bring about the severing of all athletlo relations between the two In stitutions. Besides striking and throw ing mud and a few stones at the team, and Insulting Oregon's girls and women by jeers and gross Insults, ths Corvallls people are accused by Oregon students of flooding - the field to .make It so muddy that the Agrtcs could not be scored against. A Corvallls student be fore the game stated that something had been done to the ' field so that Houllen could not kick any place kicks. One said: "Well, Moullen won't be able to use his. Iron foot today." After the gams several others, whose names have not yet been obtained, are said to have openly stated that the field had been flooded. In regard to the- treatment that, Ore gon received. Umpire -Abbot, - the fa mous Wisconsin end, said:- "Well, onoe I saw as bad, when Minnesota stoned US.'-! j . Oregon Is undaunted by the tie, and considers her chances against Mult nomah as' good as ever. , In fact tbe men are more determined than before tha'O. A. C. game to beat tha club, for though of course they - have nothing against Multnomah, they, are inclined to feel that they must win In order to hold their title to the northwest cham pionship. - -. I - The clubmen will also do well not to taks tbe tie at Corvallls top seriously, for no team ean be 6ertalnof scoring when the mud Is so thick that the bail Is stuck three times during tbe game so that the center cannot pull It out, and the game has to be stooped totwtef or pull tbe pigskin rora the solL when Moullen went Into the game In the last six minutes and tried to punt, he" let the ball drop and tried to pull his foot from ..the mud to kick, but eoul . not move his member. Oregon made oa plays, excluding kicks . and forward passes,' 141 yards, while Corvallls netted 10 yards. . Oregon made yardage 16 times while Corvallls did so onoe oa quarterback klok. Only twice did O. A. C make gains en plays, one for a dis tance of four yards, tbe other for three yards. ' It was "true-that wuiff uf O. A. C. outpunted Moorea of ' Oregon, but when Multnomah meets Oregon, Moullen and Clarke will be there with their 40- yard kicks. Oregon came out of the game without a man 'being Injured. The men stats, that the mud was so deep that they oouldn t move rast enough to hurt any one, and It la very nearly true.-; ST. JOHNS SKID00 MEN BEAT SKYLARK BOWLERS There was a very Interesting match game at tbe Wellington bowling alley. at St Johns, on Sunday night. In which tha BU Johns Skldoos defeated the Port- Iarid Skylarks. The scoree: " , : PORTLAND .SKYLARKS. I ... 114 141 161 114 iii Av. Raymond .11! Lamond .........110 Stein ...............141 Duffy .......Ill Rowe , . . Keee ,,..161 til 146 141 e s "5' hi ' Totals Til 741 III till .':,: ST. JOHNS SK3DOOS. AV. Noonan ...... . ..... 141 146 144 114 169 Smith .121 Hoover -Vrrr,.. 121 Chipman ...... .....117 Lnnney .....Ill 111 Totals ...........101 751 .711 1114 The St Johna team will play a return game on the Oregon alley next Sunday afternoon at I o clock. . HUNT CLUB WILL HOLD ANNUAL PAPER CHASE Secretary Muehe of the Hunt olub has leaned -the-follow! tig -nwtlce for" the- a- nual. run . for-Thanksgiving :. ... Our open paper chase for the Hunt club ctip vrlll be run on Thanksgiving day. We will, start on West avenue, between Sandy and Barr road a, at 10:10 a. m. sharp. Those desiring can take the Montavllla car to West avenue. The hares are Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Downing. Our annual meeting will be held on Saturday, December fl, at I a. au, room Chamber of Commerce, and we hope every member wll) show his Interest In the club by being present. Election or officers wilt- be -held. Bon Oolds Tie JElffnlaada. The Hop Golds tied ths Highland football - team - yesterday by. the score of 6 to 6. The lineup was as follows: Highland. - Position. Hop Golds. . Dufur ...C Bartel Houser ....... .R. O. L. ....... . Miller Zlmmer . .... w.K GVR Smith Baker ......... .R. T. L,. ....... ... Vtmrw Urowne .L.T.R., Red UVospsr .......R.B.L.. Helyer (Capt.) Dedee , L. B. R Treeber Howard (Capt . ...Q..... ,. Bandy Edner R. H. L Narai Grantfull A B. Vosper L. H. R. Reading Mitchell ....... ..F.B Bnell ' Famoas Strikebreakers. The most famous atrlkebresltera In the land sre Dr. King s New Life Pills. When liver and bowela go on strike they ?iilckly aettle the trouble, and the purl ring work goes right on. Rest curs for constipation, tis1r-he and. dlsslness. lie at Kwd tftbss Pharnaaex . . . All the newest and come to inspect it. Just within the reach of all. Hers la a List of what this outfit comprises. Read . -it carefully- And youH-apr., preciste tha importance of this offer;. ; B droo ov Ironbed. J.. woven wire sprinir mat- 'tress, dresser, table, rock er and one 9x9 wool rug. Dining: - Room S 1 d e -board, 6-foot extension table, 4 dining chairs and one 9x9 all-wool rug, 50 piece dinner setconsist ing of 6 caps. 6, saucers, 6 seven-inch pistes, 6 soup Elates, 6 fruit dishes, 6 utter dishes, ' , bread piste, 1 covered vegetable dish, 1 grsvx ' boat, 1 'pickle dish,. 6 pie . plates snd 4 vegetable dishes. Kitchen Cook stove, kitchen table, chair. Wc Furnish the : Hom CpmpIete SPORTINQ GOSSIP It looks as though the . Trl-fllate league-will work again next season out side tha national agreement. The so- called outlaws play class A ball beyond dispute, but the population of their cir cuit does not meet requirements. Borne of ths major league moguls mo guls wsnt a poet-season series among all the teamo of the American and Na tional leagues. Tbe first four tearae will be sufficient , e e Nearly all tha football players who srs good runners and punters like the English RUgby. . The heavy boys sa rule prefer the present Intereollegii game. After the coaches, captains and play era ot a aueceaaful football team receive their praise and honors there Is little left for the one fellow who deserves It the trainer. . e e - - . Many of ths fight critics think "Kid' Herman Is in for a beating when he meets Joe'Gana. 'Perhaps he Is. but there must be something In a boy Who can ft kid" fight himself to the top. aa the has done. ? It they Improve In the future as they nave done in me past tne vanaermit unlvaraltr eleven will be 4-tvtne- soma or. tne nortnern rooiDaiueatnaia , n&rd rub one or tnsse days. e e. . . Since the fatal ending of the Harry Lewls-Mlke'W'ard boat at Grand Rapids Governor Hanly, of Indiana, haa frowned on the fighting game and It is probable that all things pugtliatla will be at a standstill in the Hoosler state for soma, time to come. ' . a a ' All eyes In the football world will be turned toward Philadelphia the last of this week, where on Saturday the teams of the Annapolis scademy and West Point will claoh In their annual gridiron battle. . . ' , , - . a . e - Joe Thomas has agreed to bos Al Nell and Prank MoConneli IS rounds each In San Francisco next Friday night. WEEK'S NEW BILLS ! AT STOCK THEATRES -'. Tha Lyric ': ' " "We'uns of Tennessee" li ths new bill it the Lyrlo theatre 4h!s week. It Is a rattling good drasnn depicting scenes In the Tenneaaee mpuntalns and at Chattanooga during the Spanish-American war, -Events of dramatic nature occur thick and fast during ths action of the" play, y ' ' Honors srs Well dUUlbuUi among tha i 3 latest designs of this season's the outfit for young couples starting housekeeping.,-The. price is ' Hlil!lllh Wit) " '' iVt W II members of the company this week. Thomas Clark.;, an bid member of the company,-' has returned, and 1 plays " a Juvenile role with - his usual vivacity. Frank Tnan!ngls good as usual. Her bert Ashton gives, perhaps, the moot srrhrtlc- performance We -week,- Hlas Howard and Mlaa Branaeombe do ex cellent work. Mr. Qrlffltha Is pleasing as the old Southerner, .and the other members' of ths company- furnish s cellentsupport. "We-uns of -Tenneesee" has the usual qualities of a good melodrama. There Is a military atmosphere that Is exoet- I lest. Seen la effects are all that eaa be desired, and It Is evident that the man agers bavs given Director Ashton a free hand In the matter-of scenery and prop erties. The Lyrlo Is rapidly forging to the front, as the large audiences yes terday gave evidence. "We'une of Ten nessee" will be the bill all weak, with a matinee each day. ; - '. '.. ' The Star. ;'; This week the Allen stock company at the Star puts on "A Stranger In a Strange Land," a lively farce well-known to the average play-goer, - but one of thoae farces which a person- ean see several times a season without growing weary. Aa brought out by the Allan people it la good. They give It with s dash and go that speaks highly for the director and stage manager. Forrest abuy- ia the -bright star . this week. but Henry McRae plays a close second and Vsrna Felton works with her uaual good and artistic skill. The supporting company piny a well. The stage settings axe all that could be desired. "A Stranger in a Strange Land" Is (he tale of a' young Englishman sent to America with a handsome allowance and orders to go Into business. .. Hs spends his time and money loafing and writes to the folks st home that he owns a great cattle ranch- at Buffalo.. New York. When they visit the t'nlted States things happen In rapid order. The play will be on all week with matinees today, Thursday, Saturday snd Sunday. AT-THE VAUDEVILLE; THEATRES V The Pantagea.' The Clayton fanilly In a' refined mu sical act heads the list this week at Pantagee, There is In this turn an ele ment of originality that la refreshing- to say the least. It's worth a great deal to get anything original. "From Egypt to Zululattd" is put on by Harris, Mil ton and Han-Is. It is their first ap pearance in Portland, and they make good In great fashion. ' Farrln and cur- tin sing some and Lou Farreii dishes out the usual monologue. Baker and Mack have good whirl, too' Whits Is a baud wltlt another illustrated song, creations exactly as - shown ' in -l:fti' gKggsgzxxwrxsrzTSzaaxszzjKZZMMgggggaTsTHggragizza ri CHAMPIONSHIP CAME MULrTJNOiVlAH CL,LJB OREGON Thanksgiving Afternoon o MULTNOMAH FIELD Rain, hail,, snow, shine or wind. The most thrilling match of the season.- Game under revised rules. y . , ....... -. .' ' ' V i. ' ' JOINT ADMISSION - $1.00 GRANDSTAND mVMaMmmmMMMMXXMKxxxammw snd the motion pictures complete a strong bill. The Grand. tHl-,y? "Dolly In Frogland" la the title of the skit put on by Jerome. ' Fremont and Jerome at the Grand this week, and It Is hummer., Mian Fremont does a me- ehanlcau doll and one Jerome a frog. Tbe other Jerome engineers them, and the three dish out something a llttls original In the vaudsrlllo line. ' The Clark dog, eat and monkey elrous pleases the tote snd some of the bigger people. The three Ban'ta Brothers da a good musical turn. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kslly present a skit called "The Thor oughbred." . Harold Hoff haa a new Illustrated song, and the motion pictures are as good ss usual. ' , - "T PRESIDENT HARRISON'S ; TACOMA PROPERTY (Jenreat tpeelal Swvtee.t ' Tsooms, Wsso, Not. 17 Xba via at cuts below you are wel - low and the -terms are ' , ; . Powers' S-ROOM -OUTFIT SPECIAL TERMS $10.00D6wn $2.50aWeelt We-Are- for Of fice Fur niture i si I VARSITY H FREE. MUSIC. Benjamin Harrison , haa ', been flle4 la ' the superior eourV , by - Attorney M. I Cllftord. who asks for a partition at real estate which General Harrison purchased ta tha 10's, among serial heirs.' ' - The partition suit to brought by Use-' sell B. Harrison aa trustee nf bis twt ohlldren and his sister sealnat Zllsabe' h , Harrison, minor daughter of the gen- ' eral, Mrs. Mary Harrison VtcKee, an other daughter, and Mrs. Mary Lord Harrison, the ex-prsnl-lent's wife. The terms ef the will leave the property te hie residuary estate and the suit la to determine the portions sf the several heirs. .'. ,j, ' ; . Thanksgiving at SaIds, The low rate ef l . Sod going F vember IS, 1. retiimins , h.-a b- l snnounced by the Aatorla t;tii- River railroad to ftVastrte an-l rt - -enable' patrons te Pnd '1' at the- beaah. Ttrkets at 1 j , Street and tha salon d;V Him r, IH i 111 j 1 ' !! K31Xll.gXXKXXXXXXaT2XSSX2 U ? . t. ... - . V A