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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1906)
. ;'. ... -!p7. ."; ''' - THE-' OREGON DAILY .JOURNAL. PORTLAND SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 17, 1S.3.; " , w WilllS FOR LOVER OUTSIDE PRISOfl .Cling to Him Still. Because His - Crime Was for Love of Her. JESSIE BRADLEY WORKS " MEANWHILE FOR PARDON They Had No Money for License Npr to F Minister, So He Attempted to Stent That They Might, Wod .Five Yean the Penalty. , ' " ,aoail Mana-a ts Tha fcruLI - Spoken, Nov. iTA remarkable eaa f davottoa la that exhibited, by Mlsa Jessie Bradley. ,. whoa lover, A- H . Pmto, wsa this week sentenced to a tana of five rears in th Walla Walla penitentiary for buiIai-y. Miss Brad ley ' aeciares-ttrat h-wm to- to-Walls Walla as aoon aa ha Is itakaa thara, la order that eh may b nar hlra. and that aha will work at anything that promlaea to provtd aufflclent funda for the wadding aa aoon aa her flanoa la released. She will at onoa nava arawn up a petition for tola pardon, which ah eipecta to get aimed by the trial Judge, prosecuting attorney, chief of. police, and a aaaorUjL.of the Jurors who triad the ease, asking the governor for a par "don, which petition will ba presented . aoon aa Pearo haa served nine months of his term..' .-v - r --r--ri- The atory of the Itvo of Miss Bradley for Pearo is a romantlo one. Tha young oupl arrived . her from Bandpolnt about three month a go, . wrtn tna in. tentlon, so Mlsa Bradley deolarea. .of being married aa aoon aa tney reacnea : the city. Upon arriving nere, nowaver, it waa : found that they did not have aufflclent money to pay for a marriage lioenee and reoompena a minister for performing the ceremony. Hence tnsy deferred the marriage for .a few days until Pearo could earn th -money. He saya h tried to' get work bat waa unable to do so, but he would not give up the girl, one evening ne leu ner to visit a friend, and an hour later she waa. Informed that ha waa under : arrest-on a- charge-of attempting bur- - glary. - - - r- - 8h hastened to his aide at tha city JalU where he confessed that he had entered the store of Curtia at Baughman with the intention of securing enough money to. pay the marriage expenses -on the morrow, , : : i..' t ;.. AlthouRh horrified and almost heart, broken. Mlas Bradley nevertheless an nounoed her intention to be true to her lover and to wait until ha - had served : his sentence, whatever it might be, and . then to marry him. The girl comes of good parents, who live at, jgsndpolnt, and ia said to have borne an excellent reputation there. When .arraigned to answer to tha - charge of attempted burglary-Pearo erv . tered a plea of guilty in tha hop of receiving a light sentence, but Ms ad -mission that ha. had formerly eerved a sentence of 11 months In tha Montana (penitentiary for' attempting t break . Into- a saloon led th court to give him i a heavier sentence. ,.'. ,. ' -TAGGARFCONGRATULATE0 .UPON HIS BIRTHDAY ' Jesrssl Kpectsl iervMs.) Indianapolis. Nov. 17. A bushel of congrtularimageaj'ere received to day by "Tom" Taggart. chafrmaiTof The Democratic national committee, on th occasion of his fiftieth . birthday. Mr. Taggart waa bora in Waterford. Ireland, November: 17. 185. and came to America with his father1 and mother when a small boy. H had to "get out aad hustle" at aa early age and he baa been hustling ever since. His first em ployment' was aa a waiter In tha eat . Ing-house attached to th old union rail way , station In this - elty Prom that position ha rose to become manager and later proprietor of th place. HIa po litical at art dates from 18 8, when he was elected auditor of Marlon county, th first Democrat elected to th posl i tlon alnce th war. r As county chalr ' maa ha carried the county against Ben ; jamtn Harrtaon-1n U. 0ep1ttM fact that this was Mr. Ilarrlaon'S home ; county. This led to Taggart's appoint- k meat (to th chairmanship of tha atata i committee and later to th chairman ship f th national committee. His rise In politics, rapid though It was. did not keep pace with his accumulation of wealth. Tha wealth of th ' barefooted emigrant boy of forty years ago Is now atlmtd at over a million. Ta Plgh MormmilsTa. ; ; . (Joernsl Speelsl aervtce.t Bait Lake. Nov. IT. The Democratic leaders of Utah have decided not to put tickets in the field, but to Join forces with th American or aati-Mormoa party In a finish fight on Mormonlsra. I - -. . DON - OF Ti.R0AT .iHEirviia. ,-.t,-i -. ... .. ; ' '-' s . : ' .' . '.' L , . "fr. . ', ; . . fiyZvF' I " I I -P.. P ' , J: cured by1 I 1'' : A e tlon of) 'Would antir make hint a' present of tha lot tf he -would put them In boxes. he same number in each box. There waa an add number of pen j toiler m in iccumu , ff-irl ASfcsl III '.,''..-- . v .' V .V- -! , , : ; , r-; . , .. . - - pennies He -fold Mr aon to.'. 'jS3ib- 'ATTO" V " ' ; ' JO.! ' . "'-" :.Wi.T-7 . : - I ' '..- niea ao that It n put an equai num ber In' each of two boxea there would be on penny left over: In a Ilk man ner ha figured on 3, 4, 6. . V. . 10. 11. 11,. 13. 14. IS. 14. IT, 1, 19, 20, 11 and 11 boxea. but In every case jf he put' an equal number In each box there would be one only one penny left over. Th aon gave It up and lold "his father he thought It Impossible to perform the fest. His father replied: "SKIDOO 33 for you."' Th son then put the nntlre lot of pen-, nlea in 33 boxes, the same number. in each box. How many pennies were there? , " ' "'' . To make the problem plain: ' Tha antir number of pennies was a number, which if divided by any number from I to 31 Inclusive tfere will be a re mainder of on (only one) aad if divided by 33 there wilt be no remainder. . Address all answers to nttll KSXTOm, Th Journal, Portland. I . . - I , Ml. . 1 1 - Th prises ar worm woraing iur nu winmna. in. p.r.un wuw iiu In th beat solution of the gklddo problem. 110 in bright new pennies will be given: for 23 others,' beautiful "3 3" stickpins ars tha 4lward; and others will get 33 pennlea Just from tha mint. Coprrls-bt W by C. SKIDOO PROBLEM SHARES PUBLIC ATTENTION WITH THE WEATHER ,v,: .' Tha Bkldoo brob'lem haa really taken tha place of the weather aa a topic of frnlereet." Of course verybody Is not trying to solve tha prooiem; out 'rom th number f letters received by the Pussl Kdltor it seems - aa If nearly everybody waa trying to win. the prlsea that-Th Journal la' offering for tha beat solution. Th llrat prise la 1,000 bright new pennies; for 33 nthers there will be handsome "23" pins, tha vary lateat lit Jewelry, and for 33 others 23 bright new pennies. . r . Tha answers ar all Intereating, but of course they can't all b right. Which Is right? That's the rub.' Th queer thing about this Sktdoo problem Is that all who try It think they have tha right solution, and pro duce th figures to prov It. Th problem Is said .to be very simple by those who have, don It and by thos who hav tried It; whether it la simple or not Is a question; It certainly la in teresting. - .-.. v . Here ar a few of, tha answers re ceived thla morning: Tbiak Xt'a the BklOoe ITamber. Pusxla Editor Tha JournaL My aolu tlon of tha Bkldoo problem: Number of pennlea, 330; divided by II gives 1 pennies In each box; number of boxes ens tenth of 330. leaves. 33 boxes. Therefore each box oontalnaM pennlea. ; Number of boxes, 23. - . . ssati i n jb.. - . Montavllla. Pussla Editor Th Journal. In an swer to tha Bkldoo problem I will say that tha son bad 33 pennies. ; : . BERT WILLIAMS, Care V. H. : Merry man. '' .- The JJalles, Or. Pusala Kdltor The Journal. The an swer to Bkldoo problem Is 23 pennies. . - - LIONKL M'MOHAN, Journal Agt Harrlsburg,-Or., Aged 11. -pnsala : Editor Tha- Journals .There war 23 penntea In the Bkldoo mans collection; th same number In each of tha 23 boxes; 38 can be divided by any number from 3 to 22 Inclusive and have "only one" number remaining. Very respectfully. , . . Caacada LiOcka. Or. Pussla Editor Tha Journal My an swer to your Bkldoo puxsie is i, . and tha solution la as follows; If the. buy had two boxea and would put an equal amount In each, with one remaining, he would put 11 pennlea in each box,- which would make 22. and therone penny re-malnlna- would Tnsk 21; or. If he had 21 boxes. -and put an equal amount of pennlea In each bog, witn no remainder, he would nut one penny In each box ao Jl Is my answer. BkldooskI! ;'""."' , L. r. KIMMELU " 130 Jefferson Street. City. Pussle Editor The Journal I find Iher musmavTDeerrttTiennlea In att- one in each box.". The problem states that. If divided by any number from 3 to 22. . Inclusive, there would ba a re mainder of 1. from which I infer that sny number might be chosen; therefore I divided by 11 and had 1 remaining. If this solution is not correct, then It 1 "Bkldoo 33 for me." . M. HUTCHINQ8. 34 Front Street Pussl Editor. Tha Journal After th father had remarked th So "Bkl doo Z I lor you, in ooy, wno nmj own trvin to aolve n elmnl problem In a Mmtiiiuttil manner, counted hla pen. nlea, found .he had 21, and decided to simplify mattera by using one box for each penny. . He then found that ha bad tE)GS. Km UJ CURITH SAVCD HER - llfMnBcsva. with la.r troobl,. W, dKtmd Mm. month, without lmpmemaot. Tha. 1 baut glrisr Dr. Kins', He Dlacwrarf, md I mob Bound . cluiro tor th. hatter. I kept thl. treatment op for . few week, ud BOW my eos laperfectij , welt wd work, wry day. jnts. SAMP. SIPPIE, AM, Mo. SOLD AND GUARANTEED DY : D CROSS PHARMACY:' C. Kslly. an equal number In each box, and also that the total was quickly and easily dlvlded-by-SS.. . - MRS. U W. CH ABLEST r .- 20t Monroe. Street, City. ' Puxsie Editor The Journal In this Bkldoo problem one sktdooed in each box. There were 23 boxes. - The number of boxes, 33; th number of pennies. 31 therefor being 1 penny in each of the 23 boxes. MAX JOHNSON. ' . 'E. (2d and E. Salmon Sta., Mt. Tabor. Pusxla Editor The Journal I think the correct solution of your Bkldoo problem Is as follows:'- 'The father had 23 pennies, which tha aon placed In 33 boxea a penny In each box.' Thla num ber, when divided by two, leaves one over-, snd when divided by itself leaves no remainder. Yours for 32,' RICHARD HO XT. Hlllsboro, Or. This Zs a ravorlt sTmnber. - Puaxle Editor The Journal I find 5-9 Is th answer to tha Bkldoo pussla. The way I found the answer was by multi ple 38 times 23, which gives 2 pennies for the answer. There were 31 pennies in each box. VINA SWAN,. St. Johna. Pussl Editor Th Journal I find th coin-collector had S3f pennies.' Proof: By dividing that number by 22 and 13, each time I had a remainder of one. H. C. MONTGOMERY, Bridal Veil, Or. Pussle Editor,, Tha Journal. I hav been trying to aolve the Bkldoo Prob lem as it la called and J think I have It Ther wr 2. penntea in all. FRED TWEEDOALE, General delivery. Portland. '. Pussle. Editor, Tha " Journal The number of pennlea in your Bkldoo Proh lent ia 32 1. ' DOUOLAB A. HILL, 4T4 East Pine atreet, city. Mas Confidence tnBTTUtK' Puaxle Editor. The Journal. Tha cor rect snswer . to Bkldoo -Problem Is 13.133.141. This number csn be divided by 33, snd when divided by any other number from 3 to 23 leaves a balance BAM J. DREOER, -11H North Tenth street From th answers It will ba noted that there conttnuea to ba a difference of opinion on tha subject of th Bkldoo Problem. It seems te worlt itseir out to a successful conclusion by any meth od that tha. flcurer employs. Of course, If figures -cannot lie. then everybody must be rights-But aad to relate, even .If figures are th bright-faced emblems of -truth, figures make errors, and so It Is - quit possible that some of th answers her riven are-not the right onoa. If you think yours Is not right, you can try again for these valuable prises try again and again, u you warn to. And please remember that-the prise are " given Tor-the beat-selutlon. Th Pussls Editor haa a large number of letters on hand, and they will be published In the Sunday Journal to morrow. If you have any doubt regard ing the correctneas of your answer, you should get tha Sunday Journal and read the solutions given In It They may hlp you to revise' your figures. . bxsbt inrisTBirT osr aiin. Henry IX- Baldwin. BupW City Water Works, Bhullsburs, Wis., writes: " -I tisv tried many kinds of liniment, but I have never received much benent un til I used Ballard's Snow Liniment for rheumatism and pains, i inina n is ne best, liniment on earth." 26c, iOo and 31 00. Bold by Woodard. Clarke A Co. SON'S Uf- BOO AND SUM n L JJ .. , . . ..... ., It soothes and heals the HONEY AMD TAR contains no opiates or otner narmim arugs, ana is maicss wr uwutsu , Remember the name-FOLEY'3 IICKSZY AK3 TAOnd Insist upon haring the genuine, as no other remedy ,1s so safe or as certain In results. ;J ;;':::'. v; y -r P-j'-'V'':: P':;'':"'''. , ' Given Up to Die With Croup.' Mm. P. I. Cordier, of Mannington, Ky.. wrlteat "My T old rlrl had aeTere case of croup; the doctor said she could nd rare her tip to die. I went to the store and gxt a bottle of Folcfi Hone yVnd Tmr. The flr.t do.. jrejiuck relief and -ear a her lila..- . . ,Thra sl-2Sc. , . nrea aiaea- ' BAPTiaT. rirat ! Whit Tmi.l Twelfth and Tay lor streets; ReT. J. Wbltromb Brounher, D. O. ai v a. m., mole scnoui at mthmbwi branch; 10 a. m.. ose-acvurd prayer meeting; 11 a. m.. womhla with aermon, "Pater aa a Jallbreaker"; 13:10 p. m temple Bible acno.l; :) p. n., n. x.. r. v. meeiius; i: p. pnpuutr aerrlee, pfescblng, . "Is Lots." . Bp- etal siutlc. Henino geTenth snd East Ankeay atreeta; RrT. BUntoo C; Lap-am. gervteea at 10:80 a. m.. with sermoR; sermoa at T:0 p. m. BiUe school st nnoa. . . Uraee slontavllla; Bar. Ollaaa Psrkar. Preatblnc at 11 s. m.: sermoa at T:30 p. m. Special mualc. . ' Immanuel Berond and Meade atrteta; Rav. Q. W. UrlrSs. Sunday arhnol. 10 a. at. I B. Y. P. L.. : . m.l Dreacaiss. 11 s. m. ssa 1.80 p. a. ' day echool, 10 a. m.; preachlna. 11 a. m. sad I SO p. m., Ty Hev. A. B. Walla. lentrai Kaat Twairts ana Anseny iinww , W. T. Jordan. Prearblns. 10:30 a. m.. "Tha Cradle"; Bungay artiool, 12 m.t aarvleee at T:3u p. m., "S1 Mualc"; 12:10 p. m., sermoa to children. ' Hiierlal sinale. Arleta Rev. John Heutilan. snnaay scboih. 10 a. m. preacblng, 11 a. "A Maa ent From Ood"; T:30 p. a., sermon, "The Mas Who Didn't Care": B. T. P. n.. .:8u p. m. - Mount OltTeeeTentk-asa innu . itreets, Preacblns at 11 a. m. snd So. aa. St IrJim'm Dim E A. Ion.rO. Bundaf scaowl. 10 s. aa.; . praaeblng, 11 a. s T.W p. m., preaching. ' Tniro vanronver avenue sn kboti .trwv, Rav. C. U. Bllaa. At 10 a. m.. Stwday scboel; 11 s. m., preaching; sermoa. 7:30 p. m. Swadlab Hot and Flftaentb atraeu: Rav. Brte-Heheratrom. - prMehln., 10:44 a- aa. aa t:B0 p. m.; Sunday aebsol. 11 aa. Highland Alberta and Sixth etreets. Preaeh. Ing, I . p. m.. by Hav. K. M. BUaa; Bus- d. , .k.ial San a. a .' - . Mount Carmei Fimrteentb ' and yiasdara atrettaj Rav. A. J. Skaph.rd. Sunday scaesl. 13 m. preaching,. 11 a. at. and S p. si. eVIIwood Ele-antt and L'matUls atreatst Bat. georgeAyr--ears. -gesdar aehenl.,,, JO.Ai .: praaeblng, 11 a. si. snd T: s. ss. rirat Uerman roortk and Mill a treat a: Rev. 1. Kratt Preaching at 10:4 s. m. and 1:80 5. m.; B. X. P. ... T:4 p. j Sund-y school. :46 s. m. , Second 0. man Rodney avasss snd ltorru atreat: Ker. f. Bneermas. Praaeblng, 11 a. sa. inn,T'ymr"Sunayroot.-: a.-m.T B. Y. P. V.. S:4S p. m. . Calvary Eaat glgbth. snd Grant streabr. Rev. A. Lawrence Black. Bible echool. 10 a. sv: sermon. 11 s. m.; 6 S3 p. m., Veang Pae pie's mealing; 1:10 p. m.. aarsaoa. - ...r : PRES1YTIRIA. Mlapah Mary and Powell etreetaf Rev. Je rome R. MrUladsa D. 1)..- At lu:ao . m., aer moo, "Chrlat's Overture to Burdened Hu manity"; T:30 p. m.. sermon, "As Ancient pMrllBment t Reli-lullS.1 -4Jalvay Klavanth. and. Clay, atreeta; Rev. Bea tara Htllea Ely Jr., XV. U. Servlcea, 10:80 a. m.. with aermoa; Satulay acheol, 12 m.; ser saon at T:30 p. m. . Third Eaat Thirteenth snd Pine atreeta; Rev. Andrew J. Montgomery. Preaching at 10:30 a. m.. "The Heart of tbe Ooapel"; 1:40 p. m.. "The Value of Deriaion." J'ourtb flrat and Ulbba atreeta: Rev. John RWeicJ-rreei;&lng at 10:a0 a. m.; Sun der echool. 11 m.; If. P. KCrg.TSTSa prm.r il t:M a-tw seriDoa. . Hawtborne-1'ark Twelfth and Eaat Tarlor atreeta; Rev. E. Nelaoa Allen. Sunday school. 10 a. m. ; preaching. 10.M a. m.. "A Search for Heal Men"; T:.T0 p. m., aermon, "A Proe Umatlua at Emancipation "! .. P. S. C. K., Pledinotit Cleveland avenue and Jarreti atreet; Rev. L. Mjrnn Borwer. Preaching at 11 s. m.; Snnday acaool, 12:1ft p. m.; .preach ing. 7:80 p. m. Weetmlneter Baet Tentb and Wetdler atreeta: Rev. Htmrv I Marcotte. Morning aermon, II o'clock; evening aeemoe. 7:30 o'clock; Sunday echool, 12:30 p. m.; -.F, B. C. -B.. :0 First Twelfth snd Alder streets. St 10:80 s. m., servlcea; 7:S p. m., preacblng by Rev. B. F. Maclaren. ' Sellwood seventeenth atreet and Spokane ave. soe; Rev. D. A. Thorn peon. Sundar aebonl, 10 s. m.: aermon. 11 s. aa.. "Salt aad LUtbt'; larl.tlaa Kite4vor,"T 'p. s.; sermoa at 7:30 p. m., "Cain and Abel." Fulton Bar. . A. 11, Rnrkbolder. Sarmea at I Marahitreef,araba'l1 snd Itorth Seven, teentb atreeta; Rev. C. . W.. Haya., Sunday eebnot, 10 mi m.: preerbuif, 11 s. m.; sermon, 7:8.1 p. m i X. P. 8. C K.. : p. m. Mosnt TaborBetmoat snd Prettrman atreeta! Rev. Edward M. shady. . Sermoa at 11 a. aa.; aervtce at 7:80 p.. m. ' , ' -''"'- METHODIST. - : v-''-'' .. Montavllla Rev. Harold Oberg,' Preaching st II a. m.: Snnday, aebonl. 1 a. m.; Epwortb League. :) p. am.; eermo. 7:30 p. u. Central Haaaell and Berby streata; Rev, J. T. Abbett. t'I matting. 0:46 a. m.; aermon, 10:80 s.- m. ; Snnday Schrnol, ' II avf Leagee, :8U n. m.; aermon. 7:3 p. m. Trlnltr Eaat Tentb and Orant streets; Rav. Ir-F. Smith. ft-nla.v acnool. 10 a. m.; preach Ing. II a. m.l Epwortb League, .:! p. m. aermon at 7:SH p. m. Tarlor street Dr.1 FTsnels Burgetts 8brt. LTaaeea, : a. m.; aermoa. Ki:WS. m., by Rev. T. B. Ford. Sunday School, 13:18 p. hi giinmih I ..a"- r ; Hfl " ; aersK'n. 7:.t0 p "bj. hv Rrw Melville T. V lr ua " World Wearlneaa H a Cauae and Cure." Grace Twelfth snd -Tarlor- atreeta; Claraac True Wlleon. 1). . paator.. Sermoa. IOiIW a. m.; Snndar school. H IS p. m.; Epwortb League. .:80 p. sa.) sermoa, 7:80 p. at. Spe rtal moil. ..'.' Pa ttoo Michigan and Carpenter atreeta; Rev. Melville T..WIre. Sermon. II a. m.; aermon at 7:3t p. mbr Rev. H. Maya: Sunday school, 10 S m. ' Kp worth League, S 80 p. m. - .. , ,, . mwA TlM, ItrMt, ' SAW. eli ihhi r n - - - - - ' A I). Wagner. Snndaf ae-hool. IO a. m.l aer- . . . 1 1 (i.. Utnl.,.. A U . n ' . rlaiee Bkeetlng. 12:111 P- I rhlldrpa's riaea sepeiina. 1 " f- - J, . : ltMO p. m.l Epwortb Leagne. : pr St.; aer :80 p. St., "Saved bj arm Enicoy AI . St. Mark'a Klneteentk snd Qulmby streets; tins. Bov. J. K. Slmpaon. ltny emmiinion. a. in.; Snndajr aebonl, 10 9." m.t ' morning prayer end lltanr, il e etocs; - . ITinilT "inwie Jt. p.i , In.., a. A. Morrlaop. Holy eeenmnnloa. S a. m.; ! morning service. II o'clock ; evening aervtce. SERVICES t 7:.I0 e; Sonday scneni. :f a. m. St David's Keat Twelfth snd RelsMmt i alref ta; dev. J. B. Van Waters. Snnday i.-b.l. S:4ft s. m l avenlng prarer 4sd serswm ' br BleboB Seaddlng at II e'rlock: evening prarer and aermon at 7:90 o'clock; holy com I sinnlon. S s, m. St. Andrew's fnlvaralty Parkt Rev. W, R. , 1'owrll. Service and aer moo, )1 a. si I Sns Iil.r echool, 10 a. m. -' .red Shepherd Sellnwwd afreet and . Tan avurar areuue; Rav. Jubs Dawaoa. Holy rem. "-'-: : -...' '.',.- ' "': .. -v . . . Inflamed air passages, stdps the ( '., . S()c. Jl.fJO. - The SO cent alt contain j -- time, as scLD a r.Ec:""H::i3 dy . . - ALL DRUGGISTS mnnlea. S a. m.l morning service,-11 'eloek; Sunday acnool, 45 a. m. prafer and ssrmaa 7:SO p. m. 1 ' - St. John's Memorial Bell wood; Rav. W. -It. Powell. Sunday school, H a. aa.; service end sermon. 1:46 p. K - - J - - St. Matthew's l"lrat snd Carttthera streetsi I Rev. W. A. U. Brack. Holy eammuslon, f :M r s. m.: Randay srbool. :40 s. m.( aepnKfn. 11 I . a., m.1 aar-lce snd ewojon, f :30 p. m.' St. Paul's Woodmere: C. U J.'arkar. lay reader Is charge. Morning service 'end asrmoa at 11 s. m. bj Rev. rradertrk C. Wllllama. All Salnta Twenty secoud and Ked streets. Sunday acnooi, 10 a. m.; arenlug services, 7:80 o'clock, " ...'...'....' . C0H0m0AT10gAL y Hav. P. B. Urar. At 11 a. aa., prarlna!. "What Hhall Wa Da A beat the Sabbath - What Day Khali We Keep,-snd Howl") ttuaday echool, lit i. a I . Flrat Msdtson snd Park streets: Rev. B. I House. It. 1. Sermoa, 10:80 s. m.. "Tbe Rich Man'a roily," by Rav. Daniel Stavar"; aermon. "ClTle Psrtnerablp," by Rev. Paul Radar, T:80 p. m.; Chrlatlas Endeavor service, T:15 P. m.; Handay achiiol. It mr r Sunnyalde Kaat Taylor end Kaat Thirty fourth atreeta; Rev. 1. I. Rtaub. Morning aevv. Ice. 11 o'clock, with sermon. Trvm Moot to Branch";. Hunday acboul, 10 a. .; Sentnr Chrlatlas Endeavor, T p. m.; sermoa st 1:80 p. m., "If t'brlat Should Come Tomorrow." Mlaalaalppl-Avenue Mlaalaalpoi avenee and rremont atreet; Bar. William L. U pah aw. Sunday school, 10 s. m.; aer moo. 11 s. m "yorgiveneae" Christian Endeavor T p. m.J sermon, T:S0 p. m, "Tha Hour of Decision. " . Highland Eaat Slxtb and Preeeott atreeta; Rev. B. S. Bollinger. Sumlay acboul. 10 a. m.; asrmon, 11 a. m., "Palm-Tree Chrtatlana"; t-rlatUS Endeavor. :45 p. m.; aervlre at T:80 p. m., awmoa. "Heme Thing a Yoang Maa BliaaM Kaew.'-. . . - Lanrelwood Arleta kail; Rav. D. B. Cray. Sunday school. 10 a. m.; X. P.- S. C. r... .ao p. m.t sermon. t T:S0 p. m.. "Which Shall It Be Earthly or Spiritual Lifer" Haaaale-Btreet Kaat .Seventh and Haasalo. Sermoa. lo an a. m.; Snsd-y aebonl, boob; CbrlatUB Endeavor, S:49 p. St.; avealDg service, T:4B P. m. ' tOTHXEA. St. James' Engllab Weat Park Bad Jefferaoa atreeu; J. A. Iaa. Servlcea at 11 a. m.. with aermon. - "Panl'a Flrat Prayer": Sunday arbool. 10 a. Bv; aermoa. 1:80 p..m., "Paul le-ewnedlne" : Laitber Laasne. 6 SO o. Batanla Da nub Colon avenoe and Morris 11 s. m. snd 8 p. m. Norweglaa Synod Eaat Tenth ' and Orant streets; Hev. O. Hsgoes.. Sunday scaeoL :0 rm t oervlcea. S n. m. St. Paul's Oerman Eaat Twelfth snd Clinton streets; Rev. A. aranae. Bervloa, io:w a. m.t eerrice. t:sv b. m.l n-naey scnooi, e:ev n. m.: Bible Stttrsl,1 I ti si . NorwoMias aa rorrn roartesats street: ntv. I, M. Metvlg. Servlcea st 11 s. Sa. snd 7:8 Swedish Immanoel Klneteentk end IrviBg atraeu; Rev. C i. Renbard. Servlcea st U m. and S b. sa.1 Sunder school. : a. Bwedlab--Koauey avwnue ana sta a ton a trawl. i nnnoay acoooa. w.ou as. epnr.awww, aviw isa m. ; Barvlses, .7;4a p. sa. f .,.,..',. OKXISTIAV. , . , FiratP-r- and -ftewmwe atreatst- Rev. E. R. Muchle.. -AtlO KO a. m., sernvrra,"aod'a Chol. ef aa Army "; 7: p. m.. sermon, "Webs. Not flarmeBta"; Chrlatlan Eodt'avor, m ilt n. m. : Mble arhnoL 1S:1B B.- m. Central Eaat Twelfth and Eaat Salmon streets; Rev. J. H. Rhormler. D. 1. At t:H s. m.. ise ttorai rrieemooa ; eunaay aeTnamt, 13:18 P. ra ; Senior Endeavor, .:4B p. m. ; revival aervlcee st 7:46 o. m. Sbeclal mnalc KodBty-Aveoue-rRodney avenue snd Knott atreet; K.v. t, Klioo Kubinaou. At :4S avawllhla arbool; 11 a. m commnnlon and aermon. "A In lone Prnmlse of CbrlatUnlty 4:30 p. .ra. Y. P. S. C. E. ; 7:3" p. m., aermon. Waodlawn Suaday acnool, in a. m. ; presca- Ing. 11 a. a.; Chrlatlan Endeavor. 7 p. aa. I Berrlces S p. m., w I W special mutt. - ttaTTZD XTAVOELIOAL. J ' Flrat Fait Tenth and Sherman afreets: Rev. A. A. .Winter. At 10 a. m., SaiHlay school; preaching, 11 s. m.; 7:.1u p. m sermoa r-Cburch Cnlon and Federatlos. '' Second Fargo snd Kerhy atreet: Rev. J. Bowerrwx. At 11 s. m.. preaching by Rev. H. 1.. lerai, nrawldlns elder: 7:80 o. m.. sermon: (undsr echool. 1.) a. m. ; K. U C. B., 1 p. m. St. aiobtt a I vaaooe ana aoan aireeia, K. E. McVlcker. Sunday arhnoi, lo a Rav. preaching. 11 a. m.l J. K. C. E.. S:,10 p S. K. 1.C. B.. : p. m.; preaching, o. m. Ockley fleeen Snndy aebonl. 18 ' a. m. j smrhlaa. II a. m.. by Rev. F. E- Flhar of ballaa; Yopng People's meeting, 7 p. m. preaching. 7;it p. m., by Rev. E. It. Mc Vlcker i Bt, Johns. - . , ZTairOZLIOat ASSOClATIOg. s First Engllab Eaat SUth and Market streets; Rev. S. A. Slewert. Preacblng at 11 a. m.. "Buddhism and Christianity Compared"! Sun day school, 10 s. m.; 7:46 p. m., sermon; VMiee PmhiI.'. Alliance. S:4n n. armrm. Lamtsi Rev. M. O. Henderson. Preaeh. hig. 11 a. aw aad S p. at. I Young People's Al liance, 7 p. aa.; Sunday acooai. lo a. m. . First Oermaa Tenih sad Clay atreeta; ReV. Theo. Scbauer. Sanday school. ,B:S0 a. m.; sermoa, 10:46 a. m.t preaching, 1 ;48 p. m. If. P. A., 7 p. a. . . . ' . Memorial TlhbetU and Eighteenth 'streets; Rav. L. C Hoover. Sunday achaol, 10 a. m l nresrblng. 11 a.""a. and 1M p. m.) Y. f. A. a.ila eHrwlcea. S : 'Ml o. m. North Portland Twenty-flrat and Pettygrova atreeta; Kev. E. o. tics, eunaay acnooi 0:48 a. m. ; preeehtag 10:46 a. sa.) X P. A brogram, 7:30 p. a. , ' -CHRI.TIA -3M-E. Flrat rburrb of Cbrlet, Sdentlat Scnttlab Rite cathedral, Morriaua and Ivinadaie atreeta. Service at II s. m. and S p. m., subject, "Soul and Body": Sunday school st close of morning aervlre i Wednesday evening , meeting at i a-i rtmrch ef Cbrlat. Sricntlat Klka' tern pie Stark and Seventh streets. Sunday servlcea at 'll a. m. and S p. m., subject, "Soul and Body' ; sunoay arneni.. u a. as. . . ',".', ' ' atUSIOVS.' ' Besesa Ugkt Mlaaloa 11 Fosrth street, asrtb. Prsacbiag every Bight and Saseay "olive Branch Mlaalns 3. Fh-t street Beer Colombia. Preaching every sight at f:80) Sundara. I p. m.l Suaday eeaoot I 80 s. m. at lohn'a Hnllnass Mlaaloa 318 Second street Bear Mala: Rev. Jobs F. Olaacn. Services every sight snd Sanday st B ssd 7:80 p. m Chlnaae Baptlat St. Second arrest. Seer I st 7:80 p. a. : , r . . UWTTID BRZTXXZir IB CHRIST. Flrat Eaat Fifteenth and . Morrlaon atreeta; Rev. H. C. Shaffer. Bible echool at-10 a. at.; aermoa st 11 a. Bj.i sermon st i.ew p. m. s. r, Secrend' Slatti snd Mecbanla streets; Rev. 0. P. Blascbsrd. snnday acnoui, iv a. m. aermoa. II a. m. and 1:d f- m. . : J . tnrtTXS ttMBYTlRU, . Chhrr. f lh Stnrngera We,ce tret and Oraud era sue; Bav. I. Earl DsBols, Mors log a.-' cough, heals and strengthens rrntfM Cured ef vrr t rr.,.k If or nf Si. Petersbura ( Fl. Timet, writ..! When enmina ncraas the bar from Port V i j t. .ir .-j - tkma anil rnns-a. aoon recover, but I kept retting- worse, rCUDK WW W, Jloney mnd Ts, and it i cured dm completely. two nnd one-haif umwAf tha gmall much. Refuse SlltaStttutee. , - In almost a rr)tn ' reach. t,e ."mather" side, '--..wiAn. It but be : Other Slaves j ter in what part of tha houae whether room or hallwav it can aoon b inade sntrg and cosy with a P1EE5FEGTE0N OU Hciatcr nr.ninrjcd wllJa Smokclcsw Dcvle) TJiiUke ordinary oil heaters the Perfection gives satUfsction : alwayl. Firarand foremost it ia absolutely aafe-You i cannrt turn the wick too high or too low. Girea intensa heat wltho. moke or smell because equipped with smoke es. device. Can be easily earned from room to roui-u am y to operate aa a lamp. Ornamental as well aa tiaef nl. - Madain two tin.ahea nickel and Japan. Brasa oil fount beautifully embossed. Holds 4 qnarta of oil snd brn 9 . i Tv,--.'. re.l aatisisftion in a Perfection Oil Heater. Every heater warranted. . If not at your dealer's write our nearest agency for deacriptiva circular. ..... ewaw . - T - AV?JTY LatTin m au.w wjr r- Imoroved burner. Made of brass throognoot sad a ckel plated. BveTylsmp warranted. Suitable for library, dinisg reora, parlor r bedrwom. U sot st yoar aiealer' write te aeareat ageacy. , , aYTANDABD OIL COMPANY . arirr i i iii-i i i i i iii-'i g -a i t i l rr-U JJ UwWr- H -J . I Krl. El. analysis or rooos. L5raf .iiMifliKra W&lSXmoWi L rl"llrn.LrUJwlo-J-l la' IX, i Our establishment. r Ju uTi"vJ-, J.jni'iM'iU r...-e-t. .-and J-orfc, and con' aervtce.'' 10:411 o'clock, with sermon, , "CbrUtlaa Steadfaatneaa"; Sunday arbool, U m. serams st 7.80 p. m. First Hltth snd Montgomery Streets; Rev. A. W. .Wllaos. Morning aermoa. 10:30 a. m., "The Little Tblnga la Life That Count' Snnday school, l'i m. sermoa, 7:80 p.t . "a'slta and Pralae." ., .. "' ", ' TJglT ARIAB.' ; Church of Our Father Seventh and Yamhill atreeta; Rev. W. O. El lot Jr.. mliilatet; Kev. T L Eliot. D. D.. mlnlatar emerlHra, Serv. Ices at 11 a. m., aul.Ject of sermoa. ' The Irlatfnctlva Work of the rnlurlasa"! SuBday arbool, :48 s. m.; c la a, pa. II a. in., snd 13 J P. m.l Y. P. r. st 8:80 p. "v , ; . '" f METHODIST, SOUTH. - First 17H4 Second atreet. Foresters' hall; Rev. E. H. Mowre. At 10 s. bj;. Hunday srbool; 11 a. m., aermon; S:8U p. am., Epwortb League; 7:80 p. m., preaching. . ' ' '" O. AMD K, A. . Cbrfcatlaa aad MIloaar AltlnnesSrith sad Main atreeta; Rev. C. l. Sawtella. Preaching, 10:80 a. Hi S Sunduy school, 13:16 p. m.l Xouu. People's meeting. S:80 p. sk svasgelUI service. 1:80 p. ay , Y. X. 0. A. '; '. ':' Aaaoclatloa Auditorium. 167 Fourth atreet. At S p. ta. men'a meeting, with free sacred concert by the Lola lyier uaiss company Chicago, .. - i : of CHRISTIAH ADYEMT, ' c Cbrl.tllB Adtaut Secesd atreet vatweea Hall snd Lincoln; Hev. Chsrles Heffsndea. Sunday school, lo JO a. m.l praaeblng. 11:80 s. Bk; praise service. 7 p. m.t aer-voa, 6 p. aa. s ' ' CIO. - Cbrtatlas Catholic Chnreh la Eloa A11ak kali, aeem.d floor. Third and Morrlaon atreeta; Rev, Charlea A. Hoy. elder In charge. At 3 p. m., Bible study; 8 p. .. services. X.ATTER-DAY BATBTS, "Cburch of Jeen Christ 'ot Ltter-Dsv Saints Hall 400, Allaky building. Third and Mnrrl aoa atreeta. Service st 11:30 s. B. and I p. m.t SuBday. school st 10 a. m. . . . MErf 't RESORT. Men' Reaort and People'a Inaflhite Fottrth and Burnalde atreeta. Stereoptlcon Bible atudy sour, 3 p. to.; men's meeting with addreaa, 4 p. m.; people's goesel service with special must. T:46p.'.B. .. .,)'-. REOROARI-TD BAIVTB. '' ' Rsnrganlaed Church of Jeeoa Christ ef. tetter. Pay Salnta Broad atreet and Hnlladav avenue; Rev. W. A. OoodwlB. prealdlng elder la rharae. Prearhtng at 11 a. m. aad 1.10 p. -l Smilay acbool. 4:30 p. at, . . . . . ' ' AOTCVTISTi. ' ' .' seveaU Dedy A4vastla ts J Vi Third ltf.set, the lungs. r FCLCfO Luna Troctla. Tampa I rot wet and caught a I naa-lacted It. thinklno I woula narlacted it. U U I bought a bo letely.'" ; , ' until ,;i i ....i m WA,i Ar tv ttleof Foley HUM. WU M V. A V aba and tha J every honsa ther. Is that tha heat from tha r-A .... cither stoves or lurnace tails to . It mar b b room on or ona having no heat a cold hallway. ' No mat makes tne noma .nine. - iter iiMWia nrnomo Oiree a clear, steady li-tit. Pitted with lateat CIarke,Woodward Drug Co. Wbolaaala, sfannfatorlng . Zmportdag Druggists, . Announea tha completion Of their Analytical Laboratory, completely quipped In every detail (or th rocaa, ' oils, mineral research. corner aTlnth renlently lo- . i rated near Union Depat and Ter minal Grounds, Is th largest in th northwest , - - - - --; Dealers In Caaoara Bark. Bal aam rir and erode drugs f th northwest, betweea Taylor snd Salmon; Bav. (aenrgs A. Snvder; preaching, . 7 :80 p. m., "A Prophecy at the Lulled Statee et Amertoa." j-"' ":r rmiiirDt. " ' Friends Church Kaat Thlrty-flfth 'and Main atrteta; Rev. Lewie I. Hadley. Preaching at 11 s. m. snd 7:80 p. sa. ; Suaday school, 10 a. at., lindeevor, :80 p. sa. - , - SPIR1T.ALISTB. ' First Sptrltusl Society Haj V Third street. Services st 11 a. B. and 7:46 p. m., lecture by F. B. Ooalter oa "Isdlvldusllty", tycena at 13:30 p. B. .. , . . .;. t... -'sTOIsOISi,.'; T New Cburch Society Eleventh ssd atreeta; Rev. Hiram Vrooman. At 11 services; Suaday school. 10 a. b. . 1 JL Aide "' lYIlt TRUTH CEMTZB, a Truth Chapel. Allaky balldlng, Third snd ' Morrtaoa atreaUl Hev. . TbaaMeue M. Mlaard. Servlcea StU a. m. andJUKhwl. 13 B. L'L.:. CHURCH OY BOD. ' - Chorck el Ood Chapel, 480 Hawthorne avsans: Rev, 0, T. heal. . Servlcea at 3:80 p. a. aad 7:JC(BvB. Sunday acbooi. 1 p. a. ... V s HAZARZHB. - Church nt the N.aarene 42 Bornetde street Rev. H. O. Henrleka. aerarao at 10:80 a. a-. 8 p. m. snd 7:80 p. a. , . .. ' YtZB METHODIST. Free Metbodlat Eaat Ninth aad Mill atreeta. Preaching, It a. m. ; Sunday ecbeol, 10 a, aa. J '''' MaUVHIAl DAWH. ' Millennial Pawn (. A. R. hall. Second and Morrtaoa streata. Servlcea at 3.30 p. aa. ' 1 rnrrYzzsALiBT. ' 'First Eaat ' Eighth and Cmich arreats. At II a. a aermoa by Rev, T. W. Butler. "Over coming aad Inheritance"; Suuday school, 10 s. a. ' REFOEMtD. First Oerman Tenth and Stark streets: Rev. 0. llsfner. Services at 10:44 a. a. aad p. M.l Y. P, B. C. B., S p. a. -CHURCH Of riRW BORH - Flrat Rlngler ball, 8UV Alder sires Rev. R. K. Conn, I. I. Conference. 10 a. l Ircemn. II a. m.( aermon. 8 p. as. by Dr. Conn; rflecemree, 7:80 p. m. ' ' rantona B-rtkebreakera. - Th most famous strikebreakers lri th land ar Dr. King's New Mf Pl. When liver and Jhowela go on strike they ?ulrkly settle th trouhl, and th purl-, ylng work goes right on. Host cttr for. constipation, hendirh and dlsslnaes. It at Ksd Croaa Pharmacy. '- l.Vr. V