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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL', PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER. 23, lKM. To WD Topics I Motion to The Journal ngoney at Kugene barn transferred to Harper Jamison, with headquertere at Srhwarsschlld'a book store, wbero all changes, com plaints and new subscriptions will re ceive prompt all'-nt Inn. Hmc... Baker.... Empire . Rtir I le lireml . rentage. tonight b imnum "Ike Celteg. Widow- ., "Vp Jorl State" ...."Ta Heir On' ...... "The Man From Mesiee" . ..t. "The Mew Partner" Taogeviiie Vaolevtlte One of the reaaone for our eucceas la that every milt wa make beera that unmistakable, "quality" appearance ao mui'h dealred by well-dressed men. Thia 1 the reault of oar superior workman ship, th know how and careful atten tion. We make any ault In our atom to order for 12 B; no more, no lew. think of having 1.0S0 different atylaa to aelect from and only 115 for your oholce. No other tailoring- firm In the city will dot thla. Aak to aee our black undreaaed worated, -get a sample and com para It with other tailor' prices. Just to aee what you oan aave. Unique Tailoring Co., 10 Stark, near.Slxth. In the circuit court today Judge Cle- land la hearing teatlmony In the ault of. W. a. Ooselln and II. Ham niett to restrain John Denny from ailing 00-acre niece of property'' to another party and to compel T)enny to deed It to a purchaser found by the assvl estate firm. It la alleged by Qoesltn Hamblett that they agreed to sell the land for 112,900. or which itee waa paia In hand, the balance to be paid when the deed waa executed. The remaining 111,100 waa tendered, ear the plaintiffs. but Denny refused to make the deed. TELL YOUR Ten'heV IJ"ea ataxia aaTeor Will cell tor U. family Usee. Tell h. taiax WEARY WIFE washing to" her ran U Is cheaper to aave ae Ueadrr year thea tor aer to eo It aereeif ear- way, yoe'u try it eae week. aeaa taeee prices; IBOITZD. ::: s 8c to Se to. ...,a ... 1c ... 1. Hsedkerchlefe, silk is Raas te Stand Oerere,. ... ac nor nont ocerskltta te NlgnteMrt. gXABOBXB. Slips fflU' Kellers ... Towels . . . Nasals .. Htadkereklefs Salrte Waists Corset Oecers. Chcmin Nbjbte Wreppers BBdsrskirts Ores Ptllowehsms Hose una ie Child's Pieces ... Be 1 a rre.ll BUnkets, West, r-r . S . B. .tec . St SAYS HE WOULD BET ON HEARST California Race Man Declares " Editor Has Good Chance in New York. SOe ar.tM , Me T 1 U. Cw ';.:::::; bubs-ib. a ton Children's Oeerslls Br QcllU Be skirts, esllaie, nit: vasts, evaralla a isms seas m this aesertmeat- Be heseie less thea Me. UNION LAUNDRY CO.: usat and Osesaiksa Street. Dental College Now to Session The Infirmary of the North Paolflo College of Dentistry having reopened for the winter session, persons desiring dental work or oral surgery can now receive prompt attention. The Infirmary staff in dally attendance la oompoeed of Doctors Louis J. Bits Patrick, John M. Meyer. J. Francis Drake, Everett M Burd. George H. Martin and Herbert C Miller. Corner Fifteenth and Couch treete. Telephone Main lilt. Herbert C. Miller. M. v.. Dean. James Btronache, an apprentice In The office of the Kreldt Printing com pany. tried to make haate yesterday by running through the building at a breakneck speed and It nearly coat him hie life. Not seeing an open door he crashed Into it with aucn force that ha fell unconacioua. In which state he re mained for more than an hour. Ha w finally resuscitated and taken to hat home at East jsteventn ana Harrison atreeta. Articles of Incorporation of the c. C Wilson Lumber company were filed in the office of the county clark thla morning by C. C WUson, T. W. Nordby, M. Oleaon and Thomas a. Oreene. Their objects are to operate sawmills, planing mills, shingle nulla and logging camps. Lapiiui aiucs, aev.vw. Articles of lncporatlon of the Port land Guaranty company War filed In the office or the county clerk thla morning by W F. White, W. W. Robin eon snd 8. L. White. They will engage la the real estate business. Capital tockvMP. A good opportunity la open at the Lion Clothing company for a 16-year- old boy. For further Information read The Journal classifieds under "Help Wanted Male." Tour Byea Examined Free. Wa are till selling nyeglasaaa at fl-00. A per fect nt guaranteed. Metager at Co.. Jewelers and Opticians, 111 Sixth street. You will And many of the rare and exquisite noveltlea In Our oriental stock that wa are retailing at wholesale prlcea Charles Kan. zzr mrat street. Watches, diamonds and Jewelry on easy payments; fl down, Iro a week. Don t go without a good Metager Co.. Ill Sixth street The Cathedral Ladles' Aid society will give a party for the benefit of the orphans next Friday evening, at La rowe's hall. Steamer Jessie Hark In for Camas, Wnshougal and way landings dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Aider street dock at I p. a. Vol November Munssy Is not In. but is doe tomorrow. Carl Jonas, Fourth and Washington. Aetna Oil Co. sells the best safety coal oU and fine gasoline. Phone Bast Tit. Woman's Exchange, 111 Tenth street, lunch 11:10 to 1; business men's lunch. For Quality, Quantity and Quickness, go to Morris' restaurant. Dr. E. C. Brown, Bye-Ear. Marquam. 'Milwaukee Country Club. Eastern and California races. Take Bell wood snd Oregon City ears at First and Alder. f ifSMSS-B.m Will Never Be Made Again Protect yonr valuables by securing a box in our fire and burglar proof Safe Do posit Vault which has heavy, reenforced twenty six -Inch concrete walls, steel lined, with electric wiring to show the slight oat tampering. Fourteen months' rental for the price of twelve, If taken by No vember 1st, after which date the offer will never bo made again. Boxes ft and up per year. OREGON TRUST & SAVINGS BANK BO ISAAC 00VE FUNERAL TAKES PLACE TOMORROW Funeral services ovsr the remains of Isaac Dove will bo hold tomorrow morn ing at I o'clock from the Love resi dence at 14 East Eleventh street. The services will be under the ausploss of Fajatfio lodge No. IT, A. o. V- W., and of Samaritan lodge No. I, L O. O. F., Jbsbbbbw Jf skew CAMPAIGN 18 PECULIAR IN MANY RE6PECT8 Pc lares Hearst Haa Large Following Up State in Rochester, Syracuse, Troy, Utica and Amsterdam and Soma Chance in Metropolis. Horace Egbert of San Francisco, who la in Portland today on hla way home after a six-weeks' visit in New York, says that If he ware betting on the New York election be would bet on Hearet. In discussing the campaign In the Empire state, Mr. Egbert said this morning: "There is no other reason for my po sition on the Question other than that I think the odds of three to one alto gether too great with the oondllons ss they are. At present there la ao tell ing who Will win the election. A rea sonable forecast cannot be made until several days before the election. Hearst is making a great fight, and the condi tions are altogether different from any campaign In the history of ths state. It is one man With his newspapers against all the newspapers In New York, against many of the moat Influ ential Tammany leaders and' against the dissatisfied members of the Inde pendence league, who are considerable la number. "Conditions are very much different this year in that Hearst, the Democrat ic nominee, haa a great following In tho up state manufacturing towns, such as Rochester. Syracuse, Troy, ft lea and Amsterdam. This will give Hearst a strong following outside of New York, the Democratic stronghold. "But as I said, there is no telling who will win. Either man may win by the largest majority ever polled by a suc cessful candidate, or he may win by the smallest. At the same time I do net think that tho prevailing odds of three to one indicate which way the wind blows. Hearst la a wonderful man and the disorganisation which followed bis nomination may be awept entirely away before election day. It Is cer tainly disappearing, which ahows that Hearst' has been doing something be side talk." My. Egbert la racing secretary of the California Jockey clnb, and was in New York securing entries for the racing season in California., which opena In Oakland November IT. He stated that he had been promised by many of the large eastern owners that they would have their horsea on the coast this year. Mr. Rgbert added that he ex pected one of the beat racing seasons In the history of tbo coast. He is stop ping at the Portland, and will leave to night for Ban Francisco. ' TIm Late Isaac Dove. and burial will be made at Mount Cal vary cemtery. Mr. Dove, -who died at 11 o'clock on the evening of October 21. was one of Portland's pioneer cltlsens. He was born in Sunderland, England, April 10. 1834. and came to the Pacific coast In 114s, locating In Portland In 11(1. For many years ha was In the revenue service, and also fought In the Indian ware on Puget sound. He was en gaged In business for many years, but four years ago retired on account of falling health. He Is survived by a widow and eight children who were with him when he dtei. His children are Mrs. Percy Arris, Mrs. K. J. Fay, Mrs. Otto Hoak, Mlaa May Dove, Miss Gertrude Dove. 8. T. Dove. George I. Dove and Joseph B. Dove. PERSONAL TOOLS OAJUPBBTBmsT, irokiouTiaat', sartr oiar. tmmu; obmsbt tool CUTLERY UUTL11T, uTvassB1 snd COOKS' BTatOFB, BTO.. "QUALITY.' BASSETT & PREER S43 WASHINGTON PHONE NAM W82 Dr. George Cook of Concord, New Hampshire, wss the guest of honor last night at a reception given by the students of the Oregon Medical college. Dr. Coook la preeldent of the Alpha Kappa Kappa, a leading medical Greek letter fraternity that haa branch so cieties m all of the leading colleges of the country. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Simpson of North Bend are at the Portland. Mr. Simp-. I eun is mayor ok ins .oos Day cny. H. B. ('alton and Charles 8. Buffum, well known business men of Walla, Walla, are at ths Imperial hotel. Ren C. Holt, a prominent business man sf Walla Walla, Washington, I st ths Oregon hotel. Governor Albert Eh Mead of Washing ton, who is on a speecVmaklng tour of 'Washington, spent a few hours in Port land this morning. Hs left for eastern Washington at an early hoar. BUILDING INSPECTOR IS ENF0RCIN0 LAWS Butldfng Inspector W. I. Spencer has announced his intention of waging an unceasing warfare on the owners of property who construct buildings with out permits. According to the Inspec tor over 40 per cent of the buildings constructed on the outskirts of the city are erected In violation of the or dinance requiring the filing of plans snd specifications and the securing of a permit. Hans Johnson, who waa arrested Sat urday upon complaint of Bpcucei for constructing a building on the Pat ton road, and Otto Heehenopl Jut erecting a house on Morris street, wore each fined 111.10 by Judge Cameron yesterday. FIND GIRL IN AN OPIUM DEN Young Women Discovered by Po lice Smoking Drug in Com pany of Two Chinese. When Detectives Jones. Tlchenor and Kay raided a Chinese opium joint at Third and Flanders atreeta at an early hour this morning they found May Smith, a comely 12-year-old girl. In the resort engaged in smoking opium In company with two Chinamen. At the moment the policemen broke In the door Miss Smith alrenrlv half Uiifual In the act of preparing another Dill over a miniature lamp need for smoking the drug. Lse Ong and Dan Broas, the lat ter a half breed Chinaman, lying In bunks alongside the girl, were also busily drawing at their pipes. The trio were promptly taken to po lice headquarters. Lse Ong- was booked on a charge of conducting aa opium resort. Brose and the girl were charged With being visitors to the place. The Unfortunate girl maintained that the Chinamen had not enticed her Into the place and that aha went there volun tarily. From her pinched, wan face It waa evident that she had already be come a slave of the insidious drug and upon being questioned she admitted that thla was true. The woman was taken before Judge Cameron thla morning and given a sen tence of 10 days in ths county jail. It la ths hope of the authorities that by being under restraint for that length of time she may Overcome the terrible habit. Lee Ong waa given a like sen tence, but Brass escaped with imprison ment for 0 days. The girl waa ex tremely reticent as to her family con nections, but informed Matron Sim mons that her home waa In Vancouver. It Is thought, howevsr, that her parents reside In the city and an effort will be made to locate them. GLASS SAND BED AWAITS FACTORY Portland Man Owns Material but Will Not Ship H to Eastern Factories. A glass factory for Portion) is ths ambition of William A. Bants of Ml Washington street and in order to see such an Institution located in Portlsnd he Is willing to show a practical glass maker who has money the finest bed of glass sand, and the Only one, on the Pa cific coast. Mr. Bants haa at hta office some samples of glass sand taken from a large deposit not more than 70 miles from Portland by a water-route. The samples shown are very rich In glaaa and have been sent to New York and other eastern experts Who have praised them highly. He has received flattering InJooements from eastern factories to ship the sand to them, but has refused, telling all applicants that the only way In which they can secure the eand te by building a factory In Portland. He Is now trying to find some man or firm that la willing to come to Portland and erect a glass fsctory. To such a man he would sell the property very cheaply and on eaay terme. Custom Shade end Drapety Work Out Spctdty-Bost Matsjrials and WvTstosma" Sejwiaxfi jtosAlaaa-15 Mods at rMcaa rroai US to oM3-Soooad Floor The Meier 8b Frank Store ?5c to $ 1 .25 Ribbons at 53c Yard Six and 7-inch fancy Dresden Ribbons; beautifully embroidered and florat design; just the ribbons you want for holiday novelties and fancy work; vales -'ranging from 7So to C $1.25 a yard JJC 5,000 yards of all -silk Taffeta Ribbons and satin Taffeta Ribbons; all the new and stanle shades: rearular 25c and 35c values. 1 9 a. on sale at this soectal low nrice. the vard laC Six and 7-inch shadecf? messaline Taffeta Ribbons in t large 1 9 v ' vV vxTesanaaTaViLj J Pi "lie ui vuiun, cguiar values, un ssic si, uic yaiu s e v iVvisB LbTsbbb) "New ub and be,t Ribbons; all colors and patterns; immense 1 Q LHf assortment; JUc to Sc values, on sale at, the yard a v ' gaVT- sx w K .a. a sT A? arkO Wk yyi -erasa si.atjs in mn tinvR" mr vnr fair Special line of women's Suede Glove; one, two end three-clasp style; pearl or metal black, mode and gray; nearly all izea; regu- QO lac $1.75 to $2.25 value; on sale at, pair 7UC "Perrin'i" 2-claap pique sewn Kid Gloves, in black, white, brown, tan, and red; all sizes; every pair guaranteed; regular $1.75 values; on sale for a few days only at this special low price, per 1 CA pair take advantage I J7 Women's 12-button length glace Kid Gloves; "Val Iter's famous make; ff red, Nile, lignt blue, Alice Diue and tan broken fJCT 1Q line of all size; regular sj.w value; per pair BsweecT 4etfe I tTSANY JeV-VV f aaaeu MMQVSTgr'eaasasflP Bk sT I VBBBBBBBsCAm WSjEI t V I t 5 U fl 1MK 1 1 V tiCSaX Halloween Novelties- Ve.ry Large Variety By rarthe Lamm and Boat Akortmant Wa Hatve Ever StwOwi. Embossed Tally and Dinner Card for Hal loween; large variety and special value, at ! and dozen. Halloween Favor: Pumpkin, 4W, 1 t94; Witches. t4 each; Skulls, ld each; Orange colored crepe paper, best grade, Halloween Stationery: Eaton HurlburU, best orange linen, 50c and 65c value, at, the box, . On Sale at the Stationery Department. Jack-o'- Lanterns in greet variety, all sizes, at 10e ao and 2S. Pumpkin Figures, all sizes, Me) to T5e. Pumpkin Head. 10), SO), SB and Me) each. Pumpkin Toy at all prices. Cat lanterns at lSe) and Me). Devil Lanterns at 36 each. All kind of Halloween Novelties Third Floor. Sheet Music 1 7c Copy In the Sheet Music Depart ment today, popular vocal and Instrumental music at a special low price. "Good Old U. 3. A." ong, "Alice. Where Art Thou Going?" "Merry Oldsmo bile," "Why Don't You Try?" "Noodles," latest ragtime mel ody, three-step and many oth er at 174 copy, or 3 for 50e). Mail order filled. Dress Trimmins Persian woven Bands and Edges, H to H in. wide; this - itert shading; val ue to 35c yard; on 1 tt ale at this low price. . 1 s?V Persian woven Bands and Edges yj to yi in. wide; this season's latest shadings; val ue to $1 a yard, on gale at this low price . . sfV SaleofWomen's Knit Underwear i rguiar .vv $1.59 Women's "Harvard Mills" heavy all-wool ribbed Vesta and Pants; natural and white, beautifully finished, all alses, perfect, fit ting Underwear; regular 12 oo value, at the low price of, each . . Women's extra fine lightweight natural wool Union Suits; perfect-fitting garments, all alsee; 11. Tl values, on sale at this 'low price, garment f)l.M Women's fine merino Vesta, with hi eh neck and long sleeves; ankle-length pants; medium weight unshrinkable, an sixes best 11.25 valuea. for Women's medium-weight white cotton Vests and Paats; long sleeve vests, ankle-length peats; all sixes; regular e values, on aale at this special low prion . . Complete stock of "Ypallantl," "Munslng" and "Harvard stills" Underwear for women silk, liale, wool: all styles, all grades, best valuea. Mall orders filled. 98c 43c Cnwt Sale of MEN'S FUlUdlSHINCS Men's pure linen Hemstitched Handkerchief, at the unus ually low price of J Men's superweight natural wool. Underwear, Shirts and Draw ers; regular $1 values, at the low price of, per gar- OA. ment .OTV Men's corded Madras pleated Shirts, light grounds, with mall dots and figure; all sizes; $1.50 values; on sale at the low price 1.15 200 dozen men's fancy Half Hose; all the newest styles, pladi, figure and embroid ered effect; all sices, great variety; 35c and 25c values, at this low price, pair anticipate your win- 1 A. tcr needs I eV Meier ft Frank' celebrated Dress Kid Gloves tor men; every pair guaranteed; $1.50 value at this low price, pair Men's Winter Underwear, Hosiery and Sweaters at the lowest prlcea. e tor men; anteed; $1.50 $1.15 Welch, Davis & Carson HAVE MOVED WEIR m Office -oo around th, Cemcr of TklrJ printing W Mil 1 a5 i rsac Xeongal Karl Rrklund filed a libel suit against the at aiaos a longshoreman. haa shin Wrnertc. P. o. Klvett master, for tl.SOO as a r-ompnsatlm tnr Injuries which he claims to have received while working the vessel ekiuad states In hla complaint that he waa Working la the vessel's hold Oc 4. l0. when ho waa struck on the head and back by two heavy, water soaked planka. whlcfi tore a bole m his head and otherwlae Injured him. Olltner A Bewail appear for the libel lent. FEDERAL OFFICIALS "FIXr FOR SPELLING officials In the government offices In the Federal building received In structions yesterday to the effect that 0 and after November 1 the new system of spelling designated by Presi dent Roosevelt must be ebewnved. With the letter of Instruction was sent a llet of the words affected by the new rule. The word lists are being kept on the various desks ao that In making up re ports none of the clerks will so far forget themselves aa to Write -fixed" Oaks Rink A Rink for the People Safe. Clean, Com fori able. 10-Minute Car Service Skates, Including admission. ISO. ears lot or evm New Skates Are Here Oaks Rink fo- "flxt," -winked for "winkt" or "whiskey" for "whisky.'' , w,.Jhe Neilig Theatre TuawccW ffbjht MatTaceTBSBsm Henry W. Savage Offers Qeorgc Ads' Ceswdy TRX OOLLXOX WIDOW. A Howling Success Uat Night, awsalssj rrlsss tswsr floor, f 1.W; salesay. II 00 aadTSc: caUery, 80c (ae reserve); nut toes, SB te $1.60. Seats now telling st box office theatre. 14th aad That Hailitt Thaarew no" s s v ii i s sssverM v WBSktagtsa iktslB 1 Thar., FrL, Set. Nights, October t. Ss, ST. Spedel-rriee staUaee aatsraay, unm JAMXM Sasaerted by Nellie atenearr Norman Harkett, Skaksssisre's DsUghtfal Oeseear. Ike ataary wicss of Wkslser." Svsstag Prlssa. SSe as SI M. Mat.. SSe to II. inng ror Seats seUlag engagement Belllg Tatatre. D.L.. SSL-S . uanei UltglH Orrfo. Theatre OS.. Leasee Pstsiaasat aesae ef the fastens Baker Stock Oastpaay. All thfs weak atottaee Satnrday the cele brated American character play tTF TOM STATE." Evening Prices-- 15c. zee. SBr. SOei matinee, Ue, JSC. Next week, a grind sesSsitlsa ef "The LYRIC THEATRE Win BSOINNINO OCTOBER Zf. The New Partner A 8 TORT Or LABOR VBRgCS CAPITAL, in rvus ACTS. 8TAR THEATRE Week ef October s. The Allea Stock Compear Presents "The Nan From Mexico" at. tineen Tuesdays. Tkarseaya. Satarears and Sunders at S:S0 p. m. PHces 10s aad SOe. Every sw o'clock rrtree, 10c. ZOa and SOe. St 15 empire: theatre; Mala 117 MUten W. Baamea W..Me Playlag the Big SUirHaTUs Baa tern R, Anractieas. Tonight, all week, s magnificent prodaetlea ef the grand reltgioes drama. sr, "THE ROLT CTTT.' Regular Empire Pi lass -Even see, loc, xor. Metises tsrdsj aad TkcGrand Week ef Oct. IS THE TIB BEAUX SOVAVES James Oassy aad I elalr Maggie. Caarlei A. Lsder. OUff Pass Oo, Beff. FREE ! Moving; Pictures Christopher fnlsjssalii ttv AsssaHcw Alpa Interesting from beginning to ersf Other MlscllaneouB Subiecta. Every evening 7:10 o'clock. Bring tad CASHMERE SUITINGS MADE IN OREOON From Oregon Wool In the popular grays, browns, and stylish green mixtures, made to your meseure In the very beet possible manner, lined with imported Venetian Cloth or fine worsted serge. Extra Special AT $20 This is a tailoring proposi tion not to be duplicated in another etrtsbHeh ent in Portlsnd. Yoa will find the fsbrice ss fine ss ere shown anywhere - handsome, .dressy snd durable. The fit snd workmanship shall be as good as any tailor can give you. And the unusual value will easily and instantly de cide you to take cvdvantage of the offering without any gcTguasion on our part. ThisSpecial Offer Will Bring Hundreds " Of our old patrone who; will hurry to take advantage of it. If you're a stranger this will be s profitable time to get acquainted. qOujwKT"' ELKS' BUILDING Seventh snd Stark Sts. LILYDENTALCO. fxac yrieeS Ofltoe, toeeeeS at The OBB THHU) On EEOtTLAE rSUOB Ws use self fkrst' class msterSla. Ca the work caaactastieeely ami arise It wirhla Sear reach. Evamtaa sa ss4 nHsmkaehsm. Sella cid Crowe.. ridge Week, ear Teeth SI S BBtaral Leakdss. far M Teas. NOTICE Wood Wood Wood Help wants 1 to get rM of eight thousand ints o? dry slab wood. Has to be sold before next spring. Dry 4.(1 Woes $3.35 Pit Cat pry Uahroed $3.50 Per Lead sue. Portland Slabwood Co.