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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1906)
10 THE OREGON pAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, ttCTOBEB, vA. 1100. SUIT VALUES UP TO $38 TOMORROW $24 50 This special sale will be a welcome news event to hundreds of Portland women who appreci ate 'style and quality combined with economy. The Suits offered are the very latest style pony, fitted, semi-fitted and loose coat styles, "Prince Chaps" and three-quarter coat lengths. Some are of black, green and blue broadcloth, trimmed with silk braid others of mannish cut are of English mixtures. The tailoring is of the highest class, and the style is the first thing you will notice and the last thing you will forget. There are a variety of siies from which to choose, and we will make any needed alterations free of charge. Values up to $38 your choice tomorrow, cash or Q Eastern OutfittingCo. Washington and Tenth KEES SAYS 60VERH0R IS JELLY FISH Deposed Warden Is Severe in Arraignment of Mead and Crocker. (Special DUpatrh to The Joorn.l 1 Tacoma. Waah.. Oct. 21. The dis missal of Warden Kees of the at ate penitentiary and the elevation of mVW. Klncstd. chairman of the board of con trol to hie position, with the appoint ment of Matthew PI lea. a t ravelin salesman of Seattle, who la a brother of Senator Piles, aa chairman of the board, la producing a political cyclone auch as has not disrupted the Repub lican party In Washington in many years. "Deep Creek" Jonea, the Democratic member of the board of control, who Is la Tacoma, declares, there was no poli tics In the dismissal of Keea. Keea refused to resign when a eked to do so, and says that ha will demand an Investigation offals eenduot. He at tributes his dismissal to B. D. Crocker, and bitterly assails both him and Gov ernor Mead, and threatens Mesd with a political Waterloo "when the proper time cornea." "I do not know which I hate and deaplse the most, Crocker or Mead," said lie In an Interview. "One for hln tnfam Jiia domineering of every man who attampta to thwart his plana, or the other for his total lack of political sense or regard for his pledges. I shall most likely retire from active partici pation In politics, but I shall net cease to pay off with compound Interest the obligations I faal are now due to the jelly fish who Is temporarily holding down the governor's chair, and the po litical Mephlsto, who is directing the politics of the state." (October 2S.) The Reed-trench Company Are Unloading Today Two More Cars of Their Famous $190.00 Pianos The Instantaneoua success this beaut!- . . ful little lastrument received when the Reed-French Co. opened their store, two months ago, prompts them to believe these two cars will not last more than a few days. SS per month. . . . aa before Siso.OO A little more than two months age we shipped to on 'Portland warerooma two ears of our famous little Pianos. We expected at the time that they would last through the October business. Vat they met with instantaneous success. Wo aooaer bad one Piano gome la to a home than a neighbor would see it, and this weald lead to another sale, aad aa it want a little over two weeks We wired far two more oars aad they are balng aaloaded today, aad notwithstanding tad gongasoa of the Piano, we are going to make the tanas the aaaaa aa before $190.00. We do tale baaaaes we feet It le good bualaess. There la so advertising Investment we can make which brings mm such CBBTAIK results as to put aa Instrument tat a home at lose than res actual worth. Whlla the last, SltO.00 la the price S per month. never aaaa aayrning tnat oouig tone your ptaao Zf yoa oaanot gat aa during the day phone wa wUl meet you la the evening. T oant twiaglae bow snob a OOOD teas oaa oome from So UTfU a Plaao." . e . A well-known saaate teacher of this oity voluntarily said I "X have frequently been la the other Stares of this city, but I haws aa (Mala Reed-French Piano Mfg. Co. SIXTH AND BURNSIDE STREETS Oar Phonograph parlors are open. NO MURPHY DEAL, SAYS HEARST Candidate Denies Making Com pact With Boss of Tammany Hail Attacks Trusts. OPPOSITION EDITORS ALL CALLED LIARS stars Publisher! Arc Spotted Prom Head to Foot With the Mr in Which They Have Been Wallow ing Great Crowd Cheers Speech. (Jon rail Snaelal Service. Mew Tors. Oct. 13. W. R JHearat addressed an Immense and enthusiastic meeting under the suspires or the inde pendence league at Madison Square Gar den last night .Hearst attacked cor porations and trusts, berated his op ponent Hughea and predicted his own election by a majority of 160,000. Hearst told bow he had fought the trusts In ths Interests of the peoole, how he had killed the gas aad fuel trust, the lea trust and made war upon the beef trust and rebating system. Denies Oorrnpt Seals. "You havs bean told." said Hears, "that I have made corrupt political deals, and I have made no deals at all. I have made no more deala with Mur phy than I havs with McCarren. "If the lying newspaper proprietors and editors of this town war all pat on oath before the grand Jury there la hardly a political statement they have made during the campaign that they would not be compelled to retract aad admit false In every particular. "There has never been a more disgrace ful spectacle In American journalism than this long line of envious editors viciously . howling their lies to heaven Ilka dogs baying at the moon. Mills Maw York Barkers. "There has never been a more pitiful sight than the crowd of New York newspaper proprietors, degenerate ex ponents of commercialism rather than journalism, who are spotted from head to foot with the mine In which they have boon wallowing, and who franti cally follow Talleyrand's advice. Throw mud, throw mad; some of It may stick' and most of it has stuck to the throwera ' 'They have told you that my newo papera ware a trust, as if the people of New York were Ignorant children and did not know what a trust was. A trust Is a combination formed to raise the price of a product or limit the oat put When I came to this city. I did not Increase the price of newspapers, but I reduced It and I not only eat the prlca, out doubled the ouput 'These frenxled pspers and my polit ical opponents tell you I am Insincere. Insincerity Is to say something you do not mean, to profess something yon are not willing to perform. How can my opponent honestly question my sincer ity, when he himself only works for hire and serves either the corporations or the state, according to which engages him first or pays Mm best? "If any one at you or all of yea should think that your welfare or the general welfare Is best promoted by retaining the Republican party la power, I shall not complain, as long as, when you cast your vote, you at least aay Hearst la a sincere man, and whether elected or not he will continue to do his bast to serve the Interests of his fellbw-cltlsens." WELCOMES CROTON BUGS Hughe. Olad to Set the Support of Democratic Cockroaches. Kingston, N. Y.. Oct St. Begin ning his third and last campaign tour of the state, Charles E. Hughes came Into Ulster county today and made twa speeches hare laat night He made a special plea for the Democratic votes, saying in this connection: "The political cockroaches and croton bags of the Democratic party' are not those with whom the Republicans are ashamed to associate In this campaign." Continuing, he aald: ' "I want to see Albany clean aad cor rupt lobbying done away with. I want It so nothing can be accomplished ex cept on a fair presentation of the oasi on its merits, snd that no one la power ful enough or rich enough to get any thing at Albany that la not given to all the 800910." Democratic Quarters (Jonrnal Special Sarvwe.t Albany. N. Y., Oct. 21. Democratic headquarters have been. seised by dis satisfied Democrats opposed to Hearst's election who will wage an active anti Hearst campaign throughout ths state. OPPOSE ENGLISH KHAKI FOR PHILIPPINE TROOPS (Journal Special Service.) Washington, Oct. 23. The quarter master's department of the army Is dis posed to take issue with Major-Qeneral lioonard Wood, commanding the Phil ippine division, as to the economy of using English khaki, made up In the Philippines for soldiers' uniforms. In stead of the regular army clothing manufactured In this country of Ameri can khaki. The officers of that de partment Insist that American khskl Is superior to the English article. These officers also say that ta insure a regu lar supply of uniforms It would be necessary to establish a clothing fac tory In Manila, which would Involve a large expenditure of money. They do not believe there would be a saving In cost if the uniforms were made In the Philippines. BRYAN IN INDIANA ON TROLLEY-CAR CAMPAIGN (Journal Special Service.) Indianapolis, Ind., Oct 21. After a hustling speech-making tour by trolley ear through the gas belt William J. Bryan cornea to Indianapolis tonight to deliver the principal address of the Democratic campaign In Indiana this fall. There will be no street demon stration because of the short time that Mr Bryan will be In the city. He will L. M. SULLIVAN TRUST COMPANY Begs to Announce that it is in the market for Eagle s Nest Fairview Mining Company 's stock and Lou Dillon Goldfield Mining Co.'s stock We bid 4254 cents per share for Eagle's Nest Fairview Mining Company's shares in any sized blocks. If you have any of this stock you desire to sell, notify us by wire of sales, attach your certificates to draft, and ship through the bank to us. The draft will be honored promptly upon reaching us. We bid 32 cents for Lou Dillon Goldfield Mining Company's stock in any sized blocks. If you have shares in this company that you want to dis pose of, notify us of sale to us by wire, attach certificates to draft and ship through your bank. The draft will be promptly honored. We promoted these two companies during the past twenty days. Eagle's Nest treasury stock was sold at 35 cents per share; Lou Dillon Goldfield treasury stock was offered for subscription and the allotment heavily oversub scribed at 30 cents per share. The Eagle's Nest Fairview Mining Company's estate at Fairview has improved so rapidly with development that mere is a tremendous demand for the stock, and we can sell a great deal of the issue at prices much higher than we are now bidding for it High-grade shipping ore has been encountered in the property, and If there is one thing more sure man another it is that the Eagle's Nest will develop into one of the great bonanza silver-gold mines of the state and that the shares will continue to advance steadily until selling at par. If we had the treasury allotment of Lou Dillon Goldfield intact we could sell it within a few days. An unprecedented demand for this issue has devel oped, owing to the tremendous mine showing the company's estate presents. Mining men here are among the heaviest buyers of this stock. One of the most important developments on the property is the opening up of six feet of good ore by lessees on block No. 1. We are deluged with orders for Lou Dillon "at the market" and can sell many thousand shares at prices higher than our bid. WE DO NOT ESSAY TO CAJOLE STOCKHOLDERS OF THESE TWO COMPANIES INTO DISPOSING OF THEIR HOLDING, BUT IF THERE IS ANY OF EITHER STOCK FOR SALE, WE ARE ANX IOUS TO PROCURE IT. ' L M. Sullivan Trust Company, Goldfield, Nevada A Ti Mother at TO. "My mother has suddenly been made young at TO. Twenty years of Intense suffering from dyspepsia had entirely disabled her, uqtl) six months ago, whan abe began taking Electric Hitters, which have completely cured her and restored the strength snd activity she hsd In the prime of life' writes Mrs. W. U Jllpatri"k of Danforth, Me. Greatest resorattv medicine on the globe. Sets Stomach. I.lver and Kid ney's right, purifies ths blood snd cures Malaria, Biliousness and Weaknesses. Wonderful Nerve Tonic Price lee. Uuaxantsed by Red Cross Pharmacy. BBrnmssemmmBssss i i i i n be met by a reception committee and escorted ta ths ball park, where his ad dress will be delivered frpsa tne piai fhem f.rini the arandatand. It is un derstood that la deference to the wishes of the Indiana campaign managers Mr. Bryan will touch but lightly upon the subject of government ownership. Tne advice he has been given la to praise i hammt.u fnr hla efforts to break up trusts and curb the railroads and to condemn congress lor not Being ... trt nhev the nresldent'a be hests. This, It Is believed, will do more to help out the Democrats In their-eon gresslonal campaign than could be ac compllshed by attacking the president. AGREE ON DAVE Y FOR SPEAKER OF HOUSE (Seeelal Dlssateh to The loaresl.) Sslem, Or", Oct. U The legislative delegation for Marlon county held a pre liminary session yesterday afternoon and agreed to work la harmony on legis lative matters of local interest. Those who were present at the meet lng were Davey, Settlemeler, Rogers snd Reynolds. Simmons was absent. The delegation Is agreed to support Frank Davey for the speakership. Al though Mr. Simmons was absent he is generally known aa a supporter of Davey, as the two are warm personal friends, snd that he supported Mr. Davey four years ago tor the speaker ship. SHOOTS ENEMY FOR CALLING HIM LIAR isperisl Plspetek le The Josrsst.) Lostlne, Or.. Oct. II. Aa a result of a quarrel, which originated Saturday evening at a dance, "Scatty" lima wee THE BUSINESS OF PORTLAND IS RAPIDLY RUSHING WESTWARD. We Must Rent These Stores That new building at 17th snd Washington contains two stores, each 7x70, elegant piste glass fronts, fine interior finish, right on the border of the richest residence district in Portland, and suitable for almost any mercantile business, especially millinery, grocery, harness store, dry goods, etc., and ' '' f, .'- : asmMrasjaA ' ' " We Will Write a Five Years Lease on One or Both at the Insignificant Price of 158 Per Month Each. . Before half that time has expired it will be an easy matter to re-lease the premises st $100 per month, so that in the end the present renter will have his rent free. If You Want a Snap, Snap It Now. I. GEVURTZ & SONS KSI - " shot and fatally wounded by James Dorr I a, reporter for the Ledger and Democrat here, Sunday night. Sims called Dorrls a liar, and ths latter re sponded with a revolver shot. Dorrls earns to Lostlne from Portland snd has borne an excellent reputation. Sims, who wss In the map and Insur ance business. Is from Scotland, being a graduate of ths University of Bdln- uuiau- .v T I A