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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1906)
THE sOREG 4ING, OCTOBER IS, 1800. IN THE PUBLIC EYE Char lee A. Barton of Wortittr, Mm sachusetts, la going to Braatl aa supse lntendent of motive power (or tbo Bio do Janeiro Street Railway company on a oalary or 14.000 a year. Jacques Bommeiaert, at various tlmat pilot ana captain of a nreboat ana now deputy mayor of Malo-laa-Balna. France, baa assisted In the saving of 160 Uvea at. sea. Many governments have hon ored him. Including hla own, which con ferred upon him the croaa of the Legion of Honor. e .e To a Washington reporter who wanted him to talk about the late Admiral Blr Edward Chlcheater. R N.. Admiral Dewey aent out word that ha waa too buay to any anything except that ha "had lost a very warm personal rnena. and on who had been hla friend at a time when he needed friends." e A pleasant tittle anecdote la told of Joseph cnamDeriain. wnen na reureo from business In 147 ha gave all hla work people an axcuralon to the Crystal Palace, but one poor woman mlaaed the train and waa left behind. Finding her stranded at Birmingham station, Mr. Chamberlain thoughtfully took, her to London with him, and left her safely In the hands of bar husband at the palace, e e Prince Kumar Bhrl RanJItslnhJI. the famous cricketer, wtto waa a few year ago the bast player In all England, has officially oome Into possession of hla Indian throne and become the Jam of Nawanagar. Cricket, polo and football are already played In the lUtle state, says an exchange, and with such an athletio ruler Nawanagar may yet be challenging the athletic supremacy of the empire. What a yell "Nawanagar" would make. e Ths Washington Post says: "If Jack son had his Benton, Roosevelt has hla Taft Rarely has a president had so wlsa an adviser, and never a president haa had in hla cabinet a truer man. He may not be the next president; he may never be president, but In that great offloe ha would rank with the great presidents, able, honest, courageous, pa triotic, ha haa the genlua of common sense and the charity of a noble human ity. e e William Ptnekney Whyte. United States senator from Maryland, who haa Just paaaed hla eighty-second milestone, haa never boon Inside a saloon, naver smoked and never rode In a cab. He framed the Instrument on which the unique government of the Dlatrlot of Columbia la founded. Ra Uvea outside of Baltimore, yet la able to appear at a trial In Baltimore in the morning and bo In Washington In time to answer to the noon roll call of the senate. -, vv,., a , a i In November the Dickens Fellowship Dramatic club, of which Mr. Tree la now prealdant In succession to the lata Mr. Toole, will produce a new Dickens play, entitled "The House of Dombey." In London. e e - The f am one lace robe which wag pre sented to tbo Empress Engenle by the women In Paris la lttt for bar to wear at the opening of the .flues canal on No vember IT, 1889, la now In New York, and will soon be sold, by the American family who have had It In their poeeea sloa for several yers. Tan years were apent In the making of this robe, which coat 100.000 franca. The empress wore the gown only once, at the Khedlval ball given at Cairo to celebrate the opening of tbo Sues canal. e Miss Theresa Bllltngton haa. bean ap pointed by the national administrative council of the Independent Labor party of Great Britain a "general organiser. and aha at onoa agreed to fill the post Her life has sine been full of incident, traveling throughout the country and coming into contact with the various elements) of the, labor movement and the forces opposed to II eWe Rev. John K. Browne la now return ing to Harpoot, eastern Turkey, the mission of the American board, which he joined tl years ago. From a physi cal infirmity which compelled him to come to the United States three years ago ha baa so far recovered that, after moat acceptable service In visiting oburchea aaat and west In behalf of the missionary cause, he la permitted to re sume work at Harpoot, where, owing to the preaent situation at that station, hla help la aald to be greatly needed. The German government 'has In st rue ted Frauletn Maria Wtnckler to proceed to Utah to Inquire Into the con ditions prevailing among the Mormons and to report on the alleged recruiting by Mormons among Gorman woman and girls. k e e Colonel Edwin T. Cowell of Dorches ter. Masaachuaelta, recently elected president of the United Ststes Veteran Signal Corps 'association. Is a 'great grandson of Deborah Sampson, the only woman regularly enlisted aa a soldier In the war of the revolution. George L. Sheldon, the Republican nominee for governor of Nebraska, fear less, aggreaalva and Independent, la to day the moat popular man In his state. He la but SO years old. Is a native of Ne braska, and lives at Nehawka, in the house In which hs waa born. e e The Princess of Wales haa never cared for any form of athletics, never gone In. to any extent, for riding, en tirely disapproving of bicycling, and la Indifferent to the fascinations of bridge. She keeps up her music, but Is more genuinely Interested In art (vlalttng pic ture galleries is really one of her hob bles), and aha sews during every apare moment she can snatch from her other duties. e e "Champ" Clark. Ota Missouri Con greaeman. never writes hla full name. James Beauohamp Clark, except on Im portant documents. e e A. Montgomery, the wall known. Illi nois artist never took a lesson either In color or technique In his life, yet one of his pioturea sold for 120,000 In Paris, and other products of his easel and brush have commanded the highest praise from some of the first of con temporary artists, and have brought blgt pneas in the woricra most exclusive art center. ' e e Tba English Duke of Rutland haa the Walls of one of hla castles adorned with thousanda of horseshoes, the collection having bean begun centuries ago. Among them la a ahoe given by Quean Elisabeth and another by Queen Vic toria. a Despite hts (1 years, Blr Charles Dtlke fa one of the moat active membere of the hguae of commons. Ha la an en thusiastic sculler and goes through course of training every year. He la alao an enthusiastic fencer. , e The German emperor Insists upon goad dancing at court and the arrang ing of an evening party Is one of his favorite pastimes. Hs la moat anxloua that the court balls shall be distin guished for their elegance, and exacts that the smallest details shall be care fully planned beforehand e e Every day the young Duke of West minster gate richer. He is the ground landlord of miles and miles of houses the whole of South Belgravla, a fash ionable district of London and for each ha reoelvea a shilling a year peppercorn rent until the leases fall in. Each month fresh laaaea fall into hla hands, and at the end of thirty years ths whole of the property, which Is now worth many mil lions, will be his entirely. ' e Bishop Moule of Mid-China has been In charge of this diocese of 100,000,000 souls for over tl years. Tba first Eu ropean missionary to settle in an inter ior Chinese city away from a treaty port. Bishop Moule made Hang-Chow his headquarters. Thence year by year ha made hla wearisome olrcagt some time on foot, sometimes gin sedan chairs, sometimes In tba picturesque but boat 1. 000 miles not palatial Chine every It montha like a native. He speaks Chinese PEOPLE OF NOTE " Luther Burbank. 11111 irfaRPiB SBHHKrSlfflPA gt ' flgaanal iwH BBlRBBBaaaasBBBB. gaananaananW.' Lean! Bflgk. 3 mSLm A B jfifr - .jBesaaBBi SKA-SatsT jjjwevt?! asss ' w! aTBBaBaBasasBaBBuSS? The California Wizard, Who Created the Seedless Plum, Which Is Being Propagated Exclusively in Oregon. Alonzo fvfelvin. Dr. Melvin Has Charge of the Inspectors Created by the New York Meat Inspection Bill. 2 BBS BBS t KaaaaaaaaaaV'iaaal H Beekman Winthrop. Governor of Porto Rico. William J. Stone. Senator From Missouri. ODD FACTS and FANCIES n n n , ; Last year Mil tramps were fed at the county bona at Carllale, Pennsyl vania, ths meals numbering MIS. e In Nellore. India, the Htnda Chris tian Endeavorers want out night sftsr night to nurse cholera-etrlcken Moham medans. e fiJW Australia has a tobacco combine. 4a- " clares the federal royal commission la recommending the taking over of tba Industry by the commonwealth. e ' , After a chase of It years sll over the ' world, a letter haa Just taught up with the man to whom It waa addressed. Ha waa a French sailor, and the letter waa poatsd to him to a port In America. When It reached there he had Just sailed The same at his next port to which the letter wag redirected. At length the sailor retired and settled down, and the letter haa Juat been deliv ered to bum, , e ' . Essen !s credited with harboring many anarchists, and careful precau tions srs being taken to Insure the : kaiser's safety during hla vlatt to the Krupp family there. No foreign work men unknown to the police, and to the Overseers at the works are employed, and from numerous towns In Rhenish Prus isla detectives' are being concentrated on Essen. e Earthquakes are the latest cure for indigestion. Commenting on the flan Francisco disaster, the Hospital aaya: i It Is an undoubted fact that a great i many men and women who were In a I poor state of health before the shock, with bad appetites and defective dlgee- tlon. are now eating all they can gat I and digesting It without trouble, while the mental condition which so often accompanies the dyspeptic state haa been equally Improved." e Opium smoking Is Inc easing In China and Is becoming more respectable at the aamo time. A customs report from Ichang says: "The returns show a more than tenfold Incresse In the nstlve opium cultivation. The opium smoker haa no longer any reason to at tempt to conceal his pleasant habit or to retlro for Its satlefartlon to the 'kuan' or divan now no longer patron Iced by the well to do. Every respecta ble house now haa Its 'fumoir,' snd is expected to take, sa well aa to offer, a few whiffs la the course of an ordinary visit. Opium amoklng among the Chi nese has ceased to be generally re garded aa a vice, and like tea drinking In England, haa definitely taken a place among the cuatoms of the country." Z5f XSk a5t H WE8Mf waaatfSBallR : BjKfefc sHaKaHaHaBsHaHB rlwHw mm BbbbbbbbbbbbbbsbbYL tSt asatE nsftl mmmmmmKmmmmmtKSl'' ": viS I ajsaHeflfi.! Cut shown Ksrmlt Roosavalt, the president's son, in a boot with Ma boxing teacher. ahova in tba background acting aa referee. Theodore Roosevelt Jr. , la ELEPHANT IS A MARVELOUS ANIMAL st at at r makes one marvel to aea the things a wild elephant can be trained to do In from three to alx montha and bow tractable the monster becomes, writes an oriental traveler. I have seem a little European child, apparently 4 years old. go up confiding ly to ons, whloh saw what she wanted, and lifting her up with Ita trunk, placed her gently on lta neck. Under the old Hindoo rajahs, whan elephants were 'made to put erlralnals to death, an elephant would be stand ing skill among a number of people, when a criminal would be brought up and the order given. In a momsnt, without hesitation, the elephant would throw him uo in the air or rand him In pieces or tread him under foot or thrust ita tuak through him, according to the order given. Tat thaae tremendously powerful creatures will take punishment from their keepers as patiently aa a dog will from lta master. Every driver oarrlee a heavy pointed Iron hook with which ha will strike the elephant on the head till tbe thick hide breaks If It la dis obedient. When aa elephant Is utterly refractory a apear la thrust Into tender parte of lta skin. Haa a Mechanical Bye. But one of the commonest, most ad vantageous uaaa of the giant anlmala la to set them to stacking heavy tim ber. They not only go to and fro carrying loga to the pile, but puah each log up and down till it Ilea even with the rest A wag, noticing how per fectly straight log was laid upon log, declared thst he saw tba elephant elosa one eye and look along tba line. The obedience Of elephants to spoken orders Is Instantaneous. I have bean on the back of an elephant going through tha Jungle whan a small horn whloh some deer had shed lay on tha path. The native driver, who, as usual, sat on the elephant'a neck, without making a sign simply aald, "Give me that!" The elephant heafd htm, saw the unuaual object and. without stop ping, picked It up and threw ft up over lta head Into my hands. Elephants hav been employed for war, for labor, for ceremony, for bunting and for ahow. The first use passed away with tha Introduction of flrearma; and the Improvement of roads In India doing away with tbe nee of elephants for tabor. When roada were bad, aa they alwaya were under former governments; heavy bag gage could not be carried nor heavy guna dragged without elephants. Tiger Shooting will always he safe with eleprfanr and In seme places could not well be done except on an elephant, which enables the hunter to ass over the- tall bushes and rank grass that denaely cover the ground. Most native chiefs and noblea dsln consider it neoessary for their dignity to kasp one or miro elephants, but they do not use them habitually, aa they did, for ancient cuat ms and fashions are faat dying out In India, and those of Europe are beinn adopted in their plaoaa. Elephants are atlll ridden In procession on great occasions, however, and are often obligingly lent to foreign tourlata who want the novelty of an elephant ride. Elephants need to be common In all the wild forests of India, but ths sprsad of cultivation haa caused them to 'dis appear from all parts except ffepal, As sam. Bsngal and certain foreata In the south. I predict a day when tourist agencies will keep an elephant or two for tbe gratification of their patrons, aa an ele phant ride will not be otherwise ob tainable. In ths places I have men tioned their destruction Is strictly for bidden and their capture Is a govern ment monopoly of the British gov ernment In Brltlih India and the native government In independent states. Easily Frightened. Although elephants would boon be ex terminated but for thta law, their free dom le occasionally a sore vexation to farmers, plantera and cultivators, and even to owners of flower gardens. Tbe proprietor ta awakened from sleep by the crashing of branches and though he say scare the Jepredators off (which is easily done) by shouting, waving a light or rising a gun, he finds In the morning that hla eropa have been wasted, bis fruit trees broken, his garden trampled down and perhaps nhla outhouaaa wrecked. A tea planter once aald to mo that he Juat clapped hla hands at a hard of v IS and they hurried away, leaving him tba beat place of plowed land la tbe district for ruch huge beasts, with lire hoofa on each foot cannot move quickly over aoft ground without turn ing over the soil. Elephants breed in captivity, and wherever they are kept a baby ele phant may occaalonally be seen. But the number produced In Ibis way la net sufficient for the demand; so wild onaa ere caught and trained. And aa the price of the ordinary elephant la some times S. 000. a good catch aaya. The old-fashioned native methods of cajohlng alephanta was to dig pitfalls in their way, tba top being loosely cov ered over with bamboos and grass or leaves. When an elephant fell into one of these he was left without food or water for two or three daya. Loopa of ntout rope Were then put around its neck snd feet from shove' snd the other ends of the ropes fastened' ta trees. Wood snd stones ware neat thrown into the pit, the elephant rising as the bot tom wss raised, and the ropes being drawn tighter, until tbe pit waafull enough to perm't the elephant to step out This method with pitfalls waa very cruel and sometimes resulted in the death of one elepnant nut of two. Even If the bottom tt tbe pit were covered with a deep layer of brushwood to break the fall, the losses amounted to one third of ell tbe animal a taken. An animal weighing several tons can i.ot fall tan feet without suffering In Jury. Bones were broken and Joints die located; a fall orf a tusk wonld split the upper Jaw, Worst of all were the In ternal injuries. o w..en India came into possession of the English the use Of pitfalls waa given up. Which Are You? From Harper's Weakly, There are two kinds of people on earth "today. Just two kinds of people, no more. I say; Not the sinner and saint for 'tis well understood The good are half bad, and the bad are half good; Not the rich and tha poor, for to count a man's wealth Tou must first know the state of hla conscience and health; Not the humble and proud, for ta life's little span. Who put a oa vain aire la not counted a man; Not tbe happy and sad, for the swift fly ing years Bring each man his laughter snd each man his tears No; the two kinds of people on earth I mean. Are the people who lift and the people who laaa. In which class are you? Are you easing the load Of overtaxed lifters who toil down the road. Or are yon a leaner, who lata others bear Tour portion of labor and worry and care? t Oct S3o a Weak. From the Philadelphia Preea TeastOb! she'll nsvsr marry him. Jess Why not? Tesa Oh: It's a case of sxtreme shy ness. Jess What? Nobody could possibly consider her ahy. Teas No, but bo'a extremely shy of money. Wot Wo Bad ss a Townsend Notes In Fttchburg Sentinel A. D. Barber of Wallace hill haa lost aa ear trumpet. The Under la asked to communicate with him direct or leave It at the poet off! re From the Providence Kvenlng Bulletin Why shoulf any one expect China to look wlt favor upon foreigners? Is th-re e country oi. the face of the globe where a China awn Is not treated like a dog? A curious custom Is still In force at Norwich. England, In virtue of which, on three daya la the year, any one can claim a substantial meal for nothing. The only qualification Is that the appli cant shall repeat aloud In St Giles ehurch a prayer for the sovereign's hsalth. Afterward they partake of a meal of broth, beef and bread, finished off with a liberal allowance of beer. a s' . 735, Port Llmon, Costa Rica, saya Consul Cheater Donaldaon, Is ths largest port In ths world, the shipments 10,000,000 bunches ror the year June 10, 190. worth S4.000.000. i Tha Framllngham Agricultural Co operative society In England, which makes a specialty of the egg trade, haa during rhe pant alx montha gathered In Ita dlatrtet of Suffolk more than half a million eggs. The farmers have bene fited to the extent of between ISoe end 400 owing to the difference between the prlcea formerly paid by dealera and those given by the society. e e ' King Edward's pet dog Is Caesar, a long-haired fox terrier, who, a London paper suys, carries himself with a dig nity befitting the Inscription on hla collar, '1 belong to tha king." " In Liverpool tha old tramway eara are being adapted aa bedrooms for consump tives undergoing the open-air treatment. e e At a poot-mortem examination of a cow at Warrscknabeal. Australia, a hank ' of twine and a -packing needle, an eye- ' bolt and a few links of chain were fonnd in the animal's atomach. e Canada la preparing a mint of her own In Ottawa. At present the Csna dlan government purchases the raw ma- tertai through the high commissioner ia London, and it Is minted there at Cana da's cost. The paper currency of the dominion Is manufactured In the United Statee and in Canada. e e 'i The Japaneee. with their usual la sight aa to the best methoda of develop ing trade, have established a line off. steamers between Chile and Japan and have arranged a treaty between the two countrlea with the purpose of lncreaalne trade relations not only with Chile, but with other South American countrlea. The newly appointed government to-j bacon expert for the Transvaal, in South! iMiw haa mrnpmMl tha T.......1 . rloultural union that tha colony at nrndnee aa mod n1nrett ft wm r and line , Auavi , in' vuimb. U0 I m garda the tnduatrfal prospects as very bright. . The letters delivered In London gsj Monday are SO per cent mere nums thsn those delivered on sny other day HjK the week. e The guardians of Keynshsm Knsrni. , niiann nave aeruiea inmx r 't-la In thtr at-hnils aho.ll K t,u cookery, and. to prevent wasts, have to eat the puddings and other they cook. The famous rlensvdrs or wnter A of Canton la housed In s temnle on tha city wallg: rhree big earthen Jars at successive sneives, ana a i (Turin lowest one with a wooden cover. atltute tha whole clepsydra. Tbe d sac ends by slow drops from eg snother, the brass scale on a the lart Jar telltng the hours aa It Every afternoon at o clock A. IX, the lowest Jsr haa been the upper one filled, and the wound up for another day. e a In northern Italy the cat le a I article of food, even though forbidden by law from animal. Indeed, AMI grown for the asarket with sad the Italians belters that surpass rabbits In every The method of cooking to roast tt Isi an oven until onions, garlic, parsley, M wine, and some fragrant than those mentioned. taraa ai are fattened ssaal inr BBS BBS I sawjen. The) "8mvll Amerfet