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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1906)
THK OREGON DAILY JOURNALS, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVTCWIWO, OCTOBER 0, 1WW I BRINGS CARGO OF SOGAR AND FRUIT Steamer Hilonlan Returns From Hawaiian Islands Via San Francisco. irVILL REMAIN IN PORT UNTIL NEXT TUESDAY Captain Johnson Reports Exciting bat Uneventful Voyage From the Golden Oats With Bark Annie Johnson In Tow. i shs Hawaiian liner Hilonlan. Captain Johnson, arrived at COiuraDia clock ixo i earlv thla morning before the fog be- van to rise like oloude of (team from the river and a fore of long-shoremen were put to work discharging the oarso without delay. Ths principal features of the cargo are 5,000 rack sugar, 400 cases honey. 600 cases pineapples, and aorae amaller shipments or other tropi 1 cal fruits. The H Hon Ian brought It saloon pas sengers, 14 from Ban Francisco and one J. Rate, of this city, from the Islands I Mr. Rats made the round" trip on the Hilonlan and says he enjoyed It tra mensely. She also brought the bark Annla Johnson In tow from San Fran cisco and dropped her at Llnnton on her way up the river. Ttja bark will load lumber for a, return cargo to San Francisco. Captain Johnson reports having en I countered some stormy weather off the coast, but nevertheless the trip was un eventful. At times It was feared the big hauser would part, but luckily the exDected did not happen. The Hilonlan will probably be ready to sail for the islands next Tuesaay. adoui i.vuu of freight hsi been secured for her and It Is expected that several hundred tons more will reach the dock before the sailing day. Heretofore the Hilon lan has carried considerable freight from San Francisco for the lalanda. but this nractlce will be discontinued be cause the insurance companies ask a much stlffer rate on vessels not run nlna- direct. Thd cargo this time will consist chiefly of grain, feed and lumber. MONEY POURED IN Collector of Customs DM Big Business During Sift kit. Duties collected during the month of September at the local custom-house , were heavier than the average, because of large importations of firecracker from China. On the fireworks slone the treasury of the office was enriched by some 120,000. The following statement . of September transactions was Issued by the collector of customs this morn ing: Vessels entered from foreign --ports. I; vessels cleared for foreign Tlorts. ft; vessels entered from domestic ports, 8; veesels leered for domestic ports, 34; entries of merchandise for duty; 9; entries of merchandise free of duty 82; entries for warehouse, -5: en tries for export to. adiaceny British , provinces. S; entrler for rewarenouse, 1; Men. 40; entries for Immediate trans portation without appraisement, 7; to tal entries of all kinds, 241. Entries for consumption liquidated, 140; entries for warehouse liquidated, ft; certificates of enrollment granted. 1; licenses for coasting trade granted, , licenses to vessels under 20 tons granted, l; total number of documents to vessels issued, 8: value of exports, domestic, 187,757 FMat All Sources. Duties on Imports. I40.S06.60: Philip pine tariff fund, 18.00; fines, penalties and forfeitures, 878.88 ; miscellaneous customs receipts, 8288 60; storage, labor and cartage. 818.96. official fees, 638 80; total. 149.922.78; amounts oi rerunus end drawbacks paid, ti.i. TRIAL TRIP TOMORROW Bmtls Is Tomorrow afternoon the new steam schooner Jim Butler will be given a trial run down the river. If the plans her builders do not miscarry. The, craft la now receiving the finishing touches at the wharf of the Willamette Iron works In North Portland, and Is ready for service except for a few minor aetens. i apiain mutism v Olson, formerly master of the schooner Oliver J. Olson and son of the senior member of the Olson-lfahony Lum ber company, owners of the new craft. wllUcommand the new lumber drogher. The Jim Butler waa duui at uina- NOT YET TOO LATE STILL AMPLE TIME TO SECURE FINE NEW PIANO AT YOUR OWN FIGURE AND HELP SWELL BUILDINO FUND. BOYS' AND YOUTHS' APPAREL STYLISH AND SERVICEABLE Two great departments devoted to the needs ol Bttit men, faccpdooally food values in our special school suits. Five of the Finest and Most Costly Brand-New Pianos Donated to Worthy Cause All Will Be Sold to the Highest Bidder for Cash or Payments Entire Proceeds Go to Y. M. and V. W. C. A. Building Fund Committee Tomorrow Ie Last Day. Ton atll have amide time to secure one of the brand-r.ew and costly pianos or Metrostyle Plunolu donated by Ellers Piano House to the Y. at. snd T. W. C. A. building fund, If you sttsnd to It at onos. Here are the Instruments: First, the asteet tyie "tr tancy ma hogany Chlekerlng upright the finest. biggest toned, beautifully de signed, nignesi graac American pmnv Boston s Desi. awed English Oak Kimball upright, the now world-renowned Kimball, pre ferred and used oy nunareas or me world's greatest artists, from Adeline Patti to our own local musical con tingent. Third, the new style fancy ma hogany Hobart M. Cable upright piano a piano that has sprung into most wonderful popular favor, and has been purchased of lato years by a larger number of educational institutions sod professional musicians than any other. Fourth, the fancy genuine selected burl walnut Marshall Wendell upright one of the old. established down- Eastern makes which has proven useir one of the great American home pianos, sweet-toned and durable. Fifth, and last, but not least, a gen uine latest Improved Metrostyle Pianola (choice of oak, mahogany, walnut or ebontsed case to 'match any piano de sired grand or upright). You Make Price. If you wish to help the building fund without in reality parting with a dol lar, this la your opportunity. The high est bona fide bid submitted in writing secures each respective instrument. You pay ten cents for a chance to bid. Put in as many bids as you wish to pay for. Successful bidders can pay cash or in monthly or quarterly In stallments. See the Instruments In the new show window now being completed In the new Ellers Piano House, upper corner Park and Washington streets, end put In your bid. Remember every penny goes to help swell the building fund now being raised by the Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. Bear In mind, too, that tomor row, October 6, is your last chance Attend to this today. Telephone Exchange 21 for any fur ther particulars. Ellers Piano House, 351-156 Washington street. Portland, Or. Strom's yard at Aberdeen, Washington, and was brought around to this port a couple of months ago for her machinery. She Is one of the stauncneat steam schooners constructed on the coast and will ne able to carry nearly 800,000 feet of lumber. Her first cargo will be taken from one of the local mills as soon as the government Inspectors Issue their certificates permitting the vessel to go to sea. This will be dons In. a few days. The Olson -Mali on y Lumber company Is getting to rank among the leading hOgasjIlSIs III! Ihl -Pacific coast, tta fleet now consisting of the steam schooners Thomas L. Wand, Jim Butler and J. Marhoffsr, the sehooners Andy Mahony. Oliver J. Olson, Alpha, Annie Larsen and James Garfield, and the barkentlne Wrestler. The J. Marhoffer Is now being built at Aberdeen and will soon be brought tiers to have her ma chinery Installed. Captain Olson stated yesterday that still another steam schooner will be built by this company soon for the Portland-Ban Francisco lumber trade. She will be of about the same dimensions aa the Jim Butler and ntodernly equipped In every particular. HELDER ALMOST READY Will m on the its eg m Two-Piece Suits e Doable - breasted Coat and straight Pants; fine serge, wor steds, tweeds and cheviots, in the new shades and patterns. $5 to $15 Knickerbockers We are showing an enormous line of knickerbocker Suits. Good wholesome materials, ex cellently tailored throughout. See our display. $3.35 to $12.50 Sailor Suits When the boy lays aside his Buster Brown the next in or der is a Sailor Suit.. Extreme ly smart creations after this model at $5 to $10 Overcoats and Reefers Extra long cut coat, with French back, velvet collars and ornamented sleeves. Fancy tweeds and cheviots. $3 to $10 Sole agents for the famous College Brand Clothes the ultra-fashionable garments for college chaps 1 Complete line of Boys' and Children. Hats, Caps and Furnishings. New as sortment of Leather Tama. five-hour lay-over at Ban Francisco, the Roanoke will be able to keep up the schedule, although she has to cover a much greater distance than the Elder. The Elder will have better paaeenger accommodations than any Other boat plying on the coast Believing In com fort. Captain J. H. Peterson had her staterooms and berths enlarged and the number reduced. The staterooms will be elegantly equipped with electric lights and other modern conveniences so that it will be a pleasure to travel on her. The Elder Is now at Martin's dock. FOR CLEANER RIVER lirmiSM Officials ef The steamer Geo. W. Elder Is grad ually nesting completion and It la said that aha wUl be ready for service about the 16th of this month, although she will probably not go Into commission before the 1st of November. The Elder will ply between Portland and , San Francisco snd touch st Coos Bay! and Eureka both going and coming. Ths intention of the North Pacific Steamship company will be to operate the Elder In conjunction with ths steamer Roanoke, plying between Port land and Ban Pedro, although the Elder will not go farther south than Ban Francisco. The steamers wUl alternate out of Portland, one leaving every Thursday night. By making only a aej -JBmSBBSBBBmSBJ WwWL BBBn .mm m II n aset-ws I III n ' I i-i II I IMPORTED DIRECT PROM ENGLAND BBBsl WW 3&sLr rXxi twrjmmr mtW W WW MwWLwXWW J ( 10-Weee.ggsee. I CHRISTY HAT A Triumph of V Skill I SOLE AGENT FOR PORTLAND 1 m BUi irii.ri lmfrial 1 n.dllnblL I PERFECT HATS Mnt David B. Ogden. assistant United States engineer, and Harbormaster Ben Blgltn mads a trip up the Willamette river yesterday afternoon in a gasoline launch and inspected the banks. It hav ing been reported that large quantities of sawdust snd other mill refuse are being dumped Into the river. Ths re ports were found true and stsps will be taken at once to have the nuisance abated. It was also discovered that one of the dredging companies has been in the practice of digging sand from the channel in the vicinity of Ross Island and dumping ths refuse In heaps along the course of Its operations to the, detri ment of the charms! The dredging company was at once ordered to cease work and chances are that it will be difficult for the concern to get a new permit tp dig building materia trass ths bed of the river. Dredging for sand and gravel has been permitted by the United States engineer with the under standing that the refuse material shall Kink tntn the holes from WW WtmiBir mm i .WI.k I. I. tmwmtr. with th rSVl DUt It seems that thla rule has been violated; KELLOGG ON DRYDOCK PREACHER MAY BE LAWBREAKER Rev. A. J. Montgomery Married Couple Contrary to Statute of State of Washi ngton. JUST FOUND IT OUT AND NOW 18 WORRIED Lawyers Volunteer Services in Case He Is Pot Under Arrest for Of fense, and District Attorney Man ning Says: "Nothing in It." Grounding Wear the looks. -Y.W- Jnunli KellOSfST WSS Lifted on the drydoek yesterdsy after- eAe reera l rsi rrsuii ui no. this lit" HI V we"-- ... run on a rock near Caacade locks while on her way to Fortiana ruwasy xwr- Although the boat cama to ths dock under her own team, examination showed that the steamer received some hard blows In hltiln the rock, for some - Was ear rat tnm nut of the bOt- U I 115 feaiim.a w--mmm-w 1 . " - fk. We! wa a hgitiiw wrenched and lUIll. a, saw ausa-ws, w " It will take several days to complete the repairs. . The Joseph Kellogg Is being operated between tnis porr ana io i-ma charter to the D. P. sV A- N. company and Is owned Dy me ivoikjss i"' tion company. ALONG THE WATERFRONT k..i.m.,in. Amar&th left down aim " ' yesterday with a cargo of lumber bound for Ban Francisco. on wtm w... mand of Captain Jensen, who succeeds Csptaln Bowes, the latter having ac cepted command of the new stesm schooner Hoquiam. Ah Old barge belonging to Captain George Oood haa slid Into ths msln channel of the river at a point near the Portland flour mllla and Harbor maater Blgltn haa notified ths United States engineers. The harbormaster any that he notified Captain Oood sev eral weeks sgo to have the barge re moved from the river bank, but no at tention was paid to the warning. The barge will be blown up this afternoon The Herriman liner Agtec Is receiving cargo at Montgomery dock, the liner fjarrscouU te discharging at the Alna worth dock and the oriental liner Ara gonla will shift this afternoon to the O R a N. Alblna dock to commeno loading. Captsln P. J Werllch. Inapector of th Thirteenth lighthouse district, rcrelveu gt letter title morning from Keeper Hans core ar Slip Point light etatloh. con firming the report of the steamer Santa Ana having been beached near cspe Basis In order to save her from going down. The letter ssys that the steamer waa found to he leaking rapidly on her Way from feVMHo to Valfles and the crew and passengers wwre bPv .,. p. the pumps until a suitable piece for beaching her was flnslly found The steamer had five feet nf water In her held. The passenger were safely landed at Bast Clallam Ths Ughttouss Under Heather. Cap- Rev A. J. Montgomery of the Third Presbyterian church does not know ex actly whether he has broken ths law or not. but he doea not think he haa, and at any rate has decided to remain in Ore gon until such tlms as ths Washington authorities decide to come over and get him. Dr. Montgomery is the minister who officiated at the feiiybeat wedding of Nasi 8. Lester and Ktta Newcomb on Tuesday night, when the couple were married on the Vancouver ferry owing to the foot that ths prospective groom hsd secured his license In Clarke county. Washington. Sines ths wedding It hss been pointed out that the minister offended sgalnst one of ths laws of the state In which the license was issued. According to this law It Is provided that only judges and ministers within ths state of Washing ton are Dermltted to make hearts happy by ths exercise of their prerogative, all tain Gregory, left down thla morning with a number of bell buoya that have been repaired here. The .steam schooner Northland. Cap tain Jamleson. sailed last night for a Francisco with 860.000 feet of lumber and several passengers. E. J. Holt, manager of the Gray SteamshlD company, was in the city yes terday on his way from Ban Francisco to Seattle. The steamer Fannie will soon be out again, but sailing under the name of the Diamond O, her owner having maae BDOllcatlon to have her rechristsnea This requires considerable red tape The Fannie Is on the wsys at ths yard of the Portland Shipbuilding company receiving extensive repairs. MARINE NOTES Astoria. Oct. 8. Arrived down at I a. m.. steamer Northland. Arrived down at a: m.. barkentlne Amaranth. Left up at T a. m , barkentlne Amelia. San Francisco. Oct. (. Sailed Tester An' hn.r for Astoria. Astoria. Oct. . Arrived at 1 and left up at 1 p. nr. steamer Asuncion, from bn vVanrlaeo. Left uo at J:40 P. m.. stssmer Hilonlan with schooner Annie tnhnann in tow. Arrived st 1:15 and left up st 1:40 p. m.. schooner Roderick Dhu In tow of tug Defiance, from Mon terey. Arrived at S:I0 p. m.. barkentlne Amelia, from Bn Francisco. Astoria, Oct. S. Condition of the bar at 8 a m. moderate; wind southeast; weather clear. alien ministers being barred. If this law la of force, then It Is argued Dr. Montgomery Is guilty of having violated the Washington statutes snd is liable to arrest snd a fine of front 8100 to 8800. Dr. Montgomery was not at horns this morning and so could not speak for him self; In fact Mrs. Montgomery said that hsr husband did not wish to talk about the subject. 4 Lawyers Volunteer Servlose. "All of his lawyer friends have volun teered their services in his defense, however," she said, "and a great many of his friends have called up 'to ask when he le going to Washington to give himself up I do not think there la anything in the opinion that Mr. Mont gomery haa violated the law. Buch cer monies are or common occurrence. Mrs. Montgomery continued that she did not think her husband would give himself up. "It would be much better to let them come after him, aha aald, "for then be would get a free ride over there- District Attorney Manning says there Is nothing In the charge anyway. "Where was the ferry?" he samel. "Was It over the line when the ceremony waa pronounced? If so. It wss only a few feet from the Oregon boundary and the Washington authorities will never take up auch a technloal violation of that law. Bran If they did. what are they going to do about It? How are they going to get Dr. Montgomery? The offense Is not extraditable. At any rate the minister ie not wor- fyaisVaVah "FROM MAKER TO PLAYER" M A 1 1 1 REED-FRENCH U r C L&lsf PIANO MFG COW aSAanaaaAaSa .swa.oSj A 81 aa avafAwMH rylng over the outcome of the probem. as ha does not consider that It ta of se rious importance to ths Washington law whsther Its people are married by Ore gon or Washington clergymen Just so' long aa the knot is securely tied. Chioajpo and 167.50 St. koala and meturn SS7.SO On Ootobor IS and 18 the Great Northern railway will have on sals ex cursion taickets as above, tickets allow 10 days to ranch destination and good for return until November 80. stop overs allowed wltnln limit, tickets good going via. Great Northern railway, re turning same or any direct route. For il tickets, sleeping car reservations or snj additional Information call on or ad dress H. Dickson. C. P. As T. A.. 181 Third street, Portland. Allen a Lewis' Best Brand. i WUL YOU BELIEVE YOUR EYES? "Apply Dr Graves' Tooth Powder to discolored teeth. It bright ens and whitens them, hardens the gums, makes the breath sweet and the health good;" that's a dentist's advice. wr.Qwe WE CLAIM TO HAVE THE BEST STORE LIGHT MADE KINO if ALL LAMPS f jjaaaiv Yau See Them Everywhere The Humphrey Gas Arc Lamp We don't ask you to take our word for it. See for yourself. Compare the Humphrey Gas Arc with other lights you see and accept the verdict of your own eyes. GAS ARCS installed, in build that are piped, on the lease basis of $1.00 per arc which includes maintenance for all time. WE ARE AT ALL TIMES AT YOUR SERVICE PORTLAND GAS CO. I I 1 fimsahasl llM sms