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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1906)
e:.:;cc daily joui;:;al, toutlaud, tiil.:day evli.'iijo. September 23, 'lccx Toivn TOyiOHT I AMTTSEMllfTl. .Ittwirt Ojwra enmpanr la ''DnrothT" ........ iwo i.uue a f a ..'On (he Krl,l, it Mulaia-ut" ....."Toe f)rauBrrd M'.n.inr" ... "The koad to 'KHaro" r...t .".,.7... .... ....vudi-Tin Vaudeville "fciar - Ptorifsa...... Oram ........ Waa . it you who asked a friend the other day if ha knew of a good boarding home? If you are tha man there la aomething to intereat you in The Journal Want Ada today, - Captain D. F. Toiler of tb life-eavlhg . service has returned front a raonth'a Inspection of the stations on the Ore gon coaat. Amour the atatlona visited were Point Adams, Umpqua river, Cooa bay. Yaoulna bar ana coquius river. lie ' will leave Monday to complete hla In' apeotlon, traveling -.a- far v north aa Grey' harbor. Captain Toaler received , lnatructtona from the department. a ' Washington to call for blda for repair In and supplying the atatlona In file , jurisdiction. There are qlne of these atatlona and the coat fop each station will be shout 11.000, making the total expenditure 154,000, -i K i : ,,.' A prominent wedding- celebrated at " 7:48 thla morning at the First Congre gatlonal was that of Benjamin ,E. Holmaa and Hlaa Ethel Walter. Dr. - H. L. House performed the . ceremony and Mr. and Mrs. Holman left lmmedl-,-" ately after on their wedding trip through .""British Columbia. Mr. Holman la cash . ler of tha Banfleld-Veysey com parly of ' thla city. .His bride la popular among a large circle of friends. - After their wedding trip Mr. and Mrs, Holman wUI '--return in about a month to occupy their new home, . .---V -'- '" A special meeting of the Transconti-nentat- Passenger association . has been ' 'Called to convene at Chicago September - 1. to take up matters pertaining to the f new interstate commerce law. .The gen v oral paasenger agents of all tranacontl '.. nental railroads are expected to attend. ' -William McMurray,' of the Harrlman line la Oregon, will probably go. - At ' thla meeting all. regular matter that war to be taken up at the regular meet .' ing arranged ' at Colorado Springs - for '- f October will ' be disposed of, and the " October meeting will probably be can celled. ,...' ' J . , ' Tha murder of 8. Moriyama, a Japa ' nese, who waa stabbed to death in a : Jap restaurant at 41 North Third atreel -on last Sunday night, bids fair to go un ' punished . A coroner's Jury yesterday was unable to fix the blame and rendered a verdict simply to the effect that the deceased came to his jleath aa jajre-L. T'auK of knife wounds , inflicted, - etc v Thra -little Japanese waitresses were the only witnesses examined, and not, :'.' one of them could throw any light upon 1 the . crime. The polio have so - far , " mad ne arrests In the caaV S ' -v There will be an open meeting of the . Consumers' league tomorrow afternoon' at o'clock In the parlors of Judge George ;H Williams' home, "41 North -.' Eighteenth street. All Interested are . cordially Invited to attend. Mies Helen: ' Barnes, International secretary for the ; T. W. C. A., will address the meeting f on same phases of factory work., Mlea : Barnes baa made a study of factory life - and lta effects on the laves especially - of young women and will have worn 'interesting thoughts to present - The first wheat of the aeason'a crop earn down the Columbia river to the tat portage road Tuesday. The con- slgnmenl consisted of l.M aacka. . It -left a point below Arlington, by boat. Tuesday moi nlggrnd ytfdaywaa -. -waiting at the Big Eddy terminal for a . down river boat. The shipment will reach Portland Thursday, after being some thing over two days In transit This .- is regarded' aa prompt - dispatch for freight moving by water rout where .'- transfers are necessary. ., ,;; ' A basket of 10 peaohes weighing It pound Is on exhibition at the Portland commercial ciun. . The peaches wero - raised at The Dalle, and are a. gift to ,, tne ciun rrom a. Bennett of that city. Portland business men who visited Ce lilo a few days ago la company with Congressman J. E. Ransdell. and were entertained with a banquet at The - Dalles, were served with the same kind ' of peaches, and the fruit elicited many favorable comments for their alse and Coloring. . ..Jr. .. j.-t .-1 .. . The regular printed annual report of the officer and director of the' Port land Open Air sanatorium will be ready ; soon for distribution among those In terested. Tins waa announced at a masting held yesterday afternoon In the private office of Prealdent A. L. Mill of the First National bank. The report not being ready,- the meeting wa of brief duration, but will convene again In a few day a. - , . : ' A not true information waa filed In tha elroult. court thla morning dismiss ing the charge kgainst John Dean of stealing a cook stove on August 11. ' ' Considerable difficulty 'waa encoun tered by the attendants at tha Bt Vin cent's hospital last night In managing Tony Santm, a patient admitted yester- It Is enough to atart a bank ac count with, and if you adopt' a systsmstlo method 'of saving the dollars will pile up surprisingly. Why not adjuat your expensee ao that they will not exceed three fourths of your earnings? ' That will enable you to eave a quarter eut of every dollar. Juet flgur what such a system would have - done for you had you commenced It five years ago. But cheer upl It Isn't too late. NOW Is the time to open the bank account and put " sway ONE DOLLAR out of every FOUR that you earn. 'We welV some your account and will .help you to save an4 to suceeed. WE 71 PER i . JU.J PAY f& CENT Interest en Savings Accounts Banking hours, I a. m. to I p. m. Saturdays, I a. m. to I p. nv THE CITIZENS BANK - , 1(0 BAT9 ATBsTlTB. J, H. LAMBERT....... Preeldent a. w. Lambert.. Cashisrj One $ m Dollar $1 ixcittment lif ariaviLLK. Mtl!l'a of bit lt'ii. fie.a-are tiaraaaiftc the citna ot killwam uare, H IS.i'alefraia lu dully ptpar. There'e eirltentent Id Milwaukee ta the town rniwl ft 61 u Tbe ttuuiaiie r uullea It aad will eaav aur It witb ; A mlliioo oiiiltoo warriore bare their baTooete briubt aol rlear. , Tof l ha cltr la luiaded r a blllloa Buaaits flea . ' f One woman wortkr fertnae aye, aer cheek's ' ea myrA mm a-old Bill all upua a clatkes lta jeat 4 save f- Br piacioua dkmmx, Aad a ottT, pomiioue baafer baa bees arivee fnxa hie fold. Aad a lawyer, plum eikeaated, walla. "Uj aaaae Is Mr. Mud." .-. , 1 . - riea crawl np tbe aklrtt. of woaies. and tbe trouaer-laa-e ( Men, 1 And the- haunt tlie. ruoras ef Mraofare aad tbe plavfraoBda ot the arkoole; 'a tha bacaelur Is bearded la a la lose, aeeladed dee, . ' i. Aad the thlnte attack the preachers ' with their araenal of toola. . atlll, we're -hepr-y here la : Port la ad ta lauDdrr era ad end ear. BBmunud hj e huodred aretty Balds ee Dinaa ana tree, - . tonf I?1' Ums tB' " the Ure "Ob, roa ll Bever find' hopper la 'the Calo . f Launder !" Tel Mala MM. . second aad Columbia. day afternoon. Buffering from delirium tremens. The services of the -police were rinaiiy enlisted and Banlm waa re moved to the city prison In the patrol wagon by Jailor Endlcott Upon orders of Dr. RUen he will remain In the cus tody of the police until he recover from the effect of alcoholism, i -At the annua meeting of tha W. C, x. .u. neii yesterday afternoon, the.fol lowing offlcera were elected for the coming year: Mrs.- Ida Berkley, pre! dent; Mrs. R. I." Shone, vice-president) Mr. Lillian . Smith, secretary; Mrs. Elisabeth Dolglelah. treasurer. Tbe re ports of the nine superintendent wsr read and show the work of -the organ ization to have been carried on thor oughly and systematically, ,- The oharge of larceny. of suitcases and clothing from tbe room of S. H. Allen Goodwyn against Bert LaBarge and Fred Cobb wa dismissed by the filing In the circuit court this morning of a not true Information by Deputy Diatriot Attorney ' Bart Haney. Allen-Ooodwyn waa held In jail fof a time as a witness against the boys In default of 1500 bond. out naa neen released. - Article of Incorporation of tha Gib son Manufacturing company have been filed In the office of the county clerk ny m. js. utoson, M. B. Bennett, is. B, J. McAllister, Robert J. Upton, Thomaa E. Hulme. A, H. "McOOwan and Chris Blum. They will engage in the menu factur of machinery and mining ap pliances, uapitai atock, Isaiah Brown, a member of Sumner poet No. It, O. A. R.. died laat Monday at bla late borne at Anabel station. The funeral was held this morning from Holman'a chapel. Chaplain Henry Bar- den conducted the "ceremonies. . The in terment waa at Lone Fir cemetery. DeA ceased was a veteran of the civil war. Ha served with company I, Thirty-sixth towa iniantry. ' Friday evening, September II. at For esters' hall, the Epworth league of the Methodlat Episcopal ohnrch. South,, will give a recital - at which some of the best talent of the city wUI take part After the program, refreshment will be served. This entertainment la . given In tn .interest of the Oregon fund. Water through hose for sprinkling yards or. sidewalk, or washing porches r windows, must be paid for in advance and used only between the hour ef a and t a. mi and and p. m. It must not be ussd for sprinkling streets. ' If used contrary to these rules, or waste- ruur, it will be Shut oft, , i - ., . . : Penney' Broe.1 Friday' Special. Fine bargain In win. 11. SO grade whit or red portv sherry, muscat fcnd aauternet at $1 per gallon. The - J. W. Harper whiskey, regular $4.10 per gallon, at 11.10 per gallon. - Friday -only. -'- Phone East 117.. Free delivery. ' S7-I81 East Morrison. V All goods guaranteed. ' Fred Nlklaa today renounoed all alle giance to Emperor William of Germany and to all other foreign-potentates to become a cltiaen of the . United States. Niklaa took out bt papers In the fed eral court. He baa lived in Portland sine 1SI and Is an upholsterer at I0 Fourth street ' . ' ' V ; . : " - Article 'of Incorporation of tha tn vestmsnt company of Oregon were filed In tha office of the county clerk thl morning by William A. Bants, Louis- O. Clarke. J. L. Hartman and H. H. Northup. They- will deal la real estate and Investments... Capital stock, 115,000. Suit for dlvoroe has been filed In 'the circuit court 'by France T. Roberta agalnat Horace O. Roberta; charging de sertion, beginning In December, 1104. They war married at Kinsley, Kanaaa, tn March, 1890. Oeorge F. Martin ap pears as attorney for Mrs. Roberts. Bchuylenrun A Co., formerly at 11 T commercial building, have now moved to rooms It, SS. 10 and T Lebbe building. Owing to the large Increase In business ths firm had to seek larger quarters. They are now prepared, to meet all the requirements and needs of their patron. Concrete Construction Co., .T01 Cham ber of Commerce, manufacturer of concrete stone blocka. Contractors for all kinds of cement work. Tel Main 110. Watches, diamond aad Jewelry on easy paymsnts; 11 down, too a week. Don't go without a good tlmepleo. Metager A Co 111 Sixth street . Ticket for Dr. Bill' laat lecture on "Illustrated Bible Lands" -at Swing's book store, 161 Stark Btreet Friday. No charge. . j ..-v The - best . noon lunch ' to be bad In Portland Is served at ths new Scott res taurant. Seventh and Ankeny, SB cents. Milton A. Nathans, at'ty., 200 Steinsr at. 8an Fronclsoo, Commission prompt ly executed. Insurance adjusted. October Ladles' Home Journal dua to morrow at Carl Jones. 171 Washington, oorner Fourth, . . .; j October Everybody's at Carl Jonea. 171 Washington, oorner Fourth street Acme Oil Co. sella the best ssfety eoal oil and fins gasoline. Phone Esst 111. Woman's Exchange.' 1!J Tenth street lunch 11:10 to ti business men's luneb. --I. . i it tr - ' ' SnVOSB AiTM TO PoiflaJTfJ. ' .' On Far for Boamd Trip. -Tha O. R- 'A N, and Southern Paclfle have announced that, accoemt the Pa clflo Northwest convention of commer cial' bodies to be held at Spokane Sep tember as, their agents will sell tickets from all points on their llnea ta Spo kane and return for one fare fpr tha round trip, tlcketa -to be on sale Sep tember ta and 14. Tha rate from' Port land will be 111 10. Tickets at city ticket office. Third .and . Washington street. ......... ).... a , i . . . , j' Preferred Skeck Oaaaed oeds. . Alien A Lewir Vest Brand. . . . TWO opera' singers avho are . WINNING PRAISE IN PORTLAND Miss Mabel Day and Carl Haydn Singing Their, Way Into Hearts of Local PJaygoersr-"-'" In the" Stewart opera company there are t least two people who have won their 'way into the heart of Portland playgoers. ' They ar Carl Haydn, tha tenor, and Mtsa Mabel Day, the prima donna. - -' Haydn has been her before. On hla flrat appearance Sunday night ha wa given an ovation and several bushels ot flowers. - The ovations and flower Mm DAY.. 1 have contlnned nightly since that time. Haydn has won the right to them by giving tenor solos that are a delight to the ear. --He has. a captivating stage presence, good facial expreasloa and he does not make aa agony out of hi music Also, be can act a little. His voice, is rich and pure . and - he take th high notea easily., v - Miss Day, on th other band, la un known to Portland.-. But Sunday night th audience realised before aha had been upon th stag five minute that IT'S SLABI700D TO THE CELLAR Streets Are No Lonser to Be " Pressed Into Service as Drying Pans. r ' FUEL TRUST GETS NO : v SPECIAL PRIVILEGES Mayottkeaeto-CoolThough Nine Councilman Caat Votea Fa vorinf Obstruction of Straeta for Forty-Two Day. '' Because five councilman voted to sus tain th mayor vsto ef th ordlnaao Which- he declare grant special privi leges to the slabwood trust th meas ure waa loat In the-council yesterday, for the nine men who tried to pasa it over th veto did noA constitute a two- thirds majority. . When th veto message waa read there was no discussion as expected. The vote wa taken at once aa follow: Tea Annand. Beldlng. Bennett Dun ning. Gray, . Masters, Menefee, Preston, Will.-' No Kellaherr Kushltgh V Sharkey,- Vaughn, Wallace, r Absent Shep herd. " , "Th ordinance Is not pasaed." said th mayor, with a trace of satisfaction In hi voic. .v Annand had Introduced the ordinance and declared it -was for th benefit of householders, - who wanted to let fire wood stand- on the curb for a few weeks until It dried.'. Six week was allowed for the drying process. ' At the last meeting Annand and Mayor Lane had an altercation over the application of the meaeure, the .executive saying very positively that M. C. Banfleld, th head oenter of the slabwood .trust would be the man to. profit moat by its passage. Ruahligbt and other member voted with the mayor becauss of the. num berless complaint of th people In their wards against uie plies ox siaowooa which obtsruot tne street. In his veto message th mayor sug gested that an ordinance be passed prohibiting dumping -of slabwood Into gulches, and It I possible that such a measure will soon be Introduced. It was apparent at th last meeting that the slabwood trust had it friend In th council and these will oppose any uch action. . . :. .- - :,,.. C E. Kayser, for two year and a half editor of th Naohrlchten, tlf Ger man newspaper, has realigned hla . po sition to engage In th real estate busi ness. Mr. Kayser l a onmant writer, and under hia administration th Naoh rlchten attained a very enviable reputa tion among 'th German population of the northwest.1 , Restaurant COB, - nrxmo Airs covers STS. draw day Axrn via vr. dinner from It a. m. p. m. ' Preach Pea Soup (Pre with. Meal). rbettao Salad "Mayemaalae". .. A .15 Baked SUllba with Brown Sanoa.154 OatfUh lRe. Base Olamo. . . . .. .15 rtismtfl Iilttl Meek Clams 204 Bam Bocks with Cabba-..., ,k..80e Baagartaa Ooulaah ; . , : . .'. .20 Pickled kuBt'i Toag-ae (rotaao ) 204 Short Bib Beef with Sweet Po- a tatoe ........204 Beef Steak Ft, TpxaUy Stylo...... JK4 OhU Co Can 164 VSaaa valp mm avaivH. w.aai .wam gt . Saao . 20 Beef iwwwiui Ttfnaaiti ,.u,..iif Apple. Oobtor with Win Sno..,.lS4 Sid Order Apple Coble ...v. 6 Oofr, Broad aad Butte aa4 JTotatoe ;v- . . arltA tA aaaalaa .... . ., :.:f-r..;.:,::-;--; 4 " v i CARL- ' . .'.:r.. 4 InAYDCK . '. she could sing. - Also, sh can act Com bining these two qualities she gives a performance that has much to do with the success of th Stewart opera com pany. Her solo ar particularly rich, while her work with the chorus 1 Just worthy of mention. .Her vole pop way up in th file somewbere and re tain Its -purity while 'doing it. ... - . "A person's voice,", says Miss Day, 'reflect a person' feelings at th time. That is why I always try ta avoid any thing disagreeable. There 1 little fric tion -. in our-ompanyrT-That -1 why everyone sing so happily. One cannot sing If an angry mood Is on, "It Is like laughing after partaking of a sodden dinner." ' !-.. .. . '.' - , i. William O. Stewart has a' good bari tone voice, only he doesn't 1st it out as much aa he might. And the chorus. wnicn oacks - up these principals, la a good one and knows hgw to sing. ' But it 1 the work of Haydn and Miss Day that contributes to the worth of the aggregation as they have shown In "The Two Roses" and tn Dorothy." . f - John Cort had an eye 1o business when he contracted theae people. If he always peddles out artist of thl cal iber the, public will peddle out the money. ' . , ;; . .. .- -... . mm SU017ED UNDER HeroloFlght to. Revoke Fourth Street Franchise Is Fin- rl": . -":: "y Lost. . ; PROMISES TO TAKE j.; ;v OFF HEAVY TRAINS Southern Pacific Attorney Givea Aa-1 aurahca of Partial Abatement of Nuiaanca and Council Plgeon-Holca Resolution of Paopfe'a Champion. - 'Promised by W D. Pen ton that the Southern Paclflo would taks its freight and heavy paasenger. trains' off .Fourth street because of the expense of hauling them up the tremendous grade, a ma jority of the council yesterday- after noon voted th Vaughn ordinance re pealing the "perpetual" franchlae of the Harrlman line Into a deep niche on the top ahelf, after two hour of reverberat ing oratory by the friend and foe of th Southern Pacific . . Vaughn stuck to his color through thick and" thin, and Bennett Kellaher and Rushlight voted with him. . Masters, as chairman of the Judiciary committee, algned a report recommend ing that th Vaughn ordinance be post poned. Vaughn presented another re port recommending that it be passed. Tha committee wa thus spilt even, as Shepherd 1 out of th city and accord ing to his previous statements, will not vote on any measure affecting the Har rlman system, r - . , Taagfca Kaks Strong Plea. "If we have the Southern Pacific In our power, aa Mt. Masters suggests, is It good policy to .let up on them now?" cried Vaughn. "Should we have a gov ernment of the Southern Pacific, by the Southern Paclflo and for the Southern Pacifier He declared that the promla of bringing the -weat aid trafflo into Portland over the east side was eld and bent with the weight of years. He said ha had been told defeat lay In wait for him, a he waa a Democrat , "Tour" talking politics; keep to the gubject," Interrupted Beldlng. Vaughn finally produced the monster petition from property owners, asking that the franchise be revoked and term ing the train on Fourth street as a nuisance. - He called it th moat Im portant petition ' over filed with the council. .'.) - - Sharkey said he could get people to sign a petition that Vaughn be hanged. Masters declared the Industrie of th southern part of the city would euffer if th train were driven off Fourth street1' Gray wanted a definite promise from the railroad and Judge Fenton waa given th floor. . .: . '--jreaton Explains. . '"The company does not. wish -a law suit" said he. "But If yau pas thl ordinance with th underatandlng that th train ar atlll to , operate over Fourth atreet you simply Invite u to break the law and at any time w could arrested for trespaa. unde th state law of 184)4 there Is no question that this franchise Is Irre vocable ex cept by the consent Of theolty and the company. This case would have to go to the Supreme court . of th-. United State. i ' " "A to electrifying th Fourth atreet line, it ta Imposslbls to make any defi nite promise. There I but 44).loa horse power available anywhere in thl region and all that la being used now. More power must be developed before It I possible to operate suburban traine by electricity on Fonrth atreet and out to Hlllsboro." . . Vaughn tried to answer Judge Fenton several times, but at last th heavy ma jority which had determined to vote a th Harrlman system desired, regard lee nf what Vaughn might Bay, got th adoption of the Masters report before tha council, Tha vote waanee Aa- VAUGH Siyle Qanlily Appearance Combine; ThIi Hat ; The choicfe of t all particular dressers Fall Styles Now On Display WE ARE SOLS PORTLAND AGENTS FOR THE8B CELEBRATED HATS ti . jdlY ... M, A ' 'OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE AS TO VALUE KONE DO nand, Beldina, Dunnlna, Gray, Masters, Menefee, Preston, ' Bharkey, Wallace, Wills. 1 No Bennett, Kellaher, Rush llght, Vaughn. - Absent Shepherd. . -. LAUSDRYf.lEH DF NORTHWEST TO HOLD COHVEHTlOa Pendleton It to Entertain Num ber orViltor From Thre Political Divisions. . Two carload, of launBrymen left Portland last - night - for Pendleton to attend convention of 7 lsundrymen from Wa ah Ing-ton, Oregon and British Columbia, 1 The laundrymen ' had "been Catherine in Portland for several days and comprised some of th beat known men In th business. Adolph Bernard of Chicago, prealdent of the Laundry- men' National association, has been tn Portland aevsrat days, lie arrived here from Alaaka where he baa been amend ing the summer, and after the Pendle ton convention will go to Denver to at tend the annual meeting ot th National association. -- -'v . Mton well known In th laundry sup ply business have also been In Portland for several day and left last night with th delegation for Pendleton. Among th best known ones were William K. Cumback, manager of th Troy Laun dry Machine company, the pioneer steam laundry people, ana 4. Aiongnt, repre senting the J. B. Ford company of Wy andotte, Michigan, aald to be th largest alkali company In th world. Many of Portland a -laundrymen ten for Pendleton last night. - Among them were J. D. Daniels of the Vnlted States laundry, John Tate, Troy; Dick Warner, Opera houaa: Lewis T. Qllllland.. Union; R. B. McClung. American. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kllbourne of Seattle were in the Seattle party. In addition to these dele gates, . there will be many ' from Spokane.- Tacoma, Aberdeen and other Washington cities. ' After the conven tion tomorrow night, the delegates will go to Walla Walla, where they will be entertained by the Elk. 1 AD MEN TO HAVE : PERMANENTHOME P (- ( .. , MaBMpMSMM - League Elected W. J. Hoffman . President at Semi-Annual U Meeting Last Night. ; 1 . At lta semi-annual meeting held laat night the Portland Ad Men' league de cided to establish permanent elubroom at aa sarlv data. Several contribution were made during the evening to provide for sultabl ouartere. Th meeting waa held In the rooms of the Chapman Advertising bureau. In the Commonwealth building. The chief busi ness was ths .election of of fleers for the coming sla months. The result follows! W. iJ. Hoffmsn, preeldent; Psul W. Custer, first vlcs-presldsnt; George Bates, Second vice-president; Scott Bo sorth, secretary; W. , Cooper Morris, treasurer. The eaecutlv committee waa named a follows: Bury 1. Da sent, H. C. Whlttler, R. M. Hall. The standing committee were announced as follows. Entertainment C C. Chapman. Ed R. Helllg, N. L. Shafer; rom!erehtp Oeorge W. Klaer, J. A. Osburn, F. C, Lit tle. , :- . ' :.- - . Folowlng th election speeches on the good of th organisation were made by various member and 10 applications for membership were received. Refresh-' ments wsr provided and th session closed with Social faaturaa. WOULD PRESENT - PAINTING TO TEDDY Talk of raising a fund In Portland to purchase Vty Barre Goodwin's 12. BOS painting of th door ef the Roosevelt abln is being revived. A number of Portland art connoisseur and capitalist ar enthusiastic Over ths ides, and It l said thst the.provram. If cr' 1 r r a sugaested. would be one of t -adverttsementa for. Oregon th be secured. Mr. Goodwin has' the plctu -room In th Portland hotel, beln inspeotad by aumbers . to make t 'ft 311 Morrison SL OX CAN GIVE EETTEK ' nir Airs ou Bonht Sold tnd. Eithanged Hylaiid BroSeY BOOK EXCHANGE TABCETU BT, BT. IMT - -'- AJTS SBOOaTB. North Pacific College of Dentistry One of th laraest and beat eaulpned Instltutlona. of Ua kind In th entires West. No dental achool can boast of a , better force of specially trained teach er, who devote their entire time to tbe Interests of xb students. Th clinic ar unsurpassed, being In excess of the' needs ef the students. Tbe annual session oegins October 1. For information and illustrated catalog addreaa tbs dean, - DR. HERBERT C MILLER, Portland, Oregon, t " a ST. HELEN'S HALL - A girls school of the btgheet. class. Corp of teachers, loca 1 tlon, .building, equipment ' un equaled In . the northwest Elementary- and academic .depart-taenia.-- College course, of. tea year given. Kindergarten -for girl and boy under I year of ag. Kindergarten training elaas And apeclal departments of mu sic, rt and elocution. .- raxii nan aonrs mobtdat, MFTIHUB X7TS, 1008. Mi i FREE! Moving Pictures Tne nreman a ureara twaiiwa. 1 The Broker Athletic Typewriter. A Victim of Circumstantial Evldenoe. Bridget McKenn'a Misfortune. . Everybody Work But Father. - -Iaeurance Collector. . , ' . , Bridge of Sighs. ' - - German Warship on Rough Sea a. . , BUBoellaaeona Other Bubjeota. Every evening v I o'clock. Bring, th children Corner Morrlaon and Third Change of program weekly. HARIlT 8HCMAN, General Advertiser. GOOD YONTOFF, ' , COBB CltlBBATX T0DAT AT ' THE OAKS The Coeey lalaad of ta Weat. Moat Pictnr-aqua Amuaesteal nwn ro anwirai aw 'u ,: Attraetlve Feataree. BERT MORPHY Tfee Ma a Wbe JUj,n te Beat tbe Bead, at and t I. s. Udle sad Chlldre rree neat 11 t . am. Special BS 5 Cents Interested tn th project. It I pro posed to buy the picture and send It to President Roosevelt, to be plaoed on exhibition In th Whit Houaa The work show th door of 'the cabin of Roosevelt' Dakota ranch, aa exhibited at the Lewi and Clark eipoaltlori. 1'r. Onodwtn secured a bunch of Ore n 'M.-k, and hung them on the. dnr, i- hrr with an old e'Tipii v-"cs In Oreeon . The. f ii - t -1 I ' a lif 1 f1 AiicstMrsi a. amino paxk, dormer Taogha aad Tweaty-foarth. ttrtis.-i, :ixn. "-. ' Fresno vs. Porllcr.J dame alled at 140 p. sa. dally. - 0aaae oalled aU p. aa. aaaae; a. X dies' Day, Friday. ASMissioaT, aa. . ORANDSTANn, the, ClUUDBEN, lta - BOX SEATS, i&o. lets sa- Tha Halt? Th.wm, Waafclastas v luvetK Uirn I. Twi., Bat. atvjhta, BeL JUU "BakelM." CVCMWt PRICKS rtret 10 rows, hnrer rVwr, 11.60; laat a raws. II. Salceax, TSe aad BOc. Oaller.r, 85c and 6e. MATINBB PRirtRiie Im 11.00. ' , 8eau aeUlac Cnllre JCasaaeaMait at Theatie. BAKER THEATRE , Oraaoa Theatre Oe., laiaia. OBO. U BAKBB, Maaager.' ykaaat aula 107. Koaa mt the raaaeaa Baker ateak Oeaipaay. Xvary Nlbt ThU Week br awUl Arraage- mat With Ckarlee rrobmae. the . . - Great Drama of rrvnrh Ufa. '"""IHl TWO IITTH TAOEAVTS.' . aatnval k. ml- .-4 ma- ' ,-'-a fit. Mattiwe Saturday. Veatt Week "TUB ' WUDEakTZBA" empire: theatre , Fertlaad's Faealar Markeaae. ,' rhea kUla I IT. Mlltoa W. aoamaa,- Maaarae. ,nunr-Lri,if nm alum Hiwiaf 1 The Great go ale sad Coaiedy Triamph -On the Bridge at Midnight" BVEVIKO PHTCE8 e. 3e. kSe and I'M. MATIN ES- PRKBK 1(V, IV and Saa. . . W . W-h ' A WlH TAW . Free ILLUSTRATED SC.GS ANI) VIEWS V Every evenlna I o'clock, . Brina the children. " Corner Morrison and Third. Change of program weekly. HARKT SHU MAN, general Advertiser. THE (STAR fkoa Mala Week ef September IT. . TUB ALLSS STOCK COMPAKX Pieeeatiac Owes -Davie' Wall-kaewa Draws mROAD TO PRISCO" A Play ef Wea'tora Ufa. " IfaHae Taeadar. Thoredare, BatnrdaTa aad gunlTa at 3:15 p. m. Prlrva, 10 an ceata. Bverf evealn at :1 eckick. . Frleea, 10, ao aed to eaata. ' LYRIC THEATER . 1 ear AtVafTlfA YBel WW-' m - im m rrfM-onMdr - 'The .-v.'-- '':, QreenaQyed iVlonster I2C THBBB ACTS. , ' , ne Grand Mr. Walter Beemer aad Hie Janlla Girl. a a Ldw-r4a Week ef Sept. IT. ' . rax khuo ka Hoo4 Bnrke Vrline Haras Adoll Bbutar Harelt Itarf eimaaiaoepe Prlcae Matlneee. 10c . ta aU eeab bovae. - Rvenlua. "., ipr. 30r. bos mu "r. ferforgnnrea T:3". 15 . 01. HOTEL 1 JEFFERSON San f3rnclacoaB L.cadlns Hotal Situated corner ' Gough and Turk treeta, facing Jeffereon Park. Two block from Van Ness av., the present ahopplng district. Car llnea. transferring to any part of the city, paaa the door. Largest and newest hotel In Ban Franclaco, having, been construct ed lea than two years ago. . Haa every modern convenience; iat outalde rooms, single or en suite; 100 private baths. Newly fur nished and reopened August American plan $1 a day and up. European olan $1 SO a day and up. Hotel automobile or. amnlbua' meets all trains and .steamer. Wlr or. writ for reservation StwartBarkr Co. "(John Q. Barker, formerly pro-, prletor Hotel Colonial.) , Hotel Eaton COB. MOBBIBOB ABB WXI1 VABX BTB. NEW Baadeeswlr faralaked. eletastty eiitvsa4. ateyteef. ave aslaatae walk rroea keart et akepptnc aad bualaeae etatrtet. aU lara. air, eateMe reeaae. steeaa kin4 eleetri Hikta. telepboae Is each a part Met. at. Laree erSeae, loaaflB. saftoklns. wrltla. ladle receprlM par lore. Beeaae teata bv well ee tlbenai . Prtvate eaaalkBS uets tratss aad staswwa RoomM $I.OO to $3.00 a Day festal Bate ta Oeauaetetsl Haa. HBB. MAS EATOB, ; . irersMriy ef Botes rtapatk, aaksaal Hotel , Imperial 951 EUy St. : ; Oae Bleak freat Tea Bees AaaSh : ; SAN FRANCISCO EUROPEAN PLAN . "rtrcrato LioHTa ttw htut AUTAI0KI TiXlfHOKia . BZU. ; E.S.DEV.CLrE,Prc?rk!5r ' Blectrie .Care Blreet fteaa leery. LILY DENTAL CO. TKt VAIBXEBt BXBT1ITA Tk One-BiUed OMo Koeatea at laird aad (Ivwa BUreet. We w eel' t'rm Vlaaa ei.i't .. -werfc r-Mi- !.' mn4 f.f M -jmir r-.'-h. r . t i.a an ft a.ira . . . -, p.' 4 Crm-mrm. . ,- ....