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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER ' 3. 1CCJ. ' TnnAVc ai a o p CTO LI J With a Somewhat Shorter Crop of Prunes Than Anticipated a Short Time Ago, De mand Is Improving and Price Looks Higher! DRIED PRUNES 1(1 BETTER CALL : Improvement In Demand From ' ,. the East and Europe Is ",. ': i f. :r: v: Easily NotieeabU' " v. ... -. " " "' ' ' " TRADE AWAITS SAMPLES ; ' -r OF NEW HOP CROPS .'A ' A Practically No Late ; Sales 'Reported .4 ', Any Market on This Account Scarcity of Potatoes Holda Up the V Price. t f ,1 Principal market feature today: ; . :. Prune In bettee demand. ' . ,. :, ' Market axel tad over raising. '. .;'" ' Swaat pot Ion to all lower. " ,','' Salmon and halibut price op. , ' Big rug la Mice of art dm. ' , r , Cranberry daaiaad la (rowing. V ',' . , ., . , , ,s- Egg end poultry very otiff. .'. ' , ' . ; - Beard ty OMtinaa la potatoee. ; .Y V'V." Another ear Salwey peaches. ;, .; fradeswaiu ample of bop. ' ' '-,-. ' '' '- , l','i'' 'v ' . ' '"'' ' ' 'rasas m Better Daaiaad. - '. ,1 . M Dm praaa market there, Is s noticeable -., Innrasso la tamui few tha drt4 product. Naw Trk edvWes of lata data tell of Increasing la. . gulr! Mar fa Orafoa trait at slightly better -: -J' prlco than named a abort time ago. Kpra- peas advice -are la tha asm ttrala aad taken ': t altogether tha entire prima market reflects i . muck Bora JUnproreceent thaa anyone bad aa. . tlclpated abort time eg. Several ooadltlona - T combined to bring a boat tkle Improvement la ,-.i.ta market, flrat available sapplle. of last ' raa'rV prunes ara practically aonlaa "thU ., )-, laavoa tha am raroa with tha boat ' pooalbla robaw daaplte the Batorlal lacraaao la tbo ylrld. , Thai lattar la aot aaarly aa froat aa latkdpatrd t a abort tlma aao; tha dropplnca baln( oonald- orablr ktartat thaa la btr wrat year. - Drr- - .Ink (aelUtlM ara Ukawtaa a bolllab faataro tat V a largo par aaat at tha crop baanot bo oaood .'long aaaogk to dry with tba faw pUat. Tha . i blgb prlco of labor tor drying, proraa aaothot . .V factor toward balplng tha prlco and anlm tbay : aa aaearo bottor prleoa than roeoatlr of forad 1 "any- groworo will laara the trait rot oo tha . ' trooa. Thla Utter la a " factor of great iia r , fortaaco toward Baking a prloa. ' , . Tba ralala aurkat. M aomewbat azdtod wrof ', the appoaraaeo of a fair demand from Europe. ' Tda Awaita tamploa of Bops. .. .' i ' Dmnneaa eootliraea to rule the bop market: . i,' Ho aaleo of aaj ImporUaeo are reported during ' s the paat M boare. Doalera ara a till awaiting .- aaaiplao of bono before Toatarlng a gneoa aa to wnat -so market will oo la the Bear rarer, orno aamplea of moldy bop oxbiMted la thla city .remote beyond all doubt the exloteaea of JOURNAL'S DAILY ' TIPS ON MARKETS . o d With tha wheat market hold- 4 d lng aomewbat firmer, though un- ' d d changed la price, there la a much ' o d better tone to local flour. Balea o e during tha paat few day have d e ! beck heavy on account of the d reduction In price. The trade ta.'.4 dw.preaent antlolpatea' that price d have already reached tha low d point of tha aeaaoo. - d d d d e d d 1.)J1,R0? eolt bldea. 1SO80C1 goat ofclna. comuiun, each, lotjlftci Aurora, oaab. UcfJ - r'i'i: ' Frn'ti ' Taawta'V: ' ' POTATOEttBuylng prlco. T60e u Jobbing, 1 23 per cwt; eweeta J14t2H. - ONIONS Jobbing, prlw New ; Oregon. ' fid) I.SSj bujrug.prlca,ctl.eO; garlic. Ic par . FRESH rntTTTS AopTee. BOceil.15: Valcuela, 15.00; tanauaa. 4iiH per lb; jrmona. eboltje, 3.W4i.00 per box; fane, IH.OOU7.00 par' box; Uuoa, alelean. II. 2S per 100; ptuma, 40ii30e per orate; cantaioopoa. II; grapea. .VijH.SO; Ooacorde, 83ci water nielnna, (toeiKic; crated, 11.10; peachea. 7Sc SOUTHERN PACIFIC NEARLY 3 UP Great Activity Displayed by Har rlman Issues in New York-i. All Things Hinge on B. A 0, LATTER STOCK NEARLY ; TWO POINTS HIGHER 11.00; peara. 7B61 paraea, eutaoueo pruooa. bulk, xe per lb; boa; buck khernea loe, Dl V K.ilKT B. ai.eo oar aaekl earVnta,, II aack; bee la. 1.30 aackt Oreaon raannei. zue per eoa; caooage, orcgou, ii.iavi 1-00; bell peppera. So per lb; tomatoee. 4Aaj vp per dox; a paranipa, - vwttl.w; atrlag braaa. Oregon. To per lb: canll. flower, tl.uo per Ooai peaa. t5c bora, radian, bftlOe per lb; artlchokea, 16a per doa; aquajib. lHc; vreen -onloaa. Oreaon, line par noa bunch ea; eocumbera, 8ne aer box) eelarr, TSOUe doa; green corn, I1.M aack; aommer aouaah, 76l100 per boa; eaaplaat, 11.73 per barrel bo,tlJ',tln, J , era Ob rr lea. local,' $ . OKIED ramTB-fcAPBlea. eraporated. ! Me per lb; aprleota, 18le par Ibi peachea. I3Q1IWO per (b: aacta, He pe lb leaa pre nee. 0 ta 40. ; Se i- m sick 1-ld aaaaller alia; lea. Callfornl black.. -Per kk; California white, 4 per lbi da tea. golden, Tie per lb; fatMe, . .odl.fto nor lo-lb boa. 't thla dancer to the erop'e.anallty. Ail eetalde r markato ara ka a waltiag attitude. ' , y , eareiey Oaatmaaa U Tetatoea. Beard ty of ennptiee aaatlnnea la the potato ! market. - Eecelpta daring the paat M boura. 1 aHbosgh a trifle bee Her, are aot near f requrossanxa or taa araoo, nota tk? ' S aad. Berth ara daaiaad. Doalera atlU pajlaf aa bUjh aa bOe par kandred panada tor fancy at auaaiif pourta. - ... - Y Jl ABOthor ear of owoet Botatoae la doa , r the eooth thla eeealng. - Today aalao are being - i made at 1.M aad, bat the forme price .. i wUl Ve genaral oa the new arrival. . ? . .. f -f-t ' aalmea Vrleaa Ara Advanaai. : y Adeanceo aro ahowa la tba flab markbt today Put keeoant of hlkber boot to wboleaalera. Steel- '. riboad aad allvor .aahaoa aeo aacb adranead He : ,a poana and the name nam le added to the - . ana prloa at balibat. belmoa retcb oa tbo-fkt-' t huabla la reported alte heavy, bat high prtcee ' are being paid ftshore oa aocoaat of tha great , . daaaad to plekilag. . i . - i. Brief Vatea -of. Tartbea Karkota. . Both wheat and tloar are held ataady today 'tj With prlcee anchanged.' - . '' ' ;f Hay la qaoted a fraetloa lower oa aoeonnt of v aeavlar afferlnga. i . . ,y Or aa alary batter la firmer with aome tall of 7 s, advaaetag the price. Me chaago today. Na obange la eager aa yet, bat all are as v' aoetlng the market to nee. . Deaiabd for era ah err lea la growing. ' Tllla- ,;aaooka at a barrel todajr. - dmaU lata at ..aboot .Uo a pound. Quality good. r 1 Cklekona aad egge very firm-with amaU ro- -jeeipta fa roraaer ana bet law in ua letters y Prlcea at ton. v ' V Dreeeed veal are etfll evening boo alow for 1 the demaad, bat oappllaa of hoga abobt aqaal tae laoninea at taa noted' pnee. ;. A very -wide range la ahowm la artced aa gtapee today. Oa account of tha general poor ' pack Oregoae are Balling aa low aa Toe a orate , while high aa U-60 la obtained for eatalde fruit. Better demand fog applea, but price renulna ' . at a nonary. -Celery la ta faV aupply rronl the north With ' euallty aa food aa ever eamee from tbat dtroo. rT tlon. 1 Priced' range between BO aad bOe. . . . .j. .... The- trade nay a tha following prlcee to Front etriat. Pricaa paid abippere ara loaa regular BraaU aata.. lbo per lb: fllherta. MAfna, pot wi laacy peceoe. lac; aimonaa. ungiH, . " 'ataata. Ifah aad Tin ilalaaa ; " r ntKSB MBATS rront Street Hoga, fane. 8fl"4e per lbi bulla. l8He, per lb; veal, euro, k&H per lb; ordinary, 7 He per Ih; povr. oe per id; muiiew fancy. iui lb; lamba, lObe, ' . BAhtS, BACO!f. ETC Portland poe narall baaae. 10 to 1 Iba. 19e per lb; 14 to Id lbo, 160 per lb; broekfaat bacon, l321e i per lb; plcnlca. ISHe per bf onttaaa, loie pat Jb: regular -anon eieura,.namoaea. ut per. ID; emuked,- 1 Jo per lb; clear backa, anaawked, Ito-lierMbl amoked- lie pot Jet' Dnlea batta J 10 to 11 Iba; vnemoked. Ic per lb( eunkod. be Vpor 4br-eleef" belllee; anaanokod, loo per lb; amoiea, IH e1" maiafln, UkO BOC LDJ wiraieu teaia se, .w narier-ooi. IXX.aL LAUD Kettle lb; fie,- V I wait. .m,- naear nay . V y. OBAlrT ' BAeb-Taloatta, 'IHQ8 buying ) X price; aeuing, ivnau - -.- - t t WHEAT New club. red BaaaUa, We; V blueetem. JSo: valley ,. BARLlT New Teed, ll-0! rolled. 2J0l hrewhia. 123.0. - . CUit Waoe. 1310 eraekoeV AM.09 per , aiaei.WTw rwrv - . OATS How Prodnoara . prteo He. EM M: rrar. ttt-OO. ' I. rLOL'll Raatera v Oregoit Detente, fe on. . ..atralgkta. HMl export. IA.I0; volley, lA.40; . ... nrakara, H. . 11.10: -whole wheat, l.75; rye, , aua. ao.ow; oeiea, l.i .j ; MlliSTCraaWBrpn, ,llSA per tool BM- , 1 flllnge. 2t.onj aborM, eouatry, I17A0; elty, y l.60j chop. la.(Wtl.00. t t BAT Prodacere' prlre--T1methv. WlUawetre . Taller, fancy, (11.00012.00; ordinary, ftiWia , 10.00; eaetera Oregon, I18.00fllg.00: mixed. IllVOOtJIO BO; clover, 7.00; grala, 7.S0ai,bO tebem.WJJOO'a.OO. . .- : , '' '.' " ' i Better, Bgge aad aWtry, I'' BTJTTEB rAT T. a,, a. Pertland Sweet KNliei aoor. BflUA. BUTTE BOlty ereamary, (Oct onraMe taney, ' BSfflOeodliiary tH4e; otora, ldQlfie. EiX)ft No. 1 treak Oregon; ceo tiled, 17 H; 'Bcandled, 8He eaatera, 2fiai8o. . t CHEBnB New roll ereata. , flata. : ' 14e; Tonne Amerlaa, IIAllUe. POOtTBT Mixed ehlekene, lHo per' Tb: V fancy bene, 'IB per lb; rooatora, old, 10 H , 'per id; aiageb 'tyiinv per i rrrere, nc; . ! brellera. lee per lb: old dncka. ' faurllSc: lb; aprlng docks, UHOllHc lb) reeee. pQio . . r P I Toraeja, e Bc "l waaaaa. aue Per ? IbJ iquaba, tlOI.O par deal pigeon, flop , psf deaV j. . - Mat Weaf'aad Rlda. '-. ';.. ' V. OOL l0d . clip Valley, ao2&c,- eastern i. orefon, zue. ' MOHAIR Weey. aomlaal, . , HBEPoKINa anenrlng,. IBOBn oac afeert ' '! wooL BO40e; mod I a st vreea, gOdlTta oaehl , ' long, woolT Ic0ll.OO oacb. ' V TALLOW Prlaee, pa la, lia)4a( If, a aad , T BIDEB-Pry. Ne.1, 14 Ibeand ul'UHS '. ITMe per Tb; dry kip, Ito. t to II the, lee; , dry ealf. No. l7 aedef I iba. Uel eaireefaldee, ' - . Aft IK mmM UMIl.i , IHsilHej ataga aad bona, eound. eTt kip, 11 to no Iba, Be; calf, sou ad, aade II lbo, llei Croea. enaaltad. le least ralle. 1 par lb Was; oraehldeo, eelted. each. II t6l.TB; dry, eacb. -JOURNAL'S .WEATHER - 'r -J .BULLETIN FOR HOP MEN it- rd ','" ' Br Edward k. Beala TJ. B. - Weather Foraoaater. I ' Proapectl are good for ohn-' tlnuanoe of flrr weathap during the coming SI houra. There wag oulte a heavy fog thla morning. bat I do not anticipate ny rain during tha tint day or eo. Tha hop haret Id progreealng wall vndet theee eondltione. ' , . i e Vista. ShW , UOAB All refhierlee he- BB.TOt bow- dered, I3.M: froitv grannUted, 3 85; di graaalntod. f-3.43(. eon?.. A, 18.43; Hawaiian C. C.. I8.V6; . oxtrn A' 14.88; -.golden V- ve-eer yeuow, i w; aoia, joe; I pbia. Me; boxeo, aue advance aa aack. boom, leea Bo nr cwt foe eaaa, II dayat maple. 14014 per lb "... .. J. . , . (Above price apply to' aaleo of' boa thai oar lota. Car, Into at special prleoa emeleet to lootuatlonu., - i ...,'., y . . HONEY-i.a par erato. ' J -OorPRE Paekaao branda. IIVMcllB Ta - SALT Toe ree Half rroaad. loo. H o pet ton; Boa, IP SO; table, dairy. Boa, 111.001 tOOa, 11.71; Imoortrd Urorpool. BOa. 1T OOi 100a. fie.SO: Ma, lld.OO; extra due. bbla, la. la. 10a, 4.BOAO: bulk. ao Iba, l4JtA0O; aack. torn, foosde; Urorpool lump rock, lll.M per .too; 10-lb rock. W.OOl 100a. 18.00. BICB Imperial Japaa, Ko. 1. fe; ft. IOHei New Orloaaa . head. fe AJns, Ban Creole, BH. - ' - BRANS BmaR whit. 14 IB: larro whlra. BLBOi plok, 11.781 bnyoa, B4.II; Umoa, $IJB; exlcea rede, 4 Ha. - NUTB Poanate, lambo, Kc per P Ttriiala, Oec per lb; rooatod. SkH per lb; Japav neoo, Bemot roasted. 7tUe per D: coeoo. anbi. a&Ct0e per don; walaata, 1SQ1BH per lb; ploenata, lOflllHe per lb; hickory aata, 10 per lb; cboatauta, eaaterc. lefl lc per lb; Union Pacific Very Strong;, On and ' i'a' Quarter Up Atchison Oct 'a Fart, of General Rise and Cloiei One and Half Over. Wednesday. NET GAINS. ; Katy - Mlaaoorl Pae.. N. V. Central ... Pennaylvanla . .... People e Gaa Reading ....,... Aaaeonda J, Amalgamated w... Atcblaua ..........1 Sugar Biueltor .......... .1 Cut A Foundry..... Beltimor lii (via. k'uol St. Paul ,, XJ Canadian H Iioeoasotlve ........ Erie .....1 111. Central i...... LouavTllo -fi " '. : V - RET LOSSES. ' Poorer K I Bock Ulaad ....... H Reading .......4... Republle Stool . .... Routhern Rr Soutbora Par tti Texaa A Paelfl... 1'nloa Pacific .....IV U. S. Bubber.....k U. S. Steel.,..-... do. pfd...., Morthora Pa. ..I-. Stock trading la New York today kinged around Baltimore A Ohio. All Harrtmaa teouet wore very firm. The principal a trans Ik waa la Boutkara Padf and Union pactfe. The former held a aot gala, of aoarly 1 polnta at tha oloee while the Utter clooed 1H polnta up. Balti more ft Ohio wa active and advanced aoarly 1 polnta for the day.. , oinciai quotatioeai I BBSCBimON. t. T : .leaf. 10. 1H, 11S per tb: 80-lb. tine, lie etenm renoeroa, ion, .IK, in par JB at, Ai per id; eoanpounn. run. viae. i CANNED SALMON Columbia river, l ib talr. li e; S-lb telle, 13 TB; fancy, l ib Bate, f 1 BO: W-lb faaer flata. $1.15; faacy t-lb orala, 1171; Alaaka calls, nlak, aCQSOc; rod. IL&O; BoaalaaJ to, tell,. 11.00. . ... .. .... .' - riBM Koca aoe, to per m anannera. a pt lbi balibat. Be per fciavrab. ll.Ooei.B doa: eu livr iv, i am , n pr id, salmoa, Columbia river Chinook, -de; ' allTeealde, mi -oteei aeeo, i id; a erring. . ae- per lb; aolea. . aa - Bar .lb: ehrimnu. 10a nee lb: parch. Be . per lb; black cod, Te per L lb; tomcod. t per lb; sllrer omelt. Be par" lb; ooorera, in per id; xreea mnexerei, ae per id; erawnah, SO per doa; ahad. I par Bit atargeoa, 10eper lb: black boa, X. OTBTERB-aboalwator , bay. not . USB, per lld-lb aack, 14,00; -oirmpU, ; per gnlloa. az-ao; par iid-id epca, oo.uu. hrjaroaaeii. per saw. pa boa. 1 ttoOt ranar C LA hi A BardabelL claauL . SS.M per box. Valuta. Oeai OH. Iba, - BOPB Pare AUaUa. 14 ataadard, UUei elaaC lie. - - . COAL OIL Pearl a Aatrai Oaaia lHe per gat; water wnita, xroa oarrem le pee gel, wooden lie par gal; headlight. ITw-deg, oaeeo 11 He nor eaL - ' OABOLI&E-SaVdeg. eaaa M Me per gal. kroa ooie inc per gel. BB.VE1NB ld..-anaoa BM POT Mils 18Vte per gel . - TTJRPENT1NB da raaea Bde oar m bbla V per oaL . WH1TB LEAD Toa Ma, Tk par 1b boo-Ik lota. Be per lb: seaa lota, SIAe ft B. WIRB NAILS freeeat be ale at IS.IS. LINMBItn OIIaare raw. Ib k kail, kee Batoa l-bbl lot, Sic; raaea, M per gal; geaalae kettb boiled, aaaea, o par gal; l-bbl lata. Ate; l-bbi lot A6 per gal: ground cake, ear lota, (10.00 per ten; lee thaa oer late,. AeO.01 per lass, EV woe gal. LIVESTOCK MARKET. SHOWS f k m aa. mi a a, . eaem ... .Ml pti mi: Receipts Only Four In Yards To- day rCavalry Horses Pass 'CJ.: Through. ', ' . Portland TJntoa StOckyarda. ' Beat. 10 Live stock receipt! . - . . . .f . r . ' . MOf. t vatti. SMop. Week ago.........'... : ... Month ,ag .....V. 176 ',. ' 15 . 1.141 Sear aeo.. .,....,.. ... ng . 7g ' Ml . 1M livestock market .wee rather slow today, bat (OOd atredv tone rniad ta ell Una. . The boraoo rmlOBVlne to thai f (Mirth niilrr eat Mala homo front American Lake peaaod through, the "rH . lu?r" w,r w noroea in the banca, Hoe Beat eaatern O reran. 17.00' bloekern and China . fata, .)O6.B0. , . - .. Cattle Beet aatra Oregon eteera, 1.M0 1. 84; boat cow and belfero, llBOaLdO; stock ars and feedera, 2.l8'o00; bulla. 11.60. Sheep Mixed, do; lambo. Be. . ; EASTERN MARKETS GOOD 5 !-'7 .' '. OatU Ara Steady to gtromg ta CnUoag ': aCsvrkat Todaw. Chicago, , Sept. , Uvoetnck receipt: MnM ' f ft !a Colcage IT.000' l.0"0 Kama City .. 8.600 7.000 Omaha M .000 11.000 Iheen. 11.000 .0"0 BecolDta roar ro war lOtOno. Tndae'a prlcee: Allied. M.tsa Bit; good andheaTy. d.xst 48; rough, 8 3fa 0. , .. , . tattle ataany te strong. Sheep Steady. . - .-.. ' . . Tjtrrw btatis eOTEEiktErr bovcc Brw Xork, Sept., 10. Oorerament bond: ' bate. Rid. Aak Two, rerletered Opt. 104 14. osi4 do eoupna... ,..... Opt. loniZ lonil Threee. reglaterd...'...... Opt. loatZ 104 do conpoa.,. Opt. 104 )04 Small bonds..,. J iM 14 -,..,, ro re, rexletored.f i IPOf nnI 104 do eenpon lwrr losiZ 104' ronra, rerletered... 13S 131 a coupon 1M , im 131 iitmci or jamaDHM ,,, load Je PhUlpplae 4a. 100 Sterling Xxohange Bate. '. Kw Tnrk. Petit. M. Rterllna ax cheese 1 De naaai ee, ow saro, oow. Amal. Copper Co.. 1113 am. var a rouaa., aooi.i 9 . do preferred. .lluO Am. Cottoa OIL etna.. ..I IS Am. Looomotive, com... TStt Am. Sugar, eoa... 180 Am. Smelt,. eoaa.T.r,., 1B4W do preferred us Anaaonrtn Hlnlag Co. . itoS Am. -Woolen, cum 87 fa ancauaoB, 0001. .......iiuo do preferred.. 1101 Baltimore A Ohm, enaa..ll22tt do preferred.. I PI Brook lrn Banld Tranalt.1 TS1A Canadian Pacific, com... 177 Central Leather, eoa. ..I..,.. oo preierrea....,.....!.... Obi. t O. W eon.. ...I 17 ChL, Mil. St. Paul... 17i Chi. A N. W, earn..... boo' Chesapeake Ohio I S does. Fuel at Iron. can. Colo. Southern, an.,,.. eo aa o referred ' do 1st nreferred f BT wa rnmucu, ooen, do preferred...... rielaware A Hndoan, Ilenvar A B. eoa do preferred Brio, com do. Id preferred. , . do let preferred., tlllnol Central...... Loulevill A NsabrlU.. aaexicaa uontrai By.... M., K. A T.. cam:.... radoraJ Smelter do proferrod. ........ met mere aaiaeouri racin.... National Load New York Central. . N. T-. Ont. A West. Norfolk A Wool, em do proferrod.,.,.. North Amerlceo!.... northern Pacifla. earn.. Pacific Mall a. i. Oo7.. rennayivaaw Ballway f. O- U 0. Co..?. Preeeed Steel Car, ooaj do preferred.-......, Baodlng. ooaa. ........ e Id preferred.... P- Iron tt Steel, eoa.. .do nreferred. ......... Bock JeUnd, com , 'do nrefertMl St. Ll. p.. Id pfd.. mi preierrea. ..i. t U 6. w.. eoa.., do preferred. Son thorn Pact fie. 00m.. do preferred..., Souther Railway, eoa. Tennessee Coal' ' iroal! lexa ej faciric Toj.. St. L. A W., eoaj 110 pcererreej wbiwbi sracuio, eaaa, do preferred D- S, Babbor. eata do nraferrad V. B. Steel Co. do. prtfi W a beak. do. preferred ........ Weat. Unkea Tetearanh. Wleeoa. Central, eommoa uo, pre ila ae 22 4t m 7 Tl I T7ti 171 l 14 "4 OO 'to" 75 141 14 99 TIT 41 100 8 75H ion Ik lo 111 8W0Hi28S 1014 101 114 44 . UOO 5 ISdt! 188 1154 TV la 1T 1 M TA S10 01 if-- (227 ea (Ml 4tvk; 71 77 U 177 180 MM TO T4k 144 H l 114 oo 141 av B4 190 Ml 60! 41 u 2S 0 Mta 11811 Oi 100 52 84 99 84 11 1 - 4S a to esu oa 13 ISAM 78 177 17 17 I20P. 63 2M 42 S54j ev 70 T7 171 14Vi fit e 'to 71 7 14X14 4ik B 1 11 114 87 'a 100 : 18 78 184 1184 2W0 Ho 107 101 1 7H 177 V, SO . 101 ITT 214 to 236 48 TOVk 77 17H 1B0 XI 4 so 4 TO Tl t 78 4 14.14 4HH 0 V2 I A COflTINUED RISE CHICAGO Wheat Market Acts Better and All Options Close Higher- December Three Eighths Up RUSSIAN SITUATION : IS STILL BIO FACTOR Strong Interest : Is, However; Buy. "ing Heavily for s Some Unknown Reason and Ja Not Selling Any at Present Price. . ' . . ' '',;'; los. -MS .844 BBLATIVB WHEAT VALUES. V fUnf . OA M-nf 10 rlali, . . ecDtemoer.... .Txu I .T2UBS .00 bDecembor.-... ,T4A .74B .00 May. ,78A' 1 .00 The atrength and bunport of yesterday' wheat market la eta In In erldenoo today, abowmg tbat aom aeomlnity strong Intrreote are freely bay ing wheat ea all lbo dip, taking all offered but handing Bone of It back at nraeent orleee. Some people claim tbat the midden atrengtb of the paat few dare 1 airaplr baaed on the re porta of the Unfa Tor able coed It lone In regard to the Bnaalan crop, hut neverthelee the southeastern and nortbwoat houaea were rather heavy buyers yeotordey, ahao a milling demand waa noted by the strong pealtloa of toe casta situation. To day a markka cloerd c to ap. Liverpool annum Tft BIBDfr. k Official . anntattana 4 ke n...K-k. at,M A. Cooke, eompaayi . - TinaAi- ' 1--.'- - rinear. Hlvk Septombop W4 ' 71 Low. 71 ft?' w2 V- '.. 4 '14 18 isll 884 i ' BoJ 41 4S . 41 May ........... September ....,' December ...... May .......... H- t ... ,; September Oecoubor ...... May M8BS PORK. BcDtouiboT' . .1T(I man ' lavn , January ,;..1101r- 1810-- 1800 J LABD. "..-" September .....'em ' tm ' Ski October Ml bHT MO January T77 i T7T 1 TIT SHORT BIBS. ' September., .... IWl "wuj-, i 8KB October ........ 837 , too '" S4S January ....... BVO 70S " BV7 ' Clnoo. "T24 : 74 a nf 14 M4 JUTS JIOOt; Ski - 8S0 771 '' 88 '' '.; 847 . er nrauBT sbaiv MovxinurT. Cliice go, Sept. 10. Primary receipt:' Today Tear ago , Bush. . Hueh. Wheat. .......... ........ 1 nnn Corn... ,, 80.000 .444,000 SbKMnenta: . . - Wheat ..................... 471.O0O ..488.000 Corn .827.000 471.000 Total clearances: wheat 4M.0OO bnahale! corn, 14.000 bushel; eata, 10,000 baabelai floor. IV,VW IBbI I II tap i 89 48' CO 13 0 Pd 118 17 100 so 5 188 BB . Ill 46 107 no 88 141 80 84 it s4' M! TO ! 06 48 61 3A 87 I 1RC pa 84 1104 44 IOdU 1 7 1M vs 81 88 ve 62 MA 118 87 lofl Si 187 I?: OS 4A 111 48 106 18 44 87 14 Bl 401 vt,.f. r. 1 1 vu-BiiT.i t 1 i..,..iem ' Weotera tnloa Telegraph, ox-dlrideai i per Wit Total aawa for day. 1.080.100 abarea. Cail money caoeod at S per cant. ASSOCIATED OIL IS ' . .' ADVANCING Of, CHANGE Aaaodated Oil la rlndln aw. e.. t' tK. local market and the price 1 moving a p. To day 1000 ahareo were sold at Sac. Other sales www 1,000 (hero Taoom Steel at foe. ' viiKiai pncaai ' V BANS: STOCKS. ' ,'' . . ' 4' V Old Bank of California '.... ana Merchant' National 120 vregoa i.-rusc Bavug.,..., Portland Trust Co oenaere- a) uimDeriaeB'l.,. saultabie Hartnre aflBCKLLANCOUB STOCKS. Manufsctorlna Oa... Dta Campbell s Oaa Burner... union VII 301 Aaooclated Oil 174 Alaaka Packers aji Pacific State Telephone... 1004 Home Telephone r ... Puget Bound Telephone ... ' uregoa juire insurance. vement rrodueta Ash. 6B .135 . 120 loo . M ' ' s ; 04 SO '. ' v'oO BO 10O0 Imptro Oentractlng Co...... 110 aa..r..,, II BS Leo Co 0. B. A N. By. Merita Townalt pieoia ti ,.,.,,, International Coal v ' MININO STOCKS. Pacific afetal Kxtraetloa.. Alaaka Petroloua ............... Alaaka Pioneer Btenaara uononiiaatad Oregon socarltla Soowstorm 271 Lee Creek Gold OIOA . Tirom Steel ., 104 Oallco Cooeolldated ... Oallehar 044 Ooldea Bole onsollda tod,.,..,. r ;., Biiiirmg xernoi t ,....,,.,. Ookrond .,...... :'" North ten-view ... Le Boy ......,..........,.,..., ,,. Hlawath 0114 Oaacedi - U . Loeky Boy liecia gib ; Reoibler Cariboo Id " niala Meedowe Od ' Great Northern 04 , ..'. Mountain, view ................. xA m Blue BUfr Gold 150 ,; looo 180 101 ' : a OS Id M ' '174 ,'. , T 11 084 'oil 04 .06 :oi 04 04 08 Ol ' 02 iA S25 40 warviB vynauoo ... S7J0AE STOCKS. rTawaflaa Com..,...,....,,...... Honokoo .,..ra .fte. Hutchlnaoa Mekewell ... ....., M Oneenea e..ia,'..4,i. la 80 Paounae 17 Vnlon ,........' 41 - Tetal sale) toaaj, 1,000 abaxo. . M . 14 IB M4 .104 II y XXTXBrOOL OKAIV XABXXT , Liverpool, Sept. 20 Official antaee: ; , WHEAT. U , ,. '.: '' ' " , Open. Cloee. . Oalp.. Sent. 11. et..r ... 2d , a J4d 44 . la 2 i oe aao , WE CURE; MEN, FOR Si;;-. We will treat any single uncomplicated ailment under absolute guarantee. No pay unless cared. Only- - REMEMBER -THIS ! Curable CONSULTATION IS - Cases Accepted for, Treatment ! FREE! Eacb Patient Receives Personal Attention It will aot oosrt 701 anythinc o oevll at ear of&vanet by doing' tl knay Bave yon nauch tdxaa. worry and money, aaA boau 11 wa oanao enr yon wa will hOBBBtiy aad Xraakly tail yoa bo, and you will not be under any fliuuiilal otlisatloa to ua. . ., ; ., ,' ... snctAX DisxAsza Wo euro la 10 to 15 daya.. We have de voted yeara of study to tb formation and complete eradication of urethral obstruc tion. W restore health end ton to the membrane. Our treatment remoroa the aeeeealty of any eurgery. The rlrht treet ment. applied the right way, will alwsj bring good rosnlta, COBTBACTKD SISZASES ' ' "'. ' We cure these ailment more oulckly with leas psla and Inconvenience, than anyone claiming to treat aareeestully these condi tions. Hss your esse '- become chronic . fhrougb. Improper treatment or throw h the ua 4f caustic remedies T Ha It reueed deep-aeated Inflammation and Irritation In the parts, the reeolt of which yoo now auffer from urethral obstruction! Our treat. Dtent curee three eondltiona fulckly and the run 1, permanent. . . y - NERVOUS DECLINE .' . TIEMID WXAKVZSS BT I0MX : J W are poaltlv tb treatment we employ In the euro of thla deraugement la the most potent, rational, direct aad certain. Our scientific, ayetematle course of treat ment haa been adopted after year of auc ceeaful practice by ua. It la tha only on by wblcb a permanent and absolute cute caa be ' necompllabed. . , : ... ' . spicino blood roisoaT osrirrrtT .','.;,.'.'..'. IBADICATKD .,,';.-. Without tb aao of dangeroue drug.'. We drive the very last taint of vlrua from tha ayetem. end every aymptom of 4 he diseses vanlshea, to appear no more. W-employ Barmleaa blood -cleansing re mod lee only. Cretltle, Irritation of Neck of Bladder, Enlargement and Inflammation of tb prostate 4 Oland and all dieeaeee of the Bladder ana Kianeye quicniy yirie w our moarrn anemone of treatment. Wa aapeclally Invite old chronic, cane that kare been ansuccoaafully aorrhPoarBloed aaoa. Skin Dkaaoai Nervoua Decline cared by iclenttn OMthoda known and Indorsed by tbe medical prafessloa. 1 ... You pay ua our few for curon not to experiment; we have proved' the fact-thai our method ara tha beat, latent and the moat aciantlflo In avarr respect. There are aoma caaea that are Incurable and we determine whether It la curable or Incurable by thorougn phyalcal and mlcroocoplcal exam- Jnatlon.. y. . .,-",.;:.'.. : ,. ... v V-".-;.;'.: We want every man In the country who Is afflicted to write us about his Ailment. , WE CURE YOU AT nOME. BTOTmS a. m." to S p. Bt, Bvenlnga, 7:10 to S:I0. - Sundays, a. m. to IS noon.,, ; , ; , ... ... , ' v ; " ' . '. ' " ;', St. Louis "Sm Dispensary . oomirxB noon oVbts tajoexxis ktmbts, vobtxabtd, ob-zoobt. Dm,, B 4d I CkiBisaT ?if TsMsBwa Chicago, Sep... i.m, wheat: No. 1 rod. 74i74c;.Ke. I red.- 72ii7.14c: Bo. 1 hanl. 7X.7Be: Ko. I bard, 70474c; No. 1 northern, SOe asked; . No. 1 northern. 7S0e; Ne J aprug, luajouo.'. ' sab iBjurotsoo Brnrnre xzckabob.' Sta .Praoclsca, Sept. Belmont , Cash Boy Ooldea Anchor: Homo Jim Butler .... MacNaanara ... Midway ...... Montana . ..v. . North Star ... Ohio Tonopaa Bxtea B.60 Nevada ....... 18 28 Weot Bad .... Bed Adaate ..OH. Atlanta ...... .HI BluebeU .... Booth nolumbia Mt. Id. .. f.26 ... .IB .70 1.174 .81 ,4T 3d .HX Official anota tlona ma. .1 m . 170 .70 .27 .68 1.0B ,1 ,B7 .21 .08 . .80 -BO Coa. quarry... PlamoBdlleiel . Dixie Ooldfleld ..... (umbo 1 do. arxtea... XendaU ....... La una May Queaa ... Mobawk , Red Tne .....i Ssndatorm ... Silver Pick .,. St. Iva ...... National Bank. Denver Oold Bar ..... O. Bull frog. . Btelnway ..... ad .48 .40- .11 . .17 - .08 .87 .140 . .44 . .70 .4 r, .10 4.00 LAV. ' .00 .70 .00. ,61 1.40 1.174 ..11 j .41 ! Co. CaL Va Ophlr MPxlcaa Caledonia' ..... F.xchoejuer ' Sore rose ....4 Oold Crown .... Oreat Bend ... Raaea , Blerk Butt ex. Tramp frold. Belmont.. Montgomery Mt Huneet Sceptre Manhattan .... 8e j kef Humarey Dexter J Granny ........ Oold Wedge ... Lone Star ...... Oreat Bend ex. do. Annew Oeecent ....... Cowboy ....... Dearer- Annex, , nulla a Bear.. Black Bock ... N. Y. Cones.,. Mankattan Ooa, Utile Joe ..... Mayflower .... Jumping Jack , itea too extea. Mustang Bull Proa Mia.. Trlaagl .14 .47 .11 -.18 .91 ' .20 .11 .11 .21 J2 .11 .11 .28 -OB ' .04 : .28 .88 A4 .01 .20 ,45 .00 BOSTOV COPPXK MA1.XZT. Boston. Sent. 10. Official close, bid nrlceet Adventur. I4.12H: AUouea. IHd.23: Arcadian. 11.79; Atlantic, 112.00; Bingham, IM.SO; Calu met, 1776.00; C-utenolal, IM.BO; Copper Ranee. 179.80; Daly Weet, I17.7B; Prnnklln. 122.624; Oroone Con. I27.S74; Orunby. I12.B0; N'eeadk lob., (ln.inM; norta rmtte. fUH.'li; Old Domin ion, 147.76; Oeceola, 1120.00; Parrot. 128.124; Shannoa, 111.174; Tamarack, 1100.00: Utah. S06.7S; Victoria. 11.76: Wolverine, 1126.00; U b. Mining, iw.imi any, 11.29: Cat. Arlaona. I120.OO1 Butt Coa la., M7.124; Superior A Jltt., 120.00. , ' , ( ' 1 . , Bew Trk Bond. ' "; Tw Tark, Sept. 20-OffieUl prleeai ...'.'.. RM " '' Borlmgtoa At U PD4 O. B. A N, d.. .-..,.. I1", IO04 K. A W, Cob. 4e 100 101 A. a L., L. A H, BBlflod 4.;..... M - M : nv mi cottob xaxkzt. -. . New York. Sent. 10 fleet ret fntnrea ,ImJ 4 to 8 polnta lower. - - y Official euotaUoB by Ovarbeck, Starr A Cooke company; '". '. '" ' "'?u sept. ArwMt. Hit.,,, Im Oil 1 A lanaary ...... 881 32 2S . ' 9J0 ' . 024 renruary . ... ... r 037 M3 March ,. ,141 P4S , 144 B4S -; V) ipru ..,..4.., n. . am,' ptij lar BST . ' BBl - BOB .. B.1T . . OA I September .... Ml 117 October mi on . SM ftxia - u pos Nnvombor ..... B04 nd . 002 ' Bna ana Deoember . .... 821 821 818 121 - S2S Honest Dcalinss and fGuarantccd Cores '.'" Wa xnaka m mlaioadlnr atdtementa, decwtrtlve pro-poeltloae or falae promlaoo. ' Wa do not promise to enr your oaaa la a abort time, knowing- II wdl- taka longer, but wa guaranto , A complete, nafe and lasting cure In tbe quickest poo albla time, '' without leaving Injurious ' after effects In the yatem. and at tha . loweat coat noaalble for honest, aklllful ' and ancceeaful treetment Wa hawe M free or cheap trial treatment, bo schense ko nail wortkloae beita. ate. our educa- I Uorf and reputation condemning; ajll aucb metnoaa. wa oora waa ouora xauv y Men' Who Need Skillful Aid v Will find thla institute thoroughly re liable, different from other ao-caJled In- atitutea, medical , concerns, - lets' compnle. You ara jr. In rleallnar with tha Norton I pany aa with any naie ar nxiomai ' Bank. It haa long beorr. aetabllshed for the purpoad of Turing; dlae&aes pf , men-which baffle tha aklU of there..' , . ' .. t (. O at one. Tou aro atafo .in -our handa and, sura kf a cur. Men who are out of tbe city ahould write In confidence. Connotation and advloe - given free. . You, risk no caah. No eecrets given away. ( , ; . , , .i-k.. Over 50 Per Cent of Our Cases Have Been Cured at a Cost ao-caJled In- or special- just aa safe I Da via Com- taa of $11 and llany Only $5. Wa treat suecassfnlly all nervous and chrohto dineases of men; also blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney and throat .troubled , - .. . ... , 111. ;.' TOT.CJUT JPAT WBTZBT CTTSBD '' . ,V ' f If you wish you can deposit tha price of a cure In any bank in Port land, said amount to be handed over to ua when yon ara cured. Or you may pay us by weekly or monthly Inntallmenta If you prefer. - ., ' Offlca boura t a. m. to I p.m.; Sundaa and holidays. 10 a. m. to II m. Dr. W. Norton Davis & Co. - Offlca in Van Noy Hotel, 124 Third St., Corner Pine. Portland, Or. ZJUIOIIBT A WO BIOlliT aUOIOAIi IkTaTIXUXal . I AT BTOAVXXrwssT. Sstabliaked la Jrortland la 1881. . S. S. F. A. Kilburn for Coo Bay. Baraks sad Baa rranclsea. ext selling from Portland Thnraday. Aaiuet 2 Next palUng from Baa rraacl, JThara, L Spt S ' ' - r. U OBKEROOOH. Agvet, : OrooawWh Dock he. A . rboae Mala 1BL - Bew Terk Ceak Ceffe. ' New York. Sent. 30. Caah anffeai Bio, S4C; No. 4 isatoe. 94. ', Ko.. T ATHENA POTATO CROP ALMOST A FAILURE (Spectsl Dlrpatck to 'Tb Joarnal.) '" Athena. Or.. Sept. SO. Potato which ar generally g good crop bore will h scare this rear. Ia tha vicinity of Arhpn the emp will not b f nay larger proporttoa thaa the amount required for baas Bgasemptloa. If. tt will supply that. . I . . Pron all Indication aarplns f potatoes In thla section of lb county I found la tb BMma tela ranches, where the crop I expected to be of th ara rare yield. 1 tb Helix neighbor. Bond, or at laatt th greater portion of It, th Ctato crop Is s total failure. Potatoes have ea shinned from ears te Helix at the ram of 40 sack par week. Tha! Ircalatiea af Th yoarnal : ta eTtland aad ta Oragoa eaoaeda tkval af aa ethag Qragos aewapapog. CHARTERS GRANTED TO VARIOUS CORPORATIONS ' " (UerlaT Dispatch to the JournaL) " '' Salem! Sent . Th following Incor porations have been filed with tha aeo ratary of state: Tha Gibson Manufacturing company. Incorporators, M. S. Gibson, If. 8. Ben nett. -B. S. J. McAllloter'. R. J, Upton, Thomas B. Holme, A. H. McOowan and Christian Blum; capital stock. 1500,000; principal offlca Portland; the Woodland Lumber eompany, . Incorporators,- P. Ft Olaan, Glenn Foulks, A. B. Keaton; prin cipal offlca, Portland;. capital stock, lit, 000; Jennlngs-MoRa Logging company. Incorporator, Ellis Jennings, Donald VI o Raa and T. H. Ward; capital atook. tlM,- 000; principal off toa. Portland: tha Co operative Aid society of Portland, capital stock. $60,000: Incorporators.: W. R. Har vey. B. B. Master and C. M. Idleman. Thla corporation will deal In merchan dise of all kinds, will engage in tha prac tice of dentistry, will do a general drug atore business and will conduct a hos pital for care of sick and Indigent per- aona. Tha Supreme Pyramid of tha Mod ern. Pyramid Builders, a fraternal and beneficiary organisation; - incorporators aro J. I Hill. M. Sorenson. William P. Tucker. Gorg E. Sanders and Albert 0. Prill. " Declarations of Intention to do business In this state were made by tha Deschutes Lumber company, vofganlsed 1 under tha laws of Mlnneeota. and by tha Valvollna Oil company, organised under tha laws of New Jersey. This company haa a cap ital atock of tl.bOO.OOO and Ita attorney Is Herbert Edwin Judge of Portland.' V Xngwna abekaJig Celebrate. . .Eugene, Or,, Be,L JO.Eugene Ra bekah lodga No. 64 of this city celebrat ed . tha JlXty-fourth. anniversary . of .tba founding of - the' order last night A program was rendered and refreshments were served. A larga number of Re bekahs and Odd Fellows war la attend ance. - :-'-', -, " ." ., . TRANSPORTATION. AU VAUaaTOBBS CrOXBTO TO . NcwYorh and Boston via. ERIE RAILROAD ' CAST OO T WAT O '.."', NIAGARA FALLS vata woaLo i okxatxbt : Natural Wonder Stopping as long as desired up to ten any, -fertile trains make direct con nections with all train from tha west. When purchasing tickets to tha far east, ask your ticket agent to aend you ' ' Y1A TO PIOTTTKX SQTBl ERIE RAILROAD For detail Information, writ H B. BMIT1I, T. P. A.. Seattle. TRAN'gPORTATIC.:. V.HKN you 1 't A V k. f. rrr 1 a -11. .11 a Rallwny l.ii.u. to 1 . Btieetf-ara, iiolria; loe by luail. m ! . cli. 7 1 1 Hi CT f nrtTr I Axi. UNiorrtlicinc 3 Trains to the East Daily 3 Tbrongk Pullman atandard and rourtat alee. . mg-ear dally to ' Omaha, Chicago, Spokane; ThrouxB reclining cbaircalrs (ants fr) t the r.ast dally. , . ., ' Onwa Depot f Learo. Arrive. CTilcsfo-Portlsnd Spevlal for the Kaat vie Huntington, dly. t;S0 am 1.00 pi Jjokano Plyor for Beater . .""""X'on. wins Walla. Lewlaton. Coeur d'Ateae and 1 ' ' . ' ?rr",..NT""r" anhitn. dally. I'.ll pin 1:00 m Atlantle KvnM-a , k- c-A. via Uuntlnrtoa. dally........ 1:11 pia t:1l am . .... .qg nim local, fee all . . polnta between Bigg and ' ' 1 fortland. call,.... "," S:iSm SOpu. . r COLCMBIA BIVEB DIVISION. " ror Astoria and way point, connecting wttb ; tearner for Ilwaca and h'ortb Beach. Steamer I Ilaeealo, Ash-st. dock, leavea I p. m. dallr, J1!?' .""nday; ftatanlar. 10 p. m. Arrive about I p. at., oxcept Sunday. . jl Yamhill hit eb bouts. For Dayton. Orecon City nnd Tamhm rive . points, stestasrs Roth and Modoe. -Aabr. dork. . ZJ T.. m. dally, except Sunday (water per. I 8 oAsy ' Antr T:S0 n- dally, except ' SNAKB BIVCB BOUTB. " ,r Lewbiton, Idaho, end way point from Hlparla. Wesh at earn, ere Spoka and Lewie- ! ton lee re 1:40 a. m.. or upon arrival Train; Bo. A, dally except Saturday.- Arrive 4 p. m. . dsllv except Prlday. - . . , Ticket Office. - Third and Waablngtoa otxs V , . Telephone Main Til. ' C. W. RTINQKR. City Ticket Agent. Wm. McMOBBAT, Omwrnl Paasengar Agent. 1 EAST -SOUTH fif auwa't r " : lOIOGDCN iiSJ I ; w , etaaer- Leav. Arrive. TTnlon Depot Overland Express Trains for Salem;' Boaebnrg. Aah- " ' ,- ' land, Sacramento, Oroeo, , Sea yrancleco. Stock loo, ... , . ,, Los-- Aagelea, Bl Peso. i -' - - New Orleans and tb eaat. S:4 pm T:lJpm Mornrng train coauiecta at u Wood tura dally except ., : . Z Sunday with train for v . , , . , Mount Angel. Sllvortnn, ; V, BrownevUlo, . Sprlngtleid, Wendling and Natron..,.., 8:00tak fT:M nt , Bugene .esengev t -eon- r Beets St Wood burn with ""' Mount Angel aad Hirer too local ...... Milan eiA:sm Orrslll passenger........ ,T:00 am B Bfl pni Sheridan peaaanrer. 4:W pm "S pin ; Foeeet Orovo peeeenger. ...1111 :00 am (W:20 am . yoreet Orovo paaeanger.,.. 118:00 pm 1,1.60 pin JUally. DaUy except Sunday. i , , ' JKFPERSON-STBBBT STATION. 'r For Dallsr and aaterajedtst points daHy, T 'I a. m. and 4:14 p. m. Arrlvo PortUnd 10:10 a. m. nd B:1S p. m. - "' . For time and card or Oewego entmrbsa trains 1 apply at City Ticket Offic. or statloa.- - Tickets to Eastern polnta and Europe; also Japan. China. Honolulu and Australia. . City Ticket Office eorner Third and" Wash ington etreete. Pboae Mala Til. 0. W. STINORR, . Wm. McMrBBAT, . ty Ticket Agent. Ooa. Paaa. Agent TIMECARD OF . . i trains: Portlands - Leer, r Arrlr. Tellowston Park-Kansa Clty- ... , . St. Louie Specie! to Cbebalte. - -(entrslla, Olympla, Uray' -V Harbor. South Bend. Tacoma. ..... i Seattle, Kpokaae, Ltwleton, .. Butt. BUllnge. Denver, Om-,. - ,. , , 1 he. Kansaa City. St. Louis . v " ' ' sod aoe tb aaat. dally... 1:10 pm '4:10 png. borth Coeat Limited, electric . ... , . . llxhted. for Tacoma. Seattle, - ' ; , Spokane. ' Butt. Mtnoeaoolle, . St. Paul and th East, dally. 1:00 pm T OS am) Puget Sound l.lraltsd. for ... Claremont. Cbahalla, Cen- traKe. Tacoma - and Seattle ..." only, dally. 4:10 pm l:0 pn Tab City Kipreee ror Taeo- - ' ma. Seat tl. Spokane. Helena. ' . ' FMtl. at. rani, Minneenoiis, Lincoln. Wtt Joseoh. Kaoae 5 . City, Omakg, St. Louis, with-; ', ' eat eheexe of car. Direct - s, coanertmna for all potata Baat ' and Sou tb east, dally 11:41 pm 10:31 pnt . Seata of 0. SC. Onnningkam. Leatine, Or.. Sept, 10. Charles K. Cunningham, a newspaper man, former ly of Baker City, died suddenly Tuesday st this place, of typhoid-pneumonia. He leavea a wlfa and four ohlldren. Five yeara ago h married the aldaat daugh ter of Jamea. Balalay of Baker City. Aeoosed of BTorpe Btaallng. Baker City, Or Bept. JO. Roy Hind man, son of A family said to b nme.1 i.for similar operkUooa, was arraigned TELEGRAPH Fastest aa the mire ( Tbe only steamboat making a round trip ; - .-' . sAZbT ;,. ' , Except Sunday Betwa ' PORTLAND and ASTORIA ,v ABTD WAT FOOrTS . Leave Portland..".... ....TOO a. an. Arrive Astoria .,1:11 p. m. Leave Astoria. ........ ...... ,t:tl p. m. Arrive Portland .1.00 p. aa. - M-tIJS SERVED A LA CARTE .' Pert Inn A Trading, Aide Bvrwet Xooh. Artorla leading, Callaadeg Sock. B. a SCOTT. Agent. - Phone Main 111 Columbia RivcrSccncry Regulator Line Steamers Dally eei v lea botwoon Portland and The Dallea except Sunday, leaving Port land at T a m arriving about p. carrying freight and paasongoro. Bplan dld aocommodatlona . for outfits . aad livestock. Dock foot of Alder etreet,' Portland; foot af Court street. Tha Dalles. , Pboae Main 114. Portion I n m -W 11 jrnt coMroitTAsix way. ; 2 Overland Trains Dally 2 Tke Orhmtbl Limited, the Fast ataO VIA SKATTLB AXD SPOKANB. ' Fortlaad tlm acbcdnl . , . . Dally. Deity. . -: .--.i.-:.' - Leave..-. Arm. To and from Spokane, : , - , , St. Paul. Minneapolis, fc -" t ... ., Dulntb and all point . " Bast via See t tie 8:10 am T oo ara 11:43 pm I OO put to and from or. rani, , Minneapolis. Dulntb ' and all mints Kaal via Spokane. ......... S:15 pm 8:00am Oreat Verthera ateasuklp Co. Soiling from Sea I tie for 4pn and Chin porta and Manila, Carrying pas senger and freight. , , ' B. S. Mlaaeseta, Oeteber 80.. . , . B, B. Dakota, Meeembor II. . BlPi-Ob TVSEM KAIAMA ' (Japan Mali Steamalilp Co.l -r S." B. Bags Mar will sail frors Seattle about October ' I foe Jenea ad Cblneee aorta, carry lag paeeangers and frelaht. For ticket. ' relee, berth, reserva tions, etc., cell en or address H, SICBSOV, a P. T. A. Ill Tklrd It,, Bsvtlaad, Oregon, pkoo Mala led. Astoria & Columbia . River Railroad Co. For Marsera. Balnler, Clats- . . j ken I. Wretport. CUXton, As- . . . i. . u-.maIm ru.i.- ll.BiDMaa. Vort Stevona. iiear- kart fark. aca.kla 1:00 11.(1 (ta Astoria nnd beasoor, xpra dally - n , .v , i . , t . mm rr,T-r :v0 m - BAP pm All train oauy, J. C. MAYO. tl. r. and P. A., Aatorla. Of n a MTCa'altT. leanmrclal Aeeut. 3 Aider tret, I'boee Main . before Judge Smith In th circuit court anfl entered a plea of not guilty to the charge of h"re-tenlng. Uln.lman wa rrnM of rut-nHe animal from near ". r 1 j her It I a ' a., .it.oi ' I t. 1 , I a n:: f'",r. BOTTITnLkSTEll ALA IX I f OVTB. From s-auie .tee ea. for Aat'ti'aaa, Juneau. wae, a ait ll.eae. La-. . BB. Falrf-nle . a. a. i sir ' Seattle, P ee iT 1 ' ?' N i. i. i 't. f n r m BCf ' I i From . ri'r ..f I c P :;v..'Y 'V