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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1906)
Trimming Lgccg 10c tho Ycrd. The greatest sale of laces that you've ever seen jn Portland. We, were fortunate enough to secure an entire season's surplus from a large factory, and. we bought every yard just as it came. These laces sell in the. ordinary way for 35c to $1.25 the yard and we have -24,000 yards of them. Rich applique patterns,' beautiful enough for any gown. . CJome in bolts but sold by the yard. Divided into two lots and sold at lZf and FORTmms JJE17 DEHm'i lENT STORE TOE - It': ENTIRE CORNER - THIRD & YAMHILL J) Notions Almo5t Freo ii. .. . . . So many littje needables here at absurdly low p ices i'..A wt won't even try to enumerate them or tell you the prices. 1 . 1 .we will say this: Come looking ; for notions while three. lay sale is on, and you'll find them for less than you ever" have before, no matter what the sale. or season. Every day will sec a new lot placed on sale in this special bargain space, and all who have a need in notions, be it ever so small, will do well to come every day to shop.' ; ; . ' mm -X.. I WE o Desperate Cases Require Desperate Remedies Room We Must Have at Any Cost tu,. , Dress Goods About : Half Regular SHADOW PLAIDS in such want cd shades at blue, green, and gray,: wool finished and a full yard wide, cheap-at 25c the . 4Ll SHADOW- PLAIDS, with, an invisible-plaidV a finely finished fab ric in the - swell grsy mixtures. meant to sell at 50c the yard, and a bargain at tjiat;k sale price.., ; ' Taffeta S2k 98c v: A superb piece of oil-boiled black taffeta, rich and rustling, a freda iiiiAiui 35c that" seus at . -regular - times for' $1.50 th ryard.'- - Extra g ) ' special while' this sale -jfC lasts., the. yard-.........Vs .,. Dleached Sheets -P-4 width,-with retnforced centers. made ot splendid quality muslin. We always sell these sheets for 60c each and most merchants charge more than that Sale price, each......... :i lor uuc 49c SUCH PRICE-CUTTING as we are indulging In now is without precedent Dut the whole truth of the story is that in our xeal to secure all best bargains for. our clients, we have bought more rjood than our store wlljl hold, And the only war out of it is to give YOU our PROFIT on these floods yes, MORE than the profit and lot you carry away the goods and leavo the room we need. And yes, we'll admit we can use the money to good advantage right now.', Bright; new merchandise fresh from the eastern marHets, at almost your own price, to secure'room for the 'goods yet to come School Hose; 17c CHILDREN'S FAST, .BLACIC COTTON HOSE, fof school wear, heavy ribbed, and. made for .the moat- strenuous- kind of -wear. These hose arejone of the best 25c grades it is possible to 3uy.and.Iforlhi-J-liTJ. sale they'll go at,' pair,. :17c Table Oilcloth r In all colors and all patterns, the best grade made, oa sale .fJ m for i days at the very I iQ. special price of,.......,. M. M, MARBLE AND CLOTH, yard OUSlrSAQXi WHITE OIL- IS Sale Begins Thursday l1orning at 8 o'Cldck - j - -. .vsaw- . i . Slaughter in ythe ShoesSection A lowering ia price -that is aothiog short -of startling, when the rery high qnah'ty-of these-she-es Is consid ered. The Shoe Department is the most overcrowded of any in the store, and to relieve this condition we make absurdly .arnall .prices on the surplus shoes that promises a speedy emptying of the shelves. ' : '.. WOMEN'S SHOES, in all styles and all leathers . e i i i 1 . . i " . . . gracciuj, pretty snapea ana qualities inai sen at regular times tor. $3.00, $3.50 and $400 pair. Choose the heel, toe and leather that suits you bett Any pair in the lot:... MEN'S SHOES, of the very best fall shapes, the very correct lasts that particular men wear and of high grade vici kid, box calf and patent fie , f f feather.. Exceptionally good $3.50 and MJ ; sen at regular $1.10 $4.00. vaL Sale price, per pair....' . ..1 Domestics and Linens Sacrificed E The premier bargain event of the year is this room-making saV of ours, and the ilire need for room, the necessity fof making space ia a short time, is respon sible for these unheard-f low prices. Supply your needs now, for months to come, for an opportunity like this does not present itself often. Take advantage - of our need for room and make it your chance to save money. ,. . - . ; . DRESS AND APRON GINGHAMS, thousands of yards of them, in about every design- in which they are made. Good, dependable quali fies that you'd be glad to buy at twice the' price we ask for them while " this sale. is th,-hort lengths, but every length is a usable one and the ,rncf tor.jtnu sale is, yard BLACKHIDE SHIRTING, a splendid - twilled ehirting, 36 inches wide, a grade that! will'. wear like iron. This goods. is absolutely fast color, and this is a grade - that sells regularly for 15e the g yard.- 2.000 yards for this sale Alt at, yert-vsVi,vi-.i..-.-.;-;.v.".t,Jf V SATltf IT ABLE UNEn", Weache'd,-64 inche wide and 7reguiar $1.00 S F grade, n ale for three days ilr .at .A .'. :.i.'.i.v,Mi'.t.;.,.rt,.vUW' 7MNCH SATIN DAMASK, the finest goods you were ever shown in any store, in U .tnepleasing -designs yard andp; sale price, yd.. OUTING FLANNEL, in light or dark colors, toft, warm and Just the right - weight end colorings for . the making of winter night robes -end ciurtSr worth 42ic yard, i njr store, 1.39 9c OIL-BOILED TURKEY-RED TABLE LINEN, 60 inches "wide, and in the most desirable designs. .Another bargain this sale brings -. that you can't match when the. sale is overt f 45c value ,........,.;........:-AVI Vf SATIN TABLE DAMASK, 72 inches wide, splendid quality, and the patterns axe those that .wilt please the hoanekeep- er that is particular as to tne looks -es well as the duality of her table i linen. Worth $15 yard; on U If sale for three days at ..,VV FLANNELETTES, in light or dark cof- ors, suitable for the construction of wrap pers, kimonos ana otner garments, worth yard; sale price. COVERT vCLOTH, in gray, brown or mixtures a fabric that is . too ' well known to need description; a great sale' special at, the yard, -only i.i... and other Hi 03C , brown or , too ' well 121c MISSES' SHOES, lace style, manufactured from the ultra-stylish-and very serviceable patent kid. Extreme ly graceful shapes that are design for smartness and comfort, too. Wi worth $2.00 the pair. Sale price only. BOYS' SCHOOL SHOES, in boys' aiid youths' sizes, made of prime quality calfskin, with stout, sturdy soles, constructed to stand the hardest kind of wear, worth $175 and $2.00 the ; pair.,: Sale price, only 1.30 end..,. E:$1.23 1 youths' sizes, it, sturdy soles, $1.45 Silk Gloves $1.74 '.' ... Don't by any means miss this ssle of gloves; for '"where else "would yon find the same value? Made the ' finest, . glossiest silk, in ' white or black, the popular 16-button length-and easily J -g -a A worth $2.50 pair; l A ale. price.. pnlj Women's Flannel-; ette Night Gowns The soft, warm kind thst yon like to snuggle into on a chilly night.. But. don t wait till the chilly nights have come to stay, or these won't be here at THIS price. Pff They're well worth $1,00 - 1F, or more.. Sale price.... x, Men's Good s, Yes, even the men share in this unparalleled bargain-giving. Sup plies that all men need in this sale at a mere fraction of the regular prices. Read; - ,. MEN S LINEN COLLARS, In all sizes and every correct shspe for dressy fall and winter wear; a spe cial lot that we were fortunate enough to secure from one of the most prominent manufacturers in Troy. Regular two-for-a-quarter styles ' and qualities, on p f sale in doien ioUonlyl'KI flV special, dozen t...: . . . ... CI V MEN'S GOLF SHIRTS,- extraor dinary good qualities and patterns; shirts that are wortn to $1.50 each in this at, each MEN'S HOSE, black or tan. and either color is last, crime qualities that sell regularly for 15c C) the pair - placed on sale gC for only .................... Y6mens Suits Less Than Cost ... ti At leasr a great deal less than the regular cost, and a great deal better than the smart m annua el- $12.98 $12.00 regular quality. We have 100 suits that have just arrived, in verv smart mannish ef- r . . . T, t A . . .. tecis, maae oi aii-woot worsieas. uk ana ssua iinea, ana in ail ways very superior grades and exceptional styles euits that other houses would ask you $35.00 and $40.00 for and so would we if we had time to make a profit on them. Choice during his sale for. ............. WOMEN'S COATS, made T of mannish blaids and checks,' trimmed with a splendid grade of -velvet, modeled on the ultra-stylish lines, and superb garments in every sense of the word coats that should .. rtrt ..ii ofv c.i. WOMEN'S DRESS 'SKIRTS,' samples bought from one of the best manufacturers in the. garment business. Made with the extreme care that is necessary in order that a garment shall, pass inspection by the shrewdest buyers, i Come in black, browns, dashing plaids' and worth regularly -$9.00 to $30.00; sale price in Diacx, crown, $12.98 ............ WOMEN'S SILK PETTICOATS, made in the most 'careful manner and, finished with exquisite taste. Skirts that add just the fin ishing touch needed to an otherwise perfect outfit. Plain colors and rich plaids, worth every one them $10.00; sale price 1$4.98 1:$2.00 Lace Curtains for 98c the Pair uch charmingly pretty enrtains and superb qualities should not be sold for so little, even in this time when room is of more consequence than profit; but that is the' edict from headquarters, so these splendid .cnrtamsJJljrrdijQnndiujMid sell for, pair ................ Vft '' t414? srsj e e e J8c. - 1V0 MILCINERV SPECIALS . .. Matchless in their bargain worthiness and incomparable in their sightly attractive ness.'" What woman in Portland is there that cannot use at least one of these offerings, if not both of them, when the price for three days is lowered to this apologetic amount? TRIMMINGS,' including wings, pompons, feathers, quills and breasts, exquisitely col ored and chosen with Xhe greatest care for their correctness for this sea son's modes: Regularly Jhey sell for ap to $1.00. Sale price.. choice. 19c VELVET DRESS HATS, extremely mod ish affairs, modeled after' the best designs for the fall and winter styles, constructed of a splended grade of velvet, embellished with - wings, breasts "and someone. - Worth $7.00 to 1 $8.50. Sale price, choice.,, ci, cmneuianea $4.89 Save on These Everyday Neds Sale in the Basement v Bargain-wise housewives willv lose no time in sttending this sale anil select ing from the basement list of bargains all that they need in these lines. ' Common sense and former shopping experiences tell you that yon have never seen -equal values before, and remember- we guarantee the qualities on all these goods 'to be all that yon could ask, even at a much higher price. ,'.i.,;'."si,::, c. " CUPS AND SAUCERS of white semi-porcelain, in a dainty pattern, something that you can use at all times, and the plain white can be used with plain or decorated dishes of other sorts. Regularly these cups and saucers are $1.00 for the set of six each, but we peed the room they take, so six of each tor.. 54 c 54c DINNER PLATES of white semi-por celain, set - of 6. selling for three days at the very special .price ot, tne set.......... 50-PIECE SET of white English semi porcelain, very pretty shapes J i A f worth $675 the set, -svX COVER KNOBS for, eich. .. CLOSET HOOKS, the dozen, sale.'.8V GAS MANTLES that sell reg ularly for 20c and 25c each go in this sale at, each, only.... BUTCHER KNIVES, with wooden handles and good steel , blades, worth 35c each, lor. ... FELS-NAPTHA S0AP.7eH ing while 3-day sale lasts, spe cial, 6 cars fornly, . 14c .25c WASH BOWL AND PITCHER of .white stone china, good liie A f) -and first-class quality, the reg. MC $15 grader sale price yUw WHITE CHAMBERS, cov- V A ered. fancy shape, reg. 85c vaL; glj C sale price, each, only.. ........ . VFTCW GRANITE TEAKETTLES, best grade, usually sold for $1.00, the No. A 80 size, that will fit any size C stovehole ; special ..... . . . v S W WATER SETS, pitcher and six classes. 20 patterns to choose trotn.X for this sale, any set, for. TOILET SOAP, special, box of three calces, in this sale for .... GOLD DUST, for cleaning of all sorts, 25c package; sale price am 1M 14c 19c mm is iiiiLiED ST. JOIiriS TalAYOR f. : r- " . y. .' t .-; ' - . . ' ' ; ' Swtftn -and . Popular . Business Man Is Chosen to Succeed ' -I Fred.W. Valentine. - " ELECTION. COMES AS . SURPRISE TO PEOPLE After Consulution of , Half Hour Conncilmen Vote Unanimously in , Klnman's Favor, Ignoring Candi- ; dates Previously Mentioned. , 4 i i ' v.- - i ' - 1 ' , r- - BMt Mas BspartasM, , . -' Contrary to popular expectation and o th eomplcta surprtas e-f blnraalf, B. W. Hlnmen, aa eld soldiar an wll known btiitnraa men, waa elected mayor laat fitfnt by tba 8t. Johns eonnotl to auocMd Fred W. VaJentlne Soon after the oounoll was celled te order by Chairman Kin a motion was mad tor a half hour's reooaa during- which eon iiltetlons Bilsht be bad looklns tee ettlement of ths mayerelty con teat Aftr a halt hour of buttonholln- end whlaperad oonferoneoa tha hottsa waa celled to erder for a seoond time. Tha audtoneo waa keyad P ttatt of expectancy, as If waa wrident from tha solemn visages of tha counollraen that a aurprtee waa ia store tor thoee who wars looking for many Ballots and e long drawn out contest. President Kln announced that a blind ; ballot would be taken for mayor. Six kite ot paper were dropped la the bat on each of whloh waa written the name, "B W. Mintnan."- - ' . ' V: Pre.Ment Klnr announced the tinanl- moiia election ot Mr. Hlnman. Thua waa flnlckty and euletry enaea e con tent that promleed a week age to make additional trouble for the already over burdened municipality of ft Johna. The new mayor la a man of meana, pro prietor of the Chicago lodglng-ftnune end otherwtae InterasW In the welfare of the penlaiota city.' Mr. Hlnmaa waa I of such a strnctare, laying sketches aad formerly a resident of Eugene. He will I plaas before the property owners prea- be ewora late office this afternoon by I out. The lower part of the gulch ts re- Recorder Thorndyke. , It wee said last night that Mayor Hiamaa's eel action by the council met with the ananunous ap proval of BL. Johns dtlsena. Prior to the eel actios Sbf . the anayer the council tranaacted large grist of routine easiness. A report was read from the Portland General Electric company, stating; that it had IS. 41 miles of wire Strang with in the city Umlta. The Pacific States Telephone .oompeny reported SI miles oa Its lines in thelty. f - The Council voted to , return he chemical engine, bought em approval, to the A. O. Lioag company. The rea aon given for this action was that the city charter forbade the council to con tract debts - beyond . a certain limit, which had been reached. " Councilman Hewitt . created -quite a stir ty Introducing resolution de nouncing a wtory publlahed tn a Pert land afternoon paper in which friction between ex-Mayor - Valentine and the council was , said to be the cause of much of "'the local strife The council adopted the resolution of Mr. Hewitt and adopted another demanding a re traction of the story.' - ' When the bids for the eonstroctioa ot the eity hall were opened but one bid was submitted. George Walker of Port land offering to d6 the work for 114,40a, whloh was 11.409 la excess of the amount on hand for tTnat purpose. , The hid was. rejected. ' The ' council will either' have tojiave entirely new plana drawn or nave the present plana ee al tered as to come within the 111, SOS city hall appropriation.- An earlier attempt to ret satisfactory bids failed. While discussing the reports sub mitted by the Portland General Electric and the Paciflo States Telephone com panies, giving the number of -miles f wire owned by each within the city limits, it became evident that the coun cil is-determined, to force the publie utility corporations operating there to pay a license fee for the -prtvllegie These corporations have heretofore in dicated thatr Intention -"to resist the payment et such fee. - .T. ...... An ergent mcommendatfon that the bid -of the Standard Construction mm. nay for a reinforced concrete bridge across Sullivan's gulch at Grand ave nue, be accepted will Toe -made by a committee from ths East Side Improve- ported to have no good bottom, aad . steel bridge would aeed four plet driven to great depth In the mud. In the concrete bridge this difficulty will be circumvented by an arch 1(4 feet long reaching from the south bank to the level of the O. K. A K. track. It was declared by the engineer that rein forced concrete arches 14S feet long are common In the east, and ia Ger many, where this material first, earns into use. The longest concrete arch Is 3S4 feet long. Dr. C H. Raffety and several other members of - the association have fa vored something more substantial than a steel bridge for a long time, and will plainly tell the executive board that it is a concrete bridge they want. W. I Boise. H. H. New hall, F. S. Fields Dr. C K. Raffety will call en the board. The bid -of the Standard Construction company la I'S.tlO, while ths lowest of the six bids for a steel bridge t1a4Bl.1 7 It- is possible that the executive board will reach a- eecision and . award the contract for the bridge this afternoon. If that Is dona the scores of different controversies over a . Sullivan's gulch bridge whloh have - besa.jolng on for years were ended for e time It IS the hepe of property ewneie in the vi cinity that a bridge may be eonetruoted at Union avenue one block away, soon after . the Grand - avenue structure Is completed. , ; . The street railway company baa aban doned its franchise en Grand avenue, but with a substantial structure there it IS probable that H will ask the city for -the right to cross that bridge. In that case ths company must pay one fourth of the cost The O. R. A N. com pany must -also -pay 'its share for the construction of a bridge over Its right of .way. v ''. "i-. - W. L. Boise, H. H. Newhall. Dr. C H. Raffety. and others expressed the hope that the mayor would not veto the East ABSCESSES, with few exceptional are Indicative of constipation or debility. W. H. Harrison, Cleveland. Vtlsa., writes, Aug. IS, l0t: "I want to sey a word, of Jjreies for Ballard's Snow Liniment. 1 ateppea on a nan, which caused -the. cords in my leg to . con tract end an abscess to rise In my knee, and the doctor told me thst I would have a stirr leg. so one Say I ment association to the -executive board Vent to J. F- lord's drug store (who this afternoon - ' - - la now -In Denver, Col.). . He recom- tVbeM'h, f , mmmnMmttnn l..t wended a bottle of Snow IJniment; I At 4b meeting or the association last , .Oo .ll-t ,na ,t oured by leg. evening O. O. Alexsnder, the engineer of ft is the beet liniment In the world. ths company, explained the advantages gold by. Wcodard, Clarke A Co. . Third street franchise. Ths club .waa unanimous In Its desire that the fran chlse be allowed to become e law. i. ' Brooklyn residents will celebrate ths letting of ths contract ror the Brooklyn sewer and the erection ef the fire en gine bouse est the evening ot 'September Id. The committee appointed by the Brooklyn Republican club to arrange for the celebration will meet thla even Ins et the residence ef M. 43. Griffin, chairman, at 41S Clinton e treat. The oelebratioa will partake af the nature of a Jollification. - wtth speecamaklas aad The construction ef ths city bare et East Seventh and Hancock streets has progressed es far as the completion of the foundation, at a cost of about St, 000, when operations had to be suspended on account of a lack ef funds. The main superstructure will not 'be built until after the first of the year, when the new . tax levy , will be available The bare is to be 14tx& feet, two stories .Armltage St Tarquer's big skating rink and hall at Kern Park was opened Monday evening with a ball. The muslo was furnished by. a Portland orchestra. A large number of Portland people at tended, returning on a special ear at an early .morning hoar. Kara Park now ban ths beet-equipped publlo ball of any oi the surburben, towns. - CLOSE OF BEACH SEASON Pot Stakes ZaMrt Ms Best . atetarAar. ' Saturday, September 18, the popular excursion steamer T. J. Potter will snake her last trip of ths season to North Beach points. An exceptionally low rate of tt has been made for the round trip, and tickets will oontlnue oa sale at this rate until September 10, with a final limit of October II. The T. J. Potter wiU leave Ash street dock as follows: September II, 1:14 a. m.; September II, 11 noon. From Ilwaoo: September IS, S a. an.; September 14. I a. m.; September II, 7:S p. m. ....-( Tickets st O. JR. A w. ticket effloe. Third end Washington streets, ... sWeidsaee Eugene, Or, Sept. 11. The farm resi dence of Frank Hansen, on Spencer creek, seven miles southwest of .Eu gene, 'was destroyed by Are Monday together with all its contents. The loss Is ever 1,04 -with no Insures oa. , SEVEH ILL WITH TYPHOID FEVER Sitters In St. Mary's Institute at Beaverton Suffering From ; Dread Disease. IMPURE WELL WATER BELIEVED THE CAUSE Samples Will Be Analysed Immed iately by Dr. Matson, State Bac teriologist No Cases Reported - Amonc Children in the School. ' Seven sisters ef St Mary's institute. which has charge of ths orphanage at Beaverton, have been stricken srith ty phoid fever and are seriously 111. Impure well water la believed to be the cause. The oases have, been reported to . the health ofiios of . Washington county and by him to the stats board of health. Samples of the water which has been weed at the orphanage .are ex pected to arrive today and they will at once be analysed by Dr. Matson, stats bacteriolog-lst. The Institution Is a boys orphanage. bnt no oases of typhoid among the chil dren have yet been reported. Ths sis ters who eondact the orphanage also havs ia charge the girls' school at St. Mary's, a station oa the west aide Una, not far from Beavertoa. They form a local . order ealled ths Sisters of SI Mary's lnetltute. - - - - - Typhoid baa bees found all ever the state Largely on account of the con tinued dry season walla have beoome Impure and much sickness has resulted During Augsst, lit oases end II deaths from typhoM were reported to ths state board of health. . Dr. R. C Tenney, the secretary of the board, calls attention to the danger of more typhoid cases when the rain a be gin. Then the surface of Ihe ground will la many instances be drained luto F-r good bread let this narao ' be Indelibly stamped upon your, mind ! n BUTI! IT ICTT3 rvi i a i i a m i ; - i Ask for It at your grocers and ; accept no' other Be Zeal Shreiywbsse Bowers ef XmltatloBS t r the wells and all kinds of Infection will thus be carried down Into the water. Taking the usual figures for the value of a person's time sad for the value of his life euti short by death or stoknees. tt is estimated that the atase has lost 114.404 this year through typhoid fever. All ever Lane county typhoid fever has been reported. During last month there were 14 eases and one death. vviCl ask adoption OF MEW HEALTH PULES An official request that the Portland school directors adopt the sanitary rearulatlons and suggestions of the Chi cago sohools will soon be made by the board of health on the board ot education. Dr. Wheeler, city heelth hfflfer. w reertr" te enoear before the diwtnn y,iry m i t,rinwn, hnt thy u;i lar meeting be wag unable te be pres ent. The rules of the Chicago schools v Into the details of s pupil's dally lift. He ia not allowed to awsp gum or mn! and pencils must not be exchang. The teachers must see that the chit 1 ia more or lees clean before he Join us Xarvest Pesltval Tomorrow. A grand harvest festival will be h at tha Salvation-Army hall, Hi I street, tomorrow evening. 1 here be special niuelo and a pminm sni an auction aale of contribution have been made the ermr If ti,-r chenta and ethers. Cloth In x. e"v. snd a Utile of rrthirt 1 I l" posed of to the b -"t t':--r. r-nt.'y f r i i