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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1906)
THE .OREGON DAILY, JOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVr.NINQ. SEPTE?.' 12. 1: on in HQ f and I DOUGLAS CRAUE'S PORTRAIT OF LITTLE JAUE IIOGE I ITERFl ii wepen t . . efc . . J L , - the Maker ' The -first portrait completed by E. 'Douglas Crane, the- New Tork artist, during his stay in Portland U of little Jan Hore. , the daughter of Mr, and lln R. R. Hoge. Mre. Bog gave a Jarge reception for Mr. Cran laat Frl- RECORD RUH FOR PWCfRfMS Arrival of Autumn Finds Min- Ing Properties In Shaps 1 J . for Operation."' r . - HUNDRED HYDRAULIC . : I t GIANTS TO BE USED 'Avtrsft Return-! TlearlEl jht Tnoosaod Dollars a Day During tha Season Dam on Rogue Fur tushes Ample Power. .;. ; ' " O rants Pass, Or Sept. It. The ar- rival af faU finds nearly all -of tha -bydreulio placer-mines of Joeephlne Bounty- In, shape for. operation. They , have been overhauled during tba sum- cleaned, flumes and pip lines have been ' renal rA- haavlar vlanta Ht -and everv thine possible dona to Increase tha mining capacity. - If tha rains arrive on time, and plenty of water la afford , ed. the ran of the placer mines will t 1 , Jl ! S3 The new goods have .come in with a rush. : - All of our last season's goods are sold . Now our store is a aolirl . ' mass of the newest and the Dest wearaoies for men " and boys. . V-Clothing that will please you to see and please you still more to wear. Special today Men's Rain Proof Coats $10, ClolhinqCo .CaiKulinFicr) , lien's and Boys' Outfitters. 1U AND 16s THIRD STREET : " llobawk Building. i ' '''''' ' ' '' Portrait of Jane. Hog. day afternoon at which the portrait waa exhibited, and, eallars war delighted with the artistic affact v". ; . " ' ; The little girl la reading and the ar tlat baa caught 'a paastng expression of tha taca a aba look, up from bar be tba beat In years for southern Ore gon thla season and the output of Tir fln sold will likewise be Urse. bout 100 hydrauUo slants win be Operated on the aereral surface mines of tha county thla aeaaonv These aianU Siva averasa returns of 7t per day each, or between 17,000 and f 8.000 dally aa tha output of all tha mines or this section duiins tha wet season. Most of the properties have' water to oper ate day and nlfht front November to May, and a few ran till the Utter part of June or July. . The Golden Drift company's placers, In tha Dry Ds sings, near Grants Pass, which - were - closed .down during - the greater part of tha summer to be over- hauled and to have additional equipment Installed, have started up asaln and are now operating - night and day. These properties have tha advantage of all other aurfaoe mines In southern Oregon In that they have water for continual operation. X huge power dam la built across Rogue river, turbines and mon ster pumps installed, and water sup- piled tha battery of gluts by artificial power. The dam develops 1,000 horse power, but' only, one fourth of thla la at present being used. A flva-atsp cen trifugal pump,, having a . capacity of 1.000 gallons per minute, throws the water np tha long pipe Una to tha giants In tha diggings. A second pump, of tha same type and capacity, la new be ing installed, and will double tha capac ity of the mines, t -The giants -In the Pry Diggings pay from 111 to f 100 per day aeon, - ; ; NATURAL GAS COMPANY -FORMED AT ONTARIO ffpedal Dlsrwtca Tke Jeane!.) .' Ontario, Or., BepL 11. The Ontario Co operative Oaa Oil company of thla city has &een Incorporated with a capital stock of H.000,000 at the par value of SI per-snare, -to oore ror ou ana gas in this vicinity. The Incorporators Are David Wilson. J. K. Blackaby, WUUam EL, Lees,' H. C. Boyer - and Ward Can field. Tba officers are'.. -David Wilson, president; J. Bi Blackaby, vice-president;; W. E. Lees, secretary; ' H. C. Boyer, treasurer. These - four gentlemen with Ward Canfleld constitute tha board of directors. . - r. ' , The company has been Incorporated and wiU be conducted by local-capital and the stock la being aubacrlbed freely by local parties.. Nearly one-half of the stock has been subscribed and $10. 000 of the bonds of tha new company have been guaranteed. As soon aa sufficient leases have been secured the company will commence- to sink their wells, and agree to sink well r on some tract of land leased with in six months from tha data ot contract to a depth of 1000 feet, or until gas or oil Is found In paying quantities, until four wells have been bunk. v ' Oas has been found at various places In this city and the surrounding section at a depth of Only SCO feet and the peo ple here have great faith in tha enter prise. . , ; i.; . ... BODY IS GROUND TO FRAGMENTS BY TRAIN Baker City; Sept." 11 -Sunday morning aa one of the freight trains was coming In from the west they found the re mains of what Is supposed to be the body of Ed Welch, a wandering miner. Tor tha past three weeks Welch had been working t tha Flagstaff mine cast of town and camel to town Saturday and sola his bedding. St Is supposed that he started to beat h way to the coast and waa riding on the rods when he some way lost his hold and fell beneath the wheels and waa ground to pieces by the many trains passing along. . The body waa ground to shreds, not even enough of tt being left . to recognise the re mains. For half a mile each aide of a crossing where death la supposed to have occurred pieces of flesh, bits of bone and dust-covered chunks of Jnuscls ware found. i.. . . ,. -. . book. The child 'wears a blua Peter Thompson aallor ault ' which blonda charmingly with- tha .tapaatry back ground in dull imm and browna with ohlldiah figures wovan In. Mr. Crane la. to paint tba children of a number Of society people of tha etty. BUTTERFLY QUEEN TO BE 11(111 Mabel Adams Ayer of San Fran cisco Declares Her Intention ' of Being Sister. " . IS BEAUTIFUL GIRL, AND -V; , : SOCIAL WORLD LEADER Control Over Tiny Winged Creatures of Which She Made Pets Gained Her Regal Title by Which She Is , Commonly ' Known. .' : i. : ' '.:'. Betkeley, CaX, Sept. 11. Mabel Ad ams Ayer, a beautiful girl of San Fran eisoo, tha strange -mystery of whoaa gorgeous butterflies won for ber tba title "Queen of the Butterfliee," la to enter a aunvent. Miss Ayer, who Is tha daughter of tha lata Dr. Washington Ayer, baa made ber plans for retire ment from tha world and for Ufa with tha Slaters of Charity. She will be a nun and devote bar Ufa .to .the service ot the. church. , - i . . The news created a sensation In tha social world, of which Miss Aysr baa been since girlhood a prominent part. Miss Ayer won tha title "Queen of tha Butterfllee" before " the fire In San Francisco, ' wtfen aha resided with her widowed mother on Clay street She made pets of butterflies, maintaining an Immense collection of them, and her control of tha tiny eraaturea seemed to border on tha supernatural. Butterflies would answer when aha called them by name. They would perch In ber hair. cuddle in ber hands, take sugared water from ber fingers and ' permit her to feed them.'- : f Tha girl is quietness and meekness It self, soft-spoken, with the low. tone that poets say Is such an excellent thing In woman, but the butterfly fad made ber famous, and aha with her gorgeous pets, has been made the subject of Innumer able tnagatlne and newspaper articles. Miss Ayer now resides with ber moth er In a fashionable residence district of Berkeley, .close to be university cam pus. . . . . . . '. MONSTER BEAR TREES V VALOROUS HUNTSMAN ' Corvallls, Sept. U.--Two' hundred and' seventy-five pounds Is the dressed weight ot a bear that was killed a day or two ago la southern Benton by Lyle brothers. Farmers In that locality,- at Alsea and Summit, have been much troubled with the depredaiiona of bears among their sheep and .goats, and in consequence at tha laat meeting, of the Benton county feourt. In an effort to abate the nuisance a bounty of S2.S0 was - authorised on every bear scalp taken In tha county. The capture of the. animal mentioned was exciting. A posse of men and dogs Struck out through tha dense woods nesr Belief ounUin and It was only a brief time until the bear was routed. One of the dogs, venturing too near, was killed. Tha men closed In on the animal and the chase began, extending ever several miles, and at ana fame Elmer Lyle, being a trifle - mora venturesome than wise, attempted to corner Mr. Bear, when the latter turned tall . end - made for the hunter and with a yell tha latter "shinned" up a tree, where he remained until bruin had been dispatched by tha itntt man. .. . - v', Rowdyism Land the Reform School. The question before the New Tork authorities la how to deal ' with the rowdy element of tha etty, ydung boya and girls . who are too , young to ho dealt with a offenders of the law usually are and yet need some restraint. To send a child to tha reform school means to plana a stigma: on Its name that will take yeara of ton to remove. In the opllnlon of many who have Studied - thla question, the reform school, aa a reform school, la not good and doea not produce the desired results. If the question of ."reform could be (eft out as the moral of a story la al ways more effective' If It la not tagged moral" and all auch - institutions should be called manual training schools and conducted on that basis, tha work accomplished would be twice aa valuable. ' - To really Intereat a young person In a trade or profession means to take that person from an environment of toughnees and rowdyism and Instill Ideas of progress and ambition instead. Every one has a natural bent for some vocation..!. JLJ il-- '. . I know of a teacher who had a room full of especially bad boya and shs waa at -tha and of her resources ta know what to do with them.. She knew that If aha oould control' the leader the othera would be tractable enough, but how to control tha boy waa a question seem ingly without' answer. She was think ing of expelling him from the school, when she happened to notice a carica ture ot herself drawn on tha blackboard, and upon Inquiry found It to be tha work of her obstreperous puplL She realised that the boy had talent and determined to make It tha means of his reformation. She gave hlin drawings to Aa and let his other school work go slack. ' It worked like a charm and the boy now thank this teacher for start ing him on the tight track. 't; Sf -Using Kerosene, r, ,'. Kerosene Is ' an' oxoellent ' cleanser. Add soms to the washing water If yon want your clothes to bo extra white. .. Use equal parts of kerosene and ma chine oil to clean the aewlng machine. The kerosene eats up the dust that clings to the machinery ae nothing else In case of sore throat "or cheat, rub thoroughly with kerosene. . Take a very little oil at a time, apply first with rag, then rub In with tha fingers. . .... .... . st -st t Spiced Plums. Cover one half gallon of plume with water and boll for -five minutes; pour off the water and add to tha plums three pounds of sugar, one teaspoonful each of ground cloves, allspice and cin namon and one pint of vinegar. Boll all together for SO minutes, stirring continuously. Bottle and seal while hot. ..v.,. ........ ,. v : V ft, . Lingerie Frockffor Children, Although for. grown people' the lin gerie styles arc somewhat .passe and we ere turning instead to tha heavier win ter fabrics and gay silks, for children the lingerie effects will be. In the lead for,. winter wear. Nothing is quite eo attractive for the little tots aa the filmy laces and lawns that constitute the beauty of the lingerie models. Un dersllps of silk or soft flannel make these little frocks warm enough for the coolest daye. White will be the favorite for children's wear all winter. Even If the- little frocks are made- -of lightweight materials the effect Is much the same, because delicate embroideries and white gimps add tha needed touch of pleasing freshness. For school wear the many beautiful plaids are the best, as these do not soil easily and are much neater than the plain colors. Collars and cuff e - of white complete these Jaunty dreeeee. , ft ft ' -,''''.'. ' v- .' Shadow Applique Embroidery. ; - The latest wrinkle In shadow -work Is called applique shadow embroidery end la done by applying a somewhat heavier material nnder tha -flowers. Have the design stamped on tha aheer linen or lawn and then basts a heavier piece of lawn underneath. . It la beat to have the two pieoee of the same also. The work Is usually done In heavy outline atltch and whan finished the under lawn la out out. leaving only the - flower design. Featherstltchlng makes a vary dainty effect used In connection with the aim pie outline etltch. Colors may also be used In this new embroidery. The under lawn may be a delicate color .and the embroidery done In white or colore aa preferred. - Always shrink both places of material before embroidering. . .. Pessimism and Eyestrain.. Wa need study Ibsen no loneer. nor any of those pesslmlstlo philosophers,1 Including Swift, Nletssche and Flaubert, who have heretofore Inspired us with awe by their gloomy and morbid views; they are not pessimists there are no pessimists they are only afflicted with Inhibitions! eyestrain." if this is so; We do i mean that ILM each package of FUlsbwr's Bast Bresirf.. ! "T that mnch over the reedy-toaat kinds. Besides von sot 'TWAm aoality, and there always thebsTt A rkainrconu lt two fuU poonii coet. 20 cent When prepared. It iiakael2nds! l5,,0 AV?"4 would ccet about 17 ctTlJ ponndiwff lszLZJri;" ,mrmr!?vrri 7J. vi-iT-Z "7 " uTT..7r:..7"P:.1'- T delic' food, it . . WUJV "ueMDerry iMvetTUIeoltbefTSia. Best Brealtfaot Asia Food Your ; Grocer Time Lo the one rarely, good table and grown-ups who have Ityoti find an Imitation ot Log Cabin Pcnochc It Is not , the best but Is placed on the market to substitute, T -f-'Teaooha Secrets." ths book of new candy and dessert r ee eent free, r t - ' . i ' - : - ' ' ' " , ....-'.""' JhejTowle Maple Syrup ; Co., St Paul, Minn, . ; - 'Makers of .the) celebrated Log Cabin Mapla Syrup sod ths ' famous Transfers Those concerned in prop erty transfers Will find .our , company a ; great 1 conven ience.. We make a special ; feature of trustee ; matters,' escrow : agreementsJtaking charge of estates as title holder ' pending an adjust ment, effect collections, etc, : We - also i- do -' a general banking and trust business, pay 4 per cent on time de posits, current rates on sav ings accounts and - teceive deposits subject to check. ' - Merchants -Investment artd Trust 247 WASHINGTON SJ. Capital, $150,000.00 T, Frank Watson.. ...President R." 1. Durham .Vice-President5 W. H.- Fearr.j .TV r. . Secretary S. C Catching.. Asst Secretary and our philosophy Is decided simply by the strength of our eyee,. then Ber nard Shaw must be cross-eyed, for he always sees both, waye at once. . FINED FOri KILLING T CHINESE PHEASANTS , :.. ' i 4' i i. ' SomIsI Mepstoh te The SeniMt) 'Albany, Or., Sept. IS. State Game Warden J. w. Baker la enforcing the Sana lews ' ts protect -' the Chines pbaasanta. Many Infractions of the law have been reported. S. J. Moss of Sweet Home waa arrested and fined lis end eosts. . ' . - Deputy Game Warden and Sheriff of Benton County weue arrested inree youns men . restdlns across tha river from Albany for kUllns; birds ent of season. A pheasant waa found in the possession of one of the party and thla resulted in a 119 fine. The others "were allowed to s, Stops Itchlnf Instantly. . Cures piles, ecsema, aalt rheum, tetter. Itch, hives, herpes, scabies Doan's Ointment. At any drug store. 'v;'.' rare Water for Albany...! ' (Speelsl DUpttes te The Joaml) ' Albany, Or Sept t lS.Albany now baa a perfect water system. Dr. Davis of this city forwarded samples of the water after being filtered to Dr. Ralph 0. 1 Mataon- of Portland, who pronounces It purs and of ths best quality. NEVER? PACKAGE In nrrm. I actually m sreu d is-m indicates the use Yitoe rern laxly, put (1.84 In fr -i i . Sir iiijuji. s - 'iLs-.'.-:rT-.V Property Whether you get a deUciously wholesome, genuinefy pure, cane sugar syrup that you can depend upon year in and year-out '''.""'';;' C' ; ;'"J ' Iri the process of 'refining we bring out all the I delicacy 'of flavor--that smooth palate-enticing taste ' .found only in' the sun.-k4ssed West India cane sugar. . , That Is what makes' ; ''':'''-' : Cabin Pen-o-chc Syrup syrup oh the American . market : Children will love It . once tried It will never be without it i'::p--::XyX Log tawn Molasses. - 1l'll', Dave.You an Electric Flat-iron ? ELECTRIC KOSS ARE ALWAYS READY ;7:; If you care for CONVENIENCE, COMFORT HEALTH, ECONOMY, in your household ; if you care to be up-to-date, progressive, in the swim;, you will use the Electric Flat-Irott. . : TZ, J" .. By filling far the coupon below, you will, receive,, , one of our ELECTRIC FLAT-IRONS, unjder tcon-; ; ditions which ought to attract you.1 ::. . 'K7 ". STYLE NO. I Regular household, Wlx Flat- Iron, v-: ;, C.i X STYLE Nd. 2 Nickel-plated -3-lb. Smoothing Iron' for dainty 'work. v.:-. ' The Iron will be delivered promptly upon receipt of coupon, without expense to you., -- ; : ' vf Tf V PORTLAND OElVERAt. KLECTRIC COMPANY, r . . - i , .., Seventh and Alder Sts Fort land. Or. ... ; ' . Gentlemen: Tou may deliver te ene one Electrld ' Plat Iron.' . stria No. ..... which I agree to try, and If unaatiafactoryi te return to you within 10. days from data of delivery. - If I do not return It at that -.time you may charge tha earns to my account at It la understood that no charge will be made for the Iron If I return. It within SO days. . ... . , . W AM B). vfc..r ..)... Aid ress.... PORTLAND GETiERAL Pbone Private Ezcbaiise 13 BLACIC EAGLE GOAL POONE EAST 7 F. B. Jones & Co. CD OIUJGOlM DAILY JOURNAL A NEWSPAPER rOK v."1;' cotrrosr. ELECTRIC COMPANY Seveclli and Alder Streets $7X0 PER T0.H DELIVERED ' 181 E Water Street ALL T H P E O P L, i