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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1906)
? .THE ORZGCN DAILY . JOURNAL". rCSTLAKH THUI 2DAY .4 CiiiiiESEJIilTIS CLAL1ED BY JURY FOR FIEND'S ID Inquest Ovr Body of John Glen denning. Results In a 'Verdict . Against China Gin and In Rec , ommetidatlon That Its Sale ? Be Prohibited in City. .,'-. v'v "What th chemist found In "gin' and ' "whisker": ' Gin-Am vile alcohol, fussl :' oil), methyll alcohol', (wood alcohol) .-. water, glucose, llrae and flavoring aub- , . .- auarea. . whlskey-methyje -atoohoi . twood. alcohol), watery carameV t give . or lor and flavorlne substances. ', ' That ''John Glendennlng came to hl deetfi by drinking China gin," in : which' there wag enough wood alcohol T and fuaal oil to kill evsa an habitual V tdrunkard. If taken on an empty atom ; , . ach. waa the verdict of th coroner . ' Jury thta morning.' : "-:, Tha Jury recommended jjhet the city . authorltiea take atep at once to atop - the aala of thta stuff, together with tha - "whisker" handed over the hart of ear- tain white saloon a. a " Expert- testimony showed all too ' plainly the Ingredients of tha horrible mixture which killed aiendenning. ur. , , JU Victoria Hampton, one of the most . experienced chemlete of . the Paclflo , coeet. and whose specialty la analyses where crime Is Involved, presented a '.. written report telling exactly what was la Qlendennlng's stomach, and- also what - - waa tba esjnplee "gin" -and "whis key" obtained by Deputy Coroner A. I ' Flajey from the Chinese gin mil I at Sec ond and Tarahijl streets. In ' front f which . Olendannln stropped Monday ; .. after having taken a drink Inside the " place. , ... - . ... . ....; SM mead Taotify. three human beings made wrecks by the vile dope banded out by tha Chinese ' saloonkeepers frankly told what tha atuff had dona for them." At a pathetic .'.. document.' the stenographic report of the tnqueet held this morning In tba Flnley . . establishment haa few equals. Tears ago James Casey was en of tha 1 finest mechanic ta the state. ' Today. . be told In hla rambling Incoherent war how he began to drink "China gin"1 and bow the awful habit f aatened Itself poa him. Hla looks were more than his " word " , "" Mot only are tha Chinese aaloonkeep - era of Second street affected by tba flnd- Inga of the Jury prompted by tha re- port of the chemist, but whit man who " rua north and aaloona are caught la the r net Just as badly. . - , r,--- -- ..- One victim teatlfled that a mysterious f "black bottle" containing what waa . called wblakay waa paased out , ever i , north end -bar In the mornlnga aa an! i "are opener" to, tha gin Send. Five cents purchased enough of tha stuff ta I make -even a . habitual drinker feel all ,, the effect a ota quick exhilaration. Thla . "whiskey., contains wood alcohol, a . poison. I i- - ., 'What Ysrdlet, Says. : , The verdict aaya; . t . l-r. i i "T bat John Qlendennlng came' to hla ;' ' death at the eon th west corner of Second 1 1 and Taabjll streets. Portland, . Oregon, ( on September s, l0, at about ( p. m., from the affect of aJeoholie 'poison eon ' ;talned In what are commonly known a r ; Chlneae whiskey and gin which war purchased at the Chinese saloon on tha - - southwest corner of Seoond and Tam ;:r hill etreeta. . ,- . , - .....:....:.: i '"From : the" expert testimony pre , sented It htm been shown that there are f Iva Chinese 'aaloona In Portland where, ' theaa beverages can be purchased and , ars retailed to the nubile under a 1ty ( - "iJcense,- Prom' chemical analysis made ' by Injection- of the coroner of aample ' of saitl whiskey and gin obtained by , i him at the above aalooh." It haa been . ' proven that they contain fusel oil and wood alcohol In quantltlea sufficient to cause almost v fnstant death, ' and 'we ' therefor recommend that 1 action be .'taken at once by prcWr authorltiea to suppress the sal of the Wine (Signed) ' F. I Bagby, Henry A. Bard en, C. O. Slgglln, H. B. Stuart, P.,' Ehrateln, ' and it- Kaaaebaum." r wjOaiM th txredisa2ha. , Dr. Hampton gave a verbal aa wall aa ..a written . xeport. expUOning to the Jurors why certain polspna were In the ; samples ahe haanalysed and what the 'effecta of such poisons are upon the """"hnman system. -7 ; , ? ' " "The heart. Innga, liver and spleen were narmal. aa was also the exterior .wall of the stomach." said aba. ."The "lower part of tha Interior of the stora- ; ach ahowed that small hemorrhage had " occurred.-.'-- . 't-.-.-. - ",l "Evidently the man waa not a ateady drinker, as tha walla f tha stomach . would have been hardened and the liver .would have displayed evidence . of th ' fact.. Wood alcohol causes a very quick , Intoxication, and la a deadly poison. ' It 'Is never administered Internally under uany elreumstafcea. Fusel oil contain : th lime, which I alao found In the ' ' atomach; the lime I added to prevent , the oil from passing off In tha prooese ; of manufacture. There was no food whaUver either In the Intestines or the . stomach, and It la evident that tha man f hadn't eaten anything for soma' time. ; The action of tha fusel oil and tha wood r aJoohoi would have been much quicker of bourse on an empty tomach.T. . ; . , , , :' Saya Poisea Oaased evtla, , "Then you give th poison in th ' ; fluids .which .' fa drank aa the . direct '' cnse of Qlendennlng' death r aaked ' 4lr. Ptnler. . - . , . j, , , "f do," replied Dr. Hampton. " ' J ' t .;. ''Jimmy" Caser, who test! Oedr that he . had been drinking glq more or. less for ara and that It tasted differently ' - st different times, gave hla testimony. Bo did Wllllaaa Ford, who had become a i confirmed drinker af the' "gin." WU. - Ham Stewart wag th last rletlm to ts . ' , tif y. "., J 'i "I haven't been drinklng mor than a PRETTY CABY. L. r.... .k CODPETIIIOII Th popularity of Th Sunday Jou-v nal'g contest to dtcid which wm th prettiest Uby to Oregon and Wh: ington was so jreat that hundreds of pictures were received; ana so pretty were the contestants that -'decision traa exceedingly . hard, " Indeed, the judges have not quite finished their labors yet.; But on September 10 th pictures of the four winners will be published to The Sunday Journal In the mean time, the photographs are ready for delivery, and. may be called for. ' W' ' ' year said William Stewart, ut 4when I nt started it' hard to atop: I earns down here from where I had been .work ing on th north bank road with Its. I took a-rlnk with a couple of frtenda and tw day aftrwrd I didn't-have any money. --i 0 -1 drank gin In a Chinese eaioon at tha -southwest comer of Second and Yamhill street and whisky In a saloon kept by a Oerman on Third between Pine and Ash. That's where I got tha black bottle. ,. Z.lif ,'- ... t . I.-.. Do you ask for this buck bottler- Inquired B. a Pague, who repreaentea aiendennlag's relaUvee., , ' - - .- "Oh, no; they Just push It out at you." "Where can you get this oiaea not' tier : Almoat anywhere In Blaaler' or In nearly any of tha - north-end aaloona. Thsy give you the blsck bottle in th morning for an eye-opener." - i And does it ' open . your yeT" in eutred Mr. Pagua-" .' , ' Th wreck turned nia race away wna most Significant smile. The ques tloa ws answered by hla appearanoe. Of-Jilrong muacolar build U -William Stewart He la Ji yeara Old, and aa he hasn't been drinking from, the -"black bottle'1 very long he hasn't that bloated Sickly look of the unfortunate who has been' victim for years. Across his face was written the marka of-th gin" and the "whiskey aa plainly a though they had been atamped there with a hot iron. . Yet h had been drink ing but a year. Casey, who haa been a hoarder at tha city Jail for a long time, and who, when he haa served out a term, uaually corns in the next day and ask. to go to bed,. simply showed an other, stag in the. career of a "gta fiend. --. . '.. i TIIOuilS DRUGGY TEDDY'S AGENT? SO HE DECLARED Gave Out in Astoria That He Was ' Secret Service Man Working - as Marine Engineer and Finally Succeeds in Borrowing Money '-Now H4"Jn Jail,; . ; - G1LLET IS NOMINATED (Continued from Pag One.)' trolled by Ituef oauouaed before assem bling with the main body thla morning, and th commute appolhted to recom mend a course of action reported rec ommending that th vote be cast solidly for Qlllet. The report was adopted. Th report of the committee on order of business recommended to th conven tion the nomination of governor first and Judgea past, than other state off cers. Th platform and resolutions commit tee recommend the passag of a Japa nese -exclusion law That will alao ex chide - th Japanese from Insula' sessions. Other planka approve the ministration or state and national gov ernments, favors amendment to Insur ance laws, providing that foreign com panies must make' depoalt and adopt a uniform policy, pledge tha legislature to-economy,-advocate the removal of the tax on building materials for Saa Francisco for the next three yeara, and the' passag of laws to benefit citrus fruit growers. Including the right of routing the care. Another plank call for a direct primary law modeled oa that of Oregon. :. - , ' ' ; ' OELRICHS FORTUNE 7. GOES Ta ONU'SON fJoares! BpeeUl tarvles.t -rr Tew Tork, Sente-FOrmer frtenda of Herman Otflrilsh said to day. after th funval'. that the entire, estate, amounting to over (1,000,000, will re vert to hi lS-year-old son Herman, who will coma Into full possession upon at taining hi majority. Tha statement waa made' that an agreement' waa reached two yeara ago between Oelriche and hla wife by which Oelriche bequeathed practically bis -entire estate to his only son OeK rlchs. In accordance with the agree ment, ta said to have then and there mad a will conforming entirely with the arrangement a FAIRBANKS ON HIS . V WAY TO COLORADO '" ' tjWsal Lseelal Serrtce.r' . " ' Chicago, Sept. Vioa-Preaident Fair bank spent today with his son in this city. He goea from here to Minneapolis for twe weeks, then to Colorado to fur ther th government plan for irriga tion. , ' . , GOVERNOR FOLK IS r NOT SO WELL TODAY ... ;.v. . I7eenal Special ServksU '. - Jefferson City, Sept Ooveroor Folk 1 not se well today.'- Hla fever la hlghsr and hi physicians say h is not Improving as he ahould. MOTHER DECAPITATES HERTW0. CHILDREN (Jeemal Special gerrlee.) , t... OtUwa. Ohio, Sept. . Th lnssns If of Henry Kntppen thla morning de capitated with a butcher knife her two children. ' One of the children waa 1 years old and th other IS month. . ,"'V The Silver Bvry P10C0 Stamptd "STERUNG". ; With th arrest of Thomas Bruggy th federal authorities believe that they have, nipped In the bud a achem to perpetrate wholesale fraud under the impersonation of a United States MSVer.,' Bruggy 1 a marine engineer who claim to have been employed by the government at . Newport News, Norfolk and other naval centers, and the secret servlo -men , will look up hi record with the expectation of learning that ha haa been Implicated In crooked work elsewhere. Bruggy waa arrested at Astoria laat Sunday and now Ilea In the Multnomah county Jail charged with impersonating a- United Bute officer. . ''- t" ; The accused man worked for Just II day aa marine engineer on the United "tates customs boat Patrol. During the time he proceeded with a well-laid plan to lmprees all tha moneyed private elt laena whom he mat with the idea that he waa a big bag Indeed la tbe government service. H allowed It to be whlsperea about that he '.was a marine engineer only aa a blind and that In reality ha was doing some Important secret service work,. for . President Roosevelt ... - -,. . , Oa Wehtaa Xisy -,Ji - He claimed to be a' graduate of the United States naval academy at Annapo lis and a brother-in-law of George Uhler, supervising-general of the steamboat in spection service, with headquarter at Washington. District of Columbia. To aom parties be Intimated that he had been appointed Inspector of hull and holler to temporarily succeed local In spector - Fuller. la - fact, - everything bears out the theory that ha waa laying plana to get away with a big bunch ef money when hla scheme waa thwarted by hi discharge.- During hi It day service Bruggy is said to have landed one victim, however, a woman named Mrs. M. R. Ovrtreetx - lira Ovsrstreet I a traveling agent for a false-hair and 'wig Arm. She met Braggy at Astoria on August 14, and believing hla talee of position and influ ence, loaned him something over $100. On' August tl Bruggy waa discharged from hla Job on the boat Patrol. Tell ing th woman that he had f 50 en de posit at the Portland hotel, he earn here. , Being suspicious, Mrs. Ovsrstreet followed. v, Arrested at Astoria. Th following day the alleged Impos tor returned to Astoria, presumably to make another "raise," and It waa there that he waa arraated oa-oomplaint-wf hla victim. United States Commissioner McKe made- out the warrant and It waa served laat Sunday by United States Secret Service Agent T. B. Foster and Deputy United States Marshal Kerrigan of Pnrtlan4 - - - n hla way -to the lockun. tha anaU neer admitted 'that he had told Me ae nualntanca-4)v Astoria, a tissue of lie about himself, and admitted also ' that he hat never aeon . tba insld of th naval academy. He clalma to have come - originally from Elisabeth; New jersey. , ' . , Bruggy had a preliminary hearing be fore Commissioner McKe at t o'clock thla afternoon... ... -. chuiser dosto: ASHORE AIO LiakingWarshlp Driven Onto a ; Sandy Beach in Belling-. ham Bay. PAWTUCKET REFUSES TO : RESPOND TO SICNALS Fightinc Machine Gets Off on High TideIs Again Leaking. Through Springing of Plates, Which Were Damaged When Wrecked First 7 nnMhl rHinatrk at Tsa learastl Ballinrhara. Wash. Sept- . Driven relentlessly before a tempestuous sea, the leaking cruiser Boston wsnr. asnors on Bquallcum creek In Belllngham bay about midnight last night sod waa held fast. Th Boston dragged ua ancnor and plowed the beach almost head on. Feeling that tha altuatlon called for Immediate relief, th government tug Pawtucket was signaled for, but there waa,- at rangel y enough, no response, ac cording to officers ashore, although the tug waa Kb than a mile to windward. Even whistling failed to arouse the smaller eraft and the engine of th Boston were employed to back the ves sel off. This was accomplished after considerable time, but not before one or two of ' the damaged plates were sprung, admitting ah increased flow of water. When th Boston reached deep water diver waa eentf down to Investigate; Captain , Coffman , hoped to leave for Bremerton about o'clock this morning. but It will be several hour later before be sails. --- - -. The collier Saturn 1 standing by and will tow tha cruiser to th navy yard If that 1 deemed the eafer way. The vi bration of tha warship's engines when they were working on th (hrarh was tremendous and towing I likely to be resorted to. In tha atorm laat night th Princeton waa forced to throw out another anchor aa precaution. claims bko;v;;ell agreed '(Continued from Pag One.) STEVENS DISMISSES V riv : H PANAMA OFFICIALS (Joersal Special Settles.). - -Paftama, Sept. S. Chief Engineer Ste ven of the Panama canal haa dismissed P. -1. Downey, superintendent of paint ing;.?. B. Thomas, building superintend ent, and t A. Luck, masonry superin tendent, haa hastily resigned. ' There will be more ahakeupa October 1. Stevens hss ordered a strict inventory and will not permit a cent purchase without an accounting. AMUNDSEN STARTS s 1 -ON HOMEWARD JR1P Noma, Alaska, Sept (.The Norwe gian exploration ship OJoa sailed In change of Lieutenant Hanson. Explorer Amundsen, who. located the north mag-, netio pole, goes to Seattle by steamer, then to Sitka, where he will meet the OJoa and aall around Cajje Horn home. Hla , recording, tflstrument have been sent to Seattle. .-. iotrs of th Cascade reserve, and Maya 'than told him that th cost of getting reserve ci eated had greatly In oraaaed. Mays at -that tint Informed Puter that th Blue mountain - reserve. withdrawal would soon be - ordered When Pqter spoke of th mineral land In th Blue mountain country and tbe probable protests from heepowner, as well aa minora. May replied: "I'm not afraid. - "Everybody up there 1 satis- fled." In conclusion May told Puter to tslt MeKlnley to com up and deliver half of those certificate. Puter next told of traveling aa far M St. Paul with Maya, who was going to waaningiop to iook arter patent on land claims. - Puter had business in BL Paul with C- A- Smith, the noted lum berman. On parting Puter told Maya to nave comnrisnmier Hermann defer 1s- suSnce ef patent on It -claims sold to Smith' until' th latter mad a' settle ment with, him,' Puter, on a land deal that they Had pat through in California. May agreed to do this. H had planned to be a guest at 'Hsrmann'a Washing ton home, and gave that a hi address. F. A. Krlb had agreed to give May IS a claim for getting patent on th claims mentioned. - J Next cam the story of potting 17 peopls on timber -elalma in Lrfnn coutf ty. and giving them (100 each for their right a . Putec and MeKlnley engineered th plan. Franklin P. Mays waa at torney for Puter. Suddenly : J'-ianley- was arrested on a charge of fraud grow- - trig out ot those claims.- Edwin M. Mays.. assistant United States attor ney, appeared to prosecute. The North ern Paclflo railroad contested tba land clalma after, falling In an attempt to scrip the land, and Franklin P. Mava bobbed up a attorney for th railroad. The case went to trial, but after the third day ot tha proceedings May want to Putsr at midnight and euggeated a compromise baaed on an equal division of the lands. Puter refused this offer, but s greed to pick It clalma and let th railroad have the rest. - This wss-don and all court proceedings were dis missed. F. A. Krlb paid for th final proof on tbe tt clalma: -prosecutor neney - switcned tha in quiry to clalma In what ta known aa township 1 south. 1 east'-,- -- "Mr. Heney," said Puter, "you now I'm Indicted In that case and so la Mr. Maya" - Judge Hunt Informed Puter that ha Tr 3 "WISMII" PICK IKS Bors, All ,, a tba ciiy tons sie Btes B-tooetng biiia, - as if t-r couldn't . ttll yoa what os earth i a n t ta do: , N If aux,n-(t. "How'i tli folks St boaet" Its- nir.Mai-ly Uore erH The Uu.. m..0. '4 ouu t know they've gone s-iukiug hope!" Father, hmh.nd, brother vfets he gets beoie Ui!it Ke emu is there v to rt bits sod ae J couQtanc tait'a br Ijicbf t Be avta anwad till 10 o'clock, thea Into i-hMiln imp, cations ea the SMawbe grow J tae boiia. Ob, It's hnparMa here sod bepSelds 'there and I bnald all- around. As If tbtro i se oiuor plast Is grew eat ot the (rouad. And whoa aighmra coaoes tbe vlolla its sqoesk lS sever tope. And workers "blow1' tbe sioaey .la they're paid; . fur plrklog hope. -. ., . Mow, turning to ear laoadty, we aaotber story '.- Tbe of father, heabeojr brother, slatar . i,, we dlapel, - ' f Aad wo ecattcr aoeda ef kindness that pre, docw projljrlou crops And Imto h babind thea like they cliarge lnl the- hops. VNIObT SVATTHDBiT, TEX. KAHf is. SEtioaO AMD OOLVaUIA. need not Incriminate himself, but after hesitating a few moments b said. "I may aa wall tall pow. ' X guess I'll have to aom time.". - ; . Then came the atory ot a deal be tween Puter and May to put home steaders on claims In the Cascade forest reserve region. These were to be taken up ddrlng what la know a th te-dsy limit that precedea a withdrawal by the government. - The claims were to coat 1110 each and Maya was to get hslf. Of IT fraudulent claimants aix proved up and Maya got three ef the clalma Puter told of a conversation with So rsnson In Milwaukee in 101. Soren on said that MeKlnley got 1.00 acre! In the Blue mountain withdrawal, but wouldn't have got any If he had knowa of the plan in time. . Attorney W. D. Fen ton then took up tbe cross-examination of th wltneea. Puter denied going around tha 'country peddling forged school certificates. He told of using a pistol to escape from Secret . Service Agent V. J. - Burn in Boston.. When asked why he had turned fugitive while out on ball he declined te answer, saying It might serve to in- criminate hire 4a another mat ter.- Mad Tela Affldavita. Further Questions brought , out that Putsr made false affidavits In regard to claim for which he was seeking pat ents. . This waa In waanmgton. , i ne clerk who prepared the report on tbe claim recommended that the paper be sent back for further proof.1 At this stage of the proceedings Commissioner Hermann said to Puter: "You're down and out All you can do Is to go back to Oregon, round up the gang and get additional proof." Puter then aaked Hermann to hold back pro ceedings - until he eould see Senator Mitchell. According to Puter wor testimony bs saw MltehelL gave him 1 1.000, and got the patent for th land in four daya. ; , -. eraad Jury Proceeding. - ' On redirect examination- Puter told Of Incidents preceding his own indict ment. When he heard that United State Attorney John H. Hall waa going to have him indicted h want to May about it. Maya replied, . T know it Nothing eould be better for you than tb be Indicted by Hall. ' 1 - - k government agent named Greene haa gathered evidence enough to- indict you. . Ed Mays ,1s a deputy under Halt, and If you are indicted I can have the case postponed one or two year and then thrown out If you' are. not-!n-dloted now Hall may lb succeeded by tent on who will prosecute you and send you over the road." . ; y. BrowaaU to Tla Tarj. , 'I . r Puter teatlfled that he objected to the arrangement, but waa Indicted anyway. Before thla happened he expected George C. Brownell. to be appointed as Hall's aucceaeor. -Aeoording to Putsr testi mony he had hired 3rownell to fix grand Juror for him, - that he gave Brownell money for the fixing, but nothing was don. Later Brownell draw out of th fight for United State attorney. Puter aaid It waa because Brownell feared Halt would-indtct- him. Captain- Orma by waa a member of .the grand Jury that Indicted Puter. Puter further testified, that May was his attorney after hla indictment, that Mays went Into court with him, but aooa afterward said: "They are becom ing cloae to me. X had better withdraw from tha case and be your silent attor ney." After that May worked night on tb caae until Puter was convicted. Puter produced sn account book show ing that he paid 1600 to Merrlt Ormeby, eon of Forest Superintendent Ormaby. . FONETIX ADOPTED BY UNIVERSITY OFFICIALS c vt rv ma Representing ths latest and most ad- '. vsnced styles fresh from the fac- . tories of y America's best shirt ,. '' makers. - Arrange of patterns' wide ., enough to meet every man's ideas. .. ,' Made up In goli ; styles,' plain and -plaited fronts; also' stiff bosoms, , Cu ff ; attached and ' detached, ' -'! PRICED FROM $1.50 to & i wLwm m M: 269-271 Morrison Street D0N7 ' MISS TCIS ELEGANT PRIZES ' U es wA 4 sVS : f '- fluerade Garni val m Mas ON ROLLEH. SKATES OAKS RIN JL - -;. f" HUSKS AT TKE EINX qn roller. ' .sKAVLsiy;:) Z' :;-M m Xk. w a a--: a : w-'e-ai ' -. f " TONIGHT " C2AXD I) tiAscn ATI9P.IL (Jearaal SpecUl Servics.) Washington, Sept t. The simplified spelling board today announced that at least 821 university officials have agreed to uae the 100 simp' 'sd wdrd in their own correspondence. There are ST champion of th cans in California. ; Piefensd toea Oanraad aroeda. Allen 3 Lewis' Best Brand.. . - BIG FIRE IS KG IVHEAT - FIELDS : Grain Crops on Big : Ranchss Near Garfield Are Bsing - ,v Rapidly Destroyed. ' Oarflald, . Wah.r Sept I.1 Draper's big threshing machine caughfc flr on Ewing ranch thla morning ahfV accord ing to a rspvrt. tba flr I sweeping th entire whsat district aouthweat ef Qar field . and hundreds . cf acres of wheat will be burned up. The flr ha run over th big Ewing place and 1 now burning up th Hunt farm. Thar la a high wind and thousand of acrea will probably be burned over before th flr can be extinguished. 7 . At Stl tea .yesterday, a-spark from a threshing engine oaased a $11.00. flre. The machine waa running when th flr started. The threshing machine, val-. ; ued at 11,000, was completely destroyed and several fields of barley and wheat valued at .'from 1 1,000 te (U.000 each were hunted., i -.-.' . ;. .''-.;. ' ; ' LA GRANDE YOUTH IS ' It -; JAILED FOR FORGERY Pendleton. Or.; Sept. A big eheclc forgery occurred here laat night, J.T.; Nail of La Grand paaaad a forged Chech for $114 upon William Moses of . th ; Worklngmen's Clothing eompany. In re turn for th asm he secured ITS worth -of clothing, t4 in cash and a du bill from Mr. Mom for $70. ; . - ' H 1 now in th county JalL Nell Is ,' big fallow, SO year ef age. He had a check on the 8avlnga bank. in favor Of Charlea James for I1S4.T snd signed by Loraenen Bros. Th writing of th check is Identical with th signature Oil th back. 1 1t was soon learned t be a forgery and th youth, waa arrested early thi mornmg. . .;.-m.. , - . . Belnf useful aad beautiful, it therefore the . most appropriate for wedding ot anniver- F Jl " '" sry gifts. A cojnplete stock, unrivaled for PTflI7PI and finish, both In flat-and hollow; A i ilUUl .. ; ware, awaits your pleasure at this store with , attrsctive prices and a convenience to the . - : "Diamond Leaders of ths Northwest" llanufscturijif Jewelers . ; Comer Third snd Washington Sts., MOTHERS, mm. to . 11 ' - AS- A'i A j Fall in Line .. Our entire stock of Boys' and Children's1 Suits will be sold at ' sacrifice This in cludes our fall 1906 styles i; Every 5uit . ,. . Must Go $2.50 SUITS NOW.......... .f 1.60 $3.00 SUITS NOW. . . , . . .". , . . .fl.OO $3.50 SUITS NOW............... f2.30 . $4.00 SUITS NOW. . . , . ; ..f2.60,r $5.00 SUITS NOW, ... . . 1J3.40 $8.00 SUITS NOW. . . .......94.10 ' I' I:." .'. .. ' '.':' '. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. Look Right When You Buy Them; Stay Riqht After -i i, i f. -., Theim Known fl the Ctst, and . the Best Unown . v. r t v. Every. lze for short, toutvtall, slim and regular meq immm (M)o COINED MOKHiaON AND SECOND 5TKEET& - .; i - . r , '.I, ' '", -j- . r