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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1906)
Tixs onzccn daily joun:iAi; ronTLt:D. ' TUZZD.V: oualiTY PRISOHERS DECLARE THEIR FOOD IS HOT FIT TO EAT a : Write. Open Letter Saying .They i Vv Do Not Cet Decent ' Food in Jail. MAKES-THEM SICKrTO- Vy EAT IT, THEY DECLARE Meat It Bone and Ft, Bread la Stale v Newcomers Made Sic iy Food 1 Offered Them. A. .'''All the taxpayers, whether they think . T the county prleonere arei being 6verf ed, ' i vnderfed er fed Juet right, are Invited to reed the bill of fare and then lnveetl gate oondltlona for themaelvee, even If they have to to to Jail to do It. The - 'prisoner five their opinion of the pro . vender la aa addreea to the publlo is '. aued thle morning. Sheriff Stevene, I . who doeen't dine la the courthouse fees. j J meat, refueee te dlaeuae .the menu, ' J either at or between meal tlmee. The V statement of hie oorapuleory boardere ie aa follow: ' ' . ; "Multnomah- County JalL. (Portland. ! 4 Aug. II. To the Citlsens of Mult nomah County There hae been a good i deal publlihed of late in our dally newa papera on the eubject of feeding the .--.- county priaonere, both by the court for mar eherlffe. Story T. Word, and the I present aherlff. Steyena .Former Sher Iff Story . gave an accounts of 1 the many thouaandi of dollar! of graft , there ie In the feeding of the county prisoner, and we think the Inmatea of . the oonnty Jan can vouch for the truth of this. Story's etatement -, Now. epeaklng to you. the eitlaena . and taxpayere of Multnomah eounty, eu, the taxpayere who have to pay the itllla. If you really wlah to know the ' amount of graft there la til feeding the 4nmatef of thla wunty JalLyoa have only to read our bill of fare, and then con and investigate the condition of , the food youreelvee. or appoint a com anittee of It good eitlaena to do so. - - ' for breakfaat we get a email pea. of " (oatmeal muah with ayrup twice a week. We lavarlably. have to throw It away on account of the tracee ef rate In It. ' IThe other Are snoralnge we get a little tainted meat and a rotten potato with Ite Jacket on. When the meat la not tainted then It la all, tat aad grlatly and HEAD ORDERED TO DECLARE STAND Ankeny Paper Demands to Know Position of the Gov- '', . rftserfat DkpH JMmir ' .;'WaUaWalla-X'aeli.Aua. 'leading editorial In the Morning Union. Senator Levi Ankeny' peper, Governor Meed waa openly aaked If he ie fighting 'Ankeny. The editorial alao deneuneee , Frank Keea, warden of the etate pent ' . tentlary at Walla Walla, for lining up with the boxers, a faction of -the Re , publioaae oppoeed - to Senator Ankeny r . and B. D. Crocker, ..hie polltlcalrpre ' eeatatlve. . .-'.:. "-' ; -,; 'v Senator Ankeny la in Portland, at the t home of hie eleter, Mre. Harriet K.iMo Arthur. Tit aileait etreet, and te con fined te hie bed with Inflammatory v rheumatiem, . When - aaked ebout the editorial, Senator Ankeny dleclalmed all , knowledge of It, and elated thet he knew of no fight being waged between Qor ' ernor Mead and himself. 1 have Juat come down from the Sound, where I met Oovemor Meed on - eeveral- aeeaeloaa, and our eonverea ' tlone were moat friendly. I know noth. ' " Ing about the editorial ' and nothing . about keea' poeltlon. He la an ap- polate of the governor'a and probably r f eela that he haa to do aa the governor telle him.' The point which the boxere are preee . leg agalnet Mr. Ankeny at present la hie ' poeltlon on the primary law. All ef forte to draw out hie opinion in regard to the - law- have repeatedly felled, until today " he atated that he wee In favor of a prl 1 mary law. "A good one," he qualified. Governor . Mead te known to be In favor . of each a law, and It la euppoeed that Meede declaration " and Ankeny'a ei . lenee have brought about the present 'i oenfllcL However, Keee1 poeltlon la '.the leat city election of . not eupportlng f' Hunt, the Ankeny eendldate, If not ao v tnally fighting for Kellough, the auc- eesiful boxer candidate, Ie probably the ! real cause of the trouble, end the An , keny lieutenants eey that Keee action waa eanctloned by the governor, AT least they say that the governor haa not disavowed them, and allowed each a conclusloa to remain. PEOPLE OF BUTTEVILLE CONDEMN REV. SMYTHE ' rteeelal fmpetrb te The leeraaL) ' Aurora. Or., Aug. IS. The people of Buttevllle, near this "place, where Rev. Warren waa formerly located, are loud la their condemnation of Rev. Smytbe for hie denunciation of Rev. 'Warren. While et Buitevllle Rev. Warren made friends with every one. and made many convert to the church. SAVES HIS WIFE BUT -LOSES HIS OWN LIFE - (Jeoraal gpectal Brlee ) ' San Francisco, Aug. 11. Bui-rounded "V flame, Joseph SneaTa" sign painter, early this morning euccessfully lowered hi level! wife by a Pully from the , third story at 171 Dolores street and waa himself precipitated Into the street - fey the burning ef tbe rope., receiving fatal lajuriea Other occupenu.of the rix-atory building eeceped. ,Tha build lag waa aeetroyeo. uzzxnr wiLiiNOT. v . nESIG.'J CHAIRMANSHIP iMat Bn.rU! Mm litis.. Kew tork. Aug. IL-l-Tom Taggart Is for Bryan, whether Bryan le for Tom or net Taggert heeda the Bryan recep tion committee from Indiana, which ar rived today, and eeye he 1 aot going to resign from the rational committee am yet aor aoon. He eeye: "la not built t .1 wtrt I Uke the Job." not even eatable by a hungry dog. The meet la nothing but scraps and trim mines front the butoher's bleok. And ae to the ooffee. it elves every one nesri uurn and maaea taena aica. For dinner we get the same so-called tea, ar o it ia properly called hot tuff, with a quarter ef a t-eent loaf of bread. The V. S. bakery eelle thle kind, of biead two loavearoTrtnU. Thla ia a good dinner! y . ;, For supper we get " a ' emell pan of etew nearly all bone, gristle, weter and a little of the aeme dog meat, with the usual tea, and that Quarter loaf of dry. bread.. We get thla three tlmee a week, and twice a week we jet cooked bani With" a Diece er pork thai no one can eat. unless they ere on .the point -efil l.mraHAn . 1 nr. 1 1 V makes thSM b-ms. v - - m AJa lAd lea m aatliUl aj iij gtway Ills) yivtMiarw aueave newoomara vomit whsn they are hangfyFcapture Plnar del Rio and march upon and eet It. The other two evenings "Ihiivihi mmtil hlsa to less rriUlgT. h't genaea-ne-tatntdfiieaf7hat we usually get for breakfast. But the woret of it all la the nerve of the trusty of this Jail, who la a prla oner, and goes on errenda for the In metes and the Jailer. This trusty de mands ua-to pay him a commission of 10 cent on the oouer tor going aa er rand. . and then, he chergee twloe the retail price' that eur eatable cost him. which we esk Mm to buy for ua because we are hungry and must eat And If we ehould remonstrate with thla trusty for being held up and robbed while defense less behind prison bars we only get In sulted and no eatlafaction, , not evea from the Jailer. . " : . Our vlaltlna- friends are not allowed to bring eatables of any kind, not even fruits, for fear ihat theramaybei sledge hammers, eoel chisels and sawe hidden In applea, orangee, bananaa. pie. end other eateblee. That la the only reason the Jail authorities have for aot letting eatables into thle Jail.) " navs you ever mouim ox jinv pwr blllty f biding a hammer la M orange end eo re ring it up ao well aa to oonoeal iit xry it. - Well, eat we must, aa while we have money we muet allow ourselvee to be robbed or. etarve. We, the Inmates, are appealing to the iympathlee of the public for rtfftieasl -after having failed to get satisfaction -evem. the Jail en taerttiea. (Signed CHARLES BOCK. : B. W. JONES. HINRT RA8SMAN. 1 H. iOHANNgKN, . v -A.- U PARK. ' : T. BERNARD. -V? fi . TOM BUCKXKT. , K. R, COON. - GCOROB AUSTIN. . C. BDELMAN. V J. C BENNETT. ' L. CRAM. ' ' - POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT LEASES LOCATIOIiS Contracts Are Made for New Lo -cations for Two Substations . " 'V ' .' ! In Portland. . Washington. D. C, Aug. II. The poetoffloe department haa made the tol lowing leaees: -; . ' PortUAd, station D, Reed, 'Flelde -A Tynin company Lease cf new quar' tero for the ta:lon at numbera tit and 114 Rueaell street, term of five yea re from November 1. v . For heat. The Dallea Columbia lodee No. f, I, o. O. F for new quartere for the poatofflce on the north side of Sec ond street, between Federal and Laugh Ha atreete, for a term of le year front December I. :,- . " .... . OnUrlo, Ontario lodge No. to, I. O. O. F, new quartere for the poetoffloe on the eeat aide of Oregon street, be tween Idaho and Washington atreete, for a term of 10 year's from October 1. For Corvallls the department accepted the proposal of Archie J. Johnson -to lease new quarters for the poatofflce on the north elde 'of Madleon street, be tween First and Second atreeta, for a term of five yeara from November 1, ltot, Including complete "bqulpment of heat, light, safe and water. . - For Portland it leaned from Roewell B. Lemeon - new quartere at lit Flaadere etreet for a term ef five yeara from November V: t i . . .' STREETCAR STRIKE TAKEN GOOD NATUREDLY ; . People Walk While Employes and Employers Remain Stubborn -in Attitude. . San Francisco. Aug. II Thla city till takea th tleup of the ' ear Itnee good naturedly and le taking advantage of the poor transportation facilitiee af forded ay every manner . of vehicle preesed into commission. ' A large majority, however, walk. The strikers continue . to gather about the car barns, but no violence le attempted. The company ha made no 'effort to put- out care President Calhoun thle morning practically admitted that Strikebreaker Farley le on hi way from ' New Tork with eeveral hundred men to make an effort to start traffic. There is no evidence of weakening on the part of the union, but the evident determination of . the company not to yield and the report that strikebreakers ar comlaa ha dampened their ardor. Andon Andrewa and Henry wolf dropped dead on the otree'tethM morn Ing as an Indirect reeult ef the street car strike. Both had heert disease and were compelled to walk long dlstanoee. BAILEY STARTS ON - BAD MEAT CRUSADE ). a) e Jre)--- ar-v -, e e Stat Food and Dairy Com- e e - mleeloner Bailey - hss 1 filed e a cherges sgsinst Thomas. Duffy q and jBck Henry on the ground that they eell meat that ha e a oeen, treated witn preservatives. q ' Commissioner Belley haa an 4 ttouneed a erueed agalnet pck-i 4 ere and dealere who eell euch 4 meat a He will conduct a rigid Investigation, he eaye, and will w vigorously proeeaat all who are q found guilty, q Henry objects to th charge 4 ' for the reaeon. ae ae explains, thst the commissioner should q attempt to punish local' packers e who prepare the meats and from 4 ' whom they are purchased rather d . than those who ecll ' It to th e public. tvvvvVomov lOSOiiOEOTS- ARE 1DERKJG Ex-Congressman Mendleta an cAnnm iranrta Irrlwa at '- Havana. si apeetal-aerrtre.1 Havana, Aug. IC The etatement that lnsurasni leaders, ' except Guerre, ere going to surrender haa been overdrawn. However, It ie thought that practically all ,- Will - coma . ln Recruiting hsa stopped. The pay of all troops In the eervlee haa been increaaed. Ex-con greeeman Mendleta -end-Colonel Aranda, who were leedlng the Ineurgente aun- day. vrere brought into this city today. follower. aapMUas him to anaa.rrwjr teculer rush agalnet the government foroee. . ' , ' Business la picking up and "merchant are regaining confidence In Palma'e. gov ernment. ..; ! " The government offera amneety-to alt rebels who ga home and gva up the revolution agalnet the government. Offi cers ere,, not allowed aVnneety and will be held until the court determine their disposition. Commander surrendering with their entire commaada, will, how ever, ' be promised . unconditional par don. Prealdent Palma haa glvea out a etatement in which- he says that the Insurrection hsa no ideal and no pro gram. He say that th present move ment Is one of local adventure, a eras y morement-of the- discontented. The government can "have ao petty spite agalnet thoee who return te their eenee and abandon the eaue of disorder. - ' .. The . . yebela . eoeupled - Bejucal laet night and fought the ru rales until morning, and still retain possession. Three Insurgent and one of the loyal ist wer killed. , - - ' - i FILIBUSTERS SAIL Oifloefa la Qommaad are Jo Vavy , Man Seeoad Shi meady. i nrarDMur BM-TiM.t New York. Aug.- ti. A -veeeel I known to have ealled from this country for ' Cuba with arm and ammunition for th Ineurgenta. The ahlp le sup posed 10 be the auxiliary aohooner An dre of Philadelphia. Offlcera formerly la the American navy ar ia command. Another ahlp le preparing to sail with tente and supplies. The government 1 watching t Intercept the latter. iiJQ OF 60DDARD USED BY Biemis twiiROEN Connecting Link Showing That : , College Profeuor Frey Was ' Married Before. ' V (Iporael apeeUl service.) ' I Chicago, Aug. II. That C. H. Frey I one stated he had adopted the name of Ooddard le the lateat link la the chain which eeeme forging -Iteelf around the man, who, after aa abeence of II yearo, returned to hie deserted famllyia Xlfeagar VTewwe"eke ago,' only to be accused by Mre. C. H. Ood dard of Hurley, South Dakota, of hav ing committed bigamy by marrying her years ago. Information that Frey used tbe name of Ooddard came to Attorney W. R Fetaer, who repreeenta . Mrs. Ooddard, In a letter from a buelnese man of Hum boldt, Iowa The letter state that a maa named Frey attended college at Humboldt for two or three' yeara, be ginning In 1177. About that time he left a widow aamed Mra Clara Swats, who also disappeared. Ia lilt or in 1114. it la alleged, they returned to Humboldt and announced that they had been married. Jt wee at that time, ac cording to the letter, that Frey said h had hi nam changed to Ooddard. CIGARETTES AS ANTIDOTE : FOR TEA DRINKIhfi Cleveland Health Officer Advises Women to Smoke tojOvor . Tcome Beverage. (JosVnal Special service ) ' Cleveland, Aug. 11. Dr. FrTedrich. a health of fleer of Cleveland, advises the women of tbe smart eet to smoke cigar ettes if they are addicted to tbe use of strong tea. Tea, he declares, net only rulne the complexion, but caueee heart dleeaae, and he would remedy both with cigarettes. . "Tannin, the active principal of tea. stimulates the heert without feeding It," ne aaia tooay. -women are eelsed with heart disease without knowing the rea son. It 1 th Ua they drink, and while tannin cumulates th heart, nicotine de presses it" WOMAN IS OVERCOME BY GASOLINE FUMES rpeiel Olssetet te Tk tarsal) Athena, Or., Aug, . 11. While engaged ia cleaning clothing with gasoline at her home north of town yesterday, Mrs. A. J. Wagner waa overcome by Inhaling the fumes which evaporated from the liquid. The action of the gasoline waa similar in .reeult to inhalation of gaa, and the condition of Mre. Wagner for a time waa oerloue. Her breathing waa, ex tremely difficult, and before the arrival of a physician she waa la a aemi-con clou state.- . .:,.. ,, FRED COOK-ACCUSED OF MURDERING WIFE Macrae! gpeetal Service.) Los Angeles, Aug. II. The polio have learned that Fred Cook, the hue- band of Mra. Jennie Cook, who waa mur dered on a Santa Monica car laet night was on th eame car. They are pooittve ha did the shooting, no trace of him haa been found. ) .- TWENTY ARE RESCUED FROM BURNING SHIP . . . f rJflsrul asaHel ti il-a.) ' Detroit, Aug. If. The eteamer Eddy caught fire etieea off Port Sanltao thla morning. The eteamer Mackinac an swered the dtstrssa signals and rseoued 1 people. Including th captala's wife rciLcijs n 'Ftm3 c? okeh i:::i5ito q;i-; i kej--aaaaaaa-TeBBeaB i ' " ' ..-; : 0; W. Olson, Accused of Seir- wood Fraud, Asks Quashing ' of Indictment, r ' Rsgardleea of' declalone by., both Judge Sears and Judge Fraser-tOf the circuit court declaring that the grand Jury that found the Indlctmente agalnet the men ha were eeioro nava cen Implicated in the ' Sellwood precinct election frauds wee legal and 'properly drawn, O. W. Olson, one of the Indicted men, haa filed a motion In the circuit court to quaah the indictment against him oa the ground that the grand Jury Lwas not a regular-end -legally : coaati I luted body.. V" ' : - Oleoa was arraigned with the other participants in the election frauds and the time of pleading his guilt or Inno cence was sat for September l. Fol- the necessity of making hie plea on the date set by lading advantage or tne technicalltie of the law and, filing the motion. - That the supreme court Of the state will be aeked to peaa upon th validity of the Sellwood election fraud grand Jury 1 conelderod certain. Notice of eppeal hae been given in the caee of Charlea Bock, and G. Plass, secretary of the Mount Hood Brewing company, yes terday filed a bill of exception to th ruling of Judge Freser In denying hie motion to quash the indictment agalnet him. The time af pleading of a number at the election fraud defenaent waa flxM at Jdly 15 aad all avoided pleading bv filing .motions to quash the Ind let men fir These were disposed of by Judge Frsier and next Saturday, Sep tember u named aa the tlm tor theia to BleaaV-:.v .w.'.--.. . 60,ERh::EliTl7nnT$L:!BER FOS THE CAT1AL Z0;;E Sends Out Circulars Asking "for Bids on Enormous ' : Amount. . . . Circular hae been Issued by the 1 government purchasing agent of . the Panama canal commission asking for bids oa aale of 1.110.000 feet of lum ber to the commission to be need In canal work. Bid will be received to September 1. A copy of the circular hee been received by the Portland chamber of oommerce and la on file for use by local lumber manufacturers. Blank propoeala have., also - been re ceived to furnish Chlneee labor to be need under direction of the commission on work in th .canal sons. Bids will cloee September 10.. , The chief of the bureau of atatietice at Washington hss acknowledged receipt of data aent from Portland showing the movement of com merce in this port, and Portland will be ean on the next published map Issued by the department of - commerce .and labor. The data wlU appear in the July number of the document known ee the Summary of Internal Commerce.1 President R. R. Hoge and secretary b. C Olltner-of the. chamber,.. with the party of relet lvee and friend sccoro- 5?, I outing, are expected to arrive home to day, after .eeveral weeke-epent in fish ing, and hunting at Mario lake. ' . Vt ii i - - . :. JUVENILE COURT BOYS TO WORK PICKING HOPS Twenty boy who want an opportu nity to work in the hop yarda and earn money will be given a chance by the Juvenile Improvement essoclatlon, uv der the direction of the Juvenile court. These boy will be taken next Monday to the hop yarda of Colonel Haim.-a, near Forest Grove, where a camp will be eetabllehed. They will remain dur ing the hop picking eeaeon. ' . Cooking utensils and a building ti camp la will bo - f urniahed by Colonul Halnea The Juvenile Improvement as sociation will see that the boy get to the hopyard and that a competent cook le provided for them. - Each boy will Uke hi own Biaaaot. Tney win oe officer of the Juvenile court. probablyJ Truant "Officer B. D. white. The ex penses of maintaining the camp will be determined at the end of the eeaeon ana each' boy will pay his share. The offi cer of the Juvenile court believe-that the expense of each poy win not exeeea II cent a day for the entire trip. The average earning of boy in hop yard Is said to be about 11.10 per day, thus leaving them a aloe little profit ALLEGED WIFE BEATER PLACED UNDER ARREST A chocking tale of a husband's bru tality haa come to light aa tUo result of the erreet of Harry Wilson this morning by Patrolman O. Nelson oa a warraat eharglng him with asseult and battery. The complainant In- the ceee la Hatue wuson, th wit of in oe fendant. The oouple were married about five months ego and reside in a scow at the foot of Market street According to the women, a week after the marriM cere mony Wilson commenced hla campaign Of abuse and ill-treatment which cul minated in hi arrest today. It Is al leged that h cam bom in an Intoxi cated condition this morning' and pro ceeded to admlnleter a beating to his wife After striking her repeatedly In the face and-'naaitly fracturing her jaw, It I claimed that Wilson attempted to kick the woman Into the river. She sought safety la flight and re ported the matter to the police. A war rent wee lasusd for Wilson' arrest and ha will have a chance to explain hi conduct to Judge Strode tomorrow mora Ing, j, .;,.: -...' .. '. ;; NEGROES INTEND TO RULEBEAUMONt. TEXAS 1 lleareal aesetal Servtee.t Beaumont t Tex., Aug. II. Negroes have addreeeed a letter to the leading newspaper eaylng that they Intend to rule the town aad resent the puaiehment Inflicted by the . authorities whsa loo wer arrested and discharged for vagrancy and ordered to leave town. FIGHT FOR HONOR OF ' WELCOMING W. J. BRYAN Washington, Aug. II- Flv different organisations hsv asked the custom offlclele to permit them to take Bryan from the steamship at quarantine in a tug. The quarreling organisations will probably be told by Assistant Secretary Reynold to determine th fight among themselves. '.'..JV Real Estate A Trust Company ClwaeS (IS UOOra -iViil- lions Involved. ThTiiaeipwrt'rTr;! tete eV Trust company closed Its doors this afternoon. It le rumored that forged peper, from tl.006.ftol to 110, 000,000, la in circulation. The Clearing Houee association met to confer vn the teltusiloa. and -It , la believed , erUl - tide tne company over. v - i ' Frank Whipple, president of the com pany, died Sunday. When the fetters waa announced, a great, crowd of de- poaltora gathered; . City bankere have pieiUa. no.aghlocjj ver. the compeny'a Th, company waa chart.reff-wj 1185.' Ita paid up capital waa 11,800,000, and ita depoelte cloee to M0O,000. It held la truet funds of about 114,600,000, of which all hut about 1100.000 Jt invested. At the meetings of SO bank preetdente and vlce-prealdents today, they found the affaire too much Involved to ehooee a auoeesaor for Whipple, and continue business, and. decided to apply for a' re ceiver. . It Ie rumored that Whipple speculated heavily and lost several fortunes. It Is hinted that hia death was unnatural. Th Philadelphia market at the new lumped and the New York exchange fell ebout a point The clearlng-houee waa aeked to eubeerlbe 17,000.000. It did not do It It 1 said that the aura It did subscribe was M.eOO.000. No charge le laid to Whipple's door except that he was unfortunate In business In vestments. Dr. a Weir Mitchell Ie a Nnember of the board of director - - Ia th petition for a receiver, Direct or 'John H. Converse ststee thet the late . prealdent without knowledge of the bank's directors. - invested Urge' irmV secured, by collateral not negoti able or really converted to face value of upward Of 11,000.000, and by false report to th director brought about Llha present condition. Whipple held at tna end or tne is si flecal year nearly 11.000.000 of the Preabvterlan church funds as treeeurer of the board of trusteca of the general assembly. - Judge A.udendrled appointed George H. Earls Jr., prealdent of the Finance Com pany of Pennsylvania, as receiver. Whipple practiced law until he organiaed the company, when he waa made - it president He waa prominent la chart tlea and a member of the board of true teea of ' the general aaeembly . of tbe Preebyteriaa church.' ' PRISONER TRIES T17ICE TO KILL HGSELF III CELL Police Cut Him Down Just in " Time to Prevent Him Car-V rying Out Purpose. ' Suffering from either eulcldal mania or delirium tremens Richard Stark, a srleones, confined In the .city prieon hae made -two uneurceeefuf attempte to end hi Ilf during th past II hours. That In either Instance ha we not successful waa due entirely 4o the vigilance dis played by the police. In charge of the jalL - , - ' . ', . Sbo-tiy before the second nignt re lief reported for duty the attention of Patrol Driver O ruber waa attracted by the loud rattling of. the bare fn the city prison. Upon opening the door leading .to the cells he waa Informed by Hicks, a trusty, that Stark had committed suicide In cell No, 10. It was but the work of a momeat for O ru ber to opea the cell door and cut down the man. it was found that h had tied on and of a leather strap about hi neck and the other to the bate of the eelL Stark waa almost strangled, but upon recovering signified hla Intention of re peating the attempt '' That he le la earnest waa demon strated this morning at the opening of the municipal court Securing in eome manner a piece of heavy twine Stark tied the string .about hi neck and through the bare oa the etairway leedlng thedooH Jn-he courtroom Several prisoners raised the alarm aad Bailiff Thomas Jefferson Caaey ruehed to the scene. The string was untied and Stark none the worae for hla experience waa again locked up. It wag decided In view ef the two attempte to end hi life to end the maa to the county Jail for x aoilneion aa to hi aenlty, ; , - THREE ENEMIES BEAT- IN AGED MAN'S RIBS ,. '-V'-;",' ' . i i i n i (,-' Wsston, Or., Aug. St. Charles Sam and hia two sons of Weston attacked B. F. . Walden, an old man, . yesterday, breaking three rib and otherwise beat ing htm up until he la aow In a pro earloua condition. The men are held upon a charge of aeseult and battery made agalnet them In the Justlcs court : Same wa one before charged with aasault upon Mr. Walden, and pleaded guilty In the circuit court He waa glvsn a six-months' sentence, but wa la leased on parole - The trouble broke out again,,' however,' and a a reeult Mr. Walden ia now In the hospital and his life I endangered. , The ease against Sam will be held up pending tbe re covery of hla victim, .-. A 'FRISCO CAR SERVICE : IS TO BE RESUMED ' (Jeoraal Roeelal aervlee.) - San Franclaco. Aug. Streetcar eervlee will be resumed e) almoat at once. The United d Railroad company ha resolved e) to prsvent greater hardship to. a -thapdtleehd will do ita duty e) q aa a publlo service corporation. , e 1 This wlU Be none in spite oi ey the threate of violence and In e tlmldaUons. "We are anxlou e to treat the , carmen' union d fairly, and for any trouble that ' e may ensue aa impartial public e wlH plaoe th blame upon whom e) It belonga" Thle declaration waa mad to- 4 day ' by Mullallyr speaking for . e President Calhoun, after Mul- e lally and Calhoun were eloeeted . e together for an hour. Mullally e e atated the company hee nof yet o) e completed it plan for running e e the care, but. they wlU probably e e be perfected ih th next 14 houre. . e e- Mayor Schmtta declared today ,e e h would exheuat every poeelble e e means to bring the two eldee of ' e e the controversy together to ef- 4 d feet a settlement , . . cy c:x.::.i ' - ' r - .. " - ' , Upon Rscbmmend&t'on of Judge MoDride Murderer Is' Clvn I fvtrtv (BpeeUI Otepeteb te Tbe JearaeLI Salem,' Or.. Aug, II. Oeorge Upton waa today granted a full and uncondi tional pardon by Governor Chamberlain. yptonwaa sent to Jhe penitentiary, foj life from' Columbia county for the mur der of William DeJournett and. be has already served more than eight yeara The perdon waa granted on the recom mendation of Judge MoBrtde, who of- ficiateat-tba-triaL- '-r- 7 " Upton managed to elude the vigilance Of the officer for four or flv year after he did the killing and wee eventu ally arrested by Detective Snow of Port land. .... r. : ..-. ... 1 . VERGE OF 17HR Strained Relatione Shown by Resignation of Bulgarian . ' .... : Oiplomatio Agent. ! - ioeraal Ipeelal Servlee.) ; New Tork. Aug. 21. A csbl td th Sun from Constantinople eays: The sudden resignation of th Bulgarian dip lomatic agent here 1 a aerloua aymp ton of ths trained relation between Turkey and Bulgaria. Th possibility of war between these two power 1 gener ally admitted. Should there be a clash a Bulgarian victory Is highly probable. . It Is rumored that the sultan haa or dered Arlf Pasha, commander of th Second Adrlanople army corps, to pro par for. mobilisation oa tbe Bulgarian frontier. The Turkish Inspector-general of frontier haa been aummoned to Ylldla Kiosk. . . ,L . THIEF STEALS NOTHING ; EXCEPT FALSE TEETH ' What use a thief could poeelbly have with eeveral Bet HTralss neeth is the problem, tha Captain Bruin newly Hedged are endeavoring to aolve. - A re port wee received thle morning from Dr. B. E. Wright 144 H Washington street that, during the night the ehowoese In front of hie office had been broken open with a chisel and the contenta, consist ing entlrelyof falee teeth, carried away. The crook left three false teeth Jaw with a couple of gold teeth and- two gold cape on the top or tbe case, where they wer found by the polio. , : After rifling Dr. . Wrlght'e eaae the criminal next turned hla atep towarde Dr. P. S. Longworth e dental display at 1I1H Morrison street and added to hla stock of fala teeth. Acting Detective Tlchenor haa been detailed to make aa Inveatlgatlon but ao far haa ao clue te the thief.'.--; ,., , '' r-- ORIGINAL TO E. Z. MARK -BUNKOED IN PORTLAND According. to the report made to the f police thtr-momtng by CM. Johnson of Sea view. Oregon, he eaa Jy claim to being the original -Mr. K. Z. Mark. Johnson arrived here eeveral day ago and engaged quaetare at the Hotel Es mond. Laet evening In a north end re sort ho met a booh companion of former daya, In the person of a . da ah lug brunette. - She routed, a plaintive tale about an Obdurate . landlord who 'demanded hi rent oa penalty of ejectment and John son's heart waa eo touohed that , ha aunaled ua 147. . Tbe young woeaaa de clared that h Would return th kind loan and gave him the, key t her homo ae - security. - On eome pretext she topped outside for a moment aad dis appeared. The police are searching for tbe woman. t - RAILROAD MEN TO ; OBEY NEW RATE LAW , .I. w . . ' . (Joaraal Special gerviee.) - Waahlngton, Aug. ll.Th rata Uw K.- affective W "d a nnfer. enea of about railroad men was held with the eommleelonere. The rauroea men asked an , extenalon of time for filing schedules and asked permlealon t - oontlnue "their present method of posting the schedule demanded, The regulations In th matter of publlehing export and import rates waa brought up , a number- oz -tecnnrcai questions eonaidsred. : They assured the com ml e- sioners that tney-nao no intention ox Ignoring the iawv i ... - OBJECT TO DRINKING--' t FROM BALTIMORE; FOUNT (loerael Special lervlea.) CoatesvlUe, Pa.. Aug. II. Unregen erate health commlasloner and Inlqult ua deputies have blocked the progress of : the negro . Disciple of Christ' bound for salvation via th Brandywln river. After eervlee Kev. Oeorge Waahlngton dipped the congregation every Sunday. The authorttlee today told him that hereafter If the water waa effleeeioua he muet duck converts In a barrel of It The Brendywlne la the eourco of the aeareity of the water uppiy. ' . ' ' ; DEATH FOR DEATH : SOCIETY IN RUSSIA -:. . . , - v. ; . V ' Ueerset peetsl Servle.) , v ' St Petereburg, Aug. II. A aootety known aa "Death for Death" haa been formed and la publlehing notloea la the Kpers that It will kill a revolutionist ider for every .victim of the terror ists. The society signed th warning with skull and cross bones. Fighting between police aad people la eaeny-elttee la reported. Casualties ar numeroua. ' MORAN INSISTS ON - V - ; RUNNING FOR GOVERNOR Boston. Aug. II. District Attorney John B. Morsn he refused to permit W. J. Bryan to deelde whether he Is to be a cendldat for governor. - Moran says that he 1 th candldat chosen by hla party. . . '-:J ; - .... ' Qanalae Faaeral "omereow. Thome F. Canning, th Fhlllppln war veteran who poeed aa a model for the sta as on the soldiers' monument at Rlvervlew cemetery, and who died suddenly last Friday, will be burled at I o'clock tomorrow et Rlvervlew. Fu neral services will be held at Coroner Flnley'e ehspel by Camp Scout Teung, No. I. United Spanlah War veteran, of which th deceased waa a member. . .,7r n n.,,.1n LllC IU UUe.eiuU jTtc'Trn rve V"' Ut?-Hm- Chow Real Charactxr cf ' Rev. Fred ). Warren. -v. .'' Rev, C M. Smythe, who created a sen-aatioiratsc-johng trunday" hy. pubflcly" denouncing Rev. Fred Wsrren, pastor of ' th Congregationaltat church at that place, ae the deepoller of hia home, an nounced today that hi wife would reach -Portland Thursday to assist him In a libel suit against the St Johns minister. His wife, he says, will testify eon . oamlng Warren' a conduct, and will aa alat her husband In every way poeelble. Smythe declaree that a libel suit agalnet , Warren for defematloa of character will , be In tl tffTed at once. - . ' 1 . expect To etcure the services of An and . begin" the suit right away," he eeld today. "I telegraphed my wife, who waa In Minnesota, and re ceived a reply that Che atarted for' Portland yesterday. She1 will reach here Thuraday evening. I will be abl to ehow the charaoter ef Warren and hie effort to ruin tn and my home." - Members of the church at St Johns express - confidence In the Integrity of their pastor, and insist that Smythe is orasy. They ale declare that they will render all possible aeolstaaes to Warren In avoiding further trouble with Smythe. BARBER L'ET AGCiDEtlTAL DEATH, SAYS JURY--" - : ;--' :J;-, m r . .. ,. S - :- Testimony at - Inquest Shows That Man Was intoxicated rTT",:: When Killed. . ' , ' , hatoTden-Jr-Bairwai drunl- when he fell under a Mount Scott car -and 'was killed laet Saturday midnight wss pretty well established tn a four houre Inquest held over the remalna ' today. The six Jurymen exonerated the conductor' and motorman of the ear and brought in a verdict of accidental . aMtrc 1 t '-.' v: - Th wltneaaee examined were T. 1. , Smith, the eonduotorfC. V. Orafstrom, -the motorman; Dr. A. Tllver, end Nellie Smart, Delia Mullen, Maggie Johnson ." and C Lundgern, the laat -four being ., fellow-peaaengere of ' Barber. ' - The , conductor, ' motorman ' and passengera, " all but Lundgern, testified to the in toxicated condition of the deceaeed and -their aooounte of the aoetdeat agreed in all eeeantlale. Barber got oa the ear . ia aa intoxicated condition, went " to : sleep, waa carried past his destination before being awakened, then paid hla , fare on to Lents Junction, where he got off the tall end of the car and, a th car backed up, ha clipped on th em bankment, fell aerose the south' 'raU -and had his skull crushed by the pilot Lundgern' story differed In that ha . . did not bellevei Barber waa drunk and thst ha thought- Barber ' waa truch while eUndlng In the mlddl of th track and knocked down. . AU the witnesses were eloeely croea- examined by Attorney Erneat Brand. . Jr... John M.-Long and B.-B. Seabrookv- -the t wo f ireNhamed being there to rep reseat the widow en th Mat-named being there to look after aho Interssta of the Portland Railway; Light Pew ; ar company. Despite the verdict. Brand , say damage will be demanded by the company. . -f .," ( '' Mre. B, Campbell.- elster of the de--eeaaed. declare that. Barber we not , drunk on th night of hla death, a h never drink on Saturday night Bo- ; Idea, the last man he shaved, at 11 p. ha., a well aa hie nephew, who saw him to th ear, both aey he waa perfectly ober. . -. ,.; .'.''.i ; r PROGRESS BEING MADE HI BLUE UOUIITAKf CASE ' , i - - B. F. Smith CsJUd' to Witness Stand to Testify , for v the Government. B. T. Smith, eon of H. A. Smith, waa a government witneee this afternoon at the trial of the Blue' Mountain reserve case. According to the prosecution, H. A. Smith; now-dead, -was prominently engaged' in the : land iraua oonnmracy for which Slate Senator Mayo, Willard X. Jonea and Oeorge Boremion are now being tried. The sorr testified that be had taken a half eectlon of achool land at the request of hla father. Thla half eectlon wee within the Blue Mountain reserve boundaries ss recommended la the report af Forest Superintendent , Ormsby. ;- - ' "'' ',' ' -- The witness Identified ' a blueprint copy of a map of the proposed reserve made by John W. Rowland for H. A. Smith. Thla map was ueed by Ormsby When he went Into the Blue mountain country to make' the Investigation ordered ' by " Binger Hermann, commis sioner af the genera) lead offloa. s-v Further queetlona by Prosecutor Heney. Jrought out that H. A. Smith died ia May, 1101, aad that Willard K. Jonea and A. F. Flegel wsre the execu tors named in the will. The inventory Of tbe estate Included about 1.000 acre Of school landa ., ;."" ' . 'j i FIRE ENGINE NARROWLY ESQAPES CAR COLLISION la reepondlng to an alarm af ffra at Seventh and Stark street thla afternoon, the engine and ladder truck from No. I engine-house narrowly eeceped .oollleloa with a gravel car on Washington atreet The engine and truck were going north en Seventh street, and oa eroeelng Wash ington encountered the oevi which failed to atop, it waa oniy oy to ciwver a riv ing of the firemen that a pile-up waa' avoided. - V . " ' ' f The fire wee a mall roof blase at IT Seventh etreet, which cauaed only tri fling damage. .. ,' . .' -J.' MYSTERY SURROUNDS 7 ? DEATH OF STRANGERS ''-'''. . .- ' 5 Roewell, ' K. TV Aug. II. J. S. Msr scham, while traveling Overland today, found two dead men Bitting upright In ' the front aeat of a covered wagon, near Kanna, and four mulea dead where they had fallen In the harness. The finder . wee so scared he did not Investigate. A eoroner'e Jury haa left for the eeene. ' -. Bayaa.JSoatw rrota Talent. - :; - 'WeeklBttea Surtaa ef Tbe leuraiL) Waahlngton, Aug.: 11. -Rural postal -ssrvlo Is established trom Talent, la Jackson eounty, to commenee -today, V