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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1906)
w r r .- v r ... J - W - sr - 4k W J nr. ;lllil',l:.JlU Lui i: UUi. . ; its e? hie r':.i3 -.rv" ffcfxfrlra - Thit Koads Will Retort to Ccurtj ; a. Cafora Comjlylr.j. RZP03T3 ARE ACSURD Scoff at Statistics Demanded by Sut l arid' Sty " Thy Make Enough Re. ; pou Now-lieluctant to Talk Con ;; ieeralnj Probable Action. ' (..J. ----It-ie probable that there wnr be d- termlned opposition by th railroads to .', compliance with the Utter of tho-act . of 11)1, requiring th making of d ' Ulled annual report of railroad buil-. - to the secretary of state. - Itall--; road attorneys havo not yst received official notice of the governor Inten tion to enforce the. law. and they are today unwilling to make any statement - " for - publication. ' But their mind are made up that they will not comply with tail the provisions of th act unite they v -havsrto. -. , ' - It 1 ald on th peyt of the railroad that om of th qutatlon that make '' "up the proposed report ar unreasonable ' and absurd. For example, th para ' XTb ' benae Incurred In the running and man- "amount of eapen Incurred la th run alng and management of freight and mixed train. It la -said to be lmpos albl to' segregate the expense. The game men In' the terminal yarda handle all klnde-of trains, the am general ex panse Involved In management -of the railroad company's affairs cover all npmiti'urva all kind of trains. -. .- what part of th general superin tendent's salary," it Is asked, "should - be charged off . to th operation of ".'freight trains, what part .to mixed : ' trains, and what part to passenger ', tralnsf ' The railroad managers will contend that numerous (question In th . ' report will servo no useful purpose Tor ; the public, and Impose needless hardship ' " on the. clerical fore that Is to be rr ' quired to figure out th answer. . .' n "'-r, WUliag to iirtw gome Question. . II lt admitted by th railroad people that they should make publlo a, 'part -of v.. their business and no objection is mad .to 18 per sent of the questions contained i in the report. Bald one: . "We already make a large number of . reports to various official heads of the f ' out and national government, and one "or two. more or less would make no dif ference. We report , to the labor com- miesloier, th tax commission, and the interstate commerce oommhMlon, all of , which bodies ask a great many ques tlons. - The making' of another annual report raising a lot more questions ' ' would probably' not coat the company mors than f 10,000 a year. The railroad ' business is nowaday a publlo transao ' tlon. W have bee a making reports t th interstate commission right along, . and my on desiring to learn all about .... 'our buslnee ha nljrto aend to Waah- ' Ington and gt a copy of our report. lmow :i "' , Borne- of the . questions aaksd. In the Annual report to the aecratary of etat are said to be Indefinite In their meen- : . Ing. and hard to understand. To set out "Rata of fare for passengers for. each -V-month through and way passengers separately," might be easy, or It might ' :- be almost Impossible It la claimed- .The meaning of th law ia not clear to th railroad people. They d not know . whether the paragraph - appliea to .' "through passengers from Portland to Chicago, Portland to Seattle. Portland to St. Paul. Portland to Ahaland. Port . land to Kalama, or Portland to Hunting- "' 'ton. '.( '!. , - S - i The end of a dlvlelon or th nd of . a company' line, or the end of a sys tem of ratlroada might' be regarded aa th destination of , "through" paasen '". gar under the limited Jurisdiction of a state law. The rat for way passengers on Oregon line la I cent per' mil. but oa a long haul, like Portland to Chicago, It, Paul or Ban Francisco, th rate per mile irduoea. . Tne ratee remain-the " aam every T month in the year, excepting in occasional seasons. i ksn tuuilst and '66T temporarily In efftet. and these are In variably for through paaeengera only, from -or to points outside the etate. Vot BotUlot Tot, W. W. Cotton, general counsel for the O. R. 4k N. railroad company. Iwhen asked to give his views on the proposed jpXoroeaienl t th -annual report "law; eald he had not received any not! flea, tloa ' from the etat authorities, and was not In a position to dlacusa It- Be suppDOsed the railroads had ceased making report to th stst when th railroad commission law waa repealed, under th 'assumption that ita repeal nullified th law, requiring annual re ports to be made. . . 'i C R. Carey, counsel for th Northern Pacific, said he did not think enforce ment of the law would makeanyjnai( terlal ' glfTeTtner "to th companies n represented.-He liad not been advised officially of th , governor's action In th matter, and could not say anything material oa the subject . until be na4 given It consideration. ; -J ; , . Secretary' of '. State Dunbar who' r' turned ' today from Seaside, ha not yot received th governor's letter oa th subject of enforcement of th Isw.' It la expected that he will notify the rail road companies thla week, and their at tltud wlU soon be definitely shaped, a the term of th law require that th report shall be mad not later than September 1 of each year. Ia case of failure to report the enforcement of penalties will then eom up for action by th tat authorities. It might be that th railroad companies would pre fer to pay penalties of $1,000- rather than undergo th trouble and expense of making the desired report. Th tat would than be tip against av new problem. '- , - ' - Trouble la Waaalngtem. Th etat ' railway commission of Washington, after mora than a year" wrestling with th subject la still in a controversy with th O. . B. N. Co. and ' other rallroaa cnmpafiles In . that that shall be made to th commission. Th difficulty. It 1 aid, 1 chiefly a matter of bookkeeping. Th railroad companies do not object to answering questions aa to amount of capital stock, names of owners, amount paid In and by whom, amount of Uabll Itlea, names aiid iesidenojror0fflcer7 questions as to funded and floating debts, cash value of road , bed, rolling stock, buildings and atatlon property, length Of main, double and spur track, sidings, mile run by passenger trains. earnings by same, mile run by freight trains, tonnage and freight earnings, ex penses of maintenance, salaries and tariff of freight, showing each change of tariff. - Borne of the questions bear oa th matter of discrimination In freight rate. It I asked whether th rat of far and tariff of freight In published lists are the aam as tho actually received by the company, and If not. what rate were received? Prac tically th aam answers a re arrived at In th report to th . Interstate com merce commission on this and othsr question bearing on th railroad com pany's relations to other railroad com panles and to express companies, SILER WILL; REGULATE' ; WEIGHINGT M OF MEN s fMseetal Ptapeleh te The yeerseLl" i Ooidfleld. Nev., Aug. II. Despite Nolan' Insisting that Qana must weigh In with his fighting togs on, George Slier declares that there I nothing In tn rules providing for this. Hs says If it ia left to him Osns may weigh In stripped. The club w'U probably let the referee decide. Key. Jamea Byers Presbyterian min ister, will expel any women member of the flock who attend the fight This haa caused much Indignation, as th best women In th place will attend. CATHOLIC CATHEDRAL BURNED BY FANATIC (Joorsal Special terries.) Lincoln, -Mob., Aug. . Th first Th loss Is t I0.00O.-The "bishop's sec re tary y that th fir waa Incendiary and started by a fanatic. ' 1 y - .The Kind Ton Hav Ivnqni Xkmlit rjuid which has been In use for otcp 80 yeArs, baa borne tho Blffnatnre . of and haa been niade Birder his per fyf-fi. : sonal Btqperrlsloa since ita iiiCsacr r , r -, Alio w no one to aeciTe you in uus. , All Ocanterfelts, tmltatlona and Jastas-tood are bat XSzper&nentu tfcat trte with and endanajer the health of Inflttts and ChUdr.n Biperienoa aglngt xperlmens :". What! to CASTO RlA'M Cast-ria Is a harmlesa snbstlta e for Cartor Oil Pare gorlo Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opiums Morphine nor other ITarootl ' anbstanee. Its agre Is its guarantee, it destroys Worms nd allays Foverlshncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind ''olio. It relleree Teethlns; Troubles cures Constipation ', and Flatulency. It asalmllateg the Fo-regnlates the fitomactt wdBowehV slvin; healthyand natural sleeps ; The Children Psnaoea-The Mother's Friend. , . OQNUirJtl CASTORIA ALYAYO Bears the einaturd cf SIX V Slf7V- L : Tne Kind You Mo Always ...... -1 .. -, w Bonlt In Uco For Over 00 Years. 7 Thursday, Friday ilhd, Saturday, August 30-31, September THE WEST BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVERSPECI ALtiRATES BY.RAII AND rWATERT3 DAYS pF UNALLOYED PLEASURE READ THE PROGRAMME" FIRST DAY, AUGUST 30 ptlon Of Queen isavy, muaic, address or welcome, an- chorlug of flagship, turning ovsr th key of th city to th A. m. Reception Of Queen's Navy, ' , chorlug i . Queen. a. m. rour-o) a. i m. Flshboi Four-oared race v v "00 t rowing race....,..,.,., ..,..., io. jio a. m. Tub race. .....,.......,...,..,..,..... T.(0 a., m. Gasoline flshboat race, ti H P............ IS, 15.00 a.) m. Slngl pleasure boat ! .$15.00 V. S. Llfe-Savlng Crew. Fort Stevens, Captain Wyckland. a. in. Double canoe race .110.00 a. m. Net-throwing contest.. .' ...Hi, $10, $10 . Swimming race for boys........................... ...$7.60 v::-' V 'r ' ' 'V'' ' KOON,'-.' '. :' rJ' hvv atefs r entrlesj, $10, $10.00 i g race.. 77:... I paper twine, $25.00. 116.00 at race, TH. P....... $40.00,il0 00 I , $76.00 $85.00 n. m. Parade . . tt. m.-WhltehalL four n. m. Flshboat sailing p. m. Gasoline flshboat n nM-Lji&Bfl r. T.cnia... .t,.i,,,.,i,it p. m. Gasoline pleasure.,boat (small).. $10.00, 15.00 Greased pole oontaat. ........ ..$7.50 p.m. Class C, yacht ....,.......$76.00. lis 00 Tilting canoe. .' . $10.00 '-' On Bond street from Callender Dock to Eleventh Street. p. m. 100-yard dash, for boy under It year. ............. 15.00, $1.00 I 9a n. m wheelbarrow race, f ree-ror-au. ............ ........... .0t-si. 40 p. m. 4 4Q-yarf "run.' free-for-all. . .. . .....,....,.........., . .$7.60, $1.00 1:40 p. m. Three-legged . race, free-for-all,,.,.....,.,... .$150, $1.0 :00 p. m. Bicycle race, four entrlea.,,....... .....$10.00, $5.00 4:10 p. m. Auto race. ..4.......... $10.00 :0 p.m. Regatta ball...,. , ' 1 1 1 1 SECOND DAY, AUG. 3 1 :! a. tU-V m. Arrival of tho Queen, tr le. , , m- m Blngls BhtH-rhTnr1''"'t''P ijog roiling. ........ Queen'a Middl race.......... Prise, a salute from th . .a. .a - ' ciTk. mm .....111.00. 120.00. 10:10 s. m. Gasoline flshboat race, I H. P.. .$15.o .A... nr.,.. nnln ................. & . is-et m.Mntnr boat (not leea than three entrlee) .....$40.00, 11:0 a. m. Gaeolln launch rao (cannery tender) freo-for-alu. $7.oo, 11:10 a. m. Men's swimming race, ................. ..... - r..kl. kM . . ...... .......... 11:10 a. m. Tug of war , $20.00, $10.00 11:10 a. m. Hcow shove... ... f :'.;. 11:41 a. m. Duck cha " $50.00 ! 80.00 ueen 10.00 10.00 16 00 11.00 $10.00 (40.00 I $10.00 $80.00 NOON. 1fA miwlmil OllAAfl lilt p. m. Net-throwing contest (not lee than 1 ntrle i - . m whii.h.n aa (1 1 n v race (winner first day barn 1:00 d. m. Fiahboat sailing raca (not less than entries s. $85.00, 10.00, $10. red IlO.OO. 10. es. $10. J- 1 ( . V V " - " ,. ,, . Greased pol contest. 'isoo Gasoline nsnooai ro,- ii. x-. . . . ... ---- -rTlltlng oano,. . ,,,, j s . n f 1:15 p. m 1:10 D. m 1:45 n. m. Tlltln 1:00 p. an. Baby show.....;........... 4 . 1:0 p. m. ('lay pigeon shoot... I:li p. m. Marine parade ....................; 1:00 p. m Reception at admiral' resldenoe for Queen Esther Vuitora and people of Atorla ar cordially Invited. ? . .. , ... ' ' - ' ' ' .00-4 00 MARINE PARADE Grand Marshal, Dr. F. H.McKeon Aides-George T. Goodall. Wll- , liam K. Gregory, Charles Richardson, C. H. Callandar, J. G. Bobbldge. 1:15 p. m. Marin parad.... Prises Best decorated Illumi nated steam craft... $16, $15 v Beat decorated and Illumi nated sailing craft ..... . "....$15. $7.60 Best decorated and llluml- -nated gasoline launches : 118. $7.60 . .Bast decorated and Illumi nated gasoline boats, r 110. $6,00 parads will start la front of Union Oooperatdvs Oaansry, these to baoy ta fro at of Booth'a- Cannery, theme past graadstana to startlog point. THIRD DAY, SEPT. 1 :10 a. m. Arrival of Quean, muelo.......... .' ......,' 1:48 a. m. Single scull, consolation.................... .....$10.10 10:00 a. m.MwDoubl oano. ,',..,,,.....,.,...... ................. .,$1S.0 s .. . lg rolling. ,........ . .'..,. ......... t$0.d4 10:18 a. m. Four-oared -' rao .$60.00 10:10 a. m. Gasoline flshboat race, 4 H. P.. ................ ....$11.00, $10.00 10:48 av ttt.-T.Watr polo..... ................. .....$10.8g 11:0 a. m.Gaaolln launch race under 10 H. P.. .,..... ......$10.00, $10.00 ' Grandstand sport. . .........."................ ...........,.$10.00 11:11 a. m--Cutter rao..,. ......,.$1$.0 11:10 a. to. Tug of war....................,.................,.$10.00, $10.00 'f ' k NOON. . ,: n. Stock parad......,... m. Livestock parade. . . , . . . , . . . . m. 100-yard, free-for-all. Commercial Street. ..18.00, $1.00 m. PoUto race. . .J.. . .. '. .... ....... ... ....... .......... .1110, $1.00 1:80 p. m. 50 yarda, boy under 1). .18.00. 11.00 8:00 p'-'m Hark ..vane --- fttn,.. m - ' ' V t"-""-I-0" 1.M 8:00 p. to 8 p m. Band concert, oounty fair and dow show.. .......... . 1:80 p. 1:80 p. 8:80 p. 8:40 p. Church of Christ, recently bought by the Catholtoa and Ming remodeled for a cathedral, wa burned thl morning. I a-.i ulle.teiii to cease the practice of "Shall Fortuna-TcUert Oo? Newa cornea from' Seattle that a judge there haa declared that all clair voyants, palmists and fortune-teller hall be treated aa common vagrants and ordered to leave town. The license committee of the Portland council In tend, ta take un the matter here, and the police will be Instructed to order all their trad or leave town at once. Clalr- voyancy, astrology and palmistry, al though . thsy are often praotioed by quacks, ar firmly believed In by many peopl who nave sbautivly studied these srts anyway, why shouldn't on visit a quack If one wishes ana ii gives ni Mr - Vmstock to so careful of othTTwplmorlThaT"h 1 ven suppressing art cataiogue-r-tnina wnai a shock claaalo atatukry must give the good mant Isn't the Seattle judge a little too CometookianT will not tne doing away of fortune-tellers means ds privlng many women of aa innocent and harmless pleasure T When one Is blue, and the clouds seem to hsve no sliver lining, a visit to the palmist will often glvs nsw hop. - To hear of the possi bilities that ar yet to come, of the bright day Just ahead, give full value for th money. ' What If it I all fake, ell nonsense? Shouldn't th Individual have the right of deciding the question? And If it help a certain class of women to go and hav their "fortune told' 1 there any vital reason why tney shouldn't T - r ' ' '-' ' t at 81 ' , 4,:. ' Nail Supcrgtitioni. . Somehow. X hav never been- quite aura why, w ar all Superstitious, more or less, no matter how we objeot to being coa.rldered so.- . - I have noticed that th man who grow lordfully scornful ovr hi wife's objection to starting oa a Journey on a Friday will carefully walk on th out side of a ladder, although ha will usual ly say It la entirely because said laddst might fall. Aa a matter of gravity, if It fell It would not go atraight dowa anyway, would Itt We'll, here sr some uprtition 1 have long knoww V pass thsra nit, concerning th trimming of nails: . Cut them on Monday, yon out tnem for health. Cut thera en Tueeday, you cut them for wealth. Cut them on Wedneaday, yon ut them for new. Cat them an Thursday, m pair of new hoes. --, --- "" Cut them oa Friday, yon out them for sorrow. Cut them an Saturday, ses your true lov tomorrow. Cut them on Sunday, your asfety seek; th devil will hav you th reel pf th week. ; ... . . ' OV V '.',' - - ... j ; . ... .., Nut and Pouto Salad. . Put a cupful of English walnuts in boiling water with a sites of onion, a blade of mac, a bay leaf and half a tea spoonful of salt. Let them boil 10 minutes, -then throw into cold water and drain. Slice four medium-alsed po tatoes whll hoi Mia half a teaapoon ful of salt, a pinch of pepper and four tablespoonful of aUva eli. Whoa anlx- Ing add gradually on and a half table spoonfuls of vlnsgar and half a tea spoonful of onion Juice. Mix the nut nd potatoes and pour on th dressing, gerv cold -with water" Ore. : 1;. st st .t . . To th Girl of Mr Heart. , Fronran Exehanga. Thera ara glrla who can row, And glrla who can aew; (I know on who wrltea for the papera).. " . But my heart will b laid At the feat of th maid Who ean give mo boiled mutton and capers. I eare little about ' , The girl who ean apont Whole pagea of Byron and Shelley. But give me the one Cir alee I'll have none Who make all the Js na tne jeny. There are girl who epeak Both Latin and Greek. And quote Aristotle and Plata; But who ean oompar -, .'.'. Be h ever so fsir With th girt who ean cook a potato T j i aae urt ot tne n.ya. Don't read In a reclining attitude oi In bed. Don't -us th eyee when they are tired or week from illness. Don't work longer than two hours without closing the eye and resting them for flv minute. Don't look too steadily from a car window at objects that ar constantly flying past you. Don't alt facing a strong light If possible, let the light fall on work or book from over tho left shoulder. ' Don't fail to consult an oculist If you find that your eyesight Is growing dim or hesitate to wear glassea if you need them. Don't have colored ahadea on the lampa. Use white or ground glass. It you must have a colored shsds, let it be green. CZAR'S SOLDIERS THREATEN TO EXTERLliriATE JEWS Jsws Ar Hosing In Ttrror From Ssnt to Comrnand. , ' (Jearsal SpeeUl Bervles.) St Petereburg, Aug. 1$. Th oI dler at Warsaw tHreatsn to extermi nate th Jews on account- of th as sasslnatlon of Count von Wonlarskl. Ths Jews ar fleeing. It la rumored that General Trepoff will be eetit to Warsaw to control th disorder. Ex traordinary measures will be taken to maintain order In thla etty and rumors of a dictatorship ara being revived. Disorders ara reported In various canter. At Klrllov th oldlra guard ing th prisoners mutinied and II were arrested. At Tambeff two revolution ists killed three soldlera. The polio have discovered at Riga 14 bombs. Robber attacked th government spirit tor and th troop killed flv of them. gtolypln . Injured daughter la alive, bat la still in Csnger. Hia son will probably weaver. , ', '' " Fo aalek .na as the Waal fjeft. IF YOU BUY AT YOU BUY RIGHT! Extra Specials All Through tho 3tor for FOR fir. YARn 1 1; may BsUncerofJWAOo6ds, worth uplo SSc a yard. Your choice of any of them EXTRA SPECIAL. ........ . . ,QC FOR 49c All our $1.50 and $1.00 long Mitts, all AQr colors. Extra special Wednesday... Ts v-;:rv'FOR16c Ladies Lace Hositry in all colors; regularly worth 30c and 35c a pair. Extra ln Special Wednesday. . . . ............. 1 UL FOR $1.49 Shoes, extra special for Wednesday- Shoes worth $3.50 to $5.00 Ladies only, Q with Cuban and French heels. .... .lgT' FOR 89c Bed Spread special, regular $1.60, full alses, good heft and fine patterns. , Extra G( SpecUl for Wedneaday. ........... .07 C $15 VALUES FOR 07.5O Early Fall Sale of Ladies' and Misses Coats. They art just in, 52 inches long and the vary latest designs. You can save $7.60 by buy. ing now; all sizes ; beautifully trim- 7 ' C A med. Extra Special... ........ ....I eOU FOR 01-98 In our new Millinery Department The very latest Fall Felt Walking Hats for a flyer at the new department. Here's your choice of 150 new Hats,; to go at one AO price for tomorrow. . . . . . . y ........ 1 a VO 9 Goods worth as high as 50 will be sold in the basement tomorrow, to dost out odd lots. Crockery and Kitchen Ware at less than cost. Come early. . ' , , T Extra Specials in Sic PIT' V Tomorrou Entire Corner Third end Yecihlll Streets SEND .'US TOUR MAIL OrD.T.: