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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1906)
;; :' : fez$esttejz '&E!d JSvezn Bine. IL " YORK the State has inyettU jl fated the insurance companies; in ChU i .cajo 'and Washxniton and elsewhere . tie Federal Government is after trusts of ttany sorts and many magnitudes; but it has remained for the Commonwealth of Ohio to fet right down to earth, and unlimber its big litem against megat comoinanons aj. . iraai tvith Immediate designs upon the poor maris ... .ochetbooh ; 4 zicrr, rpcn xvno comomca to increase me - fHce and diminish the size of the sick child? s foiece of ice have been Uned or sent ta Tail. ...-j---' - . r. .- - . Where, too, the coalman, oilman, the harvest- ; kt, machine man, and even the laundryman, -been called before the bar ; to explain vohy they have conspired to raise prices of necessities. ; , ; ; '.-'Yy ' ' ''; Vr?''' The Vacuum Oil Company, a child of the standard Oil, has been forced out of business: the Standard OH is under the ban, with John !D Rockefeller himself cited to appear before . the courts in September. Dozens of repre- t- A r ' r t m ' wenwtves or me una re i rust nave been in- 'dieted and th enA. it mt t . 1AA tU Zr"a' Cna , ' " HOt , ind"a Wf praf appears scarcely to have be tun. . ' , " $ iirrf ; through a law the Valentine- osewariJAnu-lrust law which, althourh on, 1 Statute bOOkS for eight years,, has not been ; nA, .f,l- ,rnt.,. .,.,; HJlj:;,t ' : y mhi . - . . - VUSy almost every day. - TJttdfT thit Iim thr I, mn ,,f'. . .Kjnaer tnis law mere is no question as to Ii wieanint of the word "trust" in Ohio. Or faint is defined beyond the Shadow of a doubt r ' - ; n . - ' . ; :.s -f; -..if nrn-nttV1 V Cl21'?1.9rm - 1' 8tatdrt S ?S ul ' ' "! A... Bunoard Oil Company, and hi announcement - that he would defend hlmeelf. b.v. rUM th. attentlon 1 1... IZl -J" 11 v MtfLT. ; - -w woevsw j vu um TUfjnuarBifWMi AttnUon vm attracted to th Uw so wldtly la this ' feOOO. HOt WltiM A . a - a. w..a " av vwu m wuri uvion, phi tcouoo tho tamo U oouffht to oapturo wao 00 Mr Tho wii uiiui in unio nav oeen uncomiortaoiy s wara or it presence for quits a tint. ' The law was drafted and Introduced Into the House Bf Representatives by Representative Chase Btewart, , pt Springfield, early In 189. Senator Valentine, . of Bacyrua, Introduced it Into th Senate. Following aa Important opinion, banded dowa In Texas, th bill waa moCJneo. Considerable rivalry followed a to which branch Of th LeelMlatura almuM K .in. i. t. .ta V m'-JP ne Sonata won. It is known, however, , aa the Valentine-Stewart Anti-Trust law. although down , pa the statute books at Senate bill No. " - yno tnto law trust is defined as follows: '. a todiihuuoii oi capital, skill or acts by two or snore parsons. Arms, partnerships, corporation or asso ciation of persons, or of any two or more of them, for 1. Ta create or carry vut restrictions In trad or ' aomiwero. - , 'm ""11 or .reance th production, or Increase or . teduo th. pric. of merchandise or any commodity. Vi 7 TO STIFLE COMPETITION c ro nrevont aomnatltion In ninnf..!..,!.,. -t. ' sna. irKuspurumon, saie or purcnase of merchandise .vv il a a n u n rfi In ' v. i ni si i to the trolled chaodlse. Use or oonsumptlon In this State. ' To make or ter Into or execute or carry ' out ny ooti tracts, obligation or agieements of any kind or acrlptkn by which they - shall bind or have bound t emselve nut to sell, dlspos of or transport any srti- or any commodity or any article of trade, use or e "sumption below a ooramon standard, figure or fixed Sy.ll.. .... - . . ,, 1 he penalty for th violation of any of th pro vision of thl law a fin of not more than fsooo or less than .v, or Imprisonment of not les than six mnth or more than on. year, or both fin and Impris onment. Several other provlnlon are made In the measure. Including a charge of W per day againat a corporation thsr violate the law after proper notice ba been served M N by tha Attorney General or a prosecuting attorney. . The suneeea achieved within the last year In enforo- -tzg tala law makes It plain that publlo sentiment must inf ninnim m. nniM tt.-Ak t - i ' ' public or consumer shall be in any manner con. i ItT.iAi VnH hv or established, anv article or mmmit. .1 t obtained, and by produc or commerce Intendsd for ..f. wnr'" - .nc orccn sunday ' XfifAHh : ; 9n4 with to fln dccr to th amlnlrtrUon .ct jurtic At th. Urn. th. taw m pm4. th. proph- w mnr that it wpui ptm anothtr tnA itur. ytvt tb pint, tndiotm.ati bao to fail "' HnB" " wma bacua la 190, nva raara attar It baoama a law. Thla raally. t tNt em Early In , thataatJuoa. figrt Vy ffrvtifT-TnT-Iri worung man or war conntr. raquaatlnv him to maka an lnvatlatlon Into tho Delawara Cool Exchana. compoaad of alght of tha leading- eoal daalara of that city.. A copy ot con- maMd into tha handt of tha Proaecutor. ahowlng that tha purpoaa at t tb organutatloa wag. la direct violation of th erlnv ImUtly th ehargM war laid befor thOrand 0b Januarr 14k uos, indictment wara returned againat eight dealers, all member of tha Delaware Coal E,ThMl. of th. law moved .wlfUy tor awhile Th. .ted, and their ca.. aMlgned to th. -.K,. ., nUr . ,Dru1T r1?. ?f.COUr .1. . .v. ...k. At tna trial oerora juog ww, --"T dlvuion or nrin juaicii uimmv. .. . ftetmonu. mtuckln th coiuUtuUonaUy of tho criminal i i k. A m hairlnr Kftld Ola thO GO. . pfjcuQna vt vu ; - ,. ' ' ' 1 1 1 Things ' a C0RIOUS historical legend 1 connected -with Shet-; -"' l und wool. Over three hundred yaar; go a man- , k ' tx of-war belonging to th Spanish Armada wa 1. - wrecked on on of th Wanda. Th allor who :pd taught th native to make brilliant dye from root " which they found,; rmbllng tho used for ilk pur ", poses in Spain. Thos person who now wea bright Shetland knit "00m forter1 ar unconsciously wearing . mementoes of the "Invincible" Armada, . A seal ha been known to ramaln under water twenty ; flv minute. ' - 1 Cloth is now being successfully made from wood. Strips of fine-grained wood ar boiled and crushed be tween rollers, and the Moments are spun into threads, from which cloth can be woven In the usual way. f-lylng situations have taken root and flourished. They flourished. They ha r kjuion them. . nt ..itlAnirnriil and nlsntiul With the Tiauve tree " J, nt ihi aisa tnkes root, thereby resisting tne at' lacKS OK me vnilf inn r imu-ui wi m.mi, uTrmf. ttf a Simple rule tne icniiu vi mm oil anu mini ii ok, tne year inuy iv wriiAiiivu. j nuuinniH mi s rising, me lengm oi tne nigni is doubling the time of the setting the given. tree and plant In th world whos harries, juice or bark can be uaea as real soap, in the West Indian Island and In South America grow a tree whose fruit makes an excellent lather, and Is used lot wsshlog clothes. The bark of a tree which grows in Peru, and of another which grow In th Malay Islands, yields a fine soap. Th smallest coin now current In Europe la th. Greek lepton. It Is worth one-tenth of a penny. .Jo many parts of Swltserland the government burle tb. dead, supplying coffin and undertaker free of charge. Mountain eheep are used as beasts of burden In sum of th higher ranges of th Himalaya. Each anfmal car ries Irom seventeen to twenty-five pounds of baggage, and lives entirely on wayside herbrge. 4 ine gray eye is sn almost universal characteristic of people- of nreat Intellect. Black eve s indicsto an ardent :h are found -chiefly temper, white -IhTht-Mne wee.' whip: -among -the Scandinavian, denote a cheerful disposition una a nsviur. I H W filM. ' -k tuarm are seveimi journal '; potlat.tx suitoay r.:cnr;a august i5" j-j . V ---5- L ' III ! Hi . r 1 murrer, th codrt overruled It and held th law con stitutional and th Indictment valid. ThirinMB fha .1 f rttm .n r.A . wAmA ttt viilltv. and a motion was filed by their attorney la arrest of Judgment Thla motion waa overruled by tha court and sentence of 1100 aad eca waa passed on each of tb eight dealers. Attorneys representing th dealer then ' filed a motion for a stay of execution of sentence, Thl wa granted Zy th court and on March 1 a petition In error wa filed In the Ciroult Court of Delaware county. The cases wer called In the Circuit Court at its Jun term. In IMS, and heard befor Judge Vorhee. of Co shocton: McCarty, of Canton, and Wlnoh. of Cleveland, who were transferred from the Eighth Circuit to sit In tho eaoo, in pjaoo of Judgo Donanuo, thoa travolln la EllMna -vkw . Are Interesting Glasgow, aa a city, own property . worth 170,000.000, and 60M acre of parka, ' , - Four hours' hard thinking exhaust th tissue as .much as ten hour of manual labor, , In 143 Captain beat, a British privateer, fought tha whole Portuguese Navy, and defeated it ' Mr. W. Yardley once, la a cricket match at Harrow, bowled with right and left arm alternately. In the Ashantl War of 1874 practically the whole of the British transport was performed by native women. One reason why colonisation by Latin races has beta 0 successful is that they Intermarry with th natives. Promotion used to be most rapid In tha French Army I but today a man stands a better chauce of rising In our own. .. , The last tlmo that a British jury was fined for render. Iryr a verdict contrary to the will of the Court was In., wft; ; r in me nine town or Munsieoei, in wavaria, mere ex- , lata one of the most curious charitable foundattona In the .'world. One of the burghers. Christopher Wanner, died -In 1451. and left hie fortune for the establishment f a home for aged poor, lie attached, however, the condition that every old man who Waa taken in should wear his beard, and tha same out of clothes hM cap as ha himself used to wear. Consequently, after the lapse of 450 years,- ' ths ancient pensioners are still to be seen wandering about the streetw-of Munsledel In the .costumes of the fifteenth century. - Every Tibetan family Is compelled to devote It first born male child to a monastic life. Soon after birth -he , child la taken to a Buddhist monastery, to be henceforth brought up and trained In priestly mysteries. 1 Telegraph poles are not popular with the Chinese. This le because the Celestials will not allow a shadow to fall nn the graves of their ancestors, which are scattered thickly over the whole country. Consequently telegraph wlr are laid underground. In the Island of Hark the most serious offenses are trespassing and leaving galea unlocked, for the reeult Is that often .the oattle get ou to tha ol'ffa and fall Into the sea. There are 400 Inhabitants and one prison.- but -It - haa only had one prisoner, a small girl, who ' had stolen a handkerchief, and aha anbhad ba Inudiv that they let her out It take aa yelash twenty weak to rach a u Attorney g JPeamate , O. , &touo'3f tr&si'rJt Hose cut tort. At. this hearing, th Judgment of th Court of Com mon Plea was reversed, and th. criminal section of th. Valentin, act held unconstitutional. . Convinced that th. opinion of th. Circuit Court " wrong. Prosecutor Humes appealed, to th. County Com- mlasloner of Delaware county for permission to take th case to th Supreme Court of Ohio for final adjudkra- tloa. Th Commissioners, however, refused to stand th expense, . - : r So great wa th confidence of th determined young Proaecutor In the validity of tho Uw that he did carry It to th. Supreme Court, agreeing In the. .vent of de- reat to pay tne expense out of hi own pocket , Th tn 0" 'y W. Gag wa test the constitutionality of the act dag It wa presented to th Supreme Court lata In Feb ruary. MM. and on Mi rch 31;. uos, the oourt handed down It decision, sustaining the contention of the Prosecutor, holding) th criminal section of the-Valentin Anti Trust law constitutional and tha Indictment valid. 'Thla, It will ba noted, waa two year after th original proa eutlon hsd been begun. V ' Throughout Its ramifications, thl case wa eagerly watched by Individual and authorities, with an eye upon th vartou trad combinations throughout Ohio. to . Know length of half aa Inch, and then Ita life I from 100 to 160 days. By meana of a camera th wink of an aye- lid haa been measured, and It wa found thst twenty winks can ba mad. In 4 eeconda " y j The Colorado fo runa faster than any other living animal, and the cheetah,. or hunting leopard, hold mo ond place. - , ,-. ' Within twelve mile of Charing Cross's re too mile of railway, with 700 trtatlcna. These carry 1.300,000 passengers ; dally. .. .. - . . The worst hour of London winter- fog ar I to 10. JO . In th morning. No doubt thl I caused by th lighting of thousand of oft'c flr. . .. .-' . ',.,.:: Wearers of eyeglaasee hav notloed how they he- com jUm-whea-aubJeeted t a aaddeii chan-irrTmr'ftfaniea and ten agenta were Indicted. One haa been perature as, for instance when the wearer goes from tried and convicted, and the others will be tried on the i" t-oia ouier air into a warm room Thle may be prevented ny rubbing the glaeaea with aoao avarv morning. They may b polished bright after tha eoap la applied, but an Invisible film Is left on them that ' will prevent the deposit of moisture. In the jewel house of the Tower of London there ; la a book bound throughout in gold, even to the wlrea .of tho hinges, It-lasp-ar two ruble t at op- posit ends of four golden links. A pretty little custom Is observed In th English navy whenever an officer get married. Two wreath are hoisted In the most conspicuous manner, and In- ' terlocked with them and hanging frdrr. them ar col ored ribbon. - These hang from 1 A M. till sunset on th wedding day. The cost f th wreath la generally ubscribad by th officer' shipmates. , The new French 13-Inch gun la claimed to have the ' greatest, penetrative power of any gun yet made.' It pierce at th must I (4 Inches of wrouant-iron. or ' 104 lacbe of Krupp ateel at threo . aud a; half mliea. . In the time of Queen Elisabeth a Parliamentary rule ' enacted that a apecch nn one side should always be ful--lowed by a srwech on the other.... .. , ... The oyster is not much larger than the head of a pin when a fortnight old. -At the end of four years' growth . It Is fit fnr the market Oysters llv from twalv. to fit teen year. ; . -j ,V , ... . . , ' I . T7 G&io'Ariit'r Trust Indaad, (t waa not long bafora tha courta wer buay la - many placra. .' .' '. 1 ..- , It waa In Cltrland that activity undar tha taw nst awortad itaelf. Tha coal daalara of Clavaland had formad a combination that, waa obvlou to avarybody In ; tha rlty. . A auccesaful euit waa brought, and tha of . fend! wara flnad; lightly, howaver, It la aald that tha praaant Proaecutor of Cuyahoga county, being dlwatU flld with tha light punlehrnent lndloted, may maka an effort to have tha offendera reindicted. In Toledo tha exorbitant Incraaaa made arbitrarily In the prloe of lea and tha taaultlng proteata of the newspaper aroused ProecuUng -Attorney Lyman Wach anhelmer to activity. -One of tha member of tha Ice Dealer Aaaoctation waa found guilty and tha remainder . pleaded guilty. They were heavily Uned by Judge Kln kad and sent to tha workhoua. . ' " Immediately proceeding !n,ppeal were Instituted by ' attorney for the convicted Ice dealer, who made th atartling- allegation that Judge KMfkader who heard tha. rase, had made a deal with them, by which their client . were to plaad guilty, and simply to pay a. nominal fine. Tha answer of Judge Kinkad waa to throw tha mo . ttoa tor appeal out of court and to flhe the lawyer for . contempt ,. t -'.":' .':-!. "'.-"'' ' 1 ' '" Several week ago th Circuit Court dlrmlased th , ' proceeding la contempt and ordered Judge Klnkade to . ' hear th motion la appeal, on th peculiar theory that ' he had no right to decide th matter out of hi own knowledg. At beat It I pointed out, this Is a tech nicality. Th ice dealers are out on bond, pending tha settlement of tha motion. v - .-, V ';' AFTER MANY ICE llEM-'.YV.- But lhIcv'deaTerbfT6redo are not alone In their -woes. , In Columbus numerous Individuals of that en terprising fraternity hav been indicted for being mem ber! of an association, similar to th on proved to exist In their sister city. Not content with a legitimate profit, th Icemen of Cincinnati have also fallen Into the clutches of th Valen-tlne-Ktewart Anti-Trust law. Ther tha Ice dealer In- -dieted number fifteen. The Individuals or firm aret Th nlcallty. The Ice dealer are out on bond, penaing tn ain1nrhi tT ...... ft... . m am pany, the A. St H. Knorr lea Company. Bobert R. . Reynolds, Percy , Andreas, William C. dels. John A. Frana. Joseph U Dumbacher, V. S. reck. C U reck, Frank Hler, George L. Knorr and Peter Dreldama, Jr. All at membar of the Cincinnati Ice Dealer' Aaso- elation. They do not however, comprise the total mem- bersfclp. All. too, .were present at th. meeting of th. , association on May , when an advance In price wa discussed. It was but a little later that th Increase wa mad by general agreement Bach of the Individual or firm Indicted haa given bond in th sum of SCO0 for appearance at court. ' ' The Icemen ar not Buffering In aolltud In Cincinnati. Th laundrymen are keeping them company. , Not long ago th price of washing was Increased abltrarlly. Her wa another direct grab at th public' pocketbook. Im mediately Prosecuting Attorney Rullson got busy under tb Anti-Trust law. Now th laundrymen ar. nnder In dictment awaltloV trial. ' At Ftndlay, Prosecutor David, backed by Attorney . General Wade BUI and assistants, filed proceedings against th Standard Oil Company and constituent com panies. As has been widely published,' a warrant wa Issued by th Probata Court under th. Mlrdemeanor act for tha arrest of John D. Rockefeller. Ha I expected to . appear In court In September. . At Marietta, the Vacuum Oil Company, and a branch Of tbe Standard monopoly, waa forced out of business aa , fnr aa Ohio la concerned by the Attorney General, who threatened to bring proceedlnge forthwith ' under th. , Anti-Trust act. haa been. done againat the so-called Bridge Trust a child of th Steel Trust. In Erie -county seven bridge com- Jianles and nine agonta have- been Indicted, and a ma ority were found guilty. , ' " NUMEROUS FIRMS FINED In Huron county flv , bridge companies and six agents were found guilty, and were fined from ttGO to MC each. In Ottawa county ten companies and ten agents nave uevn muicicu. snu in nvmy wumr kqii .mnanlea and elsrhf aganll In AUs ewntV-etaht-enm-- same record. These, it 1 -explained, are the criminal ult brought under the law. The civil proceedings are Innumerable. Ex-Representative Hal C. De Ran, of Fremont, and former Attorney General Frank 8. Monnett are reepon tbl for the riling of dosens of them In 'the various countle wher afterward the- Brldga-Trust -representatives were Indicted. ; In Sandusky oounty alone uch salts have mounted Into double figures. . It Is charged that through suon Illegal combinations, the publio treasury haa been looted of large Bums, and tha aulta are filed for the purpose of recovering the money, together with exemplary dam ages and penalties, provided for in the statute. About three years ago such a suit waa filed In Wy. 'snaot county against ire sw-cauea narvesier iruir, nav ing one of its la araest branchea in Springfield. Thla suit ta stHl dragging lta alow way through the rolla of legal machinery, cmnery. Units were filed In Hocktna ' and Crawford ennnti.. againat the Hocking Valley and Ohio Central Railway Companlce fnr maintaining an Illegal combination. Mueh td the disgust of Judge Tobias, of the Common Pleaa.Conrt of Crawford county, who allege that thcr wa collusion, these suit hav been dismissed by con. rent Th Grand Jurv recently began to Investigate. Nothing ha aver been 'done in Hocking county, although th. condition ther ar similar t. thos la Crawford. ! ' . i V ' - '' .' "' , .'' ., K ' .., , ' ' r- V ' v