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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1906)
- Tini czzzzzj juksay jcxir.'AL tqzhajzx rwrAY r-cr.r;.r;a august 2: i' I 'll '. f If v . . , - II v ' ' V - mmm lisp . m I V " ' I ;"" " Vr ' - I eyery.parilcie of the, powder' la r X f X . , I I moved, doea the nmi work well. - , : AV I - m ... I .- J 1 . 11 you ere patient in ootn parts or. - f '' - -'""V , ,' ' ,V , I .tb-procii ing tast.tas ilir IV w,u- ruooeu into tno scaip ana - V - V -if ' V through every part of the hair, and .V ':. . In tno ' no . less Important part of. egy" "" brushing- It out thoroughly tho re- ilsT"" 1 suit should be eminently satisfactory. ... .-.. T.' .. ' ' 1 , ' ' ii you are washing wblto hair, bo : i ... f- . 'n : I cartful to uao tho puraat aort of soap, .. .-.. ... v i. j, "' . ' or tho hair may take on tho slightly ' .yellow tins', which ao often spoils " 1 otherwise beautiful white ibalr. ' f, , in tho laat rinsing water put a few . - s drops of bluing, Just enough to make the hair come out a clear white, an 4 XI ruin uoruuiQir wim ; - ' , It . . I WmnU r.f hu rlnNh.u, fnv that mil, . I ter. ahould be as thorough as possible, . " .: the last one done with more elaborate ' .-. - care than any. . i ' . i , . Be careful how muc,b, bluing you get - W . I v in, for Just a bit too much will s;1to-- tho hair a dlnsy, sraylkb look, worao . . ' m than If you left tht bluing out en- - M " tlrely. v'. '-.-', x In curilnr, if you have occasion, to - .a .use an Iron upon the hal at all, try : I , , it upon white tissue paper first - 1 . ' ,-. .... - there must he no suspicion of scorch- 1 : -ft inf, ' not only because it kills the - Pl hair, but because scorchlns; shows up U 4 ' V as badly upon white hair aa it doea . :' ' ' , ( - upon linen, and no amount of bleach- ' , - : sj ' ' ' ins and treatment will i.rirjg It back -ejT -z f I , ' to Its rlsnt color acaln. . jpf '. -' : f " . - If It Is ever necessary to rub llttlo ' f - . ' V- ,vaellne into the roots of the hair, - r ,, j; . j, ... - , , ; '' : ; - ' f ;! . . - v: ' H1TB-. hair, to be kept the , anowy orown of beauty that ahould be, needs -a, little different treatment to that employe! xor younger hair. Mot longer than three weeks ahould elanse between times of washinv til haJr and two weeks la really lontr inourh m Jlow. . 7 . .. ". If tho hair Shows sla-ns of mmlna out from frequent shampooing, alter Data the washings with drv ihim. fooswhlch will bo fuuiia-Verysfr active. Certain powders are manu factured for lust this DurDoae. Hn a good talcum powder, welt rubbed Into tho scalp not ao violently, however Mrs. Rtmovt : Dandruff- first J"M navies' a great eeel or crouDie wita my hair. A ur agu u wa luug auu thlva. iuw, wouie iudtutm lall out and A draad aa cMmia mv n,it. i h.u. uam dandi uif j my naau la juat fun tit aualea, ' farnape iiua u wbat makes my aelr mil., laaaa tell me what to rvtauve aan arun, sutp my - iiair irom tailing out and Biaae It long and thica agaia. is egg.. enamiiuo, au-j i Aaau, win banna . staiu ivv umxm urvwu mm, an auourB UlllT Horn it apwu-d. and whaiw ana at what A UiaCOURAaKO aiKU , -Bjr l,mna remove' this, dandruff -; ' flrau olio wing la a recipe: ... ,k - .... To Semovg JJajadruff. - Tlnctura of eantharldea. 1 ouBoa: Iini4 aiiunonia, 1 dram; glyvarma, ounce all thyme, yt araiu; rouutry oil, arln, Mis alt logeiner with ais ounoSa oT . . Water. Muu h aoatp tnoivuaaty with mis Mantlun unUI no luruier evbtaiua at gaoorua Is aouoed. . T" thlS..1 troUbl wrrwed apply Hair Oro war. ,Bay rum,: ounces; atatliied witch haeaL wiiwi wniown aait, 1 dram; hydra- l. trim r.f.1 i & t . . ' ' chlurle aola t per oanu). 1 1 dtopt , mag- ' 'iMeia. auitlclenk Mix the jMtjr rum snd distilled attract Of .wttoa baaal and abake with a liula ruminaaia, iltr. and to the nitrate die. aoivo cbe salt aad aoa one urou t WHITB-, hair, to be kept r the. r," s t J ' . ' - I v snowy crown of beauty that , I t ' - t " - , - I x ' , II Henry ( ; chlurle acid. ' , ' The maanesta will eaiiaa tha m.t t " m v.., am ratiow - olaaiuaar Whoa the aydroehlorie ao! will Apply at night to the roots, wltb friction. . Brush the hslr a treat deal it is good iv a ' " a uujiui viuRri, once oi baiter, twice a aayigg sivauipoo trr'rxi - . w (ooa La thm . hair, giving it a pretty gloaa. . , Jim a naver give commercial rataai In these columns, 1 cannot tali you t h. of henna, but 1 am glad to give you any thsr Information about It It bmw : . oth obtainsd from a druggist Hsnna may be applied In several Ways, but tha simplest and esaiaTt method for tbs amataur la to use a iVa aHa ,h i..... i " ua a tea a vi "paring the tea use one ounce of leaves to a ouart of nmi Down la one uiut. toe stain snouid be apDllad to the roots of the hair with a smaS brush; a clean toothbrush or a nallbruah Will answer. Next, use an ordinary hair, brush, distributing the henna through l the hair. A thorough drying, either in the gun or by heat concludes ths proc ess. This produces go attractive au burn tint' - ' ' , T DarkenMrhtJlolr .Will you kindly tall me if there la any- as to cause any Irritation of the kln allowed to remain there for three ' r four hours, and then brushed out thoroughly, making sure that the , scalp Itself comes in for Its ahare of. brushing; and keeping It up until Syme$ --Advice to Gorrespon IS1"," ""M mtn umkm ''got : aalr a darhat abade, with red gula 1b Uf K. A, M. Henna hair statn will probably do what you wish. You will flnu rules for Its use m tho answer to "A piscour aged Uiri.". ... Neck ToZ Thick 'Can you give aa exerctee that will de- creaao the slae of the neckT My neck Is too atouu 1 would alau ilka an exercise that - would help me tu aoquirw a round, tapering . Walat- I am flat w,l.i&1 -iH vniiM In tha ' back. tMing only a yourlT glil, I thought : some as . , . sxerdae might remedy this condition. JENNIB LJCB. 1 would suggest that vau bat ha tha ' heck frequently with cold water and apply dear alcohol, 'l'hla has sv tendon- . cy to reduce heshy parts. ou aay you are a young girl; but how young T perhaps your form hag not . yet assumed the matureu proportions of ; a woman. - Wbat kind of corsets do you wear, or do you wear any? Teil me more bout ' yourself, and then perhaps 1 can, sug gest exercise tu suit your particular c",7 . . ' '- - i-.-f- i ..- Have Your Druggist Prepare It ' Is It poaetble te get Dr. Vaunalre's ram. ear ior aeveioping w oust already pre.' laireal. tf eu, wnere and how wouiu 1 gat . lit A SUBSCRIBER. . have heard of Dr. Vaucalra'a rem- being sold aa Droorletarv artiniat . vu yriun vn wuuiu loci more CO II U - ' dent It you knew the exact Ingredients and then quantities. - it is quite safe and effective to have the formula fro- quontly pwhHshed here pi spared iof" , you wy yvur vtruggiat. Staining Hair ' ' ,m JL? JTW mKK 7 0l cpmpleslosf srf dark brew a hair. I think It my hair waa a Jet black my eompiexioa . If you can give me aome recipe tor , staining brown hair black, still nVs in jurious. 1 would sppreslais it Very much. OLIVaV 4 Tbs application of strong dyee to the hair, aa would he required In your case, abould be attempted only by an expert. 1 advise you to go to a firat-clsse Bps. delist tn thla line and have tho work don by bar. ; 170 Pounds at " 30 My trouble le re aw a burden. It fa thtst . oidw,:Vh.,.K.u.n.,, J-!"'?. rw .AM kl. 1l L ' - u, a rmM -.all- "er. It a" llttlav I KntlMil I I w- : . w- - i mum reauca , Wr. but Mr,- ioai U.iZ.T wu kmu is bound to stain the hair, even though slightly. Absolute cleanliness, both as to tho hair Itself And tho brushes and combs that are used upon It, la tho great point to emphasise. -. .i am tuing a hair tonlo tad the witch ; haael cola eteam, and Bad beta Very aatla fsotory. , KIT. You should first follow the general rules for the reduction of flesh, which gro as follows: ". " 7 SuIm for tha Seduction of -Plato. Avoid all starchy and sweetened food, sit ' cereals, vegetables containing sugar , or . . .starch, such ss peas, beans, corn, potatoes. etc. Have' your bread toasted r sprinkle It ; with salt Instead of butter. Milk. I regret to eay. If It be pure aad good. Is Jattanlng. Skimmed muk may be drunk. Hot water le ' an excellent substitute for ether ' liquids. Add a little of the Juice of limes or lemons Jo It, if you ebooee. Limit your sleeping ours to seven at the outside. Me naps. You nuil take exercise. If you eannot walk at least Bve miles a day, and do not wheel, go to one of the InatHutlone where mechanical massage la ; given. Heveral at my correspondents report fxoelient reaults from this method of set tins the vigorous exarclae they require. The syatem Is moroughly wholesome end not ex penalve. la reducing Been the one fact to recollect la that fat la carbon oxygen de stroys or burns out carbon. You muat con sume the carbon by the oxyau you .take through your lungs. The more sserelse the -more oxysen and consequent destruction of fai by the one healthful method of owing . obesity. The more stsrrh snd sugar you sat the r more carbon to burn away. Make frequent appllcationg of elear alcohol and use 'the pomade for which . I am giving yon formula: -t ,v;, , . , Pomad to Bwduoa Butt. Iodide of potassium, I grams: vaseline' M cm. BTODa. stake Into a somsde an eua mm .k. ty parte twice a day. . 7 To Gain Flesh Generally 7 Would yea be kind enough te publish Dr. aucalre's treatment In the pa part How long do you think It necessary to take lo ' .restore fallen buat after nureingf Alao, full directions. Could you aucseat another tonlo er preacriptlrm to build up sad fatten other -parts of bodyf stra, M. K. Dr. Vaucgire'g Bcmadjr for tho Butt. Liquid extiaet of galega tgoatsrael is ' grama: Ucte phosphate of lime, M sramai , tincture of fennel, 10 grsmai simple syruo. . eoo grama. The doss la two sounspooafula , with water before each meet It Is also welt to drink nail extract during meals. , . 7-, " JTollow tbesa rules for Increasing flesh gensrallyi. , Absolute freedom from care and sax lety. . At leaet tea . hours' sleep out of every twenty-feor. - la addition te this. napa eurtng the day if poealble. This sleep niuat always be saturaL ' Nothlna la ' had for the appearaaee aad general health ITH aU that has been said aftd done upon the subject, five . women out of ten either do LJJ.-fJWt Jinow tho gnat el wea nsr riant or wrona corsets, or oer haps utterly Ignore the difference. Yet there Is no adjunot which Is of so creat importahce In the tialnlng of a flfure aa the aort of corset that 4a worn. , "I Juat ft- cheap corsets for every-, day, and save my rood ons for my beat clothea," Is a coin men expression with women, and a atill more common action.- Yet If a corset baa any effect at all upon the flgrvre the on that is worn moat surely rets the great- , est chance to affect Fhe figure, and that la alWitysrtbe Cheap corset. " Isn't necessarily how much money CDC 7bo hn$ and tobtitifr you put Into a corset that determines whether It belpa or hurts you, but whether or not it fits you ao tnat. aa one woman - put It . ( the'a a large woman, too), "you don't know you ' nave It on." That Is when you get the greatest good out of It, but the same aort not the same pair.: of course, any more than you'd wear the same pals of shoes all the time and set to your figure In the same way ahould be worn all the time. , Too short a corset, U you'vo a plump figure. Is alwava a mistake. The flesh over the filps rolls up ovep tne edge of thq corset In a, most un- galnly fashion. And too long a corset Is as had a fault when you sit down your corset is forced up, raisins; the waist line, and. In a little while ehortenlng It, Its Impossible to have a long waist, no matter how you train , for It nor how ardently you e-l-e It, If you f the bablt of wearing a corset , that Is too long. It will even anoll m natural long waist, and ; comparatively short .while. ...TO. ul,t a corset brings ao many file In ita trail, and la the direct cause of so many ugly points (tho red nose, for Instance, that many girls cou.rlnln of), that It Is more and more of a wonder that any one should endure the torture that It really Is. A perfectly fitting oorset trains the figure; moulds It In the subtlest of wyfi mtu " dT. hut It doea It without discomfort. . as sleep Induced by anodynee or narcotics in any form. The diet should be liberal and . should consist largely of food containing starch and sugar: potatoes, freeh, eweat butter, milk, cream, fruits cooked and serv ed with susar, all vegetables containing larch and sugar, such sa corn, sweat pota toes, beans, neaa, fuods of the macaroni and phttl kinds. Das and oysters, ice " cream, desserts without pastry; plenty of outdoor lire and a moderate amount o? ax erclae. Sleep In a well-ventilated room. 1 do not believe sny ens can gain Mean if there IS an internal diseaae. certainly not If there la any tandencv tn A .,....-. vhere the patient Is plump ' la one part of the body nd falls In another a gymnaalum course Is advised. There nothing better than bicycling, unless It may oe a regular gymnastic eourao. In order to pursue the latter properly the patient la advised to ge to a flrst-eiaas gymnaelumT submit to an examination and take the ex cretes prescribed by the attendant physi cian. These gymnasiums, at moderata prices, may be found In a town of an? . slse In the country. Where the develop ment Is meagre In the upper part of the , body swimming Is also an excellent esse cJoc. Welkins is always wholeeome. Tha patient who wlahee to gain hash can nevsr . CO so If shs worries, la harassed or nsr. mtu bar nervae to get the better of hsr ' -See-A nswtr'jlbdve , - Woeld yon please repeat formula for bust as. I missed reading the Vauoalre remedy la the last paper f . g. jb. 'g,'" ' See answer to "Mrs. H. K." '. ButtermUk' Baths I would' like a lotion to whiten my skin a little; my neck, especially, aeems to have become yellow, snd. my cheeks are thin Would a skin fowl lone them upr If ao! would yoe kindly give s s good presorl , tlon for one? 1 mlsht add that our face ta rather otly in warm Weather. " I would like your lotion for growlna heavier eyebrows snd Isahea. , I have on my seek a little eae wort and a few moles which I would like sa much to remvrs.. What would you adjvlaa, ne to ryT Would roe alee tell me what to do roe my halrr It seems to be- rather thin. e.1. It le kine I a an. . .andrulf. kill mw kal- I- I know I am asking a great deal Out I do so long for thla help, snd sa mourn i can -aspen ft on your you win give. it sa yeu Save many. ' I am a married womaa. M year ef era. and. Ilka many am aa anxious to look as wall ss l ooa, -, , 7 ' - "l. .e 111111 f ; . tr S " 'J? . , I si- o - JonQ thst they rise.Mp Mil, a .ai- ,. , , . . , . . ii i bars only a few uay eoeo as yet V. airs. U ,0. L !" ith a mum sain 4ood , would bo excellent for building up your checks. 1 give bora a reliable formula: ' , 7,. , Skin tood. ; Whlta waa k lanolin, euncea; eoooenut oiL t ouocea! . erangs-tower water. I ounoes: 611 of awaei , . almonds. 4 ouoees; Uasture of beoaota. si rope- , M , It tha S n, flM mmiHHM . t, Tsk ofTthe fire snd seal until nearly sold.' Sddlns l!MI hv llttla Ika hanaala. aaaf l.. buttermilk baths sre excellent for. whitening the skin. Also, raw cucumber '; Julcg will blegch It i nfiin,!! i1,iiiaii.flXLli ii'i 1 7 f - ' When yvur tu try this lotloni w.aagieeugm, OUs V- ' ; ' lotion tot Oily Skin. Boris sold. I dram; dlatl lied erlteh baaai " e nana Apply witj ' or a bit of sbeorseat Pleas el eld Uoaa " Ointment tor Scant atyabrowft. Vaaelrna. I eeneee; ttneturo of eon tha. rides H ouneet etl of lavaadar, l4ros.'lu of roeemai y u) dropa . "w ess MIS Uturoughly. Apply. a wun a .ni inoinotusn h growth ts saltkMotly ttloraiatael fse nai a m.m .This elntawwt ma ee seed tar the ere. Jsehee slae. in tola eaee It should so very esrefully stalled, ft win Inrlame tho syeo, as any eO wui, at it gets late them. :? 7; P11" 4 War -A II VY JZi 7 V I I t"7J llrn White Spots .on Wrists iii i "'hfre"ire larse white patohas ea y hands and wriu.- wbue iiw mt of a ' bands are eulte tanned. Whan I am la the ' sun they sat red. but oea (at white . asaia. Can rou UU me the eauae and If ' there le anjrrhiDf 1 tan do for It f I sad a - few spots on one rail 4 laat summer, but , Uiey da set show aa muefc as thla suipsner. - - , '-. .. , . - B. A. a ';. The spots you speak of aro somo "little peculiarity of the skin pro h- '.. ably spota in which tho pigment cell are defective. -At any rate, the only - remedy I can sua-rest Is to keep tho - - rest of your skin bleached, free from ' tan and Inflammation, so that tho white spota will be lost. Peroxide of ' hydrogen la an excellent and harm 7 ' m Wh. - .-, " ; , . :", f . 1 ; ' " ,'A Good Curline ' Woeld Ton kindly 1e me a fornrala fe . ' a aood eurun. one that will poaltivaly Keep the bait tn eusl la damp weatbarT I , , , , , . a. icptn, Dampness Is pretty hard on arttflclat urls, and I cannot say positively that the folio wins will absolutely defy aaois ' ture-laden air; but I do suggest, thag , you try It. W la very- good. , .' Solution to Keep the Hair Curled.' Take sum stable, 1 ounce: good aseisi ' . susar, ounce; pure hot, water, lau Dlaaolve. When thla solution la cold, add . aloobol. I fluid ouacee; blehlorata of mr- - sury and salanmionlae. grains each. The , " laat two should be elaaolvad In the el , cohol before admlsture. Lastly, add amoves - water te make the . whole measure one int. Perfume with cologne or lavender 1 water. Motstea the heir with the fluid be- 1 fore putting It la the pesers or eulere ; I....- 72o state; ,.iy" . Tho following recipe will retnova) warta: but I sdvlse you not to tarn peg with the moles. It la practically -ioipos-. si bio for an amateur, to remove thgia) 1 Without harm. l i- Wart Eradlcator. Ths MIlYwtn. I , 1 1. ii . Am, ' been tried with moat satisfactory raaultai Sublimed sulphur. 12S grains; gljraetias, 1 fluid drams; acetic add. 1 fluid dram. I Apply repeatedly to each wart soattmse , . fng ths treatment for several days. Tag 1 arts dry up and then drop oft 1 Almost all tonlca for nromotlntf thai growth of tha hair have a certain degree) of o Illness. . The Jaborandl tonlo, fog wnicn i am giving you formula, bag oil than many others. , Jaborandl Tonlo Quinine eulDhnr. I grains: ttnetwrs sd r drama: fluid extract of . rantnana ntharldea. I Ituld Jeborandl . I nuia drams; alcohol. 1 gold euncea; ea; glycerine, f ounces; bay ruaa, i gui4 I as; roeewater, Jt fluid ounce. ; e quinine ahould be dissolved ta the) i ounce The alcohol Uoulds by wsrmlns sllshily. theta ths ether Ingredients added, sad the whom Altered. Rub roots e ia every sight fran tian t aha miuuiln a ta a laA snafl fna jour hair. I You oan keep tha wrinkles In abeyance) ty the use of cold or earn. It softens the) skin and makes It more responsive to your smoothing strokes, which you taua4 give to the par la frequently.-... 'Jtainst My Rules f read where Dr. Taucairea treatment at ' perfectly harmiees and will sBlarge the 1 oust or restore it alter nursing, mow, in la the mfornmtioti I would like t. x would in seat where can I get this Dr, VaucaJre'a lissl i ment aad about what will k eoat mef , j , , . Mrs. K. t a. ' You can get this remedy from sny re. ' liable- druggist- y giving him the fore) ' ' mula, published uader the letter of "Hr H. K.,' to prepare for you. It Is s galas my rules to quote eommercigl rates. j i A Plaster Stick for Superfluous II airs t v'.. . - f sm eery snxlons tetry ris Vaoeerre . remedy,' bnt want to so sure that H la me "real etulT" before 1 uss R. Win yea kino f tell me whereat eaa gat las sraaeriyuuai Biied correoUyt . - I for tne last rew years nave see ' . short stubby blark hairs growing ee ' noee. Thav have the appearance of I beads. I bsve tried te bleach loam. 1... . ao aw.ll. fan yeu h.lp me I Aaother requeet snd I sm th-"'" 0 I I you recommend a tellable eer I Atlanta! a, . I 1 regret thet I cannot rsw-i t -you any dealer; that Is a,.,i,-t t rules. Any rellsbls druggist ul pare the formula for you. . 1 would suggest removing fhe f"' ' your nose by ins use of a iJe. , , Thla, loo, may be obtained ft- g , 5 1st or dealer in toilet irt . oes not prove sfrlcaclous, lt i . . and I will give you a detl'e ftecoaimendlng any SVe., i tgsinsl ruios. g sj V