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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1906)
..' jc- -: .-v:.j. wj:;dav : august 3, 1: r .7 TCZAV. irr.'..Tcr T :-.' TCDAY. w, ;!isia."c.Erj3 , Lota 1 and I. block (1, Eaat Port Una. . Kill nnn , . T tWL and I, bloc 01. Xat Port 1 toad. 111.000. , Lotai. I, I end 4, block tl. Bart jrortiane, fio.voo. Tha lota er on Eaat Third strt : txtwHn Hawthorn avanua and Madl , son strwst. 4 -room cottar In Una condition, largo ': rooms, nlutmd: lot 60x71: fruit, tin - , rose, beautiful lawn f 1,000, 40 caah. Half lot, southeast eorner Xaat First , 'i and Oak street,' , Quarter block, aoatbaaat aornar Eaat Ninth and Alder. . . - . - -On full lot oo Eaat Second, near jrvar. front 41.500 - - - ' ' ..T A , On corner lot on TTnloa av. 11,400, . y On lot, outhwt cor, But Sixth and Ash 14.000. Lot. o.uartr or, full block on Grand avenu. 1 - , ' Bualnaaa property on Union avenue. 1 : , pevying 17 per jnonvn. mn i,vvv. Buchtel & Kerns S. L.-N. OILMAN, AUCTIONEER iotas botxob Great Auction: Sale ; At 331 AnkenySt. Mi .Vtrtk ffztk sU lorlk Mmtk. Thursday Next at 10 a. in. Illoasehold Furniture Encyclopedia Brltannlca, ItAXQES, parlor and dining-room furniture, ear peta, a to. - Buyer will do wall to et tend ' thla ' sale, which lneludea 11,500 worth-of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. h ' L. N. OILMAN, Auctioneer. i Look. Renters, Look! , : ion o otxb umioi . MOO 4 room house,' furntahsdl lot 40 ,111 feet, feooed chicken-bouse and - k,yaro - caan, Delano 51 ., par month. ' 91B7S T-roota bona and bant; lot 40s '. -i 111H foot, fenced, fln lawn $100 ; caah, balance 110 per month. . B1S00 flwell 7-room houaa, I lota, cor- , . nar luoxiuo . caan. paiano pis per. month. ' lsoo orina modern I-room houaa. all ' a 1 .. . .... A MAMMil .eornar $400 oaah, term on balance. - fl0O 4-room modern oottaa. lart room a, not ana eoia waier, nn car , i, ,,, ahade wtth honaertwO 'Iota 50x100 feet, on eorner M0 caan, I ' v balance tenna - - - 9060 I room a, lot 40x1001100 , caah, balance aay term. ., . TOWJB, avi 'Korriaoa . Boom L Phoft Paclflo 5614. - All are l oar, about 10 minute rid. $5,000.00 Uy price for few dart $2,750.00; '.It acrta, 4' in cops, fine bODdrier, 1 acre far-choice froita, booae, barn,' all fenced, cleared and Al BOfl within ene-half mile of R. R, station. F.ABRAHAM.. ;v:,.'r. :- ' -:;;;uliS Second Street Choice i,W OJTEB IT ACRES "NUARTWO CAR LINES SUITABLE FOR SUB DIVIDING! INTO ACRE TRACTS. BT WHICH BIO MONET CAN BH MADE. to-iave trvaa ernATtr wstv '' E.SJacIuon&Co. noa xate 4a ae BTABX ST. WORTH Second Hand ' ; Furniture Wanted s Will bar 110.000 worth at one. X T WILSON, Auctioneer. iOI fir at atreet ' Phon Main 1524. , ' , PORTLAND HBIOHTfl Lota three blocka from car Una. graded atreeta and water, beantlful tree, alerant alt for-home IJ00 par lot. O EG ROB E. WAOQONER, Pbon Main IJ7., y. . ,. ; CHEAPEST BUY .: I1N SU1NIN YttlDE 1 "Modern 'T-room houaa. on tot ffxlto, naar Hawthorn car lfn; Iroprored atreet, aaa. electricity, cement walk, mall fruit, woodahad, ohlcken-houie and yard. . Price 4 M00. CONKLIN BROS., SIT" MargTiarlta avenue, . ' '' obdss) tovb oovoman osat ":r for your new building from the Sandy , Road Bank, Gravel Fit No, L , A. M. , KJlTOAXr. Phon Tabor 15. : 10 ACHES ease Ara Fin garden land: lay 124 feet on car Una; 4tf far. Phon paciflo hi. : ;-. ;;;:. ,.., TOWrd, 26654 : Morrfaon 5 MORTGAGE fi LOANS- wxuxam saraoxx, amm aid. WATCH LENTS CHOW And co.a atata.. And keep your y on WI1.BT ALLEN" w.a aaa (or bo vargaiaa a ru . ACRE AG 2 CALB " 'om'-'-': Five minutee. walk from Laurel wood station op O. W. P. ft R. car line; the only acreage left in that sac tion; streets ere cleared and water pipes laid in front of each block. They srs selling rapidly. Now is the time to boy before they era all sold, , ' dw. . Barrett, ' eras aft XeeeaV woa gtattoa. ,.. -.:, C.C Room -228, , Chamber of Commerce :. fildC1. Phone Main t72. ' ! "W 'get rwalta." ,;. itotTice eSADT TO oecHPT.' I.1BO B. tk at., T reoaai 5B00 eaeh... l.ano B. ISth'aU 0 rooaei 5800 eaeh. 1.100 Uldwtf, 4 room. agfto eaeb 4.1S0 B. Madlwa, T reoma; 11,600 eert S.jno B. Tirahlll, 0 rwwa; il.800 euh 4.800 B. Ttlor. roeiaaj i,0oo eh 3.600 B. Baraslde, T roana; 8O0 ik 4400 at., io roeiaa, 1,200 eaab BOxino .Sfix a 60iioo BOxlM eoxioo BOxlOO 88x100 401 M CB01CB TAOAHT LOTt- V f 1.4O0 lOOxlOO. B, tttk aad Plaei taraa, eno OHiilO. a. portiuai terau. ... - 48x1 S3, CemaercUl ei.t tera BOO 60x100k Itob et.1 una. -', 11,50060x100, Victoria at: eaib. " mo 400x100. Portl.n Helfbtai aaaB, OO BOiltio. X. 17th .1.1 terma. 12,200 50x100, Kertbrap at teraaa. - Thla la leaf a aaull llat ef ear areoertlea. Bneoxb to eeavlace roe that we bare alacea' roe eaie im au aarta e( the eity aaa eoimroe. 'Twill Mr y to m a before enrmg. . ruuTuano thust cohtaii vw OBEOOM. - -Tea get tb beat." Two Good Things l-room bona, vary modern. In Sonny Id; lot 45x100, full of flower j la faot th plac..u lBiiiv4thap. j : . Price 04OQO $2,100 caah. balance to Suit. It you want a bom look at thla... . - , . ACRES ACRES ACRES We have on of the finest acr traota ut-np for homea you will And tribu tary to Portland, on ear ,1m,- from 1' to a acre, all cleared. Price $300 to 05OO :', ;. OX BAST XKkWL'l"; Jordan & Garbade . Boom SS, SMM WaetOaeraoa St. RARE BARGAIN OXOXOB VAJUC, die AOaaSL all under cultivation; good houee and barn) fln orchard; would dlvld Into H or H. Inveatlgata. It la the cheapeat and beat buy la th Willamette valley. - . W have numeroua farma of all alee and prloea. Call and a a ur Hat. , , CATLIN & HENDERSON ' ' 410 STBABjra BUBflw ' WUNSCH (D, CO. REAL ESTATE PORTLAND AND COOS BAT PROP. . ... , . ,,. vnTrvm . ,..... ... 10 ramber Xxcbaaga, td aad swrfc. j no m ae.-i : 1 ' " Joe Nash V v Sells homes at your own ; price and terms Take Mount Scott car and get off at Nashville Addition. - - le COHNTAL CO; Oboio Aotaaga 1 to 1(0 acre.1 ' Tin xarma, au aiacs ana price a. . Delect homea and building at tea. . 343 Stearic St. St. Johns Acreage For Sale - 10 aers on ear Una A rood Inveet. mnt to hold or aultabl .for platting now. D 45. JOURNAL. Quarter Block eo.BOO For fln bualnaaa corner on Eaat Eighth atreot Corner lot-bring 145 month rent; inald lot vacant. " -n- . ntABX OBTBB, . ! ' eaa weaaiartoa suaei .vpeaaire. , Agent CC:;gflTL0T8 fTrtt A oholo quarter block a flat trt north. rv?o A very holo eornar a ltd and Lovajoy ata.; wUl not b gold fr pua . . , t t'Momioo aat: the only vacant property on thla beautiful realdenea atreet aoutb of Mor riaon; reaaonabla terma. ,. issoe A An warehona alt a, 10x100, on the Tork atreet track' of tba North re Paclfla Terra lnal company. ' ' OM . VMM ' BAST aTZDB, ' .' , " eai.Deo A' block on Kaat Third at, between Morrtaon and Madlaon bridge, with track facUltloa for warehouae. ei0,8oo Half block in aam dlatriot aw tranaage. eeOOO Northeait .corner Ninth snTP WeWler ata.. HoUaday'a Addition. e0OO Northeaet eornr J4th and Weidier ata, Holladay'a Addition. , 1500 Cholo quarter blook on Bast Pin at -;:; ., exsoo Choice ouarter block On Xaat ltd t. South sunnyald. , aaooo-lnalda lot on Eaat' 14th wt, Bear Aider. Owner will build a horn for th right party. .. . v; . . ..' 1 BISOO Three oholo lot on Buxton at, on block from Eaat Itth at ear. - Bl 400 fine realdenee lot on Thur maa at., near 21th. . f 1100 Inside lot doe to Broadway ear line, HoUaday- Park Addition. . , eiooo-Corhar lot th Baat Ask at' , ; SSOO Inald lot en Eaat J.' seen Choice lot In South Sunnyald. '1 400 Lot on Taggart atl Rtohmond. on blook from car line. , . ISO Lota la Arbor Lodge. 114 down. l a month. ,.r " . - '. . fioo Lot in Tabor aide, 10 down, II a month, ,. .(.'..,-, ;.. , . AND- SEB " THE LOTS ON , HAW THORNS ATE. BETWEEN 44 TH AND 44TH STS. TERMS. 10, PER CENT CASH, BALANCE, 10 -PER MONTH. INTEREST 4 PER CENT PER AN NUM. ' - ' :, Act Now BUT A LOT BEPORE HAWTHORNE AVE. IS MACADAMIZED, AS PRICES ARB BOUND TO ADVANCE. 4 WILL BITILD T0X7 A MODERN HOUSE ON ANT OP OUR LOTS ON TERMS TO SUIT," M. E. LEE Phone Pacific 59. 93 Sixth $L Portlaaul Bealts Board. Washington Street Substantially - lmprovd lot paying fair taoome oa pno, Sj30,000. In eom eaa b ereaUy tnoreaaed by small azpnairar. . Pin eorner, best apartment bona att In Portland, vr tw lota la 912,000. '.- . Praotlonal lot 9X0,000. SPECIAL. ' Lot naar eorner 4th; and Burnalda Thla lot haa a strateglo valu. as It la only it feet eaat of 4th St Beat email buy In Portland. . Prloa win aoon b withdrawn. . E. J. DALY BAXUBO ILDO. - PaTOBB ,. ,:; . 383. Only $1800 Por f raettonal lot on Overton St j cement aide walk 1 improved, street If you are looking for a lot on th wast sld It will pay you to a Ihl bargain. - M.s E. LEE; 93 Sixth St , Xsmbe PorUaod Baaity Board. ; -f- TB3B WAT l-roora hous on Eaat Eighth at, corner lot bath. bamnt ahaoe; a great bargain at 15.400; part caah. A. good farm to trad for city rro party. . flOmO BBAMiTT CO 4Vb Plrat tru WEATHER REPORT. Tbeader ahowera hare ewarred at acattered ptacee in Montane aad North Dakota, bat ea the FaclSe elope fair .weather preralla. It ia macb warmer eaat ef the Caeoede nontalne and ellfhtly .waraef to the peat ef thla raaaa ef atenntalne. , The tndleettea ere tor Hit weather m that Ohitriet Sua day with slightly blghea tempera tare. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Carl Boeaa. Arleta. Orvgea, 54 ; getwaaa A. ftwegst, 55. . r ' r. J. -Myers, J5S1 Third atreet, 5, B.wa ebwei Barriav 34. Weddlna Cerda. W. O. Smith A Co.. Wa.h- tagtea baig., eor.- Ponrth ead Waobingtoa at. Weddtac-and aalllag eerd o era rod or printed. B. T. Buahtoa, 523 S4 Waeblngtea at. Mlae Brrthe Marti, morn 111 Allakr bids. tamping aad flue aeedlewerkj leeeoaa cirea. 'FUNERAL NOTICES. ftTMMEL -la this city, at the family realdeaca. MT Commareui ex., Aeruoi a, uoretnp - Benmel, aged 65 yrara, T month . and 15 dare, wife of Otto Bummel and mother 'of Mr. -Jamea Lengler, Mr. A. Stranae end Otto Rommel Jr. Friende and aeauelntancee i nre raepertfnllr Invited te nttend the fun.r.l eerrlcea, which will be held at the ahore reeldeBCa Monday, Aagnet 17, at 5 p m. S.nlcre at the Portland crematorium private. THE' fuarral aerriee ever the remalaa ef Conrad wraa nr. wiu ibbo piarn aumoar. Aoguat tl, at 1:50 p. from the realdenee, I 41 iBet Sixth at., north, -en attwe, Xroin 1 the Flrat Warm. HeiormMi rnnrcn, iutn ana Sterh ete. . Interment RlTervl.nmetaTlN o ah. tract title. Ineoranee or aawtr leaM, eeU ea Pacific Title A Traat eompaay, formerly Parlfla Coeet Abetract Gnaraaty A Trnel eemneay, t04-5--f Falling building. n.t enar Imnraare aad ahatrerte to reel eatate from ibe Title Onaraatee A Traat eompeay. IIARTf.IMTIIO'IPSOi! .1. OXAICBXS OP OOaOCXBOa. . Gil Today 14 Wfeaasgtea atreet, DobbIs, bteEntM a Otlbaacb, sadertakei a4 iMuaOTi: av ra In air d.tiu. eeTeata aa4 t-ine. hi tie Lau ueUtaat. - A. B. B.aMtetk. enOartaker ead eaibalBrar, Beet THIrteea aad LawtUi see. raeae U We4 Tl. . . BHekaea (TnOertaklBf Oe., aad eib.lmlnr. 40 Alder et, rheae UtXm 4155. May eieletaBt. 1. P. nm.y j Bone. Tblrd aa4 Me4laea ata. Once f eeeaty,eoroa.r. rheae IfaU a. " 5flWElW eiex, rm TJalrt.JJ ,.. '....t.-.,, amavirw cxmxjxmx. lagle gravee 510. Paailly lata STg ce H.ftOO. The oely eeawUry la Portland which potaaUy aialntaloe ead eawe for lot. Far fall tnforaiattoa apply to W, H. hfark.nal.. Woa .' ' blofh,' trlty. W. U. Ledd. aroaHKat. NOTICE. PROPOSALS tar Feodlng Coeaty Frteeai Bide will be by th. count? br th. eaantr court ef Multnomah eouaty fof fMdiBg the priaoaere coonnaa ia ioe Bounty jett-et -lata oountT. vur a pvnoa oi tm axoatna aegioaiag Bop. Umber 1, 1000, tw amla a day to be eorrod aa folio wa: ' Breaktaat Serred between the bona ef ' T:50 and 5:50 a. m., to eonalat ef eaa erd.r vt ateet and potatoea. eeffee with eafaa aad eae-helf 4oaf ef bread tor eaek prlaoaer.. p Uuir Te be eerred betweaa Ue banra ' ef 4 end 5 p. .. te eeaatat of erne order ef eeap, iaeat, potatoea aad eaa ethea ve '' table, tea or eoftae with anger,, aad an half - leaf ef breed fer eaek priaoner. - Bide will be reralred aatll Taeaday. Ao ; gnat M. 1505, at IS aoea, wbea tht win be epened. in blda eeonld be aealed and addrneeed to P. a flalda. County Clerk. ' The eenaty reeerrea, tba right to njeet any ' and ail bid. . ' P. fc PTaXSe, Cbtmty ClerW Bids Wanted i ' Waated BI4a oo atone werh ea 1C ,m. thnrct ran. Sooth. All blda to be la br mt' S. Plana aad aDeolfleatloaa al nwvivmtuwT -. riui apocinoationa ' rwldanee ef U. H. atewre. 5T6 Ualaey at. COBA HICKS, aiy ajrlfe. baring left my bed lie that I will not he reaponalble for any d.bte ebe may bare coatraeted aabaeqoaat to May 1, loo. a. 14. Hi UK a. MEETINO NOTICES. i ORCOON CIRCLa Be 171. Wl O. W.. atoota Koaday eight la - Uoaa' hall, eorner Wll law are. aad Rna.U at., at 0 e'tloek. MABX BANDALU Clerh. U. W. A-, Oregon Orape Caatp, Be. aTS. Ilea. day. ITU aad kiarahaUi Tie) ton wekeeae. M. W. A. BVBROBBBN CAMP, 540, Meta WodneeoBf evening. AUaky Mdg., Third aad - llorriem ata. - . ...... i; , LOST AND FOUND. Lest In Business District , Oreea enaaieled geld ladr'e watch aad drajroa pin. raaar rovvrv io vowniBaciopaiBa vo.. Chamber of liberal reward. LOST A email fenle tea tonier, white and .mot nmmw. ran. mmiu aovd; rewara. - LOST 1 Irteh eettet papa, 4 awnthe eld. Re tara to Bllera Plane Booae aad reeetre reward. HELP WANTED MALE. MANAOBB waated, every seetloa, to eelert agente lor "Oameoaeteaoe,' world'e greetMt aew lawfal same far drtnka or elpara; takn place ferbtdoea elot aucblaee; played with civ ha la or quartern; ene to earen peraoaa eaa play at enee; gaiah beeatltul like enah ' rrxiatari rented or eold ea eaey paymeatai 40.000 new la aae eample aeat free) propoal. iioai wui piaeae jmm it we ami Bare, epen- bin ta roar earnlna. Cnited Saortloa Oooda -i Manafactnrlng Co.. Dept. 151, Chicago, IU. WABTBr Teang people to proper th. me. Itob . ea bookkeepere end atonographerei bar. bad 545 celle Bin re gaptember 1; placed SB la noeltlona. we will piece yea when cent. potent. Dey or slht. .Oatalaga. B aha he Walker Bnalaaee collage. WANTBD A bright, eaergette, tadnatrtoae lad for nennaer eemoe and .to-leera ao- , vertiflng) wagee 50 pa weekf ea excellent cnaniv tor a yonng nxan to warn toe a. vartlalng arefaaeUi Addreea U SO, care aoornotr- WANTED Teaa aw to lean telemphy aad rellroad eeeonntlnei eelariee 571 00 to aeo.OO. . For free ea talon, address Mora Oelleg ef Telegraphy, 50 Uth at., Oaklea. Ual. WANTKO Two or three flret-elai elaea, aU-areaud aweklae aaeai permaaeat peeltioa, rood wages. oregea raraitnr Mtg. 00.. at aoon am teas. VB get work for ear BMmber apodal mam ear, aa. x. m. g. a, Fearta aa lamhiu. Union Hotel Si NORTH SIXTH ST. ' ' Pre employment to ear . crone. Weekly retaei Boom. II. tf np: ret beard, 54.50 ap. Aadareea. proprietor, WANTED Ijoanre meken; steady werk North Proat. eorner ef Daria. . SALESMEN te tntrodsa the world'e a In fralta Berbenk'e sew stas.ues pin i Miracle). Choice ef tetrltery. Caah weekly. ddreae Waablngtoa Maraary anapaay. Top. penlah, WaaklagtDB. WANTED At eaee, 50 semmoa laberera at 52.50 nor dar. Ceil at enalneertna droart- meat Oregon Water Power A Beltway Co,, First aad Alder eta., for parttcalara. , WANTED Boy steady work. 55 N. Proat eorner Derie. MEN AND WO at EX to Warn berher trade ta eight week; gradootee eara from .415 to 25 worklr; eipert iaatrnctors; catalogue free: aperial rat. thla month. Molw Srtea)e( CoUegea, 55 Berth PoarU St. Portlaad. DON'T MONKETI Be S WHOLE MAN, PBBE OF ALl, DISEASES. Dr. Mediae, encceaeoe to Bed Oro Dtepeuearr, eor. Third aad Aaa. WANTED AT ONCB 35 eerpeatera aad 15 car penter helper; waree lor cerpeatere as, tor carpenter belpera 52.50. Call at engineering department, Oregoa Water power Ballway Co.. Plrat ead Alder ata far pertleaUra. WANTED Toong maa stenographer who be aaa eome experience! etete age, aaiereaee aad oxeerfeece. D. 44. Journal. grVERAL laatera, alee eatters and ether ehoe- makerat eteeay wore, rvianmgioa ..eaee Maanfectarleg Oa., Seattle, Week, WANTED Firet-flaa blaexemlth, 5 dayt a tf eatUfactory. Addreaa W. P. Sctir Heppner, oregoa. 0KMENT Bnlaher wanted. Apply W. S. Edgar, S47H Tint t. areninga at T. WANTED .Rrglatered aeeistaat pharmaetat. Apply with retereaca to jieiiiiTTar aroa., the Woodlaera Drag Store. Paeae Beat 4TTL MATTRRSSMAKBBS waated. Tonetng Bro. 08 Morrieea at.' BILMNO CLE RE, wboleeele hen: atat are. expeneaee eaa reiarencee. auea at iwa, WANTED 4 cecBPetoat man for eolldtrog emtbe ror eieening ana eyeing) gnoe aaury and- eominlMoa paid for good hoeflere, at tha tr Pwiuni BiMia ClMBlae m Dr. Worha. 144 Orand are., cty. WANTED EVERYWHERE Hoot! to tack alga, dlarrltrate ewcaiare. eamniee, ere.i aa eenreealnri good' pay. Boa A4ertlmg Bu reau. Chicago.. OOOD, etreog hoy wanted. 10 yeare or aver; apply. Lor. Joy A Lincoln, bookMadera, 128 Pint at. WANTED Men, arerywkrre. good pay. te die triboU circular, edr. matter, tech elna, otc. no eenvaaalng. Addreaa National Dtatrtbating Bureau, 100 Oakland Beak bldg., Chicago, IU. WANTED Export.aeod mad aaleemea, etanle Uae; don't apply anleee able to aar large - ealarr) old-eetabllaked tobblBg-heaM. Addreaa Boom ,005 Orkea bla., Mlnneapolla, Mlia.. SALESMEN WANTED Selaetaea ' can aaeily make 110.00 a day aelllng enr gold window lottrre. aoeelty eigne and ehaaeeable ln; retelogne frre. guUtraa 0a., 00 Weet Vaa . (mrea at.. Chicago, Illinois. , MEN, everywhere, to dletribnte ear aampleet It dally: ateedy: aa aaaraealag, , "Ollrer," Innroe bldg., Chleage. SALESMAN, eity end reed: a good ;vhaaee for . . , . , . k - tui mneu B gooo man vmim wwi . m, ' weeklyi only hlxh-claaa aeea aeed apply! bond , weekl raqulr WM fl .l1"1 , - "- 8HINOLEBS WANTBD Heppe, T51H Booee volt at., aeer tad. BOT WANTED to leera tlaaar trade. et, aeer 2ld. . STRONG BOT WANTED Oregoa Brae Work, S n. TANTXD rira-t-la. eebbietaaakef e Jeaalna A toaa. 174 first U si eoa. H ear Journal A purge containing pa w M,aff i,, n y - Eat Irving street. The loser did the right thine at the right time - and classified, ad in the ost,and round, column of The Journal.- F. Cereglunoi s, who is in the employ of J. A. McFarlane of 506 Flanders street, came aldtfg soon after the purse was dropped and found it. " V ; ' V ; V v '' ,:V He also did the right thing at the right time. , He did not wait to get home to see his copy of The Journal, but purchased a copy on the street.' He found the ad below and straightway came to The Journal office and satisfied himself that "the purie'hCTdundwas the one adveoti sed-aad,left it for the lady. , A liberal ; reward was given him and. all concerned were happy. . '; t.. . y.- --U v: If you have lost anything or found something do as these parties did and; you will be happy. The ad above cost 0 centsa small percentage for loser as well as the finder. . HELP WANTED MALE. WANTBD .Via ef experience (carpenter) want. . work aa toremae or anlatiw, or will contract tor wore, a 10. car. journal. STUMPS to be taken oat one acre. , car line. . Phone Bellwood 0. Sallweod OPPIOB bey, with eeme knowledee ef type- - writing preferred! good chance for edvance- enent; amail.pey te atart. roe Marqneai ld. WANTBD Boy te leant the abort metal trad.. Portland Sheet Metal Worke, 4 Eaat Madl aon at. . t WANTBD Aa all-arennd pbetogranber. Browa- . ing acaaia, 107 )h rirmx at. . HELP WANTED FEMALE, WANTBn Tonng people te propire ae bookkeeper and etenograpbere; here bad 545 calhr elnce 6tmbr 1) placed S3 la ' poalMona. VWe will place yon when eena . petenti . Iay -oaQhixtt, Cataluffuev Bebake waixar tinainaee college. . .. WANTBD GlrlaMe auk "Boea ef All" ava. alia at tb riret at. HANSEN' LADIES' AOBNCT, 54IH Weeblng ton e(., ear. Serentk, npatalra. : Pboae Mala tees. Female help wanted. fllBte WANTED Opere tore to work ea eh art ana evereiia. taaone giraa to ineipenencoa. Aaply at Standard factory No. g. Oread are. and Eaat Taylor at. ma homr lAr-rsr-AOBMex: Pemale 'belp fnrnl.bU Im to employer. Reglatratloa Free. 1514 Pevrtk at. npatalra. room tl. M., M28. WANTBD Competent girl for gnieral boaee- , worn. Apply- las aaet lata at. WANTBD tadyt eaay, profitable - poaltion) eaiary aaa -commieaion. let lira ax. WOMEN aad girU waated to work la fruit eanrr. . Apply Holmn Ceasing Co., Baat Kignu ana Diriaioa. . - WANTED Olrl for aeoklna aad aeaerel werhr good wngeaiT?0 drertoa at., near lad. WANTED Olrt ia maagle and tronlng-eoom Apply at PaHle Laaadry, Sal Arthur at. WANTBD A lady set ever 50, with 150, . aa enemeea partner, ceil ua uta at. SIBLS waated for general bun werh; rooke ,. and waitress, City Employment Ofnce, eulte 1, lx&hi Waablngtoa at. Mela 110. WANTED Olrt; to ear for ehlld. . ahall. Pbonev' Mala 1374. WANTED Ol for tight, heaaawerk. Stratbonee. 505 Bawthoraa ere. . Mr. OOOD cook for print famllyt 550; Cham- aermaiaa, wo. zsovb waaaingteai eaita a. MABRIED worn' without children eea hare two fnrnlahed honeekeeplng room for cr of jo; nunaare, pnone raciria jeem. Moo aar, Pacific 1671, after 11 a. m. . WANTED Olrl to aealat with honeewerh In family of , three, aad ge to school. Phone aaoi oza. .. .. WA NEED Plrat elaea dreeemaker. at, TT4 Mle- mippt are,, corner ueeca at. rftecx.i Bradley Co. WANTBD A pprenttree fa th inlllmery bnet- neea. apply artrvnoena. Tea tfeeaej-Bragior Co., 774 Mlealaelppi are. GIRL anoat 15 la family ef two, to take ef nby. call at ass Bth. after a p. m. ALBS WOMEN for cloake aad aoltat alee for Halnxe; all muet be competent and rneronghlr experienced. Apply at enperlateadeat's ef Boa. Old, Wortnias A King. LADIES to make Sanitary Belt; material all cat reedp-vaewl.0 per aoeen; pameniar atamned ennlopef. Lenos Co., Dept. gTO, Chi- Illlnola. KS for anadow-drawtngr natural taUnt aa eaeem 520 weeklr eeally earned at home! . tmned .nr. lop. for perflralar. Addreea Boreea ef Commercial' Art, 1B1T Indiana are., ' Chicago, tlllaole. WANTED A good plain sook prirats boarding- houa.. is yitia at. ... WANTED A girt tor general besaework. Phon LlllOa BOOQ. WANTED A dlahwaaher. 104 North Ttb at. OrriCB GIRL, wtth eome knowledee of type writing preferred: good chance for edranee stent: email pay ta atart. T05 Marqnam bldg. COOKS. 500, and I0 a weak wattreeeee. eoeat. 20: rare P"iJ a mootna worx; city, ; honeework. IKI, end ether rood poaitiaoa. Home Ladlee' Agency, Mela 582. WANTED Apprentice In the millinery .line. Apply arterneone, jaeeaei-nraaiey ue-r Tie Miealeelppl are. WANTED Flnt-elaea dreeemkr at tT4 MlaalMlppi aTeaae. laerkel-Bradley Co. CHOCOLATE dinner. M ml -elaea! ateady. work. nweiianei a, an atorriMfw. . -r - LADIES wanted te ee eaay fnneyererfc at home, epara time or steenrt experience an B.r.aaarr; peed pay. Cell to 4, , 520 rieidnev Bldg., 407 Waeblngtea et. - BEAT, experienced, worn an family enok. wagee hotel eoek. SMH Tamhlll. Main 541A WANTED Plrvt-rlaae Jacket, aklrt and walet elrkt at Mra. Thome', room as waMlagtoa Bldg. . WANTED Olrl to keep noaao for email fam ily, leonire eel aaet iota atreet. XOUNO girl to aaelat In eeoklng end general boeeewnrk! emeu ramuy. ao jxorta iota et. Apply Monday. WANTED Woman or girl to do hireaawork and (lain eooaing ror two. xxm rare et. meia 11A MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WAITRESS, winter reeort, 5201 ether tT reatauranta, botaia, Dnaroinr-nonee, city. Waeee. Heppner. ceoeo, w. uiannriea. 52A, e .1 5j eenntry aereia. tTOnepirxare, aryaen. boo nonptca.rB, ouo bob. voobb, wait erf. idlelrweehere t aprller, reetenrant. Other City, roaat. ak w. uraae, mjo .Waahlnttoa. PieiAe 1370. BOPPICBSSS wanted; gerd camping greaadi ebont 14 day' werh. For pertlcalara ao . ' . , fef k. V.klll Aim CAPABLE aelleitor. every eity aad ennatyi . enmmlealea or eaiary the beet policy and sempaat turn her wceeoge, rortuaa. M Finds Lost Pui a large sum of money la checks, i ry- r , i j. KVn Matthews, who resides at 1533 v., J-r, Tr ...... MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTED 409 bep-ptckera by Sept. 1( beet yard la Oregoa good accommodations. Apply to Andrew Kaa A Co.. 857 Merrhwa St. 1,500 B0PPICKERS to pick est aerea boa at . 50e per box; largeet Bopyard In the world; beat aooommoda tlona ; aak for 5-page honk. glrlng particular, at 85 Fourth at.. Krebe Broe. Phone Mala 40TO. Ofso boars a. m. to S p. m. - BELP waated and ennplle. asale or female. . O, Drake. xOSVa Waahlaatea ex. Peril ISTO. ROPPICKER8 We pay go per hex. bnnkhoaee - free. Will be at the BL Cbarle hotel mat week la Aaauet to a.11 rouad-trlp tickets to nrooks. tvme ny train septemDer e. a : dreee Homer Cooler, Brooke, -Oregoai Tl acre. P. P. Gonley, Brooks, Oregon; SO ecrae. , WANTED T hopplrkere to report here be tween new end the 29th, ta be ready to atart for Bates Monday, tha 17th. low Taylor at. 40 H0PPICKERS to pick two yard, elo Int fee ead fir II, which laclndea free hauling et I. mp eatnt te ana rrom yeroe; rexioirr bow, 'a oroee, g North aecoa at. - BOPPICKBB8 wanted SSS Cerbet, corner P an noy ert good ehacka. hope ead water. Pboae ' PaelM 1115. Mra. Knapn. $1,000,000 TO batld Srat-clae botel,ortlaaA O la. care Journal. WANTED 100 hopplrkere et 60c per box: beet grade la valley; 50 aerea. Fred J- Miller, Hubbard, Oregoa. ' J WANTED 400 hopplcker; frnlt. vegetabl free: ae afflea fee. U. B. Employment, 105 WANTED Maa or woman who anderetands meklng eld-faehioned apple better, PennerlT- , au tyie; one with little capital preferred. Aooreea m tu, journal. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. ALL-AROUND 'Implement 'mn weald Bke , altuatloa with eome good hen;, long ea- peneace oa the road 00 sal aaa collection. aaarroo i ffa, car joornei. -. COOK aad oyeterman, Oermea, winta poeltloa la cafe or lunchroom. Addreaa T 29. Journal. MA CHINS bUckemlth deatrea situation: ae. customed to both light end heavy work; ne objection te email towa. . Addreaa B 54, care Jonrnal, - WANTED A poalttoa by aa experteaecd book, keep. 0 70, cere 1 Journal. BOT, IT year ef age, would like te get a Joe ae cendy-helper In retail atore: haa had eljfiit Booth' at per lance. Addreaa L. gpaaloi, otel Rhelnpfela, this city. YOUNft man. com oaten t etenoerenher and hook keeper, deilree work avealog. X 57, .care 4ournei. . EXPERIENCED lineman wishes Job Installing Streets telephone ayeteme. Addreea W. f. mltb. Bcappooee, Oregoa. B0NE8T, reliable yoang man ef 18 daetre noon waere there ia enence to aovxnca or a good eaelaaaa. Addreee T e, Jearaal. BANCHOWNERS If la need of aMaager, ad dreee E t eara JoaraaL WANTED A good .pod tie by a flret-cla autlouary englaeer. Addreea T M. JoaraaL tOL'NO maa want steady hulde Joe. O. Mad ... aaa w.t. ar -1 - e SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE LADT desire, poattioa ia reel eatato office; aave aaa eaneneec. H.i mun. - WANTELWAOENTS. THBEAD-CL'TTINO thimble; letaet Invention ror lightning worn or eeenng; oonanna ror areata; eample poerpald 10c; cats loan. free. Dillon Supply Co., Box 508 Roanoke, Virginia. AGENT waated to handle blgreet money-mek- hi fire extmrnMbere: apeclal atartlng orr.r; xelnalve territory; 575 to S0O per month. Badger Cheia. Mfg. Co.. MIlwaukM. Wla. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. ' HANSEN'S KMPLOTMENT OFF1CB . FOB MEN., t North ieeend et. Pboae Mala IBM. WANTEDTO RENT. WANTED TO BENT Houses, enttasea, flat. tores, orrieee. roomws-booaee, ete. ieua Ionia will do well to call oa PORTLAND TRII8T COMPANY, OP ORFJOON. Pboae Ex. T2. -A B. Cor. 44 aad Oak. HorgES. flat, roeehmg-boneee, atoree, of- rare, rc. . rmsopi nTieniwn bissi en. r. Main 1171. H. W. Llndherd. McKay bhlg. WANTED By Sept. 10, -roe aaodera henee. netweea asa ana nivmsrts, a,..i 1210 to 18ib. H. A. K-, care Marshall-Walla Hard war Co. " BE8POK8IBLB tenant with Sretiaaa reference and 20 yeare neeineaa eipenenee nere ra Portland want te leeae large roemlng-boaee. J. I-aadlran, 184 Baermea et. .. WANTED Te leeae er farm oa ah area a ret- rlaee farm la Ore eon j tnereushiy eampeteat Addreea 107 Tairo at. WANTED To real by September 1. a small eotuge with 1 er . rooms, eestrsi. i s. cere Joeraal. T . . WANTED Suite of room, for a couples, with heh la arm) aleo sear. . sxcnaog 4. A.- V. An.tey. WANTED REAL ESTATE. jWANTED Baelneae ea reel dene property t the eity la eirhang for good farm landai eea naaaie nnytnins rroni ai.w.'v to ,,..,, w slae have eome excellent bare Is timber and erasing land. Call aad -ae as, ws west 1 get teqnalnted with yea. TCBNER A WALKER. 14 ' Boom A 503V4 Waeblsgto St ' varaat lets, mortem reaioenees, enttagee and flata, ae well ee Boslnea property. Should - von here any of the a bora nronertiee to aell C.ll t . W H, . Ul.l .1 'nj. d. BD.IIIN 1 1 rv- tt9Z au.w , TTIB'Sinrir iR , w., vi tb V ' U, H, BWW. V Pboae Mala ISO. IP yea are tha owner of a sodrs bonee. cot- rare or rial, and want to rem it antra nt It with as, as ws bare ralle dally. Sraadhia-vlao-Am.flcaa U-t 1VTH UIA St, reeaa 4 Mala sooo, j. , . , ,- P - currency and valuable immediately insertedj-A THE AD LOST la tha City Park, aeeket-boek aeatala. Ing valuable papere; liberal 'reward tor re turn; meat bare tnlaabl papere. Baxara to . .. Journal ot0ce ' ' .. v. the result it gave to tha " ' '' ' - WANTED REAL ESTATE. WB WILL furnish earns and addreaa et fealty risers and other la formation from tha reeerde to attorneys end reel eetate egeata with ea-. tahllabed Ira in aaa; . IsvaseBSlv.. Ceil ..Main 1148. WE WILL 8ELL year nroperty, a it le er where banted. Sead dea What deearietiea bow and we-will 4a the rest. laveeanrar Onlde Co.. 511 14 argues hMg, Portlaad, Otegaa. WANTED Timber land h aaathera OTtrxon; slnxle claim or lerse trscts. If pea ear sajrthlrjf come end eee aa or write ne. La fayette Beelty Co., S15ii WaahlngnnB a. OOOD fnoome end resldeae eropsrty, sees, farm ing and timber lands. H. W. UNDUABD, McKay bldg. CITT prooerty exeheaged fer geed faraaa, aad farma for city property, hy F7rTJCHS, 221-4 Uorrlaaa St I WANT s er T-room hoaee ea eeet stdst gte price end toealaos m nm tetter. . i mt, cere JoarnaL " WANTED Modera heaeee. vaennt lets, beeass ea kwtallawntt bar bay are for all ad tb bove, tufi tj.njna . ' r 107 Sixth St. WANTED A 4 er 8-roon bonee sa seat sldet 8500 dowa, belanc termaigiv price, location end tefW Bret letter. B 42, .are Journal. WANTED 1 lot, wall located, la ercbang for new 5400 plaao. Phoaa Mala 5820, . 7 BAST SIDB tot, 40 er 80x100, betweea 12th end 2ftth. Ankeny aad Taylor, north or eeat al.le of atreet: (tat price; wui pay eaeh B 88, care Journal. nrnel. WB era In a prwttton to handle your real octet and set remit. Try aa and ee. Advance Reelty Co., 107 N.- Sixth. Phoaa Mala 814.V WANTED A few deeinhl lots, sr hoaaeei cheep far eeeh. B. T5, rare Journal office. 1 WANT s 0 or S-reom hones snath of RoaeeTl at. for 11. 400 to 41.800; eaa pay 5000 eaeht Mela 2810. , - . . GOOD ftBconte aad rieeldenjee pwpei t.. lota, farnt.' ing and timber tenda. Phone Main 1171. H. W. UNDHABD. McKay Bldg. WANT seed hoaee er' bulldtnr to oa Beet Bumalde. near 20th at. et, weet ld. 54.ono 0 TO 58 000.00 te tnveat fa gesd I . seerme cirv reei aerate. Apply re . v. THB DCNN-LAWWRENCB COMPAITTt S -1 - 1V Pint Street. S IP . TOO have say bsrgatas Is real eetate Met them with ae: we bave bnyera waiting. Cv Tapter Co 285H Weahlagtoa. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. ' PATNTINA, sprsytgg sad whltswaaktng tree. baaementa. barn, dock, etc; largett gollne praying outfit eg the eoeat. M. O. Morgaa A Co.. 522 Csloh avet Pboae Beat III. WB WIU, BUT year faralter nny aid trans. Western Selvage Co.. S2T Waahiagtea at. WB WILL BT'T. PELL OB TRAPS ANT OLD THINO. WESTERN SALVAGE CO, e. 82 WASHINGTON. . PACIFIC TO. Mats 8055 - Fung ITU K WAPJTB9 ,.; , -. FOB SPOT CASH ' PORTLAND AUCTION BOOM ST1 First at. WOMAN, good referrse,. to board rhlldrear auuui nee heme; TemhllL Mala 8415." 8 tore, fco yfc HIGHEST eeeh nrtce aald Phoaa Beet 00T7. 12 Union are. WHO IS M. O. MOBOAN A Cat FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT - The Cbrno 1 24814 UOLLADAY AVE., V . EAST END OF BTEKL BRIDOa ' I Has the beet room and aeromrnoeatlons ea . the eaat aide: eteam heat end hot aad aald water la every room; free bathe. . Rooms 2 par week aad ap; etagl eg sa '"'TRANSIENT TBADB BOLtCtTBD. ' KICBLTyfurnlabed noma suitable fer ee or twe geatleaaea; eloee to Burneide) artdgei modera, rent reasonable. 42 Eaat Aah. NEWLY fnrnlahed rooms for rest; gentlemen only! 4nVa oorta ninth et.; aieo anrarnusaeej baaement. Call apetelra. WE eea aceommodat a few more moat. re a ITOV Eaat Merrleoa at. t aew bonding, leoaaa clean and aire; free phone and bell) grace reasonable. Phone Beet 1264. . CLEAN alcove salts et rooms; gee, bath, see or aiulng-rooaa eao aiteaea. aaai 102ft.. 18 East - Seventh et. THE OBAND, 4Bi4j Earth Third St. I gastlemea per weea aaa ap. THB RICHELIEU. S8H North Sixth at tanlly turnlahedi eteam Beet aa aetaa. NICELY farnmhed room, eingle er ea aaite. board If oaetrad, tvee Beta aaa nana. trie lights, Mr. Brow a, go iota ea. FOB BENT S er S Be fnrnlahed er flat, privet family, zta l,iay. 18SH POUBTH ST. end 284H Tamhllt, (2 to 13.50 per week. Phone Prl4e iU. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. TTT MrTCHEt tV Plaader aad Booms, heeaekMPlng end; venlentt price reaauaehle. LA ROB elegently furnished baiiataa room; gae raose, raealng water. lee Lew. dale. 5C1H Alder et. 11.25 PER WEEK Urge, steep f aoeeelMping-roemai lannory earn Shermea, Soalh rortleaA ATB half tl xpnea 8lwee two; parlor, htaaea-y, beta, jar a tee, U eer. on tyrLi : W 4Fa ptponv Bpeiasg. w-v - - JDiaa. WE reel pleeoa at a W J r Victor talklng-m.rhioee mm f I PCHNISHISO booeekeeplug rr I grou.e I'onrj fwmmmmvwwt , laeifis 541, .1 ' "'t-r.' V