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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1906)
T Clatsop County Northwest corner of , Oregon. County seat Astoria, 15,000 population,-100 miles from Port land, on Columbia river and Astoria & Columbia Baker County f Baker City, county seat. Population, 10,000. Elevation, 3,440 feet; 357 miles east of Portland, on O. R. tt N. railway.' Rapidly growing and with the building of railways now aniirn J.;n , its papulation. Tradiiig center for 300 miles in area of rich country. Valleys and foothills cannot be. surpassed -for agriculture or horticulture. A fine cattle 'country. Thousands of acres of the best white pine timber. Rich mines. The people are public-spirited and progressive. Climate, dry, healthy and invigorating. Good roads. Business openings in every line. The principal need moe development Interurban lines building. This com pany has recently purchased 460 city lots in Baker Citv. We have unbounded faith that here will be Benton County . One of the most resourceful and pro gressive counties of Oregon. Area, 440,000 -aeres. "Centon County's fertile soil and rnlTd" climate make it especially adapted to agri cultural and horticultural pursuits. Dairying and stock raising also offer exceptionally good advantages. The county teat is Cor vallis, on the Southern Pacific, railroad, and also on the "Corvallis & Eastern. -7-" We loan money at 6 per cent and buy, scll and exchange citjaadJXiuiitrYjcoperty "throughout Benton county. , Clackamas County County seat,, Oregon City, in .WiUamett ValVy; Hitnr ' fmm Pnrtiand. 12 miles, Columbia County 1 Located northwest part of Oregon. Cpiinty seat, St Helens, north 29 miles from Portland. Reached" -by- Northern Pafifin. Ailoiia L Cu- River railroad. Area. 8 aauare miles, frin- reached by Southern Pacific railroad and also electric line; area, 1,861 square miles ; noted for its water power; principal productions, hops and diversified farming. Interurban railroad extensions now under consideration. Needs reduced railroad fares, to Portland, jmorepubHc spi loans made for 6 per cent straight interest. JT" Jumbia River Railway company and river boats. Area, 677. square miles. Principal resources, timber, . livestock and dairying. Many county roads in fair condition. . Railroad ' extensions under .construction and -founty in line for de velopment 'Six per cent loans made. 7 , , I Clpal lesoureeit. Umbef and iishJEnx per cent loan, .--v ' -. ' . ; : ' . -i Coos County. ' Southwest pait of state, oa. coast .County seat Coquille, 273 miles southwest of Portland. , on line new coastwise railroad extension South-Jua-Eicific from Ttr"'n Araa.-l.S78 -aquare mile. Transportation, steamer line and stage. ' Principal towns, Marahfield (population,-1,500;, Myrtle Point. Bandon. -i Principal resources, tim ber, farming, dairying and coal mining. A bright future." -Sufper-cent loans made.- 7- . UnionCounty"T; County seat, La Grande, 305 miles from Port land, on O. R. & N. railway. Area, 3,146 square miles. , Principal ' resources,! horticulture and and lumber. Six per cent loans made. ' ; '.. jhernetropolie -'-eastern -Oregon." .7 ; '-r Crook County. ; ? Situated in central part of state.. County teat, iprineville, 255 miles from Portland.: No rail-. 4-oad in county. Area, 7,756 square-miles. Re , sources, timber, -livestock and farmaV principal ly sheep. On thejineof the extension of the Corvallis & Eastern to Ontario. Six per cent , loans. . .,' s ?A 7 :v. . ; js ; ;'-v ' ! Curry County v Southwestern corner of Oregon. County ; leatr Gold i Beadv-JOQi miles southwestjrom Portland. Heavy Gould interests . here. Sea coast county. - Area. 1,454 square miles. Good, timber and farming country. ' On the Mne of the new coast railroad connecting Eureka,Califor-w nia, with Coos bay 'and Tillamook and Astoria Loans negotiated. t",' , '77 ;-- V-.'7'- Douglas County ; Southwestern part of state. County .seat, Roseburg, 198 miles south of Portland, on the Southern Pacific . Ares, 4.861 K"r" miles. Soil, aand loam of .rcht quality.-- Produces grains, fruit, livestock . and dairying timber lands are . unsurpassed sheep raising. Needs factories and canneries. On line of new coast wise railway. Scene of action bujldjng opera tions of the new Southern Pacific from Drain to Coos bay. Six per cent loans made. 7 Gilliam County v, Northern part of state. - County seat, Condon, -182 He-,im-ortlandahe-Cv& "N railroad. Area, 1.123 square miles. 'Principal resources, wheat and stock raising. New rail ways projected.-. Fertile soil, which doc not require irrigation.. Lands still "cheap. ; Good buys. Six per cent loans. Grant County v t Eastern part of Oregon. County seat, Canyon City, 442 miles east of Portland. Area, 4,560 square miles. Principal resources, timber, stQck raising and mining. Railways building. Loans made.':;'- A' 7"'7 7' .:.;'. J ' ' 7 '. ;- ";'..:. ; 1; Harney County Southeast part V of Oregon. County seat, Burns.' 621 miles southeast of Portland. Area, 1 9,986 square miles. Great cattle "country. Very productive soil, under irrigation. Railways pro jected and greatly needed. A county of marvel ous resources, ready to respond to development Six per-cent loans, t- y1 '''; . 7. acksonrCounty Southwest1 part of Oregon. County seat, ' Jacksonville, 335 miles . from . Portland, on Southern Pacific Area, 2,721 square miles. Phincipal resources, timber, farm lands 'and dairying. New railways projected. ; Six per cent loans. - 9 :Y- ; .'; -77 V- '- " Iw U Josephine 'County I I ' A Southwest part of state. County seat. Grants Pass, 298 miles south of Portland 6n Southern Pacific . Area, 1584 ' square miles. Principal ' resources, timber, farm lands, fruit and mines. Interurban lines projected. Six per cent loans. J Wheeler County r North, central part of state.- County seat, ' Fossil, 200 miles from Portland, on the line of extension Corvallis & Eastern to Ontario. Area, 1746 square miles. Principal resources, timber, , farm land and sheep raising. Six per cent loans. ' - Wasco' County. .'V Situated in northern portion : of .' Oregon. County ; seat. The Dalles, 4,500 population, ' 88 miles east of Portland, on O. R. tt N. railroad and Columbia ' river. Area, 2,962 square miles. " Excellentlfniit.6ection .and especially -adapted" to apple culture Market, United States, Great : Britain and the orient, with a steadily increas ing demand. Strawberries of unexcelled beauty i and flavor. A favored section: A progressive , population. " Interurban lines projected. Six per?: - cent farm loans made; "r." ' -7- Marion" Countyv. Situated center of Willamette valley. County seat, Salem and capital of state; 52 miles south of Portland, on the Southern Pacific Is one of the- principal farming tJiitrictS' in the Willam ette valley and noted for its fine hops. A coun ty of wealth and great, promise.- Area. 1,170 quart miles. Interurban railways building.'-' square miles. Interurban railways building. Six per cent loans. , ' ",.''"''.'' ' We have 6 per cent money to loan in every county in Oregon. Write us to day for the location of our agent in your county, buyers of Farms can save money arid time by coming to our offices in Portland. If bur properties are " ' not found as represented we will pay your exjpenses. When you get through reading The Journal to day, mail it to some East ern friend, It might bring -anotbamilyOrVgen: Write to your friends and , 'give them the name of, this company, we will fur nish them information re- i garding all of Oregon free.' When they locate in the State we willed , . them ' to succeed. We want more young "let every one help bring them to Oregon. I . ; ...... ...'., i .-"' . I .. , , , . v..vN I- : ' :,7' .V 77 -v;--v;? -"V. '-:7!- .7-'t ,; . t . . ; ' f - i . - r.V East ; tem v.-: 'Street h'-'-.- : , , .... ;V: (2;- w-T , ,.s ; ; j , .M.J 5 I I I I J J,f I I J 1 I t l l 1 I J y U... S East AT i Street h :t 1 1 i i .i i rTTrn nrrxi "."'- I ! .1"! " 4 1 I ' " -t " I tt T 1 1 1- TJ - t- r..4 t-i riL 1 . 1 I 1 v I t I - 1 r. r-(H r-H--H i .., i I y ' i -or- i . g :' A Z 7 S ? ' , " 1 8 H I I I I U I I I I t ' ' ' -5 I--, 3 East g ; , 14 C Street q ' !t i ; V J; i av: ' -f, " ' r J . I : 1 1 I I I 1 I t I L-J L I 1 1 1 ;- S ' Hast IJT ' Street . - , ' N a.' , . a , j j nnn rrrri i-riH-i i : v:;,-, .liA "; East : , "' W Street 7v4..i:;-:v,:fl;j The Heart of Portland men We have desirable farma in every part of Oregon.. We have a representative ' - In every county to show" - iur propertT-.w-wiUr:- make loans anywhere In the State the resources of O r e g o n are greater s than any other Sute.; Write to us today for any ; information you desire it fa free for the asking. We will tell you '' what part of the State is best suited to your needs. We have town proper t y throughout the State. If you have property to sell ; " consult us. . , " - i Lots in this beautiful addition $2,000 and up. All street improvements provided. Protected by sensible restrictions. ' Money fur nished on your own terms at 6 per cent for building purposes. These lota are cheap at the price asked figure out the location as compared with outlying property without street improvements. Remember, these lota are within easy walking distance." You can- y not make a miatake by buying now today. md Tmsl mipmfif ... Lumber Exchange Building, Second Floor, S. E. Cor. Second and Stark Streets Klamath County Situated in the southern part of Oregon j county seat, Klamath Falls, 430 miles from. Portland; population, 3,000. Remarkable op portunities inMhis county for good farmers, fruit men and manufacturers. The Govern-, ment is spending about $5,000,000 in money in the . construction of irrigation " ditches which, when finished, will make this county most desirable foe farming and fruit raising. New railroads are-building and interurban lines projected. ."' Lots and land for sale or exchange. Six per cent money to loan. i : 77 Polk County ,: : Situated in the western part of Oregon county seat, Dallas, with a population of 2,500; on Southern Pacific, 62 milesvsouth of Portland ; area, 701 square miles ; new inter urban railroads ; produces,' grain, hops, fruit . and lumber. .;. Deposjts of fine building stone. One of the most beautiful and resourceful counties in the State and with every indica tion of a rapid growth and development. Many openings. We have a full line of Polk countyproperties. ' 7 ; . . ' ?; f. Straight loans at 6 per cent made. s Linn County Central western part of state.' County seat,. Albany. Has considerable manufacturing. On the Southern . Pacific and the Willamette river. River and rail transportation; 79 miles south, of Portland in the heart of the Willamette valley. Area, 1,536 acres.- Principal resources, farming, fruit growing and dairying. Climate, mild and healthy. Water power plentiful and cheap. Fuel and lumber abun dant, cheap and of the best quality. --Taxation; lower than any in-the state. Plenty of mining, but this industry is only in its infancy. Sawmills, fur niture, implements, wagon and carriage, box and basket, shoes, harness. A very enterprising and prosperoua county. We have some properties for sale in this county i 6 per 'cent Joans made. i Lake County : ' Southeastern part of Oregon.' County seat, Lakeview, 550 miles from Portland. Transpor tation by team only. - Area, 7,834 square milea. Principal resources, lumber, farming, livestock, principally sheep; fish industry. Present scene of a mining excitement The advent of railroads ' will change the entire county. Three surveys for railroads have recently been completed. Six per cent loan made. , , . v " Lincoln County County seat, Toledo; on Oregon coast, on the Corvallis & Eastern railroad, 160 miles south west of Portland. ' Area, ; 1,008 square 4 milea. . Newport the coming summer and winter resort of the Pacific, is located in this county. Prin-. cipal resources, timber, farming, fruit and dairy ing. On the line of the new coastwise railroad. Full information. Six per cent money. 7 . : - Malheur County 7 . Southeastern part of state. County seat Vale; ' 460 miles east oC Portland on, new Ontario tt Vale railway. Area, 9,784 square miles. . Prin cipal" resources, alfalfa, .horticulture and agricul ture and stock raising. Canneries greatly need ed and fine land when watered, Six per cent money. . " ' s. ... .' . . . ; s ,-.7 ' Morrow-County County seat, ; Heppnerl Distance 197 miles eastof Portland,jpn the O. R. & N:-railway. Area, 2,021' squareiles7EapecTalfy adapted lor ' wheat and. stock raising. Farm lands and timber in southern part7 Railways projected. ,: Six per . cent loans. . A" r"Y ' ' ''77;. '"7'A' t, Sherman Cqunty Northern part of sUtfc , County seat, Moro, -on the Columbia Southern railroad, 133 miles east of Portland. Principal "industry, wheat s Some good lands can still be had at reason able prices. - Area, 736 square milea. See us before buying. We can help you. Six per cent money. - . , .7 ''77' '"' A- 7 7-' rA ' 'AA-'" . Tillamook County Northwest part of state. County seat, Tifla mook, 90 milea southwest from Portland. Sev-. eral surveys for railroad from Portland. ' Ex ceptionally fine dairy country and timber land. New : railroad projected. Area, 1,119 square , miles. Six per-cent tomirmade. ' Umatilla: .County , Northeast part of state... County seat, Pendle ton, on O. R' & N-230 miles from Portland.. Area," 400,000 square acQ. ' Principal industries, Oregon's banner county, for wheat wool and livestock. New :. railways projected. Six per cent loans. " . - - . -'J Wallowa County ' Northeast corner of the state. County seat .Enterprise 375 miles from Portland. 7 Exten , sio'n of O. R. & N. now building into this coun ty; will ibe followed: by rapid development" Area, 2J84 square miles. Very fertile valleys, . splendid timberand fine quality, 6f marble. ; Railways building. Six per cent' loans. 7 " Lane County Willamette valley. County seat, Eugene, 123, miles south of Portland on Southern Pacific Area, 480 square miles. Principal resources, , stock raising,, fruit and hops and diversified farming, alsd fine timber lands ; On line of new, coastwise railroad. Six per cent loans. ' Washington County . Northwestern part ""of state. County seat, Hillsboro, on Southern Pacific, 21 miles from Portland. .715 square miles in county,,' A fine farming section. Principal resources, dairy, ; fruit hops and onions. This iounty raises more onions ' than any. "other ceunty in - the union. Railroads and interurban railroads under , con struction. ; Farm loana made. ' - . . . Yamhill County . Located in northwestern part of state. Coun ty seat, McMinnville, on Southern Pacific,' 50 miles southwest from Portlajid." Area, 711 square miles. : Principal ,resoirrees, fruit wheat hops and dairies; exceedingly fine timber in quantity Interurban lines building. Six per , cent loans. ... 7 " - '.:V!:V