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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1906)
-- c- zv::.y jcut.::..l, tc..;l.v..d. cu:;day i :c.;:;i:;o. august 3, r arrt Tour choice of ten lots nesr list SIDE EXCEEDS SUPPLY, SAY DEALERS u and Brooklyn sts. $26 cash and tie per roontn. t CftftlOOlOO. 3UW 2th sts. Kenilworth and , on car line. ' Northern . Hill East Addl- WEST Would-De Purchasers and Rent era BnaUgi. ftffift of Real , 7 f Estate Men In Vain. BUILDINGS PROGRESSING IN BUSINESS DISTRICT AYatcrfront Property Is Active awj EastSi4a Shows Aoimation. In Real ."' Estate Line Bungalows and Rtai ' dencee Going 17p Throughout City. . The demand for residence property an the west aid of tha river, real aatata '; r dealers and agents ' report, la greater then ever end the demand .cannot be satisfied, r One operator aatd yesterday that be could sell within a week 10 food, reeidence propoeltlona on the city ,r. aide of the river. Not only are desirable '. building lota and dwelling acarce for 'Bale, but they cannot even be rented. . There Is mnoh property that could be . Veea for reeldenoes, but the owners ab . aolutely refuee ; to sell or place any . value on the landV-A-market -ie watting .' for lota ranging from 13,000 to 11.000 In whet le generally . called the Nob H1U district, which shows that the peo , pie are willing to pay a good price If they can gat a satisfactory location. Beatal Froperty Scarce. . . ' One agent, who makes a specialty of . tenting, said yesterday: - . , ' "I only wish I could get property to rent on the weet side of the river. I i have from three to flv applicants for V every vacant house I can get north of Washington street and west of 81s- teenth. I Jieve been In the real estate business .in Portland for II years and never; know -thodematd-to be so treat for desirable residence property on the west side of the river aa It la today. . House-owner can get almost any price tbey . want for their property. A few years ago they were satisfied with six per cent, and now they can get eight and ten per cent net, and in soma cases HI - know of rentable - propertythat is . bringing In as much as 11 per cent net. , Not only is rentable property scarce, but there seems to be no chance of get ting any. 1 know of several operative ' builders who are willing to erect from eight to ten houses in the Nob Hill dls- Y trlct If they could only get bold of some v vacant land In that , section, but the , ownera refuse to sell, and what , Is of fered is so high, that it cannot be con. New aidered. Soma of tha Ma of this city that control property la that sec tion could reap big profits if they would only sell or improve. The condition, is retting such that I am rapidly reaching the point where I will become an advo cate of tha theory that the land should be taxed to the full extent of its rental value. If that waa a law in this city it certainly would, I believe, open np some of these big Idle pieces of real estate." raw Bif Sales During- Weak. . During the week there have been few aalea of consequeno. There continues to be quite active buying of warehouse sites in Hhe northern part of the city. 1 .1 ' FINE i P" " l1 SsmssssasewsjaessasnssssssslHB '!. f S -mi a mill i uses., s .i i M ,. , i , , .inmiii is. I ' . . il Tna 'r-r ... H -n i ..- v. s. La I . , . ' i v T ,.., .. s... Lii i i it i "i 'tl ' lip ir'- ,vjr-jw 1 1 l..ilt,i.iiiii.iwiitrf:i.A.ji.-.'A ,j -.&i;,'.'-i)t mM Commit Property JLots and Blocks in the New Addition on Council Crest will be Ready for . the Market in a Few Days r . We Ara Prepared to Quote Very Low Prices and Terms to Suit Purchaser . I . 1. D. E. KEASEY & COiVlPANV EXCLUSIVE DEALERS IN PORTLAND HEIGHTS PROPERTY Pif ice . Opposite the va Observia to -4- :' Ill !li A,:, fi ,.r-.-. r ...rt.r.. r , r vifci-niTfw in ririr-itr-iri 1 1 r close to proposed terminals of the Port land Seattle railway, i Earlxintba week 1 the Moors Investment ' company, who were the original promoters of auch a warehouse district, purchased a quar ter block - at - Twelfth, and Xovejoy streets The consideration waa not an nounced. ' Testerday announcement was made of the transfer to the Security Savings S Trust company, of a part In terest lit the quarter block at the south west corner of Fourteenth and Raleigh streets, which was owned by the Bent- ley Realty company. : The consideration was given aa nominal. It la believed this property waa secured for the Port land ds Seattle railway, for 'it will be recalled that the ' Security Savings Trust company was the trusts through which, the big transfers were recently made, and the corner now transferred Home of L. 8. Caiter en ruiTJ&d H may be part of tha proposed terminal site. ' Another sale, of property not far from - this was also announced yester day, a lot on Sixteenth street, between Northrup and Overton, owned by Igua sio Conatta and others, being trans ferred to Thomas Fltsglbbon for S3. 000. -. X Advance on Trent Street. ' A sale during tha week which showed the great advanoe made in Portland realty within the past year or two waa the purchase by Henry Mealter of a property oft Front street, near Pine, for 111, E00.' This property has advanced more than 1 10,000 In two years, it hav ing been aold in 1104 for $11,000 and Lots, 4 Blocks and Acre Tracts Favorably Situated LOTS IN The New Addition '.' : ' ' - Dr. A. B. McKay's New Home, Twenty-Fourth and el nee that sale transferred one again OfetU.oasB4owitfasTaeheda value of . 12.100. - r - v.. - ' Business property ' east of the Wil lamette river continues . to show Im provement. -Two deals were made there thia week which attracted much atten tion and several others are pending and may be announced during the coming weekv provided certain part ies to -the transaction return from their summer vacations and sign the necessary papers. One of the largest purchases In East .Portland during the .week was that made by O. P. Clertn, wno paid $21,000 for a quarter block at East Sixth and Morrison streets... A f 10,000 deal was the purchase by -T. . J. Kadderly and others of the half, block at East Third and Davis streets. , . ' in the way or buiiaing news rights., ' nouncements 1 were made during the week of two new structures; permits for a large number of houses were Issued and quite a number for repairs, some of which will be quite extensive. One of the more Important, building an nouncements waa that' Fleischner, Mayer A Co. will build a warehouse near" Second mnd Cotch streets and also enlarge their factory. The other waa that Gay Lombard will build a dock costing about 115,000 at 'tha foot of Du pont street. An Interesting announce ment of, tha week waa that plans are being prepared for adding a story to the Strowbrldge building, which prac tically occupied the half block on Tarn- "QREENWAV" to the Heights ' -r- .. ' -' ' ' . -t . "IM ':.-.::.?. , if1 V 1. .ft J 'ill" Marshall Streets. i I11 street betwoenfnetecond?3! Thaf'business locations are In de mand is evident from a statement made yesterday by Lot Q. 8 wetland, who Is having built the eevenrStoryLstructure at Fifth and Washington streets. .Mr. Bwetland says that all of the first floor has been leased -and that tba tenants will move In aome time next months- No announcement of the namea of ' the leaeea will be made for an other week. When Mr. Swetland was asked regarding the balance , of the building he said , that he was overrun with applications. . : r i "No one has any Idea," he said, "of the demand for good offices My ex perience has been, and the building- will not be finished before December, that man can pick bia .own tenants. He does not have" to- go looking for them and every office can be Tented to most desirable parties." ' Mrs. Ida M. Church has sold to Patrick Douglas a house and lot on Overton street nesr Twenty-third.- The consideration Is given as $7,600. T. C. Bmlth has purchased' from James Campbell the house and quarter block at the northweat corner of Eaet Eighth and Orand avenue In Stephens addition for IJ.tSO. Hartman A Thompson report the sale of the residence of A. O. Sherman at East Madison and East Thirty-seventh streets, to Mr. Carl King of McMlnn vllle. who will -make Portland, hla home In the future. ' " ' . I E. L. Caldwell has sold his Quarter block at the corner of Eaat Stark and East a mi..TBDmi.iihin the who will build In the near future. The sale was made by Hartman A Thomp son.., .. . ,. .',.'.. atreniatiom of Tms y omnia ta Vostland and ia Oregon exoeeas that of aay otaes oretron newspapaa, it PLAN5 . ; FROM $3.00 UF : - Designs made from ; your own sketches, and with skill and taste. E. KRONER, Architect te-lT Cambridge Bldg, S. W. Ooraei Third and Morrison, Portland, Ox. Pcrrhh, Watkins 0 Co. BstablUhed 1878. REAL ESTATE nrsvsAircm, BXHTAXi AOSSTTS, Z.OAJT 3SO ALDQH i ' '1 , 'se . J 'n i v ---e MUUtKN HOIS ind 1 3 SO eli, balance1 "$10 'per month cement ' walks. - south front. Nineteenth. Multnomah street, near ttflflft KViii lot and l-room cottage, near v ' two car lines ssueeasn,-tai ance monthly.- . . . , . , tlfTA -room cottage, lot 75io $300 1JW cash, balance 115 per month, tf inn T-room house, lot 60x80 $200 '""casn, Daiance I rj per month. ttiCft Fbur lots, E. Sgth. near Haw fiJUtborne ave.: will divide; snap. tl ZftrtJ-room-Jiouse, let fox90-$$00 ' v" casn, balance l per month. ?sf A New modern 7-room house, cor, v'vv Fremont and Minnesota ave, $2650 t"" o1- ,Nor,h", at.,, near, ISd rer-it-fl(r15; LQJ Kugene St., hear V nuams ave; tiflOQ Full . lot. Twenty-second, near Kearney street. OlCft Full lot on Twenty-fourth, near Johnson street. . JICI Full lot, Johnson, nesr Twenty- J fifth street. t3Ctf 1 60x100, or.' 25th and Mar JOJW ,hall BtlI For a fy, day, only 117fin 0x60, corner lth and Northrup vaww Bts.; income $144 ptr year and increasing. . .-. fAflnfl ' rooms and attic, furnace. Are JOUVV Diaoe, two bathrooms; lot 42x 100, Blarsliall, between l(th and 20th sts. t7Cflrt Elegant quarter block, suitable for flats. , -7CAV2l acres, beautifully situated 'wy.jiearjrremontjtreet and count) road. , . - ,, tSHOft A thoroughly . modern -room house, cor. lot 50x100, Marshall street, west of 23d. ' $10,000 US. n PlV'"0n triet n f Oflf) 40 acres near Sandy road, east or jrvingtnn, .. tlj nftA 60x5, well improved, paying 'vw per cent net. . $1? 0(( acres, all cleared. E 28th '',v" ana Knott sts. SPECULA- TION. t?1 nfin Quarter blocks hlshlvim tHWMrilPomt $2,400, paying 10 per cent net ,000 cash, balance long lime, s per cent. see as about any of the above and many others which we do not advertise. You will be sorry In two years If you u not Buy now. . r ,, , i LAMONT & HARRIS, tz - MAIN $03.ICTH SIXTH ST. M TOU BUT A tOT r- Too make an Investment - and at the same time enjoy all the elements of a speculation. Remember' our prices are very low, considering the Improvements w are making. . Many Advantages Are offered to purchasers of lots In Creston, among them quick and frequent car service to the city, an abundance of good water, graded streets, sidewalks and the most magnificent view of. any tract on the Mount Scott- car line. It Is Safe to Predict ThattJhla-ljract-aiUl be Ul. have' iiieis I'noHic next t months than any other subdivision in this) district, and present prices will surely advanoe to two or three times present figures. Go and See for Yourself Before they are all sold; our agent is on the ground and will deal liberally with you. Take Mount Scott car at Kirst and Alder streets, get off at Creston; it's only 18. minutes' ride. Western Oregon Trust Co. . .891 STABS ST. ,' A. COWPERTH WAIT, AGENT. Look at These $2,50O Fine home of 7 rooms, lot tuxiou. nice nemipflrP,"in Z.OOd Good T-room house with lot $$ttxl$$ ft.; modern; food buy; terms. 93,000 Fine t-room house, lot 80x100, ail modern; very pretty place. 92.50O $-roora house, St. Johns; lot. iuuxiuu, mooern mrougnoui; splen did bargain; terms .... 1,85 Fine St Johns home, f rooms. tot fuxiuo, very moaern; terma. now is the time to get Into St. Johns. . 2.800 Fine east side home, I rooms. j-ixe 101, moaern; terms. - $4, 500 Fine 10-rootn house, lot suxiuv, moaern every way; nouse cost mora than we ask for tha house and lot; easy terma , - Tom M. Word Real Estate Co. 830 STABS ST. . 10 Dollars I)mn ' - AND .v., 10 Cents a Day Will pay for a lot 25x100 f?ct t Univcrtity Parle, the "' business center of the peninsula. Bull Run water,' 15-foot alleys, ' 100-foot boulevards, Portland public schools, near car line, hear uni versity, near new factory district. Come soon before all are" sold. FRANCIS I. M'KENNA University Park. Phone Wood ; lawn 839.9 c FIRST STREET IBxlOO, with 1-story frame building, on First street, near Washington $15, $00. - : . $0x100. with 1-story brick, on rirst street, only $21,000. . Burnside Street 1 Corner, $0x109, on Burnside and 11th streets $$0,000; terms. The Healy Investment Co. 10-814 Ablnrtoa, 10y, Tbixd St. room house i Cratoi w JL vsnssnsnfcsBssnsntnl wi . v . ; ' ' , . . . . . .. . $22005200 Down and $20 and i ' interest monthlv payments-See The Dunn-Lawrence Co., 149- First St. irslVESTIQATB V r I. - THIS HOTEL COMPLETE FOR $S,000 l 11 rooms, oince, perior, ainina-rooi thing new; land 100x160 feet; building SI rooms, office, parlor, dining-room, Inc nwi land 100x160 feet: building, cows; In prosperous railway town In for part. Investigate this 89 acres Irrigated fruit land, Uma tilla county, near depot and. packing house, on main county -road, 10 miles from growing city; 1 new houses, barn, large sheds, large ' chicken-house, two smaller chicken-houses, woodshed and washhouse.straw shed, good well, good cellars, one with cement bottom and tile Oram: over l.ouo Deanna apples "trefe".- e0achaa,cre new sfra wi berries, 1 acres grapes. 21 cherry trees. loganberries, other small rrutta. an fruits best varieties; enough young nur sery stock to plant (entire place.' New electric line will run close; watered by two mountain streams. Can be divided Into two tracts, with . fruit on each $8,600. f 2.700 acres, finest stock ranch In Wil lamette valley, l miles, on level road from railway, level and low rolling hills, Oregon Fnrmjn jiUHt Q m n I 4Crtmpt.fny- TKJTTlcBAT MVXXJUma. VXMO ABB STABB STBMTS. Immmms Oeod S-tao: house and quarter block, side Good T-room house, Upper Alblna. lot Beantlfnl home on Rodney avenue, corner lot ................. .S3, ROO -room honse on E. 12th. and Davis, In good condition ......... .$U,0OO Tracts of from 1 to 10 acres on Oregon City car line, rich soli, improved - or unimproved, ranging In price from $150 to f)350 per acre, Terma, 10 down- and f5 per month per acre. , - - 4V, acree on oar line, all cleared, new -room house ........... .fl, QOO rine 10-acre tracts east of MonUvllla. f SO and f 65 per acre. 8H acres on car line, all cleared, aU.Vfenced...arellwateredamalt orchard, - new $-room house, new barn, all new buildings. Also all household furniture, one Jersey cow, chickens, . etc Price f 3,000, f 1,000 HARMS . -'y. 40 acres 4 miles east of Oregon City, $2 acres cleared, all well fenced. well watered, small orchard, new t-room house, new barn, chicken . 'house and outbuildings, en pnblte road; also all stock and implements end household furniture, f rloe. 8)3,000 Call ft write for our large list of substantial farms. "". THE SHAW-FEAR COMP'ANV 348(4 STARK 8TBBBT .. t. I hcxkzzzzxzxzzzzzzzziczzz: TO INVESTORS 83700 For a hotel on one of the best corners In North Portland, near the depot, has guaranteed lease for two years at $27$ a month;. $13,000. cash wUl handle It. . ; " . 835,000 Choice corner on upper Mor rison St.; Income enough to carry It. 831.0OO A whole block fn East Side warehouse district, close to Morrison St., with trackage facilities and . Im proved street. s . '.,? , .. SaS.OOO A Quarter block In . North Portland, near depot and wharvee; can show you how big Income may be ob tained, '. IS .-. 880,000 Invested In a new building will pay PER CKNT NET, The prop erty a close to Morrison st. and aure to advance In value. . . . . 818,500 A 22S-cre farm In Yamhill county; nearly all In crop this year; close to North Yamhill and near rail road. , J- ,-r"---" - 860O0 A 14$-acfe farm In Polk coun ty; all Jn crop this year, good buildings. 8000070x100 site for apartment house on West Park at. 95O00 Will ; buy a choice corner lot On Alblna'a principal., streets - opposite tha bank, and will pay I per -cent net. . . 83500 Buys' 100-acre farm In Linn county at Junction of two railroads and adjoining a town; half cash. - . 88500 Choice lot on Tork street, the new- warehouse district; trackage as sured; valves rapidly advancing. ' 8100O A quarter block In South Sun nyside, where line residences are build ing. . . ox Aiux a or co THESE BARQAIIN. V . . i kitchen, completely furnished, every- barn, outhouses, sood hnrn. oiithnuMAa. wuriA well and tank. S Willamette valleys good business. 1TW open and oak with some fir timber, welt watered, good soil 87 J per acre. 400 acres, close to Oregon City. . Can be divided 84 per acre. If seres, II miles from Oregon City, on good road; 70 acres in cultivation; fair house: 6 acres orchard, living wa ter, land very rich, no rock, no stumps f i d.m. ana n , , - r"; .T. he.t-eheftrTffno-in-fhmaa- country 84S ier acre. 100 acres, 1 In vultivatlon, miles from Alhanv, fine fruit orchard, apples, pears, cherries, . plums, prunes, smsll fruit; crops all good 4)65 per acre; $S, $00 cash, balance per cent Several .jl good Rogue - river valley farms. . '' . - Come and see our list of Willamette valley lands. ,-. -.. . .; .,,.( - . beautiful lawn, on east i.,.., M.OOV 10x100 MEMBERS OF Portland Realty Cocru I. T. AITDBrwg 00, Raailltaa Ballaiat. CO., U Ctb et ISAAC W. BAXAD Commerce. . i. BtESKB, 444 hrlork Bullcttnf. . H. BIBKI1L. 203 McKy Building. BUCKTIL KEEKS, m K. Morrtooa Bt. A. O. CHUBC1UXI. i CO., 110 a!oa4 St COkTIWENTAI, CO., t stirk St. E. t. DALY, 223 F.lllns Bulldlos. I. 0. DAyiDSOM, 408 Cbiinbn ot Oeejmwee. DAK 'W. EBWARDI, 412 Oregnalsa BulMmf. rLoaiAM rnoHg, noji rinc st. GOLDSCKMIDI ASCXOT, tb3 WrtlBS ton St. OOLD8MTTH CO.. 443 Sherlock BnrMtnaV -OOOMOVOX STKAbNb, 8 WsMHastea Balldlnf. ' , GKIlfDflTAfT SCHALK, 2X4 Itt.rk St. Z. H ABERBRAsT ft CO.. Shertorh BnlMlM. HABTMAH XKOMfSOS, Chambor mt Com- -m?rce. JOSEPH St. BTIAtT, 114 Ablnstaa Building. CHABLEB K. MENBT. 371 Stark St. INVESTMENT CO., 244 Stark t. . . X. B. JAOKSON CO., S4l Stnk C CRABLES X. KORELt. 3SI Whlnr"S t. LAMBEBT, WKIIkUa CO., 107 BhMloeS Biilldtnc.. . . v.- , M. E. LEE, sS BItB Bt. ' : - ' ' 9. kt ACKAT, sau-3Sl-&38 tssiber Excksaf Balldlnf. MALI TOR BoBSTXX. tM B. BimntiM f. MOO BE nrvESTMENT CO., 1M Wohlnrtna . MORGAN ILIEDVEB, 211 AMestoS Balldl MOTTEA A MoAUrZIk, 300-310 CentSMtCM., Block. r, 0. ROBTRRTTP 00.. Commerdsl Bletk. . A. PATTERBOR, 13 PhM St. fAOUTIO TITLE A TB03T CO., $044-0 T fill- inn nniiniun. PORTLAND T RtsT OO. Of OIOOR, 'lew. Third ind Oik t J. EBARK FORTES, BEED, FIELDS Tinas uu.( us ROUKTftr SIAM0RO, 241 ttark St. CORD BENOITARE, SO riftb ' JRO. . SRABXEt A CO.. Tl Ckaa"- rommeer.. EOTJBITT ABSTRACT TRUST 00., T ( her of Ommrr.. , TEVTWSON BROW 00.. ' 110 S 4 A P. BWEMISON ft CO., BlVXOTT S1R1I0TT, $ - toVliTe'StOMOR, 104 rtr.I Bt C n l ot, 2 ..o-r o r-mrsa, . 8. TTt,C.i M - . yt- TRB TIi-L C, Will V. " ,rw wir.a cij J I a M WILBO. I'O -"" ri, WILLS O , 14 -... A. f . nrgtn,, a.