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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1906)
HE OZCDIJ DAILY jbUIUJAU P03TLAIID. SATURDAY CVZIIIKO. AUGUST 13. IZZZ. M OF BATTLE REVEALED I, St I Petition For Injunction Against the Northern f ; ; 5:30 P. LI. to 9:00 P. LI. ' ; Positively None Sold Before This Tims V) Pacific Terminal Company Discloses Grounds on Which HiNr Will Fight v .1 s i . : aim wla In lha United ,4 -rtpt a..... ri n unnMla aaklne- xer an injunction repninii ' rn Faclno Terminal company from . tirareedlng with condemnation and pur chase of the terminal land now owned fey the rortland Seatfl railroad In North Portland. v Judge Charlea H. Carejr. local counsel ? for the Hill lines, went to Rldgefleld. .. - . - ...I H.t.narf -itftriihArmrv re- straining order from Judge Gilbert, which will continue In force vntH the J cum In the state court la heard, unlesa i-lhe defendsnts appear In court Monday morning ana snow cmh wj m ' shall not remain In force. The order la directed against th terminal company and lta president. C. A. Dolph. ': - a The contention of . the Hill people la ' that thev have held within their rights ' ' In the purchase of the terminal property - in Portland and that the terminal com v pany hss exceeded the privileges accord ed to 11 wnen xirst innnw. im v :! visions of the company's charter aute that no Indebtednesa can be Incurred - atockholdera of the company, which are the Northern Pacific owning 4 per " ' - - k ana ana atnok; n R a, K . owning 4 per cent and the Southern pay I clfle, owning I per cent Of eourae the - iNartiiani Paaina aid not ae-ree to vn. autt broua-ht aa-atnat the Portland and ;.' Seattle, nor will It consent to the pur . fhaaa of the terminal nroDert of the HMMhkBa hA WAi4hm XmMt Ia TAnill- basis for the Injunction. t ;',-r'. ' oa4 Unit aT.p. Soxe. . TTirthermere..when the terminal cora- V tanv waa omnia It wee rrantad the ' privilege of Issuing bonds to the amount of f I.OOO.tOO and ao nor,- J At present the terminal ' company , haa bonds out- . standing to the amount or si.zzs.niiv. Three million dollars were Issued for the purchase of terminal property, ll.000.Ooo Tor tne aepot ana tne remaining- oonai for the erection of cr sheds and other necessary property. The Northern Pa- muu cunilMinf i. mini m ipucvubb- the' terminal line property of the Port land Seattle it would b necessary te k exceed the provisions allowed by the ! terminal company's charter. The price of the property the terw'nal company Is seeking is - piacea at i.uuu.voo. - i nis . ststement on the part of Hill men re-i ' veala the fact that they paid 11.400.000 for the property In dispute and have planned to apend 1400,000 te place It la - The mutual agreement clause Is -the one upon which the Mill people are do- FIIE SWEEPS VALPARAISO '(Continued From Pag On.) Valparaiso, . nowever, ana tnrougn en the inland districts there is not a wire tin.' No word haa yet been received from Santiago, Latserena or, Concepclon. We cannot ten waai in extent or tne oertn auas is, nor at wnat time we win De able to restor communication with ths interior.: v - f, .; ' ' atlmllay ea Maao. , A London dispatch states thst private nitrate ground. escaped damage. Thev had been reported greatly harmed. The towns of Coplapo and AntonogastA are graph company this afternoon reports that the situation. in Valparaiso Is sim ilar to that in San Francisco during the disaster. The city is still burning. The manager report all places of business closed and that many people have left the city. - 'The manager ef the Cable company at Oalveston reports that the cable ia working to Valparaiso this morning. out there is no communication via land lines to 8antiago or Buenos Ayres. . The Kosmos line, which runs steam ers between San Francisco snd Val- ralso at the time of - the earthquake. No word haa been received whether the - DEATH IN QUAKE. WtthOBt aOlfhteet WarnUf, As Killed In BnUoings. (Jeeraal Ipeelal BarvtoM KW Trtrk ill 1SA anoclal tit ha Herald from Valparaiso, Chile, says: witnout the slightest tremor of warn rng an earthquake visited this city at o'clock Thursday night, bringing instant death to hundreds of persons and leav ing many hundreds more Imprisoned In the ruins, many of whom were burned to death before aid reached them. Fire started Immediately after the . raviM, .Til UIMJUn Ul U1V - city's service was paralysed. Panle and ' consternation Indescribable followed, ' those who escaped death and Injury be- wae xrvnxiea wild jear ana couia ren ' der hut little aeslsunc to the victims. " The business section of the city is almost entirely destroyed, and the fires re still rafting. The city la suffering a repetition of the horror of San Fran cisco. Aa night comes on the city la vrywhre aglow with unobstructed tires, and clouds of choking smoke and iioffiors A severe headache, coated tongue, ; bad taste or poor appetite are indications of a disordered ' stomach which can be quickly cured by the Bitters. Get it today. It also cures Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Const! pation, Biliousn ess. Heartburn, Cramps, Diarrhoea, Female Ills or Malaria, Fever and Ague.,, ; , .. j Otters pending te win their fight .against the terminal company. - They own 40 per cent of the stork and by previous agree ment claim that they are entitled to a vote In all proceedings. If this claim can be upheld in the courta it la ex pected that the attempted purchase or claim to the property for which the terminal company Is suing will be dropped. " ; , - ,- ' -U IJtlatJo Is-Three,tened. Hill represenutlves claim that if the Northern Paelfle Terminal company pur sues its course and floats another bond Issue litigation will follow, not alone on the part of - the atockholdera, which would be the Northern Paciflo company, but by the bondholders, and would prob ably have the effect of creating an order of default In the terminal company's business by the courts. Such a state of affairs, they claim, would 'have the ten dency to disrupt all terminal facilities In Portland and cause chaos In railroad work, especially In the matter of han dling freight on the coast. Ths HU1 people claim that all offers they have made to the terminal com pany have been rejected. Offers of land for the extension of terminal services have been put by, and attempta to take up the Front street tracks of the ter minal company by .the Northern Paciflo have also been turned down. The Hill people say -that It will be war to the knife from now on; that they are tired with temporising with the Harriman people when they are so clearly within their rights. . ', riaish right Sxpected. Railroad men say that the prettiest kind, of a fight can be looked for be tween the two railroad -Interests.-because It Is believed that . the Northern Paciflo is tired of the blocking system started by the Harriman people two yeara ago when the matter of the North Bank road was broacnaa. , At that time the Harriman people set up a claim that they were entitled to the line of the new road . because of surveys they mad there eight year ago. Sine that time the strife between the two large com panies has been keen and a blocking game haa been played by both at all stages. , - The Injunction proceedings will be heard - in Judge Gilbert's court Mon day morning. Unless President Dolnh and : the terminal company can show eause why the temporary restraining order should not remain In- force until after the trial of the condemnation pro ceedings Instituted in the state court, a temporary injunction order wUl be Issued. vapor settle into the streets and houses, wher throngs of homeless ones are wandering about erased by the awful calamity. - It Is Impossible to ascertain how wide an area of country this vtstutlon laid wast. Nothing has been heard from Santiago, the capital city of Chile, and It la feared the fete of that city la as bad or worse than Valparaiso. ; Thar war two distinct and terrific hacks, the second . onfellowlng al most, Instantly -after the first and com pleting the work of destruction. Th day before waa unusually calm and pleasant At I o'clock the whole city seemed suddenly to swing backward and forward and then came a sudden Jolt with such, mighty-fore that rows of buildings toppled to the earth as If made of plaster. Whole rows of build ings went down In a few seconds. Boon. after the aecond shock had subsided It became known that th business part of town waa doomed. From th Bellavista section little waa heard, but before midnight fires were een burning thore, and it was learned that section of th city was also doomed. Before th stunned people were given time to realise th magni tude of th calamity again th city was ahaken with violence greater than be fore. The earth In placea , lifted and pitched bulldinga forward. In other place there was a terrible tremor, which shook every structure to the ground. This shock continued longer than th first - When It had subsided fires were biasing up and thousands of terrified people wer praying, and panic wept the city. Many landslides have occurred around th city, and scores of live have bees lost there. PREDICTED IT. Oaeet at Portland Hovel Porvteld aazta tuki in Talparaiao. Jam Wlnslow Ames, . who waa a guest at th Portland hotel aeversl weeks ago, predicted that his home city, Valparaiso. Chile, would probably be th next city after San Francisco to Buffer from an earthquake. "It has been known to scientists for years," said Mr.aAmes In talking to friends, 'that the western coast of th new world Is still In process of forma tion, and for nearly 40 yeara the United States has been conducting a series of surveys to determine the amount of rise of land produced br the Dreasura or the earth's crust Those extierlmenta how that for each year of observation the land haa risen one foot. With suoh s condition existing there is nothing strsng in th occurrence of esrth- quakes. There are bound to be times when the pressure will exert upon for mations of different strength, which Is bound to be followed by sharp rises or falls as th land adjusts Itself. "Another fact .that makes an earth. quake extremely likely on the Chilean coast Is that this stretch or belt of new land formation lies In a direct line from a point In southern Alaska through San Francisco. Continuing the line it passes through Valparaiso. Scientists . have known this fsct for many years, and one prominent geologist made th re mark after an exhaustive study of con ditions In Alsska that Ood has not fin ished making that country. t.-ouid we but see the formations fust below the Pacific ocean a short distance off th coast line we would undoubtedly be able to find formations in even more chaotic state than above sea level- but w will have to wait several thou sand years and let posterity make stud ies or tnose formations. Suffice It te say thst earthquakes can be expected all along the - coast wherever that line touches." .- : - ..He . ' I MANY FIRES START. flame Break On ia Swore ef Plaeeew Bssiaess Standstill . , I Jeorasl gpeetsl Service.) -New Tors, Aug. IS. A special to the Times from Valparaiso ssys: About I o'clock on Thursday evening there was a tremendous earthquake at Val paraiso. Aa at San Franclsc. the shock was followed by th starting of msny fires..- Th flames extend from Jh Ptasa Orden toward the north and have not been extinguished. v. ' Msny houses. hav beea .destroyed and iLu.. .v. JUtat n atn ifccS , aiiB, , , ylr.vrV V.- v. Th Burned Half Block, From the ' . l. nearly all of those In th city are more or less damaged, either by th earth quake or th fir. Business Is at a complete standstill. Ths banks ar closed. Th gas supply is unavailable and th electric lighting system is completely knocked out. The greatest panlo prevaua among tne in habitants. Many families ar fleeing from th city. The weather la fair and th sea. calm. .s Communication with Santiago de Chile la Interrupted, and It Is Impossible to learn what haa happened there. Many persona wer killed and injured In Valparaiso. The shocks oontlnu but ar milder. Th ahlDDlns- In th port was not in jured. The streets which suffered most were CaUes Blanco, conaeu ana aime relda. and those In th Dellclaa district. wher th best residences ere. THROUGHOUT CHILE. Disaster Bxieaded Aa V ad Bows Bonkfe' Mtt tcan, .. -. . fjflarasl Imrlil Batrles.l New Tork, Aug. II. A special to the Sun from Buenos Ayres saya: Acoora ing to information received here a large number of buildings nave oeen aeairoyea In Valparaiso and th loss of Uf is said to hav been large. Th disturbance waa general throughout Chile and felt at some point In Argentina Republic. New , of .th dlssster is extremely meager owing to th fact that tele grsphie communication is cut off. shocks having thrown down the telegraph lines. From the few details obtainable here. It appears that there were five shocks, the disturbance passing south along the Pacific coaat and croaalng the Andes.- Th shocks were very- severe. according to th registration or tne aelsmosraph Instruments here and al Santa. Rosa and Andes City. The prop erty loss Is enormous. Many housea were thrown down, including th gov arnment house. . During the night the volcano of 1 Tomingato on the Chile-Argentina- bor der, wee- heard roaring and the people fled to the churches to pray ior ssieiy. At San Juan, In the Andes, high winds accompanied the shocks, Ths shock at Andea Cltv waa very severe. The towns of Rosarlo. Arenas, Rio J a. Ban Luis And Tucuman were . seriously af fected by the -shock. :- , anxious7bout family. Captain Beokwtth of Talparaiao X Slow . la Victoria Karbor. ' Victoria, B.-' C" Aug. Captain Beckwtth of the Chilean ship Curson Is now herP H-- cam direct from ValT paralso.' H0ts very anxious about his wife and daughter, who ar now living there, but can get no word. He 1 of th oplrfjsn that th disaster will, ss In Frisco be wore felt on the waterfront where there is reclaimed land. There are four streets parallel with the water front so reclaimed. ' These extend for two miles, snd are business blocks. - The English population of about S.000 la domiciled largely on th bluff back of thla. On July 20, th day th Curson left, an earthquake waa felt it was ao se ver that Captain Beckwlth could not put on his clothes, being In th act of dressing at the time. Captain Young of th Arlstomene also knows Valparaiso well and recalla th tidal wave following the earthquake in HIS, which carried an American man of war Inland three miles, in 1ITT an other tidal wave washsd it to within half a mil of th water again. . V . TIDAL WAVE AT HAWAII. Twelve-Toot Wall f Water Sweep V Shores of Island. .Honolulu. Aug. JS. Wireless reports from th islands of Hawaii, Maul and Hlla report a tidal wave, the general height of which waa five feet In th Inclosed bay of Maalaaa Its height was estimated to be 11 feet wher It carried away a wharf and Its superstructure. The phenomenon was manifested by an unprecedentedly heavy surf. .Th tidal wave Is attributed to the earthquake at Valparaiso. Thirty-five years ago an earthquake In South Amer ica produced slmllsr effects her. ' LOOKED LIKE 'FRISCO. Portland Man Says Two Destroyed Cities Bssembled Bach Other. Frlti Englehsrdt to' whom The Jour nal la indebted for Its magnificent pie tuH. of Valparaiso, is employed in the drapery department of Tull at Olbba, Mr. Englehardt stopped st th South American metropolis - five' years ago, whils on a trip from San Francisco to Hamburg. To his eyes Valparaiso looked to be very nearly aa large as Ban Francisco, though the bulldinga were built lower In anticipation of earthquakea. The buildings ar of stone and plaster. ...-. - Palls Prom Scaffolding. ' -Baker City. Or., Aug. H Harry Ben nett waa severely . Injured ' yesterday morning while at work on the Rand building by falling from a scaffolding about 14 feet high and striking one a piece of timber on hi hack. -He was picked up unconscious snd tsken to hie home and a physician waa called. This afternoon he Is resting as easy a could be expected. t i i a la Self-Defease Major If mm, ndltor snd manager of the Constitutionalist, Eminence, Ky., when lie waa fiercely attacked, four years ago, by -Piles, bought a box of Burklen s Arnica Halve, of which he saya: "it cured me In ten days and no trouble since." Quickest healer of Burns.l Korea, Cuts and W euHda. Ho t Skidnor Drua .... .Jw. ;.,...yiMa'aV.,W......A - , Wa, Corner of -Fourth and Burniide. The Shows in the Backfroand. HORSES DIE IN AGONY; (Continued from. Page On-) did Oadaby and man named Rum ford, an employ of th yeast company. Ths Qulmby hotel lost two horses. ' Talnabl Dog Bmmed.' On of th four dog burned, a fox terrier belonging to Charles E. Lytle, waa tied to th leg of a table. The cries of th poor animal could, b beard for many minute after the fir had surrounded It and aeveral fforta were made to rescue It, but without avail. - Th total damag don la variously estimated at from 110.000 to 160.000 All th bulldinga- war wooden, many of them being pne-etory wooden shacks. Th whole block I owned by the Wil son estate, the building being Insured at nearly. If not all, of their full value. Th different place either totally or nearly entirely destroyed ar: A restau rs. A. E. Owens, proprietor; two em ployment offices; barber shop, H. M. Harndin; blcycl shop, J. H. Richard son) bat innovatory; cleaning ahop; veterinary office. Dr. C, K. Brown; Fish beck's carpenter ahop; Hart's livery barn; U. 8. Bakery; flgar store, X). B, Shoen. - ;: . - - ' Origin of Tire Unknown. ' Ths origin of ' th fire 1 not known. Firemen and other who were on the spot early say that It started in th rear of th baker shop. . Th bakers aay that It started in a shed next door. Th wind wss from th northwest and to this faet la due th saving of th remainder of the block, on which is situated the mors valuable buildings. Four alarms were turned In, two of them promptly, the general alarm being turned in about 10 minute later. After two hours' work th bias eras annihilated. LAND F.RAUD DEFENDANT (Continued from Page One.) m with a big chair all -to.. himself.. .Mrs. Zschary sat With her husband and their 4-year-old boy, near on of th court room window.' Beaida and in front of them were a group . of women, several of them old nelghbora of th Zacharys and the Bamarda. . The wife and chil dren of BarnaH stayed at home, but he had jnany f inda present Watson, alone, waa without frlenda from the Fossil country. He had turned agalnat his fellow-conspirators and they oared not what became of him. .. ... . .Sentence Postponed. When Judge Hunt announced that th time had arrived for imposing sentence on the eonvlcted defendants summoned to appear before him.. Special Assistant Attnrnev-Oenaral . Francla J. Hanev ashed tha sentence against Hendricks snd Zachary. be postponed until after fthe trial of th illegal fencing caae in which both ar defendants. Thla re quest waa made In th belief that fair ness demanded that they be given an opportunity to testify In their own be half, if they ao desired. - If they were sentenced prior to the hearing of the fencing caae they would be barred from testifying, th penalty for perjury car rying with It prohibition from giving evldenc In any court of th United States. Judge Hunt granted th order requested and the wrinkles that had gathered on th forehead of Hendricks began to disappear. Watson Oeta Off Saay. Watson wss next Prosecutor Heney explained that It had been the policy of the government pot to prosecute entry men provided they told the truth. Wat son, had not been given the opportunity to go before the grand Jury, like other entry-men, because he could not be found at the time his case waa under consideration. - Laat Thursday he had been asked if he . desired to tell the truth, he bad consented, hsd made a statement to Irvln Rlttenhousa, secre tary to counsel for th government, snd hsd gon upon th stand and told of his connection with th fraud. Prosecutor Heney therefor asked thst sentence be Indefinitely postponed and that Wat eon be released on his own recognisance, with the understanding thst If he aloes not behave himself he will be brought Into court . and ' sen tenced. In conclusion, it was pointed out that Watson waa poor and in bad health, and that he had been induced to break th law by people wiser than he and possessing more means. v Judge Hunt called Watson before hint and. said: t ...u "I believe th suggestion made by Mr. Heney is proper, and that It Is prompted by the correct spirit. I don't believe you ar a bad man, Watson. On th contrary. I think you hav th makings of a good man. Th thing for you to do I to take car of your body and your conscience. , I believe yon have been th victim of elrcumstancea, and It Is to yonr credit that yon did not go on the stand in your - own case and perjure yourself." . , Th court then informed watson that bla sentence would be indefinitely post poned .and Instructed htm to keep the United States attorney's office posted ss to his whereabouts. The bondsmen were exonerated and Watson dropped back Into th crowd. . , . Barnard Is Sentenced. Before Coe Barnard wss sentenced Judge Bennett Interposed a motion In srrest of Judgment and read decisions bearing on his contention, thst the In dictment In the esse deprived th de fendant ef sights guaranteed to him by the sixth smendment of th constitution of th United States. Judge Hunt over ruled the motion st Issue and informed counsel that he could argue bis constitu tional point on a motion for a new trial. Co Barnard stood up snd waa asked the formsl question of whether he had anything to aay. "I haven't," he an swered, but Judge Bennett pnk in his behalf, calling attention to the terrible punishment of making man Ineligible ! testify . la , court; If b wlf and ! lX ? .0UJnitrv ' 1" r iWr 1i TsWl-tlTTr I V L' -1 - ftril Blackened Side of the Quimfejt Hottt ' ' " ; 1 i two Children who look to htm for sup port, and to th aged mother for whom h ha eared for many year.'' - Judge Hunt began by saying; "It la not very often there Is a conviction of th erim of. perjury. It is aa abhor rent offense, and when committed by a man of Intelligence and standing. In th community in which he Uvea It becomes a menace to society." . r. I Th court -predicted that In a few yearn people would awake to a realisa tion of th solemnity of an oath, and a better era would suoceed th age of commercialism In which man striving for th accretion of material fortune ar prone to forget th duty they owe to their fallow and their government If the truth prevail in court" he aid, "society will be benefited, and It will prevail , mor and-Jttor out Of COUrt" , - '.-'"- V. h ' ' Beclajres Tsrdlot fust, Judge Hunt declared th verdict was a Just one, spoke of th sealous way In which th rights of the defendant had been protected by hi counael, and said that If any error had been committed by th court th defendant would get the full benefit of it on appeal. . A few more word and then cam th sentence: "It Is th Judgment of this court that you be confined in prison. on McNil'a Island for two yeara and that you pay a fin of 12,000." Barnard winced. On and only on of his sympathisers shed tear. . That was llttl Miss Hendricks. . Barnard had been good to her. ao sh cried and re fused to be comforted. Prosecutor Heney asked that th bond of Zachary be raised to $10,000. Judge Hunt decided that 18,000 would be suf ficient Barnard's bond on appeal waa fixed at the same figure. Both Zachary and Barnard' war permitted to so on their old bonds pending th filing of new security. , CHILD STRAPPED TO -TREE VHIPPED BY F.1AHIAC ' Twelve-Year-Old Girl Gaggd and Beaten With Leather . Strap by Insane Man. (Jesrnal Special Service.) a. n.,..rlnrt Hal.. Auar. 1 1 Olive Peters, th ii-year-old daughter of 3. M, Peters, painter, was found lashed ... ru in th. hflr vard at har Bar ents' horn In tb suburbs of ColtOn to day, having been captured oy a man supposed to b Insane, who, after tying and gagging hor with a leather strap, took another strap and whipped her se verely. - " 1 1 will com back -with wood to sacri fice you." was the Insane man's decla ration a h left th child and stol away into th bruah. But b haa not returned, and officer ar on th look out through this county and Riverside for him.- ' k Th child's Injuries are. not sever. k. - h. waa alttlna- alone In th hous when She saw a man pass th window and, believing It . was her father, sn went .to meci mm ana was mImjI SIKa 4mm4Ii.4 hav mm mm 1 1 f aa a man of wtld appearance and continu ally tremonng, a inousn-wiin, asuo. ; SAH DIEGO BECOMES HOME OF PIRATE VESSEL1 v McLean's Famous Schooner, the Carmencita, Turned Into Respectable Craft. (Joorasl Special Service.) San Diego, Cal., Aug. II. San Diego Is shortly to become th horn port of on of th most famook ships that has sailed th waters of the Paciflo In recant years. There is hardly a reader of fiction that Is not -more or less acquainted with the story of th schooner Carmencita and ner former commander. Captain Alexander McLean. In his stories of "Th Bea wolf jack London made both the pirate craft and her commander famoua because of the attempted raids on Copper lalands. Not so msny weeks ago the Carmencita was turned Into a respectable craft . . During th course of her existence sh has bean known by the customs au thorities to hav sailed under three r.smes. . How many names she has sailed under without the knowledge of the government offtolala Is not known. Oeorg C. Deermaker, a San Dlagan, is th nW owner of -th schooner, which is now known as ths Acapuloo and is to tie used In th guano business. He is the owner of a Mexican concession to tsks guano, from all Islands on the west coast. - -v y STENSLAND'S BANK IS 1 FULL OF FORGERIES " (Imraal Special garrtce.l Hpringfleld, 111.; Aug. IS. Examiner Jones' report on th Milwaukee Avenue bank shows at least S1.0Q0.00 wss lost and that there Is unquestlonnblr forged paper amounting to nearly half, and that, on quarter Is doubtful. 1: .meval Mutineer Sxeonted. fJearaal Bneclal BerrleaJ ' at. Petersburg, Aug. - II. Eighteen mutineer at 11. wer executed this moraine. . Sew m$ . Regular Value 65c ' , 6-OjiQrt Berlin Kettle . Royal Enamel Wartr No. 3 Steel Fry Part K e: crtt ef: r V cr the Stomach ' Nothing! , will cure inditfestion that ;' detsn't ttlg0St th food, Itstlf, and dv 1 the ttomach a perfect rest. - :" . . . You cant reasonably expect, tner - 1 any weak stomach 4 win Tegain,'itf ' atrentfth and tfet well when it i ' compelled to da:the."tZ toor that a sound stomach should do, k' Vou wouldn't expect a sick horse -to tfet well when it is compelled to do a full day's work every day of the week, Hour stomach must have ret:, . . But it isn't necessary to stmroo your self in order to rest your stomach. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a perfect Attestant ' It will dltfest all of the food you eat regardless of the condition of your stomach. V..V..'-.' Kodol Dyspepsia Cure for Indigestion; Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach. Flatulence, Headache Water Brash. Belching of Gas, Nausea, Gastritis. Heartburn , and all troubles arising from inditfestion and non-isslmilition of the food.; ; ;-- ; ' I had dytpeptU In tte worst formi wee re duced In weight to 118 pound. After using two and one-half bottle of Kodol. I wa eompletely cured and restored to my usual weight of led pound. J. LUTHER JOHNSON. Att'y At Law. Cleburne. Tex. KODOL DIGESTS llUillllt MAKie THI eTOMAOH ewirr. I Ma a. MS MMM Sold by Stidmore Drag Co. RIVER EXCURSION TO ASTORIA SteamerTELEGRAPH :fti rAiTin soav tow am AW--rn)xtT .mmA ; . cTinMTsTQ rtBAetma obatt. . Leave Alder Street Dock, Port. . land , Arrive at Astoria at. ...1 Laav Astoria for horn at I Arrlv la Portland at...,..r...l . ' Keala Served a to Carte. . Carry Ten X.xk it Ten Wlsk. .: ........ . si . : - ,. .. ' r A delightful Sunday trip a charming rids on th greatest river of western America th best steamboat on th Tactile coast Pollt attn. .tion to averyon. f . . , See the City by the Sea at Little Cost Regular , Value 65c Regular-Value, 25c V. ' 6. . t i Kit: . .aiaa V ' m K i. . WHAT YOU EAT rnsan wwt .ia.B.1 0..,CIms, O.W1M I end Woodard, Clarke ft Co. a. m. p. m. p. m p. m. S,!.(io y