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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1906)
vnz or.zcou daily -journal, fohtland. Friday evening, august it. ikb. EArrZ3 AND EXCIIAKC2. WANTED To tirtinft a OA rsglstee Tor host otfar. 'AtofM H 100, csre journal. OH1CKBN-BANCH, 8V isa, Bear null town. Marlon eouaty; 6 -room dwelling, orchard, pleadld gardes.' cow, hay, 60 cblckons. ' tools) value fooo; for bt offer, buainees ' or onset tinci. Adores O 30, care iwral. a finb iot f lots. aid, to nrttlK , for a dwelllng-houee m 'f K car JeuraaL weet aid, Addrsas FINB block et ( U t. Johns nckuff for BoaM and tot. Call at 81 Fifth at. Y HA VI a food pair of lea skstss, will trad . tot a pair o( roller skates. . W 10, Journal, WANTED A lot In towa for a susll-elasd farm near Portland, - Addrses M . Journal. HAVB a plans) will trad for household farat turs or horse and buggy. - W 11, ears Journal. . A SNAP for a puibsr with small capital; a proitaMa maaufaeturlnf buelneec ; ownar -. ran not operate and will scU right: might ' tabs snms Psrtlsad property ,on deaL. Ad, ; drsas W 88. car Journal. , . Sell Or Trade 11-ROOM bona. 8 lota. Bsr S earllne. Baa bom, east W.SBO: wilt sail for . SS.ZnO or '.- trad for Whits Salmoa or wsatsrs Orefoa "n.kASTHAbi; ' U iMV ' 832 Chamber of Cemaisrc. EXCHANGE for an satoatobtls or feseltns Jsuncb, balf Intsrsst la 8 well-developed mln nf claims; plenty or. 2,0"0 worth develop- meut work doas; chance fir sonis on is " make staks. Address Whitney Boas, 818 " ..'111 . . Uh Inh . 4 , . Tl 111. IWI I, v.n,v.Bu, . ...... . . . . F MINES AND INVESTMENTS." WANTED A food Blnlaa propoeltlou Jo la. corporats sad Snsnre. J. B. Ballsy Co, , 1 Lost bar Excbsngs. MEMBER Portland Stork Exrhxng; srdsr x- ruled so all Industrial and gaining storks. W. J. Curtis, 815 Coamsrelal bib.. Psoas Mala 8884. THB J. C. I. KB COMPANY UIOH-CLASS STOCKS AND BONDS. . , x.-Wa ars always la the aiarkst either .to bar . or sell an? act Its mining or industrial stock. , It will par ou to gst oar prlrss. B. W. DONAHUE. Mar. Broksrsff Dpt. -18-80 Lafayette Bldf. ' FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. BIIXIARD AND POOL tablsa for rsat os tor sal on eaey peymsnts. ' THE BBUK8W11 K-BALKE COIXENDEB CO. 40 Third St., Portlaad. WB prlat your aaas a B0 celllnf cards, prspsr . slaa aod styls. 86c; ?S0 bualocss cards, II. A. W. Schmsla Co., 828 First, Portland. Or. FOB SALE Fresh Jsrssy snd Durham own?. . gentle sod food Bllksr. Apply Jams Hultt, Ifaxouam's Hill: tsks steps at bssd of Wood ." st. South Portlaad. WB seed furnlturs and will pay ruTi, Talas. Pbons Pacide T03. Wsstara sUlrafs Co., 3T - Waablng toa St. BOOKS booabt, jold and sichenf ed . t tb Old Book fetor. 229 YsnblU at. HOW TO BEACH THE rABMBR - ' Snd for Ksstoa's Bursl Directory I 10 "". D. toote. with 18.000 correct BaBM. ' , Barsl Directory - Co.,, BOA. Abloftoa bldf., Portland, Orsfoa. BROWCAES, conatsrs, flztarsa boBaht. sold or sicfasnfed, Westsrn Balrafa 0S..B2T Wash tnftoa st. PadOo-TM. ... ' ri'BNm'RE Ws still bar few ptscss rrtnf sroand krass for sals cbsap. Westsrn Batrsaa Co., aT Wsshlnttoa st. M0VINO-PICTTJBB MACHINES, ahns. - onl ' slides, ass outfits, etc., bonrht, sold, rented . and xcbanfed. Newasaa, Xhk SUth. Psoas ' Psclna SB2S. FOB AI.tV kfiaoa trait iara. anart. bos bm doam; Uda snd rubbsrs eoanplets. Crans JBot - tie Co.. eorasr 14tb and Coach.- hum S28S. SECOND-HAND farnltora of all kinds; also a ompleta Use sf new furniture snd boms suDDlioe at lowest prlc; erytblnf must . b sold, tiatt rront at., eornsr Bsli SHOWCASES AND FIXTVBEB msds to rderj .. second-band rood for sale. Carlson Ball V. traa. So Coach stv- Pboas) Clay STL .ABTI8TS'. Bstsrism, plrture and fraala4V,. , H. sloorhooss Co., IIS Alder st. , nT ttvvi b a rru a Tin nrsr liea " rbsamstlsat. Sold by all drufrlats. PO01.TARLB complete, bar Birures, safe, table, chairs, sto. Westsra Balrafa Cs, 827 Wssrtnctoa at. , - EW1NO-MACHINBS boofht, sold, xchaacd, 18 Sad up; also ran tod. . i - WESTER V SALTAGI COe-. ; . ' - , en Wssbtnftoa St. . BARDMAN piano, fins aaodltloa, 2t8 cash. ; Address T.l Journal. , ' ABOUT 85.000 worth of windows, doors, ttm - here, lumber for sals at sacrifice. rx , , .chanr for rssl astat. Addrsaa F 88, car Jooraal. . FOB SAI.B Lsnra homers, dirt cheap; youna birds thrown la; aqnaba'at all time. 2l East Buraald at. Pboas Bast 12BT. BOYNTON RICHARDSON for sal at barfsla. 1ST Tront st. - FOR SALE SxT-loeh marina snylne; aSxTt-lnch , amiaht boiler, nearly sew. Inquire of eo flnosr at Hasalwood Cresmsry, llftb snd Dsn, st. ' BAMBLER antomorill for sals at a bsrrntu: sat 8; 1008 model. Far particulars addrass , N 4, car Jooraal. - ; . . FOB So Enfllsb ball terriers S months old, fond watch doc (owner foinf away), sd - drees O IS. vara Journal. .PERSONAL. FtTBBIEB tsdles, bare your fura remodeled nd repaired by practical furl 1st snd expert fitter! 80 years ezperteae ' la tble twanch i' enable a to fnarsnte enrlr astlsfsctlon: will call at resldsnc snd fte sstlmats. If , desired. A. Reiner. Lewis hldf ., biorrksoa sad Park. Phaas Psdflo SsOT. , ANT man or woman caa ha atrsaf snd happy . by nalnf Serin Pllla, tbs errest tonic; prlc t 81 a box, 8 boxes 85, with foil fusrsntes. Aildrees or Cell J, A. dsmsasna. drusflet, .- ror. Ssaoad sad YsmklU eta., Portlaad. Or. MANLY elfor reetored by Dr. Boberta Notts . Glob ties. On month's trestmsnt, 88; 8 - Brantbs, SK; seat secsrsly saaled by mail. ' At rats, Woodsrd. Clarks A Cn Portlsad, Or. FOR BALE 1 horsepower - ranaboat, shaft drta; as rrydsy Bsebais: szoallaat bill climber: awner bas ao aas far It. , Address O. J. A.. VsnaoBTsr. Wash. . DETECTTTB A8ENCT Oonfidenrlal faeostlf. 1 :, Hons; reports furnished es ladl1dats. their ' : chsrsctsr, reeposalblllty. te. ; bad dbt eol ' lectedl mlaalns relstlrs located: cbsrfe , ressoosbls; correspondencs snllclted. Oreysa Detsctles Serrtce, efflcee SOsV8o4 Ftlednsr - bids., loth and Washlaftoa eta. Fboa i Msfa 8615. ..... MOLES, t wrinkles, tuperfloous hair renamed. Let b tell rou bow, No ebsrra, Mrs. M. D. .Rill, Salts 1. Bslllnf-Blrseh bM. Psctfl 188. SEXINB PILLS ears all forms st nerrcwe or mnscolar wee knee. For Ba . or woman. Prlos 81 baa. boras 84. with fall fuaren. f tea. . Iddrss r tall J. O. Cleaaoa. drsf ' fist. Second aad Yambfll Sta. PsrtUad. Or, St'lTS pressed wbll ycet wait. BOe. Ladles' skirts pressed, fnc. 0 libera. 10t4 Sixth St., beat ts Quells. Pbons Padfio 90M. DISEASES OF WOMEN Prints maternity hospital) Unlet Vcatlos and speclsl earsi Dr. . Atwnnd, tvi Morrlsoa St., room 8. Phoa Pacific ITS. " YES. Palmo Tablet ask Too sleep prfet1yi they curs Bsreoosnees snd maks yoo strona) Srlcs Bo s box, S boxes 12. B0; fuarsnterd. II dragflsts, or address Brooks Druf Oe., ST ortb Third st. Port lend, Oregon. BOLDEN'S RHET'MATIO CURB Snr cor for rheumatism. Sold by sll draf flats. , Bl'MAN RAIB SWITCHES- Pay aftsr yaw ce re I re tbeai send a sample of your hair and we will send yr one of eur 81 50 switches, ' H ox.. 28 Inchee: skamla It; If a blf bsr- ' fain, remit; If ant. rstsrn. Addrsaa Udlea Hair Kmporium, aa usarooTB sk. vsraeaok 111 BOLD ON There I on thlnf that will ear rbenmatlam. Aah your druf slat for berk " tonl or address or call J. O, Uemeaeoa. druf -e flea,, Portlssd, Orscoa. BOTH time snd money saeed. with a free shin, wbll aettlnf eh Ted at tbs Model Berber. ' Shop, 81 SI i lb t bat. Stark aad Oak sts. ' sbsrlnf Inc. , : , TITRKI8H BATHS, too Orefnnlsa bldf. la diss days, fsntlemea alfbta. Mala 1838. ' T TURKISH BATHS LADIES ONLY. Masesas, tbampoolnf. scalp issd far ' 'treetmenta. cheat deTelopment,. manlcarlnf ' " asd cbtropnfe. 8A1 Washlaftoa, btweea 18th a iita. , aia ivea. , , , . PERSONAL. DOLL'S HOSPITAL . . Bepalrlnf snd dreaslnf. 881 Tsahll St. BEST aommlasloa psld ssents.ea sll mafaslse aubscrlpttoss. Jones' Book Store. 81 Alder St., Portland. Orsaua. - BALM OP rl08 for all (male diseases. SXS Beat Belmont, pboas Essl 40AU, DR. a. v. v rrrnnu oisessea, aiansy, nervoas, ssia snu wpi female troubles. Csll or writs. Ofdc 1TH Third St., eor. YsmbtU. Phoaa Pacific 22 CALirOBNIA Msdleatsd Healing Soap, toilet. . both, complexion, aurssry. Ask your dealer for It. Moon-Helm Co.. sensral afeata, 271 H Morrlsoa st. , Paclfta 1571. DB. BIN0) THOONO, Importer Chinees rant medicines) Balls fhinsss tes. certain cur for all dlssssss. 181 Sd., bat. Xsmhlll sad Taylor. WHY BB BALDT Ws fusrsntes to pre rent hair from falling out and ears Itching scalp absolutely. 478 Alder St. Msln SsSl. SCHOOL OF PSYCHOLOGY teaches msguetle heeling, eoocentrstloa, .hypnotism . snd nalmlstrri patlsnts treated for all diseases. , 1T8, Aider St. Phoa Mala S88L LADIES guaranteed safe and aure relief for all troubles of a priests nature, no Batter from . what rsaas; no siposur. . Call or writ Dr. T. J. Pierce, 181 First St., cor. Yamhill, Port laad, Oregon Merrlag s In High Life," "Twenty YeSrs llus'JInx." "Prisoner of Smim." "A Social I-looV' 60 cents each. A. W. SAmala Co.. 828 First St. MISS GIBSON glree sipert scalp treatment snd massage. Room 62, Tha Cosmos, XSSVb I Morrlsoa st. - WANTED Ts Beet respsctsbw yousf lady with tatsntloa te call a erenlngs. F. M. Bel tier, 284 Columbia St.. PsrtUad. Orefoa. LADIES! Usa Cblchsstar's Bnfllsh Pills. Beet I Safeett Only Rellsblsl Take no other. Buy of your Druggist or send 4c, e tamps, for per - tlculsr aad Bock let for Ladle. Cblcbestet Chsailcal Co.. Phllsdslphla. PsaasylTsala. . YOUNO lady from Chicago bss recently opened manlcarlnf parlors. 851 1( Morrlsoa St., ASSAYERS. 0ARYIN OYANIDB BZTBACTION CO, Moataaa Aassy Office. M Msrrlsoa et. ART EMPORIUM. PBOPBSSOB B. MAX MEYER, 848 A Use. Portrait and landecana artist aad tsscbee. ACCOUNTANT. - ALEX. C. BAB. . - FTJBLIO, ACCOUNTANT. Sf Concord bldf. Pbons Msln S481. AUTOMOBILES. COVEY A COOK Motor Car Os, Washington Agents tor Cadillac. ersat Arrow sad tarsna-mryss machines rsatad. re pa bred snd stated. 1 8408. ARCHITECTS. B. B. Areblreet. MBNOKS,- lis ATTORNEYS. J. 8. WINCHESTER, attoroay-at-law, aotary public. 80 Wsshlnftoa hldf. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. txAiarW men e. wfwMAfte. n i , Blsafe book Bsaafsctarsrsi agents for Joses . Impraesd Loos Lssf ledgers; or tha Bow Bursas leaf, tha best or. tb msrhsc. BATHS-MASSAGE. Bbeomstlam cored by maseere by yoanf . msa lady. BfiStt Stark. 21-22 Tasoma He YOCNO lady glrss Tspor. slchbol and medicated baths. , Psrior ST, 268 H Stark st. MISS RAYMOND gteea bstbs and massage trestaneats. Tha Cosmos, 2flH Morrison aU TWO ladles glree be tbs aad msgnstla treet ments. also chiropody aad manicuring. 8244 Washington at., bet wees first aad llacond. SOUTHERN lady snd aashitnnt fte massage; - tub . and vapor baths. HOVt Foarth, oar. ; Wsshlnftoa.. MADAMB YASHT1 Turklf h and tab baths, trestmenta. 801 H Third st. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. B. BIRKBNWALD CO.. 80408 Larasst batahar supply brass a tha soest. BHTCHBRS' SCPPBTES Adolph A. Deknm, 181-188 rtret st., carries a full tins and com plete aeeortment et loweet market prices. CARPET CLEANING. TANDABD Carpet Cteealng Co.. largest pleat sa tha coast. Lorluf and Harding eta., tela. pboas East 80 Carpeta cleaned, refitted. sewer aad Is Id: both steam aad attest ceea - pruaid sir proceee; renoTsUnf Buttresses aad tsathsr a aposlalty. SANITARY aarpet cleaning, exsctloa aad soea srrasad air samblaedi carpet cleaned sa Soar wltheut romoeaL Mala 8684. Mala 8800, I. HUNTER, steam aarpet aad matti sea sleener. 6M Jeffersea. Phsa Mais 814. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST FOB A FEW DAYS ONLY. A SPECIAL 85 READING FOR 81. . ALWAYS CONSULT! TH B BEST. PROF. B. KHIMO. Oreateet Urtnf astrsl desd-trsnca clatr aoyant of the age; ADVISER ON BUSINESS AND ALL AFTAtBS OF LITE; whom yo will marry, how to central tha owe yoa lore, sees though alias away; reunites tbs Sep aratsd; glres secret powers to control. I will do all e there sdeartles to do. and a 'greet desl more. THB ENTTBB WORLD HAS BEEN STARTT.ED WITH THB POW ERS OF THB UNSEEN FORCES 1 HAVB AT MY COMMAND, and I peer It to yoa with out prlc by glTtng tou a , FREE TEST FREB - by bsTlnf your NAME TOLD (IN FITLL, JUST WHAT TOO CAMS FOR. sad flea radrlcs sbsolntely FREE before yoa decide hers a reading. WHO CAN OR WILL DO MORS TO CONVINCE THB SKEPTIC! , DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY. AS IT . WILL NOT BB OFFERED TO YOU AGAIN. PROF. B. KHIMO, Permanently Located In His Own Home. HOURS. 10 TO S. DAILY AND SUNDAY. No. 868 Fifth at., sornsr Msdlsoa at. etar A see mtwna mt i iy1 oriental clairmrant. psychic, palmist. Createst sdelssr sa lore, buelness, marriage, dlToreo, law, Iseeetmentt; all rsrsalsdi tell erectly what yoa com for, asms, sga. se en pet Ion; whom, when yoa merry develop magnetism, good luck, powers of aecret con trol, cure sll aermus discs see. weak habits, restore . lost vitality, locates - tre satire by spirit pswuT, develops medians. Nlhlo'a Egyptian art 'makes him mora successful tbsa any other mystic worker. Lots or health. PBOF. WALLACB. Th Ooemoa, BMh Morrison. ' Be tela gifted Baa. He call yew by name. He tells your peat, present and future. Telia yon whs ars ysor friends, an. Blea. rivals. Hs know at ones what yoa called tor. Tell who and when 'yoa will marry. Hs telle yoa everything. The greatest Urlnf clairvoyant spiritualist aad palmist rsada for 80s. ' SEE HIM TODAY! REMEMBER THB PLACE. MMB. EINOA. Egyptian ssrresa, medium, pslmlst, clairvoyant, heeling through psychic , tmwsr, rlstrvoysnca developed to otbera; read inf dally, SO snd ap; every one goes away satisfied: no circles ant II further notice; ' permanently located. BMM . Morrison, Co t moo, aver Boysl bsksry. SL'CCESS. SIKX'ESS. SUCCESS. Don't fall In consult tha wonderful sue rsssfal clairvoyant, traaca asdlum, mental healer, Helen Annnvs) this week a vsmabls ' secret Included with a 81 reading, wblrh i'fuersntsea success la every undertaking eon , rem Inf your fntnra life: readings from 10 s. a. tn 8 p. a.: pslmlstrv reedlnrs IV; open Hnndays till 8 p. m. 17 West Park St. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. BVERDINO A FARRELL. prsdacs snd sera Ble at on merchant 140 rront St., Portlaad, Or. Pbons Main 17. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. WASHBURN A FLOYD Carpenters. Joiners end asrtlax work. 88 8th at, Bhaaa Psdds 81 OA CLEANING AND DYEING. CLOTHES cleaned snd nr 81 per hlagton Unhius Tailoring Co., 34T Wsshbii B. W. TURNER, profeae tonal dyer sad OH Jeffereon et. Pbons- Meln 8618.' COLLECTION AGENCY. DOKS ANYBODY OWB YOU MONEY? WB COLLECT BAD DEBTS OR NO CHARGE. CITIEENS' LAW A COLLECTION CO.. CIT1- ' BENS' BANK BriLDINO. ROOM 15, 122 Vs GRAND AVE, PHONE EAST 8W88. CAFES. THB orriCB fS WsshbiftoB sLMphoa stsla TT1. Samuel Vlgneui. ' CHIROPODISTS. CHIROPODY AND PEDICURING. . Mrs. M. D. Bill. Suit L SeUlng-Htrecb Bldg. Pedoe 188. C0AL AND WOOD. ROCK SPRINGS COAL COMPANY. For genuine Bock Springs Coal, cheapest ciesneac cuai on ins ausrsei, pnono ssaa aou. 388 Esst Morrlsoa t. . ' Known s 0.8)B. DAVIS COAL CO. ALB1NA FUEL CO. Dealers la aordwood. anal and green snd dry slsbwood. B. R. anal Alblaa see..- 8 blocks asst sf ferry. Bast 874. STEEL BRIDGB FUEL CO. Peelers la oosl, aordwood sod dry slsbwood. Pboo Bsst 424. OB BOON FUEL CO. AU kinds of coal aad wood. 884 Alder st. Phoaa Mala 88. BOX sad planer wood. Standard Wood Co. laasdlsU delivery. Phone Bsst SSIA DRY stovewood already split, fl.TS pr load. Phone Pacta 1422. B. Hansen. Blf load. , , THB PORTLAND FUEL CO.. Successors to C. B. DAVIS FUEL CO., ' Phone Esst 88. 2S7 B. Morrlsoa at. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE crockery snd glssawsrs. PresL Hegele A Co.. 100 to 106 Fifth, eor. Sterket. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. M. A- OUNST A CO DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS. PORTLAND, OREGON. DRESSMAKINQ. OUR price only halt what other charge, work ths very beat, styles tbs Istsst. Angeles' ' Dressmaking Parlors, 4S Fifth. Pacific 98. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. PACIPIO ELECTRIC CO. Engineers, contrac tors, re palera, electric wiring, supplies. 04 First, aor. Stark. Mala 868. B. H. late. mgr. WESTERN BLBCTBIO WOBKS. 81 Sixth St. Contractors, electric supplies, motors snd dynsroos; w Install light snd power plant. EDUCATIONAL. TO OPEN SEPT. 1 "Ths Walton Priests School" for young children In sges between 8 and 14 years. Vocal snd Instrumental fnnale , given to sll pupils capable of carrying esms. Piano Instructions after method puraood la "The College of Muriel- Cincinnati. He el tale held every two month to show prof n la school branches, -elocution aad music. Tha course of Instruction given by experienced araduste of a well-known saltern college, , X. ... .hi. I Amrm 1 1 HI I toe r ipniaujr, .iiwi .... t, ..H.n the beet. Pbon Pacific 8480. 804 Jackson m. FURNITURE "FACTORIES. OBEGON FurnltUT Maaufictorlnf Company Manufacturers at furnlturs far tb trad. - Portlaad. Orsfoa. FURNITURE manufacturing aad special orders. ' L. Ruvenaky's furnlturs fsctory, 8T0 Froat st. FURNACES. BOTNTON warm-atr Turnscea ears fueL I. 0. Bayer Forasea Co.. 868 Becond. Msla 481. - DBYHOU8B HEATING PIPES, msds to ardor by J. Losll. 818 Jefferson: Phone Pacific 1424. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRB A IBON WOBKS M8 F land ere at., our. Third. Phoaa Mala 8000. EAST PORTLAND FENCE A WIRB WORKS, ISO Esst Water t. Pboo East Szt, GROCERS. VADHAMS CO.. wholes la grocers, menu fsctnrsra and eommlaakia asrehsats. Foarth and Osk st. til rM M LEWIS, commission snd nrodm chants. Froat and Davis sta.. ror nana, ur, STEIN A WATNB Jobbers aad wbolessl grocers. Sop Second St. GASOLINE ENGINES. STATIONARY snd marln: "Uttl Special" Caolin lasBch. 185; ascend -sasd atsctrt iscbee snd hulls. ' " RE1ERSON MACHINERY CO 188-4-8 Morrlsoa st. HOTELS. THE BELLEVUE Fsorth sad Sermon: nice clean i week a moath. Psdflo 1106. by day. HOTEL Portland. Amarlcaa plsa; S3. 88 psr day. BELVEDERE; Earopssa laa:4th aad Alder sta. HOOD HOTEL Rooms 80c ap; rate by week or moath; oat -of -town trade solicited. SSb Sixth St.. 8 blocks' from depot. HAT FACTORIES. BATS Cleaned, blocked, mad like new for B0c expsrt Panama bleacher. 84 Third, nesr Pine. Branch. 824 First. Pacta 18. HAY AND GRAIN. B. U COOPER A CO. Potatoes, feed Sour. 128 Union ere. Pbon Esst 161T. HARDWARE. Portlaad Hardwar On. solicits opportunity ta quota prices. T4 Sixth st. Pacific 468. INSURANCE. Q.eSiiei ISAAO te WHITE. Ars hldf. lasorsnss. 808 Oakaa IAS. Mrf. WOOD, smplnyara' UaMHty snd la dividual aeddenl surety bonds of all klads, : Phoa AT. 808 McKsy bldf. IMPROVED firs alarm ervtc reducee Insurance rates; eee tbs National Automatic Firs , Alarm company, t. M. Batchelor. president, 804 McKsy bldf. THB German-American Fir In. On, of New York, aft psylnf 8. F. kwsss. ha $ll.0Of. 000 sessts, Johnson, Wells A Co., a rente. 80S Chamber of Commerce. Pbon Psclfle 2410. . LAND SCRIP. WANTED AND 'FOR SALE land scrip all kinds. Including spprnved forest re serve snd railroad scrip, for surveyed, noeiirveytd. tim bered prslrls government land. H. M. Hamil ton. Ths Portlsnd. Portlsnd, Oregos. MACHINERY. THE H. C. ALBEB CO. Second hand ma chinery, sawmllla. sta. 848 Grand avs. B. TBENKMAN A CO. Mining, sawmill. Inf- tng msrbjlneryi hydrsnlle pipes, csstlaf 1 all Inds repaired. 1"4 North Fourth. MUSICAL. EMIL TUIEI.HOBN, pupil sf SEVCIK, violin learner. Studio 101 Blxtb. Tel, Msla 808. PIANO-TUNING, repairing, refltrlehtnf and rllahlng; eatlme'lea flVear -tohneou. Witter porter. 878 Third at. Pbon I'aclfio tril. MONUMENTS. KEIJ A (IN(iSLEY. X Flrat st , Pertlsnd I lasdlaa rnsxbls tad 8'UUt work. FINANCIAL LADD TTXTOsT, BABXXE8 (Eftnlltahsd la 1868.) -Tisaisasts AenereJ Banking Bustnses. Collection mad at TI point sa tovsr. able tsrms. Letters sf credit leaned svallabl la Earops snd sll points In tbsColte Stataa. Sight Exehsnge aad Telegraphl Trsnafers sold oa Now York. Waehlnaton. Chlree. St. Louie, Denver, Oiasha, Ssa Fraodaco aad Montsns snd Brltlah Colombia. Exobaafs sel Londoa. Paris. Berlin, FTsnhfort. Hongkong. Yokohs ms. Manila snd Honolulu. M MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANT, POBTLABD, 0RE0OB. .-e J. FRANK WATSON President I R. L. DURHAM...... TW"fr'!t B. W. HOYT... Csshler GEOBGB W. HOYT AsslstsBt Csshlsr Transacts a Beasral Banking Bualness. DrsfU snd letters of Crsdlt laeued AvslUbl ss All Psrts of tbs Wsrld. Collections a Specialty UBITXD STATES VATIOBAX, BANK OF FOETLAND. 0BE00B. ; v . ' ' Northwest Corner Third snd Osk Street. ' . 1 .mv Trsuanots a wsasrsl Baakhif Bualness. DRAfTS ISSUED A Tillable is ATI ,Ctnes tb United Ststen iu Earops, lisngkoug sad ManlU. Collaylloaat Msds oa FavsrsMs Terma. Prssldeat J. c. A1NSWORTH I Caihler. B. W. SCBM"" Vice freer de at v. ,sjA BARNES AaaUtant Caehler W. A. BOLE Aaelatast Caihler , A. M. WRIGHT BANKERS' A LOTCBIBJIEK'S BANK Pertland. Orsawa. Corner Seoosd and Stnrk etreets. Coaamerrlal and savings deportment. Tntcreet paid oa savings accounts. Drafts ssd . . J"ers sf credit Issued available In sll part of th world. Opes Sstardsy STenlnge from J. sooommodstloa sf customers. C PELTON President f E. ft MEANS.. , ....Csehlef rj?"!? gOTHCHILD... Flint Tloe-Preeldent H. D. STOREY .......Aoststsat Caihler eOHN A. KEATING.. ..Second Vlos-Prealdent ( rLATT A PLATT., ...Graeral Couneel THB BARK OF CALITOBNIA Xatabllahed 1884. Bead Offoa. Baa Frsnome, Oallfaraa. .Capital paid ap .84.000.000 I Surplus snd ondlvtded profits. . . .88 J1?1J - . A Gensrsl Banking and Exchange Bnslnea Transacted. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, 'ntsrsst sa ttms ds posits. Accounts opened for sums of 810 snd upward. Portlaad Brsncb Chamber of Commerce BsUdlng. WM. A. MACRAB.:,.. I I T. BURTCHAELL....-..Ass1stsat Msasgsr JIBST NATIONAL BANK 8F BOBTLAWDOKEOOK. . t'" ' Dsslgnsted Depository snd Aaelatast Caahlaf ..W. C ALVO&D Second Asslstsnt Cashier B. F. STEVENS Letters of Credit Available la Enron nd the Eeetem State . J,t BxchiBfe and TelegTaphle Tram fere sold on New York. Boston. Chicago). St. Louis. St. Panl. Omsbs. Sen Frsnclsen snd tbs prloclpsl point . la the Northwest. ' l-:--V Sight and ttms bllu drawn lasuma tnsult ea Loodna, Part. Berlin. yrankffe'l-on-tbe-Mile, BBf keof r- Yokohama. Copenhagen. Chrlstlanls. ' Stockholm. St. Peterabm-f. Moscow. Enrich. TRUST COMPANIES. POBTtAND TBTTBT COMPAJTV OF OBEOON "Ths Oldest Trust Com assy ta Orsa-asu" RESOURCES OVER l,T60.0O0.00. General banklnf. Erchsnga on all psrts of ths world. . SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. Tims csrtlficstee, 8 to 4 per cent: short cell speclsl rtfl Mtsa, 8600 or ever. 814 to 4 per cent. Call for booh of "ILLUSTRATIONS." SourWst Corner Third aad Oak Streets. Pboo Private Exchange TB. BENT. I. COHEN President I H. f. PITTOCK... Tlca-Prealdeat B. LEB PAGET... ....Secretory I e. SEOTnUTT SAVINGS TBTTBT COMPART 888 Msrrtooa Street, Psrtlsad. Orsgea. Traaaasta a Oaasrsl Bsnhtna Baslnss. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Intersst Allow a Time and Saving Account!. Acta aa Trust for Eatitee. Drafts aad Lsttsrs at Crsdlt A Tellable la All Parts of tha World, ' 0. f. ADAMS,.,...... Prcslds-nt I L. A. LEWIS ..First Vtco-PreelAeot A. L. MILLS. ....... ..Second Vic Prmldent I B. O. JUBITB Becretsry , GEO. F. RUSSELL Asslstsnt Sscrstsry THB MORTGAGE OUABABTEB TBU8T COMPANY BANK, ' .. Trsnssets a General Banklnf Business. Interest Psld on Tim Deposits. Ssvtna ' Department; 4 per rent Interest allowed, compounded quarterly. . CAPITAL v 8100.000.00 . W. WATEBBUBT... Preeldsat I C. W. MILLER Wis-Ptasldeal . S, LOGAN HAYS... i.: state nt Secretary . , . Elks' Temple, Seventh snd Stark Streets. Phone Main 184. Open Saturday Kvralnf S t B. NOBTHWESTEBN OTABANTEE TBTST COMPANY Portland. Orsgea. . Lumber Exchange. S. E. Corner Second and Stark - Street (eeoond 8oor). . .'-'. FISCAL AGENT FOB CORPORATIONS, tat,- Donaty, Munldpsl snd Corporatlna Bouds Bought and Sold. New rntsrprlsss srf aalasd aad financed. Stocks snd bonds guaranteed. TITLE BUABABTEB A TBTTBT COMPANY 840 WABHTNOTOH JTBXET. MOBTGAOB LOANS sa Portland Reel Bststs at Loweet Rates. Tltlee Ineurrd. Abstrsets FartHsbsd. , t. THORBTJBN ROSS. ............ .President 1 GEORGE H. BILL Vice-President ! BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. M OXBIS BBOTHIBS. Cbambss f Oammaro Muni-ftps!, rallrosd and DOwTrTBG-HOPXIKS CO MP ABT Establish sd . STOCKS. BONDS. 0 BAIN Bought Prlvata Wires. BOOM d CHAMBER THE J. C. LEE CO MP ANT 18-80 Lafsyatbs Brokersgs Department 1 See TTa Before Buying or.BslUnf Stock o verteck. Starr & Cooke Co. M r,TuTrtL BAnr, PB0TTSI0V8. COTTON. STOCKS AND BONDS. ' WE BO A STRICTLY COMMISSION BUSINESS. . Contlonoaa Marksta by Prlvat Wire. Quick Service. REFERENCES LadS A Til too. Bash. era, snd United Ststsa Nstional Bank of Portland. , - LOUIS' J.: WEBE MUNICIPAL SCHOOL AND CORPORATION B0NBS- Blf bast Rsturns ta lairator C nalatent WHh Absoluts Safety. PORTLAND A NOBTHWESTEBN BOMB TELEPHONE A TELEGRAPH SEOCBTTIXB, MONEY TO LOAN. AN BAST-MONET PBOPOSITION Mosey la ssay to gst If yoo know where to get it. W bar ready money st all times, snd yoa esn get It oa your wiser! 810 to 1100, oa bsst tsrms aad at lowsat "wa leaa an tha aasy payment plan the plan that helps yoa and gets yoa rat of debt. Too get tbs eneb, sll yaw ssk for, snd rspsy la amounts yoa caa annvsalsatly apar '' MCba7dor'Bot 81 papers, rcfulr ao In dorse re. bo reference to friend or employer. Open Toe, and Sat. evenings until S a clock. Button Credit Co. SIS 5th Boor) Dcham bldf. Ob improved ciiy property wr ror i'"'" purposes, for from I to 10 years' time, with KITliegu u rrymr - s yeam. Leans approved from plane sad mossy advanced aa building progresses; aortgsges taken op and replaced. FRED B. STRONG, Financial Afnt ' 842 Stnrk st. THE STAB LOAN CO. Any salaried employs, wige-earaer, caa fet aa his mots, without mortrage . Month. H Month. Week. f-W 00 Reney ta a 81J.J8 or BJ.50 or 88.M 826.00 Repay to es 6 6 85 or 6S 88 or 81.68 816.00 Bepsr ts us 8 4.00 or 82.00 or 11.00 ' HO McKsy bldf. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS aa salaries Insoraac policies, pianos, furnlturs, war-Sou ee re 'cslpta. etc.: sny derarnng parson may secure a liberal advance, repaying by y weekly or monthly Installments. , , NEW ERA LOAN A TBUST COMPAKY. 905 Ablngtoa bldf. BEADQTJARTER8 FOB SALABY LOANS Moosy caa b borrowed oa eev psymmt Blsa. loweet rates: strictly confidential. CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 4 Mobawh hldf, eor. Third and Morrlsoa. MONEY to loss on real, personal snd eollstsrsl security: spsclsl sttwtloa to cbsttel moct fages; note bought. C. W. Psllst, 8044 ' Fsntoa bldf.. 84 Sixth at. MONEY, ta nan .en Clackamas county leads. E. F. aad F, B. Riley. 808 Chsmbar t Com- LOWEMT rate n furniture snd pianos Esst era Loan Co., 448 Sherlock bldf. PsclSe 8118. MONEY tn ka oa all kind of eeurlty. William Hon, worn 8 Waablng too, bldf. TO LOAN Sums to nlt oa chattel security. B. A. Frame. S14 ths Msrquam, MONET loaned salstied people oa not; cbesp. , rat re tes. F. A. Newton. 424 Ablngtoa bldg. MONEY LOANED ATS PER CENT ' On dlsmonds. watcbee and Jewelrv 1 PORTLAND LOAN OFFICE. T4 THIRD ST. HAVE ssversl thousand dollsrs which I will loan at 8" psr cent interest oa good rcurlty. J. Prank Porter. 222 Wsshlnftoa at., eontb- . weet eorasr First. - LOW BATS on furniture etc.; strictly ran. SdentiaL Bona 22S FUedner bldf. Pacific 8868. - MONET ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE. And others upon their sw usmss without security; chespest rites, ssslsst payments; office In dp principal ertles;- esvs yourself money by retting- our terms nvst. TOLMAN. 28 Ablngtoa bldg., 100S4 Third st PRIVATE money to loan near city at reason, able rate. Hoi Bloom. .t5 Chamber Commerce, OPTICIANS. 1. CHAMBERS ' OPTOMETRIST, - Vteloa Sdentiacslly Cnrracwd, 12 Seventh Stmt. DR. OEO. BI'BENSTEIN in, i rem be Utsst st. ' reliable eptlcla; If Ii Ik glasses gajuaiM ny ins eclsutlne aa- pllsnces. inn rourie PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. F. K. "BEACH A CO. Ths Pioneer Paint Co. window glees gad ftaslof. 186 First St. Phone Vtto. RUBBER STAMPS. P. C STAMP WORKS, teP Alder St.. pbnns Math 710; rubber stsmns. seal, ttenellar bagfags, Usd fbcki Had tot etakSa ha, 88. y BANKS.' r financial Afsat of the United State. s O. OOLTRA ..Asststast Secrettry JNO. E. ATTCHTSON ., Secret sry I T. T. BURKHART. ...Trsssursr ' Bldfe- ' ' V - ' public ervlce rjorpnrotton bond. 1808 BBOKIBB, and Bold for Cash sad a Margia. of COMMERCB. Phoa Mala ST. Bldf.. Pertlsnd. Orsgso. H. W. Donahne. Manager. or Bonds. Caa Always Bars Tow Moasy. 8. d ad 8 La Fayttto bldf.. oar. Blxtb and Wash. Sts. Portland. Orsfoa. . . DIVIDEND BANK AND JSIOCIS CORPORATION a OSTEOPATHIC . PHYSICIANS. DB. " ABNOLD ' LINDSAY, fraduat of th Oatrapatblc college of Klrkavllle, Missouri, wb la a specisiiai on rneumaasm, stomsca sad all female dtemss. OITlc 410 Fslllng bldf., corner of Third and Washlaftoa sta. DRS. ADIX A NORTHRUP. 415-18-1T Dekum bldfv. Third .sod Washlaftoa - at, Phoa Msln 80. ExsmtnatloB free. PRINTINO. THB MODERN PRINTER Y A rtlstfs printing. 28 Russrl bldf,, Foarth and Morrlsoa). Phoa Psrlfic 1626. , ANDERSON A DUNIWAY COMPANY, print Inf, lithographing, bis ah boohs. Pboo Mala IT. ns Alder et. PLUMBERS. DONNERBERO A BADEMACHEB. ressovsd ss No. 808 BuTBSlda at, . FOX A CO., sanitary plan) here. 81 Be road bet. Msla sad Salmon. Oregon Phoa Msla 8001. FINNIGAN BBOS. A CO.. 24 Third St. phoa Mela toOO. Plumbers sad heatlnf sngtsasis. ROOFINO. TIN ROOFING, guttering, repairing and general jobbing. I. Losll. 812 Jsffersoa at. Pec. 1424. STREET PAVING. THE Barber Asphalt Pavlnf Co. af Portlaad. Office 866 Worceeter blk. WABREN Construct loa Co., e treet pavlnf. aid wslks snd crossings. 814 Lumber Exchange. SAFES. DIEBOLD Manganese and flrenroof safes; sue ceseful progrsss sga I net borglsr sad fir; lock, rat opened. Mr. Super, mechanical expsrt with J. E. Dtls. 88 Third. Pboo 1666. EIGHT secondhand fireproof safes aad two eeoond -hand bank safes for sals cbesp, at TO Sixth St.. Portlsnd. Or. SIGN PAINTERS. GOLD SIGNS, window Istterlng, cloth benners, economical electric signs snd signs of all klnda mad quickly. Footer A Klclasr, Fifth sad Evsrstt. Phoaa Eichsngs 68. W. P. BERGEB A SON. 84 Yamhill st. Signs of all hinds. Pbons Pselfio 2232. 'SKINS THAT ATTRACT A. H. Bos I Co., 2S7 Stark st. Phon Psrlfic 1606. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCA8E8 of svevy dsscrlptlon) bank, bar and star fixtures msds to order, Th Lath Mnu(cturlnf Co., Portland. B. H. BIRDSALL, designer; agent M. Winter Lumber Co.. T Hamilton bldg. Mala 6380. TRANSFER AND HAULING. SAFES, piaaea and furniture moved, parked ready for sblpplnf sad shipped; all work fuersatscd; large, S-ry brick, are-proof warehouse far storsgs. Office 80S 0h St. C M. Olaaa. Phoa Msla 84T. THB BAOOAGB A OMNIBCS TBAN8FEB CO., cor. Sixth aad Oak tai baggags cheehea from hotsl or resldeaea direct to dsarlaatloa; Bssssafsra therefore avoid rash aad aaaay. ': a sc. st depots. Prlvata Exehsafa 88, 0. O. PICK, o flics 88 First t between Stnrk and Osk sta, pboas 808; pianos aad furaltar Stored snd psrksd for shipping; sommodloo pries wsrenonss wiia sapsrsw rsa Froat aad Clay sts. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 184 North Sixth. Phon Main 88. Heavy haaliaf aad storage. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY, No. 800 M Wash lax toa et. Phoa Mala 88S. CTT rstea on household coed ta all rest; ws neks ap carloads ; speclsl room for trunks whlls waiting. Oregon Aute-Despeleh, 18 First, st. Phsns Mala TIB. INpOeNDKNT BAGOAQB A TRANirBB C. Btursfv 824 (talk St. Mats 80T, i . TYPEWRITERS. BEW tynswiltsrs. Q mshss. reated. old and epelreu. usass agsosy, sai aiars. Tel. lain. TELEPHONES. THB only axelustv ulepbsas-hooss. B.-B. Slectric ei 'leiepsKsno aasnuincsurins; soss pany. 88 Fifth St. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brash, snap, , 81 Pr moath. Portlaad Laaadry and Towel I Supply C.. Ninth aad Orach. Phoaa 410, WELLDIGGING. WELLDIoaiNO Oeocge Boblnaoa. St. Johns. WINDOW SHADES. GALB WINDOW SHADB CO- 87 Salmon St., Cam aad (aacy snsoeu mene so inuos as wsst price. Pboo Msla 6679. TRANSPORTATION. ColurabiaRiverScenery ReujatorJJta THE EXCTTRSIOH 8TBAMBR "BA1XBT OATZERT" maka round trips to CAS CADPJ LOCK8 avary' Sunday, learlnf PORTLAND It I A m., return lnf, ar rives 8 p. m. Dally aarvle bst ween ' Portland and Tha Dallea axespt Sunday, isavlna Port land at T a. tn.. anivlna? about Id. m.. carrylnf fralf ht and passanfors. Bplan did aocommodatlona tor outfits And llvcatook. dock tool of Alder atrvat. Portland; foot of Court atraaU Tb Dallas, Phon Alain U. PortUaL . , Li raotasrt tko BUtsuj Tb only stokmboat opaklnf a round trlj - BAX&T ' Exeant Sunday Batwaan PORTLAND and ASTORIA sUTO WAT POXBTTB Lava Portland. ............. .TrOO av ra. Aniva Astoria, .,..h. 1:S p. m. Iaw Astoria.,.. ..........t .1:88 p. m. Arrlv Portland i:oa p. m. AfieJ,S BERVXD A IeA CARTH crtland Irandlair, AUda Btraat IhowB. Astoria TndlBf. Oallandav Book. B. B. BCOTT. AfnL Phona Mala 88S. ALASKA FAST AND POPCLAB STEAMSHIPS . ; v ' ; .. basa Ssatll : . ' ', "nrmLtoTK,- Aagost a. - " "SOLPHUT," Aofaat 11.. ... - - - . - CALLING AT . . ' ' Ketchikan. June. Douflaa.' Balnea. 8k a g wsy, CosnecU with W. P. .A Y. routs for , AtUa. Dswsoo. Taaaaa, Noma, sta. For All Soutbssstara Alaska Ports. V CaU or send for "Trip to Wonderful Alaska," "Indian Bsaketry." "Totem Pom." THB AJASXA B, B. 00. : Fraak Wlobiay C Agesta. -Btt Osk at. . . . Portlsad. Or. North Pacific Sa Sa Coy! Popular S. S. Roanoke 2,500 tons, the only first : class steamship carrying passengers to but rrancisco, Los Angeles and Eureka. Sails Thursday, August 16, August 30, September 13, 8 p. m., from Columbia dock No. 1. Ticket Office 132 Third, near Al der.Phone Main 1314 - H. YOUNG, Agent. OTrrEXABTEBsT ALASKA ROUTE. From brattle at 8 p. a. far Ketchikan, Junssa, Skag way, Whit Bursa, Dswsoa and Falrbsnhs i S. 8. City of Seattle, Anf Bat 10, 20, 80. S. S. Humboldt. Aofaat a, 14, s. S. S. Cottaf City (Tla Sitka). An rust 11, 2a, BOMB BOUT , B. S. Senator sbout Angust IT, TOR BAB FBAX0U0O DIRECT. ' From Seattls at 8 a. s. City at Psrtlsad Off los. 848 Wsahlairtaai St.. MsJa 881 . M. LEB, Pass, A Ft. Act. C. D. BUN ANN. O. P. A. Ssa FraachK. Erie Railroad TO SHEW TOBat ABTO BOBTOBT ABsC AJTT tlODT AABBT. YOU HAVE TO KEEr YOUR : HOUTH SHOT YOU SEE Or, If You Don't, You May Swal low' Millions of Naughty, Lit-7- tie Typhoid Fever Germs. ; Kp your moath shut when you'r swimming. , Don't splutter and cuxala Just to mak noufh nolaa to turn tha ya of th spectators upon you. For you may swallow sovaral hun dred thouaand typhoid terms every time you take In a mouthful of river water. The ferma are small and 1,000,000 wouldn't choke you. Perhapa you cab swallow several mouthful without fottlnf more than a dosen larmt, snd then again one littre . alp' may let A multitude Into your inside. . The Willamette river has got Its full share of typhoid germs, for the fever haa been felt In a number of point along the valley thla year. . Most of the sewage finds Its way Into the Willam ette sooner or later. There' no danger of catching typhoid fever from swimming, If you keep your mouth shut. ' The state board of health has called attention to this fact and also to th danger of drinking th water of th Co lumbia. . Typhoid fever naa been fre quent thla eeaeon around Pendleton And Walla Walla and the old Columbia 1 not free from contagion. It haa bean dlBpovared that liver water Is used for drlnkrng purpose regularly on th steamboat plying on th Columbia and tepa are being taken to have this prac tice stopped forthwith. RARE CHANCE TO TRAVEL t mwanmwmauB Tiy ' Eeow, JVoag-Tbna, BVramd-Trla leketa Tha O. fA. BT. v Auguat T, S, . and September 8 and 10 th a R. A N. aelU very low, long, time, round-trip ticket ta eastern point. Particulate by calling upon C W. Stinger, city ticket Sgent, Third And Washington streets, Portland. The etrrralathaa ef Tk fevaovl Sa PorUaad aad ta Oragoa eaoead that mt amy tAs Orexa awiBwa, , ' . - sfwaf4,. - V : ill C'nrrr 1" JwaaWi-a s AicaUHiorfpAiciri Trains to the East Daily 3 vuiuasa wisueisiw ana tsssrms siein laaveoM e. ,i n. . - WhM-a.-i.T, W "Tsnw7"c. -I thsEsst dalijr , hsBi , laeata fr a nSHT JP?-- '' ": ' : ' ' Lea va. Arrlea, ' et ""-rimiiM apeclal go Sooka Hl"1nt'n. diy. 6 JO am 6300 sen rt'nftoB. Wgrnr Walls. T . ' "" 07wllF"' d'AWae a.d ' c. T N"7",ers point., dally. 8:18 pa B.0sa aiiawrle Rrnress foe th Bsst ' S" """". d.llyrT... .7S:lB pa T.Um JIasd-Bi,n keel, for sN . - . T,rr" sad-,' EWxaaV-defiv. . TS-INsw. do pes POLrrMBIA BITER DITISION. ' war pnrnrs; naarmia w SV"TT Tlwaew snd North Beach), atesses a oeut 5 m MMMe aMS.. TAMBTLL ' BtTEB BOOTB. ' -' mdi t-iix sou xsmniii ' 5 stsamsr Ruth snd Modoc. Aak-et.' dee. mltMnlv'- miS'"T:" S.ndev 8ud.;: " - I SNAKE KTTRR ROUTE. ml . mm'i way ennu nwa JW.ab. steamers Speksaa and Lewie- No. i a. : " L . " 1 JT. . 221 dstl sicjpt FrMev. rncs. Tbsra. and Wsablaftna at. . . Telenhooe Main Ylf. , 1 mm ' . . . . " ' eiVOO, V1V X1CSTSS SUPeOX. , Wa. McMCBBAY, General Pasaangs Agsat- SOUTH Obion rii iioii . iMia. , aill Ovsrlsnd . Expeess Trstna v ... ' ior aaiem, Rosebarf, Ash. . UBd, Sacramento. Ogdea, , . i, . . ,1 ' Baa -Fraaclsco, Stock too ' "i '. Lea Aafolsa, Bl Pass. New Orlesns aad th neat 8:4I pag 58 pay Morning train connects at Wsodbora dally except Sunday with train for . ; . ' " . "''. Mount Angel, Sllvsrton. " ' ' Brswnsvllls. Snrlngfisld. . Wendllnf snd Nstron.. 8:30am . T:29 aar nsweo peeaenger - son- v neeta at Wondbura with . ''. . Mount Anssl sed xlltw. tm local 04.1 pes tr);B ea Corvsllhi neeeenrer. ev-eA mm ea:iupm Sheridan paaaenger. ...... trfiOpa -. :! Forcer Grove no Monger. . fnmn box 1!s:nu sa -wsiiy. "Oenv eveent wunfley. TEFFERSON-STREET STATION. For Dallss snd Intcrmodtsts nolnts dstlr T:89 a. m. aad 4:18 p. m. Arrtvs Portlaad 10:10 , a. m. and 8:80 p. m. ror nsse a so eara or rnrwof o snnvmsa xrara apply at City Ticket Office, or eta Moo. - Tickets to Eaatern points snd Euros! slaa lapsn. Cblnr. Honolulu and Ana tea lis. City Ticket Office comer Third aad Wash rsftoa streets. Phsa Main 71 S. 0. W. STINGER. Wa. -MeMTJRRAY. City Ticket Agent. ' Gen. Pees. Ages. TIME CARD OP TRAINS Poirtluncls Lssvs. . Arrlva, Perk-Eassas City St. Lout SpsaUl f as Cbekslls, Centrella. Olya. . Rs. wrsys narnor. aouia d. Taenia. Sesttle, Sre kase, Lewletoa. Butts, Bl! Ung. Dearer. Omaha. Kan '! t sss city, nr. lmii una nouinuuec, usuv .......... 8J8am d:SS8s North coast Limited, eieo. rrle tlshted. tor Tscwena Seertle, Spoksas. Butte. Mlaocspons. til. rani sa tbs Bsst. deny t oo pa imm 4:80 pa 8:8 paf Puget Soand umitei, ror Cleresaont. Chshalhx, Cen- rreiia. Tscoma ess Beanie only, dally Term tliv express tot in. '.'.. . neerris. rmonene. t . - HeVes. Batte. St. Psnl. uianeeuolle. Lfncnla. St. Joespb Ksnsss City. Oma sa. Bl. - Keuw. w,nma ehansw of ear. Direct cow ,.-...'. . neeeloas for sll nwnbl i aet 4 pvwrnenee. nail v.. rr:enpwi l.un nea a.. A. CHANT. TON. Aeebrtast General .. asBfsr Agent. BnS Morrlaoa atasst, airssr Third. rnrtiaae. regnia. , , Astoria & Columbia . River Railroad Co. ' Bnma Desot '' ' - Lsavo, 'ajt. For slay rere, kalnlsr. CTsts.- ksnls, Westport. Cllftoa. ' ": ' , , - Astorls. WsrreotoB. 1s. , , el naaeaoad- Pert . Stev. ' ess. Gesrbsrt Park. Seaslds. 8:0 aa 11:88 aa Astsrls snd aenaaore. ex- ee daily xropa a:orwm "Portland-Seaside Fiver' Saturday saly msvea Portland 8:18 p. a. .. An trein aan. I. C MAYO. O. P. and P. A.. Artart. Of. C. A. STEWABT, Coaaerslal Agent, 848 AMsr strswt. TNC COMrOrTTASIX WAV. 2 Overksd Trails Csfly 2 Tha Oriaatsl tlmttsd. th Fast Mall" Via SBATTLB AND SPOKANE. , Dairy. Daily. Arrive, rwrrissfl liwre ew." To end from Spokane. , - St, Psul. Mlnnsspolls. Irslutb and all points ' Bast vts Seattle S:8tlaa tta 11)48 pa I Ml Tn and from St Panl. Minneapolis. Dulntb , . ' i nd n potata Bast -. vis Spoken S'tS pa aa Oraat Vorthsra Btsaaahtp Os, Santsf from Seattle for Janna and Chin sorts and Masfls, (arrylaf Baa. seagers ana rreigns. 8. 8. Dnkata, awptemher X S. S. Minseeota, Oetsbsr SO, flspsn Malt I tee en -Ms C.f B. S. Tes Mars will ssll ffow, Sesttle about Anxnst 18 f Jens "d Chins ports, earl J lnf aaeeenee bed e.ite For tlchetu. rstss. nevtl twine etc.. cell ea w ier . DICKSON. 0. P. T, A.. 11 T 8tn Fsrtlaad. anrsgew. v - S. S. F. A. Kill Far Cees Bsf, Buret sad Saa P Next enlllnf frea Portlasd, Tbsrad., Vxt H1nf froa Saa rra. laws Tb- - " r. u enr'novo" a- 0rswfc e l a. A II. I (ob12mm lajnysOMTtsTle! 1 UaBS ParTiea- a rllewntiM u