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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1906)
tiiz cr-icon suro.w jcu?j:.4j. rcaTLAinx Sunday. ::rrn:;G,juLV..n cj7 ? A TT, FlrTTTTiT -yrr I - 11 1 ' n v Ms -A 1 sy:.:23 Ciiiiii ire. r -Wt . iiii in i i i' f i i i ii ii i i . i m m Kiii-mB . rzx I I i . I 1 1 V v 1 ' 1 gLSNV2iO iLi ValJXeaa .a. -i-,- ike Whole Arm yj J0'7,4l' " Vl J Mrs. Symes Answers .to Correspondents, I WOULD Ilk I knew If yoa eould UU me something to nmOTt superfluous hair ml to white the trnuT . If tb superfluous hair you speak of I on your arms, peroxide of hydrogen will - anawsr botii . our querlea. It la a bleach, and will whiten the arma. It blamchaa Hair, making it almost InvUI hie; at least, mconaplcuou. . - -! A Good Freckle Lotion " - ' l would like to ask yoa for a good rem. . edy tor frecklee Will yoa state how much It would ooetT kL iou wing la a good lotion for the re ' meval of freckles. Have it prepared by ' your druggist. Commercial rates are - aaver quoted In' these oolumne. Lemon and Q-lf eerlna Lotion. ror Light Frecklee and Sunburn. ' CI trio add lemon. I drams: hot waten ' 11 ounces; Dorax, I drama; red rose pet- . els. 1 ounce, glreerlne, 1 ounce. blssolvethe acid and boras la the wa- ter; Infuse the petals for an hour; strain through a Jelly bag after twenty-four hour decant the clear portion and add toe glyoertne. 'apply cfton aa agreeable. Removing Superfluous Hair will yon kiafliy give me mo- punun atone treatment for removing up""""" . kalrT Doss almond make the hair grow r - 1 Pnmic Tnatmt&t for Bup-rfluoug )". . -it Hair.''-'':' Oet an ordinary i-eent eake of pomlee atone. This is not pumice soap, but the regular old-fashioned pumice "tone. To remove the hair, rub the skin JloJJ . with the superfluous growth, and the , pumice stone will wear The half oB I B careful not to be too herola and irritate . the skin Tin ease the arms are made red . by this treatment, hse ellttle The pumice stone ia best , weed at night before retiring. . jiv To what preparation ( almonda o wou refer T -t TV- 'v. f;..'.v y.;'. '- A Cure forBlackheads 1 T I have been a constant reader of year beauty column, and have received many benellts from the same. I wish to ask you If there l anything that will cure llackheads, with which my nose an chin., are """red. I have tried many creama, Cut without benellt. ' TROUBLK1X Lotion for Blackheads. ; nre brandy. I ounces; cologne, 1 eejneet - "17pl".rnrhra?t.r"wa7hlng' th. To Whiten the Skin I Would you P'ee enve ee a- recipe -Whiten the ekln and "." "'' , , reolpe that will not grow halrt at T. Buttermilk la ona of tha almpleat and molt effective remedlee that I know of for whitening the akin, Bath wltk it both before and after expos- -ura-to th eun letting miry n th skln. Thla wiU alao help to keep tha freckles away, but If theydo appear you can use any of th lotion 1 rec ommond without fear. . Tha honey and almond eream 1 very oftenlng in Ita affeot giving th vel vety feeling you ask for. ' .-.- . HoBy and Almond Crtaaa. t- - Honey, I ounce; white eoap In powder, H eunce; oil ot sweet almonds, U eunoes; oil ' of bitter almonds, W dram; oil of rnot, . dram i oU of elovee, f rope; sal- j i ear? o? I-eru. H dan liquid potassa, , M' the etle with the balsam, then ails , the honey with the euap In a mortar, add . enough, of the potassa to produro a Woe ,. cream, add this to the rst mixture aad , continue to beat until you have a thor ' eughly Inoorperated emoilleat, A Good Face Cream , ' 4 I would like M use a good fact areaov M ' " I l 1 r ... i Jo fJ,' '- i'?." : ... o ; . . i el -. .. one that will not cause any growth of sown on the fsce. I would like to try orange-Bower cream. Will you tell me where t obtala lit or have you thefoc- mulaf . MAROUERITK. ' orange-flower cream is a good aala . food. Following U the formula! : - ' . Orange-flower Cream. , ' -' tA-8kla rood.) Oil of sweat aimoads, i ounces; white wax, drams; spermauetl. f drams; borax, I drams; glyoerlne, 1U ounces; orange-Oow-er wtr, 1 ounces; oil ol nenull, IS dropsi ; oil of blgarade (orangs skln, li drops; ell ef iwtlt BTsIn, It dropa ' kfelt the first thiee Ingredients, add the ; Slyuerlne to the orange-flower water and Issolve the borsx in tbe mixture; then pour It slowly 4nte the blended fata, etlrrtng eoauaaously. . ... : ' Thin Arms r .-. . Will yoa kindly publua er -reolpe for fat- -, tenlng the armsr 1 exercise my arms a , grat deal, but It. doss not seem tp make . them eny stouter. ' - I have tmoliott faith In yoar remedlesi ' bavo tried many and find them very bene . eL TAITHFUU fry rubbing yoMP arm with almond oil every morn In;. Afnlght massage them with orange-flower cream, th a formal for which la riven la th an wr to "Marsuerlte.- - -See - Answer- to ''Marguerite' WIU you kindly publish la your depart- " meat the orange-Qower eream reulpef I here thla but have misplaced It. and ' , would thank yoa very much for same. READER. Be answer to "Marguerite' in thee olumna, . . : .' , - Wants Fluffy Hair Please publish the formula to make oily hair light and fluffy. I did have It. but lost IL ' aire CHI. , Lotion for Oily, Damp Hair. For greasy, moist hair the following la an excellent drying lotion. If used dall i v proouoe a eriepy eeaeiuoa Powdered bicarbonate of soda, borate , of soda (alee powdered), hi ounce of each, aau da eologna I fluid: ounce: aloo- bmuw, u aiianai .Buld ounces; tincture of cochineal, tt fluid ounoe: distilled water. II euacea nix m agitate aatu aoiuuoa la . aawisW' TTHE vogu of tha elbow sleev haa , . I . , created an Intense intareat la JL , f oraarm development For many . a woman discovered to bar coat that while aha bad been looking to tha " proper development -of thl part or" 0 that, aba had utterly neglected tha fore- - ' arm, with tha result that it was acraw. ; - U-nythin but beautifully rounded. ..-- -ft u. 'be Builr exerci recommend- . ; ad for forearm developmant, none ia ao ood aa tannla, piayea In moderation, however. Tennia anthualaata tboaa woman who ,-o In" for matchea-and -who play oonsisntiy are apt to over- tha Uti iStlt arm utt"rl elUn .wTot0.voom ct.' try baittlnv , . tha ball againat m convenient wall.uain tha raokat anUrely with tha left arm, i. and trying- to gat In all tha difficult 1 strokes, particularly the ones which go by the name of -back-arm strokes," and which consist in bringing the arm across 2 tha body and turning tha wrist, with a single, swift motion, ao that tha aame aide-of tha racket ia presented to tha ball aa for tha mora uaual strokes ott to tha aide. . : lua a exceedingly difficult' thing to do, aven with at he ngnt arm, but one of tha moat graceful aa well aa moat -, teiliug uua m tna game. Whea you first try It with tha left arm, your main exercise will be runnings alter the oalia you miss as they reoounU from your first straight atroke against ' tha wail. . But tha very movement of ' trying to atrlke tha baU la 'in itaelc enough of a tax upon tha muscles to make the development of the leu arm ' keep pace with that of the right. But . thie left-arm practice must ba " renglousiy kept up, a good puto being to do it for half an hour or ao every mora w. .- . ', .... ...... If you have no one to nlar with raw and tennia la one of those nnfortunata gamea for which you require 4n oppo-'.- nent of about equal skill try batting the ball against tbla wall with tha right arm, too. - . . . Incidentally. ' you'll be training your eye to follow the ball and gauge tha spot where it la likely to atrlke; your . wrist will strengthen and steady, ao that quickness of motion will ba a natursl consequence, and when you get a cbaneo . to play again you'll be surprised at tha , improvement In your own game. - r . , Ba careful how you stand while you ' are exercising, it ia very easy to get Into carelesa babita of standing, which are bard to overcome. In the game It self tha action la so rapid that there'a no time to stand badly; but when youa nearest approach to real- playing ia to . stand at one and of a long porch, or on , at brick or ground walk and bat the balla againat the wall, you atand almost con- atantly to one place. A good variation of the practice la to change your place of standing, being -one day as close aa it la possible to ba tt to get any leeway for your strokes (thle , , la good training for the part of "net . man" In doublea), tha next day getting , far a war aa rtu have Dower to nroD- " " " erly drive the balla, never atandlng two auccesatvo day tha aama distance away from the wall. , -r. i half-hour'a practice with each arm dally will work wonders by the and of a month or. two.-; v. ,. , Excessive , Perspiration , PleaLe let me know a remedy for excessive perspiration. Have been suffering with the awful disturbance aU my life. .- .. i- . : . UAMDBOMK. . Excessive perspiration usually Indt catee at nervous or run-down condition, and In auch Instances a tonle ahould ba taken to build up tua system. For e ternal treatment uae freely a good pow der, which will tend to preveut qverse. cretlon of tha sweat gUuxia. - Washing under tha arms night and morning with hot water and common brown kitchen aoap baa often proved most effective. Washing with cologne and water or al cohol and water In aqua parts la also helpful. Correct the I rritation jjrst . vt fc.i. hue -in for aulte a while. uri I have bean ualna a remedy, but It has started piracies to break out all over my head and has not stopped the hair from fail- Ing. Would you kindly let me know ihramk vour valuable column If vou caa ' help met . ' . McC. , You ahould first ' try to correct th pimple disturbance, tor th remedy you have been ualng baa evidently h-rltated tba akin. Olscontinue ualng th remedy ' and gently maasaga th ecalp at night with tba tip of the fingers. Then to . each pimple apply a vary little of tbla . cream: . ' . Foaaatl Cream for Pimple. : . Lanolin, S grams;' sweet almond n. I grami; aulphnr precipitate, 1 grama; oxide , of sine, tta gram, . extract o violet, 1 . drops.' " 'When they have been removed, ap- fily to the ecalp about twice a week a ittl vaseline, rubbed In with tha tip of tha fingers. Shampoo about every two week with pur castil aoap and warm water, Th vaaelln induce a pew growth and softens th scalp. When tha latter Is in a perfectly healthy ' , condition begin tb use of on of th hair tonics that ore frequently, pub lished In tbeaa columna. Waved Hair on Damp Days Do you knew ot anything that will positive- - ' rr keep a wave In tbe hair during summer months, damp weather, or at the seashore T ' Also, please let me know it the curllne le -. Injurious to the halrt si. i. H. Xne seashore, or very damp weather, la a pretty eevere trial for curia that are not natural, - However, you may Set good result from tb formula be iw. If "curllne" refer to th proprie tary article, I cannot recommend tbem, knowing very little of them. 1 can only assure yoa of the. safety of th for mulas in these columns, '" Solution to Kep the Hair Cwled. , ' Take of gum arable, t ounce; good, anolst' , sugar, M ounce; pure hot water, -plnt ' Llasotve. When this solution Is eold, add ' aleobol, t fluid ounces; bichloride of mar- . cury end salammonlao, ( grains each, The last two should be dissolved ia the aloo : hoi before admixture. iAatly, add enough Water lO oiaae MJW mfiwvwm h,mm, vh iiiuk. ferfume wita klo,H,.or.i;v,2!!tI ??.Ur- , . . L, vtrJli beiera -- Uy. papers or eurlera -., ..... ' alolaten 1IH nutting It la Walk Regularly fj L. t If it ia possible te da so, avoid edentary habit. - elucit ar often th cause of the trouble you mention, -Stand as much aa . you can without growing too weary, and make a spe cialty of walking. Walk two miles a day, or aa much mere a you can. pally applications of clear alcohol to th fleahy part will help to red use. See Answer Abovi ' TL Tour query la fully anwef4 an dr tb InlUala 'L L." . , , . , Articles Not Known CONSTANT READER Did you e;t "the remedy from tha peraon you men tion aa prepare irom in exact for mula published In these COlumnat' Otherwtaa I cannot recommend It. Alao, I cannot recommend the pro- prletary ' actlol yoa aMatloa- know- in- Bcthinc of Uea, v . ' ' ' ' ''.... fA tVri S - Stefan T . - SW - " y . ,i . .is 7 q v u nit - , . i i en It r: s ,t. I R Tv;. I " " . jr J I r a. A'fcj I 1 ri LNB of tha trouble which follow hard urjon tha 'heels of cummer. and la caused by tha ubiqultoua wearlnsv of numna and low shoes and allppera. ia that of overstrained anklea, which form th painful bsblt of turning suddenly and which are largely responsible for -tb rundown beela of ahoea. . A number of Ingvnloua little appli ance hav been Invented to overcome both these reaulta of wearing Idw ahoea. One for use when th ankle haa become : notioeably strained la mad ilk a tiny copy of th leg-guards cricketers wear, ( but fitted to th curve of th ankle, and . mad to strap on cloaely. Borne ot these auaie-oracee are even boned, to make i them resist, still more, th tendency of . the ankia to turn; but moat of them ar mad of a couple of thicknesses of stout canvas, atltched, to glv It even more body, and finished with leather trim mings. Yet so cleverly are the propor tions adjusted that even If a high aho ', ia worn over It there 1 no undue pres sure at any on point. - , ; - Even though, in extreme cases, th Wearing of such a- brae I to be ad vised, especially if you have to be upon , your feet a great deal, and even mors specially if your anklea turn apparent ly without th alighteat provocation (which ia tha 'trouble" In ita worst form), exercises ahould be taken regu larly tor tha purpose ot strengthening the anklea ' . ' , The aame xercls. by th way. will ba found aplendid for children who nave grown-very atout in a ehort time, and bUoae ankles, in tsonawjuenca, hav not Jad to graduaUy harden to th increased weight brought to Pear upon If you ar vary tlrd, It la wU t rat a little before atartlng upon th exercises., as tired anka are In no condition to derive anything but barm if exercising la resorted to be fore th musolee ar relaxed and ready to work. . Tak off both shoea and alt on a -low, comfortable obair, preferably en that baa arma - , Stretch ona leg straight ut in front of you, with the foot In th Sam position aa It la la walking. Then slowly point tb foot down un- ' til it la in a atralaht lln with th leg. Draw It up agaiu, thla time turn- . . Ing It back upon tha left- aa far aa It will go, and repeat, reeletlng yonr '- own- action, and moving so slowly . that Ub muscles feel tba tag.' Keep It up until they ttr a tittle,' Uka ui.h haa haan a-lvan twa M and men exercise ine oiner anaie. v three turn at th exerolse, try ' swinging th tootslowly and exer. am ojllty of realstano antu yon "puU-r-wiu re- ',' ..''!-'. . i' ' '"''' V-'J- ' ' th !g aa If you hav on of thos chut x- - erclsers. which provide long rope (with handles) welgoted at th nda, and which you pull forward and side ways every way that your Ingenu ity can suggsst, tak all but a aingl weight from It and,, lying . flat upon your back -on tb Door, put your feet In the handle, and try th first exercise, although varying It slight ly In that tha foot muat never be al Jwd to point atralaht out. la th handle would slip oft When lying upon tha floor for such an . xeroiee, alwaya place a small, very flat pillow under your bead, not enough to rale-your head noticeably from th . floor, but to avoid th headache which , may be caueed by tha - unconscious downward pressure of tba head, almost inevitable, while exercise employing other parts of the body ar going on. . Another little appliance which, al- ' ' though worn inside of th shoe, I a - first-rat preventive of run-down heels. is. an oddly shaped bit, apparently of. leather, but in reality of leather-cov- ' ered eteel. That piece la slipped forced, rather into th shoe, and bold tha foot ... at Ita natural angle. Instead of allow ing it to bend toward on aid or th omer. . Bunding or walking ao that your feet come dawn at each step absolutely true and flat la th natural way your foot ahould b. -' - No mattsr how Had a habit your foot may bave contracted of throwing the - weight upon on side, that habit may b overcome, if you deliberately train out of it, aalng come one ot the little ' contrlvancee at tha start by way of re- , ' minding yourself to watch tb way you set your feet down. . '.-'.'' Th habit la hard t break, and hard er still to keep from lapsing Into, even after you feel that you hav cured yourself of It, but perslstgooe will In time effect a cur. . - 1 1 Try H with th nrt pair ot ahoea yott 'buy, and see if the difference between the amount you've run them down and . that of the pair yoq'v lust discarded . ' isn't marked. , Any GentU Motion Good " JANnl Almost any motion, if gentle, la the proper way to masaage the bust. Try all thos that yon hav auggeated. Try Any Good Druggist 0 ' B. R. W. The Vaucalre remedy maw be filled by any flrat-claeo druggist. If your own dealer cannot do eo. apply to some reliable establishment In on of th large cltlea Tb correct Ingredient you speak ef 1 lacto phosphal of Urn. ..,.,...,., tary motion, keeplna; ateady as possible. On the Care of the-Face : and Scalp " Consult a Specialist '"'-l '- ABOUT Ave yeer ag a small red him about the else of a plnhoad formed . ' en the end of say aoee u one Bigai. It bee not grown any, or very little, faoe, - Kd eometlmee is redder than others. I will very glsd to know of something Which Will remove It; also the cause. . . Would also like to hear If yon knew of ny device, mechanical or otherwise, that WIU prevent the flesh between tbe cheekbone and the outer earner of the eye from belng- rmea into e aeep line wnn wqniii, aMa lain an most Is much the worse. first noticed It at tbe age of U. I cannot no m hack, tna the shane of my face. all the weight Of th head seems to rest oa "iV ETonly a waste at time te eis flseh food, unless the causa Is removed. I feel quite sure that It the constant preesure every night on that part waa removed I eould efface the orease la time. Several years sgo 1 read ot "e meohan loal device for that purpose, sold by a lady In New York, but sever have se rt adver tised elnoe. ANONYMOua. , 1 think it best to consult a speclal- tth regard to tne rea nurs es- your nose. Waving been more so and exhibiting th peculiar trait that you mention, it should hav pe el no treatment. i . ' Your own solution of th problem I correct In regard t tb line on your face. Unless tb onus la removed, lit tle can b don. ' , - However, th reeults of thl lon habit ot lying on the ld of your fac may be moSlfled. I would euggest smoothing ut th wrinkle at night and applying stripe of adhesive plaater, being caraful not to let It touch th yebrowa Massage each day with a aof tenlng skin food,- using movementa that will apread the wrinkle or smooth It out. The softer tbe skin la, the more easily a will respond to your treatment. - . To Remove Dye To have helped ao ai dletraawM esea. Will you he p one moreT I foolishly djrea my gVay Sal? black. Win you kindly ; UU . me what lean use to get the dye all aft and get It back to gray agalnt I would be thankful to ye aver fter-. . were. XL la ' I regret sincerely that . 1 can give yoa eo little help in thla A dy la a dye, and I know ot nothing that will remove It. However, If tbe dye ha not been too strong (you did not man tlon what you used). It may wear off In time. Meanwhile, give your hair excellent care, keeping It healthy. , Then, of course, ,whatovr new growth of hair there Is will be th natural oolor. ',';',. Scalp Unhealthy: Tor the last stv months my hair haa been falling out very rapidly, eo that now I have not halt aa much hair ae formerly. I have some dandruff, but I do not think that it Is wholly due to that, for I have alwaya had more or less of It, and It has never at . tectad my hslr la this way. My scalp la ' very ttehr, and I have been told that my , analp is In a run-down condition. Now, as I : cannot afford a treatment, I would be very grateful if you wouM give me a formula to . : prevent the remainder from falling I should try th following formula for awhile until your hair haa stopped tali- r . ing.. Then I should apply in tonav., . , ; faliins; of tna Hair. ThMtur of nnx vomica, t euneei spirits ot rosemary, 1 ounces; aloobol, I ounoee. Apply several times a week to th roots of the hair. , -i Hair Grower, i -, Bay rum. T waoeei distilled witch ha set, I ounces; common salt, 1 dram; hydroohlorte acid a per eenut, 1 drop; magnesia, sum- "ITlx the bay mm and distilled extract of wMch nasel end shake with a little mag Betle. KIHer, and In tbe filtrate dissolve lb SaK ead add one drop of brdroohlorle acid. Tbe magnesia will cause the preparation to tern uulle yellow, but the yellow will disappear whea , the hydrooaiorle acid a added. Apply a Bight ts th root, with frkw Train the Tip Into Shape ' t have large, bread tip noes, and be te bY, yo If yon recommend consulting a ' defmstcloglst regarding same. Is the op-ra-' tloa risky aad eerlouef ' straw. 1 hav aften neard.of operation ,to change thla feature, but cannot recom mend them.' Boms times they ar suc cessful and sometimes they ar not. - However, you might gain soma advan tasw ile at keaat ar inltlns same' etiits. rgeon upon th matter, jrirst, though, I you should try your owa simple rune- . aiea r orm tne naoit, wnen aiona, ot eonatantiy pinching and smoothing th no to tha batter ahape. It la vary plia ble, and often responds to such treat- . meat. Also, there are little device) sold by specialists that ar worn at night and tend to fchapen th no. Sallow Skin and Wrinkles Will you kindly state at your column whether your orange-flower eream Is good L for a sauow. thin, wrlnkl aa at u "sers)t a, ,1, m . . .1 . w,m f" ananuosi wan at SOS I . to remove wrinkles around toe month and ' tV. Vw?" a-tweea the eyebrows? ao3 ,vVe. hest thing u rejuvenat youg' to carrtul massaging: on. 'u,, only, thing, too, that will halST ihl vvrtoklea Make every effort to hnnroVai f-th ahould receive your prlncl- J K',athoul eom plutnS be added to your cheeks by nta aaglng. But at 4-weH. there Ii imt. ,; t b;mahamidWoif.nkie' OD V--' Stop Bleaching ? J always have had a alee head ef HgMi goid.D-browa hair. 1 washed. iTiiia .T1 1 aw, aooa ana borax (at different tlmee to Veep It Ugat. ebeWw ' much lighter tbaa tha hair cloaa "tha -head that for tbe laatMearaThavt kad to touch the note up with peroxide ot ' hydrogen to equalise tt.e shadei after 1 wash ." my hair, which Is twice a mucin. I aiwava bave to. touch It up. a aiwaya !ow 1 em lair, fat aad forty and 1 EfE.'. I am a made blonde, and I win to let my halt get back to Its right shade. ' for It U really too bioade for awonTor ' rf,k," i.a 1 soo't want to eto touching It up, for the aifferenoe wouktba iP''ble. Us there uZt V v.i. " !V . could put ea tbe endeta , aolow f rmaUJ"' " "iould s " l fctT.! ' Sray.halr on my bead, aad 1 1 wbl,to"do!,,UI ,tJ""f J52e ua - , . 'air, vat and forty. ' v.F,r!.V dlsoonunu th . use of ail th bleaching agents. Then, if these have , not been too strong. ,n, n.,. .,T gradually aaat me Us natural shade. 1 cannot recommend th use of a 4ytov " .bru"? m Uln th.y would . darker ..than th roots, and It Z3 : o impoBUbl to remove It. To raadiuat eondltlon. flth regard to oJ, Ulr. at best a slow -process. It must grow ..back to it natural color, ThoV i7ho tamper with the natural oolor of their 1 kalr must aaaum all the risks. , U::A:Skin:'LikTFelvet - " Would ym kindly send me the formula t for lir, aucalres Remedy, er anything , . which la good for developing one's am a years eio aa save had four Must one t ay this orange skla food al- ready madef I live In North Uakota. but want to be pretty, aad yen cannot buy ear thing here. My skla le like velvet. 1 aevee thing here. My skla le like velvet. 1 never drink anything except . water, mostly hot water, ia thla asdt - M. A. U . " . Following I th formula for Dr. Vauv calre'a remedy, I caa reoommend it. -. aOr. Vaucali' Bomody for th Bust. Liquid extract ef galeae (gosterue), M . grams ; lac to phosphate ol lima, is gramsi tincture ot fennel., hi graiost simp Is sytuv. ,' euv arama i . The aoee Is two soepepooaf uls wltk wale before each meal. t Dr. Vaucaire also advlss tha srfaklna ml , asalt ex tract durla mtsla I know of n other way of procurlr-e , th orange-flower cream than by kv ; ing th formula, aa published la tbla . par Una nl, ttiled by. a reliable drut , , If thl at not possible-where you i ., , send it away to one of th laras c' I cannot say that bet water la any t ' beneficial than purs cold water. , sonaily, Z ahould muck prefer tit i ..ter. , . A Satisfactory Her.:.'' M. 1. Ct can give et ' Information of lr. Vao-.iice y can only recommend I . i hla well-knowa remed-, f ' in these columna It b a atauactorjr J J I