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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1906)
I the orecoij Sunday jc-::::au' rcr.7L.:n5, c;r::T.7 izorjmia, jult rj. irx .a, "j a . k w- . v-aw bh iw . wi hi ii ;; ;'. t- w, . : t t , r t-. : V- f , M m 111 Ml Imim 111 ; - I .-' . .. - 'f i ii ill ii hi nnii j v mv'tn . . itta 1 tlUv STEB hv igmmif sllka bn m bwutlful In' color and ttxtur fuid m plentiful in arUty u ow. Wll all 4h dlffrnt " vwtii ar In na,' con of thm ar aa ' mart aa poncaa. Thl (a Corract hi all ahadaa; ia plain and flfnrad rartatlaa ' and Id ll(ht and haavr waarea . By paoplg wbo affect amartnaaa in , draaa pona allka ara wora to tha-ax-r elualon ot tha avar useful fonlard and othar auntmar allka. ' . V1---Pona aiaaa thraa f tha ctiali. , : tlaa which Kara mad a fottlard aa pon- lar.It Ttpv wall, elaaaa wall aad doaa , .. not crush. Moat oolora f pon vaa Mar ba.waahad la warm watar aad praasad on the wronr aida. whila aoma ranatlea ' , do not araa raqolra praaaln. rraotleal- , lr all post aaa may ba washed ta f-aso-. . . Una by taoaa who do Mt-aut to pay . ciaaner t do tha work. . n. ,t A" Terr now and faahkmafcla nnnir fabrte of aoft ailk la marqolaatta. . Ttila . rraatly reaamblaa ald-faahloned ' ellk . -jreuadJnai hut M oombiaa a volla and a ranadlna waara. - Jt la ooftar ana) not ; aa wiry la mesh aa rranadlna aad mora open In weara than Talllnv. It la ex ; tramaly. affective and aerrteeabla and nay ba nada up atmply or elaborately, J - . and with Its cost principally determined f by tha kind of silk oaad In Main and . drop skirt and tha sort of trimming am " ployed, ,- . . ' '.- ' ,x . . Tha trimraiaa ot rowot becomes a . ' ; aimplo mtlar, mw thai tbey aaay ba : trimmed wKh folda. tucka and other - decoratlona made from tha dress mar tarlaL Every womait knows tha exhaus ', tlon of mind and body attendant upon -L.f.tha endeavor ta match , aoma peculiarly tinted material with- effective trlm ,. catof. ' , .;i . Bklrta are aot nearly astsuch trimmed , as they were formerly, and . ara usu- ally julta plala.' It must ba bona la ' ' l m k. T - . . t .. . luiliu ilia. w mu vuww m Iill wtt t - as aa example ot now trimming; may bo . - properly applied, tha aama aklrt would, in nearly every Instance, .ba qui ta s) amart unflrlmmad. i 1 ' , ' Blaa folda ara effective and. amart 1 trimmlnr this season. They ara aoma-y-. tlmaa stltahed wpoa both edfea, bat' : mora oftea ara allowed to haaa alone tha lower odaTev Narrow folda ara ' - franusatlT atltchad ta place aloaf tha center. - They ara alaa wroucht into law tloe work to form an excuse for a bodlo rtoM or chif . foa bloua aad tha topa and aaffs of Ita sleevea. K arrow folda of satla and silk, combined with laao aad silk "worma form aoma at tha handsomest trimming we have. la black awwna tha eomblna tkm at silk and aatln folda with flat laoaa and thick silk "warms" la most af feetlrev In afty caaa "worm a may ba attractively arranced over ao4 through a maah of taca. - - .- (.. . Tht Charming Vogua of Ytllow, ; Laoa la aot need ad much ta trim with la tha necka and aleevea of go was. bat various decorations In hand embroidery and trimmings of othar aorta ara ao much newer that lace ba. given to thera m a great measure and found new and Important aaaa for ltsolf upoa other parts of a costume. t-. , - i r tint of yellow at a ooat wlthia it osnts. . In connection with lace I. want to Figure A Illustrates a charming mod chronicle tha passing of tha over-oooa- lfled empire gowa mada of soft auav lar black-and-white gown. Where an all-black gowa Is aot daeired black and a aatln finish and. la illuminated with yailow la tha correct combination. Softgotd thread embroidery and green allk ? allow eomblnaa beautifully with black, trimmings. ' t may bo had in tints becoming to aay , Tba stock and yoke ara of transparent complexion, aad it lands a touch of light cream colored lace aad allk laoa insert-, WHEN A GIRL'S M EN who claim to be phlloeo- phere eay that a woman's A "no" means the aama aa her , "yea.". .Taking thia point of view, aoma men, when rejected by - the woman tbey. love, persist la their at tentions, In tha hope that their adored one will change her mind. Now. there le nothing so dletasteful to a girl as the Continued attentions of a man for whom aha doee not care, and no man with tha least claim to being a gentleman weald persist whan he knew definitely that hie suit was uadeelrable, ' Borne man, however, are so conceited that tbey think no woman la her eenaea would refuse thenv It le euch mea as these who deserve to be snubbed, and -who generally are snubbed by nice girls. There are cases, however, oa record where a woman is said to have married aa unfortunate suitor to "get rid" of fclmt ,-;.,..: , V- i , The great danger most girls run after rejecting a man Is the feeling of pity - for- him. - nometrmes - ttrt- pity- roraei disguised aa love, and the mlsguldsd girl raienta end takes the man she bee refused. Perbspa in time they marry, Then tha ehancaa are that the girl die covers that what she thought wee love waa merely pity. Ot course, thera ate men so charming that the win, wojnana loye eioit 'l . JV ta a gowa . which la moot .and oolor plaaalag. ' Tallow la aa amart that It la employed whenever and wherever it la possible upon a gown, without regard to tha color of the gown, aave that It should never clash with It A lltue atady In tba combination of yellow with othar colors shows that there ara few colors that will not boar aoma shads of yellow la combination with them. TaUow lace la even used upoa whlta gowna with charming effeet, aad la be ing much seen upon amart tollettea. White laoa. on tha contrary, although White laoa, on tha contrary, although worn a good deal for practical reasons, Is not used upon new gowna when it can ba avoided. . . . ; Cheap dye, anally applied at home, worn a good deal for practical reasons. can convert whlta laoa Into aay desired mar Bilk In black. It la thin, but has "NO" DOESNT against her will. Such a men laugha at a rejection of his eelt, for bo knows that if he can be with the girl he can make her love him whether ehe will or not, .'' . '.' i' , t acb a man was Lord Byron, who, when . ba proposed and waa rejected, eaid eavageiy; "I will make yon marry me!" '' - He kept his word. His marriage waa unhappy because be would have made any woman unhappy. But. given a maa with some of 4hie -eharm, who la alee a good, honorable man, generous aad chivalrous to women, a marriage where the girl Is almost forced late love la often very happy.- For no woman aaa help admiring a mea who le really bar master, yet- acta toward her , with the courtesy due to a gueea. . For 'a girl, to ref uee a maa of this sort is quits the usual thing, for he forcea hie eult with euch impetuosity end vigor that the gtrl la angry at his presumption aad angry with herself for allowing him -ia. a-aa arri rttek oaae it Is not necessary to offer advice, for the maa will propose again, what ever J aay, and the girl, ten chances to one, will say "yes." . , - , ' In every other cess when a girl has rejected a man, ehe should be very slow to alter her deoialon. No girt can be happy after-marriage unless shs la deeply, la love with the maa . of ' beg aw t r a. . ay wi a j-ar v ar i ? r,f-r-r' v . -t vvii ' t. . , vfw agaves U via , BvyVfJ A MoxUflad Sraplft Qown cf Soft Black'lila, Trimmed With Green ' a nA ; V . ; ' and UOM, t1 . . rtsvwm U etiw Cvrlnt B ttmpert UOWB n tilUt r Btnpca Cbiffofl, Trimmed With Embrotd- . . . .1 ared Blue Velrtt, Black and Creartv Colored Laca, Ing borders tha V of tha front Meh ta nnianao wiio uiue graea w at tha neck and green loops and taba -da-ad wlthjlack yalvat over Ubt rf cream colored laoa at tha point of tha wnw u irvaw Beneath this collar effect, Whioh vx-. tenda In a boulder ornaments also, the satin of the gowa ta gathered and puffs slightly ta tha top of a vary high-fitted girdle of aatln, embroidered with black, greea and gold. The puffed alcove la abort aad la namcntal along tha Jtreat by a band of lace aad embroidery, A velvet cuff Is MEAN "YES" eboloe. A little bit of love oa the girl's side will . not make a happy home. 1 have known marriages where the par ties were only a little la love,- In the eyes of the world such marrlagee have been of average happiness, but In real ity each lived hie or her own life. They had no beautiful deya of courtship to recall. The world to them waa sordid and cold. , Mea who persist In their suits after being selected ; ebould remember that married life without love le worthless, and full of self-reproach and misery. No woman should be doomed to entar such aa existence. For a one-elded love le nothing; sometimes it may kindle s flams rn the heart of the other., but It will be only a little flame of gratitude which will eooa die out, aad when old age oomee the wedded ones will not be head In band welting bravely with love lit eyea to begin their laat journey through the Valley of the Shadow., Every girl before accepting a . maa should Bit herselfr "Can I Jove this man when he is old 'and feeble? ' Can I love him If poverty eomee end robe me of the comforta he aaa promise met Can I love him if be doee tblnga that are unwise ar ealflshr If to all tbaee oueattona she eaa answer "yes" wlth'a full heart, then ehe aaay safely take htm "for better, for worse, UU death de went mtv" decorated with buttons at tha back and . 'mmm Ikrt, mffu, nt r- colored laoa, Tha aklrt la made la a circular atyla, wlU a seam down tha canter. It la fin- lhcd at tha bottom with a deep bam nMd by toia. The ham may ba dec- orated with embroidery if one plaaaea. Ta make tha gowa suitable for aiabor- at- oocton. "b sleevea might be shortened aad the nock cut out a bit - Mtk.i ... ,ik and gulmpa. Tha train of the gown, pretty Where economy to a eonaldera .hih i. t.nrt. h. lanrth. tlon thaaa additional yards of hand- enad and the bottom of the gowa fin ished with appliques of embroidery ar ranged with lace frills. , . . ' la colored silk this 'gowa would be charming embroidered la shadea of tha same color aa the gown. It would also be lovely In white allk . with silver trimmings, or with yellow lace and gold embroidery. The back of the gowa has a distinc tion and charm of Its awn. The em broidered collar outline eomee la to a shallow point at the back, where the dress fastens. Oidvraaaionaei aows aeo- orate the embroidered girdle of the bod' loo, la the canter of which era buttoaa of greea aad gold, with eut-ateel beads similar to those upoa the front and sleevss of the bodice. Long eash snds fall from the larger of the bows, aad the snds of the sash are handsomely embroidered by hand In ths colors employed la decorating the collar. . ' ' , A medium train baa it hem trimmed along tha top. The oecoratlon of thle part of the aklrt, aa well aa the length of Ita train, are entirely matters of taste. ' : :.' Formal gowns have longer trains this season than laet and theee are made In a narrow, pointed style. Instead of the breed, sweeping llnea with which ,we are familiar. '' " " . Another - fashionably-made summer silk Is Shown In flgure . B. . Thle Is striped silk chlqoa of ths kind popular for gowns made up over allk veiled in ehlffon. The Style la a pretty ona for Jussl cloth, 'that, fascinating pineapple cause whioh we gat ..from the Philip pines. '-, - ; This gown Is of black and white striped silk ehlffon of the kind popular rtc making the allk stripes more glistening by contrast j....: Creams and Browns and Yenowe. It is lssa of a modified empire styls than the gown in figure A, and le a cut adapted to most soft thin materials and peculiarly to summer silks f)f this char, acter, It may be made with a more open sack end shorter sleeves for elab orate ecoeelons. ' . sulmpe of ereem xellow, laoa has Pongees More Fasliiorinli - ;t Tiiari iny Clh?r Sort cl Summer , Striped, Firwrcd l ; . J v vr.' ,., ",v',(;.iL ; vy'i,;; VV,V Yellov Is a Most Fashion able Color Lace Witii WhichtaimSaicGo1 t: J ' 1 : ' r with tt embroidered blue yelvet In tha trAS Kln a fMtnM Of tha M- broidery. An embroidered collar ox- tenda la ' embroidery down tha front Tha hodloa la alahorataly trimmed with d gold decorations ta little flower nd madallloa effecta mingled with am- broidery. JJ?J ' TthT htnT'of a glrdla of blua ( velvet, and tha -ham of the gowa la eJaa embroidered. Thu P"" to the gown, however, although vary made embroidery might well be emitted. Blaok lace makee aa effective cleave to thle gown. Gold deooratlons orna ment the lower part of the elaeve, which la further elaborated with a ruffle of white chiffon and a aatln bow with fringed ends. - These sleeves ter minate a little above the elbow and might be made even ehorter If . the gown le to be worn with an open neck. As may be eeen. Che skirt la put on full under the girdle, which termlnatee above the waist Use. la the back thle girdle takes a alight Upward dip, while the embroidered collar slopes downward ta a eurve. Many pretty color effeet r suggest themselves la thle gown, snob as rose, pink, blue or geeeav with embroidery creamy youow joa, - wi MAN'S AND WOMAN'S LOVE GREATLY DIFFERS '.r, ; at H .; . By Beatrice Fairfax. ' , THESIS Is no use expeotlng woman to be philosophical en the love question. ; ,: .' : '.y- .' The maa who Imaglnea that his wife wul bs satisfied to take hie lava for granted does not know women that's all.. - ' ; ' ' . Before marriage the maa never wearlee et reiterating bis leva. -The weman lives in an atmosphere of petting and praising, aa atmosphere that, all human beings take vary kindly to. i . . Then after marriage the' maa, practi cal and unsentimental, would like to settle Into a life of routine, where love Is taken tor granted... But the poor lltue wife aaa become used to being made much of aad misses It cruelly. . , Naturally a maa can not dwell always on the helghte of sentiment: he cannot be forever telling bis wife hew much he ktvea bar; but be can show a little bit more tondemeea-than the average mar ried maa seems inclined to do. In laat, many a maa who undoubtedly loves hig wife gets lata the babtt el Js.--;"f ' Sillis This S2ason ChecKed and SillCs the Voivc n wistaria oomblnationa and 'tha aama laoa. aad i malsa colot .with trimmings, mado of harmoatalng tints of yellow. . Certain shadea of brown aometlmaa f ur-,- niah a amart touch, in yellow gowna . It wUl ba observed that tha bodice ' tflnuntefa oxUnd up and down, pre : ervlag tha long, graceful llnea of tha . flgura, aomathlag necessary to tha auo " oesa of aa ampira gown. . . ' Thera ara woman who cannot wear r ampira gowns and who will aay: "These gowne ara. not for 'ma!" Why not? riguro A la ao modified that it la prac tically tha aama aa a bodifta and aklrt A woman who doaa not look wall in ao wlda a girdle may lengthen tha Una of tha bodice and shorten that of too ' girdles .: , ; la figure B tha Una of tha bodlea might ba lengthened a trifle aad this alight ahanga win eotnrert aa empire gown into a walat and aklrt. -Some 'Of tha new summer allka which . one aaaa ara Chinese shadow plaids and big shadow checks! Punjab cloth, a saw niaiMii allk. whlfh resembles a aoft taffeta and haa a glossy surface deco rated la many ' figure. Jaoquard taf faua aad , brocades with large ngurea ara aise to ba found among gowna with heavier effects than may ba secured la pongeea ' - In. diotlnotlon to tha clearly JJafinad . figuraa which wa have had in allkrthoaa for this aummar ara moat, popular In ' blurred effeota, whether In stripe, check : or aoma othar pattern, toft rather than sharp toaaa of color predominate and never have thera bean aa great a num ber of huea aa ara ta ba found in now ' allka far this season. - . .. . While thaaa ara all protty when self, trimmed, . many . of them land thorn-, aalvaa charmingly to lntroductlona of oriental trimming affects, and velvet is - aometlmaa effectively Introduced. Hand . embroidery, of tha aama Color aa tha gowa or In blended shades of a ' oolor la one' ot tha smartest methods of trlmmlna a aown. Of oourso, one's own taste dicta tea whan had embroidery may be aultabla or unsuitable. a bit at tna nack aad aufU la aeldoa out of place. . atrepe aad buttoaa ara popular waya of 'trimming almpla allk dresses and aoata. It la dulta wonderful to sea la how many waya straps may ba arranged to effeot a amart. trlmmlag. They form Oreek borders and, la graduated lengths, aroaa folda around aklrt and jacket, and aometlmaa they ara piped on tha odgaa and frequently ara, of a aontraatlng aoior. J ' : . . ' Kmbrofdarad buttons ara ao pretty and ad fashlonabla that many woman are embroidering their own little circles of allk. which ara afterward used to cover buttons with. Button molds are only a penny ontwo a dozen, and tha woman who -can embroider andoover her own buttons secures a handsome dress trim ming at tha expense of a little time and ' a few blta of embroidery auk. - Bilk aklrta may be made .1n several ' atylea. The pleated aklrt may hava .very large box pleata with tha adgaa ''coming close together, or it may have . incb-wlda or . vary , narrow box pleata. Side pleata, too, ara In rogue, all of them being etltched : for a short way below tha hips. .Few box pleata of . allk ara atltchad on tha adgaa, m linen pleats frequently ara . , V JOSETA WILSON OSBORN. , V PRAY FOR TRIPLETS, v ' .W , , . j j , Canplt et Forty-Five, Hop to Have Twenty-Six ChJUrtn.' LJof. the fifth. stork left twins at the home of David Goldman and his wife. Woodland ave nue, a. K, Monday night f Their living children now number It, says a Cleve land dlapatch. , , 'V , "I aspire to bs ths parent of twelve mora," declared the proud Goldman today..-. ,1 . 1 share my buaband'e ambition," chimed in Mrs. Goldman, bale, . and happy, though still in bed. ' Eleven of the children, still at home, rejoice with their father aad mother and ara proud of the newest arrivals, Tbey are a healthy, eongenfal family. ' 1 do feel well enough to be up and about today," said Mrs. Goldman, her face wreathed In Bmllee, Tm the folks tnslst that I remain in bed, . X assure you I will be up tomorrow. "As I said, ws hops to Increase our family by twelve before old age eomes. But David and I are now f yeera of age, aad you can guess why we hope for tiiplete or quadruplets the ' next time." - , ,. r :r -. ,.' - . Oomproatleo. " From the Waahlngtoa Star. 1 have a little granddaughter," eaid a senator, -who Is very fond of animals, especially dogs. Hsr mother haa taught her to pronounce the word until It Bounds like dahg. Her father sticks to the good old-fashioned dawg, so the child bee eompromlsed. and now every canine la dahg dawg."- 0 .'- speaking ta her la a manner whioh he would never, dream of adopting toward other women. V. ; He would not dare apeak to the cook so dletatoMy, for aha would leave If he did. . ', ' - ' . ... He would be emased and Indignant If you- hinted that he did not love bis wife, However, many husbands wbo consider thsmsslvee models of husbandly devo tion have extraordinary methods - ef showing their lev.e, -r - - . ' There waa once a man who got mar ried, and after he had been married several yeara hie wife eaid to him: . , "Ton do not speak as affectionately to me as you need to, Hal, J fear yoa have eaaeed to love ma" ' "Ceased to love you!" growled the man. "There you go again. . Ceased to love ybul Why, I love yoa more than life Itself. Now shut ap aad let me read the paper!" And I haven't the ell gb test doubt that gentle-mennered hobby considered hla wife a very lucky woman In being married ta. a maa who loved her so truly! The reasonable wife doaa net expect that her husband should be elways ee surlag her of bis undying devotion, but immwsnABLE. . .GRADUATES . it at at By Mrs, John A. Ixga. IT Is a to wh . leglor matter of serious thought aa what la to ba tha deatlny of the legions of graduatsa from the In- numerable schools all over " the country. As one sees the troops ef boys ' and girls emerging for the laat ttme from their eohools one realises that tbey are' to go but Into the world td fill a place In' the great schsms of the world'e work, ' and one naturally wondare bow many of them will be successful and how many wUl be failures. , .. Not Infrequently the poorest student and dullest scholar when he once tra barks upon his life career astonishes those who knew him as a, dullard by his astuteneee and alertneaa In the pur-" eult of the goal of hia ambition f-while some" of the faithful, patient, conscient ious students seem (o lapse Into, dull- .' ness and want of comprehension of the art of aucceea. . " Vary few appreciate 'the responsible ' ity resting upon them, for, after all. It Is the Individuals that make up the whole. Aa each one doee his part so will ths general reault be for the better ment of the world. ' There la a saying fhkr one half of the world does aot knew how tha other half manages to exist It is quite true that a much larger portion of mankind llvee upoa the labor and effort of the few than should be allowed to do ao. One aees continually Illustrations In the . same family that one works while the greater number play.' The shiftless onss trust "to luolt" for their future needs, and It Is aa unexplalnable fact that the ceaseless workers always come to the rescue of the Indolent and Indif ferent . . . . . . , , .-.,';,, - v. - v ... ; , New Geniyses Just Born. ."7""V Who' are araduatin there will doubtless be Edlaona, Mar- . eonie and Beachye and other wonderful genlueee who WlU etartle the - whole world by y their . marvelous ' inventions and discoveries.' " Ths young man who reoanUy mada euch aa Interesting aad marvelous ex. hibltion of an airship built by him and In. Which, he circled the Washington monument and soared far above the -dome ef the national capltol in hla fralf craft la said to be 1 yeara of age. Hla ambition la to finally construct e ship In which he can go through the air from Maine to California, and there are many pereoae who believe that he will aocom plleh this wonderful feat in the not far distant future. . , ; Aa In moat eaaes it la etated that this young man has worked out hla wonder. ' ful conception patiently , and without encouragement and aselstanca of money, furnishing evidence that money Is not : all-powerful, armVprobably had he been favored by fortune he would not have persisted until he made the success that he hae already scored. It la to be hoped that he win not be spoiled "fo the ex tent of abandoning hla aspirations, but ' that he will eventually perfect hie eohsme for making something that will be of benefit to mankind. . v The greateat discoveries that have ever been made have been those born of .............. .., u.wip nu opposition, iney-j have baen the reault of yeara of strug ' neve man almost in every In stance hypothecated , for , meana with which to place them before the public Some Ot the varr beat end greateat In ventions that have brought blessings to mankind hava yielded little return to their authors. Latterly inventors and discoverers have had more encourage ment to assist them than waa accorded their predecesaors, and It Is to be hoped that now aa money Is ao plentiful those of the twentieth century, may not ba lacking of . meana , with which , to work out their dreams. .' . v ; The Duties of Women. '" The glfia and young women who lavs kept abreast with the young men and boye In their classes have no less re sponsibility than their male companions. Upon them devolves the keeping of the homes and the giving of much cheer to their life partnera In whatever they un dertake to do. and of the holding of I morality - and Christianity ' up - to Ita : ' hlgheet etandard In the homes and com-- f munlty In 'which they live. They will have much to do with Influencing hua. '' i bands and sons to superhumen effort la -Itfe'e aehlevementa. . . . . . - Few persons realise the growth of ' educational advantages In the 17 yeara ; which Dr. Harrla eerved aa commls- J Sloaer ot education. Five thousand five , hundred high eohoolahavabeen-addi there were but 1.000 when whan Dr. Harrla assumed the duties of that office, while on hie retirement there are 7.600, which speaks 'volumes not only for Dr. Harris administration, but of tha am bition and advancement of educational lntereeta in the United Statee. With such facilities as are provided for the cultivation and training of the youth of America they have no excuse for occupying a lower plane of intelli gence than any other nation, and It Is to be admitted that -there Is Indisputable evldenoe that the effort which le being made to prepare the generation for the Important part they are to take In the affaire of the world during the twen tieth century la not wasted. Xas OoeJ he Barn. ' - Aoeordlng to the American Manufao. surer the coal deposits of North America ' are estimated to contain nearly aa much as those of Europe, or 81,000, 000,000 ; tons. :.- Even this gigantic figure Is completely dwarfed by Asia's wealth ' of ooal, aa to which It Is at present impossible to make even an ' approximate . estimate.. China mere especially aeeme to possess -inexhaustible supplies, and a German scientist haa put the ooal deposlta of the Province of Shane! alone at 100,000,000,. 000 ton. - i. -TThsnklsas Wot. , . l' ' From Fact Magaaiae. ' ' ' Nursing suspicion Is thankless work. ehe would like him to go back just once In a while ta the dear old days of courting. - She would like her new gown to be prelsed, aad whan ehe ttrea herself out , In getting up a alee dinner shs would like to know that her efforts were ap preciated. . - He can still say pretty things to ether girls If the opportunity arises, so why leave out the girl who lovea him beet nl allt " Not many et us heve the happy knack of making pretty, loving speeches to the onee we love, end yet we all know how pleasant It Is to hear them oureelvea . ' . Some time, when It Is too late, ' we would, glva anything -en-earth to- tell our dear onee how much we love them. The thing to do le to tell them now, to let no opportunity of assuring them ef our love and appreciation pass by. -v Love to the thing that most of all needs encouraging and fostertng. The least neglect blight it It can not thrive on alienee: . . Treat It with reverence end gentle ness end It will tarry long, but neglect end treat It harshly and it will open Ita Wings sad tf .