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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1906)
, . .u , , : Tin 'cnccri tvirDXY joutjtai, rczmArro, surreAV l r'sarawc,- july .29, tszs. r . j IB-ttt w ir s.r BO TJM I. I 1 Tho Week's Progress. . A kvlw af Recast Alvaacag U 1st arci ana Ltaaatry, ; .. BVUDAX. JOLT SX iSO. . , , ; Consider th ton f tha meadow hair they grow." Msay a termer firmly-believe v v ' ' that stone grw both in slss ; KM df Irak and number. Th Id that ' ' IVUlGraW lramay ainadtgrowby ilfiaBML-simply -baatlng and cooling wu to rcquir Just m --. much credulity. But th fact that tb . ; Prenklln lotltiitf Philadelphia bM awsr sd fold medal t ft metallurgist for.dosBoa .StmUng thl phenomenon should nmn n ; doubt. ; Tb experimenter teak a bar of faro knows Im and weight and repeatedly "heated it to Ita critical tmperature,which . waa T88 dcrta Pahianhelt, .and cooled It . with' tbo mult that th ilaa increased y tb extraordinary amount of 40 parent. Tba 7 ' appaaraaca and texture of tba metal did not . v alter sensibly darts- tha rxpaoslca prccssr aad, of eoun a, tbo weight remained ng tsat. ' , .! V- l 'l , ' . Bvsn .In plant; ahf sthtl: b ths twentieth century . Cms of tha profr f ' tb Copenhagen university, ; whpamto wttbhald, baa TdlaUtlaf ' ' atotalnsd rasujt Iron tba p, flag Gtvgft plication of' sosuthtsis to rhUrafaram. plant. Ha (bat ompltly sarootUa tbo plants, aad than toy thctn ds to a conditio, fa all raapaetf analogou ' to tothergte- alaap, which teats for a eoa v 'sldsrabl -period. On their rsvtval frooi thto stst thy pealo to pod and Sowar with remarkable profusion, f b known phystol- any of plantf oa ao( fsptala. tbo pbenom. anon, bat thoa Wbf kaa aeen tbo rtault . of tb experiment wUH other and cbloro , fcatm a4tat to tbo rojiity af tbe raoulta. Hay aluminium' multiply and Inareaao la the prayer of many a ma af commerce. ' Tbe abortafe of tbls Talua MW' Froeooe k4o metal and tb Urt of. , for Mallad ' f orta to aupplement preaont AUnlnism. of aupply five Impor- ; . , tanea to tb experiment! for ' aommerotally oeparatlaa tha metal from the bauxlta clay. Since tba alaotrolytto method . waa. abowa. to bo. feaalbl ooonmerdally the . ' trad In aluminium baa expanded immenee , ly. ao that tb preeeot output is eetlmated at 9.000 tons as oomparod wltli elfnty.n tone aoTentoon year ago. Tba price baa de ereased to about one-elfhtb of the former ' rate. Tbo uee for aluminium laoreaao dally, ' not only In tbo motor oar Industry, but alao la railway earrlag work and In tba easting of Iron and steel, alumlnlam direct from tbe bauxite. Machinery of something ilka 10.000 bona power at present I required to operate tbe aluminium Industry, but tbls shortly will -be augmented. The new Belts patent, which originated la TJncle Barn's realms, Indicates the direction wherein tbo Industry a rain may b revolutionised. Zj la said that the Impure alloy la ased la a bath of molten 1 cryolite containing alumina In solution, while ' pur aluminium farm tb cathode. r7"" - John Chinaman- f atarls Ago bad red hair and blue eyta. Prof. Orutnwtdel of the Prussian exploration oxpedl tlon t Chine Turkestan CfcllUtnf . :. reports that thsy bar found LM AsJ ' remains of persons belonging at. 4 ml aij. to a red haired, blu yed ' race, evidently th founder of the tempi Mlacol care, and bearing marks of , unmlstakabls Iranian origin. A number of hug Hon swords slso wers discovered, and l nameroua - Buddhist froeooe containing j many flrures. Ths temple, In fast, seemed to have been a sort of Buddhist pantheon. Kerr . voa Xeooq has mad an athaoloaical 00V v lection, which Include numerous specimens of ancient pottery and Quantltlee of em broidery In ancient Turkish pattern. - , - i - Why do ghost wear elotbaof ks Mr. An- drew-Lang. At a meeting of tb couftcU of th Baat India company ; Taa Chit W.wHat at Calcutta n f tti rnern.. bera MV his own father, wearing a has of peculiar hap nUrely unknown to th sbeervera. In (foe ttm cam a ship from London bearing tb now of his father's - diathi aad Isrga andjwel seleoted assart mnt af th new hats. Just lntrodu . London store. It wsa th bat worn by th paternal acpearano. Dr. Byalop of Colum-' bin unlvsreity take th lln that such ease aa this, when tb phantasm conveys the la i tolligeno of a chang of fashion In hat ', aad coincides with aa unknown event, ssth . death of tbo father In England, cannot be dls ' missed ss halludnatloa of ordinary aatur "i without . foundation r sxtsrnal can. The visions orrerpoDd with facte ankaowa , and nngueaesd at by tb parsons to whom tb vision occur. Such eases are wsU attested In crystal rasing, a when a man see cor '.; recti y a hous of which b ha not beard, or ' see a knowa person wearing aa unknown dress which h afterwards learn th person 1 was Wearing a that moment. Thsr mast ' be some cause for th accuracy of th visions, whether of ths living, or of th dying, or of the dead. On solution to that tb clothes f th spook ar of astral matter Uk th spook himself, th astral matter being la visibly subtt. and forming another world , wbria tb spook dwells - ; ; . ' Twinkle, twinkle, little Mar. It to not your fault that ws see you with flv points. ; W. Holts, a aattvo of tb . : , fatherland, says that . all It I tad . star show preetosly th 'Iyg Tkgt asm rays. at that la th Twi.Hgg. cas of the bright- stars . ; th ray ar plainer and longer. R further - remark that th ray seen by tb toft and - tba right sye differ, and that, it tb hsad ' b turned, fb ray ar rotated In a eorr- spondlng masser. It to thu onciuded that , th sonre of tb rays to not la th atari 1 tbamartvas bwt la ths ays. th middl f th . - retina not being perfectly bemogeneou In "' It snaitlveneaa - O rowing gcnl by tb surgeon's knife to promised by Parisian sxpeslmenta" Thsy nav a isast eursa loiocy. ' Sftfiaty Th Idea waa conceived that - gajgXJAiooy wa frequently caused ! 1 Idlar by th prm4tf aaloa ot saiaay. th bones ,f th skull la " Infant rbr ao eongvnltaT sauses wr ap parcot. Acting oa thl assumption, th Preach rarga removed a portion of th ,. boay ovrug of th skull oa several pa tients, th idea being that th brain had aa room to- expand . eommenaurats with th -growth of th child. Th results la many w ease proved th correctness of th theory.. ' la soms Instance th results were mervrl-. oua On Idiot girl began to show sign of .....recovering intelligence theday tb Operstlsa . was performed. - Joaw A. Kowxajra. . -km " . -v :? Buoy j5g Callr-s Held in Oute.r Of ffico. r" QUIPMBNT f a modera general offio tin Chicago, vr tb east and o.ulp ment of tea years . ago. astly ha double ss th matter of furniture, 'mechanical oaatrtvaae faotlltatiag . lnleroourse, aad la th malataaaao of tb uter offlo fore of mnloya. ' Plfteen year ago Uver caroely was a btg general offloo ka Chicago which was not wid i open from th cntraa door to tb deck ot tbo president, av band oAeial of th bualncaa, Today there scarcely l a great Institution m which th machinery of seenathlngapptoach ' tag an Institution Itself t noUvolTed In tb '. question of th caller a to whether the offl clal sought win see him. Xt I worth th at tentlon of a small arganlaatlon. of roe and methods to determine whether the bead of a great Institution shall b disturbed In hi. Inner office. It may b worth va more if in th choice of onfldntiaLma th head of a great Institution may And th assistant oaoabM jf dlamtssing satis factor- Uy to th caller a largo par cent of tbo seeking a portion) f his Una CklcagaaB IdtCBM t4 Tap. la tb present stag f business offlc lutlon la Chicago there to dUUncr1 difficulty In dismissing th averag ailer at tbe ante room door. Teara age Hrw Tork was forced uiapsouoa yuai r is outer oraoo Ba tno wrw terser long ass been morwor ! reconciled t am outer emc flnallty. It cuuiee oarw .m ia unoei-oai in in ess iai year to start wt fr talk with tb busy hsad of sa laatitntloa, aly to discover that tb usher la tb general efflc wants to know who bo Is aad what to his business before ths ready to asLJh prlvst seeretsry hether tb private Secretary wlH ak th bead of th inatltatloa if h will see th wait ing Mr. Smith. All this, however, I la th tnvitabl growth of hustn. In ao other city la tb world to It ao asy for th average caller to reach ao many general offices within so small an area as la th loop district of Chicago, With thl proposition. It I reasonable to suppoe that a ther elty under fre aad unquestioned aoesea to business hsad could offer such Inducements ta callers o appear to institution bsad with trivial missions. 1 Th skyscraper ws th first material sa ils U nee to tb fre aad asy typ of oallor. It brought mor people to th Immediate vi cinity of th big general offlo and It mad th way ta 11 floors ay of acossa , Prlyata ScrUrls ara RKtturr, . . Then, SS partnership broadened busi nesses and aa corporal bodies succeeded partaTh!p, managements werw so divided that aa ueher bream necessary b th recep tion room In order to suggest which head of a department th sailer would osd to se. And as tbs pressure grow upon tba shief head of th towUtatioa, tb necessity for privet srerwtarisa followed; and, with th pressure still growing, It became urgent that th business bead seek t shsr tb disposi tion of tb strings f anr with hi right hand man, wha had become mor or Us sa pabl af a tftecrlmlDatlng decision. Th net result today to that thousand of offlc oaliera aadsr thsoid wide open rsglia of a few year ag ar la open rebellion, against tha aoadltioaa which f ore tbanv to tek ag final ta dsetoloa of th private seai ratary that tb head f th institution can-not b sn. . " What would yaa Ilk to talk to Mm about? " to tb tM question of th secretary tamp4r - - - r Th- t. rv.. . M-J.MW. Hs wish to tall th head sf th sonocra juat what that mission Is. But ha forgot that In th avoiuttoa of tb prrrat eeretary that person whom n wuhs U ta person has been th on soar f Insistetto that his eeretary ask tbls ana question! In many, ffloc tbe p rivals eeretary weald be repri manded If ha should g ta hi chief with th oerd of a oaller wtthowt taking with him th character f th Intsrvtew Vol ok an sailer -seeka : 1 -' . . . - a ' '. " Knows taa Itaptaygr FfaJmtUas, Another phass of thl question, to, to thai ta many line within th JurtsdloUoa f In private secratary a aa gtva a mor satia- Meii Hard to Seo; DyHolIisW. Field factory audience U tbattarbaahlpTto. pai ean Hn4 dm M give, Ia month and years of aasoclAUon with bis employer k ka iaaraeoy all tb yrtaospeJ's prejudice, taste, and fotbtem U tb all shall appeal toon of th prejudice of th busts) head tb secretary wUs bt tt aBr down" wlta far mora grace aad courtesy tbaa tasy -head f th lnerttaitioa 1 likely to do. while. If tb mlsstoa appeal to aw mt U Mtu foible or oo of tb great wiilrns projeota nureo sy in mpioyr. in aserwtnry can b depended upon to take the nam and th tnissio of th person more directly horn te tipfoaougUthatlmoaUeaaa. hts mlaaloaooul4 bop ted, " - Ia th pressure of ode oaUer of aO type ""T! ' " zr w" P0-0- rr oanpss. .was of th most ' ' . - ; '.r giwon c nanue aoaotuwiy wiu nt r lv ewoti saltor In f& hours. , They are I fb poaittoat of srvlnr a oorporatlea la gw heara. aad wluh their chariUe a whoHy personal mauss, they insist en being ap proached a persooai foatingr. But th ' averag allr a a a aut 1 most likely -t reseat a secretary aaestwn ss to why B WISOC V mW SIMII,VS BIWI, VTffTJWU. Ing th fat that Is tb question and It an swer at seoond hand tb oaHer is saved much dm aad troabto, to say nothing f curt div mi! la th od. Baak OfHclalg laty ta Saa. AorlBg ta 1 the ' "turof a kf yil bead of aa Institution noeaaihis-prmse- tioa sr hi secretary to prevent thsqunaer lag f hla tlm. Psrhapa the preetdont f a great bank ha fewer callers turned away . tfcaa any other man representing such vast . Interests aa ooaosra him. On th other hand, tb president of a great railroad baa aa much need f tb taot and discernment of hi con fidential maa la dismissing sailers a dosa any other maa readily named. Taking on of tk great bank of Chicago aa aa aampl. tb secretary t tb petV dest eetlsaau that a to aot alld on t dismiss mar than a poaslbl T per eat ef aH th caller who ask t se th presldenU Of this perosntaga too, th larger part comes within th alasslflcatlon sf th .."rank.': ;..,;,; : ' ' .: . Ia this offlo th invariant rut f th seo retary to to aak th buslaesa of th siller, an les th person to knows t bins. Th aatur of tbo offlc suits aad tb furnishing and th persofcaltty ot th secretary a suffi cient ta satisfy most f th raak visitors. Aa a maa ef bearing and rtpeoed feature, ! with a modulated vale that ommands at tention to himself, both hla qusstlon and hla decleoa- stand for flnallty. Or if thsr to psrtlstsne la tha eallsr, ha to satisfied to - rstlr with a Thank yon " aad th auggi tloa that h wlU call again. Bat t lataal Watfas WlttL . Ia thto' particular sas f th Insistent . caller haa a wagon whel which h baa patented aad la which b yt hop to. in terest th baak president. After thre or , four rails la proa h was Induced t writ a totter to th prasldaat Inclosing a pros pectus of th Invention, Oa th secsslon of hi last call, hrwrVer. whs th secretary told Kim thai h did t knew If th papers J bad been passed sn. th lavsnto retired with tb smuing assvaao that ha would coma, agstit asothsr tlata. Win b do tb sec- -retary to aw ana4 with th definite word of th president that k aaat oonsidsr th proptaittoa ta My light. . Th private secretary I a of th grant railroad centering la Cbleeg hedge Uper- cent at tha fflo sallar frm tb prldnta Urn. Th 4i for tb presides! ,f tiua 1 road ar aut aa diver auicd ta character and as represeatativ f typec a ar te be fsasd aaywhr. .At th Mm tlm in thtl largw perrsnteg of dismissals th secrstary to bl to dlsmia about a many satlsfledsaUers ss Is psslblanywbrl. Requests for trans- portstlon and for red need rates la travel actual most t th paopi and 04 all of Itis quects the secretary I empowered to glv r te refua tha prtvttogsa Wher L give th oowtesy It to saiaatly satlsfa- tory. Where hf refuses th answer la flnsl - m m lraU Art Rsit rrti(tM CaBsn. It I with tk ageat type of caller that tb privet eeretary has most t deal. Ia most of th targe buildings signs sr posUd warn In th canvass sr away, but th threat of arrest for trespass I " Muff." as the can vasser knows. TO thickset skinned t them"" all anyhow, but not th thickest hide of them all resists tb secretary's emphasised dedal oa that th basis head is not la. -' This offic of th prrrat secretary to th head f a great business to not easy to Oil acceptably. When he has been giysn th ( g,n ,utlln f hi thorlty aad duty tBr , msny case ia which lthr hia - paraonal eympathy r hi personal prejudice my lsave him in an aaejomfortabl posl- lc If a M experienced in th handling of ; allrs there always is a reservation within blamaK whether he to wis In dismissing th : cautr we u 1 rvwvi fwmw ppnjmnci; . for tb rvaaoa that unexpectedly th caller may have something which later through th medium f th mails om t tbo head's at tention ahd lnureat, with the aceompsaylng xptanatloa that th seoratary baa " turaed him down " oa Sw eeeaaioas, . Oa the other hand. If sympathy appeal tw th .eeretary and he goea against big yule b- Is Ukely to suffer the ranrwf f Bto mteyr for bringing ths subJaH Into tb prtvatd offlo. Not the least of a basy maa' week-. neeees may be shortness tt temper, espeslaily a toward on of hla train employs. . I . ... . . Tact ag SKUl ara aJraa, slin aess nor warmth, to aether with a ripened dignity, 1 n of th beet working assets of th private secretary.' Tbea all hi tact and skill ar required In order ;hat h shall meet the disappointed caller On taa beat rooting, leaving bim to th least mental friction at , Dismissal. Th youthful secretary slwsy Is at a disadvantage In sot looking tb part f authority. H to handicapped, to, espe- dally If b ha a deak that Is aatart tsbls. nllttersd by paper and wher passlbl typswrltlag maehia to la evldenca Thee thing bav seen recognised to th volnttoa of tb business fflc In Cbicaga. Riser man ar saooeeoesg to tba aoaitloa f prlvst secretery. Tb prrrat seeraeary offlc to beosralR a flttlnc snterseav ta tk richly furnished private offlo ef th Institu tion bead. Th work of saving tb tlm f a big Institution' heads rapidly to becoming a . deperunca within Itself. flv v - ' Traffic' Solicitorl A JOB to which Ik diplomatic wile and expertneas of aa amhassartrit ar required, and la whloh th holder has to keep hi eye and asra open all h . . ttm and ate mouth pa t good ad vantage most f tb tlm, to that of buslnece getter for a busy railroad- Th smaller road bav Mttl as for tbo servioes of men who do nothing . eaeept travel about th oountry getting buatn tor to road.' Th HtU oompaat usually sasaot afford to keep suck a taaury, hu aa big railroad to without ita orp of dtptomata . Indeed. thr to regular ' dlplomatlo servles In every railroad orporation, al though. Of ooursa. It dosa aot d busteess under tha nam.- flla ta agitatloa tit faror of rat regulatloa tb field ef activi tlee f th dlploenatto servlo ha broadened, and aom f th most valoabto work that to don for th road to doa by ta adroit ma wha ear their satorto primarily by securing paylng buatn for thatr employers. faaaaBat Traf fid Paw lata (th aatual busts makra ar divided tween those wb g after freight busia and Uos who sare for lha paasangtr traaW Just aow tb paasesger braah to Impartant la Chloago becaaa f th great number f picnic and outings given at point a car Cblcigo, Bom railroad atea hav spent year la developing thl pical buslaesa. They know all th mea wha hav glvsa. wha Genius Is Always Rerar 5sd; S wietyrPays Servitore WelL By Goorfio Si WISH X was rich!" la a of tb i omntoapia eapre ton ' of ;tb wool gamut et human drr. Wealth eem t b the oo thing which tb vast majority of men aad snt soadty la7 fw. Oiraa a reevsaaabl degr of health, a bit tr dlaappototassat h brvo, nr special matfor. taa wneeb wet down upoav th heart aad atadTaad the average Individual wlU reply. K y aak him his most chert etud wlatu -1 . wish to ha rich I" .,..-,'... ';..-. -r Thar to a good deal of pbOoaopby aad bo tnatinot of right aaraaptloa In this In dividual dealia of men for wealth. - It Is ail wan t say that wealth to t ta alr thing la tha world. X am far tram indorsing th . atataat, vulgar Me le seimen. psrhapa amaag sjaerlsaaa. that maaay talk,' that r -tohsatotaa."rUat"lfyoahav , money psra a . rttC T may bar ' mtlUoar ao4 y W th anhatptoat man, Bwt Lb vraga)aT woman, whan - for rtabe. doe not wtoh tor th fa tashlld r a Rockefeller. Kaugn walta to wtsbsd for t eouron agamat sajnful avarty. Jfordtha , aad taa graUOeatloa t whotosama aasir watoaevaraaaadwamaaprlaea ' '.".t . -..V-;''. 'J ' N4AaiTafBlHmitr. Thar ar xsaptlsa peopl who do not -sar tat nsoaay. 1 knew a young man who. If aa aaald mate ooveru to Christianity, woald sasf incs for tola prlvUg th wealth , ' f th wwnt world. 1 know a young woman , waa aald prsfer, abov an other things, to b a famou novelist, lha Would b eon tea to) b quite poor Jf sfa ouM hav tba asttotto lam bar ,aaart rva X know a rtoh) asaa wa told m that if houM bava Ik paMUsal an ens at n among fifty of tba capaiOriy paa aaatlctone b know h woald gtva awap aa) 1mm ens businss . : Bvfrssss, Thl asaa. la ksawn aa a mot succssgfui bustass sasa, iwltobllvdtob happy kesass a to ttoa H to on of th net MsomialTiTnTa 1 sttt r""Tli mnaty rlea maa. waaly known for hla gut t sduastlsa aad religion, would gtv aa hi ara aaald ha over night, b traaafbrawd toaa aa atoqusnt and scholarly praashsr. : . v And rot. fat apfta at aB tats, th general ran af man. taa majority f tb peopi. would ft thatr first aoio as Wealth as the moat -deatrabfpissmlon. ' . - t atoa wha wishes) to b rich, and who to at fatasaa sasugh t beitov that be will on day otumU upon aa Aladdin's lamp, oa ptoe of good advto a be given po . omaxsiag whloh laxg nambers of people , will thiac worthy a reward. In other words, soetty pays for real r for tended servtoe. -Apart from an Aladdin' lamp, or from a Isgmay, which smnt t th aama thing, ; - soctoty gtrsa aathlng far aatblng. ... Tal to aa IrreXraglW law of economi Uf , and yea cannot sacap It any mor than, you -caa lift yoarself by yaor boot strap erv o to th ward, frosa taa king to th plow roam; aad yaus arvlo to rewarded In precis -proporttoa as tt la3aralcaUy good for your (Uow mav ; . i . .. -.. a - a r -. MCarwwar.a !" h Myth. .Many shallow thinker art tic lee this peel tion of eoonamto satoao by aalllng attention -to what they cmiat to anrawardsd genius. Johanna QuteabsTg. taa Inventor ft print Ing th gi ist sastiratl and Intallsotuai , benedt per has stall time wesput lnjall tor awbt, aad had r aa from tb wrath of tb Igaaraat hargharg wha thought he wa deal ing la wtoBhamft. Th a net user f anas- thetlo . died aoa. Tba greatest of th llrat Kimu salaatiaa dlseoveren were harassed aad fta at to death by nand . government, aad wsrw bUvd by tb peo- pi t Umbd f gataa. Inoumsrable In- yuttor bav dla psaa Mosart died in vlr- tual.waat. And ta 11 uld beextendsd Innnltnm. . .v. 3X ttato lh oajTBacaus society refused to reward man who had don for It great, useful, ar aobls ervioea? Posi tively no. Th ma msnsjnned abov had not don a servles tor lty. Ia fact, thsy did what society, la their day regarded not a a service bat s aa vil thing. r a thing of no valus. A soon a soaSsty grew up to aa ap preciation at Oho use th thing they did, oolty reworded than wtta all tb return in Ita power. It aav taass mooumants and praise. Th monacal sdty began to us ta work f nsakr gentua, th moment their servioes becssn taa aad not potential, society gars ahaa f Ita gifts with a free band, .. Wheovr a ana aoe a great service toso ity, society .pays him easa. And It to often ' the ss that oity garuly pay cash ' . for faaetod servtoe. such, far example, aa . those baUeved ea k readered by certain ln urane afflclahn waoa ftrark ould be doe By Louis Weaver Intend ta gtv. r wha ar oapabl of giving a plcnio, ' It to thatr business to get dvaace In forma tloa apon tbs proposed holiday and tbea asura th ptoato for tk road that em ploy them. Kxesrslsa for ether purpose also ar la prgred aw aad the oompetitlon, between the different road for tat busmees to sincere. Tb opsalag t th big summer amusmnt park In Chloago baa given ths . railroad bustn getter mor work to da. They carry th band Id and from thl city s'sTlT n L,M,l,ron . ? P-P0ata4n ths pasMnger and freight d. , and handl. all ta Mg toangaote;,,,,,,,, , ximthmJ e.UhlI , ragulv ; theatricaXAaatoaaraTsa a big prtVmThr .amM for -. - feature, and aom at th loses t friendships . that exist la ta raaaaof ta business pullers ar those thai sxtot between them and the- ' atrical managara. ' -r: .-"--:-. ;: . " , ' :': - Uttte BTU41ri Draft la Wast, - -ary rellabl rallraad man la Chicago win ay that th disclosure of oorrupUoa .brought out aaaasralag sastera rallraad and coal mining si pastas bteia to a greater xteat b th test tbaa la tb weet. Favor ..ara dsn is taa vast for big shippers and in . all probability thsy will b till th end of Urn, but s far as aay business agent of any road ,ver wii gdmlt tha scn petition among the road for tha badass to md on honestly and abov board. It to tb bust of tb dlpleasate to tk frs'bt toaC dspartmeat F. Tyrone by aa tateOlgoa" offl bey. ( And yet Owr at many nta who will dofaadl tb afleged lnurano graftar. sad act anreaaonahly. by ' aaymg that Uie offlowtJoattlty WW saorsd be high salaried for tb sak of maswdlgntty. . Ilk th ohamgagB lunca walob tb Bank f Xogtead aerre rl clerk every day ia ta year, and all out f th depoaltorsf saonay. t What would th people of ttws eoantryaay If ' ; th dark f th big Insuraae onipaess ; were given banquets m th offlo jut forth . Sty) of th tblng-t BU11. there Isfone good ' sense In tb system, even If th prtdat t tbe ebmpany spend money hk wader .- It bow that tbo oaBaay to " aeUaaaa 1 and th individual pokey Baak of Xnglaad awpoajtarv wOt ao will be tickled, in fL If bl SBitcra- asouredthlm by tb sytira. , - Great SwrricM far Cramt fr : Dii lln inllm Imi 1 lihi 1 Shis !: lltbn ' ' MumnMuW tMtA A&nieAtteaa asms leas- V neswor msmnMtuTaewrJstMB . ' W say that So-arKsj awsrn a ta!av4 ra steei ptoot. Dos bl Mo, h do) ajh , BockdMrownsltbi1to smsrVw. John D. Roosiofsitor owe a) a ta- oisty gsvea nun tb rtgnc to nsa ana a sa- dustry beoaus soatoty bat towaa th) br ' ghrrnc bim tfcat rlgttC OO to PWt dfstto doors, Boolsafattsn see o it ana jC useful kind-to cVeUvered. , Baca asm? Of eat aar htm a fa far that tseansadooa see sus A ad th total fas sasbl Mr. Bokfaltos 11 v oa a torg oaia '. But doe BochfaUr. own all th oil ia Amartoat Par fscea tt, Th ott Is owned by th oommiuntty had Rockefeller would soon flndj oat who Unreal owner to were he to glv conlliwiimatj baa ' serriea H bold his position Just 1 of his servios. and all stbr apitaJtota th sam boat.... . . Rnrg1aa Klagj IgaatpU. Th Norwegian reoeoUy eeeotad a 1 W over bar wonder why they bad to bava a king, w are Inclined to laugh at apeops that fanclaa it cannot get along, without a .king, and perhaps some of us would b willing to take tb Job aad th salary tt w ould persuad tb Norwegians that w ar th gentleman) (or th lady) they want, But w could not fool the Norwegians, 'tot aay other nation, for a minute. What they wanted was not a man but a king, and to be a king a man must be bl to Tender th ' servlc of a king. If you. want a pair at boot you won't take a hot mince pie fora substitute. Bbakspear ayat : A substitute shiaes brtsbtly ss a king " JrrrCBtn a king be by; and thai btostat -r-r Empties Itself, ss doth sa Inland brsek, v " 1st the mala of waters. Th Norwegian wanted a man, an of ficer, who could render them royal seme.' ' Royal servlc mean th highest kind of . service conceivable. It meant a servlo that unites a people In national Ideal of honor, loyalty, love, faith, and bop. It meaaa th embodiment In aa Individual of all tb aspiration that make a nation national. It means In Norway, and In other monar chy countries, what the flag mean her. And th kind of a man that oaa render that kind -of a servlo must hare behind hint, family tradition around whloh suca fctoala ' can cluster, or must bav In bim tb per. soaal power of a Bernadotte, a Napoleon, or a Lincoln. If th loyalty be personal, tha- Individual must hsvs proved his worta. br bis personal service. If th loyalty f to I t a traditional kind, th tradition must I tter.. r award Praaartiaaal ta Sartica. The reward of service Is. therefore, aa a general rule, proportional to tbe importaaoa t tb servlc Itself. As a general rule, for ther sje certain service which s nt yat appreciated by society, although they aeiuiUynderedSuppIy and demand sttB hav a good deal to ao with reward. Th lahor which haa built the cities ef ths aooa- try and all tbe great material work of clvO, is tlon has not been paid enough for tba service It has rendered society. Society pay th directing superintendent too asub and pay tb laboring man too little. That lath cae because society doc aot yet fully ap preciate th servioes rendered. It pay oaafs for them, but It will raise It rtward as It learns better to appreciate labor. It doe at pay enough reward to th edneasar aa yet, because It doe aot realm bow great to tbs service which to rendered t ft by tba humblest of sducators. It underpay th clergyman and ths doctor because th clergy man and th doctor ar generally la a falsa position. Thsy cannot Insist oa their Just fee became th service they render cannot be put Into figure. It to too great la sa press la dollar and cents. i In th railroad organlaatlon to hasp la touch with big manufacturers and othsrs who hav esienslv. shipping aad to get vry bit ot businis that it to posslbl for thta to get. On ot th greatest svlla they hav to oon- -tend with Is tb alow dying rebate system aad th habit that many shipper bar f mt bllllng their good to get a lower rata. Th shipper also overload tb ears sometimes, and tbs railroads bav to keep a pretty shsrp watch apon some of them, - ;..-. m ' , .. the oorporatlon. Lately ratlr lowed th exampls of ths Erl In baring a reg ular prcs agent. Often on of th viae pre Idsnte I lb man whose duty it to to mek good aa lmpraton with th publl as ha possibly can for hia road. There everywhere to In th railroad world evidence of adlspost tloa to deal mor openly wttk tha public Thto, of course, esoessltatee IS -' iaBt ot mea who posse in om r -re th characteristics and reeow uat mak diploma ta . . . . - Th result Is that th r:.'r offer tb ssplrlrT T" " ' chance than it 1 . railroad eenter e ? I i ---" r-t aiy " 1 s ' 1 I v. 7-