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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1906)
-4 TH30RSQ0H . SUNDAY JfOURNAI, PORTLAND. SUNDAY TZOmHIIO, JULYtV K:i ' Acquainted With the Key Peopiz text-Dec? Yet? Cloces, Are That a 'For Cat" Ad In 7b Jcarnd- fc Tbni Yo : ' """ . i i : . - . .. ? . ' : i "; : 1 t r- -i ' ; t WANTED AGENTS. INBCRAKCB AGENTS AMD 8 BO K EM, iTTENTInUI Why wet place 7w health eed eeeideat r-ke with the octleeetal Casualty Company f Chicago, Dm largest wipuf lB..,n orld doing etrirtly health eed eecldent rnMineaa 1 Tbsy alee here eoltectloa privileges liGHTT Mt cent of the railroad mileage of U, 8.1 they writ tb btrt contract asa mt tli highest eomwleekies. Call ea or writ Mellory Co.. meaafere eMrthwesrarB deoertment. BOM UBM BXCBUIfe Of of Pertlead, Oregon, , . . -. - ' Xia PAT to on agent U m eeenty "eetlng for the isveetor' veiae. ai uniw , .. Portlsad, OmM. . . . , WANTED Agents; eoatsthtng aew good satteri e-g wesw. e", Ter EUPLOYMENT AGENCIES. 4 THE Portias Employment Oa, BOB Morrlsoa - at. raeae Pads aaa. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OITIOI , ro mjui. 86 North Seeoad at. Phone Mala 153. BIO Wl KMP. AGENCY Help ewpplled free. If North Bocoad at. nm Maw in. fc i , ii- WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO BINT Roam, ottsg, lata. ton, erf Icee, rooming-hose as, ate. as hnh arfll An w.ll tA eell a. . PORTLAND TRUST COMPART Of ORBOOB, Pboa El. Tx. . B. Cor. Id aal OaJu WANTED Hoasaa. lata nd stores to tm parsons! sttentlo (Iran tola department BEST 4k TAN FOSSEN, .) -MH Marrlaoa at ' Farlae S5SL ' MonSeVL ' flats, roomhir-houaee. uteres, at- fleaa.. arte. Prompt attantioa aaaorad. Ftoa Mala UT1. Undkard Jack, McKay oKU WAITTID rnrniai4 kosa of noau, ta , fat witk trail ao4 Oman; ao chlUtaa; aaat ar wast aioa. Aha ar 10anai farBtaaaa buuaa. waat a14a Alas vacant rut or ksoaa ot at roseM, Mt Mocka at poatofnea. Uat 7or furnlahaa kaaaM wtta BM aaad gnumt thtn tha anpplr. H. O. BROWS i CO., ' - HIT WaafciBa-toa at. Paatfta tOa. WAICTTO TO EEWT A fonlahad tnaa, ar jNoflcinaa, la a pttrata family, aaar Malta- -a ciua. m 17, ara mrau. WANTED REAL ESTATE. .WAKTTO Baaiaaaa ar faatoaaaa wuaait ra . ia altr ta axekaaaa for food faraa Uada; aaadla aaxthlsa troa 1.000 to fm.ow; 1 KH HMllui tm tlaW aaai vraaina; -feBaa. wu m -mm waat to f acqsalDtad arlth roa. a, 1BH waaiattaai ac ,V AKTED lot la ax-Chans far aqattr (a ar To 7-raoaa aoaaa. Phaaa laa Wa WUX. 8ELI. raar inaaaitr. aa aMttar traat It ta or wbara jaeatsL Stod aaaerlttoa aow aa4 wa wlU da ttaa raat. InTtora' Oalda Do., ta Marqaaai blag-, raruaaa, urataa. W AW TED IS ta 40 aaraa far raaekt aai aa . vidua at arilaa ot Portlaad aad aaar traaa- porta Uoau W IT, aara Joaraai. 10 OB aaara bud la aortkara Klamtk aaaatn atata Uada arafamd. U, aara JaaraaL BABOAnt waatad far aaah. rood -raoal feaaaa ar lot.- uau a. a aar.-M aaa a. hum WAITED Heaaaa aad lota la aar aa Fartlaad, addltloaa or aakarb aara bar araltlact Vat ear aropatty far alek aalaa - OOKIUH BBOS. tlT Marcaarlta Ara. "' WANTED Ooraar lot far - raaMaaaa tarwaaa 10th aad aad. Harrtaaa aad 0Uaaai aa afaata. D IS, aara loaraaL WANTED TO BUT Naw ta? aaarfr aaw awdara T ot S-roooi eaaaa aa No Hill not fortkar . aortk thaa Orartoa at.f (Ira Imraat aria aad axaet localMau aa, aara oajraai. GOOD laeoBia aad laaWaaea aiapaHy, lata, faraa- iaaAWi rtniDar laaoa. . UNDHARD JACK. McKay bldf. WANTED FINANCIAL. WANTED (SM to asaa aa saw roppar attnai altf and la- will aira aa axtra-aood apuottuii dnccBMBt. Call la faranaam Joaaa' Beak atora, . tl Aldar at. ,WANT1D lau af ll.aoft aa rood fana 18 ' mllaa from Partland: hhj aaearitr far tha Aaoraaa o a. oar joaraai. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE WTLI. BtTT. OB TRADB ANT OU) THING. WTOTEKM SALVAOB 0O UT 64) WASHINGTON. PACIF10 TM. WE wrtX BUT yrmr fBTnltnr aar aid tuav Waatara BAlTar Co., 027 Waaklnrtoa at. rAIKTINO, apra7la and whltawaahlac traaa, baaamaata, tNU-aa, oocaa, ate; larcrat f taoHna ' apraTlaf avtflt aa tha eoart. M. O. Morgaa ' V Co., tti Unloa ara. Paaaa Baat 81T. -: WV BM I TU KB WANTBD , SF0T CAfW , ., , rOBTLANO AUCTION BOOMS 111 rtrat at. WilO IB M. . MOBOAJI 00.1 HIGHEST prto paid tar aw Uat erT7 1M UaJaa ara. WANTBD 800 for man froaa arrrata partri hoaaa aad to la It Johaa for aa aarlt. D 18. JoaraaX WIDOW wlahaa cara at aalldt tanas rasa - abla. TW Mlaaoari ara. WANTED . Wooia coed aaasBd-baad aarpaatar Addraaa B 18, eara Joaraal. "WANTED Ooad 184oa caaoa. aara Joaraal. Addraaa D Et, FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT 9THB BICHBUBU. l NORTH SIXTH ST. - : Blairantly faralahad, ateaai kaat aad batka. THE GRAND. 4RI4 North Third at. Rooma far (aatlanMa $1.2fi par aaah aad ap. fBB BENNETT, S1H Morrlaaa at, 1 alack -. froea PartUnd Hotal, aadar aa auaatamanl Raaaadalad aad ratnralabadi ale poreaUIB bath aad hat watar all tha tlaM; raeoja br ' tha dar. work ar smth. ataa-l or aa aalta. , at popular priea. j-aaaa auia -11 AND CP N leal r faralahad rooma. lot itth - at, hat. Wash. Btark. Phaaa PaeJfla 0. WOVn fnralahM aaoai. flw atlaataa walk to CitofOra, 0. Call Hi tha ar aa. Sixth aad laaoa ata. .. ., ... , ..... ... BBAUTIPCIXT faralabad ranaaa, aaodara flat; , jli, th; chrnp for thraa awothA 881 THB PAXM. 1WH Third at., csaifortablr far. i alahad front and atbar aatslda reosaa; traa alaat aad waakly. - BOB nawly raraMiad nosa, aaa Mtrbaa, Mth. sbona. aaa. porch: rant chaao to mil. Jnaa; aood locatloa, claaa ta. 48 Cimj. Pa. rifle 11T0. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. THB MITCHBLU riaadart - and Baraath itooau, koaMkain and traaalaati aa i " nalmig prlaaa laaaaaahla. ' LA BOB aUaraarir faralahad raoaaa; taa raaf. raaalaf, a-aaar. Tha Lawaa - data, oAH Aldar at. . II. PBB WEEK Larra, aa faraaibad .. ,. buakaplaf4ODa: Uenorr and bath. 18 . khrraxa. SoaU Portlaad. . - $1.00 WEEK TP, claaa faralahad boaaakaap. - Ingmma, with yard, porter, laandrr, bath, f urnaca kaat. 808 SUataa at. D car. - THB jErraBaoNiAR, aid Jrr 1 1 a at. NVair fnralahad aalaaa ad twa ar thraa raoaaa with all maiaaliaaiai aaaaa. THB NBW0A8TLB Plumbed r nana, a la alafl nam, raaaonabm. Phoa . Man BOO. Oacaar Third aad Burleea eta. BriTB. aoannletaur feral tatv I8 lh. Phaea MtrL beat locality. . 148 Mala SUA PrBNIKHBD haakeMiln( . location. Lawt aad Clark Careptna tiraaada, kbaiat Tabor. Pboaa Bart 4128. rt 8N1KHED hMteekeenlnf aad eleeptnf ronrne, 81 woak. Md.ioy. 3T1H Marrtooa, roue) a J?, bare a few honht'mf salts la ta -- seanM. 4k Sao st . , , , FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING THREE aararnlsliod boaaokarplac rooma with bath and watar, raat $7. 8Ut Mlaalaalppl ara. FOB RENT fnralahod aad 4 aafaralahad rooma, aew how and BMilara; aa chUdna. Baat a at. - TWO ar thraa femlahrd bonaakooplnE rooma for rant, (aa. ate: aiao mwtr not at s room. rant rraaobabia. Hi Mill at. FOR RENT I. tnrnlatMd hooaafeoaplaE (round floor.,. 18 Ballwosd at. I L, aar. SOME alra haa.kapln -rooma at ' 84 Pttr- Erora at. ! wooa or (as ipr raat. S PBONT huuaahapl(-room with arrrata raauiri is anoutea- walk to Biiainaa eaator, 848 Clay at. S OB 8 fnrnlahod aonskapln(4ooni. 818 lit. 888 Prttrtror. Phoo Mala 828. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. NBW 8-rosai 'lata. Ill: alads Markt at. Mala 8864. . roaasa, . 110 CPPEB floor, 18 . Mala 8864. roams, aaw. .180 Martat at. S BOOMS, aaw, daalrabla, Batdara. prtrata. uwa, rrc pboa. a biocca to at i an 04. Baat W4T. aoa uuraosa. ROOMS AND BOARD. ' 82.00 WEEK for wholaaom board, claaa bod. oa ox oatn. lannarr. aittiaa-room. foon Baat 981. Worklof-Glrla' Horn at Vol mil aara ot A mar lr. S88 East Ankany at. WANTBD Room aad board by widow ad tot- tlrmaa aad ha) a-yrar-old daufbtrr; plao whar child taa bar aara and com forte ot homo, Addraaa W, Blair, aaat and Madlaoa at. nun, city. . WrtX-rCRNISHBD rooma Witt board; rtaa aoi ratra; asooera. 4S jariaraoa at. HOUSES FOR . RENT FURNI. TURK FOR SALE. POB 8AI.B rarattwa af W flWtaBS aBMMa i TCSt 818. 88 Mill at. . rCRNITTTRB 8 room at SS4 Oataawla at prion 12B; SUB4 rat 880, T-ROOM hoaaa, fnrnlahad. 1X0, tar ma, 881 Birth at. low rut. rUBNITUBB af aVtaoa boaaa far sals, 8180 It aoM tula woak. S7 Aaat siomsoa at. FOB 8AUI Parnttnr of lt-rosa hoaaa. rlfht aa rirto-at. caruna; a spanaM jooaooa. uau ap Mala 8aw-- -- 00MPLBTB fnrnlshlae af tVnom boaaa, aaw aif araoa xaraitara, aaaap, aaa nouaaay ava. PUBNITUBB of 8-rooa Sat for aalat barn In for aom aa: parti teanafl aawm. Call atoaaay saa miu FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. PART of shop to tart, sattabla far patstar at piamoar. sua swarta at. OrnOB-BOOMS, aafaralahod aad sasol- rooma fox raat. Tator. flodooo(h bldg. Apply alo- DB8IRABLB stor aa Unaaa ara. I mt I1T.B0. Hartmaa ai Taampaaa, no, 8 Cnamaar of cam FOR RENT FARMS. FOR BENT 888 aeraa. wall tmprerad, la B ma county, ror tarm ai yaara; B-rosa piaa tarad boaaa, aaar car, Sallwoad. , W. L Prtoa, Lnta, or. FOR RENT HOUSES. POB BBNT Medara S-rooai monm, aoothaaat eotnrr S8th aad Baat Plna; rant 818; thl la cbaap rant: tha bona I la food ardor. Mall Ton Borstal, 8S Bast Buroilo at raoaa Bast iw, - KADDBBLT TRANSFER CO., prompt aad uaaaa piano ana- rarmiara-BBorora; aiaa ator- , PlM Mala 1888. OfSoa llO N,. Third. FOR RENT 8-rooa cottar. No. 149 18th at., aatwaaa noyt aaa irrus. ' Apply aaat ooor. 818 MODERN cottar. 8 BBaat' wa ik rrom oowntown. BA0BMANN A BLANCHABD, 81 ruth at. POB BBNT A aaat Oraom boaaa la MoaUrUla, !. SB Body at. Phona Tabor 48. POB BBNT Oa aaat alda. a fma tar, la rood location raaoaaa Ibio partua, P 28, ears Joaraal. wfthoat chUdna. Addraaa POB BBNT Brtra fin saw - T-rooaa modern hoaaa, HO Baat Morrtena at, Bnaayald, 888 par monta. injur xxim waaajaftea au. it. raoaa raeuia ass. POB BBNT S rooma, aafaralsaad. atea loca tion, lath aad E-roratt. laqolrs aa prammaa, 828 Braratt at. :- - . POR RENT Mdra 8-room etrttara. - 81 nrat at, M. ' Pboa Baat 1282. POR BBNT 18 room ! par aaoathi 1 amall eotta, fs, oatmaaa ttatlaai W-W car. MODBBN 8-rom hna for sola ar raat at Moaat Tabor; rnad locatloa sad large fraud. Phoa Baat 1828. Btarnr ani a a. irri baMmcat. walk-1 ma aiatant. wcat aid; iis.w per aawth. oua vawimarcuu auf. raoaa raeua II. 8-BOOM eotta for raat 818. 88T Saaoad at POB BBNT Twa 8-rooai hooaaa aa Larraha at., nar MCMiiwa at.. Hoe, 828 aad 881, at SIS par moath. Apply to Joba Patera, 881 Bacramaato at PhODS Bast 8218. 4-BOOM lie aaa, 100x100 lot, barn and terse chlckeaHianae, 88 month; aaap. McCoy, Morrlaoa. . , POB BBNT f-raom koaae on Park, aaar Stark. aa. m. im Pboa Padse SB. 88 Sixth St. FURNISHED HOUSES. Pl-RNUHBD boaaa, T rooma, 8 blocks Portlaad hotal: rnt 886. Call Bathaway'i Sixth anoj Salmoa ata. POB BBNT Pot S swaths, a eonmlrtelr for- alahad modem -room bona la booth Port land. Apply st 821 Kelly at. FOR RENT FLATS. S-ROOM lower gat, nearly aaw, 178 nfth tt, a.mioat car, aaooern au ua way tnrotJRB, tip-top plumbing, tinted ia food colore, tiled kftchaa, fa ranr laauilad; rnt 128.80 monta. roniana Trsei Company ot Ortfoa. rhone Bxekanfe 72. BBAND aaw 8-rooa modern flat; rent 818; ajnaa, m soon DaifnDoraooQ, aifntiy loca tion, T-mlnnte ear eerrlc, rythlnf . AL Oood 8-rooot. A I Una, Mlaalsalppl are. and Palllnf at., cleaa and brurht, lit month. Portlaad Trnat Company, of Oreroa. Pboa Bhtchenfo TX, 888 10-BOOM apper flat ' farnlabad, or two riate, eaitanie lor aoarauf a. p. ma or twa men aad their wire. Pboee Bant 806S. JUST PINI8HBD, Cincinnati Court, corner 10th aaa fiarrjao ata. ; s, , a, e-room apartmenta; kaat, watar and Janitor sarrlc fnramhed. laeulre am pnmlae. - SUMMER RESORTS. L0CK8LEY HAIXt SEASIDE, 0REOON vnaer bw mn(amnt anncert. aanrnf, tiambakee, ptenjee, taaala; free bee SMOts ell tralna; 100 elefiat.eotaida room; pri vate hatha; elartrte llrhfi; annex orer looting the a; oottafa. ror rata. rrratlona. addroa Harry T. Batterworth, Bianarar, or sir. Carlisle, ra-uaas, racio ana. NECANICCM INN Seaald. Oragoa Hon dt- rectly facins ; Sowar and avertou around, alec trie llxbte, eaady aeacb. baaa cooklnf. Mlae B Desaaaa, prop. Oei off et Necaatenm etatlea. THB BBrTT. family bote. Leaf Beeeh. HOTEL SALT AIR, OeatorrOl rtatioal aeoomajodatloae. . THB PORTLAND, leedmf hotal. Nartk Beeeb. HOTNL W1CKBAM, Bewtoa ststleat sauna si calalae. WANTED To take a party oa cemptnt trip; food eotflt. B. H. Bharalf heoaea, K, P. 0. No. 1, reham. Or. POB 8ALR At Seaside, I room eotUte, orae motinc bears; a bar r. In jr taken thl week. vau aaoseer , , ateio. aa aaxasiaa. AUCTIONS. ABaiawaa-a ana The etock of the Hyaianle Mattress ama (ny, lnaohreot, eonalatlnf et plan aeodle fiber mattraaaea. full eqalpawat et atnek and macoinary to manufacture mattrimae, aaa finrt-claaa office rurnlajira, will be eoM at action Prlday, Aafaetl, st 10:88 . aa., et wwrana are., ay oroer or the eoart. BUSINESS CHANCES. WRITE aa cmlek arnat reont tmnortant relopmnta ot tb Hunt Aatomatl Switch A - BifnaJ Co. ; nay stork before bis sot ' I. P. Hurst A C., 2u McKay bldf. THB komasaahera eaearelaa to eastern Orese, orerUad, will mare about drat af Joly. Call ion rearth at, room 88, ror Informaooa. 810.000 WILL' bar am 1X8. aaatrallr located. income fa, 100 per year; pare a per eaai a SSd.GuO; thai property aboald treble la rein In the aext 18 year, be in better aaenylty tbaa any beak, dad three times better thaa loanluj money aa real aetata. Mr. Boa SOStt Stanton, comer Commercial, A 1Mb. WHO IS M. O. MORGAN Cat MBAT market faraale cheap: SSS Ualoa are. aorta; aouf foea bum nee. POR BALE Ptne lot of aberrktB, n sr Ban, WANTBD A rood minus neeoaltloa to In corporate aad finance. J. B. Baltey a O, oai Lamoer Bxenaara. - , DRUO KTORR Excellent loeattoa, food bnal- neaa, rornuiiM room aad etoreroom; soo reaaoa for eelllaf; will stand tnreatl ration; fine openlnf for yonnf man ; will aaoiflee fnt 84.400. H. O. Brows A Oa, 64T WaaUBg- toa at. racine sua. - BARBERS I would bay a shop If. raaaaaabto. I a, care journal. . - , cream parlor and restaurant: double bofldins, cheap rent food locatloa; taxing la from 1 20 to SMI per day; will sell for leas tbaa coat ot future, ror pertlealar call oa or address w. It. Morenoue. i7V cast utB st, ar prone Bell wood 7. POR - SALE Hatrdraaln-. - Bmlenrraaj -1 neanrv nerlar: a aahMMIIfl neoneantloa Bni peraoa nndervUndlnf the bnalnaaa - D SO, cere jeoraai, - sand WILL bar a reetearaat aad 1db taax ia maaiaa moaor eraai ia roie onit son; 18 tab lea, 18 a tool, good Sxtareaj good lease; . vne location. HA0IMANN BLANCH AR D, , 81 Fifth St.. CONrBCTTONBBT and elgar aor, goad oea tloa. 8400! lareetlgBta. A. a. Tlalag, St jeans. 1. -.-... D14 SHABBS In an old eetabUahad whelesale Bfutseae at par reine or aiuv per aaare; wiia thai etock a good poslrJoa can be bad tor a bemaeeo asaa. Can at lOTH Thlr at PARTNER WANTED br 8 , Bsa tboroogbly poetes in me aiaaBTacrare ex weoo aieoooi, with eaalpsMBt ready to set ap. Call 107 M Third et .... - SAWMIJXj FOB SALaVa-4.000 eapeeltp, 4.000.000 reel gral Timnari goon auaaa vauej, vaaa lei Morrboa st . - POB SAXB OB EXCHANOB Orooary stare ta Ure TaUey sowa of 8,000 aopniaaoa. ; Aaar P 8, .cere 1 Joaraal. - - , POB SAXB Hotel aad feed aara ta tbrirmg town la central Oregon; reiiroea aew aouaiag to the town. Addraaa B 8, aarp JoaraaL BAWVTTX, for eel. 80.000 eaaaettr. ardor, ruaniag ana paying; plenty oa goo timber, - Per pertlealar call 11TT Haw thorne ere. ar address Sawmill, , Latourelle Pelle, Oragoa. WANTBD At one, a sapable aeaiepm man for Mir lunar! ia oeei ouaiiui propomrjon ra nor tb west: mast hare 11.000 to 12.000 and be e worker, with soma editorial ability. Address B a. Joaraal. SMALL grocery for aal a. stock aad flxtares. eiao rumirur or s UTUg-roomn iox a ate cheep, S78 Wheeler st - - BBSTAUBANT and raoarlM-honaa, 84 tun an, Sl-room aotai 'ia ( railway town. Garal aaarchaadlaa stor aa WHIaaiatt tmmr UKiafln rasa a avaa xtmrm.n x, SOV McKay bids.. Third aad Btark ata. rOR 8 ALB We hare a barcetB ta a Bieresautdiae store, close t rortiaae: must aau et once. B. L. Cat, 118 Bacoad. Pboa Bx- TO. 888011 BOOMS. most ail n one. fleoeai'r ' and saHobs doma aaad rant 110; wen toeetedl aaaar laarlng town; arias per Inventory. LINDHARD JACK, McKay bldg BAR 8 ALB A nlcs klai-claaa leeirUaat aaa for fl.ouo, euiubie xor itar may or gentleman of good address and reference guaranteed ennnal profits of not lea thaa 12.000, with fine prospects of doable; aa agaats. - Par Interview sddreas B 18, Jeorasl. ANT lady wishing to go east will find ft 8 bar aavantag w teiepnono raciae ia. CWinn mtweieea e, rak laeretlv ffl practice, centrally sseawo re lie Vseatad. For term asolr to H. May, 181 Abtngtoa bldg. PHTSIC1AN to locate ta growtnr esuarb. Ap- ply to P. B. May, ABtngtea owg. ONB-CBAIB barber ehop far aaw. 828. Mt Boott Rel Ketats Co., Mats, ur. - CASH sabarbea nne worn BALE) Stare stock with dry goods, sad shoes; ta ssiy ea in a xica aounry town. F 20. JearaaL FOB SAXB A geaaral BMrcbsadlee store st Invoice tries n an sssohobs cBiion. . au, JounaL - - - - ' FOB SAXB A sold storage aad peeking riant ra p thriving eeaatry sawn aa aeoot x,oim. B SO, JearnaL " J- WANTBD Partner with 18.000 to take peetUoa eecretair-tmaurer at 1100 par month; In corporated eosxpaay la a-oratne. ai uem Bwrelsl bldg. HELP WANTBD Costlier for B SBStsm-eat as rartner; will guarantee yoa xo a wee a ana re board; 2B0 repaired, fully aseared. Call UM Stark 'St v ''. BKAL BKTATB BrjrrrNBR Owner wants se- tlr partner to help ertens einca ana anew land; experlenee ubneceosary, bat mart be wtllmf to work; profits very Ursa aad only 8800 required. Call S4814 Stark st tlBO RBLTANLB partner wasted; wnr gnar- Buiaa row ee r i .mm. m i, . 1, Uftll Bk. a m . . ots eiMue BwavitAr Aeetwe eeeei een eaek S91A . Banath la safe bualnees aa parrawiai.wiw raqnuwa. and dotie easily learned. Oan S4SH Stark st CIOAR STORE for sale; fine location, chess rent, doing s foos ouaineaa. vau 200 run at. SPECIAL BABOAINS IN BUSINESS CHANCES Grocery store an eanrecrionery stores from 1250. to X.00O alee wall-located rec ta or ants sad roomlxif-boaaas. , OTTO A CROCKETT, " ' ' '. 848 Vk Waehuftea st - . OROCBRT Fine locetion, eleen atoek, . food paying cnatornrs. aoing ooui no a oari Sood reaeoa for selling; Itrrote a boot 11.400. 1. O. Brown A Co., 84T Washington et' flNI TWntD tntereet Is msanfartirlag see la portiana: will near n,"w ia em 12 esontha; prodta lncneae aaBUallyi price 88.000. D 88, care JouraaL FOR SALE Boardlnf-baaee af IS roesaa; Saest ta city; part eB, tn reel in par Addnes D 84, aara Joaraal. 28-BOOM keuee for-8T0r- 28 ah.bsinoe eeey paymenta. . peea racine 10s. . ne gents. C00D BURTNESS isno 12-toom lodgkif- CHANCES. BtaklBf Bioner: terme.' 61. WlO Half m tenet la gxhaaffle factory B splendid chance. 82.000 Ooaatry ariaa office, etesi 000 OOBBtFV rms For money making ee fress 11,000 Bp ttli MERCHANTS. "A fleaa atoek -e mexal sserensjidlae ea faed trading point cheap rent and dotnf a food buameee, at 88 eente ea the dollar; etock a boot n,000j 18.000 run, balanoe ea time, or err hang for jtlty property. I bare to hire 0 trans ere to ran It, so I prefer to sail ar e ehsjixe. Mrs. J. P. R. eara af say agent P. Pacbe. 221H Morrlaoa at WANT two cottage and twa let oa Insrsll. ment, eleee m; aleo diamonds, rbeep, from owaeia enlr wba waat aaah. Addraaa B IB. 4 (are Joerna, . .... 1 - week Mete - - BJOW I ' 1 XT. - -r '-ia 1 - SBrgw ea. . . . boat I BUSINESS CHANCES. 1128 BUTB halt Interest ta Bn -paying and cmsb auauwae; 82 to 80 day gaarsaiaea. v , car Journal. CONFECTION CRY etore, worth double the prise - wo wui aaa atoaaay. cau aaata aiara au LOCAL oorporatloa of high Atandlaf flaaaclally , aad etherwlee desire aa Interview . with a Coung sua, ant ever IS. who hae ss.ouo raet, which will be satlafaetorlly eecw ; to take, eharge of a department of It baalneae oa a salary of 81M per month, which. It be pnaeee himaolf worthy, will be la r rely 1 he meat bar exacnflre ability, san er! knowledge of baslaeaa effetre, be able to dictate a aood letter and take the Inltla tree; hasboen aood not apply; thla la a bual neea propoaltlon aad require s maa who haa oounaence in nimeeit; eaatera msa preiarreo; Be anrormatlea will be raralahad by mall Aaareee tor intanww B so, ear joaraaL POB BBNT 8-tory building SOxOO, brick baa. umnt. SO rooms rnrolahed. at YanoouTr. In- , iwnataa in rroat at. PABTNER wanted la teal estate aad employ. moot office doing big bualaass; eery little eaoeey reoulredi loTeetlgata. . 888 Barnelde. 8280 WILL bar kslf Interest la a wen-paylni reeiaurant; oa araaay aoaraare) foea toe. tloa. CaU 181, Morrlaoa at. SALOON Tory choice loeattoa, long lea, for eaie ar will eichanxe for eltr farm property. laqclre at 88 Sixth St. A SNAP Small stock SToeertee 8140. or li voice; no location j ilring-ioODja. Fbona Mala S40Q ... .. .... ITRST-CLABS raosnng-bon for ekm ea easy payment!: will a II half Interval to right parxyi ew require. avie Sviuer x. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Boclitel' &lEefns 362 EAST M0RRIS0K ST. Tb Bailey Brick aa Unjoa sea., bet, Ptn ana es goea. tor fiuv par aaaatai pnoa OiOiOOV. v ... ,,. lOOa 808 Beak ad Hawthorn, for ,000. Tarlar bet Thlrd; s good bay for 81T.0OO. 80x108 aa Baat Morrlaoa, brln-tag a laag fiso par sesata, ror ia,uuu. - Twa kandsoBBt H aa for 188,000 sad blocks oa Oread ' aaa for 881.000. - Btthar of those U block ea Bast Mortis aa aaa mire; wiu xoaa yon ra ia a saw yearai ask a boat them. . ; t . 80x100 aa TJWea are. bet. far o00. - - 80x88 oa Oraad ara. Aahsny for 88.800. Nice lot ea Ualoa ae.i Saa for 0a west slds, oa Baooad st, s d-stery brick, 80x100, Iboobm 8800 far stoats; this Is worth a tboaght . aV LARGE WUMBER OP Eoiisesandvlots TO CHOOSE FROM 82. SOO MODERN ' -rsom hoi H - gas, bath. kaeomantr oao-i See aelg hberl ABg aietaeee. weal aiaa. . . HAOEMANN A BLANCHABD. .' 81 Fifth st FOB SALE Oood T -roots house with ar S lots, 1228 Bast Mala.. ; FOB SALB.- " Seed let aeer Bawtaorae ara. sad 48d at. riw; siv oowo. jiu. per, jnoow. Jnciitcl k Kerns . S8S Bast Morrlaoa St. BUSINESS lot aa Colon are., ' eery central. only so,TW. - inquire at aso vest waasisg. boa si. .. .. - ... - . Berlins fin tracts for sals by Samael Weldoa, 146H Third at. - SNAP FOB HOMES EKE ESS 11,490 S Iwrely lota with ate trait trees sad alee 8-room oottage, Kaat 8 u navel de: laoo - ceah, Delano Ilk rent; da. not msW this If yoa waat a nice borne at Bargain price. P. FUCHB, 221 Morrlaoa st WEST BIDS CORNER 8S.8OO Cot-Bar lot 88x100 with 8 bomss, which will bring la aa Income 10 pa month; close ta this sorely wlU aat last lonj A0BMANN A BLANCHABD, vi nixn sr. "BAROAlN. T Tea acres choice level lead, suitable for putting, on line of aew suburban electric road. P. M. Batchelor, 004 McKay bldg. FOB SALE 80 serae Bear Etta cads, aloe level lead, ell la cultivation; all crop to go with ': tha plaeti prloa 82.000. . 428 acres, finest dairy farm In Clarke county, Washington; 1B8 eeree la coltlvatloa, ao-aer orchard, (0 acrea timber, balance pestur. , . ,4 ISO aere saltabl for s stock range, witk bouse sad aara, aeveral Bere (leered, for 1.000. v B. U BBOWNTNO REALTY 00, 181 Morrlaoa st FOR SALE Big bargain far quirk eale; 8-rooa a Durban cottage, groans tuuxioo test. Trait end shrubbery; by owner. O. W. P. Town- aide Co., 818 Alder at, la 0. W. P. A By. walttng-teoaa. BEAUTIFUL 8-toom borne with a p-to-dare a p. paratue, xaeea et, ruu oaaement. fibre, fine anlsh; 12,100) assy tar ma. J. B. Boss 1ST union sv., aorta. 8MAJX OILT-RDOB INTE8TMKNT - 68.200 Nlcs corner, 8 block fit side bridge, bringing rood Income; eaay terme, F. FUCH8, 221 Ml Morrlaoa st , .,0 -. FOB SALE BT v 'f'Buclitcl tSt Icrns ". ' ' 80S Bast Morrlaoa at Two hsadsoms lots la Plrland; eaay terms. 68.000 8-ROOM boas, Bandera, SB ; LUeols; a Sssp: rented by 8 families. . HAOEMANN A BLANCHABD, 81 Fifth st FOR SALE 8800 Lot 80x100, S2d sad Cllatea. . Pbeo East 6448. WILL buy sart of yoa s Mt sad bolld to salt' la any the city 1 small caah eeymetit, hat nthly. 0. H. Dammeier. ao Fifth enee monthly. et, near Stark, A MODEBN house la Holladay Park; modern, cement walia, faa, electric light, fire place; oa eeay terme,. Boa Kroner, 106 Third at S GOOD stock ranches st IT.60 per sere, OREGON FABM A HOME LAND COMPANY, ..SOT McKay bldf.. Third sod Stark ate. FAXON PARK ' Is aow oa tha market; lots ft serssg prices. aooordlnf to Improvementa. . Lota - 60x2008118, . 8180, 81M . ' Lots - 100x200 82f6, 82.10, 8278 , Lots 800x2004460. 800, 800 . Tkeee lots are stoetly la ulMvetlon, level and sightly, en a food graded afreet, cloe ' t good 10-room school, et Leats; 6c fare to say part of Portland; water free) tarses, 0. B, ADDITON. OWNER, Take Mouat Boott car. Sc. Lenta, Orefea. 81 . 880 6-BOOM cottage with T lots, S blacks rraea he. lonna canine, imiu vte.i b biibbv At Br BIRBR4X, 201-208 McKay bldg 2, 8fl0 BOOM boas,- large alcove. Bella aad aloeste, fall cement baseaieat; beat rldnr district ea Sell wood tt., near Unloa ere., N. A. H. BIRR ELL, 201 308 McKay bldg. 88.000 8-ROOM boas la Irvlngton oa Beknylar et., between 17th and llfli; modern pmmhlng, - good fl replace, brick haaement: boo In tint 1 elase repelr throngbonet ooxioo-font lot, fro It sad Cowers. Holms MaIee, IS Third jk FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. HO Tins Like tUe Present . 1i? Jlm kar bom or as vestment la TODAY. Portland reel.eaUle la aot ee cheap ea It was "now years ago." IT IS CHBAPBB THAN IT WILL HB NS.IT YEAR ami nil Anna, thererore why welt aed kwet - The prlcee below are the owners' - figures. If yea don't think tbem low aaouau. a wia ar that yoa consbiac fair. Tunscn & Co.: . Residences; 18,180 New strlotly Btodera T-reom boo, - -York st - 84,000 A very desirable ll-room hem en Olisan et, 80x100. . 84,000 South Portlaad, twa 6-room eot- - tages. 60x100; sneee toft for food - building. 64.500 acne Strictly modern 7-roora house , ""'I i("h and Bast 11th, near Tillamook, e.owBpienuia room hoaaa. Mason st, lOOxltlu mruF. . 62,000 Pine bow tiodera T-room bees.' Je laf st, aear L'Blsa. Thla I tb best bay ta Portland. - 12.100 Don't aterlook thle. Modern T-room nous, oooerete walks eroand bouse, nice lawn , flowere and trait, Sunnralde. 12,000 Mc I -room modara DOOM, High tend, 80x100. ... . 81.200 6-roora houe. Sunnysld, 82 1-8x100. .- 61.000 Look I Sooth Portlaad. WeU-bailt -room aoo, lot aoiioo. 6080 Cottage la MUwaskla, rented at 810 v Acreare 88.00010 acres, east' aide. seoA res? faa. tory i r sue. ..,.....,. .. . (N ino scree west af Bt. Johae. OOO lo eeree le polk county, cultivated. BOO acres -aear Mnntsvllla carllae. 00014 acres and el sua. rairmoemt ad- union to raarm, ursgon. 89408 acres. School Park ddlrloB, LenU. ' aaoA an wi . BtislBess Procerty 84,000 Oood store build log ea coraer 100x iw, . ivaioB ate. Buliainir Sites 12000 825 fsat SVontsce m Mt. Tabor Bn sear Hawthorn ave. - - - - - nne a Il.l 83TI ioiooxioo. Bast 44th, aeer Hawthorne 100100x180 corner. Portland boulevard 500 each 20x170 lota. South Portland. ' 4TS for a few day only, 80x100, Albtea eve., cat u caruna. . ; ,...(' , Business In vestments 84,280 A 00-room nicely furnished roommg houae, central, bouss filled, cbaap rest aad 8800 Well-paying - dowatowa rsatearaat; sap raat food lease. - ; Wnnscli & Co. Lemma? ExcbBBge, Second and Stark. Phona Psdfle 188. BARGAINS loonoo, save rent; amaU keeae, 8400; 8-room boose, 81.000; choice lots. Boll ana water; aesy terme oa au. w; jo. sraat. Arose iMg ata tloa. . raoae woooiawa isa. 61.800 6-ROOM house oa Bast Ninth et, B (stent alee full lot; Stephens' addition. A. H. B1BRBLL. 201-203 McKay bldg. 4-ROOM bouss sad lot, sheas. 107 East 48th at., at, moor car. BAROAIN IN WEST PIEDMONT Corner 100s 100, new awdara e-room cottage, cement base ment lawn, fruit aad fmware; It sola st si will ge for 81.800. - BEST A TAN FOSSEN. - Phoa PacUle 3381. . . 21M Morrison. 8 ROOM modsra bouse, corner lot. Hawthorn park. i,two casa. Balance aim par aaoara. H. 0. Basfhoia. 822 Chamber at Coaai 8TR0 8-BOOM hoaaa. Sail lot. a Mt Scott aar, saw casa, oaianee i per awaiia. a. Vk Kaat ham, 628 Chamber sf Com mere. . . A ROOM Boa, S lors. fro It trees, ear S blocks; pnee 82.200; terms; Higniaaa. o. c hast, 822 Chamber of Com - SPRCIAL RABlAlNa. 81.100 6-room eotUge. 2 fall Iota, aTatt aear ear, east oioe; enap. 11,880 S-etory building, store, . T rooma. Osntrsl Alhma. 18.200 78x02 coraer.; t, stores, .IrrlBg seoms; rest W aionth, IL400 2tory house, , St Johaa, aaa enontn: atsT sua ia 00O 80x100. Wast Tentk. close a. ' 2 - reeldenc, rent 282 monthwortS. 12,000, 11.000 lOOxlOO. Williams SV. isflO 80x100, Cnlmi bt. 81.800 18 lota. East Ollaaa. , . 8800 Pme lota. Best Ollasa. ' 800 dowa, (10 aionth. F. DUBOIS, . Wsshmgtoa bldg., room 1. , CMckcn Ranciii - 82,0008 acres la cultivation, 1 aar straw berrle, 1 acre grain, Vi acre la trait; T-room boose, barn, ehlckeB-boaaa sad corral. rentes end cellar; 100 chickens, S Jersey eowei furniture, etc. I sssy terme; 6 blocks xrea Button. - .-. HOTCHXISS WOOD. Roots 212 AUaky bldg. Third sad Morrison. Sm Hcmes'For Sale Farms and city utwerty. THB INVESTORS U QUIDS CO.. 111 Marqnsm Bldg., Partland, Oragoa. NEW S-rors modern boose, lot 80x100. frN trees end Mwa, aear Maxguerits re. eassp tor CSSB..V. -- .. ... S-room modern bouse, with terse aara aad fruit trees, lot 80x118, 13,800; 2,000 dowa, bslaaca st S per aaat . ... Mew' 8-room modern bouse on Hawtbofne av., kx 88 8-8x188, sement wslk, sawa aad flow era; basement; cheap for cash. 6-room bones, lot 87x118. fruit trees, etjcl-f ea-beaee, etc., f l.DUU; aoo aow a, oaianoe ai 8 per esat. . Lots esv TMrMoa et. Bear Marguerite eve., at 1250; 10 dowa asd $10 per month, balance st 6 per wat.v,,, v . -.. Lots Vstweea Bswtborae aad DlTnitoa St., 82M sad apt small payment dowa, balance flO per toonth. tine coraer, facing aest, OB East SSS aad Market at., on assy terms. , . CONKUN BROS, . . SIT Varruerlte stc. . Mt Tabor and Beearrolr ear ar Mt. FOR SALB Saull house sad t or S lots. 1S8T Burrase at, Willamette. . - SNAP Oood 8-room bonse with frill basement end full lot for fl.BOO; easy terme; ro 2 fruit close to eerUne. J. B. Hoemer, 727 Unloa are., north. Phoa Best 8100. . 84.000 T-BOOM modem colonial boo eel moat exeeUeot location near Broadway earlloe; aat- lafsctory terms. A. H. B1RBBLL,. 201-208 McKay bldg. POR SALB Aere property west side, soafh 61, iw, of the city. A Piece containing 1 i aeraa, convenient to Wlllam etfe river, few minutes' welk from railroad eratlen; lies baaatlfullT. commanding rlew of river, city and mountains. A beautiful spot for.s suburban home for one who b)oti tba river or naee aa automobile. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. ; B. B. Cdr. Sd and Oak ats. 1 12,000 -NBW ' 6-roota - modern bungalow, fust been completed, 60xl00-font lot. cement elde- walk and graded street. This Is within walk ing distance of the center .of the elty and le a bargain. Inantre et owner, SO Third et NBW seodern beautifully Salabed home ta the beet of home locations, U block from carUne, 88.600; H dowa, balance to ault yoa at T par cent. J. B. Hoemer, 727 Union are., north. Phone Kaat 6100. - ' is ooo WILL bay a new 7 anu ronTcnisnt, ineiuamg aew velvet carpets, sbsdee and , screens; corahfnatloa ess end electric fir tore throughout; Baa four light bedrooms, full cement be Be aten!, stationary tube sad farasas; cement--walk - aad - sidewalk, mod laws and roses; la 8 most dealrahl neighborhood, convenient to towa and flee bleeke from eohonl; owner leaving elryt mnst sell st once; ooa Broaaway, near iota. AFTER SBPTrlMrlER 1 THUS B PLACES WILL COST MORS MONEY, 12150 88 2-axioo, ,. s-room , awdara UtilTeralty Psrk. 12.60060x100 orner, aat Bl flllmmm M.'on 2il00 corner, Arom 84th and Beat Anxeny. Id.SOO 60x100 enrner, lima Strictly aaoeV era borne, 14'h end Fsat Salmoa. , J, H. HE1LBRONNBR A CO., 616-18 Lamber Bxchsage, Seeoad sod Sbsrt. FOB SALB A bets, Bew house. S bloeke fema ear, sons locetion: gmai it bom et naeet any from owner, aara aommlealoa. Add rem B 10s, cere Joaraal. HATS 48 seres 10 Bin from Portland; 85 ara ta gardening. 10 hi timber i ruaniag wateti Si list sell. A SU ear Journal. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. OWNER ORDERS SOLD IMMEDIATELY A Aeeleahle S-ronm niodern house, bare. fruit treea, lot 86x100, Eighteenth and beat "is ate. laquare a. St. xHiienwiie, McKay bldg. TWO lots and 4 room boaaa, net 610, corner Alnaworth st snd Ualoa STa.( excellent bual neee corBer; 61.800; tor ma. . , Owner, 844 Stark et FOB SALE 081 . Union are., north, two-etory aew building, rent 26 a month; Includes ,' atora aad flat, bars and lot 84x108; prloa 88.200; sultsble for dlflereut kinds 'of bust- Bsss; se agents. Jlldway Prccerty Rr Sale ' 8228 buys a good lot' graded streets,' wster sad aldewelk. . r7 1,000 4 room honae near river bank. 1.2U0 Troum bona, modem. . . m acre and T-room buuM at Oak Grove. - urnce lxui Mllwankle at. n u wooa car. ' MIDWAY REAL K8TATB COMPANY. : Coiacelled To Sell ' One ot the' prettiest homes la Porta mouth lot 100x100, 6-room house, (aodera through ,ont Oall o Awnee et No los Jeraar et., Bt Johns, either Sunday . sr Moadey tore- rrice ei.oou. , , f. COLUMBIA 1NVE8TMBNT , .' 1 ' OOUPIKT. . y For cheap Iota, 1100,. $126 and , SB, call pnona woooiawa szo. POR SALB Exceptional Bargain, e-room homey piar nearly new, BUxiuu, waier trait, aome furnish Inge, 1476 : 8 minutes to beet ear eerrice. r is, care joaraal. T-ROOM aew modern bona, larg rooms- snd well coastrncted, furnace best; coraer lot an et the alceet bom la Holladay Park, : . HXNKLB A HARRISON, . : ' SIT AblagtOB bldg. v , ' ' 14th St. Residence District 88, TOO 42x100. 8-room bouse, flower, fruit, etc.: aaar car line, 2 blocks from Market et.; 11.000 cash., Vacant .. lots. ta this locality worm aj.ouw an ap. - - v .-' - HOTCHK1SR A WOOD, SIS Allaxy. bldg.. Third aad Morrlsoa. FOB RENT 4-room furnished . boaee. with rtaa, at Mt Tabor. Phone Best 6704 from to 1 asd S to 6 oa Sunday, or room 212 Chamber of Commerce 6 to T p.. aa. week' ear. T;, B. Sckellhasuast. . '..- BEAUTIFUL borne pa west side, eloae i,aw. ass xnomperm at uage. bit moawealth bldg., Blajih end Ankeay. BEST BUYS. JON EAST SIDB. New medera home, 12.000; OartleM st, 88 1-8x100, T rooms, bath, gas. electric light com DJ nation rixtur. eloaete, -rail aessment aad walks. A anlendid buy. Model horn.. Cook-svs.. s rooma.- bath. eloaeta, full cement baemnt. . electric light full lot, Uwa. 82,200; terms. Yea Bast as it to realise mis chance. - Strictly aew, modera, Fargo at.,' ff SOO 60x100, S noma, bath, c Meets, full cemoBl basement fee and electricity, walla hand somely tinted ta velvet effect;- terme. -Ftrland bom, complete, 12.208; owner fomf ewey; terms. ' Splendid corner aa earliae, 2 lots, 84,800. Vacant lots la choice locations, . Be aal UetsN- Prices from 1300 ap. . .. ,,U. , ",; " Thompson" a. oaob.'' " BIT Commonwealth bldg.. Sixth aad Aakeay, . , ,. pboaa. Peclhe SesA, . - FOR SALE by owner, modern-buUt T-room tones ea Hawthorne ere. Inquire 1281 Mawthora av., coraer eiei ex.. WTLLAMBTTB HEIOHT8 6 room atrletly asod- ara boo, run lot aigbly improved; oa toe martet ror a raw aaye at as.sou. rir.i'mvii iHi-nvn wvw emnra nutieinVj lot 100x100, tewn, fruit aad lowers: a awell home la a awell location, -1 block to car; prke lees thea cost. 88.800. . CENTRAL ALBlNA s-room' Bew modarS hoas. full let fis Iocs tloa, IS mmatas by car to city; price 12.000. WOODLAWN S-room eoetag. pantry sad closet P la tared, .cement baaemeat large lot, hex. fralt and flowere. Best car; aerhlng aener xor pnee, ssoo. , Call ea ao for barram, any locality. BBHT VAN SVKWKH, Phone Pacific 851. SOIVs Morrlsoa Bt BBABLY new 4-room houae. eleetrie lighted. ew., learo. i meu uim, jew,, ehMkea-bouaei splendid locatloa; 1.20fT; half owe. Baiene io per monta. in xayier et., seeoad boose aortk at station, Lajualwood; Mt soott ear.- .. 880 BEACTTFCL lots ta Peninsular addition ne. a at em eaca, oa eaay paymenta. A. M. BIBRELL. 201-203 McKay bldf. FOB SAXB New modern p-to-data 8-room cot tag. Mason St. snd - vi awaer, S6S Maaoa st SEVERAL ales lots aeer, St. Johns line, one a choice corner, ea very easy terms. Inquire A. J. Harrle, oekJey uraea nareery. - A BAROAIN A fta T-room boaee te Irvtngtoe modera Improvements. .. loquir ec awaer. Pbans Beet 8616. HATE saedara bouse snd lot ta eaeieeet reet. deaea eeetloa of Baat Portlaad to tree ror farm wltbla SO mllaa et Portlaad; a agents B 84, cere JoaraeL - . AROOV madam hoaaa. rood location, full lot II, soo; year terms, amen none, a nice mrs, trait trees, vegetable Mt. Scott Une, SSnO. Oa sere. 1200; 1 acre. 6280; 1 aere. 8300; 1 here, 800. J. A. Jtarretto, S61 Burn Ida. Phone FaclMs 2808. ONE-ACRE tract for only 1280: close In to ear ns; Ilea piece to raise poultry au ervei. U 21, can) Maraak- WATER PLANT' la food, order, brtaaiBf feed mouth ty Income; aooa reasoa xor aening; a little gold mine for somebody. 24, asr Joaraal. - SWELL home for 18,800; large 8-room hesjaei modern aad la - excellent location, ea coraer lot, fall baeement. Inside work lovely. Sa It! J. B. Hoemer. T2T Unloa are.. Berth. New Home 1. 0 down, balsnee IS00 oa time, 8-swam modera hotss, lot 80x100, flaa yard, sloee to earlloe; or will trade for -80 e 0-ere farm aaar the eltr; s splendid bay. . FRi6 0. KINO. SOS Oaeuaerelel blk.,, Seeoed and Wash ats. NEW I room Biodsra koaee. 18.000; 8800, bal- SBa 826 BMBtmy. uwaer. rnon a, aar uia. WILL exchange Portland reaMeaos far At stock seeeral BMrcBsaoiss or giutsi me. ra,: care Journal. .- r-. f. ; FINEST acreage ob 0. W, p. and Willamette river, tracts to enit, aeeaiiiBi en, an Biases now Is the tims te purcbaae. They will eeoa be foos, then yoo'll wlah yoa had lnveatl fstod. The Omtmeatal Ce, 248 Stark st WILL exebsnsB food farm for Portland realtr; give ruu oeecriptioB; prmcipaa euiy., w, so, car JoaraeL YOU eaa inveat ta aubornaa aereef aad real las a baadaom prone ix utareeteo, F ST, cere Journal. - ' Some Bargains v : r 8400 flBO cssb snd 88 per aeonrh bays lets aad partly finished S-room keuee. fnoo 6200 cash and 810 per awath bum e-nom jionee ana one mx. . . 17601200 caeh and 10 -rier aeoark good Sense end beta aad 8 lota.i . 6750 1260 esah and 110 per meeth new S-room bouse and Hit. 81,8606800 cash snd 612 per Bmeth Bay aew saodera 8-room boaee, with bath, ' sad I lots, corner, 2 blocks from ear, '. . , T0WNB A BRAY, , StWH Morrlm st. Phone Pacific SB14. $8.000 T' BOOMS, ' modem fa every raepect. wixing nistsnew, on ex eioe, 1 oioss rrom earllne; this property 00s t the owner 88.800; inie is your coanoe ror a aome or aa m ils Is your e icat; terms. 12.800 S ' teams. SMdera, ' tall Corner lot on earuae; terms. . baswaaat. 11,1508 rooma. barf Mock from a ear Bnes, m Mocka from Piedmont earnara; 1 460 will baadle this. Talk abeat a sasp, this 11.100 S rooms, S lots. It fratt wees, 1 block frm sarttn, Oehter addlfloa. 100 dowa. sara effl boy 8 Areom booee aad S iers st Greg's OreeelBg on Mt. Scott eerttaei ewaer lewrms the ettyj $176 dowa, balance ea time. Thle M ehaen. . . FIDBLITY LAND CO., - . Mf la 1084. 61T Orsconlsa bldg. 1800 NEW 4-ronm boaee In Moatavllla, S btark rrom ear, emeu mr, asm. cistern, variery of peering fruit trees; 28 down, 110 per swath. Phone East 402T. Address 847 Brosd It, MeaUvUls. . , , . - FOR SALE tZAL E2TAT3.I Oar OlTerfcjs . 82TJO0 Cloee ta, wsll Improved Sa properly, paying a little more P per cent groaa. - 10,000 Fine boslnee property, Tkarmaa : St., paying good rental, f 8,280 Prectlcelljr new snd modera lO-reest dwelling, 100x100 frounoa, with lot ' -' of ornamental treea sad shrubbery, - ' end choice ktcatloa. I 1,000 Thole modera home, Overton, aeer Tw.nty-tlfth St. L - . I 6.000 Lot snd two food SwaUtag. S8T-SS Twenty-fourth at., aear laaraaaai - ""- ' will rent well. - , $ 1,180 Full lot, good dwelling In front S . . . email dwelllsga la rear, 247 -a Sew. ' entoth at, Pa ye good In barest; ' muat su quickly and wilt eatertala .offers. -I 8,000 Neet sew sad mod ere enttage, T8 Multnomah et. 1 eurrousdlngs aad all appointments first -claaa. Bee It. I 8. TOO 8-room sot Use ta beat part at Irvtsg . . . ton, anlshsoT la cedar snd redwood; , earroundad by fratt tree and shrub. ', ; ' (err snd ea floe comer lot. Few days only. ' 1 ' . I 8,200 Nice modera dwelling and S lots, Arleta Psrk. aeer uTghlsad, ; Easy - '.. terme- . . . - I l.TBo Sightly lot, new snttaga, Mseadam St., South Portland. Terme. . . 1, TOO Choice boUdlof alte. eorasr Baat . , Staik and KlghtotBtA at. I 1st as ' show yon thla. I 1,800 Lot oa Bast Madleoa at, aear Twea-ty-thlrd. t 1.080 Three choice high aad sightly lota, nser Hawthorne stenue; sewer; elty s ."! ,. , water end - aooa bltnlithle - pared, - ' street Will sell one or- slL Choies lot 0sy st, Atblua; tarme If da , aired. - 4 lots ta awst elsTstad portion Bast Pert land Heights; less thaa surrounding prep. Career lot with beet view ta brlugtoB. Burprlelngly small money. Lou of 101 ota ea peninsula, ahespsr thaa A rering eamwaere, ana wbicb we musi a ipse - out promptly. 2 Iota. Crystal Springs sddltlsa. Sell weed; . very low figure aad terms. - ' Beet aad cheapeet warehoas ptopetly tB the elty. " ::, b. s. jacktob- o.p" r - Phase Mala 88. . 248 Stark Bt 780 TAKES a i witk blocks from ear, food nsighborhood; this at' lust the price of the S lots. " - MOO buys Just a ale little aaat. lots .. with fruit SOO fsat from car; bares la; terms. , . 82.000 sets a Tory flaa aew 6-xoom home, 1 , modem, oa Baat 28th at.i It'e a aaap; terms, . aeaao hoea tha -baat narrate ta aa 6 roaes . heme, anodern. la tb city. Bear the earl feed , flrst-cleaa neighbor hood; terme. ' v " asd homes snd lots ta aaeathiy pay Pay rent to yourself aad thaa ewa year STBINMBTS A CO.. The Homaaellera. 188 M , BBAL ESTATB. r- ' Tbs beet buy la tha city, ever twa sesea of choice lead, with 8-room bonce sad ether bnlMlmra, clots la, only 14,800; maat sell st once. A fine T-room modera houae, ksrdwood tta. lea. close ta, east aide, large lot, 84.800. T-reom modera houe. nearly new, upper Alblns, 8 lots, east front, 6A6O0. New modern 6-room cotter, good basement, let TOxl28, all fenced. Piedmont, 12.800, A Beet T-room boaaa, choice loesUoa, WO- . llama are, 84.600. ' We hare saver al other bargains (a hsass aad lots ta all porta sf the city;- for caah sad on- assy terms. ' O'BRIEN REALTY OO," . - '' 824 Lamber Etehaage. I NBED MONEY asd will sell ar s-room ' aad coraer lot 80x100, ia Bunysiae, at A bargain. Addreea B St, care Journal. , . 400 CA8H aad 620 month at 8 per seat buys new 8-room 1 ssoaera 1 1 eoese. . Pboa 0. 0, Shay, Mala 8884. FOB SALB First-elaaa esttsge at Wesdatock. cioae t carune. rooas awst mm. 81.880 BUYS a S-roaea. cottage sad f us at. jonas earirne. : r ... l.TOO buys a 5-room eettare aad urn or , lot 100x100, eas block from Hawthorne ave- , 6-room aew and mod em cottar, targe let. esat fide, ea sarUaa, 11,800; ITS let fide, ea saruaa, 81,800; 6S assh, I BBC to ault. Wa hare a aember et fma kits sll toe wsy from Alblns to St. Johns, a tee eara tracts ea earllne ee low as 8200. 810 cash, aad 10 - -the eeat eld. H. W. GARLAND A CO.. 188 H Foarth at, eotaer Taylor. FOR SALEw Do twa waat a barsatat Blast, - ruu plumbing, nne lawn, rrait an flowers, cement Willi. 8X000, ea time, 11,000 caah 1 ewass forng east. Apply lilt Bast Salmoa St. Pnoa Tabor 881. fS. TOO MODERN S-room house ia swell Best Mursaios ow trier, narnwoou xjotws; luepiaiw, etc. Lambert, Wbltsser A Co., Sherlock bldg. IF yoa waat to balld any kind ot Building, small ar targe, ge to American Ins for lumber, tim ber, doors, windows, p testae boards, ats.-- $7.000 lOOriao, two blocks from Grand are-. one woes rrom nenen; anna aiwuiea. ; LAMBERT. WHITMBH A CO., 5 ' ... - . Sherlock bids. ,' .' v Acre Tract Be Carllne - 88TS iu aeres SOO feet from eerUne, Im proved and feaced; 8228 each and 18 pes awath. . B0TCTTKIS8 "A WOOD, ' ' SIS Allaky bldg. Third aad Morrteoa. NICE 8-room eottaae. -exsnar lot. Bio aad trait trees; price ealy 61.800. Ineulw at 41 Bsst aetk at - 70O 4-ROOM houae oa Mount Soott Bast 1-8 aowa, saiaaea aaoatnty. - a. cara journal. KEWd-roora house.. . ilmoat done, aear god bcbooi. no enaeks ia sight, worxmanaam ue Beet; see tm mooei it yea waat a aooa boms for 82.: Bur. T2T Un 2.S00, ea easy terms. . j. a, uea v., asr in. 82.000 NBW S-room eottere: etrletlr 1 aaa ap to sate, 1 oioca rrom winniaa ata. -care; 1800 caah, balaBoa monthly. 61,800 Nest sew cottage; 4 rooma aad large bath room, mil lot, base meat, Bar Unloa are. cere; $600 esah. balance monthly. , 61.100 bays 2 seres food lead with BsW - mee, 0. W. P. earllne, 10c fare. , . 61.400 bam S-eere ehlekaa-reaeh.' waB taw proved, tanning water, aeer ta; wfrl tredei I we bar good farms snd elty property. f wBCNDY-MELRATH OK, .!, , 846 M Morrlsoa SU 1 LTTTLB FARMS IN THB CTTY TCITSVe BULL BUN WATKB. , . ' Tract 110x288 feet an Frenchi at. I tick Soil, all cleared, SHOO: enraers f 100. Apply to THB DUNN-LA WRBN OB CO, .. 140 Vi . First st 1 ' $8.800 TWO S-story kensas, T reams eaeSrl asml socaaoa, wei eiae, aeuy ex.i ee aoaaa ea . corner, ether sdjolns; lot 60x100; sash $4,000, be is nee 8 pet eeat; rants 145 snonth. . . ; J , 61.800 cotugs or s rooms sad a xa Keservev rami terms. . $1,800 Broom bene (1 Vancouver ere. I A esah; 84.600 8 room- hones, eeat isat aids. Holly sfcf la tees, modem and , lot 40x110. S0-ioet alley la tees, mo thoroughly sp to ' dater aaah $800, bso month st a per eenr. ' - $4,000 T-roem house; basemeat, lawn. Bast Buraslde at., Bear 16th; reals $80 BMatht es eh $2200. balsnee eeme aa rant, 6 par eeat. , 14,000 I roem boaee. Best Preeoott St. corner; eaea 82.20A balaae S ysars, 6 pat 1,TB0 8-roem eottagei tsir U essh. ats ami UNDHABD m JACK, MeKay bldg. 4TH ST. PBOPBBTY ratr saa A 1 sloee in . is.poo rnoe aat. 10.000 Splendid oat. -100,0001 hoaeea. tlJXiO 8 boaaes. . . S8,000-l large Bats. . - OTTO A CROObHET. BeOH Vfaaniaftoa sv 100x100 A FEW eerima, foooi Btonra, . . . . Snhaa. 8228." ' " 80X108 TB St 80BSB, UX8. Lot A frees 64 end us la BOstassad Iwskf fcsapsst ea the market aad vrej JoeeBed. Seme choice mto Beer Barbara ea SA, tsaaet - lmel aood terme Sea ne gltew. ' -vi iw et vnArvmaia-i, 84AV WashtagtoA st SPECIAL BAB0ATNB IN SMALL d 8 room sottsge, ruu tsa, lotxZJZoom bees, full tet $2,000 reom wooer bone. amaaaS alee Breplaea, let kOOxlSBi snsjk,. , $1,000 1 reom cottage ea Unloa aa. cottage, lot l.OOO-'O loom pew cotrags. 1 MX) T-enea bonse. St J bTa ataek mat . 8 800 8-room modera ewuee. large axaeent ot etner 1 rood Tiaisasss ' OTTO A CROCKETT, S43H Vfaahlngtoa se. SPLENDID1 torn or en Williams v. ' star building atxes, x-orn a niinswlns Bp. atalrsi 6-room eettare I raar; room aat aae . ether sulldlng;' KftiO. : , . OTTO A CROfBTBTTV ' - '. ' )b1b Wtohlagtsa si '- V , ,