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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1906)
jCw:.v.u rc:rrL7.::p, sukday j:cr.:nNG, july 9, is:x em...- i V-f --.-4 Ww I 1 it IV m I i 1 1 ( ( . I 1 1 - XNV j ' Vy f j You C&n Invest 55 or 55,000 Ttirrwiel. . I,L.v' Ml ,1 a t , j 7 li il . wiuiu. uiiuni paraujo acme-an- nually . ' .The security is first snort- gaae Hens, band on 40 per -cent ralu- ations, on income property pa-ring 2J time the fixed interest catrffe. These . securities matnre in nnc. tm. three. ffiv : selection of the period for Which his ' Inrestment ia to ran. Tha intereat and nrWtnal cr K. .,. .,.M. oar office ia Portland, or Chicago or New York,' at the otion of the In- Vestor. There Is no other institution on the Pacific cosst that offers equal safety, me banks of the country are ; investing liberally in first mortgage ; ' Read This ' The . First National bank and the Merchants'. Loan & Trust company e?fiS5SnhcTe pnrch.a,li ?nJli,u 2' S per cent serial deben- lure oonas xrom Montgomery, vvara a tJompaay. ut tills amount the f irn nioimii naa iiKra i,w,uw, wnue the remaining Z300,000 has been purchased by the Merchants' iono. t And This '' Thf Bank of Commerce of M phis. Teniu has purchased $100,000 6 per cent first mortgage bonds, is sued by the Business Metre dub of thst city." "r-: -1 ' ("Amerkan Banker.") . VT I .V51. M eifmiij- ui niga-aui o per. cent western securities are being absorbed by eastern banks and trust eomoa- nies, and western investors are talc ing 3 and 4 per cent on their savings accounts. , . . . , ; Wt ask yon '. to investigate . oar methods-' of .handling investments. -tWe;ejtrend J&he same security and safety to the man or woman with $5 to tnvest as wo do to our clients who ars investing large amounts through i Oar location is central, and yon are toTiicu o .au ana get acquainted. Northwestern Guarantee & Trust Company Lumber Exchange Building (Second . floor?, b. s. tor. second and 8tark Sts. , . . Real Estate tartment W e have opened a real estate, de partment and solicit the business of the general public who wish to buy or sell real estate. Our organization I is sucn tnat - we can aire von nn. equaled facilities in properly handling anvuiing intrustea to our care. . we collect rents, psy taxes and care for trrooertr of non-residents. We can turnish funds to develop your prop erty, ana ' oiier su toe aavnuges nsuai to a trust company. ' Strangers in the city are requested to call and become acquainted. We will gladly furnish you information 1 " ' i . i.r f . a a? 1Z.?A .,l'V" J "r UIT' and extend every courtesy to mske your Stay in oar city both pleasant and profitable. " . Horthwestern Guarantee fc? & Trust &)iripany Lumber Bxchanga Building (Second sooor, a. cor. Second : f r end Stark Sta. J Den , ' , If you wish to invest b Oregon or Washington timber lands call and tee what we have to offer. We control . some of o the best holdings ia tha - northwest r - . ; rt".. . ' , , REAL ESTATE DEPT. ' Jl Northwestern Guarantee t ' . Lumber Exchange Building (Second "" "V i K Floor), 8. B.' Cor, Second , ,s: and Btark Sta. j.- -' We have money to loan in amounts to suit on first mortgage security. City property and nearby farms. See us oeiore you make your loan. Northwestern Guarantee & Trust Compsny yr Lumber Exchahre Building (Second floor), 8. E. Cor. Second . . suKl stark Sta." , e - a) H - Tou wDl aurely hero to eee before you will appreciate the lroororeraenta votn on or the eubetaatlal developmeat now under way. BUILDING uwi' '' ln laid I aiaawaiaa wmi aoaa pe in. .. n wctch Prices ucp In few weeks, iftad remember thla tha vary boot homa property that la on iWcio Llonoy BaoMwa taxes are leea. Urlna eheanar m win Miiiiaaaiiia. 4 Fed Good f aoama1 tha air la battar, al Ijrber, climate healthier than elfr. It's time far action today, aa no aueh opportunity to make moaay will erer DO orrered ekaln. BuildLnat allramant ana all othar neoeaaary reatrletlone will . enforced. raatrtoOona that work no wwuoa ana which Insure beamy. Don't Voit Go early today, make a eeleetton. No othar- tract In Portland oCCara auoh lo- aucamenia, amy. $10 a Koath I ' Take Uount Beett ear at rirat and Aiaer etreeta, eat off a Creetoa. Agent UM. A. CO WMUlTUWalT, AgaBt, i r a If CMC f II UreBOIl I rllSI Lfl. fl BTABK ' QjQ II OdaV '- ' And fee the fine Building Lots loneT Hawthorne Are between J.t Md FortrixtJ, St. , . .rAi " -T eoov.w ro fDW.vy. ROWis theUmeto BUY Before : Hawthorne rAventte 1$ macadamifed, aa prkea wiU more tnan double then. u ; ; Terms 10 Cash Balance - 810.00 " per month. . . . t, . . on th fround today from 2 tO 6 p. m. Money Adranoed lor Building rurpoaes. , Phone-Pacific 59. ' 83 Sixth St. Member Portland: Realty Board 0 h e-H a I f B 1 0 C K $2500 - Why Buy or bung on leeo that httrm an the epee)erre velne agaaaaad at Of taemf , This half Meek eonstato ef four beau tiful lota, eaoh loxioe, situated near lota sold at tl.tBS and up. Owner offers than at ,B0 baoauee ha must have ready .money.' -View ef the etty from theae lota le tha moat anparf ef anytUna on the Xaat Blda, and whan seeae new kuOdtea and etraeta are laid out la the nalahborhood, aa lead thla TmU, theae loU will aaU for l,e eaoh. . We don't often say we idtaap. sao M 0119 eelded one In Whteh yen eaa double year a short nsu. BUCMTEL & KERNS ,.; HI VAST MORXI80K. . . , , PHONB tUST 1411. COOS BAY . Belmont Addition- to Bmplre City. lOx loo lota Inside lots $ioo, eornar ilts. fp near bay. Terms lit down, owanoe aiv w montn. Industrial Stock - Snail bloek stock In moat naeaaaery eomiaodity la Portland, rood dlvldand payar. Bank and oommerclal refaroneaa. 10 ZjuSBke eohanere, av - , - Vhone Vaolae FOR RENT it e-room house in. rmnetoa. 41 Seat loth street north, modern Improvement. GtmcntG ooo S aeeeev near Lents, en O. W. P. By.j terma - . aiaoo 10xi00, half block In Pattoa's ' Addition, near ear line; a dret-olaaa realdanoa property. asiOO OzSO, corner Water and Otbba mit.; flna S-room realdanoe, cam ant fonoe and walk a, slshtly location. . 1 imron tea Ohaamha ef Qi its aria, ' BARGAIN One new l-room oottaae and two data One rootno and one T room a lot 10s 100. on North 11th at Prloa I5.1S0 II, IIS eaah, terma to ault en balaaoa, ntareet- per eant; Inoorae t par month. . ... .., . -.v , . M. E. LEE i Phone Peetfle IS. r "Vert er eiw'rA .:d To Yc:r Bach yaar kyataaelaa that naai'of anry awnta, wr fsa at aaaa, an raw if. Wt aaa an ploa Nar to aeeapr at from fl.SftO I I ae aa rarr tavoraala taaata. SbeaiS yaa pn- ,r m omimm nui iron jmwv mwu PUH. W1 will aaU ran a lot, tatolafe Uaa aad apaaUtr. mm aad aSnaaa tba am; taf kaUatas. ..Wa kra lata at 0 nit tae a.. Wa artw woarMMiaUr atbriaUra aanaa aoBM baUdara la Lat as w!S asltal la tfe aat Wll far hniMlu n- aaaa, Paeala with awdarato taonaiM jbtpie ka- VOUaDWMKaa, aad ttwa aaataM lad PcrtkrJ TrsstCczphi of Orc?c ,Tlrt 'aad Oak ata, The Dunn-Lawrence Company For Bargains adiSOO -Qraad oolonial, etrletly mod am. , a-room reamenoa. corner iol baauu fully situated. West Bide. Tou oaa not equal it zor lose tnan is.ooe. aaOO Nearly quarter bloek, masTnlfl- oeni B-room ooioniai raaiqanee. ooi pletely ntodam, Kaat Taylor street. eOOOLot BOxllI, with a maamlfloant ls-room bonaa; will . earn 150 par f month rent; has good earn and grev eiaa otit, gt.SOO Beautlfnl l-room , Queen Anne ootiara, lovaiy arounaa, awau looai- ity, lyaat Taylor street. ,. -Baantlfully terraoad ' lot. an kind a of roaaa and shrubbery, atrlotly niwB -non raauianoa, xurnaoe, aianna aa.SOe On inatnnments; beautiful eor nar ioi, aiyuan wuean Anoa e-rooa eottasre, modern conveyances, .icon' ' avenue. aiOO Beantlfal lot wtth eharmli 55 i-room . nouae. oaauurui arouna frente en ear line. Southern Portlaa gtJao 'A . eoay oot tare, with modern oonvemeaeaa, on Ju. 10. IJd. naar Aakeoy. gSOO Woe a-aere plaoe, email oot tare. oarn, pouiiry-nouae ana xruii. Qreat barsmlns In lots, acreaae ai I eompeuoon out ex cjueauoav 149M First Street BUY LOTS 4 " IN Vlneet lots In' the city. - srood wate fro: .ter. etraeta arened. only two blocks from two oar Unas. 10 minutes to eltyt only a raw enoioe iota iaxi. . race site to tsve, Apply at - - . . Ilughev Brothers Take "W-W- ear to Oetman Station, LOOK AT THXSS Vine IB anre traot half tnlW - rrnm nta, all fit cultivation (MO per aore, fl.UUV QUO. 17 H aorae near ReedvUle, tl la ouTtl- .uon: aooa noui ood nouae and barn, rood or I fanced and ereaa-fanoad. flna ehard. all sou, no aravol: I fine horaae, a oowa. 1 hose. 100 ehlokene, all farmlnj; lmpla manta. 10 tone of nay. tvt aorae nota- toaa. all goee for 11.754. Wul take ootne trade. ' 10 acrea, 10 mUeo east, lie ear fare, all la cultivation, on good road, naar church and echooL tine ooM. no snraval iibu par aore cash. SISS car aar at par cent , llt.OOO buys flna Quarter blook near terminal artounda, lath street; rents 170 per month. $1,700 buy ejuarter blook, llth etreet, warahouae district; rente ever SleO par month. is,ioo buy One l-room hot tea, n aarly new. modarn in every way 1 1,000 oash. 11,600 buys good lot 4 houaea, waat side: rente 1S per month $600 oash. $750 bura flna (-aore tract, f mllae from eourthouaa, blah aad atahtly. fenoad and almost eleared, en good road half cash. . CHARLESON & N2ILL IS AUsky atdg. Phone Paotto 11SS. 20 Dollars Down ... u ' , AND " : I "',..... 20 Cents a Day WiU pay for a lot 50x100 feet at uniTcrsiiy r arK. sun ivun water, 15-foot alleys, Portland public schools, near car line,' near unt- veraity, near new factory dlatrict Come soon before all are sold. FRANCIS I. MTOCNNA University Park. Phona Wood lawn 889. An OWStpry- Tba msa who pays rent far tee yeare T3 Beany tae anginal aeea er tea m la most eaeea the apnrerlatlea la the Interest ea the lneeslsseat. The BAST BIDS bee the BMat HOMER, aa tba GREATEST popnlattea, la OR0WIN0 the meat RAPIDL.I. snd the OSBATSB PORTLAND MUST aa WlUt be there. IIOLLADAVS ADDITION' ta the gwfrsshleal renter ef tba eity. and me saeai xinnisLavniia iseiueaw district. and much at thla will beeoane BTJSINEal BO BUB I property. Pe net asartauS these PACTS wbea making InTsetmeeta sad sell and le apeet tba proeerty, for aeetng ia bsnerUg. Tfce Ctegea Besl IsisSz Cc;say ssh nnre atw a laaa a, rertiaad. HILLCEWALD Contrcctort end CnHicrt UNNT0N, OK. Main Is. t Johns Phone loott Oft, Woodstock REDLICflTOR ADDITION t-.7 TCDAY. Lc::i ct Ti.::z D;rfc!n3HI Watch the suburbs arrow. Eai tatero UuJ'noiah, Lenta aad Oraehem forainfl m ui iruuv , nvw ia mi unt o ouy rfiraa aa. 1 one-half mlla from Oraahami btye In two plaoaa; will Bail one er both; make beauWful homa; oe location i floe par acre. A snap, seeptlonally. fine buy. Choloe land. BO-Aeo traot naar Xentst eleared, In cultivation: aolendld barrr and fruit land; la ar fare; $100 par aore, 10 Aoree (adjolalns) t partly eleared; ion papacra; a anap. . A S-reesa oae, betwaaa tTaloa ev.Vnd Grand av.; lot 100xllt;'flna friilt traea, ahrabbery, etc.: a aplandld homa ' In aood looatloa; $1,100. Vwe eaottoaa flna timber and avsjrtna , landa, Klamath oountjr, Oraron; good epaoulatlon. Only IS par acre, . i ISO Aeree timber land, Klickitat Bounty, . Waahlncton; erulaa 1.000,000 faat yal- ' low pina; only tnree-rourtha mile from ' Klickitat rlvar. Prloa 1 nan Sea Aorae timber land en tha Nehalera invar, Tillamook oounty: erulaa two to thraa million faat cedar and fir. f" aai HU aaciaoa 4f taken by Aa Oho toa wniaatavaa TaHey rum. tlOl aeree within one mlla and half from railroad elation. All In eultlvatlon, Fpaaaaalon Ootober 1. Real barcaln 1 Fpaaaaalon Ootober 1. M0 per aore, 1 ' MIINIINQ STOCKS S,0Oe Oeen d'Alaaia SSve SI Latd, A I aura) winaar. want pnoa. . . . sosv stabx $nv B3C02E & KERKM Inside . t erty II Third Street Compelled ri ' to Sell One of the Prettiest Homes In Portsmouth , Lot 110x100, 7 I raem bouse . modern through oat . Call on owner at No. is JKRHHT STItSuDTV ST. JOHNS, either Svnday or Monday forenoon. 1 Prloe For Platting 10 AGRXS NEAR PIEDMONT, HIOHI.T Louis Salomon loom 110 iAtmbar Exchange Bpfldl b. u tr. Becond and BUrk fit I INVESTMENT- Chanoe for tnveatmant In m e.k llahad looal buelnoaa concern, absolutely iwwwi kuu DinasnaB susrssiaafl en opportunity eeldom prea anted, Thla will do open ror a i united time only. law m taw posssor, . asire atngrleem St. RESIDENCE SITES Take rear ehotea of pe eat of joowoe at aorthwaat comer of asm aad Nerthnrp ata. Bayer mnat JmUd ene boose only ea each piece and Sa data Tsry easy lOOxJOO at aorthwaat senna, ix easirea. R. M. WILBUR, 1 10 2d St. A Money-Making Hotel If you hays about 111.0000 Inrest In fine propoalUon of thla kind and can pay one half oaah, I hare it Fine lo cation and alwara full: will etan layaatlaatlonr-rlf you mean business aaa mm at once, aa inia le onerea lor a faw daye only. Clearing $00 a month. Good reaaon for aoUfna. H. O., BROWN CiX $47 Washlnaton etreet - SIX ROOM MODERN COmCiT Near Hawthorne areaue, nloa yard, fine plumbing-. Prloe $ 2, 60: terms to suit Sa. m JWM, Phoae Paetflo 6S. sa atxtk sttiael 542 PER LOT SOarlfln feet iw sua Th- . ..i. lotn left nnaol ant of a tract of TOO lota, an .the Blbemla Sa rings Bans baa ordered theaa lota sold without delay) therefore the prion will be SeB ear let antll eeee-r in u sold. Theaa lacs are loentsd m eerlink aYr7 ut ma " er . vi3asMjB rooia vi , .ucapasxv viatT' xaixa aaa lUii mm 5 MORTGAGE ; LOANS , V wixT.Tsir BanoiVBi, rsuina Bid. WEATHER REPORT. It m maoe aeolst ta westera Orefoa an gea ernlly warmer elsewhere aa tha Psclilo afope noapt along the Wasbtngton soeit. a thunder ttorm osanire oaring the forenoon raatarday la ae rata aneacung h w waa eery I iiani . . She htdlnrtoae are tar ilhr fstr weather this aismat today, araea wwar tan- peraruree east of the Caacade atoantaina, aa 1W continued eool weather la western Oreaaa. Waathat eoodltiooe yesterday were aa follows! hfaxlmam Una pers rare, SI degrees: mtnlmam Waatbar eoadltione yes teanaoratyx. ak deerreea. Brrsr reading at S A. m- T.I feet ahaAge b past M hoars, O S. Total DrealDltetJon- T a. m. ta S a. m tr- K t ,rItlP,,,l"s since oeycemaer x, ltwo. ao.iv.HKneei aarmai arecipitauoa siaea Sap bar-jie,. IPOS. 4.29 lachei snonea I deficiency , T.I incase. Total genefalne. Julr ST. IS house! ana. tibia sens. ma. July St. Is boors BaroaMUrl (iwdace to sea lerel) at S p. ex., B.a. 'MARRIAOE LICENSES. Willie Btrbey. SB; Ollre A. Bobtnaoa, IT. William Oartler, th; Pearl Slater, IS. . W. W. eUBdrax, SB; Mary D. Wade, SS. Warren Orateby, Carlton, Washington, EOiel Ltmr. 24. D. a S ark hart, Latanwa, Oregoa, SB) BUaa keth M. Hammer, SS. rrsnnee-iy Jnona, Sil Sixth street SS; Boekia Baione, IS. . Oeorae T. Madden, 140 Bbermsa etreet, al; Oaare B. H ana an. 40. 1. O. tjueenelle, 9$ Ctiarloraa M. Wtalwsa. tl, I me Cards, bilg.. ear. W. O. Smith Co- Wash- I bag tea reurth aa Waahlngtoa ata, I WM-ttnar mm eeninar eagre' reeblm arhrted. B. T. Bash tea. Sta Ingtea at Mies Barthe Marti Stamping aa See a isa SIS Alttkr bide. aeeoiewerai TUNERAL NOTICES. MTTCIELL rn this dry. fair SB, laoe, Jacob MltckaU. aged SO year, friends aad so. eMlntajicea are respectfully lnrUsd to attend the funeral aarrlees which will be held at ftoley a Chanel at 10 a. m. Monday, July SO, niarasaai aatru aaotoui saierf vatx. . , Prop UNDERTAKERS. " DunnlD. afeEatca GllbaatS. nadartakara "noauaara BKxiara la aarj aaUU. SawaotS ina. jia aav. Laj laUUiL . .: ',P"uto- aoaarUSar aad amkalaiar, - Vi nmiiuii arat raaoa aaU' Xrlckasn Onoartakl: os Atom at. Mala P. Ftnlar S Soaa. Third aa Madtaaa ata. www wwr auivnar. raaaa Malu a. MwarS Boloua, aaaaHakar. tSO Tktrd .-jt aryaavinr caamr, -. , Blofla mra $10. r.mllr Iota ITS to Sl.eoO. n hv nnwurj . ia rortlaad which ear. P.'U7"U'u'.a na toa lata - Tm foil aaatar Moeh. alr. W, at. Laad. arMtdwt. Oat yoar hmrtnM iui ' mmt tap Waahlaatea tu-aM, eerar SaaaA iivm ill km i.n.r. atu m, nn . NOTICE. ." TaUCHKaS' XXA1UNATIONS. Hanoa la karabr la that taa eaDartBtaaeant at Ualtooawh aauatr will iu K9MuiMw axasunatioa as for aula and eooatr papara at aaDDaanta " ", end aoaatr vara at tha Lad I ; ..TiLl"" " aojaaa ata., rav " m 'roTsTATn ,.. 1 OT,'Ap. v- " wwuf. m a, a elock a. dl. aad eoaUauiaa antU Sataraar, Ta-V . a a. aki radaaadaT 'natiartlp. hiitorr, apatnag, jtuurwasj n riiT-ara tMehtn, tmoutf, " mril aTeTeinimaDt. artt&BMtla, ntaory mi aekkaaplBt, phalca. ' Satada Botany., pitta try, alatorr, Encllah lltantta-a. arh4 lai ?sr; ui nil raraas. na Wadnaadar. Aunat Sr!iaJ at., aad aoatlaala an til Auxin t ID, at o'clock p. a,i aaeaad and thtrd-frada aartlSeataai Wadaaadar Paamanahlp, hIMorr, ph, raadiDf. r- Tliaradar WHttaa arltfcmitla, ' thai aruof- tbaory at taacblac, craaimar. phraloloar. rrklar uaaaraphr, -BMntal aeboot law, cItII (ovaraorat. artthBatla, rTiraarr earuncaiaa: Wadoaaday Paoaiaaahlp, . artaocrapkr, arlthaiatte, raadlns. . Tbnndar Art of onartlonlnf, thaory ef ... taachlnc, phTalalaap. r . . . Applicants dmlrina BtBatcrlpta 'rsrwardad ta other aooatlaa tor trading ahoalS aarnra tha writtaa aooaaBt -mt Uia aaoatr aaparla- cFDaaai at t tha eaoaty waara papara are to ba aaac B. P. ttOBINSOlt. i Oaantr School Siiparlataadant. I NOTiro of Storkbnldart afaarlng Tha anaaal aatlng ef tha etoekholdwa of tba Balllraa Extanaion- lflnlnf eompany, for- tha alactloa of a board of directors for tba ensuing rear, and far the transaction of each ether baslneee aa Bar regularly essne before theaa. will be held at tha office ef the eoaapany, roosns SOI so BOd Chanbar ef Commerce balldlag, Port land, Ofegea. ea Angnst S. IPOS, at S e'cleek V. at. OBOROB F. HOLhtAN. Bacretarr SoIIItsb Xxtcnalon Mining Oompaay. jnoruaao, tfragoa, joir xi, awve. NOTICE Or SPECIAL STOCKBOLDBSjr htXXT. I I NU notice la haraby glrea that aoedal BMetina ef tha stork hnMsrs of the nnrth Pa. dfte Lamber company for tha election at a board ef directors bas been ardered by tba board of directors, to be hsM at the office t tha company la tha Worcester eeUAiaf, aa the city of Portland, Oregon, aa Satarday, tha tb day of Angtiat lDOe, at S a'alock p. m., aad will be so held. v D, MACK AT,' Prestdaat ' : W. B. MACXAT. Secretary. Tha anderdrne will recatre sealed bids for a stock of merchandise ef the fneotse aloe at $14,000 er tfl area boats, toretber with flittrrss amonnting to about $1,200, loeated i at lone. Morrow aoanty, Oregoa, ap te 12 e' clock boob of Angnst 1, ISOe. ' A eaah deposit ef 10 per ' cent of ' tba ' anwamt bid moat accompany each after and - the right rseerv to reject any and all bids. Tha larentory msy be aeea at my office an the auptty may he laapacte at lone. Data at Portland. Oregon, thla lath dajr , ef Jaly, leoe. " X. t 'SABIM. rront aa Ankeny atreata. Portland Oregoa. NOT1CS Persooa haetag goods er aaereaandlee store jrtrb M at my warehouse, 81 North Front ft., are hereby aetlfle that I hare leased the premises to others, and that their Dronerty mnat be re mo red with la lo dees. All roods remaining on. the premises Sept. I win be removed and stored elsewhere at I thank yea all for roar patronage an the eonfldeare reposed ta me, . , 1BBD B1CKBL. NOTTCB OP STOCKHOLDRRS' MEBTINO. The annual meeting of stockholders of the Bohemia Smelting a Railway company will . be held at the company's office, eel Sherlock building, Angnst T, 1S08, at S a. m.' . - ' H. DANIEL. Secretary. 1CKETINO NOTICES. M. W. A., Oragsa Qrape Camp, No. S.STB, Mon daya.' lTth and Mardhalli rlsltors welcome. kU W. a, BTBROREBN CAMP, SeS. masts Wednesday araaxaa. Ahakr Ude.. ThlraTeml -aaerrlasa etav Z. ". .. . . ATTENTION, LADT MAOCABBKSOoldea Bale hire No. 17 will held a special meeting Mon day, July So, at their kali la tha Alieky bids., ta tranaact special bualneaa. . SOPBIB WHEELER. BasasreVKaonaar. By arder State Commander Lady Lambeea. LOST AND POUND. LOST A atlrer watch anaroldnrtmr: salued to owner aa aeepaakei mit ia Bouse at S4 Sherman St.; In tlsls an gear. Betora as Joarnal Office. Reward. STRAYED er stolen, from ByTna, 1 bar horse, S years eld, SSO peunda weight; 30 reward. Notify 0. W. Stockdala, Bynw, Oregon e HELP WANTED MALE. WANTBD MM boys aor apnreatleae t on Asaeneaa ateamere. Taey wul occupy the aoaltlon of Bettr offtcera ea board. Mnat he Ameiicaa bora and erer IS years ef age. The term of engsgeasent shall be three yeare. Wages $to per month first year, $40 per month eeeond year, SeO per month third year ana a nanus at the and er the tbire year ef J 260. for terma aad conditions apply ta . Homer Prltcb, secretary steamahlp Asso ciation of Saa rraoclsoa, ,110 Bast Street, Baa Fraaelaoe, . Cat- - . BALBBMBN to Introduce tba world'e wonder In frnlta Bnrbank'a aew atoaalaaa plum (Miracle). Choice ef territory. Caah Weekly. , Address Washlngtoa Nursery company. Tap. nentsh, Wsshlngosa. I WANItO-Toang mea re leara telegraphy an railroad aecouatingi salaries gTn.00 to XBO.OO. Sor free aataloaue addreaa Morse College ef TeUgraphy. So llth St., Oaklan. Cat WA NTEO Two or three flrat-claae. aU-ai machine mea: aermsnent aoslttoa. aeo w Oregea Pnrnltnra Mfg. Cel. Macadam ma, WANTBD MoTtag-plctnre ma chine-opera torsi - will teach yoa the baslnsaai terma rary rea , eoaable; noattlons aacaredj goad salary, New man, leBlt Sixth at t Needed Girls and Got Them The Mount Hood Hotel, that well-known resort, needed girls as waitresses, and naturally they requested The Journal to get the necessary help. That this , "want i was satisfied is evidenced by the letter'below. The Mount Hood Hotel, at Hood - River, is the stopping place of a great nriany touriats, either. on. their jway to i or from Cloud Cap Inn, and as Mr. Gilbert runs the sort of place that appeals to the traveling ', public:; his house is alwajs filled. . - - " Hood River, OrI, July 25, 1906. Journal Publishing Company, Portland, Or. Gen tlemen: Enclosed find stamps to cover statement' Kindly receipt and return. Cot all the girls we need all right. Thanking you, w remain, very truly yours, X:L? WANTZDUALE. Wa get work for ear saemberai aneeml - bars. $S. y. M. O. A, roarta aa Tasasuo. WAKTUD IsAttreasjeakera, . ear. ItaTss. ... -.. H berth mat, WANTED -n aa teams at Jsaaea S brlchyard. 1 utrty-elffcth aa Baady read) Bee wnaea se ngas paruea. raoae Kaac sbvb, WA!TED All-sroand blacksmith; . more If satisfactory. Addreaa W. Bapaaar, Orseea. wages P. Scrli IS AOXNTS Wanted te sen saperlor, high-grade . aursery sieca; saanpieie eaint raniuaed me rsah weekly! write today for eaelce at "lory.- Capital Uty Karssry Com pen, Ssmho, vnejS). reaniiiiBian woo aaa a nttla mensyi a Bns cbaace for tha right man. Addreaa os if a, care jearaai. SALRMMAN. eiperkrnced la tar line. general trade la Oregon; aa anexcelle spe cialty proposition: commies Ian and $.'lt weakly eipeneee. .. ,'xaa . voauaaotat feweiry Co. -r- S0O TOITNO men to eraaMsi A bmV. ea eeaaug laureaaat exaeneaee aaaeeeasam seeomi ass tun, araaemea aao rapie pro motion (e engineer sr eendaetar at double the salary j nosltlona bow eoea. est(.efSce. MsrteneK Hallway Training iw rmstvn otsi., umsna, neoraaaa, ea- ei juaga Diag., as sees vity ansa sari. Ti) leaag aaapia te seeoars thesoes aa bookkeepers an eteaographsrs; hare had SU ealla alnoa Beptembe 1; pUead SM a positions). We will plsee yoa when eom setent. Day or Bight Catalogue. , Behnke- waikar Basrniss college. , . , . MEN AND WOMEN t leara barber trade alfht weeks: grsdoatea earn from SIS ta $26 , weekly) expert Instructors; satalego free. Meier System ef Colleges, $ Marts IWa at., roruano. ., .. WANTS O Per efSra Raman, oulek an , aare Jouraal. rstef Sgaras. SOT.ICITORfl Wanted rev Oats Wtedew BRulle ".i n i aunson sr. I ataaor oaltlea for riant Party. WANTBD Toang msn ta drire anlk wagoa imniia oeiiTeryj; geea wsgea to good maa. v. v. Bouta a - rnr . mua vasry. Mala 6083. WANTED Oos wssrers; steady work aad gooa pay. appry re no is Me woolen klUla. WANTED Mea far brickyard, tXBO Ke renth and RnaseU sta. i.'a r par day Anderson WANTED One good swawnt-Salaher. Call roam tzi uaw sxenange, second aa Btark. WANTED Energetic, trustworthy maa so .' work la Oregoa. rape saluting large mamfae turlng company; salary -HO te yao per vwnie, pm wvniri vspsasee eoraacen. as- dreaa with atame. 1. H Kw. hrihl WANTED Bsarrabma, hnsttars to tack a bras, aiarnoota a ires is re, samplea, ate.) bo raa vsssmgi good psy. San Adrertlslag Bareaa, BBST mlU. ta etata to work ta wenre top wages.; no fee. Marqoam hldg. Can Uoodsy ateralng, 708 WAIfTTlDTen te travel la each' atate. dlatribote asm plea aa adrertlss ear geeda aaiary per weak aa eipinees. ruren- axpeaaaa adranoed! experience aaa area eery. Addreaa, with stsma, atattng ago aad eeapeuva, assia vb, evi uearoera i SttSM- eege. - W X M'l'MlL mlmm. ararywharat a, adr. maths Addreaa Nat irwnte eiretuan. line. IsiMeTkiHiMl rtUMtatl.'. itSM atoM m pureaa, iw uaaiasa oanc nmg., uiKage, ill A PIKST-CLASS aO-aroaa Bxacblae-larha man waatea a I ease, vresea Sraaa Werka, North Sanaa at MANAOEB wsnted, erery eaatloa, ta aaVaet ageata far "Oemeeeclence," werld'i graataat new uwtnl'game for drinks er elxars; takes plsee forbMdep slot machines; p La red with nickels -er on art era; ana to aeree persona can play at once; finish beantlfuX like cask regis ter; rested er sold en easy aaymoanti sample aent free. Proposition will please yea it we atlll hare epentaf ta year sect km, : United S porting Oeoda Jffg. fce, Dept . W, Cht- aago, ait. .. ... , i-.,. WXSTTVirk B hImm. A-rft. mS. larger Held-later; men of ability enly. Cell saoaoay. uooa-unrna atrg. uav 101 Union aaa. WANTBD if lUer familiar wit beta feed. Addreaa B IS, ear WILL aaU tawnssewer aheap and giro snalimm eaeaga ror ateeay wan, ay gardener leas-lag wws' sua efuawiBj. f. - SAWMILL yard foreman. $ 0 at eranemaa. itsam , aboral Are man - beard, free ferei wiisdsmaa, SS-Sa, S ta nasi me a, iightf-way msa. la . Sa. 4 SS.SO: railroad wars, free rare: aewaatu help. - Baker aa pastry eooh. $70 an bear. hotel; fry eeok, $, hsaehmsn, $T8 night cooes, sw! panTryman, aev: aircnen nein. HANSEN'S Em PLOTMBNT OPTICBfl. SB North Second at - . SB Bemalde at A PBW maa aad hoys waata at Ammicaa tm to handle mmbar. WAJfTBDToaat maaj litan Daaia. WRISKBT aalesmaa ta asU reUll trade ta Oregon eery liberal prapeaitloa; rsfatsata ra- fuirea. aonraae ALBERT htBAD CO., " IBS Bset Mala at., Laahrrllle. eateekr. Union Hotel SI NORTH SIXTH ST. free emnloTssent ta ear aarran. 1 Weekly ratea: Baom. S1.2S aa: raaaa aa I soarOL H o up. Anoareoa. proprietor. SALOON Terr rberce locatJcn, long leaea, for aaie er wui f!rs.Sutl"e.- Inqatra NSW OTB L Tea waat a ettaanoa ta or raatsaraat, call np lamee, Mara lenS. HELP WANTED FEMALE. ANSBN'B LADtBaT AOBNOT, S4SU Waahlng- to it, aor. Seseath. a pats Ira. rsoaa Aula taea. raaaale hslp wanted. SIRLS WANTBD Opera sore ta work aa shirts and overalls. Lessens fires to inexperienceo. Apply at Standard factory No, S, Oraad are. aad Beet Taylar at WANTBD Otrhj ta msks arh at TB rtrat at 'Bom ef All" erer- THB BOMB LAD1SS AOWtCT. ' Psmale Sals famished free to smployer. . Registration free. MS Poartk at., apstatra, ream IS. Mala BBS. OIRLS a beat I reara ea Tm work fa taa. tery. -Apply at eaoa, Co., fifth aa Dsns sal. Barrls-Nertite LADIES, ta maka aaattary belts i material an eat ready to aewt $1.P0 pet doasa; particulars tamped enrsmpe. Lsaox Co... Dept. Tt " Chlcage. . . 'I eeeeewe$MttMl t : SBND 10 cents for P-eaty neceet t . elreulsr ef Ha) elnee relneMe re. Angeles Receipt Co, Lea Aagelee. l WANTTT aad Colamoia. Vnlaa Laaadry Ox.1 WOMAN, erer SS, raar adaeetiea. ansae b kno ledge, meat dress neatly, le tase P ateace. SS Lawn kMg. MIDDLB-AOBD ae washing woman for email ksMaawmsi eso OBRMAN ar Swedish girt for general he 01 RL at SO ar erer, , bomsi muat ba good anek. Bsenrh! beaatlfns Mala 1390. . WANTBD etrt for general boaaework. so Euigbta. ' - AMnm M CBte t. Parthia WANTBD Kitchen girl at 104- North be rent ex., at enee. WANTED Waltrasa at 104-e Berth Sereath) i.. as WANTED A good slsha caak a laa a-lfrK - a Prlrate boexdlna-heuea. . , . . WANTS l Young aseple to prepare tbamaelrea ' K.boa,':,,'' etoimgrapaerei here bad ' elA4jvaaa oUwher 1; pUeed BM In fuw We will place yea when eeol-r?,"- r or alght Catasecva, Behaks alker Business college. .-, LADIR8 far aedew-drawtagl aatarat talent aa. necesserr: 130 srsekle mr mm-A t k . stamped etirslcse for particulars. Addreaa a Commercial Art, 11T led laaa are.. WA.".T,?7r'"'DT ,or cleaslng aad areeatns r.?"4 !"Sdr" u," xV reanlrad. Addreaa D IS, rare JoaraaL . WANTBD Setentlfla ntlfla palmist.' middle-aged i Ity. Addreaa B1H North TblrJ. geoa opaortani PEM0N8TRAT0B en solicitor for new pabant honaehold necessity, hardware: salary Ts nee week an commies Ion. D SS, care Juavnai. 01 raia kind i aad wemea who want warh af aar caa ba suited at the ,. , . alptnb orrrca. afala 1S1T. , , ...... ... an Alder 'at. HANSBN'S LA DTE 8 AOBNOT . ,- ' . WANTS MONDAT .' r - 9 hotel pantry glrle. $a, room aa beerdf t waitresses, beach. $; waltaeeeea. chars ner . maids, house girls, family, hotel and board ing -bouse help of all kinds; many Due places. . HANSEN'S LADIES' AOfcNOT. U Waahlngtoa at-, aor. Berenth, CpaUlra. COOKS at tha coast and etty. beat of wagear S .waltreeaee. $7 to $; second girls, chsm termatda aad hoaaewerk. Tha Homa Ladles Agency. .Mala MM. .... eiRL -Cor general housework. aSS Serenth a WAITBt Chambermeldi slst asllissa Cis cade Hotel. SO North Sixth at. A HOU8EKBEPBB ' waata for widowsri a permanent boms ta right neraoa; Bridal Veil. Oregoa, J. C M... Box da. . . . . WANTBD Toang Udy bookkeeper. UK assa: siaie aaiary wsnted. Addreaa D care eoornaa. GIRL waitress wsnted; SI North Sixth at. ; gued wsgsa. Apply; NBW HOTBL Toe want a altaarlea ta sartai ar raauarant aaU ap Jamee, Mala leas. WANTED Lady of goo addreaa for pea-aassamt Positioai with large manufactarlng company l aen aaiary; epportaalry for adnacement, AddrssaB:A; .ntrfah. aneraJeWrery, city. MALE AND ' FEMALE HELP. WOMAN aeoka for Hon Rirer, Sheridan. Tba Dalles. Sooth Ben. CUne rails. 2S thueband $X60): eity. $28, $80, $40. Camp waltreea. ; etc.. $25. Chambermaids, honsekeenem. 20 waltreeaee, eity, eoaet. TUlsges: aereral - tegetkeri tee) wagaei eraa, tray. Hoaaewerk hole (white, Chlnsae. Japsneee). N araea. V Ob-1 for clotbee-cleeainr eaubllshment IS (lathe, planar, boring. Sour) machlnlata (not . etrlkebreakara). Milkers, brlckysrd. weed yard kelp. Cook (hotels, teO. goo), dish- ' washers. Boy for store. Jspsassa, . Chinese waata alas. Day workwoman, BTerybedy bunt ap R, O. Drake, 2064a Waahkngteav PadSe 170. - Snadaya, 11 to IS Beam. HELP waata aa eappnee. amis ar female. B. O. Drake. SOSta Wsahlngtea at PsslOs 1X7 Ow MAN AND WITB for work aa auburbaa heasei ne ehildrea. . B 10, aare Journal. , WANTBD dOO aop-plckera br Sept. X; beet yero ia uregoag gooa seommoaattona. Apply. to Aadrew Kaa ue. Co.. X87 Marrlaoa at. RETOUCHER. and artist competent to work ea - prima, net ea aeganree. lor commercial en jrraTlng. Si Bala hldg Waahmgtoa aad SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. BNOrNEER, S years siperienee with dredger, wlabsa work any kin. D IS. eere-Jearnal, SOBBB. respectshle yeang asaa waata a aaeW lsan aa arirer ia AellTory wnaoa: a years aanjirlaass. Addreee 40 Waahugeea sa, PRACTICAL la on dry maa with Trey experience, ey asauatryi reierencea. a ia. Joernew A SOBBB cake-baker waata a job. A SB, aanr jearnai. TOCNO maa ateaograneer. tberaagbly eompe- tent and reliable, baring aereral years' ex . Bertence la grocery hones, deelrsa psrmaaene position wTta waeiissie glutei r eaa asaaa etmllar line: beat referencee. P Sa, aare Journal. .- , . . Indiisliliia Bailable. waata altaatma ef any kind) kaowa eereral laasraagsa) aaa give re fat B So, eara JearaaL ....... LACNDRTMAN, IS years' eaparleace, wtahea poaitioa aa Al working rnremnn; rscammsnoa Uena exchanged; Srst-clasa aaiary ex nested l eoea Aaguat M. Addseaa D S. Jearael. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE MIDDLE-AO ED woman, eereral yeare- expect ance aa matron ef large city hospital ta seal era etty, dee tree aoslttoa of trust aa re sponsibility ; exceptional, referencee . a a, care JoaraaL - MIDDLB-AOBD lady waata noatrtoa at work, email family, tall at osxe, Valoa are., room 3S. stZPBRIBNCXD womsa cook wtahea BealtJoa la aamp or boarding-heuee; jroe wagaa aoaatry employers sun, u IB, jam MIDDLB-AOBD slsfle Udy Wssbae aosl aa maaagtng ttensssseper. eaitb was aahlBgtee, WOMAN day work, or place where aha baby, by tba month. . 8 B5, eaa take her aare Journal. OOMPBTBNT womaa a. goe ace In waata dsr wort; alee experts fall days aaly. racina -jot. WANTED AGENTS. MAN ef goo addreaa. every etty la I , take agency Accident Insurance Co., $4,000. ,000 capital: targe aoarmlaelona. General Ae. eldest Co.. Mohawk hldg.. Par Used. Oregoa. MM MSt i MOUNT HOOD IIOTZL