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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1906)
3 ,; . :' vv'yV'; :' . : ' tiis oitscoii daily jousnau roaTEAinv TUZ3DAY ztitjvzi: k::. ' - -.:. ' ' - , sssesemameawsa'sn earn " T-T TTT-" " T"-7'T,,"' "T- -' " ' ' !" 1 1 lie Sa mmi S morrow, the secnd'bf the series of know everyone was more jthan pleased with the offerings, result should be a of matchless values 8 to 9 A. .M. Velvet Ribbon 10c a Piece 1.000 pieces of No. 1 Velvet Ribbon broken line of colort 10 yanjs to a piece; remarkable yalue from 8 to 9 a. m. at this low 1 price, per piece. .V...T. .V., " . " Main Floor. .-.''. : Folding Camp Stools 20c 500 Folding Camp Stools on sale from. 8 to 9 a. m, at the OA extremely' low prke. of... Third Floor Take Elevator. Notion ' Counter Bargains Bone Hair , Pint 12 In a 0(V box great-value at..".... avVJU Assorted Bone Hair Pins in 'all styles. Great special value 1 8 to 9 a. m. at,veach. ;.-..JI , -7 Mam Floor. :-- :; feather Bed PiSows at 75c 200 Feather Bed Pillows, covered in blue and white striped ticking. Wonderful value from 8 to 9 a. m. only at this special . low it9 price, each................ Jw " . .Third Floor. 75c Picture for 29c Each 100 Delft Water Colors, mounted on 10x20 inch blue mats. Regular' 75o Values on sale from 8 OQ to 9 a, m, at thia low price.. --r Second Floor. ' ' ' Brass Extension Hods at 6c 1,000 Brass Extension , Rods with white ends 54-inch extension. 'Remarkable value" from 8 .to 9 a. to. only, at this low price, eich,..f.,..,.....,.....,.-.,.OC , Third Floor.-- Jelly Tumblers 28c Dozen IjJOO Jell Of Tabt Tumblers on saieirom o to a. ro. omj i iuia phenomenally low price, OO. per tloxen .-. . . ............. sVUw Buy all you want of them. Sasement 400 $7 Women's Waists $1.98 Odds and ends in Women's Dress Waists; silks, nun's veiling, serge and albatross; good colors, brown, green, navy, red and purple; values up to W each; on sale at..... v.... $1.98 $16 Shirtwaist Suits $5.45 Women's - Wool Shirtwaist Suits; 30 of them in serge and Panama cloth with pleated or circular ; skirts; nary, green, black, brown, Lplaidsr-$l-values;-e C -A C oa sale at, each.... Refrigerators $10.99 Each Special lot of white Mountain Re frigerators; big size, removable ice compartment; most sanitary model on market; an economical ice con sumer; great value, C 1 f QQ 3 to 4, at each.. 1V.77 AUTOMOBILE BEATS AIRSHIP IN CALIFORNIA RACE ' M&n "Angel Is - Pitted -Against White Flyer for Thousand Dollar Purse. (JmtmI SpvrUl Urrif.l Vol AnaalM. CaX. July 17 The unlqu raoa In which Alvah X Reynolds plttad Ma Man Anl aralnst a Whit ' riyar for a eld bt of fl.sos started acoortflng to achodule from Chates psrk. .. Z 1 'i The fllaht of' the VanAnIJwas portacular and waa watched by thou, nda as it alidm Ilka a treat bird over the rltr. The WhIU Flyer weaded )ts , Boiaaltsa way aisnost unnotlctd. . in seasonable and 9 to 10 Ar Mr $1 to $2 Corsets 57c Pair Great odd lot of Women's Corsets straight front, long or short hips-rail good models black, drab or white sixes 18 to 30 ff 11.00 to $2.00 values at.,.. V V . On sale. 9 to. JO a. m, . 75c Hose Supporters at 50c Women'siIk Pin on Hose Sup porters in all colors our best 75c values; on sale from 9 to 10 a. m. at this special low price,.- CA pet pair ........... vW ., .,. ' Main Floor. - - r Specials 1 Drug Sundries 2-lb. bar Bomado's Castila Soap, 2Sc Taluc at this low- prieerm iea Toilet Soap 3 cakes in box..l8 Transparent Glycerine Soap....T yi lb. Tetlow's Cold Cream... 19 ,- t Dn sale 9 to 10 a. m. . Children's Hosiery Specials Children's White Feet Cotton Hose sizes 5 to 8yi, fine! quality lisle, Hermsdorf Dye, 35c values... tS4 Infants' white, pink and light' blue Sox small sizes 25c values.,. 5 ' t On sale 9 to 10 s. m.. ;' . Swiss Curtains for 83c Pair 200 pairs of Handsome Swiss Cur tainsstripes only 3 yards long. 42 . inches wide. - Grand , special value from 9 to 10 a,' m. Q only at....... J7V iTJutd , Floor. :' CMnesetrdvVlattlflirt 5c" 5,000 yards of Fancy Chinese Straw Matting, good patterns and won derful value from 9 to 10 a. m. only at this low price, per . ..... Third -Floor. ....:. .;,,,i Turkey Red Napkins 4c En. "200 dozen Fi kins of good size to be sold from 9 to 10 a. m. at this phe- . , A. nomenally low price......... srw j Buy all yon want of them. . " 1 Main Floor. 3 to 4 P. M. v. - r-- - Women's $4 Shoes $1.25 Pair pairs of women's Lace and Button suu VUIIUU kid and pat- $1.25 hoes. turn and welt soles, kid and ent tips, odds and ends; ' worth from $3 to $4 a pair.. Men's Linen Collars 25c Dozen 1,000 dflzefl mcH'l Until Cullais. best styles, all; sizes; entire house stock of well-known concern, some slightly soiled. Not less than a dozen sold doz....25 5000 Yards 12c Laces 3c 5,000 yards of platte vaL and Imitan tion Torchon Laces and Insertions, 1$4 to 5 inches wide; values up to 12c yard: to be aold at this ridiculously low price end extraordinary value......... , Jv . .... .. .. , , ;V . ... v Children's Dresses for 48c 150 'Children's Colored Dresses in assorted plaids, button trimmed: ages 6 to 12 years; regular $1.25 value; on sale from 3 to 4 p. ra. only - st this - low priceQ each Second Floor. ...... ,fOC Button Bargains, 2 Dos. 23c Fine white and smoked Pearl But- tons for waists; regulsr 20c dozen? on sale at, 2 dozen for.... ,...23a 10 per cent off on Lingerie' Buttons. Bone Buttons, coat and vest sizes, all colors, at, dozen.. ......... 6f -.Tha-raca.becan at. 1:41 p. m. The automobile waa driven by Captain H. IX Rjrua. Qorc FrlsbU elided the fir ing nmchlna. The race1 ended In Po mona. After ' an hour waa spent la battling against the wind, Aeronaut FrlibU aaw bo bad lost the race and turned "th flylna machine ..toward home. Th automobile mad the run In one hour and 1 mlnutva, a dlatane of ft mil. . GOVERNOR COMMUTES SENTENCE OF CRIMP ..- . m i aell Muiateh to tit iMful t Balm. Or., July 1 Aftor serving thro year in th penitantlary, Paddy Lynch, th Astoria boardlng-hous kMper, who waa convicted of bln( a crimp and sntned to eight raara la prison ' for-hnh.llng - Chrl Oar-T diner, waa r1aaad yksterday upon par don from OrfVernor Chamberlain Th governor holds, la pardoning f.ynoh, that there ar grav doupu as ta tls Summer Hourly staple-mercfiandisq 10 to 11 AM. $4.50 SMrtwafatSnlto $ 1 66 90 Women's Shirtwaist SuitK-tan linens and chambrays waists made pleated, finished with piping of white trimmed pleated skirts, tan, gray, blue and green. 1 m values up to $4.50 at.. V 1 VfU Women's $3 Shoes $ 1 .65 300 pairs of women's Oxfords in velour calf, vici kid, tan kid and Russia calf; heavy extension welt soles, Cuban heels; all good styles; od styles; 1.65 S3.00 values at this T low price.,... ........ V $1.50 AHovert at 49c Yd. Special lot of fine Swiss and Cam-iiric-AHovera in beautiful designs; values up to $1.50 a yard to be cleaned up at this special low price, yard Lace ' Qm Department rW 25c Wash Coods jfc Yard 10,000 yards of 25c Wash Goods, including Scotch Ginghams, Linen Voiles, Embroidered Voiles. Silk Mulls, etc., in the best styles; 25c values on sale at this low .11 price .'1 lv Three Big Jewelry Specials $2.00 and $2.50 Pearl Dog Collars on sale at, each. . .......... .f 1.80 Amethyst Bead Necklaces.... 19t Entire stock of Crosses, plain and fancy patterns at one 1 ff third off regular prices.. 3 Xll Womeni-$ H Hoslery-4ac 1X100 pairs of women's plain black cotton nose, ugni weigni. imcn quality; all sizes; regular $1.00 values on sale irom m to it a. m. a a ea. aaa .48c only at this low Bargains In the Basement nSprinklers, Q) $1.00 values for, each .UJV Folding ' Lunch ' Boxes, leather board, waterproof; 15c vaL at.. 9 Blue and white Enamel Ag Sauce Kettles; 45c values... "Vw Special on Third FloorEvcryHonr From .10 to ' 11 a. m. Child's Wicker Rocking Chairs; handsome model; great special f 1 C value at.. ............ 1 J $ 1 .50 CardenBencheg9 Pretty green Garden Benches,- 36 inches long; regular $1.50 values; on sale from 11 to 12 a. m. at this low price, each third QQ. Floor .'4... 776 Boys' $1 Air Rifles 59c Ea. Special lot of Boys' Air Rifles one "Daisy King" or Chicago model $1.00 values; 12 CQ. to 1 only at, each 71 $4.50 Card Tables $3.69 Burrows' Featherweight Card Tables; the regular $4.50 values on sale from 3 to 4 p. m. only at this special low - . CI tLC price, each.. '....0.07 Satchel Baskets Reduced 25c values at, each.......... '..10 50c values at, each..,.........18e 60c values at, each... .20 75c values at, each $1.00 values at, each....;.....30e Third Floor, 4 to S p. m. guilt ana .that h has bn punlshd nough. ' . ,. " ' ' " In viw ef the faot that Thaodor Tobiaaon, who was eonvloted with Lynch, waa antnod to but on yaar and th prionra sonduet tiaa-boan mplary during his term, th governor has commuted ntne upon petition of th prison chaplain and a number of Aetorta peopla '.,, . ,: r GOVAN BEARD TO HANG .. FOR ASSAULTING WOMAN Helena, Ark., July IT. Arrangement hav bean made for the execution her tomorrow of Oovan Beard for an as sault on Mrs. Annie aicAbl, whit, last December. After the crime Beard waa taken to Llttl Rock to prevent -vioun. ' He w eonvlcted st a tal - eeealon - ef . eourt - here .. and apMdlly given th death aentenc. Th ae was appealed to th suprem eourt, which affirmed the decision of. th lower court, A..-'- ' ' , Sales.w Last Wednesday's response "fair economical buyers-No mail or phone orders taken for 11 to 12 A.M. Women's $3 Kid Cloves 98c Women's 12-button length, best quality lambskin Gloves, black and 'white only, ; some are slightly soiled and mended; great values from 11 to 12 a. nu' at, - QO per palr.........'..t.......' Three Stationery Bargains Fancy Paper Napkins, all de signs...... dozen, 21 hundred Eaton-Hurlburt's fine Stationery; best linen box papers; 50c, 65c, 75c values for this low price. ;..,89e 15c Writing TableU for. ...... .9 Women's 25c Neckwear 9c Women's Silk Grenadine Windsor Ties in-tan-brown, Bavy.-royat pink, green, cardinal and wine; regular 25c .values, on sale 11 to 12 a. m. at this low price, , QM each 7C Women's $9 Jackets $4.45 Women's half-length Jackets in fancy Tweeds, made loose ' back, light gray plaids and v dark stripes; 25 of them values up to $9.00; on salt at this f A r low price. b vnr.sT $3.50 Wool Waists at 89c Odds and ends in wool waists, nunsveiling, albatross; also few in green silks; red, brown, navy and light blue,. grays, etc; values up to $3.50; while they OQ last at, each.. 07C $ I-Foulard Sttks-59c Yard 1.000 - yards . of , handsome new Foulard Silks; dots and figures, in the best styles; regular $1.00 values on sale from 11 to 12 a. m. at this low price,.: 59C $2.50 Napkins $1.78 Doxen Great snecial lot of Bleach Damask Table Napkins; very best patterns; . hemmed; regular $2.50 values to be sold from 11 to .12 a. m. only at this CI 9fi low price, per dozen., v 1 s O Silk Wish Coods 1 Oc Yard 3,000 yards of new silk effects in wash materials; light and dark colorings, in good assortment; wonderful values from 4 to 5 p. m. only at this special 1 ff low price, yard............ 1 vw Fine Laces Co at Half-Price Our entire stock of French, round mesh Vals. and Mechlin Laces, in the prettiest patterns; values from 5c to 18c a yard; your choice at one half regular prices.. ; ". 50c Bath Towals 32c Each 50 dozen of the celebrated "Rub dry" Bath Towels; best bath towel on the market; regular 50c value; on sale at this low price, Of each. . . .'. ,l. . . . ';'--. ..... TOBACCO TRUSTr IVILLt PAY DEATH BEKEFITS ' .'-' Ti ' JBBaaBaBaBaeBaaaBmBBaBaaa V " - Company to Donate Sum Equal to Year's Wages to Family ,of Dead Employe. (Jnarael aperiat Serrl.) New Tork, July XT. Offlolala of th American Tobaooo company today la aued formal notle to it army of em ployee in every stat. in th union that hereafter th company will pay a death benefit to th beneficiary of any person In the service who drawe not mora than ISO a weak in wages. Thia notice affects about lSO.AOS men and women. Th company will donate la oasa ta any parson Onaily designated record-breaking attendance tomorrow 12M. to 1 P. M. Picture Department Specials Panorama of Portland; size 10x42 inches; great value, each 6f 25 Oil Paintings; values up to $15 each; oa sale at, each ..99 $2.25 Pyrographic outfits' - fs for thia low price.. ..Mil V Reg. 40c Union Suits 27c Small lot of women's low-neck, no sleeve, lace-trimmed pants. Union Suits; sizes 4 and 5 only; regular 40c values: on sale from 12 to 1 p. m. at. this special low 09 price, a suit,.... ... jCtl i Men's Footwear $1.23 Pair Men's Canvas Shoes and Oxfords, iTaln incTleathenrimmedr'gt'ay; white' ' and checked; all sizes; splendid for outing ft wear; great value at... V 40c to 75 c Ribbons 23c Yd! Great special lot of 4 and 5 inch all-silk Taffeta - and Satin Polka Dot Ribbons, in beauti ful styles; 40c to 75c values; on sale at this low price, t'le 23C Men's $3.50 PanU 98c Pair Men's wool Bicycle and Golf Pants in dark mixed cheviots; regular J2.50 and $3.50 values;- on sale rom 12 to 1 p. m.vOniyat this pS...;..;;..;..98c 50c-Blonters for-39c Each The Scott Ideal Ruffle Blousers; plain lawn ruffles with lace edging holds . the . waist out in" good shape; 50c values; on sale from 12-to 1 p. m. only at, - Men's 25cHoslery 1 2c Pr. I 1.000 ftin I lace Hosiery in a great assortment of patterns; sizes up to lvyt only: 25c values; , on sale at this special low pnee, per pair.........., 12ic 4 to 3 P. M. Women's -Silk Cloves 49c Pair II Women's Silk Gloves, two-clasp Paris Point stitching, broken line of colors and sizes; great special values, .4 to AQfs 5 p. nu, at pair ...T'V Women's Undervests 9c Each Snecial lot of women's low neck and quarter sleeve Swiss ribbed undervests, pure white, all sizes; phenomenal Q. values at this low price........... 7C 2000 Yds. ChaHles 23c Yd. 2,000 yards of half-wool Challies in the very best patterns and color combinations, great variety; best 35c values on sale from 4 to 5 p. m. at this low price Dress Of Goods Department yd . . . 1500 Yds. 30c Flannel 19c 1.500 yards of all-wool navy blue Flannel for bathing suits; regular 30c values on sale' from 4 to 5 only at this special low price, yard it wiU not last long at f this price ... ....... . .... . . . ..I 7C A Trimming Dept. Special Special lot of fine Silk Drops, suit able for tailor-made dresses jack ets, etc; 35c and .50c values to be cleaned ud at this 'unheard of low price extraordinary values C. each. it a rum equal to th wage paid such employe during the laat year of his or her llf. not exceeding 1800. No employe can be called upon to contribute, directly or - tndlreotly, a stagl penny to th fund out, of which th benefit will b paid. Th oompany will stand all th aapans. : , TO ANSWER TO COURT FOR ROBBING DRUNK - (SpeHel tMtah to Ta learael.) ; - - Th Dall, Or July IT. A auspi cious character around th city named Charles Browa was arrested Saturday for robbing a drunken man In a saloon. Ha-waa examined before Recorder ril. loon this afternoon and waa held in (100 bonda to appear at th elroult courts in default of which, ha -waa-remanded to tha custody of th ahartff. ' The evidenoe against Brown waa vary strong. H had been around th etty for aom time. It 1 believed, waiting for an opportunity to ply big vocation. r? n 99 rnnr.o was beyond all expectation, and as we 1 to 3 P. M. Great Pillow Top Bargains Small lot finished ML Hood Pillow Tops; red and green bor ders; 65c values at. L...& Special lot stamped and tinted Pil low Tops and back to be -1 embroidered; great Values.. "V Women's Wash Belts 13c Special lot of slightly soiled and unused Wash. Belts in duck, linen and pique with gilt buckles; 25c and 35c values; on sale from 1 to 2 p. m. at each;.... ....,..;.. IS 75c Leather Music Rolls, each. 63 5Qo "Spachtel Coods 23c Special - lot- of - Cutwork- Scarfs and Shams; appliqued and tut, out designs in great assort ment: - regular '50c ; values; on sale from 1 to 2 p. m. at 0t thia low price t .4?2C 50c Corset Covers for 12c Women's low-neck, no sleeve Knit Corset Covers; lace trimmed; small sizes only; 50c , values; on sale from 1 to 2 p. m. only at this low price, each Second Floor 1 atfC Men's $4 Bath Robes $2.98 Men's fancy Striped Terry Goth Bath Robes, with cord and tassel; extra long; regular f O OA $4 vala.; oa sale at....' ' ; Second Floor.'-.,; -V " 20c Wash Goods 1 Oc Yard 6XX) yards of Japanese Crepes 'In striped effects and best colorings: suitable for house gowns and jackets: remilar 20c values: on sale from I to 2 pv m.' 1 fs only at a w Boy's $1 Straw Hate at 24c Grcal ipei;iallotjplJBoy' Straw sizes; 50c, 75c and $1.00 values price -gretr special value each... aw'srw Extra Cans, side .m to 6 great V Wire Men's 50c Tics 25c Each 100 ilozen men's Four-in-Hand Tie in all widths, plain and fancy colorings in great assortment, best patterns; 50c values on sale at this low price, each buy CT all you want of them.... J9C .... v ... . , $3.00 Table aoths $1.78 Special ' lot of all-linen ' Table cloths in solendid designs. 2Vi yards long; our best $3.00 values to be sold from 3 to 0 p. tnoni' to 6 p. tnonly ,$1.78 at this low price, . each ........ T..7i Women's White Skirts 73c Special lot of women's short knee Skirts, made of cambric, trimmed in embroidery and tucks; best $1 values on sale from 5 to 6p. m. at this low price, each m Second Floor.. ....... ,.4 2C HIBERNIANS GATHER!. IN BIENNIAL MEET (Jonrnel Speelat Service.) . Saratoga Springs, N. July IT. Mora than 100 delegate who ar to attend th biennial national convention of th Ancient Order of Hibernians attended solmn high' mass at . St Peter's ' ehurch this morning. Arch bishop Farley of New York being th celebrant. This afternoon there waa a parade of tha delegates, followed by th formal opening of th gathering la Convention hall. Th national presi dent. Jam ID. Polan. of Syraoua. pro aided. Other national of floor and director of th order la attendance war P. J. Hmnsaeey of Butt, Mon tanna; M. 3. O'Brien of Richmond, In dlanai Jamaa. T- CarroiL-i)f Columbus. Ohiot Jama CiuUlvan of Philadelphia; a J. Butler ef Loulevlllo; P. D. FarrU of Orand Rapids, and John T. Keating of Chicago. th buslnaa sessions at tha conven A splendid array "Hourly Sale" items 2 to 3 P. IX 50c Taffeta Ribbons at 13c 2,000 yards of 5-inch ( ombre and all-silk Taffeta Ribbons, full ;line of colors; regular 50c- ribbons on sale from 2 to 3 p. m, at - this special low price, the ' t J Qc $1.50 Back. Combs 98c Each Entire line ' of , $1.25 and $1.50 fancy Bade , Combs on .sale from 2 to 3 p. m. at this low QO. price, per yard..........,..70C Gold-plated Beauty and Collar Pins on sale at, each.........l9 Children's Shoes 55c Pah Odds and ends in Children's Shoes --red-blue tan and black, sizes 2 to 8; values up to $1.50 a pair on sale from 2 to 3 at thia extraordi nary low price wonder eTeT ful value pair.... ,JJC $1.50 Neckwear 23e Each Keisers Tailored Stocks for wom en in stitched taffeta silk black, white, light blue and green; sizes 124 to 14 inches; values up to $1.50 each on sale from 0 2 to 3 at. JZOC Boys Pants for 19c Pair 300 pairs of Boys' Washable Knee Pants dark blue, tan and fancy striped materials; ages 3 to 15 years. Grand values at this un usual low price, per , J l.OOO RevertlbU Rugs 97c For one hour w offer a thousand reversible Smyrna' Rugs Oriental and' floral designs, 30x60 ' inches; wonderful values at thia QJ1 low price,' each 3d Floor., C $3.50 Bedspreads at $2.45 300 hlcrh-erade Bedspreads, frina-ed rMarscnlea in the handsomest de signs; regular $3.50 values on sale at this wonderfully low .. price, each don't miss thia A Br bargain............... v.Y J 5 to 6 P. M. Calv. Carbage Cans $3.23 Each heavy galvanized iron Garbaar. . 18x26 inchei acnes, wn handles; special val wooa staves, drop u.uutv.i .jmiiM wmt - - p. m. Basement at... v7.a7 Scissors 1 9c Photo Racks 1 2o 500 pair Scissors and Shears, all sizes; special value irons i 6 Ifljr ......... 4 ........ 17b Photo Racks great value at..lS Buster Brown Hose 9c Each Buster Brown Hosiery for boys, sizes 6, 6yi and 7 only, 1x1 rib, fast color; regular 25c value on salt from 5 to 6 p. m. only at the very low price, per pair . great value....... rC Little Boys' Salts 36c Each Little Boys' Cadet Suits, made similar to a fomper long trousers of dark blue fancy gingham age 1 - y ar a et a wait. a avtMAHM.M from 5 to 6 p. m. at this I low price. 10,000 Yards SilkoHne 9o 10,000 yard of figured Silkollne in tha best grade, very large as sortment of patterns and color? ings; extraordinary values '. from S to 6 p. m. at this low ' Q. price, yard Third Floor. i... 7C tion will begin tomorrow morning and eontlnu until th nd of th week, Th ladles' auxiliary of tha order alec is in aeaaioa. ' . - REBEKAHS INSTALL . OFFICERS AT MILTON (Speetal IMspetek t T ia Milton, Or, I July IT. The following orncers dy seen eieoted and Installer for Pomona . Rebekah . Jodge, .- No. -1 1 1 Nobl grand, Miss Ifaggte Romln: vlo grand. Mis Myrtl Williams; -recordln) secreUry, Miss Jennie Dykes;" flnanol secretary. Miss Elisabeth Hamer; treas urer, Lydia nU warden. Mrs. A Evans; conductor, Mlse Mamie Wlj llama: R. S. N. O.. William Talberi L. B. N. O.. Mlaa H. M. Cockburn; ri B. T. Q., Walter Morris; L 6, V. o L.'L.'BerTyr tnelde s-uardlan, MliS Mai Beaumont; ontaiaa guardian, Qradlck. "' Pwf erred aaon Oaaaad ada. . Allan Lewla Best Brand. .. .1 V