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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1906)
this onzcsn daily - jsuriiAi; tc?t LAirp; 'tuzuAV rtyrrrii v-july r, r v. V.J ' v ma- --J V J . Changing" From Exclusive Furniture tb: Adopt a, '-Qeift . Y Clocks Erepartnient Store Busine: i-i ! 1 1 I y xyr , . y-; iii- 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 a.-, i' ah . J I ..n ' " ' V'" i- !'V. r ., .... r ' , ' .... v .;..,."), ' . ' 11 A ' wall-known eight-day , Clock that alway. sell for SI..0, warranted ' U ktp rood time. A ape- ? ?C cUl f tMe week at......, Folding, Beds ;i $10 LessATr No.732 FuII-slxe Folding Bed, ' nicely balanced: and easily ' operated, in golden oak; fitted. ' . rwith ? French plate mirror 13x23. This it a strong, dur able ' and handsome ' piece of , furniture, and well worth the regular price, $35.00, but for this special file ir C fc" quote it at......'...PX?, r: 5 v( ua unices . $i.oo down , $1.00 WEEK I I Connected FREE during month ' ol : i , ffi T!?y, r . .: July. We carry the best Gu .Range - I w aw r" - I 90 the Market. 'WiU eave its cost In , , i . T., f : reduced gaT 'biUi.' . ' fTr U See the "New; Method" 'Ranges j . i '-i U. - he gas-saring Ranges. . 11 tvr:-' 1? srflainsin l(opd Deds, asfrw 0afc-4,4tlli-- . head,.! handsomely - f rrd. .-!- Regular price tll- , . SPECIAL $30.00 Library Tables $20.00 j r N.4 369 Library Table, made of quar-- ter-sawtd golden oak or mahogany t finish, highly polished. Corners. and '.edge of top ar nicely yTounded by .ex-' ; - pert cabinet-makers. Has heary French ' legs with large shelf arid ' one 'drawer. Size of top, 42x48 Inches a high-grade table at a yery low figure; ;stock iJ . .select and handsome: a kood-sensible U . '.. r Music Cabinets ; for 58 No. J0ftM a s ic Cabinets, "of . golden oak "or mahbgahyi38 X' inches "'highi!,-14 rlnche: jeep., y and 38 inches wide; alt piano'" -v polish ,va pretty. Cabinet that" '5 sells tegularjy at $11, -" CO " .Special sale prices.; price; ... " In or4 Carpet1 Department we find large number of made-up Rags haw accumulated from .the Spring' ruth. Borne, oi thee Carpets were misfits, others wera exchanged after the making but" none oi them are worn Rugs."1, You may find in the lot something that Just suits you. , If you can. Iron lucky, for were nasi pecn pig cue in ura onginu price i amm wiu give you ma loea ot inem: v , , Ittyra, -xT-s rfet-alBe, tnade ' of the bat BraeMls - - (SuriMta, rtth1 border. ;.rg-ulr prloe IXS- A Ort , . Special prlo..... v.7W ...... Hues, S-Sxl0-S ft also,' mad. of ' finest , Quality. . Extra, Axrolneter; r.ulax price $! t . Y OS .. Special .price.. ..i.... :7-. 10 Snrrna Ruea, Sxll banyful Oriental er J"rneh B. Bruaaela. -Sxt-S fet iB Clse; r tO AA f ravular prio. ll 8pjlal prlce..77'.;;"...''W. . Sruaaalatt. Art- Square. 1x714 root great value, , . . , reveraiUe cata be UMd on both eldee . . tl AC - 8pcial prioe, only. ...... ..j,i..JtW i ii .'Rues, (xt fMt. Austrian. Wilton' Hall Rugs; regular' '- , . v. . n . . j . i.. . -A , : faou; regular price 110.0ft Special price - . JO Crt I v 10 Smyrna Rugs; ITxSO Inches; regular . , tf 10 for - eaaa. only).,., ,,............"r'vw 1 ,; I.0 Special ".price...,. ....,..,...,. Brdwood Bed of pleasing daelgaW Regular pried tt K kpidal . ......,r.......4..,... 90&9 Jfaooieoa Bed, rioa ejuartarM eek finish. R.gular 111.60 Special ': CQ Hft t LtJ t t4na.i mm w A 560 Parlor Suit $48.00 -v. , 17" I . - , mmm mum mu ' .V .v' -M I L,V 'if (li)ii 1 : '.'in f .rn vi MM--Mmi ic? Batntllr .beautiful la form and attraetiTe proportions the result ofaupv. ' rior workmanablp ef upbolatarar and cabin.t-makar. Polish mahog- any frames .which-contrast delightfully with.the green pluah - eoTaringa.. A ault. f prov.a worth, of high quality, such as the moat . fattdleua houaawife wouM be laaaed to own and proud - to ' exhibit. inl.hed in the -tttat poaaible manner. Hand red. of other-parlor aulte. In the faahionable' wooda aoiSa for the bedchamber, dining-room pleoce , . ; and furniture for tb. h.U, 'drawing-room and- den. . The ngulartit flA price of this eulu u l0 Special itU jrtoM........,.,;.,..)5.IW AUo 20 Parlor. SulU or JZi..... Slg- 55ncceptlcaCh:ir$3.1D Vtttttt -A dainty desk, hall or reoaptloa chair, mad. of eholoeat euarUrawed golden oak or, ---wth.r.d flnlehf finely haad-pol-. . A ' place cf furniture that v1' kItm tone and effect to any room ' in whatever capacity used. , With ' , such low price, aa .we otter there . la no. reaeon why every Oregon ' ?. ' horn., should not be furnlabcd ' with the .-very, flnat . t A j goods fipecial. ........... $35 Hal! Seats $26.00 Tl, 1 1 "-IlitaMvUhjoleam y ' We are prepared, to o'Ser a Treat bargain In if. If. Inlaid Linoleum. We guarantee It to wear as well aa any made In Scotland, and equal to any IS.SS Idno- . . : lanm -on the marktit. , Thlajsre-wllLaell for cash m effects; etc? '. - - - v ;.'.'X ' i- ''"'Vy. Printed UnoIumyyyy; -i ' Printed linoleum, equal to any grade fin sold la the city,' for only. Pr yard Window Shade 'JWlndew Shadea,! sxT, all colore, mounted a good roll- , , era. add every where for too. Our special ., ...... at- prlo. , , ,,,,,,,, ,.,,. ,.,.,, , ,., ... I V " UlbC WUI Wilis - - .Hceclal ioT'of Bruaaala NiL Trlah'Tofnt: two and " uree o( a xinu; aoa i aoavon tha dollar.. . v - . iy-.v'-:1,-' 'SUif Carpet -yk . - Bruaaellae Hell and Stair 'Carpet, redagreenS, tana; s -v looks tike hlgh-prloed Bruaaela and wears equal to -' the hat: regular prioe,'- per yard,- (o . . . JA,. . ' Our special price . . - I ! ' . . . .j .a. -v - - - :p)Uii,r y Mo. gra Very comfortable - Parlor - Chair, mahogany frame, handV . rollahed. R.gular price f f ) CA Speclei prtee. M3v . re-Refrlweratora. nf amnla alaa for . family us the "Alaaka" make. . Regular price lll.SO CO Art Spectal aaf. price only.... v'W r. I - TV . , '. -.--... r I -; .. Of -r:- V.' t$7.5fllis$Ion RccRers?4.50 Me Mlsslaa Rockere. have - ' the weathered eek fin iah. . W. have i sold a . great ' many of ' theew chair tale spring and - hope to eloee cut the lot at the low price of, eean, t - t , . $4.50 I I ! 7T1 .lTl M I j r f. - V V fl Veuthercd $12.00; fThis is one of , the very best 7 nei war offer-- ; Jng today. Jt.U y a Moot Eaten : alon T able with '4-inch legs ; atl " solid oat " f f-! IP? - ( 1,y- V "" V" ' "JSC? I aTojoiaeChlffonler built of ae1ateA. ' '1 in ill ' ' - kllnlrfed oak. French mlrrorshaped. and 17x21 loche. ,3 1 'T. - No. 1(4 Thle splendid Chase leath r Couch is 3t lnchee In length .and t Inches bt width: has six ' . Sows diamond tufting; best eteel . . construction haadsomely carved fuertered oaK frame, potlah flnl.h. t has the beat Jialr a tu fling on top of best grade of. tpw, We ....', guarantee the wearing qualitlee oi tnie. uouon ana xnow tgrou win be pleased with rour . numl ; A 50-Pltce Stt of Semi-Porcelain.: Beautifully Decorated. ';;-yi' vv'r. A very popular design. , .y, r'S-i ' .r- .-.. - , . - ITU Bevel-plato .Mirror, 14x . 1( Inches, .with braas hooks, large . of golden oak quarter-sawed,' - , elegantly turned and carved, high i. . pollahed and all of the very beet : . workmanship.' Regular price Is Sfcf;.?.r:..;....2.oo ,v .. t . , ....... .... . ns-. - vyc Are . w uogmy UUt 1 Racke like above cut, in goiaen caa, some of which are , hand-polisbd, oth- ere plain finished.' " Regular It Racks 11.69; 11.(0 Racks T St.-tOT tl 11 71a Alee other . , ; etyiee al like re- uucwuna. . Regular tit j . . - r V ' Eclips SpeciaLOffer ,! . , l" In - r ; e ;i.t Ranges In addition to our libera! terms, of $1 down and $1 a week for ; our Eclipse" Steel Range, we . will, during Julv. allow with eacn range sold riva uul LARS, worth of goods FREB from oar Granite or Tinware Department A tf-hole Eclipse i f 5n " . Si All WOK,.,,., V. , i: 3V $25.00 Hall Clocks 1 t - .r. nin rn Made of solid oak, with " weathered oak, 6 feet high, 20 inches wide, ,12 inches deep, fancy brass dial' Regular $25-Spe--l en cial price.:.Y,'y ai,1' I - i.:; 1 .- . .'(.' $60 McichiEies $25 $1 Down--50c a Week Get your Sewing Machine on these easy terms at uis Ten-. v. e :.i et. - i j i - - : by ; 7? ;7) ?feyy$ o. SOS i Hand-caryed mahogany, . L . feet Inches high. Baae, 4 .Inches ' v ished-maple, heavy . Praaoh. plate," . . oval : mirror, 47 , inches high and . r It inches wide, eolld braaa .trim- - wni iwiuwr price ov 111 fvi - apeolal priceenly.. ." ,1UW to.:,-- .. .... . . . . . T -Bivans : y : .Ve. S Thli handsome. 0(van Is ln : - hlxhlv DOllahed . aolden .oak: aeat ia It Inches ..wide -and 42 lnchee long;-taok 10 lnchee high, very ,. graceruuy curved irame ana long tapering . epindlea, - exactly like "eut; saddle seat "braced legs;' euitaote lor p. nor,, aen- or nail. Trnernlmf ttrlftaa 1 Special;;..;.......4..1 In else, caat bra, drawer pulls and locka, toll aerpentine front, -r handsomely polished, top 'neatly carved: made to eell for !5. but "r cuu.'it. .?.!!.?" .T.J20.50 $50Tur!hRcckm Ve OS Large T Turkish ''Rocker. e-enulne leather. e-nare.nteed anrine: . 'construction..' A hleh-claaa artl- cle tKirneaTMror-pe' aiivllcated In tne-city ror tn apeciur price we . ' quote - today. S'Tou - ' know theae ' eoods and will anDreolate the bar. . ': gain' we 'off.r when' .wt." tell jrou mat ne price ia reauoea w ?c rvn y : from .160 to only. . . . . W 4 Large-Dressers If'VOU have a need of . a", new "Dre.eer you .hould not fall to look -over-aome ot the lines-we are cles-s ing out.-. v -. ; ..; s .. -.' Presaers with quartered oak finish, . 14x10 patters plate mirror, that 'Pr.s.ers-wtth 'eolonlalrrfronts,- fn blrd.ey. maple or mahogany; 20x21 mirrors. Regular ye Art ( special price.. -.,..fWs GvtiirtS" Sons: . Our1 credit syptem .enables you to select . finer, .sturdier arid more lasting quality of goods than you might feel you .could afford II you paid cash in fulland without imposing.' a: single, burden-: some condition or obligation' rpon , yoil. ';The( terms of, payment iwplbe arranged Jko suit your ov wishes. That's the Gevurts . plan--ths easieit, . pleasantesFCnd'JMdlt "liberal credit system-in -ogue.--Why not take advantage; ol it? . - - C ) S Copper .Bottom ; if Washboiler ' A Tin WashboUer, fuU1 .t . a a size, witn perfect copper j. bottom; regular $1.50 173-175 Flrot St. :319-27Vamhlll :Nhrs. Potts Sad Irons -I, f. ,,1,-.; - X . ' ! 7 ' '.. . 1 7 i , 6 A set of three Irons, holder and han- . , PA ,cle; regular $1X3 set for only. oUv .,-- k