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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1906)
evening. July c i:; eft W. X I.. V'l i r f . r ' f -.-4 - - rv figure en Cmned Coods Prices to C Rather Hh. '., ' v. f-ODA'. : e OlilG ; PdlCEC ; HELD 0.r,C(i ' Packers Still Refuse to Name 'i Figures on.Carined Fruits Den ; f spite Lateness of Season. ! V-i ,. - : . ' i -. . ,. . ' J POULTRY SEEMS ABOUT v ; READY TO CO LOWER Eggs Art Coming to Market in Very ' Bad Shspe" on 1 Account of Hot : WeatherOld Potatoes Art Mot Ing at Former, Price. rtrooe Street. Joly 8Ta nrtortpnl testa Bf the Portland wholesale Market today are: Holiday tomorrow on atrt, '.'". ' . Lctl penenes coming umj. tin ar coming ItM snaps. ' r Poultry amirta nady to brk. --", V DmM nut marksts slower.:. - - ..V, '8 potato tnolng at one. - Logaoberrlae bare Jbeary demsad. ' f Raepberrr mart la .glutted. Cucumbers sn -gains lower. ' . , " Canned goods market "-ry arm. . s :t i Prolt ta-ads eery henry.- ' ' . -' Salmon ran lncrsaaes fast.'-.? if. 6mlu rritN In Said Smb.. , "" Opening prices on ensued fruits aw at ill tnf bald back by caasars en account f tba Mlxad conditio of tba trap. .It la rr aaldoat that raaard fruit prlcaa ara not opaaad bafora Ma ' 1. bat tbta jaar'a ellmatle coadlUooa hi a traatly ahaacad from tbow Bxraatly ruling that tha narkara bantl kaaw whara tbar wcra at wbaa tba aaaal tima cam tut amine tha panlnf ttnm. inx moat Hnea ( eaoaad o4a tka prima vara var blfb Uat aaaaon. bat tbF,troBila to ba aararal potiiM klfbar li ill lima thla yaar. Tba craataat Ibarriaa. w4npiJ waa la-tba- fiaHaal afl. aot crop.. Tba pradnctloii tbar waa all bat fallora tba atuo ao4 It la aot llkfly tbat am thas . nominal amount . vul.m paesaa thla rar. Tbara In a aor Uf r apparant In tha paarh crop.' . -v v.' " Im in Oaminr to' U thnpt. - ' 4 Oa' account ot tba ntrma bot jraatiar flu aaant rrlTl of ara ara not ar Beat qnauty. t Aomm not Ilka Bore than 48 near ot an. aaaaonabla weatbar to out aim In aa "enondl. and not mack lanfar to nai ibam antrraly oat c aaamiaaioa. . . ,;- x . Vaaltey' Beema ' Saa4y to. Break, , - While no cbancoa era tadayanowa ta tka koultry market aa rMrarda.prtcea,. than la not o ftrm a tana aotett alone tba atraat today. Vaeelpta ar not liberal and thla, la all that la keeplne tha. janrkat from abaWtnc ! reek -M aaicea, -. t - Tba creamory katttf marktt laanchaned. - ine lone puw tiimt; inv m awi. Ub aitr. craanierua jreDon a ran- ormano. Coontry . etera ; product ttatM former aoodJ : ' Pi nil Meata Ara atow." , .:: ' Tha driaatd neat market la already bealn- ,.w him to feel tha affects '$. a mneb klfbar tmpratre: Borne of today'e narlaaw . were , ar poor ovanty .and n naer we pnntea alav ETn niabajover. Jnnajtock jrart sard -to mora..'- - ' - ' .' Balmaa in yrry hry eoprly la-tba meal tarkau today. Tba catch along tfct Oorambla ptlll abawa alcna of ' laeraaalne peralmr - blanta err betac ran to tbelr capacity. Valuea n Ireab flab nncbanfao. . t v v , . A ; . i jrnta iTa en aaiTy .' All tbrooib tbr frnlt. market tbara waa' i keary rad atala today, Ordera-from tba onntry eontlana t. pile ap and It trtU ba lata thla arenlnc befara all ot tbem ara cleaned ap. , " Log anberrlea trera la batter anpplf today hot . Bom ot tba armale arneed in "Mafey" aitloa,:PemaBd waa; ary ood. fcoerarar,- Baapberriea wan la an oyeraapply la the Burkata todar and aamawbat learot prlaaa . named by tba trad. ----- Tomatoes wars In baser haul with enp .. pltea hat acmrca and tba prloea a trill klfbar. - - . f - Be great are snppllaa of aaeambari tbat tba . ' trade k) getting avonrocked. Lower price , fcamed by .soma,, la .nnaaqnancs.. , -' Tben eontlnnes very . good demand for . Md potatoaa bat tba present K4reatber. will ,.; anon pat thear beyond, a saleabla esndlrloa. . . famnwe are moytna faator and .snnnllss a heap atoefcs an getting tow. - Talsea m The trade pays the folUwln prices to irront . ntnet Frleaa paid abtppan ara jleea .regular wrata, near and Tead. - :- - ORAIH BAOa CaleaHa. lOgMOUa. WHBAT aob. Tin red Kaaaian. ---- era. tl 1 tiYO rkARLET reed. I34-O0; nil. lxS.0OeM.0 " Irewlns, M4.00. - - ceRN Whole, S4 0; .erscketV. tUM par -TtJTM per ewt 1 -r OATB rrodncen' price He. 1 wblta. r& 2 4 ' ' T araf- wn-wviim. - ' rt rtm tlmmm - - - rt - - - - - mm 18.06; atralrhta, $3.4093.60; export, 3.UM.: valley, 8.56; araham. Urn. H.60; whole wheat, S3. 76; Tee. 0e. eft.OOl, bales,-aa.r, -Bran, 17.6 nor toai Bid. fUUli fi.wt . ' iis fio; ebon. ean.oo aborre,'- ronairy. bsii.w; lt. BAT Producer price Timothy, Wirtametta walleyr-4aney,-1100v adBwryr (lOOtllO.nOi naatera Oragoa, ia00rt 17.00: aiid. aio.OOSI t 10.6O! ehrrar, I grain, IT.60tJt.60;. ebast, v - swNl wSVf Xfff SSs) 4w'SnaW"c,r " trTTR raT r. s, a. Part land Bint - enam, toe; aour, lse. BLTTBa city areamerjr, Tie awtsMe fnaey, 10A20CI ordinary. ITWrCi etore. 18HQ14e. BOOS No. 1 freeb Oreaoa, eendled, MHc. ' CHtl8 New FU cream, flats, 11 Hallte: Tonng America, m18e. . ' POTJLTKT Mixed chickens, ISHe Ber'tbi ' faacy bene, !Vtfle Be Ibi rooatera. aid, lOui lb; stam. lieilHaJbi fryers, lttI7c; broil. ' era. ItttlTe per lb; eld docks, 16tl0 per ibi ... spring doeka. . lse par . . lb gaeeav - eie per lb; tnrkeja, le per lb; drasaia. Ma rer lb; J6 . 60600 par, sua; , pigeon. 1., 9m. .Hons,'wo! es)' aDeee, ir':i " BOPS Contracts, 100 area, 10a .per rbl uog Oreaon. 10A10MC . . T ' ' . WOOO 100 clip aru. nana to flasr Sac: autars dragon, BOtasis, sunn ri new,, aur.- nrraaa. XtlfUl SaiEPRKINS eneartnat, I Raj JO eaekt abort CkU XoOfOcT rdlo wol. 0476 aab, Bg wool. 76C0H.OO eaek. . T' TALLOW Priia, per to, IM04C; Ma. t and CU1TTIM BAHK-40 ltock, 0M bar tbl , 104. nominal; 100. ly,e lb- v . RIDKS Dry, No. t I lbs and an. teHdl : ITHe Bar lb: dry kip. Ma 1, to ! lbs. Ic; : ;dry lf, Na. t andar 6 Ibe, lac: ealted hleaa, Steer, sonnd, 0. lb and orer, lOtajllc; cows. . 0Ho; etirs aod bulla, sobd. StaTet kin. 11 to B0 lbs, Be; clf, nonad. ander 16 lbs, lie; ' fnen, enaalted, 1 lesa; eon. par lb lea: ,, fcoraehldea, ltd. acs, ll.zS41.TB; dry, aaab, , 1 1.003 1.60t oolt bides. Bn0t feat aklna, ' remrnos. each, 10S16a ADfora, . , BBc ; ai.oo, ,r.w. j A. .t ix. , ,s :' trntt ami TagBOtbles. ' POTATOES Bart sorted, BOMlWs per saeb etocan' price ' for ear kxa. tOSDOe-per ewt; Ordinary, BUtatftai prodaeera price. 1 new California, tT.IH); Oregon, $1.00011.80. ONION Jobbing nrirTeiae, it per fbi ... aew California, red, 1.60; allrars, lT7l garUe, yv pr IB. PRE8H PBriTS Aptle Bpplea,' 81.26: onagis, Medlterraneaa, 43 T8tJ4 , r "w, 9m. 10: 1. -non., caowe. -hjwbjo.zo per box; fancy. 86.IW'qjfjBryjrJhpx; llnjeajjex; TUESDAY PRICES IN JHE WHEAT MARKET Vuly ; t .71 Sept Chicago Kansa City... .Milwaukee .4. , Cf ! , V .104 S ,?St iaiuIb..'.... ' '.774 Litrpool la t 1 TH4 Nw York..,,,- - .m a Mlnneanoll 1 . ' .sou .Iuluth.j ....I: ,.L30w.B j:u.-.::m'3 daily - ' . i TIPS 0;j CtARrtETS ' ' ' mmmnpmmas.aanaaa.mnBm IThars, are atUl a.'clriaUlarabu. numbar of cars of old ' potatoaa being held by farmers end ship para who rare awaiting batter market bafors letting go. - If tba present weather oontlnuea for a short time there will not . be many : saltsbls stocks leK two - weeka from now. Old stock are . d sprouting Terjr fast, while ths - new ones. r geVtlag : in- auch e shape that they will - - poon be - used exclusively. , .' - ' ' j- e V' 'ei' t' lean. TM per 100: tsAgerlneS, C plneapplee. a.Ta.00 Hawaiian. ; atrawberrlea. ia.OO t(a.2a per - crate; gooaeberrlca. oe per IV) cberrtea. Ute lb; plnma, r HfM.!IO crate; prioota, tl.t100i paacbea, POcMll.OO; logam brrrlee. 1.M; centaloupea. a.I6&3.U; raav berrlea, ).T5; black flga. 41.50. . . . , . , VICtiKTARI.ICH Trnlo. now. tl.BO Ber sack; earrota, tl.TS par sack: beets, 11.60 per aack: Cudpa. II. CO oer asefc; Orerffl ndlabaa, aw I cabbage, Oregon, HQI M; Bell peppers. zoc lt; Mexican tomatoee, niuraia, tl.T5eil.KSt loral bothooae. 8.TB: Mlaalaalppl, tl.T6S; paranlpa, eoetifli atrmg baaae, Orrroa Safc lb: cauliflower. 1 doa: peaa, 133?! id;-, Dorsaraaian, eis per mi ariK-no, per- doai aaparagoai Ongon, 4ODU0 . pet dua buncbaa; Walla Walla, fl.00 per boxi eqaaah, 14ct I eptnack, toe per box; sreea onlona, Orrton. 12S4 per dot bnacbosi encam. ben. 4B(t&0c per dos; eelery, 1 1.00 par dosi reeo aorn, 23Htt2B doa; anmSMT saoaan. tacsj 1.00 box; egrplast, Oo Bv . - ,, -. DBJHD rMUlTS ADDlt. seapnratad. BO 14c pea lb a orients. 14e per lb; peeebea, lzei( prrlb; eaeka, HS V lb Irsst prnnea, to to to. e; He drop on each alxteentb mailer else: flga, California black. 0H "l California -white, eHe per lb; datea. aolden, Ihkc par lb; tarda, Jl.aoal.BO par IB-lb bos. ; wearies. Vat. Eta. , ,; . '-' mrn i n ar.fc Baaia nnha. tfi.aar nowdered.; pa IS. OB; con 5 IS; trait granulated. 10.15; dry erannUtedi eonC. A. so m; neat aranafaiea. .ewwn, iIawallan. SB.on; extra t.,; goiora U yetfOW. B.oo; ooie. lie; ya ww S5e; boxea. 60a adeanr as eack'naaU,. leeezoe r ewt ror.eaan. is aayei mimpm, r lb. , - (ahoee nrteas epprr to sales of leas tkan I lota' Cu tots af special prless snbrast to guctnanoos-i . - ; :j HONKY- - COrria Packu brand. JJO 33(311-TB; Oar Hall arouno. luue. u I net lOAa, ton: 60a. 1 60; table, dairy, Why iseo; ill.TS; Imported LlTerpool. 0. 1T.00: lona, ll.W: 1Z4. 1.00; extra Bm. bbls. to. t. U, I4.n0t5 50r bulk Szo lb. $4.0045.0i; aaeka. Ma, &t8ct Ltrarpool lump rnrk. lM pet tos: 60-lb roek. 9.00; lOus, M.O.' i. - B S.ausa k: . 1 dVaB Is SI I V eVr-I ni rire 'ZwmitTT: ATI blTI 6Uet K wKmS amall whits. 64. zn: larrs - wMto, S0; pink. 68.75; kayea, 64.76; Umaa. 66JS0 cxlraa red. 4V. , " NITTS Paansts. Jem bo, re per lb; Tirainla. aeiAHe per lb; rmM, 8i(c per lb; Japa nM, 6t6He xpaatd. TeJTVke per Tb; coco, nits. 5fnrV per da;- waknta, lSdJlOHe lb; pwenntn, loailv per -rb;; klrkory . ant,- 10 Mr lbs eheetnnt. aaatern. lBQlde per lb; Brasll nnta, 14(3 16c pa lb; filbert. 149180 par lb; fancy pecans, 15c; almonds. 14117, . rrstota, 4tosl Ofls.-lto,-U-:.2iJ ' ROPE Pan Manila. 141 Btaadara, l8Kei "COAL'oiiPearl ar totnt-aaee, 1ie par gal; " wator white. Iron bbls, 14c par gall wooden. IT nar gall b dugbt. 170-dog. waaaa, "fttaoUrfS . bbbs S4H per gal. Iroa able, in per esk BENKI SB per et Iroa NBV bble 18 He per sal. TTiaptNTlNE la '1 See par gl; wood bbla tie teetiL , T w - WBITB LXA1) BJte. ITtr W-J Wt wmr-mm kt. Be par lb: lea tot. CU per B rnnmrn II I IT n li baal at tl 66. . t rmiriti oil. Pic a ran. ta B-bbl lota. BOel l.fcbl lot, B8ct eases, 68 nr,sl( geoaln kettle. rlrdViW eoa P gjTVbbl Mt.VbM tut as nar gal: grennd rake, ear lots, 8X0.00 per ton; torn tba ear Iota. 63000 par tea. : Itesta, man ana a-nrrauvaa. 4 bbmo WKAT8 rront strsat Beef trtoars. dOOa per tb; cows, S4; per lb; bogs, fancy. 1cVordlry, 7H(uc: poor TO 7 W per lb; kVlTcoV: &&&& paocsir kams, 10 to 14 the, lHe per Tb ll jll to IflJ? per . Ibi breakfast baeon, . le pef lb: ptealce, lie pw lb; eottsg. lOWe per lb f gulr abort clear, aaamoked. 104 Per Rt par tb: dear backs, aaamoked, r lb; amoked. llUe per lb: Union batta, moked. lAlil IMC M to IS lbl anesMA. Be per lb: amoked. to ns tot clear sruies, nnswaoaaa. . 11c pr 10 1 moked, I2e per in: majar, ue pea id. UK1AL Li ,a KU-H Kettle 10. It pet lb; to, 1A per Ibi 60-lb tin. 11 He par a Han reentered. 10. lie par Jbj a. 11 m ker lb- eompoood. 10s, We. - "T Van ' r " " . 1'' " s . -iu Tissiiei Sl.eot- 8 14) tall. St T8l-Jqtl.U jt 61.00; U-lb fancy Sat. Ji-ISl fancy 1-lb onajTlt T3I Alaska taTla, pink. 664(001 red. 1.60j aemlnsl , tii, z.oa , , PISH Bock sb. Te per rbt Soondcr. Be net Tb: kellbnt 6c per lb; crabs, 81.60 per dos; atine nana. ise per 101 eeinsn. ta nar id: aalmoa, Colombia mer Chinook, 8e Ibi etoel keads. Te lbl blnebacks. To lb; herring. Be list sole. Be lb; shrimps, 10e' lb; perch, 8 . par lb; black cod, Te per B; tosseod, T per 'lb Itosr smalt, T per lb; tobswra, IBs- Bar 1B fruh Tr' ' "- t "" I f-ki Tflt pnt dos: bad, 8 pe lb: stnrgoa, 10 par to. OTSTtaa Bhoalwaree bar. nar salT 88.881 par uu-is aara, .uv. man narnneii, - pw tome, 88.00 par boa. HOOt CATTLE MARKET SH01VIN6 r.!08E IVEAKHESS. v f- Weather Conditions Cause Les ser Demand Hogs and Sheep " Retain Yesterday's Advance, j Pertland ' Otno: - Stockyartr. J'ntr SUt toes receipt: i, .... " v. w Boss.e Oattle. Sheen. Today ...........a......,. 7. . 100 ... 468 Wttl atsTOs aBaBawaa. a , . .j.. X4JO . " Month ago.'.., .... :1. ., Xaar age...;..... .. ITS 614 With tha 0 rotation of a fnrtbar abowlnr of wBnB m eaine, ins nnarocs marsat la rn a yaaterday. Both hoc sad ahaes. nutn the adTaaesB of hfanday. - Hot weather to tb eauee or cstti weaanesB; -rr- j . Official atoek aBotstlons . Hoea n Bat Eaatarn Or. 87 Ktf.aji blocker aad China fata, 88.00, stockera ssd redr, se.u. - . ,- c Oattle 1 B aaatern Oreren atosn, S3. TO: wt eow ind heifer. 83.28: stocken aad reenera. xiuo; out la, z.oo. Bbeep BbssrUngK. 4J4H1 htmbs. . UVESTOCK TONE GOOD. w Ckloex Sore and SOLSe-p from 4-fct- -;. ; tie Af Wandr. Chicago, July 8. LiTtock noilptaf 'J. ., ... Home -Ottl. 1 . Cblesg ............. 1TOO0 8.600 10.000 Kan Oty. ......... lt.OoO f.600 ," 6.000 0,0 ...17,000 -8.000 .,4.000 Ho-, etrong with 4. 000 Jft ere - trora trdy. . Tx1ys price! kflxed end kntcher'. M. 40 11 4 86 : good and keary, 8r) T'na 886: roo.b and hTy, , 6.8a.66.. light, 8469eV86. - 1 Cttl Bread. . -.- . ; , Sktip Strsae.- ' :'-- COTTON FUTURES TWO 1 ;:rOFF TO THREE HIGHER '. " ' 'i. V ' ' -. '. 't ' . 'i Hew York, July 8. Ootto totnrs eloed I tower to S paints ap. Ofaetat snetotton by Oeefbck, Starr S Cook eompaay; . -. - CloBlnaw-- ' l; Open, High. Low. Joly 8. 8. Jul t. finoary .....lo.jf-j, lii.n 10. B ebrnur ....10.87' 10.28 JO.zA 1 10.M 10 84- 16.83 10.34 10.43 10 24 10 27 ,10.24 10.23 10.34 10.ia) Mirek .......10S8 10.48 10.84 10.48 inly ..10,16 10. M 10.14 "1022 tasnat ..... 10.20 10.38- 10.18 -,.10.27 ptambaf W. 10.34 .10.20 10.27 . October .....lO li 10.87 10.18 ' 10 20 Nor. ruber ...M rO1 10.21 , 10 20 to 27 Decambar ...ia2J . 10.88 10.21 1040 ffi?-.iSajED - jllTIIE PIT Chicago Market Up and Down by -Turns Today but Close Is an ; ' i EIth to a Quarter Up. v LIVERPOOL OPENS AND -tLOSES WITH A LOSS Bradatreet'B Report of Ormin Visible ; Supply Shows s Decreaae for the - World-Weeither Conditions ' Still il the Powerful Feature. " ; SBtiATTTS WHEAT TALDM. , - Chlease.' Jnlr. S-Aftar wheat clueed fraetlaa higher for tb esrly montbs and e klgbar for tba Decembw. B. ae thd northwaat ! Indicated nrlhrr Fiiuar ana a saier eonditlon rot tb crone tbara was aoaio aartv mIMm bv bolder and thla eneatru-aaed. anonab tuir aalUjur to grre the market onlderbl weakness for a time. The pries krrel Is now so'near an export basis tbat tbar will be a good flgbt sasds en to Burin aide at any farther decline. At U Sams time bright weather to tb northwest and mifhwt veer the holiday 1 likely to brine a uvea oear altars.' . , . In enrn tba local racarnta wm auh Imm, than aeUmatad. In the break there wns re placing of May earn by ball Intereat and rood ""'"a none oaying in tn early montns. bring about a strong nlly. . IB 'Oats tben IU tlKllnl Bwrtna'TM group of local trader on tb brek and the marser naa aTor mmumm mg mi lata la tb day. - . ,. . ,In prorUlone there Is pom talk of strengtb SB the remit of tWf m, Official qaotatloo br Otorbtck. Sterf i stii4i iigy t. 'WHBAT. " Blah.' Ones. tew. Otoe. Xnly..... , .TO1 Sept,.... . ',-.80 Iee..,,. " .81" May ",r JM t . .80 I .TA r f , .70 i'-.-.Tw , . .80 Jti 1.811 , .80 , ; 4 . ,.; CORN. Beptu. Dee, ... OATS. -t .7"-i-!-r - MRU POBKr July. .. IT.tO . 17.60 ; . 1T.S0 1T.80 -1T.10 14.S0B 8.8BB ' S.07B s.o&a . f - I. -SJIB s-sriT sept...., M.1114 17.10 Ja...w 14.S0 j. T 14 0 ltkeau ' is. pa - , ...... usn. . July. Sept. Oct.. 8.88,-v e.8Tii. ; ins s.oo a.os a.oo i. aoSH 0.06 B.0SH . ' SHORT BJBS., , . B 6TH f S.BTH B &O BPS u. M Joly., Oct...... . S.S7H - -8.2 : - , nmuT eiAis' motzmivt. Chicago, JaJy 8. Prlnnry receipts Tod. Tear Age. Bnahela. " . '- J "! " Buebele. -' . m 460,000 . vmrn. eio.ooe Wheat zaa.uuo . 174,008 Bhl Wheat. . ... ... . ...,. . ., . 214.0OO - ' 888,008 Corn ...;.......... .T.. 460,000 81 0.OOO Total elearanceai - Wbent, 82.008 . knhls( enrn. juo,vw..o qj; aonr, iz,ouu osrreia. ' 'ixrxarooL esini bulsjczt. linrpool, July S. Offered pslcesl -,v"u.. Open , . Close . Ctoxe ? July 8. . -i July 3. Jnly S Joly 8. 8a 8144 H Ta T-Id Cd to T4 t Bept, 7s T(4d Ts TVad Dec a TWS , 7)44 Joly.. Sept.. .i a s e ,. 4sT d ... 1 1 V. - to 8 d to 7144 -SKAaeTxxgra asAnr sepos.1 rhlcage. Jnly 8. Bradstrwt'i reprt of grala tielble anpplyii. Wheat Eat af Becktes derMd 1.814.000 bnsbela; Knrops and afloat, deenawd 1,000,000 -Mmneia; total aecreaeed, 3.541.000 knahels. Corn Inrreeaed 1.4T8.000 boabels. . Oats Dcreaad. 188,000 knabekk . ; ' ': CXIOAtrO -CA8X WMXAt.- Cblaago Jnly 8. Caak wheat: MIA. Ke. S red. . .B0.84HN Ne. t Nortkeni..M.84 No. S Kortber. . .82H ilo. S spring.... ' .80 , s rea,... .no , No. S hrd...i".TH No. 8 hard, rr, - . 76 -- ' vnrzD statu ooTuirkTz-trr boitds. Maw Tort Into I . inmainia I b... am 1 Twos, rUterd. ....C,..,. 1008 loeu 1081 w wiqio ,,,.,, jvon 1UH irees, ngutarsd...M 108 102 At-li-nimi .,...:.r.L.....?1IM -to Two, amill bond..,....,., .TTT 102 Poor. rFlatrd. . . . . ., 1V7 102 do ooopoo. .... ...,.1,. ... lOT lai Poor, regiterd...i 126 13) so coupon 182S lMitTict of Oohimbls i 117 Phlllpptss to 110 Starltntr Zxohaan mates. - 1 Vew York. Jnlr a atarllaa ct..nM a. ao.eoitBa.oo;i av nay 8s81.eotJ481.8B. 1 rw Yrk-Lndn S0 Mew Tork Jabr . iin nam.,' r . Im, OO ..IM . mwmw .roiTun SAirx Sri,: Clearing .airte.401 n vatancs , . ' . TS,1.8T I' ' 21 Tlrt Caak ttorran. New Tark. Jnlr mttmt a iu tH Mo. Santoa, BSe. EPIDEMIC OF CHOLERA .RAGING IN PHILIPPINES i M(Jornal Bpactsl Serric.! v f. Manila, Jolr, J. Twenty-one ' naw easa -and 1 dent ha from ebolsra. ar rsportad todar In thla city. Tha pror Inco report eaaa and 26. death. ' -The dlseass la of tha daniiiaai tmY Tba earliest victims ar among tha na tivea In the rlclnlty of the dtp.. Four Americana are atrleken and on ia dead, named Charles; Sheehan. ' Th territory abxrat Fort MoK4nljr- Is wue-Mlnel, C, ,Dwlgtit Cook of icoirntrrrt""rr' Is smonr tha dead.- Th health author!. tie think- thsrs ' will -be no- plderalo. Thr ) trraat difficulty to eat th na tive to report cases. . BRITISH COLUMNS , ;:AnACK mesenis band (Joarnal Special Serrlre.) . , ; turban, July I. Following up res- terdar vtotory three pritlnn oalumne today attacked th Messnl band and a terrlf lo neaiinnt la in progress. Th vlllaa-e in tb Manumula dlatriot ar burning. t . - -...-, Ten tvtw proverlp Ueklasr was faa Wo I ruas .-fO waaaa Ta Totbjm-j want aob. . 'V' " Cloes' Closs ' Closs . " Osi ; ,j- -' .- July . nly X J 000, Xnn S. JoV-. t.TH ."1a4 .... -00 September ., .80 T 05 ..... J .00 Z peomba ... J1Z : .1H8 , , rf .00 May.....,,, J4W "'Mil .. - 1 .00 a lot of aaasawina 108 -i084 4 130 lso ' J 11 FOURTH OF JULY PRESEdT. GIIIEd Bears Allow Bulls Full Swing In Stocks Today and Practically All Prices Ars Up at Close; ) , LOW PRICE PREDICTED r ; FOR NEW YORK CENTRAL Rumor Says Union Pacific WiH Soon Give Away Some . Sights' Worth ; About Thirty Dollars s Share AA ' Tances Are' OeneraL KIT OAIMS, Anaconda 1.. ....... tax Erie V Amalgamated ..... J Atchlam al. Onst Wtera.,...i Soeltar ........... J iiunea untrni. ,. . JWTkm M la H 1 PaelfH....i Liooinui Brooklyn ........ Mlaaoarl Norfolk Colorado 101... ...1 N. T. Oentral.. ntrai....... -n Ftrm..... tf inU .......1 ni. rani. Ont. m W Chea Deaka. ....... . Pnnaylnls Canadiaa Pna Steal Oar...., U ar. ...r 14 hra-M. panr. preferred.. Loeomotlv Bpabu Bti...,,,i Korthern Pselfle. nonthera K.llway,, coca laland Bonthern Paelfl. . . . , . clfl.,. .,... D. S. Steal.- pfd! uniaa raeuie KET LOSSES. ' J . " ... U ktosiesautraj... K Cnr Br otmlr OtmtrU LBSxhsr.. Wall Srnet. Kw Tort. twiti. - . rowa holiday then was bat email trading In tlie - -r... uninj. in nn emo wiuing to glra tba bolls Tonrth-of-Joly preaeat and the general adrance la the market waa mad wlUxwt trouble. Xbs bear, bow nr. are still In. control of tb market and-tot price ff wbaaersr Umt want. Tb flrm-e of lao tor New York Oanrral fa inriinMitl. ..-- etal eircle. It I said that-tba heary bolden of the new stock time ham faidncad In.r. ment'ScUiog by tndrridnals and eorperattona. It I Sld that TJnlna P.ciefM .111 ZZL. rights worth sbont 830 e ahare. - ngl ' Um P Orerbeek, , Starr Osoks cotnpanyi . , ', - Clsalng Am. Xtl ,t Xnaconfla nffnlnB rhmmnv sjiat! . jrru Amalgaastad Oopper Oampanr .... 00 2 - - T2 Atchleon, common MU ' 86 Atchlaon, preferred ............... 8eZ pflvZ Amarlcaa Car A Poandrr. common . fu var roanary, common. 8444 84 merlenn Car At fnnnrfr, miMj -88, 128 148 114 -116 2i -T4 Amertoaa Bngar, conimoa ,.....,. 1281 Amerlcaa Smltr, common 141U Amnickn Bmeltor, preferred. 11414 rltlmor A Ohio, eotnmoa .....,11 , Baltlmon A Ohio, preferred ...... .. Brook lya Rapid Trnn-lt'i.i...-...i.. 84 Canadian Pacific, common ........ 168 TBS Cbleags A Great Waatern, eommoB, 1814 18U Cblearo, htllwaokee A at. Pan! lsa , laniT Chicago A North waatern. eem 102 C1iuh AObtorvi-rrrr-. ... ..... 68 4 6S 1 -.'oiaraoe mai iron, common..... 46tp .' 48 Oolorado Southern, common aa ' . SI Colorado Soatbem, second pnfernd. . . fm Colorado Bonthern, Brat preferrad.. " 01 , uniwin m nuaaon jo Delaware, Lackawannn A Wee tern. ., . ' 476 Dennr A Bio Grand, common.... 8014 SB Drnmr A Rle tirand. preferred. . 82 ... Brl. common tt -' 40 - Ki-ia, -Meo-MpnrerrM ........... wihi VfM Brier aiat t-referraA Tl ... Illinois Central . ITS LooliTill NhTlll ............140 . taqnartan sanway .. Mexican Central Ballwar ..' Mlaaonri P.Hfle gU Mlemrl,' Kaosss A Tszas, soa... 83 1 Nw Tork Central. J28 LocomotlTe .............. ....... .. B&H PdrI Bmelton .. Norfolk A Waatern, common SSU Norfolk A Waatern. pnfemd Ntfc Amwln 88 New Tork, Ontario A Weatera .... 47 PennaylTanla Hallway 12214 Popl's O, Llgkt A Cok Co Prewed FTeel Clr, rornmoa .-.....r48-' Prewwd Steel Car. piefoired ...... ., Reading, common .....lltll . Republic Iran A StoL eommon .... 26)4 Republic Iroa A Steel, preferred ,., ,. Rock laland. eommon ........... SS4 Rock laland, preferred. , . . Bontharn Railway, common 83!4 Bonthera Railway, pntsmd ...... .. BontberB Paclde ,,,,,, 8314 St. Louts A San PtanelseQ, 3d YM. ... . St. Lonta A Sonthwestarn, Cora mo. ,. Txs A Pacifle irr to iwiimi vow iron ,....,.,..,,xB le Union Pacifle, eommon ..1401 .. United Stat Rubber. Hsnmaa 86 4 United State Bteel Company, rem. 88 t-'lvi United State Bteel Compear, pfd. ttt4 . tf wneanng ex Ajaas rsna, common .,. , it Wheeling A Lake Rrle. ecoad pfd. .. ' 22 WlMonara Central, eotnmoa .. , S3tA Wlaconata Central, pnfemd ...... ., ;. 44 waoaan, common 1 1 Wetlta4ks, IkMfa If QrttatfB f alCtflhf ..Ve-e -iriimnwt t .180 192 S WALTER VELLr.lAH READY TO ' START- FOR NOTH POLE Rys Mento Accomp.any.Explprer . on His Airship Cruise in -I v Arctio Regions. Uoarnsl Speelsl Barries.) .. - ' Chlcagcs July 8. A cablegram from Tromso. Norway, sayg Waltr Well- man and hi party have landed the first ssctlon of man and squlpmsnt at Bplta- brgn. . WeUman aald: . i . "I hay no Intention of delaying the expedition until next year, I will make a determined effort to resoh th north pol this summer If posaltus. "-. Th full complement attachd to th airship la 40 man but only fir will be oa board when tn bus orart atarta oa its northward flight. Thsre will be Mr. Wellman.' Major Hesrsy. who rep resents th National Government and Geographic aocletyj Gaston Herrlsu. a celebrated French aeronaut: M. J. Smith, wireless telegrapher xprt,'and Paul Colardeau, whowlll bare eharss of tha motora, - , ; ' . Three . of the ' will , alwaye ba on duty, on will be stationed la th nayl- s-atina; deck to work th rodder and to watch tha inrtrumsnts, another will be la th snglne-room and a third will be occupied In working th windlass that opsratsp the drag anchor and suld rope. , it la caicuiatd tbat non of tb crew - will b abl to set more than thre or four hours sleep a dsy.- - SOLDIERS-HAVLv-LEFT- SAN FRANCISCO POST '" " " ' (Joarnal 8 pedal' -torrlse.f ' Washington. July I. Th war de-part- ment was officially notified this morn ing that the lat of th federal troop left' San Francisco today,, axcept a amall guard tor-the taint and army Stores. ., ., - , - .. ., : GOVERNMENT FEARS . TROUBLE IN SOUTH , ,' v (Joarnal Snseial Serelee.l i 1 Washington, July I it Is officially announced aa a result of tha failure ofl-K- the Santo Domingo treaty thst th navrsj fore In thoae water will be increased; AS tb goyrnmnt 1 xpotlns trouble. 4 1 1 if f 8 1 WE ASSURE -OUR CUSTOMERS PROTECTION REGARD v LESS OF "COMBINE OR COMPETITION - Where TASTZTX. th OASSXW ZtUVAWO . trnotlv plao to spend ens' sumrner . irom can jrranoisco, juiy 3,- witn a panj 01 nappy peopi on tneur way to witness th unlqu natlv fetes tbat tali place July -14. Th aw ", l,TaTPOBA will remain owr In th harbor six days, affording smpls time to tnak th trip around th island and trlslt tb natlr -rtUaa-eev Clsmsnt Wrsgge, tb famous writr, in hi Koroand of th South SsaaV any "Tahiti 1 on spot worth whll flrst-elass rat San Jrnmrtmoa to Tahiti mqd back. . at (3.6 to is per aay. writ for OCEANIC S. Dr. Pierce A aad xjriBBjry toUlty, gnaa-al WBskssB of wrartame and a l-a-waklntr Sotra ot aalnd, bnnla Bttd body are often th result of Wlg-h aaae end., caused, by tosbs, Tntisojstloae and ToataftU TolJia, all of which unfit you for business, study, plensurs or mar rUee; eotn to na; we wni em yuni we will i&ake yoa, a a-tz-oaa. kstUtby, bappr xnaa. ..5r ...v- , . TR4VNSPOOTATI TEo Portland PORTUIND, ORKGON. ' 1UEOPKAN WeAN ONLY HEADQUARTERS rvn tuUHsTJ TTiU(D COMMERCIAL) : , TRAViUSlBS. ' BTerythrns t aat and ttrlnk. (slid It eoata no more la the x Portland Hotel IUtttt1(et!et - ' than .elaewbetw '!""tlie-Tity. weskday nlsht from 8:8 to IS. str a' Hotel Eaton 00R, K0SJUS0S AJTD WXST AX STS. NEW , e. BBdsirarty fnrnlab, rganf1y sqeTpped. reproof. Bee tnntoswalk ttos keart ei aboppln nnd -bnalnass dlatriet, stt ,lsrga, alryVeotalde noma, steam . heated, stortrl llrhtB, telepbane to sb Prtiat. . 1 ,rn ornc. MnnaiB, --jkiu. w. ladles' reeeptlon partora. aloomi Lma taulkM m4b txntos and Jtoomi $I.OO ioSS.OO tf Day Bpaatsi msm to unnimaiami aaan. . Tstaa. MAX SATOM. f-wMrly 4 Betel Cldpstk. Spakana.) Scott's sM3tal-Pc;sic.?s.!:s A POSITIVE CURE PorlnltmMHoa iwOatrrhof tba Bladdar snd Dlaad Kid. mts. bo eons bo rax. vara ulrkly and nrmnBntly the WGWWmX flanaMgl CkK 94SJBSJeVBlBraeBA sad eaiaa, a mst-ler of bow DngsianoiDg. iimiiiii armlom. Sold Wf dnugieto. 1 Tot Bala by Weodard, Clark A O. JURY FINDS DRIVER 7 V . CARELESS WITH AUTO (Spselal IHepatch to Tb Jonrnal.) Halana, Mont, July I. Th coroner's Jury, which InvaaUgstsd th death of th wife of Corporal Jam . Tanner, commnjidar-ln-eh!tf ot th Grand Army of th Rapubllo, who waa killed la an automobll accident bar Irlday, re turned a rerdict at midnight to the af fect that aha earn to her death while riding in an automobile running at high peed and dua to a defect In the road, way and carelessness and poor judg ment on th part of Chauffeur Jo P. Zoeller in trying to pass a team with too small a mar tin. WARREN COMPANY TO ; DO PENDLETON WORK tSpeclsf tWtr1i to Tt JonraatT -'-Pandlaton, Or,, July 8. At a anclal Bssslon' of th jolty council last nLght bid war - opsrfbd for : ther partna of Main street Th Warren Conatruetlon company being th lowest bidder vas awarded th contract. - Four different oonatruftttrn oompanl put In bid for tb work.,' The follow Ins bids were submitted1: ' Warren Con struction company, 1(3,810; Coast Con struction A Pavlne company, 111,177; iraney co ,?! 7 Main and Court street are to be bayed with bltullthla t Great eropa, sure. Mb I -aBSSmmnanm Bans a - - -j. fETw f --' If you har any tUoodl 1 I "eL I tHjJISt S Idn I I i.- J tJtwaSJJSaCsw SsT BSsSw2ak lzS)abwS, PS?wzfBxw I I I ttow, Coaetl.rlaa, BASs4Tr3 I I I NAfTVi btkoJ wet am ye, m mm I f ,. - X i-oMo I man Tiniawl, L (wana V el n immmi mm mm, I m J ' , t X. aaws Bene Betto Ck - S ' . ,-.ViiiiniiOjr 1 f -i 1 jh'itjrrison Phone East,;244. td Qb lo th SOTJTSt RlAf, la a taoet at. Yscntlon. u. BV Bf AstrPOBa, ssjls In a tour f ths world." Ills Is th 1 uooa notaie m -ruiq circular to S. CO. . 1008 Bixiedsrer, i 4 OtUtietMl, CaL ' OoaumltatlOB -aztd gaaminatiom mXVMM OTnaVSJ la wbat you want tf you suffer frera VaxW ooeto, aT7owl4, ilwx03zbtba, Otoaa, BraxIxrtBjr, SUdaery, pis ins ia. Me-rren Zelllltr, x-ert V 'AioTnrrTrariv4WTra , wxantvun -v:- Stkst rrrs sats. - xoirnt. i r Rrtrhlkan. Iwwbob sad Prom Bcttl at 8 p. m. A J'eaa. 8ka-way. Wklto Borm. - - - - a .... er.Weatri, rcrea 80r f-V t SrvBO. 8, B. Bumboldt, Jtily 8. 13. 28. S S. Oafteaa ttm .I. l.k.T SB tmtom is, st. ' v - 7 '' v sq-trs Borrnr. ' " ' trd aalDjig a. a. Senator sksat Taty U. F0 BAJf ISAjrCIBOO XTTSJtCT. - ! a Baattls at S a. bv; CUatiUa, Jans 80. SwrtlsadjOfSoa. 84 Waahbrntoa St, . - w . aStnltsI bbML :, I . Zt. in, -. f. -ft, ;,, . a B. BTJXA1RT, O. P. A. - ' - "-' ,'"' 10 kfsrkat St. Ban Piaatlaee. N.P.SS.Co'o PpPTJZJDt SteamshipROANOKE bvboo Ton the Only flrrrt--JtLS pBssenger stenm shlp aaJlins between PORTLANTX SAN FRANCISCO. LOS ANGBLE0 and EU REKA, ealls.,. .. 7 . t WWST1AT; eTOXT S, ,. ,.':'..',. , TbTTJbVBDAT, JTJI.T IS, TXTJetAUIAT. ATJOVBT 8, ; From Columbia Dock No. 1, at I p. rs, Tlckt offloe lit Third, a ear Alder. Phone Mala Ml. - . Sb I0USIS) ATars, -- The only etaamboat ntkliif a round trtp BATXT Eacept Sunday Patw n sAJaaM eV t . SMrkeet tk ttw M1:lifctoria-ro!umbii Labt Portland.. ............ .1:0 a. m. ArrlT Astoria , 1:88 p. m. Iy Astoria. ...............1:19 p. m. ArrlT Portland 3:00 p. an. MaaLS 8BRVSD A XJh CARTB ' PcrtlaBd XAadlntr, Aid ScrrserSoek. Aatorrls T-aadlnr. Oanttder Dock. K. B. SCOTT. Aa-ent Pbon Main Stt, ALASKA : FAST AJTD POPTJLA STEAhtSHTPS ""t ' . .' v LesTe Besttls ; "jwrrtsos," Jwm so. Jsi "is, t.'-- DOLPHOI," jaiy e. 18, 10. , : i-;v .. y cAixnta at ' '' Setoktkaa. Jtrseaa. Dongl, Balnsa, Bkag way, Orinnscta with W. P. A T. root tor 3 . AtUa,--IwB, Tanena, Nome, ate. 1 Per AS Sonthatra Alsska Pertsw. CaQ or eend foe "Trip to Wonder fol Alaska,1 "Indian Baaketry." Total PoIm." k :. THS AIASXA S. S. CO. . Prsnk Wselssy 0., Ann's. , SBS Osk sL . , ' PorUand, ' Or. Regulator Line Steamers THE EXCURSION STTCATef BTR "Tt ATT.ttrT GATZKRT" maks round trips to CAS uaue lAKJKai STsry Hunday, learina runi iiuii- a s sw m rtiuniiBgi ar rlrea I p. m. Dally serYlo between Portland ancl Tns ueuiee except t-unaay, leaTlns- Po land at T a. m., arrllng about fa, carrylne; freight and pasaengara. Sal Ths Pall except Sunday, leaTlns- Port- n- aiu Bw-Jmiiivoaiuoiin lor outntB anO Urestook. , , Dock foot Of Alder etreaL ' Portland foot of Court street. Tha Dei lea Phone S. S. F.A. Kilburn Par Coo Bey. Banks ssd Sea Preset, But Bailing from Portland, Toeaday, Jaly f. Seat sailing from Bit Pranctaoe, TaSa., Jaly te. ' r. U OKSENOCOH, Att, ' fTnricB Pock K. A. Pbon is OMlewsty. lVmVta, BBTara xmvm raiu Turul'l zUra t Onkeh aad tpnlbsto : I OAr BULBS, Tee.,ll. whlw. . Imw take,! eer.. Jtatr rrieeai, at 1st., Port lend, Oreyoni ar by aiafl froal V at., I 'or lend. Oreoni ar by aiafl fra a--- Cn 44 linaaea at. rr ak. ColinnbiaRiverScenety 7 V'1 . 1 OaiuriExinof JTreias (t Ejt Dittty-4 pk Ja hr- 3 v kBv- ,iVUTn rrSB rlTTIBlOrt. - t way pol... ontn; wftb RuZu f7L.I,we and North ttoaak. eteeaie enlt0KgJ?-rt- . w to.ry. irTY Bwadayi Sa tarda e. 10 a, m, , Arrlra . ' t . rt te-rsday. ,7 . r SSLA10,.TT--S SOTTTS. ' '' lniH.SJ"to M,ho- and war patnto ftwte too ll!...' atonnmn 8pkn and T-ewto. So A (SnVSLSL.'V?. arrleal TralS) UltoVf y Anirn 4 p. to. - Ttoket Offkw. ThW and W.btngtoa sto. . -. mi ' Telepbon Mela T12. Wm. VcStt?. TVJ?- feket Asew. wm. tfcKUBBAT, Oenaral psssangsr As, ? EAST vu SOUTH tTntoa Oesrlaad ",, Hotwtmrg, Ah tosd. Re era dm to. Of Ara. Sa Pnnrtoa, Stockton -Los 1bw Tn t.u NT,l.n. and the esat asMltof aa kfornln train Miami, at - ii'hJlr Ur, acBt " Strnday wTTk . Mi for ' . - . konst Angst, SU-rertonv " t v Brwt-errtlhh SpHngSald. ' ' - ' ' Wendllng and KVtrolT.,7 StdS pal TlS8B. o gene pMgr os .... . , nect t . Woodbnrs wltfc -L.':u . t. - . ktomrtkneal sb4 ' ' . ton loesl.,....,,,..k.. e sen na trnf Cornllls naownre. ...... n-M am eg:iipa Bbsrldaa maingn 4:R0 pea ef4am Pfeat Ore- nemewBee. IMBreg pa 111 sen . eDafl. IIIif1 m arndy. -I- jBTTBBaOrlTBCBT BTATTO!.- Pwr Dallas sad taternwdiito points ' 4:16 a, m. At-rtow PWtlnael la. is ror -am sne eara er t-ewag anbnrbea ' . ,t ret, Tlctret Office, ar atarla-a. f r tukat to Jtastern joints sod Kotoobi abm Jap 'E? vu,,w -aonoiwn ass 1 City Ticket OfYJe corner Anernn. City Ticket Ornc corner Third, and ragv-s BTneta. rBa aioia Tlx C. w. rnxan, wm. mwttsbat. v City Ticket Aa-eax." tton. Pea. Aa-eat. TIMECARD -OPr- -TRAINS r f.r ' Altltwj Tuowa rttr-Bt. lemto Snoatal CbeksMs.- OeotnH.- Orytn sla. Or Barber, Sontb ' Bend. Tacoms. Beettl. Spo kane, Lewie ton, Bnrto, SIV Unas. T rr, (Ttnena, iik. a TStT.V BC SoBtwasst, dally SiAtam Forth -o-es - umltatl.. eleo trie lighted,- tor Tacomn Seattle. Spokane, Butt. Mlaneepsns. rru Ptral aad tb Beat, dally ........... Paget Sound Umltod, fa CI. re moot. Cnbns, On fr.lia Taraena aad BBSttto only, dally sany i-.-i; m bsb Cltr Pi is am roe Tn- . v SaJS na Twto eattis, tpoaa. Relee-s, - Bstts, St Peel. pone, uneora, ox, ... ail, vaiy. '-".- i..wttbawr ebsne ef rer. TCiBCt eon. Mrtlone tor all points set and Benfkeset. sally., tl A. D. rrtAar.TOH. AastotatH Oeeieral Pk sens Agent, BBS ktirrh i atraai, sarna Tltod, Pertlsnd, Ongnta, , . . , ,. , t. River Railroad Co. - ttnUw Ds- t - - lexer Artr. 1 Per Mayrera, B-tetor. Crate, kanle. Weatpeet, Clifton, Astoria. W an ton. pia. rel Bammond... Part Bte. . ' ' L. . ens. Oesrbart Park. Bastde. SrOB aat IlrBB tnl pre aarfy .'. TrOOpm SB8 pst "PrtlenflSoudns PTnr"-4tat-ardar snU Portland 8:18 p. as. An rreine narry. J. 01 ktATO. O. 4. nnd P. JLJ Astnrte. On, -0. A 8TBWABT, OommervUl Agent, SsS Aide BtrMt. Pbona Mala 0. 2 Overlr:! Tre!jCrny y rTa Ortontol XJmrto. tha Past MaU ' T1A SBATTLB ABB SPOKABB. " Dally. Antra. Ts sad zrT Spokann,.. t, ..-:.' ,1 ' St. Past htlnnaspolts. ,' w, , , ... ' tralath ssd sU potots v "" Baet TU SBSttt SrBsm ? U4 pna 64 aea Te end front f Pan!. . ( . Y . Bilnneanarle. Dqhitk ,',". , .. and all itotaw) Bast ' ' 1 vis Spakase ,. 8:18 Bit at Barthara Stostnakt 0. ' alltna tram . Beettl las - Jasaa aad Chins ports ssd Manila, earrlag pas. lag in sad freight. - . (,. B. S. Kmaaseto,' Paly 18, : B. A -Onkoto, Septombar A . ' BTPPOW TVtXM BA18SA ! fl.naa lfafl BteMaWhla On.1 ' S.- S- Bags htan m.. ami Seartto sbont July 10 for Japes China parts. . sserylsgi fret tit - Fee ackers,' fsrss, seei a to., ll ea r addms H. CTCKSOX, O. P. Tf. A, 18 t"- et.. xwtlA Oien. Phew kvaiS . Steairir Cfcii R. !;::.::; ' PArr tp rxs coTtritj --' 11 J xza a lad V. 6..-. " Laaees 0-reei - la. ai. v - Dalle sad way ptr , a - 8 B. ai. I retttrolo . .. 1 ( , land to p m. (ex,i . ' e I d.y' eae-iriMaa Cea . . . tarelnf 8 p. r-- o - e4 k , 1 I ty LV? tonrbrt sto. i- IQIoat i.-AatJ--l I aaTll Suirt' . frt I , - Usee. . Arrrra, Tlnranl DSaaMnnwaT Park 1, TMKCOxenMrXASA SI ' - - " . .- r .- - . ' 1 - t " - . . . ft.