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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1906)
r THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, t PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING; JUf 30. ISOff.f i 12 TODAY'S JSIIIIIGI0IIH0P8 IE SELLING .terry' L.', Hart Purchases Hun dred Bales of Prime jto Choice on an Order. ; CLOSE TO TEN AND A-- ' HALF CENTS'lS PRICJE Logaribrie Higher With Scarcity Thii Causes Some Better Demand for Raspberries Cantaloupes Ar rive, and Arc Cheaper. ' rraol Street. Jan SO. The principal feature . - i - .a k-I.U MrVta tml.ff T ! Hop twins bought Sfsla. 4, Janfanaerrtea up with eoarettv. -- Car cantaloupe la from aouta.-. - W ' tun ar firm at SS'ic. ' .' , Iv-ullrj demand food; sprtnirs beat.'; Urease meat market eicelleot. r Flo aiiipment Mlaataalppt tomataee, Aprtrot aca aoa la closing, lireen beans ara rather scare. Wheat and flour trado veer light. t KHspberrlee la better demand. IM-at cucumbers tout very 'set. ' raw hen-tee about bat of narkst. ' ' '( I eacOes steady with liberal eupiilr. Bop Bain Bought Agala. Tber la am in -demand for l-adfld cotit bops from tu east. Tb aalra reportad rs tenlsr war for rasters account and clearlv now that all tba eliarie lira lot rat eecuraO nl tbelr requirements. Hoot of tba trade arc hclng mad with email brewer who a, re buring from hand to awalb. Harry V. Hart baa por rtiesed 100 bate of prim to rhotc vVaetili.a--n at a arte verr close to 10WC pound. llila, too, waa for eastern account. - All deaiera report the receipt of orders from there, but tit price offered continue out of Una with tba values asked by bolder. . Les-anberrtae , tja' With Scarcity, t Tber waa saata a -scarcHy of supplies of wer only fair, but demand la showing cos. slderabl Increase and tike price went up ts fl.60 a. crate. One aal waa reported fraction over tbla amount, but this could not b eon' sldered the general market. Beyond II. BO tkim Init. la not wllllnsr to do tmatneeja. It t reported a Ion: the street that a number of tba larger loganberry growera were snout to form s eost of exchsnge and la tbla way try to regulate tb price th fmlt should he sold at. According to Tbs Journal's Informant It I planned by tbs larger (rowers to buy th mailer places sad thus place all tbs berries in tb combine's eare. This, they claim, would allow them t place to pries wuers tner want It. r Batter Demand far aUapWrrle. Tb scarcity, of loganherriee and th higher prlc ruling In the market has caused s baiter demand for raspberries today and a fair In rreae la sales ts reported. itecelpta liberal. A fin ahlpment of tsmatoes was recelend from lllasiaalppl this morning. Stocks arrlred In tb best aliape of any recent ones, -and II price be in a lower demand waa better, l. Call form stock dragging oa account of th suls quality. Fries tb sam. ' trees beaew wer: care along the street today. Demand I good. " Wk beans Tory plentiful wltb. th prlc holding an account of tur kliortirtK'n tb other grade. ' -t . The aprtnor' aeaaoa la faat coming to a rlnee as far as 'allfomls shipments are concerned the fS. mark. ' A car of cantaloupes cam tai from Paradise Valley tbla mom inc. Th shipment wss rather early, aa It bad not been ex pec ted until lata this evening. Quality very good. Price down. Htrawberrles are practically out of th market today and prices quoted are therefor nominal. Cucumbers frara Th Pa Ilea sr In eery fiber! upply. Prlc easier wltb soma quoting lower. Cherries are drsgglag today wltb poorer qual ity and very liberal etnrsa. Peachea are steady wltb very liberal supply, atom fancies sold todsy ss hlgb as 11.15, but, this price was eieepttonal. . Spring Chlctuas la OoM Demand. There Is stilt a very rood demand for spring' rblckena, but bens, while not weak, are net quite aw firm. Prlcea are being maintained, however. There are fair reeelpta of docka and aeeee with beat call for the former. Latter moving at tba arte. ieneral oplnloa at tli trade la that spring chickens will b waated n'll Toeeday. , Creamery butter stll rather slow along the street with prlc Inactive. Country store firm and unchanged. k Rag a are being held firm along the street .with th price still ranging between 23c end K'-jt. with moat of tb aalea at the higher figure. The trade paye tb following prlcea to Front . street. Prices paid shippers ars leas regular commissions: ' wrata, Flsatr and Teed. OR MX P.AdnV Celcutta. IOIOc. WHEAT flnb. Tic: red Ruaalaa. V; bio, stem. 7:ic: vslley. TIlT2e. BARLEY Feed. I4.uu; aolled, I3B.0OCa8.00; brvwliig, 24 00. CORN V,bt Ikoto. cracked. tSJ.M est ion. BTE fl.SS p ewt. : niTfl.PHrftuwn' nrlee- fto. 1 white tM jomv grav. f2H.eoa2v.on, PIXJllK New eaatern Oregoa patenra. tJt.OOA fS WW siralghta. $ l.eOitf J.ftO; export.; eallay. S.1.&B: graham, he. ta.M: whale wheat. SJ.IO: ryr, irm. ,,.wi urn ivm, x.o. MIILSTTirKS Bras. S1T.50 per ton; mid dlli.gv. J2A.00: aborts, country. fl0.00; city, (! no: chop, t IS. 001 21 .CO. H A T Producers' price Tiesorax. Wills mert valley, fancy. I2.00: ordinary. 110 00tin (10; eastera (treaoa, Sid.onfi IT.0; uilved. $10 00a 10.AO; rloitl, ; grain. IT.bO (18.60: cheat. ;.ooc.. Battsv. Eggs sad sartry. ' BtTTKR raT r. a. b. Psrtlaad WMt cream, 2n?; eir, lAe. ... BL TTBa City eresmery, SIHe; outatd faaey. lP'a20c: ordtsary, lT4c: store. 1.1tlc. ' !MJ9 No,lfrehOrcgon.fsiidleuV-32a TBuc. CHEESE Sew fall cream, fists, 11 MB 12c: Young America. WfceiV. POULTIty Mixed rhlckeas, 13H per lb: fancy beaa, 18H'(tt per lb: roaster, old. 1044c lb: stag. llttllVi lb; fryers, l17c; broil. ers. Ititol7o per lb; old ducks, 1S( Ida per lb soring ducks. 18c nor lb; gaeas. efi l'Je per lb; turkeys. 1B per lb: dreesed. aoe Koo' prr'Xi1'' ,a-80e,0 Plgvoas. aTpsrW1 sad Hid. HOPg Contracts, lv snip, lue per lh; ipog Ore son. 1010Hc ' ' WOfl-lti cUp Valley, essrae to amdlum. aSr: flu. 3e: era Oregoa, St4i2Ie. . . lloriAiR Kw. Sue. . . , brlEtPXrHNaWSnearlBa. IKsJzn earki abort wool, e; medltta. wool. SOagTC sscki lag w.l. 1. Vein I. oo eaek. T.- " t AUW Prime, per lo, IV4l4c; He. t and grisee. 2ft2Uc. . CH1TTIM BAFIK JOOfi brock, (, per n,, Jo4. nominal; llJ,c lb. hlDKS Dry. . ' J. id lbs atad so. IsUq I! ?r'DS-Bo. X-S Wei calf, T.O. 1. aadar 6 lbs. ISe: sslted bld.a, st.w. aonn-1. C lb and ever. lOitllc; eews. SW'fSc; stags snd bulla, sneml. BttTc: kin. M to SO rhs. Set calf, sound, ander II lbs, lie; fcem. nald. le leas; calls, 'e par Jb leaa: il'Tl ' dry. earn. bl.n)01.M: colt bides. goat skluX SlXJ00" t0ti"- Aagora. aack. UcCj f yyattsaad TegetablM. roTATOF.b -Teat sorted, jgM'j0fgf'- ! SATURDAY PRICES IN THE, WHEAT MARKET A. X .fhlcagoj. Minneapolis Jniluth . .... , Vllwuuke . St Iiila.... ' Jul. Hept. .? .o ab 1 USA . .11 - . ,SMH . ,M,b .siB .,'; .', ."li tnrk..... ,.J1'4 5 .-;,-. ' Kam..ii City...' .72V, f ..', 4. 4, Utt-po"5 ..,,. a44 Hd ' a. V' ' MARKETS JOURNAL'S DAILY , TIPS ON MARKETS ' By Kverdlng A farjfaU. 1 ' The poultry marke futf ttaen vary good th paat week aMnKtha trade liaa not' been able to till all ordera. Hena anoV food mixed at -UH 'and 14 cepta. Old roostera at 11 and II ctnta. Iarg springs ar vay firm at about 17 cents. Bmall springs are not- ao much aought after, jRit'lf they are not leaa than IS pounds to the doaen will sell at i aii-t tr-rentar. ucka-Ter- little quiet and ar aelllng at 14 to IS centa, but very small ones . q are not wanted at aH. t P not- shlD any of less' than three pounds, to the bird. Oeeae are in vrv rood demand at to d) 1 cents on old nd 11 ?to 11 cants on young. . Large young d re much, preferred. Turks are in very good demand at lb nd IT cents on old and Una spring turks will sell at a very. hlah uric, aa much- as 23 and Xf centa. Ws ask storekeepers to encourage their patrons to raise d) more poultry. This market will d want a very great lot or It this 4 fail I and winter, and It Js not too 4 late now to prepare for the busl- v d) ness. There Is a tine demand e for hena and largo springs now d and ws ars sure that wa, will d want a great lot of them next d week..: .' .' v.,, ... V " docers' pries foe esr lots. eOdiriOe per ewt: ordlnsrr. oJ46o: prodocsra' price. : sew Callfnnila. SI. BO; Oregon, l.00tf 1.60. ONIONS Jobbing pries Tessa, ie per id iw California, red. II .60; silvers, 11.75; garlic btrbc per lb. KKtSH rm its Annies. 2.dusj V"L anolea. S1.2S: aranaea. Mediterranean. .l.Trv: lianas. Be 10; iroione, caoice, i.w. v' box: fancy, lA.otlteavn per box; nmea. isex- Iren TIW nee IllO: tancerlnea. t Dlneapples. si7.Na3.00: ilawallan. ; strawberries, $2 00 kj 2.x per crate; gooaenerriea. 00 per u. cherries. 4u,fc' lb: plums, f 1 2nn.b0 crate; aprlcota, $'1.i52.WI; peaches, eocyl.10; kgaav berries, rsntsioiipes, sa.ou; raapnorrm, 11.73: black riga, ' v-kc:x:taiii.K4 Tumina. new. Sl.liO aer ssekl carrots. 11.7.1 per sack; beets. 11.50 per sack; naraaips. 11.60 pee sack: Oregon radlaliea. SOr d; cabbage. Oregon. il.S0(1.7.V bell peppers. 15c lb:' Mexican tomatoes. 11.711: Callfumla I.TAI.W; local hothouse. II. 7ft; Mississippi, $l.7S; paranlia. 0il: string heaua, Oregon, b(7c lb. csullflower. fl 60s; peas.- mtAte lb: borae radish, fln7 per lb; artichoke, TT per -doe: asparagus, Oragoe. 40trA4ie per due bunch; Walla Walla, gl.oo per Box; qtiaah. 1 lVt: aplnach. SOe per box; grees nloaa, Oregon. 1344c per do bunches: encum bers, bfio per dna: celery, $1.00 per doa; green corn, 22141 26c doa; summer squsab, T5c r.l)0 box; eggplant. 40c IK ' DRIED rui) ITS Applea. evaporated. ISO 14c per lb: aprlcota, 14e per lb: peaches, 12ifJiaHc per lb; sacka. He per Tb leas; prases, SO to 111. Pr: e drop on ach sJxtntU smaller else; figs. California Mack. CtoV-c lb; rallfoenla white. daAHc per lb; datea, goldsa, TVse per lb; farda. jt.40i31.S0 per IS-lb bos. - Oraoariaa. bTuts, Xta. TTGAR sack basis Cube. S.80; powdered, IS. 16; fruit granulated. S3. IS; dry graaulated. I.I.Oo; roof. A. S3. OS; beet granulated, western, H.SA; Hawaiian. S4.WI; extra C, M M: gold-s C. 4 5; D yellow. U K; bbl. . loe; U bbls, Kiel hexes. SOe advance on ssck nsla. le 2 he per ewt for cash, IS daysi maple, 1401C per id (Above prices apply to sslca of leaa than ear lota. Car kits st apeclsl prices subject t Buctntttlona.1 . HOSP-V S.T) per crate. . t roFFEIC Package brands. 116 314.Ttl.' SALT Oars Half ground. lOOa. W M par ton: 50s. 9.50: table, dairy, ROa, $12.00; Inn. ill.TS; 1.B0: : 4. ouds imported Liverpool, bus. iit.oo: Juns, X24a. Slfl.00: extra Sne. bhla. la. 3a. 10s. S AO: bulk. S20 In. S4.OUin5.00: sacka. SOs, ttniWMe: Liverpool lump rock, S18.S0 per ton: SO-lb rock. $9.00: 100s. $ 00. ItICK Imperial" Japan.'' No- I. act Ma. a. SS14e: New Orleans bead. Ti Ajag. Set Creole. 814e. BRAND Small whit. S4.2K; Isrg white, S3..V): pink. $3.75: bsyoa. S4.7B; Umas. $5 SO; Mevlcan reda. 4 He. . NCTS Psanats. Jumbos. Pe ner lb: Vtretela. 6ttti'jc per lb; r lasted, RTt4e per lb; Japa nese, nT5Ue; roasted, TtrTHe per lb: cocoa- nuts, tuuwoc per aos; wamuta. ingtin-Aa lb plnennts, 10124c per lb; hickory oats. 0e per in; caearnnra. eaarera. losetoc per lb Rrssll nut. 1411V per Ibt filberts. I413e asr w; lavcj vs 1 tuci im'mui, louj'u, r-alnta. fteal Oils. ZU, R0PB Pare Maqlla. 144e; ataadard. ISUet (leal. lie. - COAL OIL Pearl or astral -Cases. ISUe ner gai; . waier wniiv, irow ns, itc per gal wuoaoa. lie per gau aeaougur. liu-oeg. 21 Ue per gal. UAiMUjisif an-fleg. caaaa nw par aL lroa bbls. IHc per gal. BENZINC SS-deg. eases to per gal, lroa TCHPlNTINE-ylB eaaes B6e per gal; DDIS line Der gBL WRITS LEAO-Ttm lots. lt per lb; SOO-lb a?Ta. ec ner in; less mia. rvi per in. WIRE NAILS Present basis at $2 SS. IJNMKFI. OIL Pur raw. tn S-bhl lots. Sort 1-hhl lot. Sic: esse. SSe per gsl: genuine kettle. boiled, case. So per gal; B-hbl lota. S4e: 1-bbl lot SSe per gal; ground esse, ear lots, 20.00 per ton! Inn than car lots, $10.00 per torn. aiaaxs. gisa aas A' revision. PREFII MEATS Trent street Beef eieaea. tflfSe per lb; cows, B4e per lb; bogs, fsacy. anjac: orainary, !;: poor, iie per lb 9 per lb; veal, extra. Te per lb; ordinary. Me per lb: poor. Be per lb; mattoa. tancj, nxxsftc er 1 " . isbidbi wo. HAMS. BACON. ETC. Portland each (Mean dim, 10 o 14 ids, uii per ip; 1 to is Ihs, 13c per id; nreaxiaai nacon. . inmtzue . per id; picnic, iiflr per id; coirage, 1014,0 per lb; regular abort clears, ansmoked. lOVc ner Ihi smoBeo. lllc per id; clear geese, unamocea, loHe per lb; amoked. IIV4C per lb: Union butts. 10 to IS lbs; ansmoked. He per Itg smoked, se par IUi tr mi rr ir-m, in.snMm, lie per IB, amoaeu, lc per id: snoiifirrB. lur per ID. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10s, 12e lb; fta, 12e per lb; so-lb tuts, llUc per .b steam rendered. 10s. lie per lb; Sa, 11 He err 10; iwiMmu.i, iw,, ni,r CANNED SALMON (olnapbla river, l-tb talis. Sl.SO; 2-lb tails, $2.75; fancy, l ib Sate. SI.SO; ri-10 isacjr Diita. 41. ia; -raacy 1-lD ovale, aj 70 AUska U1U. pink. SSttMci rML 1-S0; aomlna 2a. tall. $2.00. A riSH KwcS cod, 7c per lb: Sounders, Se per lb; halibut, Mr per lb; crabs, $1.60 per doa; striped ban, I2H per lb; eetflab. Te per lb; eaimon, loiumoia nver cninooa, sc in; ateet aeaaa, i id; nitieDacss, ic in; aerring, oc ia aulas, ec w; shrimps, luc lb; perch. Be ier lb; black cod, Te per Tb; tomeod, Te psr lb; silver smelt, Te per lb) lobsters, IB per lb; fresh mackerel, Ac per lb; crawBeh, SB par aos; susa, x per in; sturgeoa, lue psr aa. OT8TEHS-nboalwatr bay, per gat, SI. SB; per 1101b sack. S4.00,' ' CLAM' Hardshell, per box, SS.0O raaor wama, a."V per BOX. B0ST0X COrPEB XAJIXET. Boston, June 80. Official closing sun. Bid. VH.taiA ... 17. SO ... SiB ... 85.110 . 8.80 Advenlur A Ik-oca .. Arcadian Atlantic . ftlngtiam Calumet f 8 60 Sn.flo .1 Ml 12.73. ST.ou SN2.O0 Qnlaey ,, Koyal ... Hltannoa , Ts msrack Trinity . . I nit ed Copper 84.00 Daly W I fh .r.-.-.-v 8S.7S - rranklla Oreen - Cea. , Oranby M.Jiek Nevada Coo . . North Rntte.. Old iiominloa. Osceola ...... Parrot ....... 1.7!V V Ictnrla Winona STI.87H I k. m. 1.00.. 6.00 l'7 Wolverine .... 188.00 8100 III. S. Mining.. ft4.H0 17. (1 as 110 87.00 24.23 IRoaton t'on. 'i4.a744 it'al. A Arts. iBlack Ml..., iKsst Butt. lEly , JW.UU., , . 8.00 00 8.87V. - TeflTTB STATES OOVUXKERT BONDS. ' New York, Jon' JO. Oovernment boada: ' - ' . . Dste. Aak. Rid. 1031, llU'4 no eoopoo. .. .i, r. Threes, registered , 1MI.1 104 . 101 iretti ioa 1P4 l(Hi , iiof lOtiT . IB-.'.I 1PM di coupon Two, small sonde....... ("ours, registered... , do coupon fours, regiatered. .. ..... do coup-j) Dwrrlct of Colombia .... , 1'blltpplns 4 4.,., 10:11.;. jug lost, iia4 J(WJ 12 4i 1W, IIT . 110 1'wvL 1"4J 180 ino HOtTtAlrp BABK STATEMENT. Clearing .,.1718.818.18 .... (21. 5O4.40 Balances J('w Tark-lmdoa silver.' r-ew Kork. June An ar,, an,. .,-.. 1. Uadoa, CLOSIUG MARECET 18 JHYBODY'S Although Wheat Is Lower in Chi- cago, the Tone. It Stronger Bears Score During Morning. . CANNOT BUY SEPTEMBER EXCEPT AT AN ADVANCE 5, July and May" Each Xo an Eighth Cent While September ' and ; De cember Are a Quarter Off Oats Weaker in Sympathy With Wheat. I LA TIVB WHEAT VALUES. ' .1 ' Close Close Clos '' Loss Juu SO. Juns 2S. IWUB. June SO, Jnly... September. ., lieceuber..., May , .. .$ .Ml', II I .Nl $ -UtH $ .M1 . .MSA .Nl. .eV) .0HW . ,tctA .ov; , . .Bote UUt Chicago, June SO. It Is anybody's marker-4a wheat st tb close. Th bear appeared lo have all tba best of It this morning with cleat weather In tb northwest rs their favor. Be fore the market cloaed today It was next te impoaalbi to buy any quantify or juiy wneat In the onen msrket without sdvsnclng the prlc. Tb lie u tern her at the low point wa about S off wltb a rallying tendency, and the net loea far tli day a abataj more tbsa aie. ' Prlmsrr receipts of wheat todsy sr 390.000 - bushele against WTdHi hosnela a year ago, and ship ments SI. 000 bushels agalnat S44.000 bushels , year ago. ir tb weather par continues right It will remove the probability of damag to ftie prmg wheat crop. Th improved temperature tn th corn srstc. additional ram over the "" fern blt and '"' '"'" "v f1" -"-" "LT In check. The eats -market weakened, no doubt tn arm pa thy with wheat. t In proritiluaa good Judges claim tbat tbs eetlmat ef" 14O,004 bogs fur neit week Is far toe nigh. , Official onotalkme bv Overheck. Btarr a Cooke company: : W HrJAT. , Open. High. Low. Cine Jnly..... .hi . .r a a jii'in 1)4, J"4l Kept., v.. lc...... May..... .911 .Nl , Jtni .an 14 cons, ; .BS'4 ' .ICtt JIO . .11014 ' OATS. . , .SUV .ami. .87 .HIVi .TOW . .84 ' .51 - .S3 .SS . .nu .87 .azi .BO Jnly..... Sept..,.. Dee, .... S3iB .Wfi A July Sept...,; Dec .SOU A .374. Al .87 . . MESS PORK. July...:. Sopt Jan, July..... Sept....! Oct 1S.7S 17.00 1S.7S w.ts ' ; i.a 10.7.1 1S.SS , 1S.SS 1S.SS LARD. - S.75 .' 8.80 8.T5 8.07 8 7 S.0S S.PT 8.00 S.7 e SHORT RIBS. 8 V . 8,80 S.4S B.H5 640 8.H5 8.13 . S.Sa.M.MI "18.TS l.7 1S.SS 8.80 887 8.00 8.47A . 8.87 8.13 July... . . wept,.... Oct.,... LIVERPOOL ORAHf lUirj, Liverpool, . June 80 Official prlcea T WriKAl. t - Close' ' a June SS as Vid ., s TV,d . . a Sd .. as 7Hd Close fialn . Leas . June 28 . a Sd 7T,d ' CORN. 4 8H1 s TVid June 80 Jane SS July..'. , d d BCptX., July..., Sept,.., d I Mi Chicago brain car lots. Chicago, Jan 80. Grain car lots: . Cars. ' Grad. Bat. 100s. Wheat 18 1 ! 17 8 Corn 80S 844 d22 Oata ..- a., at . jot 8K 149 I Wht csra today: Mlnnes polls 908. Pnlutb as. 1 ear ago; Minneapolis 1U8. Ouluth 1(1. ' .. . W QUIET DAY; IN THE LOCAL YARDS Liverpool Situation Is Dull C-:i A.!.. A I nugs ran lu rutivej s,gain Cattle Remain Dull. Portland raloa atockyarda Ion 80. liv. stock receipts: r-" .', 1 HogC Cattle. Sheen. Today .. I," 28 2481 Week ago..... -..TT- 1JI1 4N monlb ago..., 74 Ua 821 Year ago 80 '-1 21B irsding in th livestock . market wss ex ceedingly qulst today. Haturday la' alwava a itlet day for livestock, - but today wsa MpecUlly so. Hogs remain qnlet but Arm wltb no receipts again. Sheep srs very good but cattle are outer. ' Official livestock quotations! Uhm n, . . ,nM. av oocivv ae;. Mockers snd Chins fsts, 80. fro ; tuckers snd feeders, fS.ZB. ' . . . ... .. v-S". "irw,, Sv,M, beat cowa and helfera. 83.25; stockera and feeders, 8.U0: bulls, ft? IKl. Sheep Shearlings. 844. lamba, dHtJJc.' HOGS AND CATTLE STEADY. Chicago Market Taking- All AVrrlreJa . Chicago, June SO. Livestock ' receipts: Iloga. Cattle. Sheep. Chicago IO.011O ' S.OiiO a.onQ Kansas Ultv .......... 10 K) . 2iai 8.ISM1 Omaha S.fxiO 100 BOO I lioga-a-Steady with 4 Ano left over. eeeipta I . . . . arn mmmrm, 1000 "PnAmm'm a.,1.. Mixed. S8.4n&38.tSi4: good and hesvy. 0.Aa e ua, k a k sa Anjm R ca,w. v.mi, (ua'SH ia urm . , a7v.TWV.OT,, 1101. tl.4I((tt W. cattle ntany. ; Sheep Weak. COTTON UNCHANGED TO ELEVEN POINTS HIGHER J New York. Jnn 80. Cottoa futures closed unchanged to 11 points up. Offh-lal c, notations by Overbeck. Blsrr A Cooke rutppanyi lOuen.4Tlgh:t rowilon 3o June 28 Jauusr ... .10.3810.42 10.3T 10.40 10.40 February ..... .10.40 10 44 10.40 - 10.41 ' 10.41 March 10. 4T 10.4S '10.46 10.4ft 10.47 July 10. in jti.iwi 10.10 I0..10B 10.21 August 10.28 10.33 10.23 10.81 10 20 September 10.82 10.81 October 1. ...10 28. 10.33 10.28 10.81 10.80 NovemDer ... .... ..... ...... "10.82 10.81 Iembft'.,;10.8 10.40 10.S4 10.87 10.81 A. . - - 1 H RE W TOBX BANK STATEMENT. New York, June 80.- Bank statement: Increase. Keeerva . . l,OOft,t78 Reaerve lee Lolled State.-. loana ,.,... ... ...... , Specie legale tepnalt . 'nil. 1.6!..iin ,. 2.878.fO0 ." 144.7O0I L'ln-ulatlo ......... .t . 107.708 Derrass. Boha Teachers Appelated. (Special Dlapatch to Tb Journal.) Kcho, Or., Juns yjT., June gs. The following learners navs, Deen appointed for tlje . ...... . , ,,a 11 n a I,,, , a - - - .a.nv. l !., Jk W. Keelar. Srlh.llnnAmna.l.J V.. LI. ..... i.i .i.w . .' ... " J ' I Klnk-n V... J 7 "t ' 7 ft""9 rnnd"- n-om.numeroiis t-ltleg and towna Kink and Mlas Wamle Rlppgy t.ach- The orstorlosl firework will b shot ,7 Again a Demand for Hops One Hundred Bates Bought, at Close to Ten and a Half Cents plenty of Orders but Price Is Low. GENERAL DECLINE IN NE17 Y0RK Trading in Stock Market Irreg- I- ular During the Day With Most Losses at Closings. N EW YORK CENTRAL IS Tf; ' TWO AND A QUARTER OFF J Northern Pacific One of tha Few That Gains and Holds Advance of Two and. Quarter at Close Some t Short Covering just Before End. , NET LORSES. Amalgamated .... HICotton Oil !lCH"pM 1 Atchison IKed. Smelt, s ivwui,1,1, isloriuia .....,. nugar H!Ont.; Weslfra x Hrvuklra U! Pennsylvania Vii Canadian ......... itt i Pressed Htel Car. 1, Creat Welters ... i Pacific MaU H St. Paul HI Heading J 44 Cheupeak 1 I Hcpubllc Steal K Colo, Fuel ....... fclKock Island .... Krl noutavra . nanwaj Kris U Texaa Pacific.. Ijuilarllle ,. 4, Mexleaa Central.. Miasourt Paclflc... N. V. Central,.... tU Teun. COal ..... V- A. Bteel .... do prsfarced. .. NET GAINS, t Baltimore !Katy Union Paclflc m do preferred Nortbera Paclflc. IV. Woolen Wall Street. New York. June SO Trading la New York a toe k a waa . Irregular todsy wltb tices lu the srly trading generally lower, nut toward the cloa tber was considerable abort covering, which caused a allgbt rally, Mll statement waa rair and caused 1 cerUIn amount of covering, but tb profeaslot na. but tbs professional who dominates the market. Is still besrlshly In rilned and It la ksrdly likely that aa advance Will be mors tbsa temporary. - Official nuotatloaa bv Overbeck. - Btarr A Cook company: " f ill f DESCBIPTI0N. Ansconda Mining Co.. Amal. (.Topper Co ' Atchison, com ore f erred Am. t ar Found,. com. 854,1 sea. do oref erred . Am. Sugar, eom...,,;' Am.. Smelt, ' com. ...... do preferred.. ...... Baltimore Ohio, coal. 00 preferred . Brookfra Ranld Tr..ti lyi . .uwjun i-aciiir, 'com fhl. A U, W., com.... ChL, Mil. A St. Paul. Phi Ar W TV ' Colo, ruel A Iron, coin..' Cbeaapeake a Ohio Cohx 8outbem, com.M,.. 00 zd preferred do 1 at n referred . . . . Delaware c lludann.... Del., Lack, a West.. DenT A R. fl., com.'. do" preferred...., j-., Ert,x ma, 210 120014 40 84H 40 do td preferred...., do lab" nref erred. . 77 H Bit Illlnota ' Ceatrsl Iulavlll a Nakbvllle. Manhattan Railway,... Mexican Central fiyV. . . Mlnit . Mr P a, e.. w IT0 TDK Missouri Pacific.'..".,.." 1B4, at.. K. a T., com do DrefarrasL, New York Ventral. Am. Cotton OH Am. Locomotive. ........ Federal Smelter Norfolk A Weatern, com. do preferred North American w. x.. onti ) Wester a. Pennsylvania By..'...... i3 " u.. u. v. vo Pressed Steel Car, com. -. do preferred V. . Pacific Mall Steam. 00.1014 2044 SceuillS, Com . . . , . , , , , 121 122 Va do Zd preferred do lat nrefprred.. Rep. Iron a Steel, com do preferred Rock Island, com..... do Preferred Sou I bet n Ry., com,... fcmhe pluc:::::::." do preferred .QO- Prererreu Bt. L. A B. P., 2d pfd. do lat preferred St. I. 1 I, W., com.... do preferred v.... Texaa A Paclflc. . . . ... Tennessee Coal A lroa.. T., St. !.. A W.. com... 150H do nreferred TJitloo Pacific, cum...... 142 141 do nreferred Central Leather, com... 3V, 89 00 prererrea C. S. Kuhber, eom. . .. ,. do nreferred Ctrl. Steel Co., com... do preferred Wheel, a L. E., com... do d preferred. ...... do lat nreferred Wisconsin Central, com. do preferred Weatern Union Tele... Wabash, com 24 I 24 I 28 do preferred Am. woolens Northern Pacific 82 14 82 I if 2 V. io:i4tii SAW ERANCISC0 aUXINO BT0CKS. I Baa Francisco, June SO. Official 1 dosing:' Bid. I Rid Jlelmont ....... $3. 37H'0oM Rar 11.0244 Cash Boy .12 , ... v.,., rausj.,.. Stelnwsv -.J ! n Hhii w- 14 Oolrtru Anchor, dome .23 -.67 S.75 .H4ATron. CaLYa.... Jim Butler.... 1.20 .78 3.18 SftS Opblr MarNamasa Mexican Caledonia Exchequer . .87 . .82 . .48 . .87 . m . .80 Midway Montana North Star. frorcroee a...... Oold Crowa .... Ores! Bead .... Rescue Rlark Butte Eg. Ohio ... .27 .... 4.00 ;.1H .80 -.-'i J. ROA Ton. Fix ten Nevada ... J. .li W est End .08 1.05 A, .88 Anama ,t Trsmp .17 tioiden Belmont. Bluebell .12 Montgomery Mt. .87 Booth 88 Sunset ,1ftA. Seentre ........ .28 Columbia Mt...' .20 Con. Onsrry . . . .01 I Manhattan ..... ,0ft Diamononeia a.. Dixie Ooldfleld .15 I Rarlne-llnmnrev. .11. 07 Ilexter .48 .44 A Klrannr .10 Jumbo Jumbo Extra. i.zz iKiia wedge .08 .17 I lone Star ...... .08 .115 lot. Dend Bx Aft ' , .IT lilt. Bend, Annex .08 .17 ICreecent ,0A 1.47V,lPowboy i 1.20 IDenver Annex..." .10 .87 IRtllls A Resrs.. .02 Kendall Laguna ........ May Queen .... Mohawk Red Top ... Sandstorm , Silver Pick. .a tniaca itocx.. .02 St. Ivea 48 V. T. Consol. National Bank. Denver . Ecllmve .45 Little Jo ".SJS; .28 1.20 IMavSnwar . .86 I lamping Jack,. 'Horslga Coffas lfarksts. Havrs. JuneN sa (Vffe advanced Ham- burg unchanged. Uoliday la Rrasil. a ui. uu. woiiati. New Tnrk. Jnn 30. Caah enffee- Na. T Rio, 71 16c; No. 4 Santos, 8e. CAMPAIGN IS OPENED -BY KANSAS DEMOCRATS Journal Special Service 1 ,Frt Bcott. Kas., June SO. Th count convention here today waa made tha occasion for a big gathering; of Demo crats from Alt psrtg of Kansas. . tha event marklnw tha format A-X the ; state campaign. Nearlf alTitha l.Tiri,IMI,'. am T nm . I.b.l . u7 marc 11 in sr ciuoB ann off at a btf banquet tonight J SAYS DETECTIVES PliOTECICROOK J. P. Jaeger Declares They Shield Man Suspected of, Having I RnhhuH JsitAatlrw Rtnrsi J w 1 FINKERT0N WATCHMAN V . IS ALSO NEGLIGENT tnfjssesjratnJJghtf Robbery -wt a Wv . .,. . nc'aisia mqx vuk oiorm oerween Eight o'Clock and Midnight Sen sations! Developments Expected. . Revelatlona of a highly sensational character have coma to' Uglit aathe aftermath of .tha burglary 1f Jaeger Bros.' Jewelrj 'store at 280 Morrison street last. Sunday, night in which the thieves secured plunder aggregating in nearly $3,00,0. An Investigation by members of the Arm has established tha significant - fact that ' Plnkerton Watchman Watson did not visit tha aa tabllahment between tha hours of 8 and IS a'clock on the night of tha crime notwithstanding his usual custom of Inspecting the premises hourly. I --,4. cltlaen who paased tha atore short- ' , - . . . , , r, . aw. . 1 17 sunr e n civca ounumy nigni maaes tha declaration that M saw soma one rurrtmaglnsr about the window at that time. Tha man's face was concealed by the eliding back of tha window and he is therefore unable . to furnish a ' de scription, of tha fellow. Detectives .Protect Ooarlot. Tha roost startling development as a result of tha crime is the statement of J. Is. Jaeger to the effect that ha has been reliably informed that . "Chick" Houghton, tha notorious criminal sus pected of, being Implicated in the bur glarly, is ' now and has been protected by members of tha detectlva branch of tha local police department. " The suspicion of Jaeger Bros, that tha , Ptnkerton . watchman employed to regularly visit their atore every hour night, was brought about by tha infor nlght was brought about by tba Infor mation secured from tha pedestrian who saw tha hands In tha window. Watson waa examined by Messrs. Jaeger and tha superintendent "of tha -Plnkerton agency and he confessed to having been derelict in his duty. According to hla statement he entered the store after S o'clock to turn on tha lights snd did not again make his rounds until mid night, .when ha discovered the ' crime. 1 Watehmaa Makes Sxcnse. I In extwnuaflon Watson declared that he hAd Wen 'corn Vg into the store for three yeocs, ariO-inasmuch as nothing Had haDDened in that time he dld¬ believe that there Mould be' any pal-tie ular harm in leaving; tha establishment without protection if or a. few hours. Jaeger Brothers maintained' that, the responsibility for the crime rested on tha Pinkertons through ' the contribu tory negligence of their employs, and demanded that tha detectlva agency make an investigation independent of tha police. ' ; According; to ,tte senior member of the firm, tha Plnkerton operatives spent qne day on tha case and promised to discharge- Wataon. As they mads no further effort, to apprehend "-the crlml- netls and the watchman la still in their employ, Hthe Jewelers intend to lay tha matter -Deiore vvuiiam a. g-inerton in Chicago. Says Detectivea Ara CtuUty. As regards tba protection furnished Houghton by tbs local detectives, J. P, .Jaerer .declares that his Informant Is thoroughly reliable and In a pealtion to know. 'T .' " - "I Intend to look Into this matter," said Mr. Jaeger today? "and If I And any evidence that justifies it I will lay th matter before JJdyernoT Chamberlain and Mayor Lane." .. rV.?""-""' Although the detectives maintain that they are satisfied as to Houghton's participation in the crime, yet theyliave secured no evidence of ah incriminating nature against htm. Houghton waa sent up for five years on a charge-of highway robbery and has served two years of his sentence. He waa paroled three months ago and upon request Governor Chamberlain can. remand him to tbe euatodjkof the warden at Salem. Jaeger Brothers have received a com- munlgatlorrfrom the Jewelers' Security Alliance of Mew York City, of which they are members, to the effect that the organisation will pay 1100 reward for the , arrest and conviction of the guilty parties. The entire-ease gives promise of sensational developments. PROHIBITION CLOSES EUGENE ICE PLANT (Special Dispatch te Tba Journal. Eugene. Or.. June JO. One effect of Judge Harris local option decision Is the closing down of the ice factory in this city, owned by H. - Welnhart, the Portland brewer. The plant ceased op trratlons within two hours .after the Judge rendered hla-declsloh,' and Man ager Plrone says it will remain closed. Eugene people will hereafter be com pelled to ship their Ice w from other cities, paying a higher price for It The reason for the closing down of the Ice plant la that there will. not be enough patronage to pay the operating expenses when the 12 saloons In Eugene; four in Springfield and ' six in Cottage' rove cease . business. They all purchased their Ice at the Eugene factory. -. - SAGEBRUSH LAND. IS INCREASING IN VALUE (Special Dispatch to Tke Journal.) Baker City, Or., June 10. Bagebrush land In Baker county has been brought out wonderfully in the past twe yeara. This land In many instances three rears ago was worth only 11.2s to SI an acre and. u now bringing ISO to 97s an acre with "water rights. Last year some 1,000 acres of this land waa planted to crops and returned bounteous yields. This year soma of this land haa been summer fallowed and other thousands of acres put into crops. In another two yeara 10,000 sores of raw land will be growing grain and there are 30.000 acres Of the same Rind or land ready for homestead 'entry within II miles of Baker city. ' ,; Heath From ZeOokJaw never follows an injury dressed with Buckien's Arnica Salve. Its ant leant le and - healing properties prevent blood poisoning. Chas. Oswald, merchant, bf Rensaelaersvllle, N. T writes: "It cured Beth Burch of this place of the ugliest sore on hie neck I ever saw' u. Cnts, Wounds, Burns, and Sores. - ito at Skfdmore Drug Co. c 3 l' The -Prettiest of All Portland's ubufbs. . " BIO Z.OTS AT tlTTLS raUCXaV leet Bargains Jtver Offered. Znveenigata. ' ' V W LOTS l ,, I LOtSAj Mi -s 60x100 . ' ,7:: . I . f $200 r $200 II M.00 omi, $5.00 a 8-00 H.M A ' V- Place Tea Koaey la Baal Bsu'ti. Safeet ot All tn 1 ' 1 ' . vastnants. Xt oaxmot BTBST, BVs AW AT. OB MM I I s ' ' . TOIJSaT. - Bvery convenience la , I 'AV:. : FIRLAND ; ' - Take Jtt. MoeHjew, Tlrst an Aldeg Bt - J - GEO. W.; BROWN ' r - ;' -. V : Tallin Bidg Third and Was ' V; .-.,. iatTtoa Bttaetsv ,-,:,. f ' inw r 1 N. 'bobbst a. TATX.OB, S y r.' - r--- vOinoe, Tlrlaad Birtioiyy' j' '. ',x INTERESTING CAPITAL IH THE : NEW SHORT LINE Efforts Made in Chicago to Float New Railroad From Butte to , 1 San Francisco. - (Journal Special Servlcs.) Chlcago; ,Jun jo. Efforts are being made to int'ereat Chicago capital in the new San- Franc taco, Idaho & Montana railroad which is being laid from Butte, Montana, through Boise, Idaho, to San Francisco, and which vrlll shorten the route between Butte, Boise and the Snake river valley country to the Golden Gate, by (SO miles. - The line will open up a section of southeastern Oregon which ia now remote from" a I railroad. Construction .work Is now go ing 011 ana par or me line will ds in operation before msny months. . G. T. Fropper of Boise, 'treasurer and director . of the Pacific Development company, the concern which la con structlng the new line, and some of the other officials are in the city now In terviewing capitalists and attending to Other details concerning the new line. The San Fraraaisco, Idaho A Montana railroad taps one of the richest sections in the northwest and by shortening the route from all parts of the north to Ban Francisco by several hundred miles will have an important affect upon the development of the northwest. GETS TESTIMONIAL FOR : HIS BETSY ROSS WORK 3. C Friendly of the firm of Rosenthal A Co.. 140 Third streets has received a handsome testimonial In "recognition of his work on behalf of the Besty Ross memorial movement. The testimonial I, lav a picture representing the Insiae of tne old Betsy jkoss nome in rqiiaoei phla. It shows " the famous woman with the new American flag spread' out upon her knees, in the final cqnaulta tion with General George Washington, Robert Morris and the Honorable George Roas, which resulted in the adoption of the stars and stripes. Mr. Friendly haa set the pictures in one of the windows of the shoe store, where it will remain on exhibition until after independence day. i 1 The Betsy Ross memorial movement laa started some three years ago, -many patriotic organisations joining In to make It a success. The purpose was to perpetuate the old Betsy Ross, home in Philadelphia and In addition to erect a monument In honor of the woman whose name became immortal when she designed the American flag. It was the purpose ; tomske the movement one of the American people in Ita entirety and for this reason no- one person was al lowed to contribute more than 10 centi. Mr. Friendly-was at Uia head of the movement in Oregon, 'taking up It he work personally throughout, the state. Hla number, 20671, is stamped upon on corner of the picture, which was pre sented by the American Flag House and Betsy Ross Memorial association. MRS. J. W. SCRIBER IS BURIED AT LA GRANDE ISnedsl Diana tea. ta Tha Jonraalt ' Ia, Or., June SO. The funeral of Mrs. J.-.W. Scriber, wife of J. W. Scrlaer, cashier ct the Farmers', a. Traders bank, took place from the Methodist Episcopal church yesterday. Mrs. Scriber was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Ueonard, who "crossed the plains In 185lt settling on a dona tion land claim near ' Salem. Marlon county, where Mrs. Scriber waa born on September IT, 18ST. She was mar ried to Mr. Scriber. December 6, 187S, residing near Salem until 1190, when they moved to La Grande. During the past two years both her parents died. Bhe leaves to mourn her loss a husband. Mr. J. W. Scriber: three sons, two sis ters and two brothers Mrs. J. A. Peeler and Mrs. Flora Clark of Salem, B. 1 A. Iieonard of Sllverton, Oregon, and T. B. Leonard of Rltsvllle, Washington. BALLOON ASCENSIONS FEATURE AT BAKER (Special Dispatch to Tli Journal.) . -Baker City, Or June 10. The follow ing official program- of the events of the Fourth of July celebration haa been decided upon by the committee: , Salute of II guns at sunrise. ; This saluta will be nrtd under the super vsIoeVer K. T. Beers of the Grand Army pOSt. ' la, - J I , ' V . . , Parade forms promptly at :lt o'clock for the march through the streets of the city and the reading of tha Declara tion of Independence at the grove at 10:10 sharp. i : ' ' I - First balloon ascension shortly before II o'clock. . This Will gtve the people of Sumpter and the upper mining camps time to see all 'these events. The bal ance of the day will .be devoted to speech-making, dancing, races, etc, with a grand balloon ascension at Sight. 4r HALF MILLION ACRES-' FOR SALE BY TEXAS - (Jonrnai Special Servlc Austin, Tex., June -10. More' than 400,000" acres of land, a part of the 18.000.000 acres still owned by the state of Texaa wilt be placed on tha market t&axt week. Xlie lamrwilt be awards MANY . IMITATIONS BUT ONLY ONE . GENUINE BUTTERNUT BREAD' MADE IN OREGON 0m You Wfll Find This Trade Mark on Every Loaf. . ' SOLD BY ALL GROCERS Phone Main 19M The German Steamer tVJariechen .1 NET TONNAGE 2,521 Tl :.r-i WiU Be Sold . ?" At Public Auction AT VICTORIA, B. C. Where she now lies in her dam, aged condition, at 3 p. ' JULY 3, 1906 . Sale Price Reserved ' 1 ' P. SCHOENWANDT. - ; ' Agent The Portland PORTLAND, OREGON". , EUROPEAN PLAN ONLY j HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS ttfvL,-. AD COMMERCIAL . ' rx TRAVELERS. , J . ' Everything- te eat and drink, aid It costs no more In. the . Portland Hotel Rathskeller 1 ' than elsewhere in" the city. Kvi weekday night from S:IS to is, at. 0. BOWrmS, Slaaas; u4 - .i. .- , In tracts of on section to four seoe tlons to the ;hlghet bidder. There la great demand for rands In all parts ot Texaa Just now.' Itnndreds of rhon Mlirta of acres have changed hands tbla yeir and a'orr of -great rati ohes have) II : . I 51 I 'Jl I 1 I I If ill 1 ben purchased ahd cut up into iu i 'J J 9 V 'I ''-'V,,. (A-