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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1906)
V THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL,' "PORTLAND, ' FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE"8. 1808' 1 I' Toivp'Tcjlcs " tokokt'I iinnnnm Helllf...;... tr iraad- v Vudl I'aQLfaa Vodill Bum kU Clrcua. ,th and EaUIf Blreata Borai HtwalUa Bind .."Tea CUrnil city ..A Com left lfi' "A CtauaDt Day" ntia UISHATED PEOPLE SEPARATED '" C. W. Good has filed a suit in ths circuit court for ft.lOO damages from u. J. Cup. A. J. Atwater and J.' u. . Pops, alleging malicious and wrongful arrest. John A. Jet fray, aa Good at ; torney, filed a complaint . Stating that - on Mar JS Carl swore to an Information , charging Ooode with stealing 11,100, ; : and that it waa -done with the purpoao of injuring Ooode'a ' reputation - and -financial ' standing. - It is alleged that the case was dismissed by the district . auorney on May it because tnere was . no (round for prosecuting It, and that the arreat waa extenatvely advertised 1b the daily papers in Portland and 1 Balem, Ooode'a former borne. The program for the Michael Davitt memorial services, to take place at HI' bernla hall next Sunday night has beta arranged. P., jg. Sullivan will preside. i he 1 following numbers will be ren dered; Violin and piano duet, Julia Burke and- Mollis Reynolds; solo, "A ' Handful of Earth," Mis Elisabeth Har- wt memorial address. Rev.' Father H. - J. McOevitt; recitation, John Fleming Shields;- solo, Frank" Hennessy; solo. "Kathleen Mavourneen." Mlu May Breslln; solo. "Ood Save Ireland.' M. J. Keating; "America," by the Audience. The Third Presbyterian prayer meet ing surprised the. Cumberland Preeby terlan meeting last night by entering . the church in a body for a fraternal union. . The occasion was planned to , cement the union between the two de- nominations made 10 days ago at the ""general assembly Addresses'" "were made by - the two pastors. Rev. A. J. Montgomery and Rev. E. Nelson Allen, ny Professor R. R. Steele and others. A very pleasant evening was enjoyed py about so from each congregation. jyhether-you are In nr ed now or later on. It wIU pay you to investigate the spe cial cut prices on men's and youths' suits. U..111. . 1 1 iib . j. m w .1 Wcurprtc.. 1..0. m.B $1 cut In price on pants, bats or shoes; underwear and golf overshtrts of the latest styles, 37VtC BOo and 7 Bo. worth double .the price,.' After looking through all the ether high-rent stores, come and see the difference at" John Dollar's, -r-W-tW-Flrst treat,' and---6-WortB i hm- streeo ; A Jury in Judge Fraser's court re ... turned a verdict last night awarding W. . fl. -Gilbert 1611.65 from Z,ydla Page. Gll bort sued for compensation at $3 a day . for 317 days for nursing Mrs. Page's - son while the latter was ill with tuber culosis. . Mrs. Page testified that there "ywas no agreement as to what Gilbert waa to receive for his services, and that ahe offered him 1300 after her son died, .- w hich he refused to accent. Ed Mn . denhalT appeared as attorney for bert.-;---.,, . ; . . When the Janitor arrived this morn- ' A Jng he . found a heavy coat of black - paint besmeared Aver the beautiful plate glass windows of the Edward Holman .. I'ndertaklng company's fine building at Third , and . Salmon streets, and that the person guilty of the offense may be properly punished Mr. Halman offers a reward of $200 for his Apprehension and conviction. . ": """ " " ' , ; j .'-...';,. County judge Webster has admitted . to probate the will 'of John Traynor. .,' The widow is bequeathed the life Insur ance in the Catholio Order of Foresters, ' and the remainder of the estate ts to . be divided equally among the four chil dren, John R., Julia, Maud and Mar- . garet Traynor. The widow is named ' executrix. ' . -.. .. T. M. C A. Association auditorium, 1(7 Fourth street, Sunday, I p. m. Ad dress by Dr. Ben Esra Stiles Ely, who has recently come to Portland from the fait to take charge of the Cumberland . PrcKbyterian church. Special music, ronststlng of tenor solos by Lauren ' Pease and selections by the Association 1 orchestra. All men weiqpme; seats free. F. Ik Parker.' formerly clerk" In "the car supply department of the O. R. 4erk in the freight office of the Newt mu a greai aeai or Harm York central's Portland agent, ice Tt, K. Duncan, resigned.. -Mr. Duncan will leave June IS for Hood River, where he owns a fruit farm. Wster through hose for sprinkling "yards or sidewalks, or washing porches or windows, must be paid for In advance and used only between the hours of and If n. and and p. m. It most not be used for sprinkling . streets. If used contrary Ho these rules, or waste fully. It will be ahut off. v. The will of William N. Chambers has been admitted to probate tn the county .court. All the property, said to - be worth 11,500, Is bequeathed to the 'widow, Katie Chambers, "except IS de . vised to a daughter, Anna. Mrs. Cham bers is appointed executrix of the es tate. ' - . - "'. , Tr HL- Beaofc Co-Clty Gentlemen: " I have been using the Japanese Dusting Compound In the Lyrio theatre and am highly pleased with It. I can cheerfully . recommend It to be used for sweeping;. Very truly yours, D. Butler, Janitor Lyrio theatre. .-..-r; , TTntted States mall steamer Alliance ails from Couch street dock tor Coos bay and Eureka at I p. m. Friday. . June 3. C H. . Thompson. Ill Third " . street. F. P.J " Baumgartner, Couch street dock, agent Main 61. .Z. We are still selling eye glasses avl; ' a perfect fit guaranteed or money re ' . funded. Metsger Co, 111 Sixth street, ' Ben Ijodgev comedian and general fun maker, who will play principal parts with the. Kendall Musical . company, . which tipens for stock light opera at the I L .. . J3 Judge) Sear Grants Three Di vorcee in Circuit Court . This Morning. ' NO CONTEST IS MADE IN ANY OF THE CASES Drunkenness,' Cruelty and pesertion Form Basil of tho Complaints Upon Which Separation Ii Granted Three Wive Tell of Troubles. . -T-;;;-;::' ., Three dlvorcts were : granted by Judge Sears in the circuit court this morning. None of the suits were con; tested, and only the necessary wit nesses were examined.- Katie E. McLear Ustifled that hep husband, C. F. Mclvear, came home- in toxicated, seised her by the hair and threw her through' the door into, the hall, and then struck her in the face. She said he hid not contribute to her support at any time' during their mar riage, and she was compelled to, go to work tn a restaurant to earn a living. After he assaulted her she left him, but he promised to be good and induoed her to -return.' Soon after the reconcilia tion, she said, he threatened to choke her and she left him again. ' They were married at Oregon City, In August. 1$05, She testified that she was the widow - of Thomas Tapsley when ahe married McLear. , DIvorca.jrss granted,., and Mrs. McLear was authorised to re sume her maiden name, WelteseL Because of alleged desertion, begin ning la Ttovember, 1902. Ethel M. Mc pherson was granted - a divorce from Joseph E. McPhersori. ' Mrs. McPberson testified that she came to Portland In llOt," and-asked her husband to return to her, but he refused. ' McPherson Is said to be employed In this city as a In the county Jail in default of a 1200 fine Imposed for selling liquor to minors. Mrs. McPherson testified that her husband expects to Inherit some property, and secured an order for ISO monthly alimony,- to ' be collected -In lease the Inheritance IsreaUaed. Tfcy- were married m Donald, British Colum bia,"In 1897, 'and have two children, who" were awarded to the mother. - 'Isabella Sutford was riven a divorce from .Frank M. Sutford on the arounda of cruelty, l She testified -that her uo-4 band- beat -her,- -called - her- vile - names and falsely accused her - of Infidelity. They were married In Linn county in issj. and, have -six hlldren. three of whom have seached their majority. . It was ordered that Mrs. Sutford should receive the house and lot at Eaat Tavlor and Thlftoents troet,.f-lwqsah, 4494 ror two years and lioe a year until the yctmgest lt yeanr- of -age. attains Its majority. Sutforcf Is, said to own a valuable farm In Wisconsin and 30 acres in Multnomah county. BALL GAMES POSTPONED ' BECAUSE OF WET GROUNDS On account of the unfavorable weath er and soft field. It was decided this morning that ' the . grammar school games scheduled to take place on Multr nomah field tomorrow should be post poned one week. r- . , i Caution Piano Owners. Word has been received again that. same as a few days ago, some clever and glib-tongued solicitors are calling upon piano owners, making them believe that their pianos are ''moth-eaten," "or "rusted out," and offering, usually for a big amount of mney, to restore them, and furthermore, to "moth-proof and "rust-proof" them. We wish to caution eur patrons again, as we have found rrora experience that moat or such work is nothing more nor less than an at tempt to obtain money under false pre tense. Ring, up -Exchange It for formation, ahould anyone call on you to -Tesiore- or -worx over' your Dlano Is done to pianos by tramp tuners. if you have a one piano -take no chances. Ellera Piano' House. . , . . , . Helllg- Sunday night, arrived1 this morn ing from Boston, where he has been playing in a Savage production. He Is the last of the company to reach Port land and rehearsals are now in full swing.... .. ,w.,.. .'.-..., ,,. Men's Packard and Fllntstone shoes. all leathers and styles, at 11.71 for this evening snd Saturday only, at Julia Marlowe shoe store on Sixth street, op posite Oreronlan building. They are the 11.10 and 14 kind. - - The Oregon Water Power' It Railway company Is building a nsw substation at Lents Junction, which will supply the lines in that district, especially the Mount Scott line, with much needed power. . . .- . NOVELTIES in. SUMMER SHIRTS ' ' '-' and . -- NECKWEAR 7 We've a number of novelties that are surprisingly stylish and "$ummer-ry.M See them ItewettJfadleyiCo. Kabcrdasherx 314 Washington St. Raoest '-...." . ' Races -4 Races! ' . : ; Portland Hunt club. Saturday, June t, HOC Beginning 1:10 p., m. Sight races. ' Ndlice.- If you are In need -ef good wyeglasses and don't care to pay fancy prices, you . Just call at the Little Op tical Parlor, 111 Fourth street, near YamhllL "Tomorrow wilt be the last chanoe to buy Julia- - Marlowe shoes the 11.10 kind at 11.79. We have them tn all styles and leathers. Sixth street, near Alder. . '.".' '. ' ; " T. " M. C. A. ' moonlight excursion scheduled for tonight hss been .post poned to June 16.- V I . 'Acme Oil Co. sells the nest safety oil and fine gasolines. Phone East 119, Tor Quality, Quantity and Quickness go to Morris' restaurant - Women's exchange. 111 Tenth street, lunch, 11 to . : ' Dr. X. C Brown, Eye-Bar. Mirquam. Panama batter. 111 4tK Phone Pao. 107. Milwaukee Country-Club. 'Memphis and Louisville races'. Take Sellwond and Oregon City cars at First and Alder. . - ' i i ' I. iii ik . We Vesttmoar Beard,''" "No testimony waa heard in the dam sge spit f the Pacific Mill company agalnxt' Inman, Poujaow Ck this mornlrig, the opposlrls attorneys having been engaged in a lengthy wrangle over law pnlnts. - The Jury was excused while 'the arguments were heard b Judge Cleland. STOE OPEN UTjTILg;30TOr,10IlRDW"EVENlN,G Sol mi fpmli Store Esteblhbsd 185? This notice wUI b productive of one of tha cretest days in mercfaMvcSIsing the Meier Q, Frank Store will have experience J i'jr fag the Fifth Annnxl Jane White Days Toraorrow't tempting offerings In every department on all white goods will give those wanting the Meier Q Frank Store qnaGty, whkh Is the best, the Meier O Frank Store prices, which are the lowest, values cneqs&Isd Tomorrow fa the last day of the Fifth Annual Jane White Days Snlveracaire Special s ' Rogers ' 1847 t Silverware ; spoons and serving-pieces at prices. ' ' '.-... '.......' Dessert Spoons, dozen........ Tablespoons, dozen . . . ..... ; Coffee Spoons, dozen .... ...... "forks, special $2.03 93.60 94.05 92.25 Orange Spoons, dozen . . . Soup Spoons, dozen . . . Dessert Forks, dozen ..; Dinner Forks, dozen . . Oy6ter ForkSr-dozen.. ..... Sugar Spoons, each... ....... -Butter-Knives, each . . . . . . . . . . Pie Knives, each ....;.. Berty Spoons; each . . . ........ Cold Meat Forks, each.. ... . ., . -rearo-Ladle9-each T t .. mi f-rravy.-adles, -each Oyster Ladles, each . . . . , , , . . Soup Ladles, each myr,,,.,., 94-05 93.60 94.05 93.38 .9451 91.38 91.04 ,.00 68e 91.13 91.68 92-OS IUbbon Special ' - .. Choice lot of neck, girdjesbelt sash and fancy-work Ribbons in plaids, pin checks, etc., in wide range of colorings. : 35c to 50c Value. 23c Art Dcpartm't Specials -"Art Department, Second Floor. -Special lot of Spachtel Shams and Scarfs in plain, corded and cut-out I -designs on gqod quality .Ot Swiss; reg. 50c val.; special. 'swOC ttrrnpOollarrrdff-Sets on fine" linen and Swiss, forEnglish eyelet and the latest shadow embroidery; 25c.valuet x?f set;40c ; O. ..... awv value, set. Stationery Section Fo"untaiinnPensnealn write; special. .................... .-. 7W Pocket Pen and Pencil-holder; special 3f San Franclsoo Views a new sou-j; f sw venir book equal to the best It So : I book on the market: only "Genuine Photo Cards of the lire clal .. . . Views of the. Are la xoldrs, IS .x special . . Ban Francisco before the - Are, - nice -folders, 14 views; special spe- 5c 5c 9c 35c Laivn Yokes 15c Tucked Lawn Yokes, fagoting lace in sertion, and 'lace edging on fluted 77 ruffled, effects ; regular- 35c e values.. ............ i.V....UC $1.50 Yokes at 69c White Washable Yokes, circular and -stole effects, without stocks eye " let ' embroidered Venise, applique and blind embroidered, assorted pat- , . terns i ; $1,2$ and, $l.SQ valucu. . 75c Dickies 39c Each Dickies, white or butter-colored Venise --applique, point- gaze laccland Jba tiste embroidered. finished . edges ; 75c values. ...... V . J $1.00 Sets at 53c Set Chemisette and Undersleeve Sets; fine tucks machine-hemstitchmgr trim med with dainty lace " and C " , scalloped embroidery J $1 yal VC Silk Ribbon at 1 7 Cents , I, i- . f ..j - 10,000 yards extra quality aU Pure Silk Taffeta Ribbon, 5 ""IflclnvrdthTTegufer 25cnd irrr cnrial varr! L ............ .m Mail Orders . Tb. out-of-town patrons of the Meier FranK Store can always rely on the promptness with which mall ordera are tilled all ordere for special advertisement in June Whit. Days filled at sale price., 'Sale ends Saturday evenlns- - Great Special Sale of I(lnitndfemear Ladies LowNeck, Sleeveless Pure:White Vests,: Q with plain and fancy lace edge; reg.' 25c special.! 'C Ladies' Lace Trimmed Fine Ribbed Umbrella i Pants ; regular 40c values, at special, pair. . . MeiVs and Boysuits onale atpecial-Prices Read these deacripUons, note the values, and then by comparison yon will be convinced of the aaving the Meier .: Si Frank Clothing Store always has for you - Men's and Boys SectionSecond Floor , 300 High-Grade Men's Suits AH suits are hand-tailored, r. with hand-padded shoulders, hand-felled collars, hand- . made buttonholes. Styles are round ut, straight front - or double-breasted sack suits. Materials are of the latest in the popular grays, medium and dark , fancy mixture of worsteds, cheviots and tweeds. Our reg- LK ular $20.00 and $22.50 suits; special, suit. ,.VVeWJ Special on $20.00 Men's Outing Suits, all this season's ilv taiTored "materialrirrtancvrtweeds. - 3rfancjrrvxrted$randfarrcpMlannel. Coats-three-quarter j Imed.-trousers -witn oeitioopsanaviuniup rouoras, styles m breasted ousers -with-teltioopsanaviurnup Douoms, round cut, straight front or double GZtfL 1 tt sack suits; special for 2 days, suit.V - Boys' Ail-Wool SaiforSuits,-ages4lolQyears, with. Knickerbocker Trousers in gray and brown ffr At plaid cheviots; regular $5.00 values; special. viJ Boys' All Wool Fine Grade $7.50 TwojPiece Suits, in gray plaids and brown mixed fancy cheviot, sizes CA 8 to 16 all well and strongly made, special. vOesWif 'Special on Young Men's Suits, sizes 15 to 20 years, in all wool, fancy tweeds and fancy worsteds, in single or - double-breasted coats our $13.50 and $15.00 C ir - values-at, special.-. ........... jr: ?! . . ; . ; ; V -American Boyrjune-numberr is here. Ayear'a subscrip-: tion free with goods-purchased in. our . Boys' Gothing Department from $3.50 or up. , , ' . IN THE Men's Section Mcs Panamas Men's $5 genuine Panamas in the latest, blocks, small Qi ftQ .' and large shapes. , . yJ07 Men's Hats 'Men's- fine braid ' white ' straw Sailors, this season's ; latest blocks, sold at most j Q j Men's Underwear Men's natural merino i super ' .- weight Underwear, a nice sum , mer garment; sold at most special price todays V Men's Union Salts , feltTV'fot m-fittiiig; 1 ; eertj olefr ribbed Union Suitsr" nicely i" made and always sold OK, -ariroopeeTalTte5'' Men's- Handkerchiefs Men'ssoft finished mercerized Japonet, with the new .Persian ;J and fancy borders ; -reg. ; 25c ;- today- at . ? C Collar Buttons V Collar Buttons in every-desira-- ble shape,madeof pure stiver; aSftJctentSateol day at, each. ZL -T: ". r Soft Collars " " Thenews6ft mercerized Collars, 'just the thing for a warm day, "very comfortable to wear; col lar with beautiful safety r - pin, complete, each. '. . ,JJC Men's Hose. ,. Men's Imported Half Hose in all r.z the . latest . patterns, . in . plaids, stripes, -figures and jacquard effects ; regular 25c and Q . 35c values-atr-pairTTm- Men's Nightshirts Men's . Muslin Nightshirts, in , plain or trimmed, ' with mili-1 tary, regular or low collar; sold at all stores at 65c; pur At special priced....... k.."3C Golf Shirts Men's $1.00 Golf Shirts, new pat- "efnsrrTTghriihddark colors -of-madras ,and percales, at tached or detached ; q cuffs. ..T7.Trnrr.70'C YEARBOOK OF 0. R. & H, IS BETTER THAN BEFORE r - - - - j . - : ; . Resources of Oregon, Washing. ; ton and Idaho Illustrated by . Text and Photograph. - The O. R. 'N. Co.'s passenger de partment has issued Its Oregon. Waah mton and Idaho book for 1M.' This book has, it is said, drawn more home seekers to Oregon then any other pub lication printed in the three states. This ysars edition Is more complete in Its resume of Oregon's opportunities . .,Mnf in' Its sraument to'ths f... tamer than. any prerious number. Th. book contains PS"" ana copy of th. O. R. N. Co.'s latest map. Tne remains m. ' of Oregon's crops, mines, fisheries; for ests-and milts, wnixen uy Hsll. and profusely Ulustrated with pic tures from actual scenes that clinch h written araument. The map has nanral Paasenrer Agent who follows Oregon developments prob ably with more attention than any other business man. Wh.ll.. the book embraces a Test field, snd preeents an immense amount tf new - Informstiou about th. whole Paoirio northweat. It U vrr largely devoted to Oregon, where the O. R. N. Co, and the Southern Paclflo are most extensively interested. ' ' . A ' The., southern part of th. stat. is given r more attention than has been shown by the compilers of any previous book. The Immense advanc of horti cultural Interests In the Rogue river valley is shown by facts snd figures, supplemented by photograph, of the orchard products. Sastern Oregon wheat fields srs shown, the possibilities of central Oregon are suggested, the mining Interests of esstern and south erw'Oregon are strongly pr.ssnted. th. lumber Interests are glvea attention, opportunities for manufacturing ' are Ewn. the lrwom parable climate of gon Is strongly brought out. Fort ieths Rose City. Is given a special chapter.- - Tens of thoussnds of eoplee of the book will be distributed throughout th. middle west and farther east during the year 10. MeBBaaaMHBMBaBBBawsafBwaaaMsaBBWBaaaaaawaBw ' , The Creat San JFrancisco '- V Disaster. The spectators are supposed to ' be located on Market street hill overlook ing the city. Tou se. th. city teeming with life; vehicles and pedestrians are moving about. The earthquake descends, the streets are distorted, chimneys torn asunder. The Call building aways and totters but remalns standings to be finally devoured by the fire demon. The mammoth brick chimney of the United Railways Is seen to crumble and falL Tha dome of the city -hall casts off Its pillars - and ' masonry. Huge buildings collapse; tons vf debris fill th. streets; In fsct, an exact reproduc tion of that greet disaster that occurred at Ban Francisco. Lewis and Clark fair grounds, ftvs days, commencing Wednesday, June 13. MISSING PEOPLE ARE 'T" REPORTED .TO POLICE Reports of missing people still con tinue to come Into police headquarters With great frequency. ' E. H. Stone of -"."ii" -K,,.-ht .. to date b Minneeoia eireei, Aioina, nponi .:r p..rr.r Asent A. U Craig.TTOal JbhncHISg- Hai'beeH'' misstnr since T o'clock Wednesday evening. The missing man Is 14 years of age and walks with 4 decided limp. The caus. of his disappearance la unknown. - Mrs. Baser of lit Columbia street ha. notified th. police that Thomas Tuttle, a roomer tn her house, has been missing sine, last Friday morning, lira Safer believes ttat Tuttle haa been drowned, aa. h. had been drinking for ..several days and J on occasions suffered 1 from temporary: mental aberration. ' CONCERT HALL OWNERS - FINED FOR OFFENSE Reatlilng the futility of endeavoring to secure further continuances la the eases pending against (hem in th. mu nicipal court, th. four music hall mag nates E. Blssier, J. E. Blaster. August Ericason and Fred Frits eharged with violating' - the ordinance prohibiting women In barrooma, entered a plea of guilty this morning snd were flned $5 on ea?h charge. Voder this ruling of Judge Cameron the city, treasury will Millinery That Is crisp snd modish - at CLEARANCE PRICE& Every Hat Reduced We do not hold back th. choicest for full price. .- All high-class pat terns snd hand-made drees hats. t-RguiarrT.60 'a " f 20.00 value. ... i . Now $4.Q8 to &lO Hundreds of newest, smartest things In sailors and shirtwaist hats Regular S2.SO to f 10. Now $1.98 to 98.00 About 100 knock-about hats, no two alike. Regular fl.7S to $2.25, all at one price. . - Now 9So All nntrlmmed sailors and straw shapes Included at special prices. Assortment complete. All girls' hats, hundreds of them, at Just off from our usual low prices. FRALEY 214 Third St, Corner, Salmon E-)t-kson, for which he was flned 125. ) The decision to plead guilty was reached after a consultation with tha police. Through their attorneys, Bweek and Moody, they have again signified their Intention of religiously living up to all th. requirements of the ordinance. HUNDRED DOLLARS GOES TO LOCAL BABY HOME "" : '-S , '' '' ' - The wIU of, Olacomo Casclsselll was admitted to probate In the county court thls'mornlng..The eatate is said to be worth $2,o. constating of 11,103 In cash, an tntres in a market garden valued St I son. shnres In the Italian market valued at lf00. and 1300 In so oounts due. By the terms of the will AUCTION SALE OF iMagninc cnLChineseand-Japan Wares; Curios and Matting ... ; a Chance to Buy .Them at Your Own Figures. .-.' Account of retiring from retail business. A large stock to be sold. - .'v, ''.'' , Daily; 2:30 and 7:30 p. at Andrew Kan & Co. 287 Morrison St , HRADQUARTJ aLK,FIREWQRKSxJ :srzrxirr3E:agsrgrgsrrrrTT:rrTrr' , . . k , . - Lthe widow receives (500 tn cssh and the be enriched to the extent pf I5. asf,nt.,.t ,n th. XuUan market: he Baby in.r, vfrv irwr vmmw .Kninni vbl-ii ui the aaloonmen and an additional charge of keeping open after hours against horn, on Corbet t rlreet la bequeathed $100: another $100 Is to be expended for maaa for th. repose of the soul of the deceased, and the remainder of the property to any posthumous children, or If there are none, to his parents, who live in Genoa.. Italy. Th. will provides thst a nephew Is to have the right to purohase the Interest In the market garden for M00. Iwo brothers of the deceased Pete and Qultrao Caaclsaelll are named as executors. FK.ED F0H SELLING Lifjcn Tonr:os Tony r-Ktum, at tiit 1 "- was r t I clr- i ' t to or - rrc.rletor of a saloon st an 1 Powll streets, I J. ter In t " e 1 T t ' i ' ' ed guilty, saying the boys had told him they were old enough to be allowed In a saloon. Judge fleers Imposed a fine of 150, which wss paid. This Is said to b. Sectutn's first offense. GRAND COUNTY FAIR , ASSOCIATION MEETr.'Q 48pMtal Itapetrk to TH Jmraal.l John Xay. Or., June A nun fr it olttsene have organised the Urant Coui Talr association. l-tl o I one year: J. B. 1'r.wh, J. V. W. M. Myers, Alva Ire a - 1 The latter was unar. t eral manr wl - t pare bullu-n-e r days' r i and 1" ' t I t( i i ! 1 f