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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1906)
Til" OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATUIIDAY EVENINO, ' JUNE 2, 1SC3. TRANSPORTATIC:i. anteed Cures' r THE LATEST IN SPORTDOWI - r-- EDITED BY j. A. HORAN ' V w PITCHER CHUFF HI HUE FORLI Local Youngster Steadies Down After FS remand Throws Beau - .- tiful Came. : MOORE HITS AND RUNS . ; ZT;lLiiCE AN OLD-TiMER Oakland Gaines Three Buna In Open- Ing Inning, ' but" Gianta' Maka a Sturdy Uphill Fight and Overcorna , ;.. Handicap in tha Fifth. ' - J . Portland, Oakland .1. Batterlos Callff and Donahue, .Smith and T. Hackett. Tha Olanta took, an ether engagement ' ', from tha Commuters yestsrdajr after a , hard, uphill fight. It waa iadiee' day . and it was tha rarest day In June from ' tha standpoint of fair weather and fair . women. Tha Un terrified Callff waa dee- tsnated aa official fllnger for tha treat Olanta and ha became terrified aa aoon aa the ball waa aet rolling and paaaad Tan -Hairren 'to 'firn. rramnrr titt safely and Kruger's attempt forced Van at third bass... Smith bit ssfely and T. Hackett struck out, Jud Bralth failed to r grip hie forcepa oa Davareaux'a speedy liner and Francke scored. - Catea waa --- given a pais and X- Hackett sot poked " In tha rlba. Two mora June were aent acroae and " that ended Oakland's run , getting. . ' i. Portland got busy at once. ; Tha ssc- end, fourth and fifth Innings produced - - seven - hlta and four rune, - f lvta tha "" Giants ths lead. - Tha sixth and aevanth - : Innings-gave-Portland -waenoraruna "'-n' a iblUa'rjr Krt"but plenty of-Mtggsd plsylng. Callff Improved aa the . fame - wore on and only slowed three hlta after the first chapter.. Mjorevjut of rotrr-rmi''p hit-safely four timea, "., stole two baaea and scored two of Portland's runs. Tha score; -7 C ... : r. : PORTLAND. k - . IB. R. H. PO. A. E. , MrHsYe, cf. ...4 4 fi weeney. as. Y 4 9 1 r :' I Mitchell. If S I I I I " . McCredle, rf. ....... I B0 0 ; Jud Smith, 3b. ...... 411 I I Henderaon, lb. ...... 4 a 0 11 1 lonahue, a t ......... 1 11 41 Moore, 2b - 4 I 4 1.1 7"-' Cnitff p. ......... .Ira J - 0 a ToUla ........ .11 ( 11 IT If 4 OAKLAND. ' ; :' . vj,-. .- in rt it prt A. B. : Van Haltren. ef. ..... 0 0 t 1.1 Franrka, aa. ......... S 1 1 1 I Kruger. rf. .. 4 1 I 0 Smith, n 4 1 1- 1. I ' T Warkett. n. - i 0111 Pevereaux. lb. . . . t . . . 4 0 0 1 I Catea, If. 0 1 J. Hackett, lb. I 0 Marklsy,lb. 4 " 0 - X -;W I Totals .. i . . .1 I'.'.'.H- 14 II : '.. - SCORE BT INNINGS. Portland --.-- ail 1 ' Hlta . .........0 I I I 0 1 1 11 .Oakland:....,, j f lilts I 1 6 0 0 1 0 1 I V - 1U11HART. are l a-.llV A K BMlth 1 DlrlltK UUV D -aai iu. ' Bases on balls Off Callff, I: off Smith, I. Double play Moore to Sweeney . to Uonriorann. Maorlfloe hit Henderson, Stolen basesMoore I, Callff 1, Mitch ell, Donahue. Hit by pitched balls J. Hackett. McCredle. First base on errors -Portland, 1; Oakland, I. Left on bases portlsnd. II; Oakland, I. Time of aame One hour and 26 mlnutea. , t PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. Portland . - w. ' Ban Kranclsoo, ......... Seattle . , . Fresno , ........- . Los Anrelea . mwashea Ttotoiioaa. , (fteeeta! Dl-pateh te Tke JearseX) Seattle, Waah., Juna I.- Tha 81 washes tnanaaed to capture a toasely played -rams from the Angels yeeterday. - Tha MM! ' i eattla . . ..... jsisos- ; t i a AHIWH . ' . w v . Y - v w w Retteries Jones ana Hansen:! a Schmidt and Bliss, umpire rernne. Tigers Win Again. (Jeornel ipeetal Bervtre.) ' Oakland, CaL, June I. Fresno " took another fall out of the Seals yesterday. Boors: ' .' . , . Fresno . . ...,1 0 4 1 4 4 1 San Francisco ..10001001 4 0 ' Batteries Woltere and Hogan; Sales, Henlsy and Wilson. NORTHWEST-LEAGUEr- BatW Win Again. ' : Bpeell PUpeteh te Tke JearaaL) Butts, Mont, June I. Oraya Harbor uffered Its third defeat to ths Miners yesterday. Score: . ' ' . u . 3ft. H. .E. Butte . . 0 Grave Harbor .........I 10 1 Batterlea Howard and Swindells; Itw and D. Boettlger. Umpire Hus ton. ' ' " ' - , '-' Spokane Wins Again. . - ", (Bell PUpeteh to Tfce Josraal.) ' Snokane. Wash- Juns I. Tacoma dropped the second gams of tha series . to ths locaia yssierasy. -eorsi ( r- . R.H. E. Tacoma .......OOJ 101 I 1 Spokarfa 0000 10 10 I T 1 Bstterlss Butler and Shea; Rush and sttnniev-. 1 TODAY 10A.lI.lolOP.lI. EXPOSITION V , ELDC. ADMISSION 25c Won. Lost. P.C . 1 881 .-"I 14 .(tt 4 .111 J 7800 II, .2 mm CHAMPION EDGECQTE. PEER IS - THE BEST DOG Champion Edgacot Peer. Frank Watkina Oreat Bull Terrier Adjudged ' - - -tha Beet Dog in the Tha Portland bench show will close this evening with a grand parade of all tha winning doga in the ring, whan tha owners will be praaentad with tha tro ptalea by President J. Wesley Ladd of the Kennel lUb." ' eat attended aeasion of the show, a .very large crowd turning out to wltneaa the contest for tha beat dog In the show. es Taylor and Bradhaw"intnerr turn looked over 10 dogs and then each judge marked his selection on a slip of paper. When .the names were announced both Judges had agreed on Champion Kdgecote Peer as tha beat dog in the show. Edgscota , Peer la 'owned by Frank B. Watkina and haa won prises from Los Angeles to Vlotorla, British Columbia. ,In tha bull terrier classes la ths , present . show. Edgecote .; swept OARSMEN AMD YACHTMEN BPUKCE PR06RAM . First Races-Tjf the Season Will Be Held on Willamette - - N ext Saturday. -; - : Ths Oregon Tscht club and tha Port land Rowing club will hold a Joint pro gram of races on the Willamette river on next Saturday afternoon. The com mittees In charge announce that the best races ever' attempted will be pulled off on thla occasion. Suitable trophies will be given to ths winners of ths dif ferent events. The Portland Rowing club la now quartered in ita new building and tha accommodations are said to be ths best on. tha entire' coast,' Ths races will begin at I o'clock, opposite ths Oaka. The program: " Rowing Races Three "four-oared races, one i ssnlor single . rowing - race, one double-sculling race, one single ca noe race, one double canoa race, one mixed tandem race (lady and gentle man), one tilting canoe race, one or mora swimming races, ons Junior alnglo rowing race.. ' Balling Races Class A and B and a handicap, f ree for all. T AMERICAN LEAGUE. Won. ...ti 14 Lost. p.c .no .411 -.S8 .681 .600 411 .1KB .121 I New Tork Philadelphia I I ' llf St. Louis ir Detrolt II Chicago . ............14 - Wsshlngton . . IS Boston 10 f .' At Boston. , ' ' . First gams R. H. B. Washington . . ............... .4 4 1 Boaton 0 T 0 Batteries Patten and Klttredge; Har ris and Petersen. Second game " R, H. E. Washington - . ....... . 7. .... . Ill Boston II It 4 Batteries -gudhoff,- Smith end Hey- don; Glass, Young ana Armoruater. . t v ' . At St, fconlaw - R.H. K Bt Louis . (.4 1 1 . . . . ueiroi .........i i s Batterlea Jacobaen and O'Connor; Donovan ana f syne. ... At Ohloago, r. R-a Chicago . . ................. Cleveland . . i. 1 11 Batteries Altrock and Hart; Rhodes and nam is. " ' - At Wsw Tork. " ' ... .. f. ... .. ... .. R.H. E. Philadelphia 2 T 7 New Tork ',.10 10 1 Batteries Coaklsy and Powers; Cass- bro and Kielnow. NATIONAL LEAGUE.: ' '.;... ', -,'", Won. LoL. P.C. ChlCSgO . . ...........11 .174 New York . ........17 IS 141 Pittsburg . . ....SA...2S 15' Philadelphia . . .......14 1 .671 St. Louis . II .445 Clnelnnstl-.-r-Ji. rwnn ;1T -f- .184 Brooklyn ...IS It .131 Boston . . 14 II .111 v - At Vkiladslpbia. v ' - New Tork ..4 11 0 Philadelphia . . 0 I I Botterlea Wlltse and BoWerman; Ouggiaby, Ritchie and Dooin. Umpl Klem. . ' At Brooklyn. R. H. E. Boston .0 4 4 Brooklyn....... 6 10 0 Batteries Lindaman, Wltherup and iNeeonsm; Bincaietc ana Bergen, .urn' plres Carpenter and Johnstons. , . ' At VtttstaM.."- . R. H. E. Pittehurs S II 1 St Louis . w . 4 I .-4 Batteries Lelfeld and Phelps; Thotrfp- aAn Tl rnasn mrA 41ss A ' , IN BENCH SHOW 1 V" Portland Bench Show. everything before htm. - Major Taylor declared that tha dog waa one of tha best in ths country; Mr. Bradahaw says that ha waa tha beat In this country; Dr. Clayton expressed . the opinion that Edrecote was tha best In tha United States.'. " "SnffH htgTi nralss for sn Oregon-bred dog Is crti3nryranrylnct0"cal breeders and especially pleasing to Mr. Watklns, who to oneejheltstao. farclersbh" ti ooasC" Wilton Blackberry was declared tha beat dog of oppoalts sex to winner of the preaidenrs cup and waa awarded eji oil painting by. Leo Thlbeau. Tha dog la owned by Mrs. V. Lee Maaney of Georgetown, Washington. ' Ths same dog won the Portland hotel cup. W. M. Wilder! Harwell Climax won tha Robert L. Stevens cup for being the beat puppy bred in Oregon. OREGON NINE BEATEN ! BY WILLAMETTE TEAM ---gBeelal tflsDetcfc to The JourssLi""- - llnliurallv. flalMi. Or. June 1. Teste iWt afternoon. In a one sided game, Willamette defeated .the ball tbasers from ths University of Ore. gon by a score of I to 1. The Wll lametta team played faat ball and only two errora were chalked up agalnat them, both being hard chances. Jerome pitched a star game, - striking out 11 men and allowing but five scattering hits, while Hurd of Oregon was hit for 11 safe onea. Willamette, by bunching hits In the first Inning, made three runs, and two hits broucht in another in the second. In ths fourth snd eighth the Cardinals got busy with ths stick sgsln and pounded out - three- ht the-fourth -and two in the eighth. The Oregon. team made their run In the ninth, with two . out, and tha third man struck out, but ths catcher dropped the ball.' allowing him to get to first. Two hits here scored their only run. Following is tha line-up: i Wlllamette. '.,. ' Oregon. Rhodes ......e. .,.".. Kelly Coleman ......... .es. Ramp Nace Ib.. v.. 4 Hathaway Rader If... Johnson Matthsws rf Fsnton King lb.,.. tT Rehhf Jones,.... ...... Brown Cary ........... Payna jerman , Hrd YESTERDAY'S SUMMARY AT BELMONT TRACK (Journal gpeelal Service.) Ns w Tork. June 1 . eete rde y' re sults at Bslmont: - Seven furlongs Ssmson won. Tslagal second. Old Faithful third; time, 1:17. - Four and a half furlongs, selling, straight Mexican Silver won, .J. C Cove aecond. Oreeno third; time, 1.11 1-1. . , Seven furlongs Larabls won, Bell Mere second. Woolwich third; Urns.' 1:16. Ths Claremont handicap, IH fur longs Flip Flap won. Dolly Bpanksr second, Oxford third; time, 1:11 2-i. I Mile, selling Olnnstta. woru-Klng Cola second, Leila third; time, 1:11 1-4. Mile and a sixteenth Cairngorm won. Pretension second. Bad News third; time i:4. : , - t - . - PETER L0HMAN HAS H BEEN ADJUDGED INSANE (Joomt flpedsl flerrles.y- Los Angeles. CsL, June I. Pete Loh msn, the oldest baseball player on the coaet, haa been adjudged inssns and sent to ths Highland inssna asylum by Superior Judge James. Lohman was brought up . from -his beach horns Isst night " in handcuffs after 'fighting desperately and was locked in the Inssns wsrd at the county hospital, i Teatsrday , afternoon he grabbed his wife, threw her Into a room and locked the door. - Three officers had a hard time to subdue him. GRAMMAR'SCHOOLLEAGUE. Per Cent Brooklyn Mount Ta 1.000 474 Hawthorns Williams , .740 .111 .111 .A00 Highland Couch , Ladd .. Atkinson aowxiro aoxbs abto pact, - Mrs. Josle Sumner. Bremond, Tex., writes. April It. l0l: "I bavs used Ballard'a Snow Liniment In my family for three years 1 would not be with out It In the house. " I have used it on my little girl for growing pains and acltea in her knees. It cured her right ?wsy. I have else used It for frost bit en feet, with good success. It Is ths beet liniment I ever used." 18a, lOo and 11.00. Cold by Woodard. Clarke A Co. BRITISHERS FEAR MISS SUTTON English Tennis Players Looking Forward With Interest to ) Coming Tournament.. MATCHES WILL BEGIN ON JUNE FIFTEENTH Baseball Has Taken Hold In Lon don and Cecil Khodea Students Put tha English' Team to Root Gossip of tha- Came. '.,. ,-V--, ' " By Richard Dahlgren. ' ' ,i " (Ooprrlfkt. UWO, by W. B. Beent.) London, June 1. The British tennis world is awaiting anxloualy for a chanos to sea the American lawn tennis, team at work, so . that some sort of a line be gotten on their play. It is seriously feared that sums of the cham pionships besides those held by Miss Button will go baok to ths other side with them. Beala C Wright la tha most Interesting figure smong tha American experts. 1 if Mr. Wright has held hlsdgame hs will bo a most formldsbls candidate for tha single championship. Nice Quarters have been secured for the Americans at Aigburth. i : - In tha preliminaries France is to play tha - United States, - and Austria snd Australasia will cross bata. Then ths winners of theas two will play f or the honor of meeting England In tha finals. which will . be played at Wimbledon June It. II and II. Quits as much Interest Is felt about Miss- May- Sutton." the young American girt cham; metcter-plsy last tsst waaa-jeva: latisn, and there Is no woman in Eng land who is regarded ssjjavjng.any Show-whalever agalneOhe young Calt- lornian, Aa ana la icngiian by birtn. her superiority will not be so unpopular aa It otnsrwlss might have been, ' Za Baseball Sphere. At last baseball la In our midst The first gems Under ths new movement to popularise ths American national gams in England, whloh was played laat week, was all ths promoters could have de sired so far as attendance and lntereat la concerned. ' The Amerloan Rhodes scholars,, who' comprised one of the teams, are all. mora or less expert, and put up a pretty good article of ball, win ning aaslly over ths London team, com posed - of four -American residents And five English football men. Jarman, who pitched for ths London team,, learned tie game 4n Cleveland, Ohio and la a confirmed fan. The aharp, snappy play of the. Americana, the sliding to bases and the calling of strikes snd balls wsrs vastly amusing to ths spectators, who caught sn to ths game In a remarkably abort time. Ths American .team lined up aa fol lows: . --Van - tsr Zee, ' University of "lows, catcher; P. M. Toung, . University of Dakota, third bass; J. H. Walneton, University of North Carolina, pitcher; H. Trantham, Lake Forest, shortstop; I. R. Porter, Bowdoln, second basat-a N. Armatrong, Princeton,, right field; W. J. Kendall, University of Oklahoma, center field; J. J. Tiger t, Vanderbllt first base; J. N. Schaefer, Franklin and Marshall, left field. In the laat two Innings M. Mohler, Washburn, pitched, while C. R. Alburn, Western Reserve, went to the field. ' There Is svery reason to believe that baseball will make good here. There are many clubs already organised and a series of games is being arranged. . . A SYMPATHETIC FAN - :, MAKES A-SUGGESTI0N Portland Or June I. Sporting Editor of The Journal Brooklyn baa beaten Mount Tabor for the T. M. C. A, grammar achoor cup but do you think It a fair teat of the respective merit of the two teams to play but ons gsmsf Brooklyn had always played on that field while Mount Tabor was not used to ths grounds and did not play its usually laat gams.' Of course l do not mean to say that Brooklyn did not win fairly, be cause I think It did. but I think that It is but fair for the two issdsrs. Mount Tsbor snd Brooklyn, to play two more games, ths winner of the two games out of ths three taking the eup. Can you uss your influence in having this brought sbout and please me and -the rest? A MOUNT TABOR SYMPATHIZER. ' ATKINSON BEATEN, BY" THE BROOKLYN LEADERS Tn ths Grammar School league yes terday Atkinson, ths last club in ths raca,i tackled Brooklyn, the leader, and ths soors' was about svsn until ths fourth - Inning. - when ths Atkinson pitcher got tied up and allowed Brook lyn to win, 10 to 1. Ths lineup: Brooklyn, rr-'- Atkinson. O. Wilson. ....... .p. ........... Bono Heacock ....,..c. ....... Wolfs Hoyt' .. ,1b, ,,,.. , Naah Cornsll ......... .lb. ....... . Slgfrled Luke Weiss H. Wilson... ........ Ammsr Milton t'. If. ....... ' Maloney Stierrett ........ .cf ....... . . . jruerlch Pollock rf..., Winterbothsjn THE GREAT OVERALU TO PITCH FOR CHICAGO (Josrnel Ipeclal SerTlee.) Cincinnati, 0 June . X President Charles W. Murphy has announced a deal completed whereby the Cuba of Chlcsgo bavs secured too " services-of Orvsl Overall, tha gtsnt Callfornlan. whose .work for the -Reds in tha . rols of premier twlrler hss been somewhat erratic, although always full of prom ise. The Cuba give Bob Wicker In sx chsngs for Overall. f. HARRY B. SMITH GOES ' TO SAN FRANCISCO CALL Harry B. Smith, sporting editor of ths Telegram, will leave thla evening for Ban Francisco whsrs be has accepted a position on the San- Francisco CalL Mr. Smith has bsen ons : of the most snergette snd painstaking man engaged in writing sports on ths eoeat and ths Call la fortunats in securing his serv ices. Mr. Smith's horns is in San Fran. Cisco. I We saaks a snlsleadlag stats saanta. Aeaeytlvs propostOoaa Of false promises. Wo e ast pen. Iss to ears yyns case la a abort time, knswlng It will take longer, but ws guarantee a complete, safe and lasting our la tha quick aat possible time, without leav ing injurious after affects In ths system, and i at ths lowest cost possible for honest, skillful and successful treatment. We have no free sa sheep trial treatment, at sobems to sell worthless belts, ea our education and " rsputa tlon condemning mil - such meth ods. Ws sure whan others fall. MEN WHO NEED . SKILLFULr AID Will find this lnstituts thoroughly reliable, different from other soi6aneJ1 institutes, medical concerns, or specialists' companies. Tou are Just aa I safe in dealing with the Norton iavte tloaal sasvk. . It has long been established lor ins purpose os ouring qi- ttoaal sases of men whloh baffle the skill a MM Tmi ,r. mfm in nu r are out of the city ahould write In confidence. Consultation and advlos glvsn free.. Tou risk no cash. No seorsta given, away. , , . i. v All Medicines Free Until Cured ; Ws treat suocesefully all nervous and ehronio dlssasss of man also blood, stomach, heart, Jlver, kidney and throat troubles. . YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED If you wish yon oan deposit ths prlos of a curs In any bank, in Port land, said amount to-be handed over to na when you are cured. Or you nay pay na by weekly or monthly Installments If yon prefer. .. . Office hours a. m. to I p. m. Sundays and holidays, 10 a. m. to II m.'- Dr. W.Norton Davis & Co. - - Offloss In Van Noy Hotel. IIH Third St., Corner Pins, Portland, Or. lVamosaT Ars monn STOaxxwasT. FOR ;re411 - lished 25 NOTICE g. , 1 - VJc will treat any single, uncompli cated ailment for i. We never, disappoint our patients I 2. 3. a: We accept no We never hold We' never fail aieoo pozsov, ssxsi Bmini, sous, trrctsss, btbiottm, tajuco oiu, xrmooxu, sramTOVS duclihii, wuinii, ptxbs . oa OXBOMTO BIBXAnS OP IH atIDTT AWD PBOSTATS. . . ooiinn saooro Ajn tasodu ituiti, oiikAin, oaaaur. We d net offer yes any TXTX TMAX TMATstlKTa, ltI0TIO SaXTS, W01TK; Mat OEATOMB, or ether aealaae methods r sa In eny way. whiL. flthftra COOT mr annm iimi... wi ,ip All THI LOVdEII LOCATED AMD OLDEST SPECIALISTS I . , ... i. m - An mat .a.rtlae fkaiD. inferior sand ef variants. We five roe sklU aad anility 1 the tnr a fair fae. which ma MCTBODI 1D IX A If THAT WX ABB ALI, Wl CLAIM TO HI, MO WHES tov rllm VoxrirotA on naifDa to? as bvu of arrxiiia in Si TBIATHiMX XSAX OA BZ OBTAUTEO ABTWKZBX. BOUBB-t S. St. p. na. StrLouis . UED1CAI SURGICAL O0BBXB SXOOsTS ABB TAJCBHX TRANSPORTATION. ALASKA EXCURSIONS g. a. gpokaae, Tnae t, laly I, 0 Aagast B, "ABomrD-nrorT-iotiXD" zxotbbiovi XTXJIT TTTB DATS. OVTKZABTXBB A1AIBA BOVTZ, sw nettle at S n. sn. for a-cnlka a Tnnean. Bkagway, White Berne, Da Fairbanks ... . S. 0. Oity ef Beettle. Jnne 10, 10, ..--. . B. nnmboldt. Jnne 4. 14. M. . 8. City ef Tbpeks rU Sitka), Jsns IB, . BOXI BOBTB. . K teoeod salllsg S.'i. Benator a boat Jobs IB.. FOB SAB FBAV0TIOO MB EOT. Fran Beettle st I av, 9TW1n' 'T, 'Tri UmatilU, Jan. II, i Clt ef Paettlo, Job li, Jnly 8. - Fertlaad Ofle, B4i iWaaUsstea Bt. -h. - luinj aaa. ....i,.- "' . M. XXX, Faae.. Ft, Aft, , tt S. VVHAfHrM. t. A., . 10 Market Bt, San Fraselsee. SHAKESPEAREAN CLUB HOLDS ANNUAL MEETING " SperUl Waptck to The JeevaaL) Newberg, Or4 Juns I .Ths fourth annual meeting of the Newberg Bhajtee- .aBkeBhaBBBaBkaBaBWeSJeVaBVi JWarSaWpTaS WTW Tnea Bella Barrett Butt A varied pro gram was glven-Tha msrabsra of ths club srs: Inst Bells Barrett Butt. Ma He Esthsr Thorp Cutts, Hiram Oould. Franols Alva MorrlSi-Newell -Edward Brttt. Verona Jane Hobsrf Nelaon, Ina YlvlaOouId.Marrnrst Inglis,- Elsanor Elisabeth Satchwsll. Clarence Alben Butt, Aggla Cecilia Olnn Oould,' William Washington Nelson, Ralph Waldo Har rold, Barah Ann Ross XIarrold. Offlesra for 1161 ars: President, Ag gie Ceoilia Qinn Oould. vice-president. Francis Alys Morris; ssorsUry, Marls Esthsr Thorp Cuttsi tressursrr, Inss BeUs Barrstt Bntt An Alarming Situation frequently results from negleot of dog ging bowels snd torpid llvsr, until con stipation becomes chronic This condi tion Is unknown to those who uss Dr. King's New Llfs Fills; ths best and gentlest regulatora of fltomarh and toSrele. Guaranteed by Skidmars Drug ICS. ITIcs l&o. company as wnn mar of others. hands and aura of a cure. Men who BJOAigTJTUTjaTTra BstabUsbed In Portland in lass. WE CURE MEN $12.50 treatiinyBingleun - compUcatedTailmenfZunder absolute guarantee. No pay unless cured. We are estab years in Portland. $12.50 for the fee. incurable cases! out false hopes! in any case we takeT ef treatment, oor eae sr er own, ana X rUITLAJO, BSVlng treatment, bat we sire treatment ef but then. treetaient ef llmm ef ma me paiieai qirea. i.itoiiu.i. vui CONSULTATION FREE Bianlar", f te 1; Bnadays, t s. at, to II aeos. AND- iTBiaTB. - POBTXAJTD. - OBXttOB. TRANSPORTATION. TELEGRAPH . Fastest an tha aUvsr . , Ths only steamboat making a round trip BA7XT. ' Except Sunday Between PORTLAND and ASTORIA An wat ponris Leave Portland '. .TtOfl a. m. Arrive Astoria 1:10 p. m. Leave Astoria. . ,i v. . 1:14 p. m. Arflve Portland.,.. .1:00 p. m. Mc-aLi BERVEI A LA CARTH Fertlaad Saadlag, Aide Street Book. Astoria T.anrtlng, OaUsndsa Soak. E. B. SCOTT, Agent. Fhono Main IIS. "REGULATOR LINE" The .Dalles, Portland -4 Astoria Navigation Co, Rnata leave Portland and Tha Dallea dally, except Sunday, at 7 a. ra.. arrlvH Ing anout s p. m., carrying rreignt ana 1 asengers. Splendid sooommodatlona for outnta and livestock. Bosk aoo of Aids -, rortlandl Swot or vnn sv, xns dsuss. . Xhoae Kate B14. FortlaaaV. ALAS KA FAST ABD FOPVlB STBAMSaiFS .... .Leave Beattls "TxTyrssow,"- au "DOLFKM." Kay U TV Jaae 4.1IT aaaJU.llV.M, CALLING AT - V Keteatfeaa. Jnaean. Pnaftaa, Balaee, Bkaf wey, Oonserte wttk W. p. T. roet. ler Atlln. Dawna. Taaaaa. Meaae, sts, Fes AH Beofaeaeteea Alaska Porta Call er end fnr "Trip t Weeaerfnl Alnaba.' "laSlaa Baek.tor." Taeat Prtea., TXB ALASKA B. B. 00 ' rraaa" Weaaaay Oa, Areata. BlOakst. - . Peruana, Oa. S. S. F. As Kilburn Far Osas Bay, Baraka asd Ban Fm Text Bailing frssa VortlanS, trr -dat, jx a s. C S. Imo Ui. Dispensary croornixinc 3 Trains to the East Daily 3 In-. tourist Throiil the Vmmt 4.11- Unloa Depots taeva. Aitteaa Ohlcaao-ForUsad aneelal far the Ke rle Heatlnrkn. dir. 0:Wsa StOarBi SJ Sixes' tor gaatrra ... I . WmiMnrtoa, Wells Welle. Lewiatoa.. Cbea. d'Alsae e-4, ' Northern po .llrJI P ISO Bt : t " the test PortUad-BI,,, Joel' for an , Mnte betwra Bless sad Pertlead. dally ..... .."T. : esi gnosis) . coLHafBiA aivaa DmaioN. rot Astorls aad way snfate. eeaaeetlaf wit tteamep tor Ilweea and Ho-th naaca. itMimf 4ork vas a a. m. daftr, I .asadsvi Behwder, III 1 a AitS Spat 0 D. Si mm km.. TAMHTT.1. RIVtB KOrrS. v " polnta. steamers Roth aad VMM, Aaht. dart. eieept aoaday (water mlttlBf ). Arrive T:S0 s. m. dally, eseeyl suaoay.. . . ' . m iiitsr BArrra. Rln--I. H.'..W m . a : r ' iii,an Bpvsaee ana iw tou btn 5:40 e. m.. er apos srrll Trsts daliv except Pride r. . Tieset omre. Third sad WesMagtaa Sts.' . T1hflee WalB Tl n W enwava rm. a. i t - - Ik CHAK, OeaeraT Psaeeacet Aseat. . east SOUTH TToVm Papal leave. Aisiva,, Over w auiak wmwwii A land, BaeraDMate, Ofeea,--Saa yratwfaeo. Stock toa - yIJfc" a New OrUana sea the eaatIJS I MorfllDf train renneeta et WeeSwara dally exeept , asday with train ft . I Mnant Ansel. Sllrerton. ' - I Rioeneillla. gprlnaOeld. ' . : u 1. ' I wenauag ens Natroa.... fat 131 ea Enseae BaeaMiear . eea . ert st Woedbnrs with" Moant Asset sad Silver- tns loeel 4:1B fm l:HiS Onrrallle peaaeaser....... T:M aw St0 ear Bheiidas eaaaeDtvr 4 :BS am 9 -M aaa Foret Orare paaaensOT.TT10:eS lliaopea Dally. IfDatly eseaet Baaday. jrTBottTBerr staTiot. O For Dallas aad tataraeeiete pelats isnx 4:15 a. m. Arrive Portland 10:10 s. am. Pot tine as4 eerd of Oawac. ssbarbea traaS apply at City Ticket Offlre, er eUtiaa. Tickets to Eaetara paints se4 Kwepet alas " Tspaa, Cnlna. Bnnslola aad Anatralla. City Ticket OfOee corner Third sad WssW tavtna streets. Paaas kUla T1A - O.-.W. snwoaB. a. v. obaio,- - aty Tieset Agea, TIMECARD TRAINS .: Portland!- Leave,'. Antra reHewatoae - Perfe-nTaasee r.w I Mil. fln 1-1 An Ckabelts, OeDtralU. Olym- ' pia. rsys tiarnor, aonia Bend, Teeoms. Seattle, Bp b-, Rntt ML 11 n Daw,. Omaha. Ban- r""' t-. aaa City, Bt. Lools sad ' ' Bontneaat. aany itia twaa Norta vom umitea. eiae trU, llrhtet. for Taenma Seattle, Bpokane, Bntte. .-. Mlnneepolis. St. Fsal aad . " the East. 4ally ........... 1:00 pa Tw sa Pnret Stand Limited, for CiarennDnt. 'Chebalw, fen- . ... enly. 'datly 4:B0pfS 4:90 at Twin Citr Emraee for Ta- coma. Brattle, sporanej v Helena, Bane. nr. mi, Mlnn.tpp.lto. Lincoln. Bt. Joeeph. Kaneee City. Oma-k- Bt lAk. wltbont X. ebanse of ear. IMreet enn- , ' nertlene fnr an vmam East and seiir.. n:ee F" w:na am sense Afent. tflS Merriana stieet, earner Tslrdj rnriiana. vn"au. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. - litlnai P-net are. . 'Antra. Per Kaysera, Balnler, Clets. keel., wratport. Clifton. Anterie. Warren ton, rin hi Rinnoid. Fart Btev. ens. Oearhart Parti. Beealde. SMOSSS UMtmt Astoria ana seeanore. ax- . nreae dally 1:00. pea .BiBSneS An trains oally. J. C. atATO. O. V. end K A.. Astsrta, .. O. A. STEWART, Oamereul Ageat. MS Alder street. Phone Mala Boa. Tit OOMfOmABtX WsVf. 2 Overland TribsD&lly 2 tM Oriental Lbaned. the Fast ataB TtA BBATTLB AWP BFOBABB. T Dntlyv. . Detly. " ' Leave.' Asrtra. Fertlnnd time sifcadsle Te enS from Bpokane. ( St. Paal, aClnneapolla, '.'... , Tjulatk aa4 all polats Beat via Baattle :SB ana . 9m eas alias pan e.en pel T and from St, FiaL aflaneepoUa Dalntk an4 all a vta Spofesae i B pea iS aw ate oa. ' -Bafltnf from- Snertle fee- Jape- aaa China ports end Menus, eaniag pee. eeasre sad frelfht. - B. B Xtahete, JnsV . . ' ,:i...V . i. 8. Mlaaaaete. tW - i.ana wneaar vllSWA p (Ispea Man Staeenl OaJ B, S,-Baaeaana kUta Ul salt arors B-aMle abnnt nne IS for Jraa enj ttaae, . eaU ea er eanreae H. riCXBOB, O. F. A., 1HT'4 at, Fertlaaa, Vrafea. nmmm i i Stecsr.wr Ch:s. R. S;: r AST TMB. a a ' " I 1 I jevee KtlrMi T e. . DallM snd r ('. ."r'" land 10 r m. (.;- ' 4)as timruns ttre CiaTI Sa C "SIM sla II w W aeaaa k a sktaasMk. atsaskSi S)tas a aXoing-mn 411 t Emm Cltj. I SaalUlaM dak . Iwaaassai Sm Sat sVewStk Sa ivwri Z '( '' .