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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOUkNAL. PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING. JUNE 2, 1C03. 12 . . NEW TODAY. 4PerCent INTEREST4 THE Savings Bank TITLE GUARANTEE ; & y ; . TRUST COMPANY " Paye 4 Pr cent on CertlflcAteg of Df - posit. . - -. .. . - Pajra f t? cent on ssvliiis (liiteieet ,4 com pound wl eoml-annuajiy;. T Fays per cmt on dally balances of shoe account , ! BaaUac hours .... . ...I a. m. to p. . . Batnrdays . in. to I p. m. Saturday evenings. .......I ta o'clock 240 Washington Street I. , . ..Ooraar aooad, .. ...,. Portland, Oregon NORTHWESTERN MUTUAU-LrlFE ' 9 MiLWAxrwxn. wisooirexv. In tha past ton rar the" agents of the Northwaatara have collect! and re mitted to tha company premium amounting to ftll.e8e.l81. without tha loaa of a single cant to tha company. . Of eouraa thara nave bean losses, but . they hava been borna by tha general ' agents. Thla la part of tha company' ayatara for protecting Ita policy-holders. SUISaT.lockwood . jNBenL.AtrataCJ Concord Bldg., Tertiana,-Oi gen. 1 Near two alectrlo lines, ebaap and on eeay texma .... CEDERBERQH -114 . Commercial Block, Second , and i , Washington Btraata. There Is Wealth Inmber -IiOt us show you bow to secure an Intaroat la a timber and lumber manu facturing enterprise. The Investment la aecura, T per cant Interest guaranteed I - bank. Large additional' profits. In- ... - lllfl .. . . n aMa11 HMtkl. ,H I U1WI1 f iVV J1U UF. UM UlUULUlf , payments. Let ua talk it OTer with sou, ' Call." write or phone. Millar, ait Oom saaroxai Miog. sua xsao. - 48 Lots AtMontavilla $1,200 . : Adjohing MontMla Railroad. Station L B. M. LOMBARD '514 Chamber of ; Conimerce On Grand Ave near Market--' . 3,000."- B. 82, Car' Journal. 0-4 Block Sixth and East Clay Streets 4,500. B 81, Care Journal. first Mortfage Stcurity Every dollar you Invest with thla company is aecured by a First Mort era. There la nothing Just as good or bettor. Beoause bars you set tha full earning power ot your dollar and peolflo SeoqrltT that la absolute. . Amounts tinder f 140 paya per cent uiersn, arayaaio enu-Annttally. . Amounts of f 104 or more pays g per rvarswcwarsj jt ay aula MaiiuJUDniall. . Tha aama security and tha earn at tention given to the-small Investor a a ' to tha Investor of large amounts, Call or write xor full lafQrmation. Northwestern-Guarantee & Trust Co. . X,ajnbv Xzchaaga Bldg. (geoomd rioor) Wheat Land ' 10X00 scrpi raw wheat land in Wsih Inirtort, threa miles from Columbia "'Vivrr, will be two miles from railroad; per acre. Wilson t&Rowe 227 Cb amber of Commerce. A fine Lot NEW TODAY. Look Mere If you have any real state to sel The Dunn - Lawrence Company !Nfake more sales than any other agency , m the city. " For quick sales and square business you never can do any better than to list your property at 4loom 8, 14PM First Street to "Miake Money Buy Hood River -or nfosler fruit lands and hold for an Increase, The demand for these lands 1s arrowing. Buy now and realise a handsome pro lit 'or lands In. this district see . J. H. If eilbronner & Co. 414-414 Ziaatber Bzenaaga BnUdlmg, a. W. dor. eoond m tars Its. HOn 2CAXBT 4435. . . BARGAIN 120 ACRES it acres In cultivation; good buildings, fins family orchard. This farm Is well located and a good farm, but tha owner is not a farmer. Hs purchased It about one year ago and ha la very sick of It; will aeii It cheap or trade for most any other .property. For further particulars Alfred A. Baker ttS-glf AblagtoaBldf. rhone Xala MS. -anhrifHaTj--''--CTCT''" rllonia uaM UTiera joe Ja eaauiic frostl kola (roaa af llwaotlb an kera I k a leder troni mr trlrad rot 1 koa eat Uiht ier.- and has boot B sot farm front dot aceaC '. v " . Let bw see ooc leaer, Aagiatt. Ok. aa .attar lite, t knnar Mm mil aa af yer waat a nl farm, llddle or Mck. nod h trait deaL roe n Am-a: ha kaa a hlrk selectloa and he laht olrlta. He Isht ab. akuln. and bla same htht , ruoiiD, ls j-uaM gMreat. ; 'V BAROAIN V New g-raoa honaa, g. ltk and lfala. lot: laetallsieBte S2S or aaora aea m Cer all. SIS reatea kltlf. ktaia SM. : : ; i WEATHER REPORT 8ma0 low pi asauie areas are aeatral as fol- On oft tap flattery, another orer Aiiaona, a third orer Baskatehewaa and a fourth at sea off the New Eosland rout. The barometer is, relatlrelr hlsh vrer tha central portion ef the United Rtktee. During the laat X4 boor light to odrately beerr rain bar eecnrred la northern - New Mrilee, sortheis Texaa, Oklahoma, Kansas, the tower huaalaalppl Taller and at scattered places la tbe Atlantis states. The temperature baa riaea eUghtly la the Teat era half ef the United States and remained searlr stationerr la the eastern seatesr-'-Tlie slstnrhaeee efl epe riattrrr will awre eastward and cease tocreaalnf ekndlnees, followed by ahowere, la northweat Orecon and weetera Waahlnston during the next II tM hours. Bait of the Cascade moun tains fair weather will eootlans, with rlalnf tempera tarae. . OBaerrsUoas takes at a. sv, Padaa nnt: Station-- alar. Mln. Preets. 42 .0 m .o 6S , .0 4H .0 60 .0 M .0 ' TO .4 M .0 61 .0 ' 4S .0 . 61 ' .0 60 .0 M .0 4S .0 4S .0 . M .0 68 .XI Baker City, Oregon. ...... OS Boston, staaaschnsetts.... S . Chlcaso, Illinois OS Denver, Colorado ....-OS Kansas City, Mtaanort. .... 7S Ies Angeles, California.... 63 ' New Orleans, Loo In lane.... 2 New York. New fork M Portland, Oriwoa. ......... SO Rose burg, Oregon......... PS ftt. Loula, Mlsaonrl TH Bait Lake, Utah TO Han Fraaclaoo, California. S2 kane, Washington.... t. TO oma. Washlngtos...... TS Will Walla. Waablnatoa. T4 Washington, P. 0 84 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Loda P. r Oates. 1 150 EsstTnlrtr-loorth Street, S2; Edna Walters. 10. Aoam iumi. Baerwooo, uregoa. ea; zryoaosa Q. Wake, S. -- -- Vlasen Bpath. SM Haeeale street, 41; Co. ellU sUdbora, S2. Weddlns CarOa. w. a. Smith Co.. Wnsh. log ton Wig., cor. Fourth and Wiablngtoa at. Weddlns nd call toe card enafared . or printed, g. T. Boabton, t32 'Washlngtoa' at. bliss Bertha Martla. Mem til Allake bids. Stamping asd ftne needlework lessons sires. BIRTHS. WHITafOK" May 2S, to lfr. and Mrs. Wil liam nnnmore. 2U uregoa. a girl. H1TKIKLD Mar 10. to Mr. and Mra. P. H. V, hltBrld- son lohneon. a elrL WARDB.N May 1, to Mr. and Mrs. a. W, Warden. 680 Marv. a atrL IIIRtm Msy-e, to-Mr,-and Vre.-Alfred Serene. Mo Mallnrr STenne, a rlrL ' . SANTO HO May 0. to Mr. and Mr. Breaa - Bantoro. S7SM Bhertdan. a slrL IfOUDEN May 23, to Mr. and Mr. K. Theo dore Mnrdes. Good Bamarltan bosDltaL Dor. LEOKKTTO May 18, to Mr. and Mrs. Bsttlst Leonetto. IrSAa Sheridan, a girl. BAT WARD May 22. to Mr. and Mrs. WllUsai Hawsrd. 2Gi Clackamas, a alrL OOOOYIRB May 1. to Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Ooodrler. B4S Esat Alder, s girl. PELLETTEMay 81. to Mr. and Mrs. Tt14 Pellrtte, 1Z1S vaneonver svenoe, a (IrL THOMPSON May SI, to Mr. and Mr. I). A. ThomnaoB. lfl2T Kast Berenteenth. a bov. LEONARD Mar 4. to Kr. and Mr. Albert O. Leonard. Front and Tblrtr-thlrd. bor. OOOruCLL Msy 20, to Mr. snd Mrs. I. BL MITt'HKf-L Msy SO. to Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge E. Mitchell, ' Arlrta, a girt. PIILAL'M Msy S. to Mr. and Mr. Henry A. Phlaam. 430 East Mill, a dot. PHIKBl'ROER Mar 24, to Mr. and Mia. P. I rrletmrser, 440 East Eights, a Boy. CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. "TeMr."nl''TwenTf-ret; stea Gertrude Borden. 127 Twentieth. n Leonard Poller. 4R8 Soring, messlea. lea. Albert Barrmaa. 11 North Flersntb. messlea Philip Thompson, 124 East roarteentb. measles.' ............ Mrs. Johnson. 124 Pennoyer, meaales. - dvla ManlU, iourteatk sad Montgnmery, Oertrsds Hoffman, SM East Eighth, scarlet fever. DEATHS. N0RCR0S8 May (1, Charles i Norcrnea, 81 rears. St. Vincent s asnltsrlam. tubercnlosle BEI.MAB May 27, Rolalla Zebaar, 1 year, kol 1H street, psenmoois. - - - TRAY NO 8 Mar 2. John R. Traynnr, 48 rears Kast Twentr-elfhtb and Tillamook, vlrnlr heart dlaeaee. WAIXACB Maf .' Pbllsney WiUacs, Tt year. IBS Thhrteenr, em age. SCOTT Msy 11, Harry Scott. 41 years. 12T North 1 w.otT-eeeond, ghoma ef brain. KB1SCHKB Msy SI, August P. Krnachk, Tl rears, ynneooi wovnn. CLARK May SI, 'Lnriel M. Clark, 41 4U4U, J.fferenn, tnberrttkaria. yar. AKIRR8IN Mar 2, Mrs.lary Andersoa, 41 rears. St. Vtneeni'a bosoltal. peritonitis. PfTKKrV At tii family resldeaes, loua Bast Wtb at., eane a. lwva. FUNERAL NOTICES. PBINCB Oa Jus I. lsoe. at the family reat deoce, near Patton mad, Thomas H. Prince, w ears, I rnOBTDS BDQ a 07. To wr Sunday. Jane a. at S adock. Holmen'a , Undertaking Parlor. Friends Isrltad. Serv- Ice at toe sree naieata. PETERUr-Wllfr-d Peten. area 4 day, aea ef Mr. ana Mre. W. A. Patera: Interment at i tvirneiius, ureffoa. r - SK( kkk rrtnd aad aennalntaaces are re spect fully karlied to attend tbe ligml rr- - Ice of (be late Rndelp Keeker, which fIII be held ac the family residence. No. 162 Kl at.. North. Sunday, June 4, at J a a. Inter. eat urocnwooa cemetery. UNDERTAKERS. Edward Hoi man A Co.. the leedhia fnnaral dtreetoro, bare the Saeat eetahllebmeat, the oeet good, the laeat vehicle and the reaaoasble srlce. Pin broedclothovered eaeketa, 428 and 896. The sneet wood goods aiaqe. irem i 4 to aj, nriors xso sna Ta Talrs street, soroer Balmoa. Portia sd, Oregoa. i. P. Ptnlev A Son. faneral dfrecanra and embalmer. eurner Third and Madison streets. OfBcer ef esanty eorooer. Tstepbons Mala 4. 00010. McEstoe A Ollhaneh andertakera sad embalmers: M.era la eeerr detail. Sereatk and Woe. Mais SO. Lsdy assistant A. B. HeflMtoek. undertaker and eanhalmee. East Thlrtosutb and Umatilla are. Phuu Sell. wood TL . Clark Bros for Bowers, am Morrlaoa stiaat sUTXaTIXW CXJUTEBT; SI aria evaee tin ri.l), lAte stu i am Th only cemetery la Portland which ner- petoallr mslatalns and cares for lots, tor full inrormacioa epDlr W. R. Mackenale. Woe cester block, dty. W. M. Ladd. presldeat. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Portland Loss Ptr Cemetery comDanr . to A. K. Carrlsr A Boa, lot 41, block SO. eemeterr s" an AT.'.u..LV,a anpsnv to C. A. WJllsy, lot 14, block 4, Arleta Park Ns. t..... Ill Arleta Land esmpanr to Sarah Ellen Wllley, Jut 18. block 4. Arleta Park No. a .-. ii Hawthorn estate to William Campbell, ot s, suck a. Hawthorn Plrat 4U. tloa .am Arleta Lead company to Donald 0. Wood ward, lot 4, block l....v - i L A. Terex and wife to Mae Alice, lot V 8. Btlleiew enbdlrlsloa of lot 16. aesiew saailln American Investment company to May i 'J part or tot 19 and a prirate Use, Oeorglaoa King' ti' Albert' B.' 'king'." andW noes. f or 0l i, oiock 6, Uolladay Park addltloai ....... . . - -t eeeph Price and wife to LI sale Bean. ; eoBis n or toes a and T, block L Hirer. . Angnst Anderson 'to' f '& Starket 'LTZ iota 11 snd 12, block 0, East Portland Hekrbts 1 ana Bcnrr PSnm t at to Mlnnl B. Ens pp. eac ov-nev aoc ,- otocg lri Btopnen1 addition inn Carta Wtrarnts snd 'wy to William Hans P. Score and vLe. .to X..A"- .U.nAllmm-A .juie. jo..o,ey if a m reniromtir ma- alma 1.0. a ........ ........ ....... .-. . uo K. 0. Hurlburf sod wlf elo Kngeoe W ."T" sruck, lot 4, block 4, Adams' addl- tloa 1 IV) Benry C. CabeD and wife to H. M. Hal- , ier, lot a, T. 8, block IB. Jobs Irv ine' Plrat adiUrtoa ...... . . . ... . 8. AOS Sarah A. Francis to J ft me A. Bam ford. 1,100 , W. Cnlvar to M. Pillar, west H of lots T and 1. slock 2B. Cam t hers' addition. 4.400 ht PalUy and wif to Isaac E. BUplea. . , TH acre beginning m rod east of tMrtbesat corner of 8-acra tract la Archon KeTly donatloa land claim, sec tloa 1A town shin 1 sooth, range 2 cast. 8.000 Pearl A. Staples and hnsband to H. Pal- sy, lot a, oioes a untrai Aioina eaai tlon 4.800 fame 7nry 'to Charles Palraa, lota 4 and 4, block 46, Snonralde 1.11T M. J. Wells snd hnsband to Martha Mr- OanraL lot 4, block 4, Mount Tabor Park 110 William Jone and wif to William J. Hill. 180.6404.1x10.06x403.4. feet be- .i, ginning S61.02 feet north of sontbwvet . corner. Prasb Tract. O. Tlbbetta' dnna- ' Mon land claim. etloa 11, township X oath, rang 1 mat .......... .t ...... . ATB4 Ida M. Caple and baaband to "Ell W. El. - ma. so l-BXBO reet Beginning nortowesr corner lot 4. block 17. McMllleo' ad dition 1424 Charle B. KorreQ and wife to Msg Lystrnp, north SO feet og snqtk o reet lot 17. block S. Kins' Sbcond addl tloa. S.S04 Alliance Trnat company to Chester O. Perkins, west H of lot S. block 14T, - Csrnthers? sddltlon - 1.404 John N. James and wif to nna P. Baa. - acn. lot 10. block 46. Llnnton xoo Point View Real Bstat enmpany to . O. Jemtegaard. lot 19 to 26 nd north 10 feet lot 18, block 28. Point View., 420 . P. Cooke and wif to Fred Bamllson. v . parcel land beginning sortheaat corner Ulggln' Tract , 404 Sophia Schad to Edmond B. 0s and wire. Tots I to B, oioec o. vantuiers- addltloa S.600 A. Calkin and wif to J. H. Smith, let 10. 11 and 12. block 4. Arbor Ijonge naqiiion . . . . e.vw Bymn Morris and wif to Ell I Dobra. nil, lot 4, Bellvn addition 1.400 Ptrland company to J. H. Da-tas, lots IT and IS. block 4, Ptrland 400 Lydla H. Seamaa to J. B. DeMar. east : H or lots i aaa s. owe j, nenrr addition '. 864 Title Goarsnte A Trnat eomnanv to Genre F. Miller, ktu B ana io. owe. . 28. North Irvlngton 404 Title Guarantee A Treat company to F.lste Jane neynmas. tors l sns o. block 10. Snath St Johns 404 Till "flnsTgnte Tt ut eempsy to l F. M. Bmby, lot 1, Dines 11, same addition 404 flat vonr Inmranc and abetrsrte to real estate from the Title Onarantee A Twist eemayr 240 Waehlngton treet. eorner 8ecosd. LOST AND FOUND. STRATErt from M erotism bill, on mll brows cow. wnn ensm aronnn neca ana oeu-ew. Thon PacTBC T0IT reward LOST A pelr of gold smoked eTeglaeee Is th neietiBoThooa or xinro sjann senmgron bis. Finder plena retnra to 464 North Front st and rscslrs reward. LOST On bill 41 with black cover, with statements In. between reservoir na aaai Portland. Pindar phon Fast 82M, or call 824 East Daels, asd recelre reward. LOST Leather cmtalirlng amsllee ntrrsei refelDt for room rent nnd abont 41.26 Is small tmra. Finder P lease send to 0 4, cere Journal. NOTICE." SPECIAL NOTICE. Tbs board ef directors ef the Masonic Bolldlng sasodatlon fraternally Isvltes th Master Mssoa of tb city, end 11 brethren Interested In the erec tion ot th sew Msswrie temple. to attend a meeting to be held la - the old temple en Ss tarda r venlng, Jnn 2. lsns. st TtlO a'clock. Th plana which th board propose t Anally adopt will be on exhibition snd any saggeetloa which may dd t th trength, beauty or eonrenlenc " will" be cordially coasldered. Alt - Master ' Masons art nrged to attend, whether rab scrlber to tb toek er not. J M. H0DSON, President Mssonle Balldlng Asa oris tloa. CHIEP qrARTWRMASTER'S Offlc. anconver Barracks, waanington. star is. item. neaiea proposals, la trtpllrat. will be recelre 4 at this offlc nnttl 11 o'clock a. m jnn 6, 1SOS. and then rmbllrly opened, for the con struction of railway statins snd postnrflee st Port Steven, Or. go, plan and pclflc. tlons may be seen st th offtc of tb quartermaster. Port Steven. Oregon, and th chief onartennsster. TsneooTer Bsrracks. nn 'Ik l nlteq stales jsssrve u right reject er accept any or ill bid any part thereof. Envelope containing pro posals hon!d b"tndnrsd. T"Propossls for Rallwar Station and Postoffle. Fort Steven. Oregon,.' and addressed to tb Chief Quarter. maater, vancoarer, Barrack, wsahlnctoa. NOTICB- OPPIN AL ACCOf'NT Th - andee slrned ha canard to be filed in th wmty mart ef Oregon for Mnltnotnah eonnty her final eceonnt iecntr1x ef th last will of R. II. Schwab, deceased, and Wedneadsy, Jon 27, 1WI6. st th boar of S:S0 o'clock . Wl. DI Si"l,i O..T. . AUVW-nBiun, WW... . hs been set for th hearing ef tha same and the settling ef objection to th same. If - there say be mart. All person interested therein are hereby notified to msk their ebteetloe thereto on or neror ssio nst. - bated and first pabllhM Msy 26. 1006. JKNNIB Ik SCHWAB. Bxecotrlg. JAMES OLEASON. Attorney for Bxecstrlz. NOTICE OP STrrKHOLERS MEETTNO). . Th snnnal meeting of th stock hcMers ef the Oregon Iron A Steel Company will be held t the nfflee of the enmpane, room ins Sher lock bnlldlng. Pnrtlsnd, Oregon. Jnn IS, lfXSJ., t II e eVvk a. m., for tb parpnes of ejecting board ef director for the ' enenlng resr. snd th trsnasctlon ef" such ether tmslnrss ee may legallr some befcrs th reetlug. A. S. PATTrUX). ItecTetary. : PortUad, Oregoa, May 24, 1404. -l MEETINO notices. ALL ME hi BOAS Ot MULTNOMAH - tjAsteV-ror-Tr-Wewliees utjlu " m i i sf i , World, i " kia I Nomas c JfTt St'end e eS-j sere Ice, N1l our ball. w vrhl. snd Mount kluvd au Circle sre rauueeted to eut rguisr menjurtej which will toe held is Ksst SIxU sud ASM ate., buodar. June S. at S D. m. Oread Oaerdlaa 0. U. Vaa Orsdall will so il rer the address. Special muale. By tb ommltt. - J. ,c. JONES, Cbstraan. WOODMEN OP THE WORLD UKaIUUIAL. BKRVICHS All member of Webroot camp, Ns, no, are requested morlal services, which will ' to s uss.1 tbs rmralar me morial serrleee, which will be held at tb roresters' - halL KlatA anrf WuI.IhIm ats.. on Bnnday, Jon a. at 2:80 p. m. Tt nirorm tunc wm saeembls at West Hid W. v. er. bsu at spa. a e ..r,w-0ATL0BD, C. A. L. BAEBUB Clerk. . WOODMEN OP TUB WORLD" MEMORIAL SERVICES. All member ef PartUnU camp. Ne. 107, r reooested to attond theteaular nwmoklal serrtcra, which wlU be held st ui roreeiere- nan. But and Washington streets, oa Sunder, June a. t 2:40 p. iu. Th Vul form Bank will assmbl at Weet Sid W. O. W. hall . a, I " . JAMBS DUNBAR. 0.C H, 8CIIAUK, Xlerk , . WOODMEN' OP TUB WORLD MEMORIAL baiHY lciijs. All member of Prospect camp, No. 140, are requested to attend th reauiax memorial Mrrices, which wlU he bald at Ui , korester' baU, Sixth and Washlngtoa ats.. us Sunday. June 3, at 1:0 p. m. Xba Uniibria Hank will assemble at West side W. .0. V. baU at p, . . . ' C. 0. JOHNS. C C. OEOBOf TABLE B, MM. wna , WOODMEN OP THE WORLD MEMORIAL hkUV ILlvo. All niuibr ox frospeniy camp. No. SMi, r requested to attend lue regular memorial serrnaa, wuloh will be held si ui koresiers' bsll. sixth snd Washington " su., va boauay, June S, at S:e0 p. in. Tbe'Lnl form sunk will asseubl at West Slue W. W. W. hall at 4 p. m. . PUiMiNosi ad, B. W. ytV, Cwrk. . ..IKJDMEN OP THE WORLD MEMORIAL SERVICES. All lueuiber u Ueurge Meeu limtoa cauip. No. inil, sis revues tea to stwud tu regular meuorial services, which will b held at Ui i oreeutrs' sail, olxtM and Wash lngtoa sts., oa nuiHlay, Jus s, st B:o0 p. m. 'ins L'nllorm Uauk wlU assemula at Wast "aw w. u. w. nail at a ii - . u. V, usvfl, V, U. At PREDEBICU. Clerk. - 11. C . ""MEN OP TUB WORLD MEMORIAL SERVICES All members ot Suonskl camp. No. SIB, ere requeeie to el tend th regular memorial service, wnlch will be bsld at Uis Portotar' hall, sixth aad Wsshlugtou sts., oa Sunday, Jon S, at 2:30 p. m. 'lb Uniform Bank will ssssmbl at West. Slue W. O. W. bs4t 4 p. m. J. B. DUNDORB, Q. 0. . T. J. JBAMMER, Clark. WOODMEN OP TWB WORLD MEMORIAL BSBV10KS-An member of Mooter ilia camp. No. 87, ars requested to tttend.tne regular suemortsl senrice wblcb. Will, be : -ti roresterd hall, Sixth end Washington at.. on Sunday, Jnn , at 2:60 p. m. Tbs Llii- zorm aang will aesembl at West bid W. it. W. hall at 1 p. m. H. L. "EARLS, C. C OE0RGB I. JOHNSON, Clerk."" , WOODMETf OF- THB WORLD "MEMORIAL SKBV1CES-A11 members of Mount Tabor camp. No. 816. sre requsated to attend tt regular memorial service, which will be held t tb roresters' hall. Sixth and Washington sts., oa Sumiaj, June 4. st 1:80 p. m. Th Lhlform Rank- will assemble at West Bide Wv-O W1L at 2 -o. m. I I B. t. BATHBUN, i- u, ourr lAUS K. V. a. Cy BOPI1N01 N. )Clrk. w WOODMEN OP THS) WORLD MEMORIAL SERVICES. AU members of Arleta camp. No- 806, srs mqnested to sttend the ree-nUr memorial eerrlcee. which will be be Id at tha Fore-tars hsll. Sixth and Wtsbtagton sts.T es Sunder, June 4, at 2:10 p. m. Th Uni form Bank will assemble st West Side W. 0. W. dsll at S a. m. . - ' .1- 0. PCBDIN, c 6. . 0. BOWMAN. Clerk. . WOODMEN OP THal WORLD ' MEMORIAL SERVICES, All members of Row City camp. No. TTd. are reooested to attend th regular memorial serrlcee, which will be held at tb Foresters' hall. Sixth and Washington sts, oa Sunday, Jnn 4. at 2:40 p. m. Th t'nl Ifw K" will assembto sf Weet Side W. O. W. hsll at 2 p. m. i " W. PAtTLSEN, 0. C. J. W. BOOTHS. Clerk. WpODMrTN OP" THB WORLD MEMORIAL SERVICES. ATI members of Lents camp are eoqoeated to attend the regular memorial servkSM. which will b held at tb Foresters' hall. Sixth aad Wsshlngton sts., on Sunday, June 4. st : 2:80 p. m. Th Uniform Rank win assembl at West Bid W, O. W, ball l.-i,0- 8HIPTABD, 0, 0. C. Wl DATIS. Clerk.' ALBINA LODOB, Ns. 101, A. P. A A. M. Stated communication this ' (Sstttrdsy) evening, 8 o'clock. Vis iting brethren cordially Invited. By order W. M. '-. A. J. HANDLAN, Becrstarf. FORESTERS OP AMERICA All Foresters ire hereby notified to assembl In our hall oa Sunday, June 4, at 1 p. m., for th purpose of performing oar laat sad rites to onr be loved departed brother. Dr. George Wlgg ef Court . Mount Hood, No. 1. W. A. OWYNV, Chief Ringer. Wr-4. Sufdsw. Plnanetat Secretary. ' M. W. Evergreen Cemp. 8,466. meet Wednesday Tee log. Allaky bids-. Third ss Morrtsoa sot FACSIMILE typewritten letters, , addreselns. mailing, etc. nrcaisr Letter Co.. slH stark st bfala 2244. M. W, A.. Oregon Grape Camp. Ne. 6,476, Men ders. 17th and Marshall) rial tors welcome. I A , FBJlTEBNALPBDEB0PEAGLESB(4 1 Aerie, no. 4. AU Brother Eagles are in vited' to attend tb faneral of Brother Charles Nor cross n Sunday, Jan A As semble at 1 nt. shsrp. LOUIS DAM afA8CH, Secretary. NOTICE. - ' POLLING PLACES. Fotlowlne; are th locations of DonhuT Stare of the precincts of Multnomah eonnty for tb general election u be Beta enn , lasts. CITT OP PORTLAND WEST SIDE. " 1 WARD NO. 1. ' Precinct N.t SOO.-Thnrmsat itrSeC' Prednct No. 2 Carnenter-aboo North Twentr- Srst snd Wilson (treeta Precinct N. 4648 Bavier stmt. WARD NO. 1 Precinct No. 4 424 Flanders Street Precinct No. 404 'Fnurteeath street, aorth. Precinct No. 6 lot) Fourteenth etreet, aorth. Precinct No. T Tent eoutbeaat corner Nine teen th and Hoyt streets. Precinct No, 4281 Nineteenth street, sertu-4 WARD NO. 4. . Precinct Na 406 Sixth street, sorts. Precinct No. 10 611 An hear street Prednct No. 11 MerrUl's bulldlsg. Snd Oak rtreeta. Precinct No. IS SOTH Buraslae street - -Precinct No. 1848 Nlotontb street north. WARD NO. 4. Precinct No, 14 4 Aider street. Precinct No. IB Knights of Prtblaa nail. Eleventh and Alder street. Precinct No. 16266 Yamhill street. Precinct No. 17647 Tsmklll stmt Precinct No. 18 Tent oatbet Pvnrth and Salmon etreets. Precinct No. 1B270 Sixteenth' (treet . Precinct No. 20 Wt end Exnosttloa bnlld lng. rrecincx no. n iwt,, noruiwMt raag Third and Medians streets. Precinct ns. za Tent sontneait corner west Park and Madlsoa stmts. - WARD NO. S. - Pre1net No. o ptrat street. ' ' Prednct No. 24666 Second street. Pre. 1 wet We. sn Tent aor! Seventh and Mill streets. Prednct No. 26 Tent. southwest - Tenth snd Colombia streets. Precinct No. 27618 Jerrerana street. Precinct Ne. 26 42 Third street Prednct No. 204.16 Sixth street. Precinct Ne. 60 H oee boues. Chapman Elm street. Precinct No. 41 841 Plrat street . WARD NO. 4. Precinct No. 426X4 First etreet. Prednct No. 8.V-762 First im. Prednct Ne, 44401 Front stmt. Winn. , Prednct No. 15 S Corbett street. Precinct No. 101461 Macadam street. T .. EAST SIDE. - WARD NO. T. Prednct No. 87 Firemen' hsll, Sellweod, Prednct No. SS Firemen' hsll, Midway. Prednct No SB 6flT Powell street. Precinct No. 40604 Past Clay street. Precinct No. 41671 Eaat Elerentb street Prednct Na. 41 Teat, East Xwsaty-alxtk aad Franklin atrts, . . NOTICE. Precinct No. 44 Bast F or t7 -ninth street and Beelloa Una, roaa. ' i. ,W wsatP-NO. 4. Prednct Ne. 44 14 Or a ad avsaas. SflorelAim BfrAikK. A i Precinct No. 44 Tent, corner Eighteen tb snd Sear aftorriooa streets. Precinct No. 4 Tent, southwest Tvrwntr-aaventh. asd liAlnuMit streets. Precinct No. 47 174 Ksst Thtrty-soarth Street Precinct Ko." 44 W." 0." Wr UH, West are. "precinct No. aX East Pise street, be tween Luloa ana Urand arenne. Prednct gs AUAlUt SWai Burnalda Street Precinct No. 61 Tent, northeast oomer Kt Elghleenlh and Bast Ash streeu. Precinct No. 62 Tent Bast Twsntr-elghtli sad Eaat Burnstd street. . WARD NO. 4. Precinct No. 44 478 -Ilolladar Precinct No. 64441 William areau. ' . Precinct No. 6676 BueeeU at. ' ... ' Precinct No. 66178 Kueeell street. Precinct No. ft7 SW0 Russell street Precinct No. 64414 Union arena. Precinct Na. 64 Rear Dresser' atere, ' East Plftaeath aad Broadway streets. . - . . , - WARD NO. 10.-,-.-!. -r-. Precinct No. SO 864 Mississippi areas. Precinct No. 61-ro4 Vsncourec avenn. ' r Precinct Ne. 63 Hsra. -East Be. ssth sad SkMuiore treeta. rPreelset No. 44 East , Hghtb sad Dekam arenue : grocery star. Precinct No. Be Carter'- .ball. tPalnsalar tatton. . Precinct No, 40441 Dswsoa street, TJalver atty slstlna. - ' Precinct No, 44 Kortbere Bin atstlos, gro cery l tor. , . t-urtiax rssvintis. .-. ... Precinct No. 67 (St. John) Scboclhooss. precinct no. r 1 ojnmbla i acBoouious.' Pre-lnct No. SO IMount Tsborl Star belld- tng. Bsse Lin and ' West enua. Prednct No. 70 (Boulk Mount Tabor) 'ArUU station. Precinct No, 7 1 ( Woodetock woaneterk BAB. Precinct No. Darl hsll. Precinct No. Ta-FKllgaver Kllgaeer balL Precinct No. T4 IMontaelllel MoutarlUa hsll Prednct No. 78 (Ruaaellrlll) Russellrllle (tore. Precinct Ne. 76 (Rock wood) Rorkwood baU Precinct No, TT (Talrrlew) Palrvlew ball... Precinct No. TS (Troetdale) t'nlon ball. Precinct No. TS (Greabam) Odd Fellows' bnlldlng. precinct No. o (rowen valley) Elliott Ball. Precinct No. SI (Hnrlbsrt) Horlburt' hall. Precinct No. -82 tRrMal Vsll) Scbealbotn. Precinct No. 84 (Saurl' Islsnd) GlUluaa'a school house. . Precinct No. 64 (Hoibrook) Hemmot ball. Precinct No. SB (Unntoa) I.lnntoa hotel. Precinct No. K6 (Srlran) Blckmltb bpi tnct Woi ST VI mini. schonlhouse . Precinct No, es tFerthsJ Bcboolnoaae. Precinct No. SO tRIrerdale) SrhoolbuOse. Precinct No. to (West Portland) . 8c boo 1- 1 herebr certify that th above locations bar been selected be order ef th esanty court ss voting places for th general election to be bld Jon 4. IttO". ' . . r. a. rixun, uonnty viars. neren May sa, lie in. A RARE Anoortunltv for a ant CTpJtaU-lnsartlarsto aeavrse wtw-swre vsissc' C 110.- care Joaraal. - -- - - t eight weeks; grsjlastes ra from 414 to 424 weekly; expert Instructors; catalogue free. Moler System of Collages, So North. Poartb St.. Pertlasd. - SALESMEN WANTED For ene sf tb lergeet nurseries la th west: cssb sdesaces weekly) good territory open. Art drees Washlngtos Noreere Co. Toppealsh. Wb. AGENTS. WANTED to 0 snpsrlor, high -era d aursery at oca; complete outfit rnrnisnM rree; rash weekly; writ today for choice of tee. rttory. Capital City Nursery Company, Salem, Oregon. , , ,o HARNESS and raddlemeker wanting good lab In th country, sddrees Ubss. ru. usatKB a sis ma tvum w , atiu i era Co.. wholesale Vratber. Front and Oak strsts. Portlaad. Oragna. WANTED Relmhl teewerpev ee ars seer l eteedT peel tloa 'for right petiy; city and soantry r work: most gies references. Address O. J. Agsnt vaaconver. wsaa. .WANTED 4 men at Handle Klnaey's brick. yard. Phone Xuburbsa 2611, Sri ran. -Oregon, WANTED Tsrnlshers. marhtns ssd bsnaa Oregon rarnltar Mfg.-too siacsaam rosd. FE sei in employment for member;, apodal memberaMp es month 42. ,' X. M. C Aa, Poartb and TaathlU. GET TOUR raster nnt la flrst-Ciss for loe. Sheo 284 Mala st. . adltloa IP play pool, go to tb Weill ngtoa Par. lore. All say Ding., Thira ana Morrison. , WANTED One grsntts-enrter, sn muble-ent- rer ene on maroie-pn inner. AAaares rrsim Msrble Works, The balls, Orsgon. WANTED Tbtmg man, abont 14 year eld. fog collector anor omc ssaisiani; sir rier ences. Address B S3, care JoamaL ' WANTED Boy. sbnut IT; atesdy work. 44 rraat, corner Dsns. WANTED Maa to manage 28,-OOO-eapsHtr sawmill; most have 42.000, er mora, whlrh will be secared; salary 4160 per months mill located 40 miles from Portland. Address for Interview, B 86, cars Journal. 80MEB0DT to gather the fralt from 4 cherry tree ror ens rourta. rnoae unioa euo. . WANTED 4 men to work la brick and rawer , ptp factory. Apply to efnoe-Dlamoad. Brick Csl. XootfAnkeay at BOT WANTED 14 year -old. well - recenv meaded; wages 430 month. - Apply 144 17th st BOYS wanted at Westers Onion Telegraph Co. A HUNDRED nremen and braketnen ea Oregon, California and other rallfoada:" eg 20 to 30, strong, good sight and hearing: iperleno anneceasary. Firemen ISO to $100 monChly, become enrtneer arid earn 1200. Rrakmnen 470 to 40 monthly, become cendsctnr and earn 160. Positions awaiting competent men. ""Send stamp for pereieulaxs Xaipe position . nrefetred. Railway Aseodatlon, room II. 1406 Geary t, Kaa Francisco, Cal. WANTED Energetic, trustworthy maa to vmrfe In Oregoa, representing lsrg manufacturing company; salary $40 to 4M per month, paid weekly; eTDenees advanced. Address, wlU) stamp, 7. H. Moore, Portland. Cal. WANTED To szebamr earpeatev work for ps in ting and peperhanglng: msterlal far nlsbsd; good workman. B 44, care Journal. EXPERIENCED solldtor for tbs East Port land Cleaning Dye Worms; salary and com. mission attached to the postttoa. 164 Grand aw., city. ....... HELP WANTED FEMALE. OIRLS Wot 14 years ef as to work tn fe tory. Apply at once, Ama-Harrls-Nvlll Co., Fifth and Davie sts. , HANSEN'S LADIES? AGENCY. 444U Wblns ten St., cor. Seventh, upstairs Psoas Mala 2602. Famal kelp wasted. EXPERIENCED GIRL wanted at 4?1 Everett to attend store. Can 10 a. m. - THB HOME LADIES" AOENCT. Female kelp fnrnlehed free to employer. " - BesistrattoS Free. I60I4 4th Bt upatslrs, room 2S. Mala 4828. P A NTHD Competewt-gl.l far geeoesl-work- Apply 144 B. Slxtnt. - WANTED Olrls to msk slls at TB Pint St , "Boss of All" ever. WANTED Net wsJtreesss at Bobart-Curtls, 14th and Jeftorson. -f- COMPKTENT girl fof general boose work; email family, good wage. 444 Eut Daels st WANTED Stenographer; Btt , einetienc. wage wanted and sddreea. B 88. Journal. WANTED A girl for general beoeewwrk. Grssd sts., aorth. Bbons East. 1WT. 211 WANTED flood Oermaa or Swedish girl to take cbsrg ef houee: good wage to right party; must bring . references. Ingtnn st. WANTED Olrta to wrsp snap. Cake Soap Caw. 444 Hood at Lackel, King A WANTED-Vllrl to work ts candy factory; steady employment, good were. Apply at Pacific Ceaet III ecu It Co., 12th sad Deri. WANTED A ady with 4175 to 1 tak chare of a reomlng-koc.e. PaclSe 77. H. B. H if ley, room 80. 227 H Washington at, , WANTST) A woman second cook at Watxoa'g reetasraat, 42)4 Sixth t . - HELP WANTED -MALE.' yj with seses I HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Experienced coad glrL, 'Tl Ererett si. Call or pbeaw Msla BOTl- A WANTED Olrl for dlnlng-roors work it 1064 Mscadsm at.. South I'ortiaud, 4 P" wwk - aaa up. , Urrjiiujjxnissv WANTED A good girl for general kooee-work; good wage. apply t am aii l Phone Eaat 446. WANTED A -gh-li for general - housework 1 email family. Jall at 661 Hancoca. irring. WANTED Ladle to terh st M. B- mlaelon 4 Tlng school. Apply eecnlug. except Batur- I day. 247 Va Stsrh St.. Bear Th bird. 1 1 .' MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTED AT ONCE Aa sxpertesced party with 4100 to run n peytng Isusdry. . For psrtlculsrg rail )W'i Fourtb St., spstalre, suits 28. Mala B2d, ' HELP wanted and supplied, male er female. R. O. Drsks. 106 V. .Wsahlngtoa at. Pscltte 1370. WANTED Man or wombs cashier and man ager for restaurant; can make 4160 a month; 44uO soeeesary. Rooxe . 4 ,-Breedea bldg., Third and Weehlngtoo. SITUATIONS WANTEDMALE. II I 1-1 ILlXlllll-i'-l ! " I POSITION wanted as weteesiae ee prirate places to tske car of In sheen re of owners; ' tb beat of reference given.. Address C 4, car Journal. ' ' SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE C00K41 ' COOKBI COOKSI 1 weasea, with experience, wish to tak - eksrge oi kitchen and dlnlng-reom ta camp, hotel or restaurant; salary or . percentage; references. Address Iocs tloa with particulars, B 04, care Journal. A YOUNO lady sUnorrapher dreires a position; good references. Address B vo, ear Journal. COMPETENT nogrphr dartres position; all - rears' -eiperlence; law work preferred. Bug W8, elty. r STBNOOJtAPHER, . deelre tltloa; car Journal. everal yeara experience, moderate salary. B 40, "A. .WANTED AGENTS. oraers ror our nigirgrau maae . to clothing: we haee the Sneet line of woolen ever ahown: eulls sod orsreosls Rom 14 b t.ii wholeaal; also special ssuiples for mail to meaaar fancy vest, rslncoats. bath robes, amoklng Jackals and whit duck clothing. IC.; not shown by any ether bones ;i flrsl-clss workmanship aad St guaranteed: w bar a propoaltloa that la an re to liiterest yoa: mre ample w tilt; erpreee prepetd. Writ at once for Dertlcnlars and sicluslre territory for ' th coming Chicago, 111. smsob, Ssia .Leopold A Co WANTED Agents: snmsthlng sew) gesd aUr Big wages, zoe atraay oiog. WANTED Special salesmen sor tb big Opscoa Nursery company; libers! commission; ouirii tree0ee.aetlorg Write la lb Knrsery Co., Salem, Oregoa. frreon. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. THB Portland Emplorment Co., lUBVs Merrlsoa St. Phone FsclB Son. - HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT 0FPICB FOB MEN. ' 26 N. Second st .. - , Phone Main 1BS4. POUR EM P. AGENCY Help supplied tne. la cuorrn neenaa si. rnooe sxam jeio. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES. COTTAGES. FLATS. BOOSTING-HOUSES. STORES. ETC. Our rental . department has beea ealarsed -aad presided with s edition al staff. .. W Ineit listing from LANDLORDS, offer personal attention to and eontlnsee ' euperrUlo ever all property Intrusted to oaf care. - ' PORTLAND "TRUST COMPANY OP OREflON. . S. B. our. 4d ssd Oak its. Phase Ex. TA WANTED T rest a hones with S er xoore . Iota, or emsll scree ge, wltb good ham; mast be cleee la and near earlln: will l'e or parch If term are sulUbl. , Address B 47, car JoarnaL . - WANTED REAL ESTTE. WANTED Lot. ssst slds; ststs lorstloa aad price; mast B cbssp. Address B 77. car JaaraaL. -.' WANTED Lot ta. exchsngs for equity la S or 7-reom beoss. Phono East S441. WANTEfk Hoaae ssd 1st. from 12.000 to 11.000; mnst ne s nargam; btsi amen srse in eocw-tW-n. B 44. ear JoarnaL WANTED A modern 4 er T-foom house, alee yard; house must be la good repair; naee tn cash for plac If destrsM; price about 4t.B00 to 4X400. Address B '44. car Jounw,,, ' V WANTED Let m North Albln or Highland to build; stste lorstloa and price, b w. journal. WANTED rail lot for cash; haa to be etnas - In; can be In the bole, eset er west side. ; P. FUCHS. 144Vi Plrst st -WANTED FINANCIAL WANTED 4500 to seen ap now copper mine; will sir n extra good opportunity and In- dncement.. CaU la forenoon Jones' Book Store. 281 Alder t. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. B. N. MORGAN, pioneer eprsyee and wklta Cau seat ess. net name E. N. . Morgaal 11 years la la Portland. WB WILIVBUT. SELL OH TRADBjtNTjOLD TH1NW. W KnTK hwS BAI.VAUE 1AI 424 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC T44. WB WILL BUT' poor furniture any eld time. Western Salvage Co., 427 Washlngtoa at WHO IS If., . O,; MORGAN A CO. - 'SPOT CASH" .-. FOR ITRNTTTTtE AND HOUSEHOT,l GOODS. P0BTLAND AUCTIOM ROOMS. , 21 FIRST STREET. , . -1 1 MAIN 6660. BARRELS OP MONEY! I rilV DA T. A . TF ILf'H . y llVIBJIt. T- FOR PUBNITTIKE. MBRCHANDIS.- AND tbAtfa an e w warr v mtj a 11wp Awmain STOCKS, ; . -AT SOS FIRST STREET. -PHONE MAIN 162A PAINTING, epraylog and whitewashing tree, basements, haras, docks, ste. I largest gaaolla praying out at os th coast M. O. Morgas A Co.. 122 Untoa are, Phone East 117. FURNITURB ind bonseboM.- good worry, lose tlaae er mosey. Just -et 701 Don't Pa .- SAN FRANCISCO. -Wanted Two more carload ef fnnrltare for 'Frisco: win pay best price for any sec ond hand fnraltur yoa -her for Ml. eCall ap Mala 807. Ask for John Oka WILL DO WASHING If railed for. man, rear of 180 Sherman, 182 Sbr- POR wtodow-ScTeens, C. Elegler, 484 Mlchlgaa re. Phone Union 4744. HIGHEST cash price psld for secondhsnd good. Phone Esst 40TT. ltd Union are. LFURNISlIDLR00MS.FQRimiTl THf BICHEUEU 86 NORTH SIXTH ST. Elegantly turnlebed tm beat and bath. THB GRAND, 44H N.rth Tbwd st Beoaaa for . gentlemea 11.26 per week and ap. FOB RENT A flaely furnleked - na wwer lie- asontaf c tt et. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 1 LA RGB nnfuralsbcd room, ground Boor. Phon Eaat . SMB. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS 'for rent Sherman St., In reer of 10 Sherman St. 1SJ FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. THB -MITCHELL, r lender snd Bevsetb - RioBW, be we. keeping . ssd - .trseateatl eaa venlentf pricee resaoaebl. 41.00 WEEK UP. clean, fnrnlehed boneekeen. roome. wllk ysrd. parlor, lanndry. bath, fur naee beat ITOVt Staatoa St. U ear. flM PER WEEK Lsrg, clean, furnished beeeekeeptng-rooms: laundry aad bsth. 14 Bberiaaa, South Portia. - : ., i . -4-- 'Av. ' ". . FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING SI.EKI'INO and boueekeeplug suom. Vlsis, 247V, rifth st. Uad LA ROE s leg ant 1 ... furnished-.-beweekscptn,' -rojui; gss range, ranalug water, 'lb Lowns 41. 403V, Alder et FUBNlHlIiSD bouerkeeplng flats for rent, hT - per month. Call 6J2 ae.enth St., downstair. Mala Soul. . . LOWER Bat, 4 room, nicely furaished,' sood loratlos. -102 Jefferson t., cor. 14b. THE NEWCASTLE. eOXU. Third at . nlshed . and anfurnlsbed - boueekeeplug rooms ; also slngls rooms. Pboas Msla sou. 4 CONNECTING rooms, with pantry, la good order, eery pU-ssst. large groud with shads . and fruit Irese, abort distance from car. Mount Tabor, reasonable. - Phon Esst 412s. ' -. ..A-jjyli 1 11 saseasssws " ROOMS AND BOARD. LARUE room with board, bandomly furnished larlor floor, modern courenlencee; auluhl y twa geathtmea; .428 cA monthly. avS WELL furnlbd room with board: term vers ' msonsbl. . 443 Jeffmm. ' FOR RENT HOUSES. "fJflfJr TRAN4KEB CO.. prompt ss re. liable trlaeo snd - furniture-new en, also eroe---eg. Phon Msla 168A Ofnc llo hi. Third. THE CONTINENTAL COMPANT 448 STARK ST. INSURANCE. RENTALS. ' IER UST. NEATEST AND PRETTIEST new bungalow Myrtle Park. Mount Scott ear llni? hot : Piol'a Mala' iSSi Rnnu large hesement. Key g( 0'Nll gWory. oorner Hood and Grstt. WELL-FURNlSnED hone on Northms t. fog rent. Csll Mam H4 or Padfl 17i5. , HOUSES for rent In .11 part ef the city.. See , " v raow rscine an SEASIDE 6-room furnlihed cottage, orerlooklna oea. CaU 484 Ba.t Taylor. Pbon llas22il POR RENT 412 for 8 room oa Union srs. y. c'NT";-"-Completly and eomfort.biy furnlebed 4-room cottags. irlbnt water, ocsa lot msoeabl. Apply 278 HIsrk st. 'RSrisiIRn rnrrinr ecr a H X. i. run n 11 1 .i 1 as aa nlahed. Including piano;. If ynu waut some. ' InltlSB Sklseh 44.I.S lei I g I ss M . I". DunaT or alone ttar viUn.t 170 Em, Mth. O. W. P, . CBrUllBe.- FOR 'RENT FLATS. TWO 1-room an furnished flat. 411 sad 412. " FbRRBNT A new modern nicely fnrahihed "mroa jinu, aicoTi.4ira4e-heHrr tw-nnler' Bcrniler no Tcbl Wren. 8 has, si- comer Washlngtoa. Pbon East auoo.- .. . LBflffl lilt Bt-AU. Bala nw T E. le. 43 Sixth st. Phon Pseifle OS. MODERN 4-room flat, tnckidln ps and ateel - Bgs ehadee ea wlnQows. 104 llsleey et. - FOR: RENT STORES-OFFICES. OFPICB room, aafwrntabed rneme and nmple tor rest , deed sough bids. Apply ! 1 PART of shop to rent, eultsbl for painter eg plumber. 204 'earth st. . ' PINE Bussrll st. earner.' living rooms, bnlll-in cooler: eullsble far dellceteesen. cigars, meat market, etc S. 000 East Oak. Scott 72. TWO lares enanertlng offle room ever Plum mer'A, drug store. Third and Msdhxei. , FOR RENT ' ' . ' ldestt. alffsl-ffTWlsFl srtfJrBan4JaA . btTJfiB " " xn44ffTs " sd good for aay basin; dirt cheap at 111 PI THS. 144H First St. ' ' AUCTIONS." OILMAN'S No. 414 Wssbtngtoa St., near tb sew Pleldner building. See a general suction, - .t commlmmn and real estate business; will pnrchs for cash boose hold furniture nd -. stocks ef merchandise, or eell nnon com mis sion; bsv regular sales at alernam,- r ' any pert of th dty; bsrs bserments for torage; delivery wsgrme It moment's aoMc to any part of city. Phon Msln 2478. - Cash deanred at Oilman'. No. 414 Wiablngtoa at. r 1111 tryg-rw '' JTy, ff rvmr I im,, BUSINESS CHANCES. DON'T rem bee first, but doa't bur your dty property, fralt sad gsrden land, wheat deck -. er dairy ranebe entll yoa ee ee. North West Land Co.. Sns floMtnough bldg. P. A We ahm bar chance- of an ktads. and cap locete yea right N. W. L. 0. 0NR-HAI.P INTEREST hi aid. rellsble ml ee , tat office: Increase tn bnalneee reoulres part ner. Price right. Call. IB1 Morrlaoa st WRITB as gntck shoot recent Important de eelopmenf of th Hurst Automatic Switch A Signal fie.) bay stock before hi sdessc. - J. P. Hurst A OS.. 404 McKay bldg. I)NG-ESTABLISH ED stesm rlesnlng snd dy Ing plsnt for sal cheep: doing good buslnee.) ... t - ... m . . . a. aii iiea na aans lie ssiiiiig muiiiwai csre journal. - , FOR SALE Family hotel ef 100 rooms, clear ing orer Bono per month: very high clsa. This would be a good buy for 'a bulnes . womas to' manage. Fnrnltnr .of tb very beet: mortem apartment.: must ne eeali. For psrtlcnlsrs artrtres Q'tOO, car JoarnaL' POR SALE Meat market doing good busts. SM , Union .. aorta. -0 FOR SALE A sew tock of grocertes: gs eellent location; good bargain. Owner retir ing from business. 615 vaffersoa st. A GREAT hsrgsr sear filr groands, a new priest hotel, greet pros peels; ae agent. Add res B S2. car Jonrnsl. BA REELS OP MONEY I PAID BT J. T. WIIJ"ON. AUCTT0NBER, FOR FURNITURE. MERCHANDISE AND ' - - " STOCK 3, ' AT los FIRST STREET. - - PHONB MAIN 162A - WILL, sell cheap, roomlng-hon; sis cigar nd confectionery store In St John; flee locations. THE BOMB BROKERAGE CO., Boom 4 Bmde bldg.. Third and Washington. POR SALE Cleaning and dyeing aeuhltshmenf. Inquire 414 Mala st, Oregon City, Oregoa. FOR SALE Country stors with poatofBce, IS - center ef rick wheat belt country la Waeb. Ington: will Invoice: snout HBO, Addles Bog 10, Fletcher, Waablngtoa. 4oo PARTNER ta good paying rests ursnt; on who I willing to work. 40 V, North Sixth. WHO IB SL O. MORGAN A OO.t AN excellent chase to buy s well-eatabllahed reel estate offlc.. B 76, care JoarnaL BOMESEEKERS'' " EXCURSION everlsnd Is being erganlsed to go to Harney county, Oregon, For Infnrmatloa Jntjulre SO Com. ' merclal block, corner- Second aad Washing- ' ton sts., or pbon Mala 442.'. .- OROCERT FIXTURES, ahelvmg, counter, butcher tools, rack, block, counter, te. also llght-wdght borse snd del leery wsgon, bar- csu-er address bbo bosssii at. TORTS ALB Reatanrant and Ice cream parlor oa Washington t.. cbesp. - 61,600. --Adores B- 84,--car Journal. : -v. -.... WANTED AT ONOE An arperlenced party with 4100 to run a paying lanndry. For particular call ' Iftnv, Fourth at. upstairs, 'suit 24, ..Mala 0826. .-. . ... ; .. - .. FOR SALE Saloon?' pgjinr' Hiuiswdthiar-en corner. Address Lady, B SO. car Journal. AN opening I offered to s young man with 46,000. wltb serrlces; 'capital smply secured os basis ef 4 per cent; liberal salary) la vestment msy be withdrawn at any time; enly men ef character and with good reference need nwr.' For personal Interview ad dress B 82, ear Journal. BLACKSMITH-SHOP with U ef as acre land, tool Included. Mount Scott Real Eatate Ce. Pbon Scott 1344. Lents, Oregon. FOR" RALE Nearly sew stock dry goods, groceries, Bardwar aad fsed; best auburh of Portlaad; good trade, Sn location snd binding, reseonsbl rents; Invoice 4,000 M 46.000; jm bnnoa; ewser ill health.- Apply ', quick H. 0. Ogden. Real F.atst cud Business Chances, St' John, Oregna. LOOKING for a basin or good meet Ion? ' bsr a nomhee of good chances. , Writ W. Ce 1T0, Brosdway, Portia ad. Or. - per naoainj F. f