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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1906)
XHE OREGON DAILY, JOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY t. 'O. JOSHUA LIVED ON -HEAVENLY- FRUIT Cref field Told Follower Irt The HEALTH OFFICERS ACTIVE v 03 PEMiSULA - Dalles That He'Ate Golden ,f : Pomegranate '. ' T7T Condition Invettigatecf lTTPortr - mouth and University - 1 Park District. FOLLOWERS WERE NOT . TAUGHT HOLY ROLLING n Murder4 Fanatic Betair Hia Minion by Having i Trances Powers at . Hypnotist U - Displayed Disciples Still Keep Together. r;4:i - - "'-."' (ftpectal Dispatch to Tee J on mil.) - The Dalles,- .Or., Mar "Joshua" .Creffleld, killed la Seattle by George T- Mitchell, was well, known In The Dalles. ! began hie :mlsslon" here. aver three year ago and had aeveral prominent ; people as convert. While at , The " UaJlee he had not had -revealed" him lL.the purification doctrine and therefore the bestial pert' of hie' teachings wka not expounded herev.j.', !-:.' "'.,-.:' . ;, , ,Ate Xeevaaly .mat. -.U-Af. times Creffleld claimed. to .have . trancaa, but these were 1 suspected as t Impositions at the time. His power aa ; a hypnotiat was demonstrated on some of these' occasions. In one of his trances he claimed to have eaten of heavenly " fruit and to have the powergtven-to him to feed his followers with the aame. . .' One lady stated that aha had tasted. of this heavenly . frutt through ,tne miraculous power. Of Creffleld and tojjd her neighbors that the golden pome- granates which she ate were the moat - -. luscious she ever tasted. . 8he waa a woman of middle age, had passed the ii.romantic and emotlonar period and was or exceptional!; good moral cnaracier. There Is no doubt that she literally believed Creffleld had fed her on heavenly fruit. Hia followers still eon ' tinue together as a .separate body and have meetings -every Sunday. They 'never practiced "holy rolling" In Its moat revolting features, but are be from the churches. Snee1al Olenites te The -oam.LV JVntileton. Or., May . W. H. Babb, "wcTT-knoww-Ttuisa dealer. He new preparing to make a monster shipment of ranre horses to Alberta within the next few days. ' Between (00 and 800 head wilt be ahlpped from this county. Made in "Oregon Summer Suits (TWO-PIECE) T6:Your Measure mm. $3Q. ; " These fabrics are the yery latest patterns were woven by our Oregon , manufacturers, the Ore- gon - City Woolen - Mills Co., from Oregon wool. .- A few of these patterns have a thread of silk In them the only : thing ;: in . the layout ' not "."."Made- in" Oregon. ; '.,'... ' The weather is coming that . will, make you wish you had 'brie. of our "Made -in Oregon" two-piece sum-; mersuits. . W....1V;7-; And why not have one? " To . your jneaaurc member $17 to $30. ' - V " . . ., ELK'S BUILDINQ SEVENTH & STARK Over ISO residences In Portsmouth aiu University Park have been Inspected within the past "four days by City Physician Spencer and . Deputy Health Officer Beutelspscher to determine the cauae of the contagion of diphtheria In those districts. With few exceptions. It wssfound thst all the cases of the ds oaae whichhave .happened have, been reported to the health authorities and the proper quarantine maintained. " The cause of the contsglan Is thought to be due to the bad sanitary conditions existing on the peninsula. . Large num bers of "open vaults were discovered, which ere not properly csred for, and cesspools were found to- be Improperly maintained. - With an abundant use of disinfectants. It Is thought that the ex. lstlng conditions ... could be greatly remedied. " , " " " :.'" ' " 4 ' f What was found to be needed and what the health authorities have recom mended .-to the residents' of those dis tricts is the Installation of a good sew erage syatent which; woul4j?arry all the sewage into- the river. . . ... 1 . U full renort Mf tha. 4hvaatlaratlon of the health authorities will .be made "by City . Health Officer Wheeler to the board of health In defense of Th criti. clsm heaped upon the health authorities by the committee from the Initiative One Hundred, which-, declared that the health department had been grossly neg ligent .In -dealing -with the diphtheria contagion on the peninsula' the past winter. --'. - . COMMISSION CONSIDERS FISH WARDEN'S REPORT '. r tasacJal Dismteh te The Josr'l.l Belem.- Mar .The April report -el nsh -wardew Van Dusenwas eenatdered yesterday afternoon by- the' stats fish commission. The operstlons at the dif ferent hatcheries are going on. unabated. At the Salmon river hatchery the entire fry of Chinook has been liberated with IB-REALM FEMININE By RUIN RAWTBC2XE THE SENTIENT EYEr the exception of 13,000, - aa haa the Jlevera In' divine dealing and keep aTooffyerslde fry except- 7.000. Btoeihoad eggs are now being collected At-the-WaHw river hatcrieTy"tner vnnn nun nf ihn Chinook fry and 1,000,000 will be on hand to let loose the month Of May. I " The report also contained figures showing the amount or rry luThforout'BT the .Ontario hatchery. .at. the Yaqulna and Alses stations, st the Bluslaw and at the Coqullle and Cooa river stationa. The receipts for the month from fines and contraband aales ""were"" 1422. Jv; from licenses first district, fU.4ts.i0; licenses front second district, I486; total, 111. lie. 10; disbursements. $1.11 . . The report also apeaks of the patrol- boata that were maintained on the Co lumbia river, during, the spring .close season time, which did excellent ' work In keeping fishermen, off the rlver,.Ths Washington officials also assisted In this patrol work.., ... r. , "' FRISCO BUREAU REPORT ' TOBE PRINTED HERE f Owing ko the fact that the printing I office maintained In connection with the i weather bureau' at San' Trartclsco waa j destroyed bf the ' fireman ofthe,statlH. i tlcsl printing of that station will be done in the Portland office, Infonma tlon was received this morning to the ! effect thai H.Hutchlnaon. in charge of the government printing office In the destroyed metropolis, haa been ordered to. Portland and ahould arrive here' to morrow morning; A complete printing and stereotyping plant 1a arvaluable ad junct Of the local weather bureau. Ttt flrat hewa of the San Francisco earth quake and ,flre waa.. . printed In the weather, report Issued at I o'clock on the morning of the disaster. - '-- , SAN FRANCISCO FIRE CAUSES COURT DELAY .. A. peculiar reaaoa for a request for time In which, to file an answer, yet a reason strong enough to warrant Its granting, waa pleaded In the caaa of W. T. Allen veraue La Grande Water Storage and ., others before Judge Wolverton this morning. Snow McCamant. attorneys or JAer plaint iff, asked . for a stay of 10 days, be cauae they had been unable to locate the firm of Chlckering A Ore gory, their San- Francisco correspondents, through whom the case was firet sent. Chlck ering A Oregory were burned out dur ing the first day -of the fire, and have not yt announced their aaayjolflcea. The motion was grsnted. ,. - -: - MULLIGAN-BROWN CAS I .IIREADTFOR THE JURY There la no aound save aa there la an ear to catch the vlbratlona, no beauty without the eye to focua, in. fact the whole world would become, without In telligence, aa negative aa the email boy's definition of ' salt "that which roakea potatoes taate bad If you don't put. any on." ' Aa sp posed to this condition place the artists to paint, the poets to alng snd the young to revel In the Joys of a day In May. Nature la re-robing herself In most alluring, faahlon those days and the sweetly-scented thorn, the elusive music of the brook and the downy fluttering of the blrda are very precloue miracles to hesrts attuned to naturae marveloua re-awakenlng. Hillsides snd canyons. snow mountains snd waters In ' pano ramic vision ars offered Portlandera un til - from the- f ore of o much loveli ness It would seem that, many- minor matters and little worries : should be csst aalde In the fulneaa of living th happy . unconcern of existence. , Men tell v one ahould ra'-ishlng go." and. r- leass for a portion of each dayOiose bonds which hold In tnrauaom ins nat ural tore In things primeval.- At such a season tne question, is m worth the living?" . la -pertinently an- awered in' Beecher's words, "It all de pends upon the liver." and nothing esn so help the "liver", aa plenty of fresh sir snd . sunshine, deep breathing and exerclee. "The" imsglnatlon hath - a stage within the brain upon which all scenes are played.", but whether com edy or tragedy, pastoral acenee or-fierce melodrama the cnoice ta optional. - a mind In harmony with happiness re ceives the melody, while the-heart heavy with prsmonliions. .must hear the Cis co rd. h untrained eve may And- no gunt In the morn in re dew, receive no hint ef beauty from the branches of beckoning green, yet In the humblest touch of na ture the sentient eye nnas mucn to un ger on beauty In the homely, loveliness where drudgery holds sway, even marka In smoke-belched , clouds a noble swell. At mm or at noontide In the rush Of morning labor Hastening to Its toll Th rough-narrow eourte and anew, fog- aimmsd, shnsn Of Uuwn Uiuad streets sun sfsnglaS ..... as with folt It evar-searches, searchea early, late. rf"" " besuty set so thick sround .... oruid rtsspi 'enfold -an revsl - In j, - found, And" stay therewlth-a lopglngnaught jr. "can aata."; . ; PRINCESS EN A A FAVORITE. 'Princess Bna's hair and coloring are an ever-recurrlirg source, of amasement and admiration to the Spaniards,- whose darker atyle la In such contrast to that of thelr-futuro-queen.. Of course,, there axl4t.falr aeinorMaa, and - extremely beautlful they are aa a ruIeTwIth Urge gray eyea and skins of the "ciesr pallor that lady novelists love to dwell on; but les yeux Msus,w1th co'OTlng of milk and . rosea, and halrIike a oornfleld In June, are the combination that makes their young king's fiancee appear a being from another planet to the romantically minded populace of Old Bpalrt. ; : Pale blue and pink.' both . favorite colors of Princess Ena, are the vogus of the moment in Paris, London and Mad rid. . Together or separately they ap pear on gowns and -millinery of the latest creation. 7 Myosotls, periwinkle and bluebell blue are the favorite names for modish tones -of the color; and a frock of the new -radium" silk In pink, veiled In " white T chiffon; whlchie trimmed again with chiffon .. flower wreaths In pink and del, la one of the simpler evening gowns in empire style made In Paris for. the princess' trous seau. A belt of stiver tissue and a band of the aame at the hem emphasises the second empire atyle In which It la fssh- toned. . ' RICHEST WOMAN IN WORLD. The trial of Albert L. Brown, alias Edward Burns, and P. 3. Mulligan, sc. cused of manufacturing machinery with which to make counterfeit money, was resumed this morning In Judgs Wolver ton's court. Mulligan told, of the orglea In the room at 20 Fourth street over the opium pipe, and confessed that he had once been a victim of the morphine habit. Both Mulligan and Brown swore that they were making mouthpieces -for pipes snd not counterfeit coins. The cssa will go to the Jury this afternoon. . . . g -ajsw Developments. - Ke new. developments today marked the police lnveetlgatlon fhto the-causa of A. Watland'a death. .. The man waa auppoaed at first to have been killed by a streetcar, but rasny clrcumstsncea have oome to liheauslDg certain of his friends to think he was mafUered or rendered helplesa before he met, hia death. Detective Snow worked on the ease for a day,- Captain Bruin haa made a full report of the affair to Chief Orltsmacher, but the latter has net as yet tsken action relative to detanthf another man - on tne caee. aTo ta Aexee Milla atafcto. ' The colta In an Alblna stable -that were - mistreated ' presumably by the gang ef young toughs of thst suburb were not in the stables of the Acme Milling company, but In a stable on an adjoining lot. a watchman keeps guard over the .horses and other property of the milling company. ' ' - '''" . a rourm iraoassiTT. .... Having to lay upon my bed for 14 dsys from a severely bruised leg, I only found relief when I used a bottle of Ballard's Snow Liniment I can cheer fully recommend It as the best medi cine for bruises ever sent tothemict ed. It has now become a positive neoea. slty upon myself. D. R. Byrnes, tner- Jnant, urveravine, Texas, zo, too and Sold by Woedard, Clarke Co. Mies' Bertha Krupp, - the richest woman In the world, perhaps, is - now known as "Queen Krupp" all around Essen, wheys ars located the vaat can non factories which she Inherited front her. father. In that place alone aha haa 40,000 workmen tolling for her. who, with ! tneir famlllearmakernorej:than tOO.000 persons dspendent upon her now. If other concerns be sdded, we have a total of 100.000 dependenta. tlhe owns gasworks, railways, . telegraphs., tele phones,, her. own bakeries, . slaughter houses and general stores. Sbs haa even her own array, regularly drilled, wtri stern rules of -J ieetpl tn e ! 4 1 --t called a fire brigade,- but ls as much a body of picked troops aa any In Oer- army-numbers more than 000 men. well armed. Finally, She has her ambassadors In every court In Europe. They- may not be known In the regular diplomatic world as such, but they are there all the aame. . KEEPING CHEESE. Housewives may be glad to know that their nice pineapple and Dutch cheeses need not mildew or grow dry aa the weather grows hor--.- ,. Wash a piece of new cheesecloth until soft, dry and then dip In vtnegsr, wring nearly dry and wrap the cheeae In It. Over thla put paraffin paper and aet the cheese In a cool place; It will keep per fectly. . - SEEN ON BELTCOUNTER. Wide girdles of elastla now come in all colore. ... - Cut ateel buckles on stesl-bsadsd belts are modish. ' " r The wide Paquln belt la well liked. ' Buckles of tortoise shall are new. Coral la another new material for walat garnlabment. : :"':;: ' I hlrred girdles are somewhat at a -die--I oount, though when dons- in Isather are very chic Gem-studded - buckles - are - aeen oe auede belts which fit the figure closely. William Jordan Dead. . Baker City, Or., May' ?. William Jordan, a pioneer prospector and miner of thla county, died (hinday of heart failure. . -William Jordan far the paat IS yeara has ewned placer mlnea at Oelaer. which lie operated more. or lesa every 4 XArrlaaaa Breaks soars'. " New York, May . B. H. Harrlman arrived last night st 10 o'clock, having made the Journey from San Franelseo In the record time of Tl hours and 21 minutes. ... Mrs. L. Flnlayaon. proprietress of the Caatle . lodging-house, desirea -ft fesld thst Joe Northrup. a piano player who figured recent lr In the police rourt. aft erward leaving town,' was not' patron of -her establishment. ' 1a .f,aV.,' " Sals i fe if ' , ? ' . ; CisiV ,'. -,-.' . . a ' Dtount J -PL J - l Discpunt Store VI44-I45 TlilCD OTCtCT, DCIUKN MCblSON AND ALDCDj Store I aw ,s, mmt .sw ai ' ar-ia! iai. irn A - ' - Women read with amazement the list of bargains we offered. ' It seemed too good to be ture. BrighamV merchandise, ac ; knowledged the very finest, t price whichwere next to nothing. They caime, they saw, they bought. -They came again, bring-' ing friends and neighbors. ' Ready again tomorrow witbT fresh in stallments of Brigham bargain brought to the store from our warehouses. Who would save in buying ihe best must come hereJ Interested? f YOU'LL NOT REGRET IP YOU COME. Skirls xr.d W&Ists Ladies' Waists, made of dotted lawa and colored calicos, Tc now ................ V' Ladlea'. Nesrsilk Underskirts, made, wit ' deep. flounce; TSe. now ................ ' o90 A line of Colored Waists, made with tueka rand full -now. vrvtriT.... ...434' A line. of ChUdren'a Dreaeea. materials of chambray and checked glnghama, made . In different aty!esl.zl. now . .X line of Ladies' Walking Shirts, msde of light gray mixtures, In dlffsrsnt atylee. ' " selling at . f3.88 Ladles' White Lawn- Waists, with lace and ' .-.Kmliteeaa front. )lf Cuff. II. 50. nOW...B8 Chl1dren'a - Dreaees, made of percale, full Domestic Depolncnt V 7A pure white aatln finished Table Damaakr"'-:' . elegant value and beautiful designs; (-" Inches wide. Special at ... . ........ .B0 Extra heavy largo Huck Towels, all white ' and red and blue border; else Z2x40; regu- - las 10a value.- Special, each ........Iw4t. Dark Ecru ruffled net Lace - Curtaina. . - strictly new- Importation and up-to-date goods; S yards long. Speclsl .......... SI. 98 Satin Damask Table Napkins, of elegant flnlah, a heavy weave, 21 Inches aquare " : " " and a regular 11.10 value. Special, doa...75 Corsets -Ventilating.- regular IM0, at . 4 . i . .i. . .$ 1 .94 Children's, regular 0o, new ............. .38a P. D. Coreeta, old atyle, It.TI, now. . .49) P. D. No. 1IT, regular 11.00. now 81.98 P, IX lttl, mo. now , $2.48 Thompson's Ventilating Corsets .......... .29e -Ladtee' Warner Waiata,-IJ. 00, now ,.,....394) Hoae Supporter Corset, made ef good qua!- Ity eoutllla, medium length In white and gray, regular 75c, now Never Rust Coraet, made of good eoutille. ' extra boned, medium length and short, in white and gray; rag. tl and ILXt, now. .384 Hemstitched ruffled plain white Swlas Cot tage Curtains, with hontton braid effect. - onanwnrk fcardar.- a vda.. tanar. Bisaelal B11.2K Nuralns Corsat- mads of sood eoutille: ex blouse and aklrt, all colore. 11.40, now....98 Lace Curtaina. i yarda long, regular - tra boned, long, In gray only; reg. II, now. 39 .784 ' Special prlcea prevail on aU our better gradea of Lace Curtaina during thla aala, and to appro-. elate the value we are offering it la to come and - them. r.Iuslin Underwear Bell Ing "out Orsy -and-Navy- Blue Ladles u Walking Skirts, lightweight materiaia. -""mads with pleate, ' Il.tS, now ........ ...f 1.98 . ... . b.u u mjt. Af iriannslette and Calico Wrappero, small sixes, .., ' tnmru. - -.-r- r. ?rr a'm niuf auuia mowm, irunnno w II 21 now" .884 Turkish Towels, In bleached and unbleached; -- - ' lace and insertion; regular 15c, now. , ..1484 vti..-' uvtr. rrav llahtwelght -- 7 - heavy and fluffy: else 14x1 ............. .44 Ladlea" fancy Muslin Oowna. embroidered atertatir now -, rr nrro .ttBuorerortajajttffc, neavin , ..i iajsai wimsiaai rirrao-TOT,-mrsTinyJ aver . apiciai Bargains 10 osiier sT auP mmiw . ' ii v wm.v b.ii i.wit .ivumv. from .: .gtl. BO o so.uv inmmaa vita emDroiaery or iscs; reg, Mllss' 17.00 regular. 11-1 WMtl fMnaw with colored bordera liMML. tmn ii envy. fliVV II. B0. TataTea- TIKcT" wk'rtir 11-4 Extra, heavy, all white and colored . flounce, trimmed with lace and Insertion; border; good value at 14.00 .,......33.95 reg. 11.10 and 11.00. now . $1.25, 81.60 ftrsr Double Blanketa at a.. 3 94 Ladlea Mualln Drawers, trimmed with lace ia-4 Colored Blankets at ..a J84 - and emoroiaery-anornipgar reg. esc. row..av 1 1.4 rMimil.Hlukala at i atl.OA Ladlse fine Cambrlo Drawers, "brimmed 12-4 extTa heavy ColoredBlanketa; a 4.0t " "; wlthaee- and Insertion and 4ucka-eav. grade, at ....f.BO - ee ana si.eo. now tJ74r iSArtDepartinenl Po.nt tc Braids. pr plo of . . . gS4 OK --: . IK A ftfwl tl Al .nnw 1 ra ' Bttnbw--Rlnt.ni88V-pr 100.?....1B v M.jnch BlMchd Muslin, yr&rrrrrT.&4 ldimm' carobrlo CorMl Covsrs, trimmed All nattsnKar8f ThrsfSlgl. BOOl .aaliniliolf Dl.l. l.asH...J s.aAa. Tnal m sh 1 laxerW laai ak nil . Wltll lass akltsw Km K HhksM1 laaaV 9ft nAW " an v - - - a aaaiia giwiajgaiaru .vtivu x vsisi ansa v?itt.w aaii 304 .274 .164 .394 Pert Lustra, per doaen 50c and Tta Cuahlon Covera 250 cushion covers Susnender Mountings, 11.25, now i.000 yards Press Trlmmlnga, all eolora to. ip. 15c. .now. vara u Star Bralde, piece, Se, now Brin.ra lfinitratirx Embroider r Bllki dozen. COc. now .804 All Battenberg Patterfii." each l. ltoMTcmh-Blrir fir-1iTi-tlii(- Pompone.-doaen rrrtw. . . .... ..-0 Marseilles - pattern r .. . .. r. . . . . . . v.T.Ti .784 Fancy frilled and plain colored Elastic, yd.... 64 Special values In better 7 gradea of honeycomb reau uungns, w - 'J !T ana Marseilles Bed spread in hemmed Sfra colored bordera. also 14x21........ 3H4 Plain fringed cotton Towels; , good also; 14x21 . .........44 Extra good value in heavy Huck Towels, all . white and colored border; llxli;cneap for lie ,.;..r. ..7H4 Oreat values in mill-ends of bleached -Table mask, rarriinsBrifl ntngtirwm-To-s"yardar a one naif tne regular price. with lace and babe ribbon; reg. Slo, now., 264.. Ladlea' fine cambric Corset Covers, trimmed -'.wlthf lace and Insertion of embroidery and insertion; reg. 45c, new ............ ..394 Children's Kaslln r 1 Underwear Rank: combs, special, each'..'. 164 Hair Nets, black and tan, each .64 : Net Handbags -. i.....t.;.........,.104 Hand. Mirrors, each .. v..... .. ...... .104 Chemlsettea.. each .............. i ......... .14 : FancV. Galloon Laces, yard .................. 14 Velveteetv and Cordurojr Bin ding a., yard. . . ... . 14, Silk Cords.'yard . . vvr. t fvij t.trTT-.14 Dt, M. C. Cotton, doaen ,............".."..184 . Colored Perr Lustra, dbsen 824 - Hand-made Inltlala. all a,ixea 2aAXT WOM. Cuahlon Corda, yard 104 Velveteen Bklrt Binding, piece..... 14 Zephyrs, all colors, skein .1H4 - Boys' - Lundefa 'Waists ' . . . . ............ . ... 294 - Boyat-Fsuntleroy Waiats 294 ,yooV Fssclnatora ... , ............. .......104 Angora Tam o'Shanters ...........v......... -6e) , rhldren's Equipoise Waists .............. .394 ladles' Sleeveless Vests . ..V... .. .......... .94" . Buttonhole Twist, spool .................... 14 ' ' Rlhbonsen. all colore, package.. ......... ....64 .' ITpholstsrerr Fringe, yard .'..64 - Whalebone Casing, place.. 10c. now .14 Circular Comba, now-....................... -64' Hooka and Eyea, per card ....14 -All Buttons, doaen. 5o, now.......... .14 Ladles' Velvet Grip Hoae Supporters; reg ular Tie, now, pair,, ....894 Stockinet Drees Shields, all sixes, pair. .. , . .104 " ' Whits Embroidered Wssh Belts, special. .. 1.164 -Finishing Braid, all colors, special, I bolt a... 54 Safety Pine, best quality, t for .64 fringed; some and see them. : Pillow--Ceaea,-, made of goodV -heavy " muslin . .................... ..........,8U4 Ready-made' Sheets, of auperlor grade - ef muslin, full slse, 71x0 .... . . . ....... , .'.394 Gloves end kces Long blsck and white Silk MHta, c. pair -. . .-rvr.-r? t. n-. 504 nd 764- 164 A fine Tine of Children's muslIn'PantsTT Skirts and Waiats, well made;-reg. 20c. '- now . .". . . ; .. . ... A"flne una of CMldrerrs muslin Pantsr . Sklrta and Walata, trimmed with sueke -and laoa edging; regr lOcmowTTfh . . . 1 . .77 An extra fine line of muslin, Pants, Sklrta -and waiats, trimmed with tueka, em-,.... broidery and lace; regular 40o. now, ...... .204 An extra fine line children's Pants. Skirts" i ana vvaieia, wiaae di luce camonc, trimmed with tucks, embroidery or taoe; reg. loc, now - White Lace - StokoUara, llo-and - Mo. value, special . . Allover Laces, cream, black, white. 1 yard . ............. . ...... ...204 to 2.60 - Hat Drapes, all colors, 15c and 60a Special.. 264 . Silk Gloves, all colore, double-tipped fin- -. gars; 7 5o .value. Now , ,504 Large silk braid Collars, black an i ; ' , white - .764 -to. 82.25 .. Ladlea' embroidered Handkerchiefs, 0e and . 25e value.--Special 104 ' Big variety of fine Laces at. ... . . sTST.T WOM. '. Wide blsck silk and cotton Lace Insertion. SpectaLat, yard -....104. 184 and 264 354 Dress Goods Columbia Wools Ypsilanti Underwear -:'.-..i.:-jDiaoif -sons ; Ladlea' allk and wool Union Suits. Winter weight. 111. at ......,.........-......$4.98 Ladlea' allk and wool Union Suite, Summer " weight, I J.I , at 64.98 Ladlea all allk Union Suits, Summer .weight. 17.10. at 62.98 Ladle' an -nUkVnloov- Sutta,umBiar - -t - weight. 17.00. aOw ...................63.78' Ladles' allk and wool Union Sulta. Spmmer. - weight. 17.00. at ......... -63.78 Mixed Suiting and tPlatd, Juat the thing for. ehlldren'a dreaeea, ate arrada . . . . .254 44-lnch Voile, In all wanted colors, Ito . . - grade, for . TT. .V. ........... .v. .664 40-Inch Mohair,- In all eolora and plain and " with cheek; thla line a good alua at 6. - . .. Special at ............'..'......,.........604 61-inch Slalllan, light gray and all colon, with beautiful luster, extra value .754 46-Inch Panama, in light medium and dark -- ray; very nobby for Spring suit. Slo -'-. ' grade, for 1 t75 a . . 1 . n ... . . . . . . . - ea-mcn urar ouiiing, in cnaox ana Wltn - i sbsdow plaid effect. Ito grade.. ...504 41-inch Bourette Voile, In five colors, with -'- cheeks; a very pretty material for Spring dress: 11.26 quality .1 I .'.... 81.00 Gray Panama, In plain and with ahadow . checked effect v....... -81.25 45-lneh Cravenette, guaranteed waterproof, , in four ehadee; never aold leas than 4. 11.25 j:riTJXT.AjLTEirt f tirnjnTrrn:i.i.T-.iixi 85 leCdiesIIosIeryi Ladlea pure thread' silk Hoae, 14 10. now. .11.98 Columbia Floss, regular lie akeln -144 Vrv.lHmki. - Wnnl rm. 1 1 Mkaln. tna Columbia spanisn, regular xoe sxein...-ir4 r.ia"e aun, ouium.i " Columbia SOephyr. regular 20o package. ...12H4 -Tw?1?7''s M' Mj ,' 'M.98 Columbia Saxony, regular II Ho skein. .... .8V4 Ladlsa Summer merino Lnion SuRa, Sum- IIXluinblaJElderdwn. regular I60 ball. now; . 254 mer weighty lt.ia.-now ........ .,,....f3.39 TTcolumblaolf Yarn7"regulaf . Columbia aerraantown. reg. xoo aaein 1XH4 , " " . ' t 'J. a 'i ' - Infante' silk Sox. 8eo, now . t:oiumDta r airv z,epnyr. regular lac..... ins ......... -rwm.n-VTTtttrna'-Tarri. resular-tla. 1 aHiHJHW weight, IJ.aO.-TlOw , Ic Wool, res-uUr ;&o balL-nowsw Bat " ee Double- BalbrlgganhlOfr-jBull :a. Broken lines of Zephyr; pkg. Pompadour Wool, skein . . . .v. , , ice wool, regular ioo do, now. .. Carlson Currier Knitting Silk, spool. Angora Wool, per ball, 15c. new. 4 4. .98 Black Silk Department It-Inch all atlk Black Taffeta, Ho grade, '...894 -17-lnoh guaranteed Mescaline Taffeta, never - sold for less thsn 11.10 ........884 27-Inch Swisa-Taffeta, guaranteed, eultable for dresses and dropsklrts, 11.10 grade. . . .98 14-Inch Peau de Sole, beautiful flnlah. Just ' the ellk for a Spring wrap .......91.07 COLOSED SILKS We have two lota ef Colored Taffeta. In all ' .wanted ahades. Lot 1, 45o grade........ Lot I, lc grade Winter weight 11.00. now . . . . . ... .62.4)8 4 .U"in uoudii eaiDnnaa union milts. 864 - Winter weight, 11.00, now .............. si; 1 iinia, ai.vv, .1 .............., .Bs,iac Ladles' silk Wlntsr weight Equestrienne Tights, ll.BO, now $2.29 ladles' llsls thread Bleeveless Union Suite, knse length. Isce trimmed ..984 Ladles' fine white cotton sleeveleea Union - Sulta, knee length, lace trimmed ....... .60g baoin long imvvt Kngia, low neca -Union Suits; regular lOo. Special Ladlea knee length, lace trimmed white knit Panta, pair i ..... Ladies' extra fine knit Panta, knee length, lace trimmed......... . . . . Ladlea' fine aleeveleaa Veets, trimmed with .'lace, allk tape In neck and arms.- . , Prices..,. 104, 164,. 204V 254, 854, 504 Ladles' pure thread allk Hose, 11.75, now, ,61.32 Misses' and Infanta' spun silk Hose, pink. -blue., .red,, from A.v.',. .-,. .ags).14-T541 iiii.iu. PVA, .DO, now .........,. 1 siT-na Infanta'-cotton- Sox, 28c, now . . . Qd 1.98 -Boys' Ironclad Hoss, lc, now .....!TTTTr7.194 T - Misses' fine nbbed cotton Hoae," strMl- 250, now ..'.nntri, , orntlSg' Ladles ganse and lisle Hoae, SOo and 1 80,. - ' i"0,' ' '7 vAJ '' . . . -89 ' uaai.a uruir-aii LcnvQ II1K ClOCK HOBe. at aa 11.11, now . B74 Ladles' Oaitera, lie, now 5 J Ladlea' lisle, drop-etltehed, embroidered ' Hose, 11.60, how ........61,18. Ladles' black cotton Hoae, with maco-foot - or aole . ....'; .....154 Ladlea fine black cotton Voee. double- aole. ' ..- Hale finish. 164, pairs i. 1 ,v .. v ..... .354 " Infants' black and colored caahmare Hose, - Ladlea Hale finish lace Hoae, silk smbrold ered, assorted patterns, pair .......254 Misses' and Children's Mack laoa Hoae, aa- . eorted patterns, pair ........194 .154 .254 484 034 Broken line of Satin. 6O0 to llo grade for... 394 . Children's Vests and Drawers Fnrnlshinas Deparlment Wash Goods New novelties in Wash Goods, wool effects. ztoruttlnga ij rt iiui . xu mjj 1ZH4 Scotch Glnghama, all nsw designs. Includ ing plain shsdes and Chambrays .........104 New Madras Shirtings, latest checks And .stripes, fast colors, at '..12H4 Percale, light and dark eolora. 1 yard wlde..7ta4 Extra heavy indigo German blue print. ...,7M4 ' 1I1I ends m Dress Olnghsms, lie grade.. ..6H4 14-inch SUkollnea In floral Persian and Jap- - anese deelgns 10 English twill' Cretons, new patterns and colorings, light or dark .......... ....6 1-34 White Indian Llnonn and Lawns 54. 7M4. 104 and 164' White Peralsn Lawn, nics and sheer ..854, 254 and 804 White check and erossbsr' Dimities. , . . r. r,i;54 Wntte Walatlnga, mill ends, Including Ox fords and fancies, 260 to. 40a grade .154 Heavy black and white and blue and white striped- Shirtings, ysrd ..t f ....... 104 Long Cloth, nice soft finish ........... .8 1-34 New Lawns and Batistes , .1 54 Light and dark embroidered Swlasea. .. , . .164 Sulsette, "new silk finish fabric, all ahadea. .2114 Taf.taa ant Fnularda new ... 164- Vollea In all colors , ....12H4 Mouaseltna de.fole, black and all snides. ... 15f . . ... : t -r. ;-. " , Reg. lie, now, psr garment ChUdren'a white knit Panta, knee length, lace tnmmea, an sises ,f. ...t.. Misses' snd Children B long sleeve - white , cotton Vests; tape neckJ.N,,...J.....iJ..l94J cni'iren s long steeve ana nan ; Sleeve 154 .154 .154 ..B4 ...19a In Men's Silk Ties, Four-ln-Hands and Tacka Men'a Silk Bow Ties, 1 for ..,......,.... - Silk. Wlndaor Ties Men's 'wool Derby ribbed - Undervxear. . brown, gray, blue and flesh oolor. ......... .864 Men's Silk Web Suspendera .'894 'Men's Handkerchiefs, in plain white and - fancy bordera . , . . . .-j.. ,1 ra ;.ii.(UwfVi 4.1 -Mens io-nuBpsnasrs ................... 1 n rlbbsd Vssts. ecru color .. .r-r. ...... ..1R4 Men'a fancy stripe Dress Shirts iaa Infanta fine ribbed fleeoe-llned Vests, tape , . Men's Percale Dreas Shirts .......... v.. .. .294 neck, all alaea 134 ChUdren'a 11.26 wool Sweaters, button. Boys' fine ribbed grey-Veete and Panta, .. . shoulder . -.i .......854 Bummer weight, all sixes, a garment. . ...-.254 . ChUdren'a fancy stripe wool Bweatera. . . . . .694 Boys' fine - ribbed mercerised Drawers, , Men'a 71c Oolf Shlrta ..... w ..... ....... .dgi eolora pink and blue .i....1.......lfrf Man's Work Shirt s-.-. .ai Children's aleeveleea Veals, tape neck and .Men'a lie heavy Working Suspenders .194 .104 4 arms, an ......... .....i, ,.., I m w.wn tw.vivBa wis ........ , Infants' Crotfhet Silk Caps and Toouee. wiiiiw biki a, savV sa.lO, f s,VV ' Infanta' fine Crochet- Sacquea, white and . colored, trimmed with ribbon and ' allk ' aiitching. ...... .....364. 604. 754. 61.00 Infanta Bibs, made of MaraeUlea, also 1, Padded Blba and Embroidered Bib 54a 84. 104. 154. 204 to $1.60 Infanta' fine wool-knit Bands, all alsss 264 Infants'-all-wool Reuben Vesta, all atsea. ...594 Infants Boeteee. White Skirts' and complete line -- ef Long and Short Dreaeea, also Infants Coata, Bedford cord and caahmere, both long and ' shsrt,. Finest line of French hand-made In fanta' Caps en the Coet. great aaertflea. Men'a 10 Rookford Sooka, 4 pair-. ....... ..264 .Men'a Oartera ............ ... , ...54 . Boyar 1. and 11.15 Waiats 294 Boys' llo Oolf Cape, plain blue and fancy,, .164 Boys'' 60a and Tie Walata ...994 Soya' Suspenders . 6 . Men'a Books, black and brown. 10 value... .7H4 - Men'a 26e Wool Socks ... i...i...t.!9 Boyo Oolf Shirts 354 Boys' Negligee Shlrta. dark and light colors., 254 Boys 7o and ll.M Hats ; '..395 Men's fancy colors borders! Handkerchief a. . .64 Boye' ffte String Bow Tlea ,. ..12V44 Men s Work Shirts ,16- Boyr Mothers' Friend Walata, , light and ; - dark eolora ai. All lo be eold at 1' Men's to nnlaundered white Bhtrta 89 -'. Mejij 20o fancy Socka , ....l2ul 6 .