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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1906)
. , ' ' :I-f . ' ' THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, VEDNZ:DAY EVLIJIKG. AI..IL 11, 1..;. Spidin; of Hot Cclses. Thiy f.':vcr Vat In irXc.--;;;d V.::'. C: tidzzzi cf Restaurant 1 Cor. Third ut Ooaok Ma. on at awd jrxoarr. Boiled Salt alanon. Crwua BUao..15et nM sun eiMM is Steam UMU VMk Clam. .20 ClASB eUloa wit - To. ... ...... 15 Fussed Oor Beef, Potato Bated. Bead CIihm, Potato Ma4....ilS Oodflah Ball, Onm hiM,., 15 Oocm M BAeb, Peha-g.,...,15 MM Pork and Boas .....'... ..164 spaghetti hi (amm, nUM,.,..i6 Scrambled (Mtm' BnlM., ....... 20 At the Greet Dcpcrtmct Ctcrt of Coffee, Bread ead Butte Mi potato r,rGI(ifJIS STILL 0(1 yAmmwwmmiM ' 'US' ' r ... i i jb ira-.x-w-- 1 1 mm tlOl'I READY, TO JOKi LIOIiLlOIlS Voliva States That Prophet Was About to Embrace Teaching y - of Joseph Smith. CHARGES OF INFIDELITY I MADEBY SON GLADSTONE pipit : AgKtl N Orden His Robe Cleaned to Enter Zion Local Fol- i Jowera,;. Notified of Revolt by .i. Excel!.1 ?i f Chloat April 11. John Alexander powl la preparing to go to Zlon. Major . Morris of th (uarda haa announced to - X)owI that him nien are ready to deaert Voliva. and the ' "prophet" haa ordered lila robe cleaned and returned within ialf an hour. .- - At Zion City today dladstone Dowte . Biade positive charge of the Tlolation f marrlace rowa again at hla father and aid that they might be lined aa evU dence In a dlroroe trtoL -He declared that Ruth Ilofer, the Swlaa helreaa, waa fcot Implicated. ' . . . r ' . . -Jt Overaeer Voliva today Bald: 1 DowJe'a statement that he own all the property here la an absolute lie. JDowie does aot own a dollar of property poraonally In the world. More than a 'thousand . Inveators have protestod gainst Dowla's management of affair In any form." , .,.,- V "Arrangementa ' had been ' made te rain 11,000.000, and the money waa ac tually offered when Iowl stirred up the preaent muaa. As aoon aa peaca la ; restored, the money will be forthcom ing. Nothing la done and nothing . la being done toward effecting a com ' promise. Diplomatic relation are at an end. Thla la a war. , "Dowle began to go to the devil in 100. ' When he waa poor and lived sim ply, ne waa one of the mighty men of the earth. . When he acquired rlchea y'y Here Js all the freshness," gorgeousness and bloom that , " goes with Spring. : .Here are. the" correct ' fix- , ings to give just the right touch. , Good : taste, good style and a good showing for your money. . . . v.v 't. We, are ready, for Easter with ' ; our handsome New Spring Shirts, Gems in New Neckwear, , Stylish , Hats ' Gloves, etc r; " , :' ,". - :' . jfioriCiiOTHinQ St3 JuJm-Proth ; Outfitters for Men and Boys 166 and 168 Third "St.. Mohawk Building ' Countess sd ' Rougemont, formerly - - Miss Edith CUpp of New 'York, who has -established a laundry at (Mermillon, on her husband's estate. and power and lived extravagantly he began hla downward courae." - Vollvla discussed Uowle's ' alleged polygamous tearhlnga and declared that the "prophet" was about ready te adopt the teachings of the Mormon elders. with whom he was frequently In conference. Legal proceedings are expected to be begun within a few day by Dowle to restore hla property. Juat what form these will takeliaa not been made pub lic. Vollvla haa aent'out word to all branches of the , Christian Catholto church not to aend any more money for Mexican- land warrants, thereby -cutting off Dowie's financial schemes. Dowle's attorney arrived at Zlon City thla afternoon to confer with Voliva. VoUva will probably, meet Wetten late today. . - TELLS PORTLAND .COLONY. Secretary Bxoell ef Bio Beeortbeej the merolt Agalurt Sowle. Members Of the local Zlon colony' wUl be officially Informed at their meeting next Sundav of the action of the church authoritlea In denoalng John Alexander Dowle from the leaderahip of the move ment. ' Rev. Charles A. Hoy. pastor of the local church haa received a letter from J. O. Excel, general eccleaiaatlcal secretary, telling -him of the action of the authoritlea. 'i.s With the exception of . one member Ihe local, colony has declared Ita alle giance to Overseer Voliva. the new leader, 1 repudiating - John Alexander Dowle not only as leader but as a prophet. '- The . one exception haa de clared himself In favor of neither fac tion, aaaertlng that the others have acted haatlly and that he will consider the matter more carefully. The letter was received by' Mr. Hoy yesterday. It was written on paper stamped "Office of the First Apostle, Zion City. Illinois. U. S. A," -It follower I am glad to know that our people In Portland are hoDcful for the future. Regarding ex-Deacon Bernard, in the near future he no doubt will be dealroua of returning to Zlon Let the matter wait for the present. In regard to him; I 'will say that I never fully believed that he had been guilty of wilfully do ing wrong. I - believe that he left be cause he could not bear the heavy pres sure that .waa brought to bear upon him. He protested against things and aaw that John Alexander, Dowle per-" alat'd In going contrary to the rulea of sound, bualneaa. - - "I not your etatement regarding the arose extravagance of John Alexander Dowle.1- In thla connection It will be helpful to you for m to give a brief etatement of what haa recently 'trans pi red here. Ton have no doubt .been reading the accounts In the dally papers. "As you are aware, power of attor ney were given Overseer VoUva; these' power were full.'- Step were being taken to' put the induatrlea on a firm bast a Money had been anbacrlAed for stock for the new corporations.,. When Mr. Dowle heard of this he Immediately sent word that no industry should be Incorporated, and that no action should THE PAY ROLL - eSMMBBasBaBBBaaaaaasBBBaaaBBBBnag , Patrolman Suspended Can Claim Pay for Every Day Aftar . v the First Thirty. Vw ' -' . , ' ' ,i SHOULD BE DISMISSED , OR RETURNED TO DUTY Interesting Provision of City Charter 'Discovered by Civil Service Com- mission Printed Information for Aspirants for JobslT" ; . Patrolman. D. P. McGinn!, who la under arreet charged' with contributing to the delinquency of a minor. - ia on the payroll - of - the - police department again becauae of a charter provision, and the municipal civil service commis sion sent a notice to this effect to the city executive board and the chief of police . today. Thla notice will in all probability lead the police authorities to dismiss McOlnnls from the depart ment or reinstate him and aaalgn him to duty pending further developmenta. . MoQlnnla was found In the company of Kitty Moore, 15-year-old girl, on PorUand height March . S while . on duty, by. Captain Bruin and Blover. The girl attempted -to-escape, but waa arrested by Captain Bruin. - The -two were taken to the police' station and there the girl confessed to . Intimacy with the patrolman. McGinnla waa arrested and suspended temporarily pending the hearing of chargea filed against - him by Captain Bruin. No hearing has been bad of the charges before the police commission, aa It waa desired to await the action of the district attorney, who waa making an investigation. McOinnla waa re leased from cuatody on balL . - The charter provides (hat no employe under the civil' service, shall be?, aua pended for a longer period than SO' dava. At the meeting of the civil aerr. ice-oammlaaiOB the. matter waa consid ered. . It - waa shown' that McOinnla could claim pay for every day over SO that be was on the suspended list.' and that by the. charter, he should either be discharged from the department or re turned to duty. The commission could only draw the attention of the execu tive board and the) chief of polio to the clreumatance. - - ? At its meeting today 'the clvlf-service commission decided that It would not attempt to send the , aecretary to Washlngon to attend the conference of civil service commission secretarlee, be cause of lack of funds, A manual of examinations compiled by Secretary McPherson was ordered published. It will contain the scope of all the examination, tell how to pro ceed td mak application for a poaltlon, and direct examiner how to conduct the examination and mark the paper. The commission thought such av manual was necessary. .... 'X. -(; 539-541-543-545 VILLIATIa ' AVENUE-'-'; m Many of the "Over Town" stores have actually been' envious of os.WVe have 'licked them half to death," irt a business way and have attracted to our place hundreds of ladies and gentlemen who will make this their permanent trading place hereafter. ? Their eyes have been opened to the immensity of our storerooms, 100x100 feet. Many .never dreamed that there was such a mag nificent store in this section of the city, and perceiving the large1 stock we carry, and that because our expensesire- si mere ; bagatelle as compared to those of the "over town' fellows',- perfectly understand that we can easily "scoop" them in prices on everything we handle, BUT LET 'US GET, DOWN TO BUSINESS ON THE ; FIRE SALE PRICES OF TODAY Dry Goods Section All goods that happened to be in the base ment or near the fire have been carefully ' picked out arid placed on tables - at... '...rave, 33, 67, f t:i Ma(ny things more exposed than others and on the 7t lablcare values up to 25c; on - the 9e table, up to 35c; on the table, up to $1.00; on the S3f table up to $2.00; on the 67e table, up to $3.50; on the f 1.19 table, up to $4.50. , - ' Staple Check Ginghams, regular 7c and 8c Sale Price .....- Staple Calicos,- blues, grays, black, -white, white 'and black. Sale Price....; 4f Mimes' Hose. 100 dozen; thes are regular 20c value. To close the lot they are yours at Fire bale frice, pair....... i"f colors .25 Wrappers," about 50 doxen," assorted colo and sizes. ....... ..76 95a and f 1.3 IUbbons. Laces and Emtroidcrics RibBons, regular 10c--Sale Price.... J. 5s Ribbons, regular 20c Sale Price.,,, ,,aOTk Ribbons, regular 25c-rSale Price.. .. ,,13 Allover Laces, damaged by smoke; regu lar 75c. Sale Price, yard.. ........ ..1 Embroideries, u to 15c yard; no noticeable damage. Sale Price, yard.. ......... .. Ladies' Neckwear, boxes slightly moistened,' . bnt ho real damage to neckwear; up to - 35c. Sale Price, each . . . i . . . . ... . IS Fabric Gloves, black and color; worth up to 50c pair... .................... ...21 Hardware 75c Shovels, Spades and Forks.. 30 50c, 60c and 75c Garden Rakes. ..... Garden Hoes.;."T;.. . ...lSf to 3Se) Mop Handles .................. ..4 Grass Hooks, 40c values. .......... ,...15 Fruit Season Soon l-Pint Mason Jars, dozen , t J ........... 43 1- Quart Mason Jars, dozen. ...... v.. ..BO 2- Quart Mason Jars, dozen..., ........ 73 Mason Jar Caps, dozen..... .....-..13 Jar Rubbers, dozen 1 Stone Crocks and Jars at 74 a gallon: regu- . lar price 12c. We have about 200 dozen . Fruit Jars and 3,000 gallons in Stoneware. rJensFiiniisIiing Boys' Bib Overalls, pair at...', ...10 Men's Bib Overalls) pair at .-. . .. .....nS4 Men's Plain Overalls, pair at. ....... ...25f Boys Suits one half regular jprice $2.00 Suits.. ....fl.OO; $3.00 Suis......t.50 Men's Pants cut half in two. That means that $3.00 Pants go for......,.....1.50 $2.00 Pants tot,......,.,.,.,,t.1Xt Neckwears-tegular 25c, slightly damaged by -wstef ;.v:;.v.:;.vr:Tx::;. . .104 Men's and Boys' 25c and 50c Caps.... 10 Men's $1.75 Sweaters. .:...;.:.:69f Men's $1.00 Sweaters i37f Boys'' 65c Sweaters ......... ....... . . . 19e Boys' Knee Pants, value to 95c. .19 Men's and Boys' Straw and Crash Hatsi.6e Men's 25t'Suspenders.. v.v.. 9at Men's' Coif Shirts, value to $1.00.. ... ,27a Men's 50c "Work Shirts . . . . . . , . ;. . ,.3T Men's '15c Black and Tan Cotton Hose.-.9 Men's Handkerchiefs, tip to 15c... ......2a Men's 50c Underwear. ......,....;....27Tk RUSSELL AND SHAVER CARS LEAVE FIFTH AND YAF.IH1LL DIRECT FOH. OUR.; STORE Get off at Williams Avenue and go north 100 feet.. Come and do your trading just as soon aa you can!. There probably will hot be a dollar's worth of these Fire Sale Goods left by Saturday night. , , ' ; " ' ; !'4r .,.::;; : ;r be taken - without consulting him: In other words, he completely '' blocked everything we were about to do. This haa been hla polk-y - from he Art; whenever the candy factory or lace In duatrles were In good running order he would withdraw the working capital. You. have no doubt seen a copy of hla telegram directing Overaeer Voliva to remove Deacon Granger from hla office. - The people will tolerate Dr. Dowle1 rule no-longer. Last. Sunday Overaeer Voliva made vigorous protest against the extravagance and mismanagement of John Alexander Dowle. - He publicly restored Dr. Bpelcher to office and atated that be refused to remove Deacon Granger. - The people with scarce an exception were with us. The same pre test was -mad In Chicago- and Chicago is practically solid against John-1 Alex ander Dowle. Cincinnati will no longer tolerate his rule. No matter what other branches do, Cincinnati will no longer be under the rule of this man. ."Sunday evening tbe overseer drafted a' telegram to Dr. Dowle, suspending him from bis office and fellowship. Tou have probably seen a eopy of this telegram. This morning he replied; his reply shows that he is unrepentant and I -determined -o go on tn-thla aame tyrannical way. Tou will probably learn that he haa attempted to remove cer tain people from office; he has jno power to do thla and he himaelf 1 suapended. A suspended officer haa no power to exercise the duties of his omo until hi suspension 1 removed. Dr. Dowle wa suspended by the highest officer m the church; such officers have full power to act in thl matter. Dr. Dowle has no more power, ecclesiastically, at the pres ent tiro than a. .lay member of the church, and not aa much, for he him aelf la auspended from fellowship as well a from office. ...- "Tou have no doubt learned that the entire estate of Zlon ha been trans ferred to Deacon. Alexander Granger. Thl 1 ao John Alexander Dowle cannot wreck It. It is simply held by Deacon O ranger In trust for Zlon. At the same time there may be legal complications; it will therefore be advisable for yon to have the custodian under your charge mak all remittance of tithe and offer ings, whether by draft or money order, in my name. I will then Indore same and turn it over' to the financial secre tary. Tour brother In the Master's serv ice. '- " ' jr.o. ssxccuu v ' , .' General Ecclesiastical Secretary." NO HURRY TO DECIDE -FATE OF THE PORTLAND Whether the fate of tbe Hotel Port land will b decided at the meeting of the board of directors, which will be called to order at 4 o'clock' this after noon, J a matter ef oocjecture. It 1 possible thai an .gTeement:will not be reached at , the meeting - and ' that the matter will i be . delayed . Indefinitely. About It hotel , men have made applica tion to become manager of the Portland In the place of. Manager Bowers. There are, of fers from several who desire to lease the hostelry. I J0.000 a year being offered in -one Instance. Buyer nave also approached the 'directors wih offer. - i . "There la no hurry." said C -A. Dolph today. . "The hotel Is In a healthy con dition. If we decide neither to aell or lease we may not seleet a new manager until the latter part of tne summer." REGISTRATION EKDS WITH 21,289 Oil BOOKS 1 , :.. . ..... i '.'.' ,' r ' f ' . ' ' '.' ' Of 'Thesa Thirty-Nine Hundred 'Are Democrats and a Thou sand Independent. The registration of voter who wish to take part in the primaries April 20 closed yeeterday afternoon at I o'clock. There was a ' big rush at the eounty clerk' of floe all day 1 yeaterday and Monday. A few out-of-the-city notaries publio who swore in voters have not reported to County Clerk Fields as yet, ao a complete list of those reglatered cannot be mad now. The following la the report aa completed up to noon to day:. '- '- :' Republicans, 11,37; Democrats, !.; refused to name politics,, t: - total, 11.281. Df this number S.ISI reside on the west side. S,77 on the east sideband 1.S44 in the country. ; Mr. Field this morning mad out a report showing the cost of registration from tba time, the book were opened in January until April IS. Thla year the cost was less than in ISO! and 1904. al though several thousand more voter reglatered than In previous years. In 1D0S, 17, SB were registered between tKe dates mentioned at a cost of $2,177; in 1S04, lt.stO were registered at a cost of tl.SSS; In 10, 21.M war registered at a coat of 11.17. , JOHN G. WOOLEY COMING TO TALK ON TEMPERANCE The anti-saloon league and prominent Prohlbttlontats held a conference at Eu gene last night, the principal speaker being I. H. Amo and F. D. Rutherford of Portland. The conference waa con tinued today and the principal speaker at the morning session was- John G. Wooley, a prominent Australian temper ance reformer. Mr. Wooley apeak at Albany tonight and Salem tomorrow, ar riving in Portland on the morning of April It to be in . attendance at the state convention of prohibitionists. He will speak Friday evening at the White Temple and Saturday evening will ad dree Socialist of the city an "SociaV iam In Australia." . JOHN HANSON DIES f ;; .AT NEWBERG HOME . 'A V '' t . .- j (Specie! MspatcB te lae Joaraal.) Newberg.'Or., April 11 John Hanson, an old resident of Oregon, died yester day at the borne of hla daughter, Mr. T. II. Gardiner, after a long Illness, aged I year. He wa a member of the Friend church for many year and the funeral waa held there this afternoon. Eight children are left, hla wife hav ing preceded htm som ysara ago, ', . i. . ' - ,. . ...... .-v Madras Addition Z.OTS SS BOWST, S3 MOaTTX. Sfadra Addition Adjoins XmmIwmo, . the STew Tract Juat Opened. ' - y LOTS $125 TO $230 This beautiful tract, alt cleared, Ilea only, 300 yarda from Mount Scott car line. Water' on every lot. Glltedged title. . Don't miss thla opportunity to secure a footing in the most beautiful of all suburban property on the Mount Scott car line a splendid chsnce to own your own borne -and pay rent to yourself.-- Plats now ready, and may be had from A- Oo w per th wait, Laurel wood, who controls the property. Every lot is a snap, aad they'll not last long. rsora soon ssoi. ; Who Wants a Snap 11 acres of timber land in Tillamook county, bordering on the Nehalem river, being the N. H of the S. B. , lote T and . see. 17, Twp. 8 N., R. I E,jContalns nr and cedar. VV HI "cruise from' 1,000, 000 to S.000,000. Will Bell at a sacri fice if taken In a few days. Inquire TMcKinley Mitchell 302& STARK ST. 1 Magnificent Array of Hew VaH Papers I Indeed, the beautitful designs and chlo patterns of our euperb spring r ' showing, stamp our t exhibit at onoe aa th very highest art exposition. of fine wall paper decorations. We Invite you to see the new dainty ef- fecta of our pretty paper designs ricn and simple and exquisite beyond 'expression." . ."".! ' ....... ' . A . ' .' ;.',' ;- ' ' ' .r."W IIU FAXsTT TSAT W01TT OOU OFF." ' '.: T Portland aid TSakin!', ZtuXTlSl FxrMPsnsroxmi.p qtt. 4 a 4 T Two Sections Choice graaing and ' timber land In Klamath county, Oregon, lying in Horae Fly Valley section, N. and 8. H of Sec. 1, Twp. IS 8., R. 15 t, and the N. and 8. H of Sec St, Twp. S B., R. 14 ia This land is weU adapted for - stock ralaln and also contains several mil lion feet of choloj timber. Price 5 per acre xor a snort iun oniy. inquire. MclUnley Mitchell . 203 Stark: St. . RIN8 HOMB 13,180 Corner, 100x100, on oar line; fine view of the cltyr house formerly4 coat 34,600. . FRED C. KING, S0( Commer cial Diocav necona ana waanington. Freshening Up for EasterJ To keep In line with the eaeon'a call for beauty, brighten uo the houae In. side and outside with a new dress of paint. But be sure you're not getting an excuse for the right article ret Bay Stat paint and varnishes for th wear- well ort. , "-...'' ' ' TU BIQ FAnr STOIUi. , Fisher, Thorsen & Co. FB03TT AJTB XOBJUSOkT STS. fc . X, , sii ' ii r it t i mrr i -I- r-',; ' i.. .g?- ;Tr-:i'-4..sM. -n?-- ; y- - WATER MAIN FOR " '- ":r'i v;'--; 1 BULL. RUN WATER :: '- Jin-'-"-. - " y:' :" ' - . ,: BEING LAID IN ' y "tf'y-y' VERNON: Vernon has already a. good supply' of Bull Run water, but , the city Is now laying a 24-inch main directly through the " center of the tract. This will, make Vernon one f the best " watered suburbs irthe city. If you want to make a good . investment buy a few lota in Vernon. If you want to build a home see Vernon. We give good terms, 5 per cent cash and Y per cent per month. . Why pay Vent when you can " " 7. buy property on such terms? ..' - : , MOORE INVESTMENT CO. -my, sixth street; MAIN 16 1 4 4 ; 11 Of choice land, within one half mile of the town or ureanam. - uu in two pieces. WIU aell on or both. Splendid opportunity for a email home. , For price and term, inquire ' - ISoaOaTUrr KTCXStt, SOSH Stark St. IN CITY. UIMITO U.I00 ( acre, will mak fine home; also I choice nomeatead relinquish ment a only $i00 eaoh. FRED C. KING, 30 Commercial block. Second and Washington. Investments aS,S00 lOalOS. 34th, bet Thurnian and Vaughn; two I and -room houses; '' rent li. flOO-TwO sightly ; lots and S-room residence, near . car lines. Mount Tsbor. v ll.aoo 100x100, Columbia Heights, near car line, 41 fruit trees, new fence, S0O ItxlO. Beat Davl and 33d at. ',, lSOxlOOHoyt, bet- Slat and Std at a, " Sinnott Cz Sinnott SS MM OF 003a3CSmOat ' tv.i ( . V.' . I